Pokemon: Domestic to Feral: Heart part 2

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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#6 of Pokemon story

Let's say that this story comes with a close No-yiff tag. That is not to say its clean!

Only that much of what goes on is in discription or conversation not actual action.

Next chapter will have all the goodies that people want and more ending I hope the series.

It's been long, too long and I have spent far to much on just this alone and I am still not quite done.

For those who want only the yiff try next chapter for the others there is a good story line here

that is bringing many of my final pieces together.

"If it were just that Tavi it wouldn't be much of a problem but I'm telling you he is really acting strange." Umbreon tried to explain. "Like yesterday he was showing Eevee something then just walked off and left him. I'm telling you something is wrong, I know it!"

The Flareon stared at his sister trying to be nice and keep the anger out of his voice over the topic, "I can't do anything. He won't even talk to me now. The other day I overheard Eevee ask Dad if he wanted him to take me a message and Dad said 'WHO?'"

"Exactly." She jumped in, "It's like now he doesn't want Eevee around either."

"I can't do anything." Tavi repeated watching his sister. Umbreon sat down letting out a sigh feeling dejected.

"I know, I just can't help feeling something else is wrong." He moved over to his sister and sat down next to her pressing close rubbing against her sleek fur. The past few weeks had been great for them both they had found time here and there to be together and learn more about each other and how their lives had been different.

Tavi had taken to making two patrols one in the morning near the lower roads, it was quick and made to keep humans especially the hikers out. The second started near midday and focused on the campsites and higher up the mountain where campers and trainers seemed to be. The change was working out well allowing Tavi time in the late morning to see his siblings and neighbors or allowing him a rest if he needed it. It also allowed him time in the later evening because it usually took less time to get home. To be honest the mountain was far to large for any one pokemon to easily protect but now that he knew the area and was beginning to understand more about the humans who came here it made it much easier. He now had worked out a plan that kept everyone feeling safe and still allowed him a bit of a life.

"I should go." Umbreon spoke leaning away from him and standing up. As much as he wanted to ask her to stay the night the argument that had taken place two days ago was still fresh.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He told his sister watching her step away into the evening. She wouldn't leave Leafeon alone for the night anymore since their father had basically forced her to choose a home. Tavi treasured each of the three nights she had spent in his den because the mornings felt so much better when he had awoke with someone next to him. The Flareon gave a good shake and a long stretch before heading inside his den hoping to catch up on some sleep.

He considered the next morning while on patrol if he shouldn't alter his pattern again. This was the third morning that he had found nothing while searching the lower roads and paths. Of course it would be nice if word had finally gotten and the humans would stay away, especially after the last family he had removed. He couldn't stop a grin at the fond memory, it had been perfect.

There had been two adults, two young kids, and one teen. Tavi had found them on his way back from the morning patrol. They had driven their big vehicle up one of the dirt paths that was a little more than two ruts before parking and unpacking for lunch complete with a collapsable table and chairs. He had studied them carefully, especially the male teen whom he held an instant distrust for. As he expected the teen saw him first, unlike the other four family members who were sitting around the table the young man had drug his seat further away and was eating alone.

Tavi ignored the children's squeals and questions and the parents firm reprimands telling them to stay seated and quite as he stepped out. He first went to the ice chest near by and nosed up the mostly closed hid. Looking inside he chose the first soda pack and stepped away with the plastic in his teeth dangling the five cans that were left. Turning so that he still had a good view of the humans and the male teen whom he tried to keep an extra eye on, Tavi set about the task of using a claw to pop open each of the cans. When he finished a swipe sent the set onto its side dumping fizzing soda on the ground. After a moment Tavi gave another nudge sending several of them onto their tops trying to drain the rest of the fluid out. When he was satisfied they were empty enough he gripped the plastic ring again and trotted over to the vehicle.

Tavi chose the passenger front door of the SUV, having seen cars opened many times he now tried to do it himself. The problem was the door handle was to high for the Flareon to reach with out leaning on the door. No matter how hard he pulled it wouldn't open like he wanted to. Not giving up he stood all the way up onto his hind paws and hooked his lower jaw under the handle and yanked up. The door popped but the awkward angle when he tried to pull caused him to stumble and land on his back but at least the door had stayed open several inches. Tavi got back up and nosed the door open more until he could wiggle his body in and force it open. He quickly fetched the cans and tossed them onto the floor of the vehicle before he turned his attention back to the family.

The teen had moved back to the family and the looks Tavi was getting from the male was unsettling for him reminding him a great deal of the looks his previous trainer had. All the others were still in place except for the father who had stood up and moved closer. "GO on SHOO!" The man said stamping his foot at the Flareon who just circled around the male this time heading directly for the table.

Several things happened at once as Tavi hopped up to put his forepaws on the table. "JOHN!" the female cried as she grabbed her daughter who was closest to the Flareon unseating the child and pulling her along the ground closer to her body. The vehicle door behind him slammed shut with two loud beeps and Tavi had to duck from what ever the young man had thrown at him. He huffed once staring at the teen before stretching out for a Tupperware container knocking the lid off.

He snatched the rim in his teeth and yanked the bowl off the table dragging it across the ground several feet before he flipped it. By that time the father had rushed back around the pokemon to help sooth his now crying daughter as he tried to shake the rest of the contents out. This time Tavi didn't bother with the door he just trotted the bowl to the SUV and dropped it next tot the door before heading back.

"RANDELL! SIT DOWN!!" The female screamed at her youngest son who was no older than six.

"Maybe he's hungry." The little boy stated holding his plate in one hand while trying to offer a bit of meat from his hamburger with the other. As the father rushed forward Tavi bypassed the offered tidbit and latched onto the plate. The struggle didn't even last seconds, as the surprised child was yanked away before he could even wrestle the plate back. Several items ended up on the ground including the top bun of the hamburger. The rest got flipped off over the Flareon's shoulder before he marched the plate back to the vehicle.

"JOHN we're leaving!" The man looked up expecting to see a near hysterical wife only to find her hard faced and moving between the table and the pokemon. "We'll leave alright." She spoke to the Flareon.

Tavi stepped forward and when he was a few feet away he slowly stood up on his hind paws and walked forward. He wiggled his paw twice before the female held out her hand palm up. He placed his paw on the hand for a few second then turned and left.

"Tell me you not gonna make us leave over some wacked out pokemon." The teen spoke to his mother.

"That was not some wacked out pokemon. Maybe were on someones private property or something but we_are_ leaving." Tavi didn't even stick around both parents were cramming food, supplies, and kids into the car in their hurry to leave.

Tavi ended his morning patrol quickly and headed back towards his home. He stopped by checking several dens and nests looking for his younger brother. After a week of quiet apologies and explanations and the fact that spring and mating season was ending, several of the families had allowed the Eevee to interact with their cubs. Now a week after that several of them were allowing the Eevee to guide them around the local area with kits in tow. Tavi was happy about this for several reasons, the main one was it showed the young pokemon in a good light and helped dispel the few lingering doubts of the more wary parents. Second it gave the Eevee something to do what made him excited and proud. Tavi suspected that even his father was happy to see his son being so helpful and outgoing or maybe just happy he was spending so much time away from the den came the second slightly bitter thought.

After checking more than half a dozen homes and finding most empty with some occupants near by he figured everyone was probably out meaning that he could either spend midday alone at his den or spend that time in a fruitless search for his brother unless he got lucky. Tavi went with the first option things were quiet so he could just relax. His plans changed though finding Umbreon waiting for him. After a short conversation she convinced the Flareon to follow her.

As they began walking he asked again about their father and she informed him that she wasn't worried anymore. He questioned further and she said, "He left this morning and when I tried to follow he got really upset."

"And that makes you worry less? Where was he going?" Tavi asked confused.

"It doesn't matter." Tavi stopped waiting for her to explain. "He told me that I was his daughter not his mate and he did not need my help." She wagged her tail to get him moving again. "I realized that he must really be missing Mom right now."

He thought about his father and what little he had learned about his mother. Spring was basically over and Leafeon had spent more than a year with out her. He gave a little shiver thinking back to the first day they had met and how willing he had given up with the loss of Eevee. "Keep an eye on him anyway. If he actually said he didn't need your help then maybe he does."

"It's not the kind of help that either you or me can offer." She told him. "That doesn't mean I won't try." She added.

"At least he doesn't pretend you don't exist, I mean." he trailed off thinking about how it had felt having his father talk and treat him like a son for the short while his sister had been gone. Umbreon kept quiet for several minutes before she brought up the reason from bringing him this way.

"Pokemon don't normally come this way but if you want to know about Jolteon, I should show you this area." Instantly Tavi was alert paying attention to everything around him while his sister began talking. The walk was a hard one and the further around and down the mountain they went on this side the rockier and more barren it became. As she told him of childhood exploits and the times before he had left as an Eevee as they began to cross shifting pebble rock slops, and rock shelves riddled with cracks and gaps. She stopped talking as they both worked back up a steep grove that couldn't even be called a trail. At the top was a small bluff which looked out over the lowest slopes of the mountains northwestern side. The ground below was nothing but rock and stone huge gaping rents and large formations of stone that seemed to be piled dozens of yards high.

"Jolteon used to come here often. There are a great many rock and ground pokemon down there. I have even seen a huge Onyx." Tavi figured it was likely just a normal one since it was unlikely that she had seen more than one to make a comparison.

"Why did he come here?" He asked.

"To watch them of course." She said pointing to a small group of Geodude that seemed to be hopping up one of the piles of rocks. Now that Tavi looked closer he could see multiple shapes move about through the terrain.

"I never included them in a patrol!" He suddenly stated with dismay.

"No worries." Umbreon gave him a little shoulder bump. "Humans hardly ever come this way the ground is to difficult and many of those pokemon can be really unfriendly. That was why Jolteon tried to get me to come here when the humans were causing trouble."

The Flareon looked back the way they had come and the area below. "You can't live here."

"Eevee or Jolteon did for a while. I think if he could he would have been a rock eevolution." Tavi snickered at the joke until he realized his sister was entirely serious. "He was hard in his own way and more than a little rough." She told him.

Still more than a little curious about a few things that his family had said he finally felt it was time to ask the question. "Sooo.. What exactly happened between you and Jolteon. Like how far did you two go."

"Tavi!" Umbreon said at a near shout. Seeing him still stare at her she turned and sat with her back to him. "I won't talk about that."

"Why not? I won't repeat anything and I'll even tell you about Leafeon and if you really want," He paused taking a deep breath, "I will tell you what happened between me and my trainer." Umbreon turned surprised she had kept her ears turned back because his voice kept getting quieter as he spoke. She stared at her brother who's head was lowered and his ears pushed down almost in an attempt to cover part of his face. She realized he was either very embarrassed or ashamed.

Tavi tried to give her a little smile before he spoke. "Sorry, you don't have to." Umbreon stepped forward sensing that there was part of him that seemed he really wanted to tell her, a part of him that really wanted to trust her.

"You tell me everything that happened with your trainer and I'll let you know what happened between me and Jolteon." Tavi took a deep breath with her words nodding before he expelled it. He had already told his sister several things about his bodies physical abuse and started there. The Flareon expanded on a few of the worst training sessions that meant several days at the pokemon center recovering. He went on to some of the most violent battles he was in and how he felt afterwards. Tavi chose his words very carefully and spoke slowly explaining the first time Daniel forced Leaf to give him a blow job.

Knot Daniel's Ivysaur had been ordered to wrap the Bayleef before he started, making sure he had all four of his other pokemon out to watched as the buzzed teen raped the grass pokemon's muzzle. The next day they had reached a town and the trainer traded our all of his pokemon but Tavi. The Flareon realized later the had gotten his smallest and youngest pokemon this time including Tops.

It had taken weeks for him to catch on to what was happening but when he found Daniel balls deep in a Machop's mouth that formed a rather noticeable bulge in its throat he had been both shocked and worried. When Daniel realized the Flareon was watching he called him over to watch the forceful pumping till his cum shot down the others throat.

"It was my turn the next morning." Tavi told his sister who had been staring in shock as he spoke for the past ten minutes. "I ended up nipping a little and he took several swings at my head before he stood up and kicked me. He had me try again only this time he kept my ear twisted. If I didn't do it exactly how he wanted he pulled making me yip." Tavi stopped as his sister got up and sat in front of him hugging him pressing their chests together. He waited until she relaxed a little and checked to see if she was ready to hear what came next.

"There is more you know." She stiffened and he pulled back enough to start in her eyes. They watched each other for a moment before she nodded for him to continue. He gave a few more examples of this new training for both himself and a few others before he turned the discussion to the night he had left. He slowly told everything to her all the way up to the point where he fell asleep exhausted before he backed up and told her what Leaf had told him about the rest of Daniel's actions and his arrest.

Umbreon kept pressing close to her brother paws around his back trying to offer comfort. Tavi waited in silence wondering what his sister might say now that he had told her the whole truth about that part of his past. The quiet stretched out until Umbreon pulled away to look at him. He could see sorrow and compassion as she looked at him.

"It makes you a better guardian." She told him. Tavi was a little shocked by that wondering what she meant as she continued, "You do know the worst of humans. That makes you fight hard, but you told me there are good humans too. I think knowing both helps you to understand them better than the rest of us."

He didn't correct her. He knew and understood humans from having been around them but part of what she was trying to say seemed like the truth. Umbreon stepped away, "Come on we should start heading back." She giggled at his indignant look. "Don't worry," she told him flicking her tail against his shoulder, "I'll tell you on the way."

Umbreon started by explaining how she took their younger brother out on the good days in winter since their mother had been sick but as the days drew on she only got worse. She never knew exactly what happened only that Leafeon had sent them out and when they returned both parents were gone. Their father returned late in the night waking both of his kids to tell them there mother had left. The Eevee pups first question was when would she return but Umbreon knew better.

"It was a few weeks later and almost spring when Jolteon showed up. Dad was in bad shape and usually stayed in the den. Eevee was ecstatic to suddenly have an older brother. Of course Dad wasn't half as hard on Jolteon as he was on you. Then one late afternoon a few weeks later he took me out to that lookout. It was almost dark when we got there and he showed me this little cave where we could spend the night." Tavi moved in a little closer as they walked making sure he could hear everything. "He woke me up in the middle of the night just toughing and rubbing, that was how it started. And it felt really nice too. Then he wanted me to help him out. He wasn't like your trainer or anything but he did make me lick it and put it in my mouth. In the morning we went back and Dad flipped out and chased Jolteon off. They apologized a few days later but that same afternoon he wanted me to play around some more. He took me to this den and at first we just played around but then he mounted me." She had gotten the words out in a rush and Tavi stepped in to press against his sister rubbing his muzzle against her neck.

After a moment she continued. "It hurt and he wouldn't let go. He kept shoving in me but after a while it wasn't so bad, but then he knotted me and that really hurt at first. When I finally got free I ran home. I think Dad was all for kicking me out except I was crying and Eevee was too even though he didn't understand what was going on. Everything got worse a week later when I went into heat. I was stupid and left the den when Dad went out." Umbreon stopped to take a deep breath and let it go staring up at the trees as she continued. "It was a warm day and Jolteon found me right away. Dad showed up a few minutes later and I had my tail raised." Umbreon began shaking her head. "They fought and I had to stop Jolteon after he shocked Dad twice. I... I used shadow ball." She said softly, "I was able to help Dad up and get him away but when I went back for Jolteon humans were there."

Suddenly Tavi understood the real reason why she had avoided the subject and reappraised his thoughts on how harsh his families trials were. He tried placing his tail over her back but she quickly shook him off and stepped away. "Dad said it was for he best and maybe it was, if I had a cub things would have been much worse. I couldn't have protected Eevee or collected food."

Tavi wanted nothing more than to change the subject now as she started forward again. The problem was as he was staring at her rear at the moment and the only thing going through his mind was where she had been during her last heat. He was still lost in thought when she turned back to look at him. "Thinking of someone?" She finally asked.

"No I was just, well I wanted to know if it was better this time? Sorry." He said after a few seconds, "Let's just go."

"Wait." she spoke trying to stop him as he passed her, "You want to know if it felt better? I don't really remember much except for the running around and the desperate need to mate. Although I do remember how good you made me feel." Tavi blushed somewhat hearing his sisters voice change to that seductive tone.

"I, I thought nothing happened." He stated trying to keep his eyes focused on her head.

"How about another deal. You tell me everything about the females you were with and I'll tell you what happened, well what I remember and who I was with." Tavi considered as he moved to find a good place to sit among the trees.

As soon as he was settled Umbreon moved next to him waiting for him to start. "Well you already know about Leafeon."

She interrupted him, "No all you said was she helped you out and gave you a place to stay for a few days. And you said she had a cub."

"It was more than that. I had injured my pads while running and I had no clue how to care for myself. She taught me everything I needed to know. What berries and plants I could eat, what would heal or make me sick, even how to.. pleasure myself." Umbreon watched as her brother blushed a bit smiling. When Tavi began explaining more she seemed to catch the way he had said Eevee slightly differently and asked out of curiosity finding out there had been two cubs. When he finished Umbreon seemed to be of the same mind as her father, why would he leave to search for his family if he had the chance of one of his own. It took Tavi several minutes before he could get his sister to understand exactly how he felt when he left. "It was my fault in a way. I'll I could think about when I left was my family and my dreams. That and the fact that I would never be a good father. Inside I felt, inside I was worried that somehow I would lose control and harm the Eevees."

"Would you have harmed Leafeon?" Umbreon asked after a few seconds of silence.

"No and I wouldn't hurt the cubs. You have to understand, I had hurt many pokemon in the past. I had no trust in myself and believed that control was something I would never have." Tavi did his best to use words that would help her understand.

"Yet you probably hurt Leafeon and the cubs by leaving. At the very least you made her life harder. When she needed a mate and asked you to stay you just left her." Umbreon had gotten upset over the conversation and stood up walking away. "Come on let's go."

Tavi wondered if Umbreon was going to tell him anything as they continued walking for a while and were starting getting closer to more familiar areas. He wondered if he should talk about his time with Bayleef to keep there talk going. Suddenly Umbreon waved her tail and changed directions slightly leading them towards the small hideout where Tavi had first met his younger brother.

"Dad was right." She told him when the two siblings laid down in the small brush circled hollow. "We could both have mates and a family if we just left. Houndoom found me. I never asked why he was so far from his home but we traveled through the evening and part of the night. He kept back showing me two different streams I could cool off in. As soon as we were in his den he mounted me and tied me after the first few moments. All I could remember thinking at the time was how_finally_ this was happening and how good he felt filling me inside. I gave him a short explanation while we waited to get free. It was probably the clearest memory of the whole thing talking with him stuck behind me and after he pulled out he promised not to tie me again. We kept going after a rest and I have no clue for how long but he did keep his word and he even yanked out a few times, or maybe it was that I wanted to taste him I can't quite remember." Umbreon kept going telling how she had stayed for several days unsure if she should go home. In the end she chose to return home promising to return if she was going to lay an egg.

The siblings laid quietly together for some time allowing the evening to advance and not once did the Guardian think about his duties. They heard several pokemon from time to time in the distance which was proof that the area was recovering.

"Do you wanna mate?" Umbreon suddenly asked her brother. He could only stare at her in shock opening his mouth but finding no answer to offer her question. "You have never done it before and if you really wanted to I would let you mate with me."

"Now?" His voice came out as a surprised squeak. Her answer was to stand up and turn around lifting her tail for him. The view this time was different. Her folds were hidden more black on black hiding much but the soft slope near the bottom that stuck out slightly. He stuck his head out but she was to far away to touch. "Sis if we. Are you sure?"

She turned her head looking over her shoulder at him, "The question is are you sure? Would you even hesitate if I was Leafeon?"

Tavi stood up shoving his nose against his sisters fold taking two short breaths before giving a light lick. Umbreon forced her tail down covering herself as she turned to face him. "Are you staying or going Tavi? Are you the Guardian here or will you leave to be Leafeon's mate and have a family?"

His mind was still caught up in the offer she had made. "Leafeon?" Tavi spoke in a confused question. His mind pulled out the image to replace the Umbreon before him and suddenly all the things he could be doing with a willing partner flashed before him. When he finally focused back in on the Umbreon she was seated in front of him staring at him.

"You aren't going to stay are you." It really wasn't a question and it was certainly was not something he was prepared to try and answer.

"I should go." Tavi said slipping out between the bushes and hurried off towards his den.

The next few days he focused on his job as guardian keeping a limited amount of contact with his family including Eevee who seemed happier now to be spending time with pokemon outside his family. Things in the morning were still quiet while the afternoons and evenings were filled with several small encounters. Word had obviously been getting out as two trainers backed down after meeting the small Flareon. They seemed no more than curious to see if the rumors were true although there were still two short fights.

The group of three humans offered little problem once he interrupted their meal and threatened to burn their sleeping bags when they popped out pokemon. All he had to do was start dragging off one of the sleeping bags before the female of the group lept on top forcing him to stop or tear the material. After barking at her a few times she stood up collecting the bag and calling to her two companions. In a few minutes he was marching them downhill surprised at how well she seemed to understand him. Satisfied that they were far enough away he started to head back only to hear a Flareon bark from behind. Tavi turned to find another flame eevolution a close copy excepting the fact the trainers pokemon had a good foot of growth beyond him. The larger one coming close enough to almost touch Tavi if the two leaned out.

"Air/ Nope." The larger fire type called heading back to sit with his trainer.

"To bad." The female spoke. "He's cute, a female would have made the perfect mate wouldn't it Snuggles." She told her pokemon ruffling his ears and scratching his head.

"I can't believe you still call him Snuggles." One of the boys said.

"I told you I am not changing his name just because he evolved!" She retorted with irritation.

Tavi snuck out while the argument seem to grow around the humans. He found Umbreon waiting for him back at his den that night with a small pile of berries. Her only action was to lick his muzzle in greeting before she spoke, "I am sorry I upset you. I hope you can forgive me I want us to keep talking we still.."

"Even if I am the Guardian." He interrupted her.

"Especially if you the Guardian brother." Umbreon said before bumping his muzzle and leaving him to eat what she brought.

The next morning he was trying to decide if he should go visit his family first and invite his siblings out on patrol but in truth he wanted to just make this a quick one so maybe he could spend some real time with them instead. Checking the roads first he found the usual empty stillness in the warm morning that promised the start of warmer weather and hot days that were approaching. He finished his patrol and started back when he found himself in the clearing where he had his battle with humans and the water truck. Glancing over the area he felt a sudden swell of pride knowing that nothing like that could ever happened again when a short shrieking cry came from the trees at the edge of the clearing. He caught a small gray form streaking through the higher branches before it moved deeper and out of sight.

His moment of curiosity tried to picture whether that was a bird or animal before he opened his senses and tried listening to what was around him. There was something moving slowly up the hillside and not far away and from the alarm that just sounded definitely human. Tavi moved off into the brush carefully approaching the human as it hiked upwards through the trees. Jeans, T-shirt, pokeballs, and a slim blue vest packed with stuffed pockets.

The Flareon made enough noise to get the males attention drawing it up and back over to the clearing where he could battle unhindered. Everything about the human spoke of determination and purpose and Tavi expected his first full fight as his challenger climbed to meet him. He stood out a dozen yards from the trees edge in clear view as the human climbed through some bushes.

"Finally!" was all the trainer said as he tossed out his first pokeball. Tavi didn't wait as soon as the ball was in the air he used agility to close the distance and then Take Down as the large form took shape. It was a gamble he knew but he was betting on some form of water type besides he figured he should be alright as long as the pokemon wasn't rock or steel.

Tavi hit the Feraligatr's chest dead center just as it was raising its arms to roar. The Flareon rebounded back from the impact landing against the ground on his side. It took several seconds for him to regain his feet and stagger away but the damage had been done winding the Feraligatr and upsetting the trainer who tried shouting at the water pokemon to attack. Had the trainer allowed the pokemon time to recover Tavi would have bolted for the woods but instead he recalled the gator and tossed out his next choice.

The Flareon had sufficient time to recover himself as the trainer called out a Magby. "Just wear him out, use Smokescreen." Tavi backed away as the dark cloud began issuing from the Magby's mouth quickly building into a haze that covered the area. It would be annoying but not a real problem if he stayed focused. "Now Flame thrower." the human called.

Tavi crouched down low taking a deep breath and closed his eyes, nose, and mouth then flattening back his ears. The majority of the attack was aimed rather high passing over him as he crept forward towards the source of the fire. The flames scorched off what little ground cover had returned in the first seconds leaving just enough smoke amongst the haze of the previous attack to hide his actions. When the puzzled trainer called a halt to the attack a half minute later Tavi quickly exchanged air and popped up not five feet from the Magby. With his heat already near max he attacked with a Fire Blast knocking the pokemon backwards and on to its back. He shot out two more blasts while advancing giving neither the pokemon nor trainer time to react. He had made sure his shots were low incinerating the few bits of growth that were still on fire and literally leaving the Magby crushed to the ground by the force.

For the first time ever by his own choice Tavi looked to the human and turned prancing away waving his fluffed tail behind him.

"No Fucking way." He heard the human exclaim behind him. He turned and sat down looking as relaxed as possible and trying to look bored as he waited for the trainers next move. He watched and was rather surprised at the trainer recalled its Magby and then pulled a pokeball and threw it directly at him. That was more than odd for the Flareon it was just plain stupid and he was just able to stop his bodies automatic dodge to get out of the way. Instead he felt like testing the rangers claim. There was no way he could be caught by a pokeball at this time and not escape back out but he wanted to see if he could truly trust Leona's claim and now would be a better time than later.

Tavi took the ball directly under his head fur hearing the ball click open. Although he didn't see the red beam from the ball he did see the white flash which nearly blinded him as he closed his eyes. A few seconds later he looked around seeing the ball laying just a foot away. He stood up and with a huff smacked the ball sending it bouncing along towards the trainer. Tavi turned and walked way realizing that his actions might just help to stop foolish trainers in the future who would come here in the hopes of catching him.

He laid in the brush watching as the human released his Feraligatr to check on it. He couldn't hear much of their conversation except when the gator roared, 'I can do it!' just before the human recalled the pokemon and stomped off. He was deciding whether or not to follow when he heard rustling and crackling in the undergrowth that was rapidly approaching. Fairly sure it wasn't large enough to be a human he still felt the need to check it out and heading towards the movement.

"Please brother you have to help!" Eevee wailed as he finally came across the Flareon a moment later.

"Something is wrong, *pant with Dad. He won't get up." Tavi didn't wait for his brother to try and finish his explanation or wait for him to even catch his breath. Instead he took off towards the den out pacing Eevee in seconds and arriving back by bursting through the tunnel scanning for Leafeon.

He found the older pokemon in the den groaning in pain when Tavi prodded the male in the side. Leafeon opened his eyes to stare at his son. "It's to late."

"What do you mean." He demanded of his father.

"I told Umbreon I already tried everything the pain only gets worse." Leafeon spoke quietly closing his eyes again. Tavi tried inspecting his father, the gentle nose prods got responses anytime he nudged lower than the older grass pokemon's chest. At one spot it almost seemed hard with a slight curved lump.

His sister scrambled back in dropping Leppa, Pecha, and several other berries in front of her father's muzzle. Tavi stepped back quietly as she begged, prodded, and even tried to force Leafeon to eat the berries. Finally with a growl he scattered the berries yelling at Umbreon that he had already eaten them days ago and nothing would help. He confessed throwing up the few things he tried to eat two days ago and hadn't eaten since. "There is nothing you can do Umbreon." He told his daughter firmly before allowing his head to drop back down with a quiet groan.

"I'll go get help." She choked out between sobs stumbling out of the den.

A few moments after she left Tavi stepped next to his father, "Do you want to die?"

"My time has come." Was the grass pokemons quiet reply.

"No it hasn't. I am Guardian here, if you want I will help you." Tavi waited as his father opened his eyes and raised his head. "Humans can heal you. I don't want you to die." Leafeon laid back down closing his eyes. Tavi nearly growled in frustration dragging his claws against the rock on the dens floor. He was sure he could summon help from the humans but unless his father was willing to move it would be hard to bring them here. Lost for a moment in thoughts and plans he hadn't heard what Leafeon had mumbled. Tavi moved around to stand right in front of him. "What?"

The older pokemon opened his eyes to stare at his son, "Promise me you'll go." Tavi barely considered for a moment before nodding. "No!" Leafeon said taking his time to struggle half way up. "No more guardian promise you'll leave here. And I want you to try and make Umbreon go too."

Watch your father die or leave. "What about Eevee?" Tavi asked.

"He will find someone." Leafeon spoke finally shifting enough to be seated.

"I'll ask Umbreon to leave and I will leave after summer, and you'll come with me and let the humans help you." Tavi stated for understanding.

"Can you make it back before winter?" Leafeon asked getting a nod from his son. "You can do more than just ask Umbreon to leave."

The Flareon gave a slight head shake before answering. "And you can do more than just pretend to let humans help you. If you live I will try to get her to go back to Houndoom."

"Houndoom?" Leafeon questioned. Tavi gave another small nod and Leafeon answered with his own giving a hiss as he forced himself to his feet. Eevee was waiting for them as they crawled out of the entrance back into the forest. He motioned the young pokemon to their fathers other side and slowly the trio started down the hillside. They made slow but steady progress even with the many pokemon trying to stop them or offer help. Tavi kept them back allowing his father to choose the pace and path of decent explaining to him that he wanted him to get to the little gap just below the pond.

The area had a small stream with ran across the bottom and was mainly flat on one side before it started making a steep climb up, this was where he would take his father. The other side of the creek was actually the important side. There were several steep rises leading to a wide road that was cut out of the hillside. Several of the smaller roads that he patrolled started from this one. It was also the closest spot to the main road came to the mountain and it had enough traffic that Tavi was sure he would be noticed fairly quickly. His only real concern now was whether or not his father could make it that far.

When Umbreon showed up he didn't allow her a second to argue or stop his plan. Hearing her cry of shock Tavi turned and launched himself at his sister knocking her to the ground. He placed his paws firmly on her chest and growled in her face till she became still. In a quiet voice he told her, "If you want him to live you will do everything I say. Do you understand? Do You?" He repeated shaking her slightly. Tavi got off when she nodded.

"How?" Not bothering to answer he moved around and pushed her towards their father. "Help him get down the mountain." He waited until she caught up with him taking his old space at Leafeon's side before he moved ahead of the three.

Tavi stayed just ahead till his father stopped again for a short breather. He stared up at the Leafeon until he was sure he had his attention. "You keep your promise and I will keep mine." The older pokemon nodded grimly and started froward again while Tavi took off down the slopes to start his plan.

The Flareon had cleared a large area long before his family made it to the spot where he waited. He had used fire to burn away the plants and weeds letting the stream be the boundary on one side and rocks dirt of more flames make the rest. It was slightly smaller than the average arena but far longer than he felt he needed. In fact the reason he had enlarged it was that some humans on the road above had stopped seeing the smoke.

Tavi watched the approach of his father. It seemed now that the ground was more even Leafeon was walking better and even ignored his children and their remarks when they got closer to the Flareon. "Trust Tavi." was all he had said to his daughter as she continuously pestered him when ever he paused for a rest.

"Are you ready?" Tavi asked his father who collapsed a few feet away.

"Are you." Came the weak wheezing reply.

"You will need to stay back." He told his siblings.

"I don't understand what are you going to do?" Umbreon asked.

"Simple I will ask the humans to help." He answered. She was far to shocked to respond at first and when she finally figured out what to say Tavi had already walked towards the center of the scorched area. Umbreon moved out to confront her brother but was forced to step back when she felt the heat that started to rise around the Flareon. After a few more seconds she stepped back further as the temperature continued to rise and small heat ripples formed near the ground.

Tavi sat having already built his internal fire to its max and now he was forcing every bit of his body to move beyond that point. Rage was only that, a power that grew stronger with each bit of damage taken and would do him no good here. Instead he built his power on fear, then hope, love, and longing. Every emotion he had for his family and every dream he could remember. He was going to make sure the humans came because the call he had would not be ignored!

Tavi stood slowly drawing in one long slow deep breath filling the absolute capacity of his lungs. When the air came out it burned with the intensity that surpassed all the labs tests. 'Fire Spin' he called in his mind weaving together both heat and air creating the beginnings of the vortex. This time there was no target or destination. The attack was simply a signal fire, 'The Guardian of Skyback Mountain Calls'

In seconds he had created a base that ranged nearly five feet across and the vortex was already close to topping thirty feet. Wind was being sucked in now to feed the flames that he continued to add creating a true tornado out of the attack. He dug his claws into the ground holding himself against a force that seemed ready to swallow him rather than obey him. There was no point in stopping for Tavi, he knew there would be humans on the road who could see this and now he was going to make sure as many as possible saw him. He held out till there was nothing left for him to add. What was little less than a minute of exhaling seemed like hours as Tavi forced every last wisp of air out to continue the attack. He choked and gagged trying to breath in the super heated air that began to burn his mouth and throat. The Flareon turned and fought his way away for the tornado having to crawl away for the first few feet. As the vortex finally began weakening Tavi collapsed next to his father finally drawing air into his lungs as he gasped and shook on the ground.

Tavi realized he must have blacked out for a few minutes finding Umbreon had a large mouthful of his mane and was shaking him. "Humans!" she hissed dropping him when she realized he had moved. He raised his head to see both Leafeon and Eevee looking across the stream. The area on the far side of the stream was smooth for several yards before it began a steep rocky climb up the slope stopping in three tier like shelves. Three humans were working their way down one already at the bottom while it seemed there were several more at the top staring in his direction.

Tavi slowly sat up looking over to where his attack had been. Although there were no flames the ground rippled with heat waves as the rock near the center expelled the energy that it had been forced to absorb. "Don't growl." He told his sister, "Dad needs help and I am not about to let him die just cause you're upset." His words did not seem to appease her but she did quiet down to a slight gruff every few seconds.

For the first time ever Tavi truly hoped that one of the approaching humans was a trainer as he stood and moved forward to meet them. He was not disappointed staring at them when they stopped on the far side of the stream. Three males all obviously trainers, the youngest seem to be a teen and the other two were at least adults. Tavi held back several feet from the water trying to decide the best way to approach. He could not pick out anything of the slight whispers that were spoken between them nor did he understand the occasional yell that was shouted from the roadside above but he doubted they did either.

With nothing left but hope that one of them had heard of the Guardian Tavi stood up on his hind paws and carefully walked forward while at the same time one of the older humans opened a pokeball and released a Butterfree. Tavi considered the pokemon as he tottered forward, nothing to threatening but with possibilities to launch an attack from across the stream. At the very least it was a good defensive maneuver if it knew stun spore or sleep powder. He walked right up to the edge of the bank before turning his head back to look at his family. It wasn't concern but their attention he was trying to move all the while keeping his ears trained on any movement or command the humans may make.

By the time he turned back and sat on his butt the three males were looking at his family. He doubted they could see Leafeon from their position but Umbreon and Eevee were obvious targets. "Areon/Follow" Tavi called to the humans walking several feet before turning back. After a moment the teen hopped into the water splashing through before the other two made the decision to follow.

He had both Eevee and Umbreon move back as he stood next to Leafeon. "Dad come on stand up." He told his father getting the grass pokemon up and stumbling a few steps before he sank back down.

"Hey it's hurt!" The young man called rushing forward to drop next to the pokemon and yanking off his pack pulling it open. Tavi kept an eye on all three although he couldn't do much about the teen being so close he certainly did prepare when he saw one of the others sneaking a pokeball away from his belt. The Flareon had already stepped around his father so that when the human tossed the pokeball out Tavi was already moving forward with Agility closing the gap and landing on the back of the Girafarig before it was prepared gripping it tightly with limbs, teeth, and claws.

The shouting that broke out between the humans was loud as one claimed he would not allow an opportunity to catch an Eevee slip by, even while the younger male was screaming out the fact that would be poaching. Their argument ended with a squealing scream as Tavi bit deep into the Girafarig's neck. It stumbled as it tried to buck the Flareon off and landed hard on the ground with Tavi still latched on to the back of its neck growling deep and menacing. As the two pokemon struggled Tavi yanked hard causing the pair to roll over and as he let go the Girafarig regained its feet and jumped away as the Flareon barked at it. He surged upwards and let out a Flame Thrower over the other pokemons head causing it to back up more and move out on to the burn area he had created earlier. The act made a strong point with both the pokemon and its trainer as the other adult male asked, "Do you have any idea what will happen to your Girafarig if he uses Fire Spin."

"He won't." The teen called turning his attention directly at Tavi. "Guardian please leave it alone, none of us will try to harm or capture a pokemon on your mountain." As much distrust Tavi felt towards all male teens he couldn't help wondering if this was one of the ones that might different. "My mom wrote an article on you." He told the Flareon as it walked back. "The rangers insist that you won't do anything more than is necessary. I never thought I would actually meet you though." The teen began inspecting Leafeon more intently now that he had put several items near the pokemon. Umbreon barked when he flipped the grass type over causing the male to moan in pain. "Sorry. Well I don't see any injuries or broken bones there isn't much I can do."

'At least it is a start.' Tavi thought heading back over to the scorched earth and growling at the Girafarig to move. A red light recalled it as scurried sideways and the Flareon again moved to the center. He took his time like before gathering the energies he needed and heating the air around him ignoring both the calls of his sister and the humans.

Tavi knew it was wrong from the first bit of air that passed his throat, it burned and stung nearly causing him to choke. The Flareon continued even as he realized how much of a mistake he had made after the last Fire Spin breathing in the air. He was by no means immune to fire even though his resistances were far beyond anything considered normal. That compiled with years of battle and training gave him the knowledge to where his true limits lay and right now that information was screaming at him to stop.

He simply ignored that trying to create a vortex that he hoped would rival his previous one. He was nearly done building the height when his esophagus twitched nearly closing causing him to choke and cough around his own flame sending spouts of fire and energies in odd directions. By the time he was able to stop and take a breath the damage was far to advanced to repair. The attack had ripped itself into parts. Two main eddies were grinding together while the rest of the fires were flung about like leaves on the wind, only this wind had no direction or sense. Tavi wasn't able to fully dodge as a line of fire dropped like a telephone pole towards him. Part of the flame caught the side of his head and shoulder curling up part of his mane as it seemed to twist at the last moment greedy for its creator.

The Flareon sat to watch the end of chaos as his attack broke down to nothing. He slowly scanned the area twice making sure that none of the flames had reached beyond the area he had cleared but it was obvious he wouldn't be capable of repeating his previous action for several days.

Tavi turned back wondering what else could he do to attract the rangers and the ones whom could help his father. Eevee and Umbreon were already standing near Leafeon while the humans had moved several yards off. He felt like chasing them off since they were useless before he struck on a bad thought that he entertained for a moment before he gave it up. If he caused serious harm to humans then surely the rangers would appear but then they may not help out his father. "Sorry." Was all he could mumble at his sibling as he moved to stand next to his father. Carefully Tavi laid down moving so he could rest his head and unburned cheek against his father's shoulder. He got a sorta half grunt in reply before he told him. "I tried."

Umbreon moved around behind him trying to groom through the burn and curled part of his mane while Eevee moved in between their fathers paws carefully curling his tail and trying to snuggle against the legs while being extremely careful to not touch his body. Umbreon growled as the young trainer approached again.

"I never knew the Guardian had a family. Please I want to help." he told Umbreon as he slowly reached for one of the items still on the ground. It took several moments to convince Umbreon to allow him close enough to touch Tavi.

With a little wave he tried to shoo the female back enough while he used the back of the hand carrying the spray bottle to push back the head of Eevee who was trying to stare at what was going on. With a light hiss the cooling medicine sprayed over Tavi's head and paused for a second before the hiss continued applying the healing spray to his shoulder.

The roar that echoed across the small valley had both Tavi and Umbreon leaping up in near unison causing the teen to tumble back. Both turned towards the road and stepped forward to offer protection to those behind. Even from this distance the Arcanine standing near the road was an impressive sight. With ease it leaped down the rocks on the hillside and with four simple bounds landed onto the flat ground racing towards them carrying its trainer on its back. It took no time for the large fire type to reach them clearing the stream in one huge leap. As the pokemon came to a skidding halt the female leaped off its back and pointed to the humans.

"All of you will clear the area immediately. This is a protected area and messing with its Guardian can be very dangerous." If the voice and tone wasn't obvious the uniform was.

"Officer Jenny wait we need to help." The teen stated.

"ROY!" The officer interrupted nearly at a shout. "Your mother is going to skin you when she finds out your here. No buts get back up to the road now!"

As an argument again started between humans Tavi carefully walked to the Arcanine. "I need your help. I want the rangers to take my father to a pokemon center and try to heal him." The Arcanine gave a huff that blew back his top fur and ruffled his mane before looking beyond at the prone Leafeon. It was careful as it walked over crouching down to give the grass pokemon a good sniff.

"What's the problem?" Tavi was shocked by the rather heavy but definitely feminine sounding voice. Leafeon's ears twitched but there was little else in the way of a reaction. One of the pokemons large paws reached out and stopped on top of the grass pokemons side giving it a shake as she repeated the question. There was a groan from Leafeon, a growl from Umbreon, and a light bark from Eevee, "He hurts inside."

She looked the eons over before turning to face officer Jenny. "ARK Ark Ark!/Officer Attention!" The humans stopped arguing and immediately both Jenny and Roy came over.

"I think its sick." The young man stated.

It took nearly three hours and was late into the afternoon before Tavi finally saw a rather large pickup slowly making its way up the valley on the flatter areas next to the stream. The Arcanine and officer had left sometime before along with all the others except Roy and a different male human that had some link to a pokemon center. Who after probing the Leafeon for several minutes proclaimed that surgery maybe required but they needed to run some tests first.

Tavi had actually ended up spending quite a bit of time with Roy meeting all his pokemon and listening to the teen tell stories. From the beginning he was the only one who spoke to Tavi not just ordered or pretended to talk at him. And for the first time ever Tavi spoke with a trainer's pokemon whom seemed happy and open. Each seemed to think their relationship with Roy was different then the others and of course better. The Flareon was actually interested in listening and learning more and even though he was worried for his father a small part of him wished they had taken just a bit longer to arrive.

The three humans tied Leafeon to a board they had brought before the secured both it and the pokemon in the bed of the truck. But when they blocked Umbreon from jumping into the high back of the truck Tavi had to leave Roy and rush forward. He dodged under the truck and popped out the other side growling at the driver preventing him from entering the cab. Again it was Roy who tried to bring understanding to the arguments and confusion. Umbreon had already clawed and bitten on of the three humans who had come to help but had also made it into the truck bed and was lashing out at anyone who came close. With a few simple barks Tavi ordered Eevee home and watched as the young pokemon fled. With ease he slipped past the humans and lept into the truck huffing at his sister once with a glare that caused her to slide over and lay down next to their father.

When Roy suggested that they take all three pokemon there was a very short argument that ended when a giant Flamethrower erupted out of the bed of the truck. As Tavi stepped between two of the straps that held the board down coughing lightly the teen spoke to the rest of the humans. In the end the helpers agreed that they would take all three and drop them off at the pokemon center and let them deal with it.

It was five days later in the morning when Tavi was finally standing outside next to his slightly unsteady father but who seemed to gain more stability the more they walked. They had spent two days at the pokemon center all three of them getting a full checkup although Umbreon had been sedated for that. Early on the third morning the trio had been transferred to the lab which actually made Tavi feel a good deal more at ease knowing random trainers weren't trying to find out about him or his family. Umbreon had taken off hours after being there promising her brother to return soon but she had enough of 'all this'.

Tavi had spent nearly all of his time near his father or the humans who were caring for him trying to figure out what was wrong and what they were doing. One of the technicians that morning had actually spoken to him trying to explain as the Flareon listened. Although he was barely able to understand the digestive track and the problems that had happened to his father the one thing he did totally understand was what he was being told about the future. His father would need a special diet to insure health frequent checks over the next few months and possibly daily medication if the diet wasn't enough. Basically if the Leafeon returned home it would fall ill again and probably wouldn't live to the end of the year.

Tavi followed behind his father and across the parking area between a fence and out into a pasture where he collapsed softly in the grass. He took one look back at the female who was still standing just outside the door she had opened for them to go through before he sat down in front of the Leafeon. The two sat for a long time before his father spoke. "You will be far more happy with her." He stated simply.

He could tell it was a test, a way to make him confirm his promise to leave. "I know I will but there is still something we need to talk about." He watched his father scowl as he quickly continued. "It's about your side of the promise. You will never be able to leave here." Tavi spoke out in a rush.

"You want me to be some humans pokemon?" Leafeon stated with a hint of a laugh.

"No Dad you need to listen." He explained what he could understand and how things would have to change, "You won't need a pokeball but you have to live here, eat what they give you, and do what they say. You promised to let humans help you and I promised to make Umbreon leave."

Leafeon had listened the entire time not saying anything until he mention his sister. "Where is she?"

"She left before yesterday. She will come back but I am not sure when." He answered.

The grass pokemon closed his eyes and stretched out on his side enjoying the warming sun. "So she may already be gone but you want me to agree to stay here?" Tavi felt like taking a paw and smacking his father on the head. Surely he understood he would end up dead if he didn't stay.

The Flareon huffed a few times before he was able to voice his irritation. "How do you expect me to leave if you.."

"RELAX Tavi." Leafeon gave a little bark opening and eye and looking up at his son with a slight grin. "You want me to stay I suppose I could. I'll even eat the food, and sleep on that horribly soft mat, and I could even do what they ask." The Flareon just stared as the male stretched out again before slowly sitting up. "The den is getting cold and I am feeling old. I had already thought about staying here and if it means you and Umbreon will go on with your own lives then all the better." He shifted and stretched out more before giving an entire body shake. "I haven't felt this good in years." The grass pokemon stated firmly.

"Come on." Tavi told his father. He spent the next few hours slowly walking around the main complex showing his father the area and politely introducing themselves to several of the pokemon they met. Tavi was leading them back when they came around a corner and across two humans engaged in a rather passionate kiss, the male pressing the female lightly against the wall as they embraced.

"Giving you ideas?" His father asked when the Flareon had stopped staring for several moments. The couple broke apart at the light gruff vocals of the Leafeon as it nudged the Flareon's shoulder. Tavi didn't comment back he simply trotted around the pair and on back to an open door where he lead his father inside a room which had a high ceiling and equipment running down one side with a circular couch on the far end. Tavi was very surprised at how fast Leafeon moved to jump up on the couch and curl up. He watched and in a few moments could tell his father was sound asleep. He admitted to himself that getting his father to stay was much easier than he could have possibly imagined and that he would be safe here hopefully for years to come. Now all he had left to do was figure out how to make Umbreon agree with their father's wish.

It was after dark when he finally met up with his sister again. The technicians had already moved the Leafeon back to one of the other rooms where a few beds had been set up with small bowls of food in front of each one. His father was already eating when they pushed him back out and closed the door on him. "How's dad." The words were out of the females mouth before she had even come close to stopping after racing through the field to meet with her brother.

"Fine." Tavi spoke trying to give his sister a nuzzle only to have her back away instead. "Fine? Tavi what else, is he going to be okay did they heal him can we go home soon?"

The Flareon sniffed catching a rather distinct scent coming off his sister and as he tried to move closer to inspect she turned slightly and backed up again. Agility, swiftly Tavi launched himself at Umbreon knocking her over and rolling along the ground with her. This time the Flareon wasn't able to get a good hold or maybe it was the fact her rings flashed in the darkness disturbing him but she planted one hind paw in his chest pushing him away as she struggled up.

He turned and jumped at her again only to find her slip away before he was close enough to touch her. His ears picked up the howling even as he felt the heavy paw falls charging towards them. Tavi turned trying to make out the black shape that came flying closer. "Doom Stop!" Umbreon called moving out between her brother and the approaching pokemon. Her rings glowed brightly as she faced the oncoming Houndoom lighting up the area enough that Tavi was able to see her moist rear better which was now facing right at him. She had cleaned up most of the males scent that was on her rear except some that had recently leaked out confirming the scent he had picked up on earlier.

As Umbreon calmed Houndoom explaining that everything was fine Tavi tried to collect a few thoughts on how to get his sister to choose the Houndoom. "I see you found your mate."

"Tavi it's not like that!" She protested immediately.

"Really than can I have a try?" He stated stepping forward and trying to hop up onto her back as she slipped away again causing the Houndoom to growl.

"Tavi what has gotten into you!" Umbreon demanded.

"I'm just doing what I need to. Dad will never go home and now I am not going to let you either unless you come back as my mate." He stated.

Confused the female stumbled over several words. "Not going.. WHY? You said he was fine!"

"I'll tell you in the morning go have some more fun with your male." Tavi walked several feet before he turned and puffed out a small fire knowing that she would try and stop him. The flame was no larger than a campfire enough to light the space between them. He watched as she recoiled back and at the same time the Houndoom jumped half way over her lowering his head and horns to the flame.

Tavi gave a small growl at the Houndoom in challenge. "If my sister was smart she would tell you to be careful."

"Anytime your ready I'll happily put you down." The dog growled in response.

"Doom stop." She spoke stepping out from under him. Tavi gave a little smile realizing that this would be far easier and the best option open to him if the Houndoom was willing to take the challenge.

"In the morning. You had better both be ready." He told them walking away. He could hear a little of his growling words and her whispered answers as he moved off quickly. To him though it really wasn't important what they were saying only tomorrow morning would be.

Tavi was up before dawn silently patrolling the main buildings sure that Umbreon would soon show up unless he was wrong and she was there already. He did find her a little later one paw and half a nose under a door to one of the side buildings that he had never been in. He crept in and butted her lightly getting her to tear herself out and spin to face him. Tavi sat down in the dawn light waiting for her to speak.

"I want to see Dad." She demanded.

"Later." He told her, "He is sleeping now." Tavi deliberately flopped over on his side as she barred her teeth and crouched down moving forward. He just waited as she continued stalking forward and listened as she started growling the last few feet till her head and fangs were an inch from his throat. His response was to roll onto his back reaching his legs into the air and yawning slightly before finishing the roll so that his back was to her. "If your wondering, this is what I look like when I'm playing around." He spoke flipping his tail up his back but it wasn't quite long enough to tag her.

"TELL me where Dad is!" She shouted at him.

"I told you already he's inside sleeping you can't see him until the humans let him out." He said lazily at her.

"FINE! If you won't get him out I WILL! He's not staying here!." She screamed before stalking away.

"He'll be dead before you get him home." The words caused her to stumble as she tried looking back. "Dad knows this so he IS going to stay. Nothing you can do or say will change that. Come on," he said standing up, "let's go find that male of yours." Tavi did his best to explain what was wrong with their father as he understood it and what would be required for him to stay healthy. "It's kinda funny but he seems to be just fine with it." He kept an eye on his sister as she seemed to walk slightly dazed behind him the more he spoke. She followed behind him until they reached the same field they had been on the previous night. "HOUNDOOM!" He shouted out loud seeing the dark form already moving forward as he called.

Umbreon looked around surprised when she looked around, "Tavi wait what are you doing?"

"I decided I would test you companion. If he wins I will allow him to choose where you will go. If he loses you will do what I say." He told her as the Houndoom stopped next to her.

"What?" She said shocked ready to protest.

"Relax Umbre he doesn't rule your life but if all he knows is fighting I will beat him for you." Houndoom spoke allowing his whip like tail to stroke down her back.

"Beat me?" Tavi snorted, "Goes to show what a fool you are." He could feel his sisters gaze and wondered if she wasn't seeing part of his real plan. It wouldn't make a difference who won. He would fight and force the Houndoom to defeat or submission harming it enough to test his sisters true feelings or he would lose and make sure the battle was fierce enough and nasty enough to make sure the Houndoom was willing to risk its own health for her. Tavi felt either way would leave him an opening to force them to stay together and keep his promise to his father.

"Listen Runt. Just because you're her brother doesn't mean you own her. She says your strong but you lack manners and the ability to beat me." Tavi chuckled as Houndoom stood to its full height and strutted out a few feet to face him.

"Dear sweet sister would you be so kind as to move back?" He asked in a super sweet sticky tone.

"Listen Tavi you don't..." Her words were cut off as the Flareon collided with her side knocking her sideways with enough force to roll her over and send her several feet away.

"You _will_pay for that!" Houndoom promised growling as Tavi returned to his previous spot.

"I am ready. Give it your best shot." Houndoom started as Tavi finished talking starting out with Fire Fang as Tavi used Agility dodging and countering with Slash which barely connected. It was a furious moment of teeth and claws as the two tried ripping each other apart both scored several hits causing some blood to flow from a gash or puncture. Tavi broke away knowing that he was losing the physical battle simply because Houndoom had a better height, reach, and size. Flamethrower didn't surprise the dog as it lept straight up answering Tavi's fire with a smaller Flamethrower of its own.

Tavi dodged and aimed Fire Blast at the point he estimated Houndoom would land and scored a direct hit as the canine dug its claws in the earth and lowered its skull to catch the blast directly between his horns. He fired several more shots which the Houndoom allowed to hit. He realized something was up about the same time his opponent began to chuckle. The Flareon had experienced battles against those who used Flash Fire before, he even remembered the months of severe training where Daniel had tried to force him to learn the technique. After battling nothing but fire the entire time he had gained a great resistance but not the ability Flash Fire.

Still all the previous battles he had been switched or ordered to use physical attacks when he came across the immunity. He watched the smirking Houndoom as he raised his internal temperature to max heating the air and gathering energy for Fire Spin. True the attack was based in fire but the wind and shear power of the vortex should count for some damage. Tavi released the attack allowing the mini tornado to race across the ground as Houndoom moved forward to meet it. The canine lept through the heart of the attack and out the other side unharmed. The Flareon gave an inward sigh and changed his train of thought filling himself with a need to win and a burning desire. He tucked a small part of his conscious mind away as he felt the Flamethrower blow ever him. The attack had far less heat and he barely took damage starting to feel insulted by the fact Houndoom was holding back far more than he needed to. He took his feelings and the slight damage throwing both forward to start the fires of Rage.

Tavi charged forward the moment Flamethrower stopped responding with Take Down. The canine was swift to dodge and the two met only shoulder to flank with minimal damage to both as they stumbled away from each other. Tavi spun and leaping forward attacking with teeth, claws, and body in a frenzied attack that slowly grew stronger as the bite marks down his back and the slashes to his sides increased. The two broke apart minutes later each growling fiercely and panting heavily.

Houndoom attacked with Smog trying to keep some distance between him and the enraged Flareon. The Houndoom had never before battled a pokemon so reckless yet so driven and purposeful in its attacks. He crouched down and rolled away as the eon burst forward with Agility attempting to exchange claws and bites again. It wasn't that he couldn't handle the Flareon it was more the fact he was worried about how this was turning out. Even damaged the Flareon wouldn't back down and now he was no longer holding back both were receiving several ugly wounds. Houndoom didn't have to look to the Umbreon to hear the few whines she had emitted watching their fight. That's what was really bugging him that he might severely harm the Flareon and upset the Umbreon more.

Houndoom attacked again with Smog, "You should give up. Your flames are useless and you won't be able to take me down." Tavi mind registered the words even as his body yearned to dive forward again. He had tried everything and knew there was no way to win just a long drawn out battle which would probably now be over if the Houndoom quit trying to be polite and just went all out. Tavi thought about giving up, he had tried everything, only his body shifted into a new position hugging the ground a little closer and preparing for a last attack and suddenly Tavi knew what he was doing. There was now one more attack open to him one which he had never used before. The Flareon allowed his body to unleash the attack flying forward low to the ground as the Houndoom tried to dodge out of the way. To Tavi it felt like a scene playing out before him. One of his paws pushed altering his course keeping him zeroed in on the other. There would be no way to miss and this would be his last attack his Final Resort. He saw as the Houndoom tried to turn further and his own body sped up even more. The connection started at the Houndoom's shoulder unleashing the power of a physical attack driving the kinetic energy deep into the canines side.

Tavi could actually feel the others body strain and heard something snap and give before the Houndoom was flung from him seeming to float several feet in the air before the ground caused it to bounce once and slide before it flipped over. It was absolute silence in the morning light before one quiet pained whine rose from the Houndoom. Tavi could hear his sisters cry as the black form rushed past him but he couldn't seem to stay focused. He tried to force his legs to straighten from the crouch he was still in but only finding resistance to the notion. With eyes closed he tried to asses any damage he had just taken.

Suddenly he felt the boosted energies of Rage drop out and he was now struggling just to keep his body off the ground. It was real work to get his body fully up and widened his stance to prevent himself from flopping forward. The hurt from the cuts, stings from the punctures, even the slight heat of burns was nothing he hadn't dealt with numerous times before but for some reason his body felt different this time. Every single part of his body felt over used and drained. His last attack had burned up all the energy he had leaving him tottering forward when he opened his eyes. He couldn't understand or maybe it was he couldn't hear what the pair were saying to each other but as he walked forward he spoke.

"Move Umbreon, I am going to kill him." Tavi knew his voice was weak but it seemed to reach his sister by her shocked look.

A few more steps forward and she lept between them. "You can't!" Of course he couldn't the drained Flareon wouldn't even be able to fend off his sister's tail if she chose to smack him with it but all he needed to do was make her believe.

"If he is just a male," Tavi spoke as he seemed to find a little bit of strength to walk past his sisters side. "who is just mating you then he dies." The Umbreon was to afraid to do anything but watch as her brother slid past. She turned trying to think of a way to stop him as his paw reached out and laid on top of the Houndoom's neck causing it to whimper.

"Please don't." Tavi's ears perked and he moved his paw back to the ground turning to look back at his sister glad that the more he moved around the more his body seemed to respond.

"Make a choice." he spoke lightly, "Claim you mate or you can come home with me when he's dead." Tavi watched as her face twitched with emotions and indecisions.

"Umbre." The pained voice whispered from the ground drawing the females attention. When she looked back to her brother it was with her head lowered and lips pulled back into a snarl. The sight pleased the Flareon as he turned slowly to face her smiling slightly. She growled as she lowered her haunches clearly ready to spring as he walked closer. Tavi pursed his lips and blew out a soft breath which brushed across the Umbreon muzzle as he moved closer causing her to pause. He blew out a little harder and tilted his head causing the light breeze to run up her muzzle and against her eye which she closed. With her eye closed he darted in licking right over her nose and rubbing against her muzzle. He pressed his lips together trying to stifle a laugh at her confusion as he stepped back a few feet and sat down.

The two siblings started to talk but with in the first moment Umbreon was nearly screaming at her brother. Tavi flopped on to his side thinking that me might stop her yelling if she thought he was really hurt. The only problem was she didn't stop her loud barking and now that he was down his body didn't want to get back up. Umbreon had stopped using words just standing over her brother growling out her displeasure until she was interrupted by Houndoom quite whining as it tried getting up.

"Doom wait." She said hopping over her brother to help him out. With her help he was able to sit up but he had to keep all his weight on his back legs and one fore leg crying out when she nosed the leg he held up. Tavi arched his back and turned his head enough to look over at the pair.

"Umbreon if you try to come home I will chase you off." He watched as she flattened her ears and crouched looking like she wanted to attack only to stop as she felt Houndoom's tongue licking over her muzzle and top of her head. It took them more than half an hour for tehm to limp their way along the field to the fence. Their progress was impeded by Umbreon's protests as much as the injuries the two males had.

As much as he disliked the idea Doom knew Tavi spoke the truth when he said they both needed humans help to heal. The two males had exchanged names and a few grudging compliments on their slow walk and by the time they made it through the fence Doom had collapsed in pain and Tavi was feeling week and lightheaded. After a short but fruitless argument with his sister the Flareon laid down a few feet off and hoped somehow the humans would find them with out the Umbreon's help.

Tavi woke up a little later hissing then growling at the rough treatment as he was passed off from one human to the next. He struggled enough to force the female to almost drop him as she struggled to put him down. Once on the ground he checked what was going on. There were three humans trying to lift a heavy bulge in a blanket up onto a stainless steel rolling cart. The fact that Umbreon was a few feet away trying to contain herself let him know it was Doom they were moving.

His father sat next to her with a tail across her back obviously trying to calm her. There were nearly a dozen other humans from the lab including the professor and more importantly a certain human couple that had been passing him off between the two. Tavi barked loudly with a partial howl once they had the Houndoom positioned on the cart and ready to move. The humans watched as the Flareon gently pulled on the males pants leg before pressing against the females leg trying to bring them together. He let out an excited little yip when the female grabbed a hold and held her lovers arm.

"Flare eee eon." He stated walking around them several times. Tavi moved away and with a bark calling Leafeon over and had it sit next to the professor. "Flare eee eon." Tavi repeated walking around the two several times before he moved on. There was several small growls and half backs as the Umbreon and Flareon spoke. "FLARE!" The command was finally given and the Umbreon slunk forward tail tucked as it carefully crawled into the bottom of the cart under the Houndoom. "Flare eee eon!" he repeated one more time rather loudly as he walked around the cart several times before moving away. "Flare eee eon." He spoke staring at the first couple, "Eeeon" he turned towards his father, "Ee eon." he finished looking back at the cart.

The female human smiled turning to give her boyfriend a peck on the cheek. "Looks like the little match maker approves."

The male smiled giving a good laugh saying, "Profess.. Sir. I guess that leave you on the short end of the stick that's a male Leafeon."

There were a few smiles and snorts as Professor Nealson answered. "I'm sure the Guardian is just placing us together. The Leafeon will stay at the laboratory, Right?" He looked down at the grass pokemon. Tavi watched as his father dipped his head and get up trotting inside the building before he laid down with a grunt watching as his sister scrambled off the cart as it moved.

There was little she could do as she watched them wheel Doom inside the building. He was carefully picked up by the male human and only gave a slight grunt of protest. The one thing he was glad to see was his father slip back outside heading to Umbreon as he was carried inside at least they could talk about what was going on.

It was two days later in the early afternoon and he was in the back of a rangers jeep being driven back to Skyback Mountain. That morning Leona had shown up inspecting the Guardian then instructing him to not to pull a stunt like that again. Being a Guardian meant that he needed to keep to the mountain and not make a scene for local newspapers. She did tell him that rangers would begin a bi-monthly patrol of the area and if he needed help was to find them at those times. Leona finished by telling him that he had done a good job so far and that his recent escapades had shown how powerful and intelligent he was to a great many people. When Leona told him they were ready to take him back he turned and left her there going first to find his father and renew his promise then off to one of the barns where Umbreon guarded the healing Houndoom. She spoke crisply to her brother fully blaming him for everything that had happened.

"I would do it all again." Tavi told his sister. "I know Dad is going to be fine, I think he actually likes it here," he paused waiting for her to finish huffing, "I also know Doom is going to care for you."

"And EEVEE!" She butted in with a bark.

"I plan on spending the rest of the summer training him. You helped raise him well and I'll make him strong. Dad's right he will stay, besides he already made a good deal of friends and is well liked." Still upset Umbreon said nothing even though she agreed with his assessment. "Will you come visit before fall?" He asked surprising her.

He stood up rubbing his muzzle along hers till his head was resting on her shoulder. "I still care for you sister... No matter what I say the mountain will always be home for us, now it's time for us to find new homes, but that doesn't mean you can't visit or check on Eevee now and then." He pulled away to stare at her. "I would like to see you again before I go." Umbreon had a hard time keeping up with all the charges her brother kept making. She had already resigned herself to leaving with Doom soon and never seeing her father or the mountain again. Almost as if reading her thoughts Tavi added, "You might even check up on Dad now and then." She was so caught up in these thoughts that she hadn't realized he had moved away and was almost out the barn door.

"Wait!" She cried jumping forward to catch up with him. "Yes! Yes I'll visit." Tavi gave her a big smile and then a bump with his muzzle.

"It will be a while before Doom can travel far, and if you have to let him stay home when you visit. Just remember don't wait to long I still have a ways to travel before winter." He told her.

"I won't." She promised giving him a lick on the cheek. Umbreon watched as her brother started walking away then charge across the field back to the main compound. She went back inside laying down next to Doom smiling as he spoke to her. "It would be nice to visit your mountain and meet that little brother you keep talking about."

Tavi made a good meal out of berries as he walked back up the mountain. He wondered what exactly he should tell Eevee when he finally found him. He gave a small thought of humans as he passed through one of the more popular campsites and how many had invaded while he was gone. As his paws took him towards his den he turned his mind to the idea of him leaving all the pokemon behind unprotected. 'Well not unprotected.' he thought. They were certainly better off than a great many other pokemon living in a human protected area, and the rangers were going to start making patrols as well maybe he didn't need to be here anymore. At the very least he would spend the summer keeping all the humans out and train Eevee. Maybe he could even teach a few others what he knew, what places to avoid, and how some humans would react.

He hadn't paid attention to the light rustle of bushes or the quiet swift rush of paw falls. By the time the pokemon broke cover charging at him he only had time to brace for an attack which came as a pile of fur from three different angles. Tavi was piled on and collapsed grinning as Eevee and two Zigzagoon crawled on top of him of him squeaking and barking. By the time he regained his feet he could see Eevee finish looking around before he centered back on Tavi. "They are not here but they are well and safe." He told his brother, "We will talk tonight. So tell me what you are doing with the cubs and where are their parents?"

Tavi could tell by the tail twitch his brother was hiding something when he was assured that everything was fine and they were doing what they were supposed to. He decided to escort the cubs home with Eevee and check that claim. The Lynoone were glad to see Tavi home and told him that everything was fine and Eevee had offered to play with the cubs while the third was resting not feeling well. He listened to his cheerful younger brother on the walk home explaining about what had happened the past week. When he asked his brother what he had been doing that afternoon with the cubs he saw the hesitation in the young pokemons step and heard the quick answer of 'We were just playing'.

Before he could get more Eevee asked his own question. "So how is Dad and when are they coming back?" Tavi took several steps in silence before he finally chose a place to start.

"I made dad a promise. You know he was going to die. But I promised that if he lived that both Umbreon and I would leave here and find mates." Tavi kept a special watch on his brother who seemed to accept all this quite easily having heard it all before. Starting with the easier subject he continued. "Umbreon won't come home again, but she will come visit before fall I hope. She can't stay to long but you will get to see her and maybe her mate too."

Tavi waited expecting some question about their sister or what had happened. Instead the Eevee stopped and stared at him waiting for him to turn around. "What about Dad." Tavi was suddenly struck by the fact that Eevee was staring him directly in the eye and looked as serious as any adult pokemon. His brother may enjoy playing and having fun but there was no doubt in Tavi's mind that he was fully grown. A simple serious question demanding the same form of answer.

"He will die if he comes home. The humans have to care for him every day or he will get sick again. No pokeball or trainer." Tavi emphasized, "But he does have to stay with humans." Suddenly he felt uncomfortable having Eevee sit there and stare at him. "I did the best I could." He told his brother turning away but listening to make sure that his brother was following.

His paws brought him back to his den but before he could go inside Eevee pushed past him to get in first. Tavi wondered what was going on until he saw his brother inside sitting in a little padded nest of leaves and grass directly across the cave from his own bed. There was also a small pile of gathered berries and what looked like some fruit covered with large leaves that sat near the back.

He couldn't help smiling a little at his brother, "You knew I was coming back." His grin faded seeing the still serious expression and strong eyes.

"Your not going to stay. I heard you tell Dad you would keep your promise." He glared at his brother daring him to try and deny the fact. Tavi couldn't do much but nod as he sat down just inside the entrance.

"Do you want to come with me?" He asked. It was an idea he had toyed with a few times but the thought to Eevee was totally unexpected. Tavi watched the confusion and uncertainty the idea brought before the young pokemon finally shook his head. "Good because if you stay here I might try to come back someday, and I know Umbreon will visit. I'm sure she is planning to keep an eye on Dad." He watched as the Eevee's tail slowly began to wag. "We can all find mates and have cubs and then maybe even bring the whole family together. I'm sure your going to find your own mate and have a family too." The sudden twitch in the tail along with the ears drooping surprised Tavi.

"Eevee? You.." "I'm Hungry!!" Eevee blurted out turning quickly and moving back quickly and carefully began choosing several berries to roll out of the pile. He waited while his brother rolled several items to him including an odd fuzzy yellow colored oval that tasted tart and musky and was something he had never had nor tasted before.

When they had finished eating Tavi moved to his bed and laid down. It was still early so he asked his brother to tell him more about what went on especially what Eevee had done the past week. The pokemon told his brother how he had spent the first two days near the bottom of the mountain waiting. At the end of the second day Politoed had found him and took him to her home. He spent the night and most of the next day before she convinced him to head home. Instead he had chosen to go to Tavi's den and made himself a spot. The rest of the days had been spent finding food and spending time with others and waiting. He had even gone back to training with some of the things Tavi had taught him during their patrols.

"We will work on that more soon." Tavi promised his brother before relaying the full story of what went on. Eevee had been interested especially about Tavi's fight with Doom and the last attack he used. He answered his brothers questions as best as he could still not truly understanding what he did only that it was a new move powerful, strong, but draining.

Tavi was feeling tired when they finished talking and decided to go to sleep. He fell asleep fast but was roused shortly later by movement and prodding against his body. "Eevee?" he asked still more than half asleep. "Please?" Was all his brother asked as he finished snuggling against him partly embracing his brother. It only took a few moments for the Flareon to fall back asleep with the Eevee cuddling close with its own smile.