Telling the Truth

Story by Muse Scroll on SoFurry

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#5 of Suit Transformations

Muse Scroll and Janette, having been alone before their changes, find themselves quickly attracted to each other -- and in more than just the physical sense.

"Your mom's coming for a visit? Why?"

"I sent her a letter saying that I'd moved in with some friends. She wants to meet you all and the place before talking to me alone."

There was a momentary silence.

"Are you going to tell her?"

"...I don't know. Maybe. I think she deserves to know."

Another pause, before a hand gently landed on the stallion's shoulder, "We'll back you up if we need to..."

The stallion shook his head, "No, she's my mom. I'll take care of it."

"You sure, Muse?"

Muse nodded to the Pidgeot that he'd grown close to, "Yeah. Thanks for asking, Janette."

"No problem," She smiled. "What's her name?"


"Cool name. Is she staying at a hotel?"

"Yeah, she knows that there's not much room here," He shrugged, before grinning. "Besides, she's fine with not having to share bathrooms."

They all shared a laugh as they finished breakfast. It'd been about a week since Matt the human had become Muse Scroll the unicorn, and almost a month since Kitora and Uken had gone through their changes. It had taken all week for the pony to get used to the sudden knowledge of spells he was able to do. He had also learned that his levitation abilities were his best, in terms of accuracy and endurance, probably because of his love for writing. It certainly made it easier to do hand-written essays when he tired a lot less often. Not to say he was bad at the other kinds of spells; rather, he was pretty decent at short-range teleports, and he'd gotten quite good at using magic as a substitute for hands. The one thing he was still getting used to was his new food diet, which was quite tough.

Especially when everyone else had actual bacon for breakfast and he was stuck with the vegetarian equivalent. Thankfully they didn't tease him about it, and it wasn't all that bad. He just wasn't used to having to refrain from meat.

"When's she getting here?" Janette asked.

"She caught an early flight," Muse answered. "She should be landing soon, actually."

"Are you going to meet her at the airport?" Leon asked, as he started up the game console, popping in Halo again.

"Whoa there, no starting a Saturday campaign without me!" Muse exclaimed, grabbing the second controller before Kitora could.

The Espeon gave him a pouting look, "Oh, come on!"

"You have the other Xbox this time."

"On that ridiculously small screen?"

"I had it last, it's your turn to suffer through the portable DVD player."

Kitora paused, before shrugging, "True enough."

Muse grinned as he took his spot on the couch and booted up his profile on the large screen, "Anyway, no, I'm not meeting her. She told me she wanted to spend a little time with a family friend that lives in town first."

Leon nodded as he started up the Halo 3 campaign menu while waiting for the LAN to kick in, and decided to remain silent for now. He didn't have any other questions.

"Where would we go while you talk to her?" Glen wondered.

"How about out back?" Janette suggested. "There's enough space for all of us, plus he can call for help and we'll be there. You know, just in case she freaks."

Muse rolled his eyes, something she caught in the reflection of the loading screen, "Yeah, 'just in case'... more like, 'when'."

"...Didn't want to say that."

"It's inevitable, no need to beat around it."

The room descended into relative silence, slightly uncomfortable for the moment... until the action on the game caught up.

"Ah! Watch out, chieftan, right on me!"

"Sorry, can't help!"

"Chill, I got it... boom. See? Got it."

The two non-ponies looked at Muse with deadpan looks before Kitora spoke, "I swear, you've gotten way better ever since you started using your magic to hold the controller."

"That's because I don't have fingers that I need to move," He answered with a smug smirk, as he sniped another Brute that was coming up behind the Leafeon he sat next to. "So much easier this way."

"He's not kidding," Uken cut in. "I saw him do the Cortana level on Legendary. Didn't die once."

"You're forgetting, during that summer when I had the beta job, between beta tests I spent a lot of time on this game. I trained up from easy all the way to legendary with the iron skull on to get this good."

Kitora gave a snort of laughter, "That'll do it."

The time passed relatively quickly, especially when they got in a big game of everyone in two teams. They had to drag the spare TV out for the second system, but it was a ton of fun. Especially when they went for the zombie game types. After some time, they turned off the stuff and returned everything to the way it was. Just in time, too, because right as everyone except Muse was heading into the backyard, the doorbell rang. He was about to answer when Janette held him back and kneeled down to see eye-to-eye.

"If the talk goes wrong, don't hesitate to ask for help, okay?" She whispered, gently caressing his mane and fur.

He smiled, before stealing a kiss from her, "I will."



Janette glanced at the door, and after gently biting her lip, quickly left - although she was careful to let the door to the backyard stay a little open. Muse stared after her well-dressed from - he was thankful they'd all decided to actually wear clothes this morning - before he headed to the door. To his mom, it appeared as if he hadn't changed a bit, and was wearing jeans with a white t-shirt (which was actually just an undershirt). Muse grinned and happily hugged her, before letting her inside.

"Wow, nice place you've got here," She said as she lowered herself onto the couch. "Is it just you? You mentioned friends."

"There's... six of us here, actually," Muse grinned as he returned with some cups of water in his magical grip. He enjoyed the look of surprise on her face. "It's cozy enough, and we're happy with the arrangement."

His mom gave a sly smirk, "You also mentioned someone named Janette. Who's she?"

"I'll introduce you later," Muse rolled his eyes, before going serious as he set down his water. The look of contemplation caught her attention.

"Matt, is something wrong?" Becca asked gently. "You know you can tell me anything."

Muse bit his lip, and glanced over his mom's shoulder towards the door to the backyard. He caught a glimpse of feathers, and knew that Janette was listening; but rather than make him nervous, it only comforted him.

"Mom, I have something important to show you. And no matter what you think, it's real, and it's still me."

Becca frowned, just what did he mean by that? Then he appeared to go for the ring on his left hand, and when he pulled it off, the image of her son shimmered - before being replaced by an orange unicorn.


"It's me," He nodded. "I go by Muse Scroll now, though. Well, Muse to those who know about this..."

"Is this real?" Becca asked, before being promptly poked in the arm by the unicorn. It took a moment, but then... "Just what happened to you! This is unacceptable, whoever forced this on you is going to be in big trouble!"

"Mom," Muse said, trying - and failing - to calm her and stop her ranting as she stood and started to pace in front of the couch.

"We've got to find a way to turn you back! What will the rest of the family think? What about your friends, do they know?"


"This is absolutely disastrous! You can't get anywhere as a... a unicorn! No one will accept you for any sort of job, or anything! Just how are you supposed to go where you want to like that?!"

Muse gave a sigh, giving an exasperated glance to Janette, whom shared his attitude at the edge of the back door. He let his mother's words wash over his ears, her raised volume making his ears splay back a bit in displeasure. Looking about, he spotted the fruit basket on the island in the kitchen. It took little effort to grab an orange, and while her mouth was at its widest, he very carefully stuffed it in said orofice. Sufficiently silenced, the unicorn seized his opportunity to explain himself.

"Okay, first of all," Muse began, standing up on the couch to gain a little height. "This wasn't forced on me. I chose to do it. Mom, I wanted this. At the place that I was changed, I could've walked out; I could've said no - but I didn't. You know why?"

Becca had removed the fruit from her mouth, and was finally sitting back down on the couch to listen to her son's side of the story. She pushed her embarrassment aside for now; she could apologize for flying off the handle after she'd heard him out.

"It's because I didn't feel completely at home as 'Matt the human' - but now that I'm this... I'm happier than ever. I found a group of people that have gone through similar changes, and I really doubt that I could be happier. Especially since I found Janette."

Here the unicorn paused, looking over Becca's shoulder at said Pidgeot, whom was paying attention with slightly wide eyes.

"Mom, I love that I found her. I love her. She's very important to me... and she doesn't care that I'm a unicorn. I doubt she'd care if I was even a humanized cat!" At this point, Muse had sat back down and was using his forelegs to gesture a little bit wildly, before putting a hoof at his chest. "Mom, this... this is who I am. You know that I've been a brony for a long time, and now that I'm finally in a form that I feel at home in, you want me to change back? I'm sorry, but not a chance. Not only can I do everything that I used to be able to do with my magic, if I went back to being a human... I've thought about it once or twice. And even though Janette probably wouldn't care, I would. I'm not changing back. Ever."

Becca finally found a chance to cut in, "But what will everyone that isn't changed think?"

"They can't tell," Muse said, shaking his head. "The rings have a special property to them. Only those that are worthy of being transformed, or already have been, are allowed to see through the enchantments."

"And what about doing everyday things, like homework and travelling to and from school?"

Muse gave his mom a deadpan look, before focusing. She gasped a little as his horn glowed, and looked about, she watched as several other objects gained the same golden-orange glow and floated over, including pen and paper. With practiced ease, the stallion wrote a short message, tore the small paper off the pad and quickly folded it into a paper airplane before grabbing it in his hoof and tossing it to his mother. She caught it, and opened the item, and noted the flowing, curling font that greeted her with a hello.

"I can do everything that I was able to do as a human, mom," He said calmly, as he returned the various items to their proper place. "Plus a few other things. I've learned how to teleport my friends and I short distances... it certainly makes travelling the college campus easy when no one else is around."

Becca nodded, trying to take it all in. She wasn't sure what to say to her son... her little... stallion? Pony? Either one seemed appropiate. Before she could say anything else, he spoke up again. He appeared to be looking over his shoulder, and she heard someone approaching the couch. Some sort of bird person soon leaned over the back of the couch, dressed in a simple white tank-top and jeans. Muse grabbed her head with his magic, and leaning up, kissed her, before patting a spot right next to him. She was happy to take said spot and snuggle up close to her son, whom wrapped a leg around her and held her there.

"Mom, this is Janette," Muse introduced. "She's a Pidgeot, a type of Pokémon. She's the one that makes me very happy when she's around."

Janette blushed, "Stop that, you're embarrassing me."

"Don't care," Muse answered, and before she could protest, he kissed her again. "Mostly because it's true."

"Well, uh... it's very nice to meet you," Becca said at last, taking a moment to gather her confidence as she held out her hand. Janette gave it a strong shake.

"Nice to meet you as well. I have to be honest, we were all a little worried about how this would go."

"Has my son treated you well?"

Janette gave a smirk, "Oh, yes, your son certainly knows how to... treat a lady."

Muse's face paled at the way his mom immediantly looked at him, "You didn't have to say that!"

"Ma - Muse Scroll!" Becca exclaimed - having to correct herself part way through - as she stood sharply, a stern look on her face. Wishing to live rather than die young, he bolted out the back door. "Get back here!"

Janette laughed, "Don't get mad at him. It was consentual for both of us."

"I understand that, but still, that boy -"


Becca paused for a moment and gave a bit of a shrug, "Right, stallion. Anyway, he knows better."

"Well... he wouldn't have transformed if it weren't for that, you know. The place that does it, in order for the changes to be made permanent, the person must first be found to be worthy of being changed; then, they have to visit the store and and go through the transformation process... but in order for it to be permanent, within two weeks, they have to... you know, either with someone from the store or with someone else that is going through the changes."

Muse's mother paused, "I'm still going to give him a good talking to later."

Janette grinned, "That's why I mentioned it."

"You're laughing now, but I'll be talking to you as well, young lady."

The Pidgeot's grin faded and decided to just nod. She offered for her lover's mom to stay for dinner, before inviting her to come outside to meet the others. As the ladies stood up, Janette headed for the back door and peeked out the door, before holding it open.

"Everyone, this is Muse's mom," Janette said. Said stallion was nowhere in sight. Odd how an orange pony could so easily disappear. "Where is he, anyway?"

"He's right... here?" A green cat-like creature said, looking around. "I think he teleported to the room you two share."

Becca gave a look to the Pidgeot, who gave a nervous chuckle, "Anyway! That's Kitora, he's an Espeon. The Dragonair by him is Uken. Over there is Glen and Leon, they're a Glaceon and a Leafeon."

"What're you looking for him anyway?" Uken asked her, as they shook hands. The human was rapidly getting used to the odd creatures, none of whom were wearing those rings her son had mentioned.

"Just need to give him and this lady a good talk," Becca said. "Where's the room they share?"

Janette gave a bit of a panicked look, but before she could escape, her lover's mom grabbed her ear and tugged. The pain made her grit her teeth and opt to stay close, lest it become unbearable. The Pidgeot had to blink away the tears that had appeared from that pain. Upon learning that their bedroom was upstairs with the rest of them, and the first on the left, the woman thanked them and left - pulling the bird with her.

"Ow ow ow ow..." Janette muttered as she tried to follow as closely as possible, so as to lessen the pain. She was finally let go as they reached the right door. Becca was quick enough to grab her son by the ear when he tried to slip past her.

"OWW! Moooom!" Muse whined, as she pulled them both into the room.

Becca gave him a stern look as she started to make him back up, all the while giving them both a rather stern talking to. When it was all said and done, both Janette and Muse looked rather put out, and his mother told them to, at the very least, do it responsibly. Both of them were looking very chastised when the three of them returned to downstairs.

"Are you going to be staying for dinner?" Glen asked, as she cooked.

"No, I've meeting with a friend," Becca declined. "I won't tell anyone what you've told me."

The group of them looked very grateful for this, before saying farewell to her. The moment she was out of earshot, the rest of the group gave grins to Janette and Muse, both of whom rolled their eyes. Thankfully, the topic was dropped, and the group of them split up after dinner. Except for the two, the others decided to head out on the town, have some fun. After a rather awkward silence, the Pidgeot spoke up.


"About what I said to my mom?" Muse guessed, blushing as she nodded.

"Did you...?"

"Yes," He said instantly as she trailed off. "I meant every word." His face, stony to show his conviction, softened as he placed a hoof on her hand. "Everything I said about you I meant, Janette. You're very important to me."

She smiles, "You've become important to me, as well."

There's a momentary silence, before Janette gently leans forward, pulling Muse in and calmly hugging and caressing him, running her hands along his back. The stallion was more than happy to return the sentiments, calmly staying close to her. This wasn't like those other nights, when the focus was just to see who could get who off first, and how hard. After a while, the two of them started back towards their bedroom, opting to ignore the stern warning they'd gotten in there for now. Janette was more than happy to hold her lover close as they shared a kiss, far more deep and passionate than their usual lust-driven ones. When they seperated, they found that they'd leaned down against the bedding. With a flash of his magic, Muse easily shut the door.

"Don't want to be disturbed, do we?" He said with some amusement.

"Not at all," Janette agreed, as she stroked his neck.

The stallion gently leaned down and started to give the bird Pokémon a series of deep kisses along the length of her neck, making her sigh with pleasure. It felt... nice. It wasn't the rushed sex they usually took to, and the change was quite welcome. After a while, the male stopped playing with her, and returned his attention to her lips, something which made her quite pleased.

"Taking things slow today, are we?" She teased lightly once they seperated.

Muse gave a sly smile, "I was hoping for a bit of a change."

"Well, don't take long; you're already warming me up."

The stallion's smile grew as he used his magic to tease her nethers. Janette gave a short gasp as a soft touch slowly crept up her thighs, before settling down right at her crotch, where sheath and cunt were hidden. The playful teasing on her neck had already started everything, so she expected herself to be ready in moments. However, her lover was taking care not to arouse her too fast - and it was surprisingly pleasant, especially since his length was slowly revealing itself and pushing against her stomach. She enjoyed making him murr as she started to make said organ rub against her soft, downy feathers.

He murred quietly into her ear, "I... ohh... thought we were going slow... mm... tonight."

"We are... we haven't started the real - ah!" She cut herself off as her length finally was erect enough to be fully exposed - and long enough to brush against her lover's "Ah... th-the real fun hasn't started yet..."

"You bet it - ah! - hasn't..."

Muse started to rub against his lover's crotch, but, like all the other motions, at a far slower pace than either were accustomed to at this point. It took only a couple of moments for his equine length to fully extend, stiffening to be almost painful. As his arousal grew, so did the glow on his horn... not to mention it looking ready to leak again.

"Are... ohhh, that's good... you gonna get in - ah! - in me or not?" Janette moaned out, the feelings of their cocks mingling being overwhelming.

"Uh-uh," Muse grunted. "You're going into me."

Janette's eyes widened, "Are you sure?"

"Just to give it a try..."

Before she could say anything else, the pony had used his magic to make them swap places, and now he was carefully rolling onto his stomach underneath her. She could very clearly feel his puckered hole teasing her length, something that made her want to go into him.

"Janette... please," Muse said quietly. "I want this."

"Are you sure?"

He twisted his head enough to look her in the eye, "I'm always the one going into you. It won't be exactly the same, but I want you to have an idea of what that feels like. Please."

She gave a nodded, and gently laid a couple of hands on his flanks, where two cutie marks lay - he insisted on calling them 'stud stamps' - both of which were small scrolls with little red quills. Pushing towards his anus, she felt her red tip poke at his entrance - before slowly spreading it apart. A grunt and groan came from the one she was mounting, and it made her halt.

"N-No, don't stop..." Muse grunted out, trying to ignore the blossoming pain of something like that going in him, no matter how slick the pre made it. "I can take it."

Janette swallowed, before nodding and changing her grip on her lover, and deciding to get it over with, shoved everything of hers into his ass. He gave a slight cry of pain and pleasure as his body was violated. The Pidgeot stopped moving and let him adjust to the feeling; having gone through something similar for her cunt, she knew it was something that required patience.

"I-I'm ready," Muse finally said. "D-Don't hold back."

The Pidgeot decided to not disappoint him, if he wanted it this much - but she started off slow, helping him to adjust to the rough motion. Her pre soaked his insides, and helped to lube his hole, but it still took a little while for his moans to be purely pleasure and nothing else. That was when she finally picked up the pace, and it made him gasp before practically melting on the spot.

"Ohh - ah! J-Janette, thats - ohhhh - perfect..."

"Y-You're tight..."

She grit her teeth a little at how tight his hole was, but it felt goood... it'd been quite sometime since she'd fucked someone like this. Muse Scroll's beautiful moans of pleasure only egged her on, and she soon lost herself to her lust. The horn on his head was leaking, wishing to be tended to, while his length throbbed every time her cock pleasured his prostate. The very sensation of that gland being so directly rubbed against was insane! It made his typically louder moans quieter than usual, something Janette didn't really notice. She was too focused on the task of trying to fill his ass.

"Nnng... a-are you gonna - AH! - cum or n-not?"

She groaned, "A-Almost... oooohhhh..."

It was at that very moment that she finally blew her hot, avian load. Something like that warmed up his ass considerably, and it was the final straw for his prostate. All of the bed, his cock happily made a mess, some of it getting onto his chest from the powerful spurts of seed. Each time his member gave a shot of cum, it was perfectly timed with his lover's own shots. After a while, Janette finally pulled herself free of his wonderfully tight ass. There was a problem though, and she had no trouble voicing it.

"Get on me, sexy," She murmured into his ear, as she lay down on her back next to his recovering form. "I still have something that wants to cum."

The male gave her a tired, seductive smile, and after a moment, stepped over her. Janette gladly spread herself wide, revealing her red and desperate hole. Muse gently pushed himself into her, making them both moan from the familiar sensations, but they were both incredibly ready this time. It took only a few thrusts to them to release.

"Mmm, n-not enough... more..." Janette whispered to him. She enjoyed seeing how his was all hunched over her, putting his horn right in front of her face. "I'll even r-reward you..."

Muse gave a gasp and a moan of pleasure and his leaking unicorn horn was engulfed in his lover's mouth, and it only made him start humping her in earnest. His length was twitching along with the pulses of pleasure on his head, and it only made him groan as he got both parts to give their all. It enticed the Pidgeot he was fucking to do the same as well, and he enjoyed hearing her give a moan of pleasure through his magiculate that she was still trying to swallow. After a few moments, she succeeded, and they finally started to slow down for the night.

"Mmm... I don't think 'lovers' works for us anymore," Janette murred to Muse.

He smiled, "Then what? Mates?"

"I like the sound of that. Muse Scroll... my little pony mate."

"And Janette, my little Pidgeot mate..."

The both of them shared another kiss - moaning when he gave another thrust just for a tease - before finally settling down for the night. A burst of magic, and the covers of the bed were over them, as they let sleep over take them, holding each other close as they did so...

Stallion Up

Bopping his head along the walkway as he listened to his music, the college student was more than happy to be heading back to where his friends usually hung out. That thought made his smile widen as he sped up a little. Card games - not on motorcyles -...

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Winging It

Man, it would be so nice to be able to fly. Better yet, to fly as a Pokémon! Hmm, but which one? "Hello? Earth to Janette!" "Huh?" Janette said, snapping out of her dream-like trance. "Was the view nice? You had your head in the clouds...

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Cool Warmth

"Was that Uken?" "Yeah, she called about a small costume party at her place later today. She recommended a place to get some." "Oh, cool. You going?" "Of course, how about you?" "Of course I'm going to go with you. Should we go get the suits...

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