Something to keep safe - Chapter IV

Story by Ryat on SoFurry

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#4 of Something to Keep Safe


Okay, let's face it... I officially suck with titles. I think I stated it already, but I just put it again in case you didn't realize.

I know it has been really long before that chapter came out, but I've been taken by exams recently, and also by a lot of laziness. Mostly laziness. In fact the thing is I generally write when I'm in the subway. Hopefully, people don't often read what I write and even if they do, that's English so they won't read it (I'm French for those who don't know). But I guess you can imagine how awkward it is to write something that flirts with sex while seating near other people. And I didn't even begin the nasty things.

As for this chapter, I've been feeling something strange with it. I wrote. I just wrote. But I didn't plan anything. I know about characters living on their own, since it has been the case in the other chapters and in my other story (I should finish to upload here at some day). But I've never had such alive characters. It's a bit disturbing because I feel like not having done any other job than writing...

Anyway, another day one, which brings us to the next day ! And be assured, that day is gonna be full. So many things planned ^^

Summer's heat

Hazel sighed as the hot sun was hitting her scales, deliciously warming her. This was definitively was making her somnolent and even less willing to do anything. The grey dragon was still lying at her side, seeming in the same state than her : half-sleeping. It already had been some hours... The sun was now high in the sky, heating the rocks as well as her. Yeah, everything was perfect, and she should feel the best she ever felt in her life. So why wasn't it the case ? She knew the answer : that damn heat. Not the sun's, hers. That half-somnolence maybe was the worse thing for her. In that state, she just couldn't avoid her thoughts to drift, and they were drifting in directions she wasn't exactly wanting them to. Like, for example, wondering how it would feel to have AuRon take care of her, his contact against her side, and then against her rear as he would start climbing on her and... 'Damn, not again !' she thought, dismissing the thought. The worse in all this was that those thoughts weren't really letting her indifferent, so that even if she dismissed the thought it generally was coming back. Yeah, she had to say... feeling AuRon on her back definitely wasn't the worse thing she could imagine, even if she really didn't want to do those kind of things... did she ? 'And damn, again.' That was exasperating. The red dragoness sighed and closed her eyes, shifting her position a bit and trying to focus on how great she was feeling... to no avail.

AuRon managed in extremis not to blush as he moved a bit. He was starting to doubt that being in the open air had any effect on his erection. On the contrary he was feeling harder than before ! The worse was that he trapped himself without knowing it. The hot stone under him just wasn't helping at all, that was something cold he would have needed instead for this damn cock to retract... And the worse was that he could do nothing to the fact her heat was having a lot of influence on his thoughts. That damn smell was strangely highly suggestive, at least for his body since he was having the feeling his cock was getting harder each time he was catching a whiff of the dragoness's smelling. Hopefully that only was a feeling, probably just a pulse. But still, why couldn't he control his thoughts ? When he wasn't hardly focusing on something, they were drifting and he caught himself more than once to wonder how it would be to mate the delicate red dragoness, having her under him and burying his... The grey dragon nearly blushed as he dismissed the thought. Well at least there was one thing he was controlling : he never thought he'd manage not to blush considering the awkward situation. What a relief.

Hazel sighed once again as she dismissed another dirty thought. Couldn't she just sleep instead of imagining how good it would feel to have AuRon mate her ? Her inners were burning like hell, and it was really making her feel uncomfortable - not to mention that it was getting even worse than before. There was a rather heavy silence where they were, only disturbed by the wind blowing over their head but not on them thanks to the rocky structure. Or should she think 'because of' ? She actually wouldn't mind a lot of wind to cool her down. And she didn't want to disturb AuRon, since the grey dragon certainly was sleeping like she would do... if there wasn't that heat. So she only could remain patient despite all this. Hazel sighed again, hopping AuRon would move soon.

AuRon mentally swore as he felt a shrive of excitement running in his underbelly. That wasn't possible, he was even more aroused than in the morning ! He sometimes was feeling like a primal urge to mate, hopefully only a fraction of second. But still it was worrying him. He was a dragon, not a random beast ! He was an intelligent being, and thus able to control his instincts ! Then, why wasn't it working ? Why was he having these primal thoughts ? He wasn't an animal, but he had the same thoughts than an animal in need of mating ! What was wrong with him ? He really was starting to hate his body for reacting that much at the first dragoness he met.

The grey dragon gave Hazel a quick look at the exact same moment the red dragoness did, so that they look crossed. For some seconds, none of them moved, eyeing the other, but suddenly both dragons quickly stood up. "Crap, all this is getting worse and worse !" AuRon exclaimed, upset. "Yes, and the worse is that I don't even see a way to prevent it from getting even worse." Hazel sighed. AuRon thought for a second. "The only one I see would be to stay separated, but well..." The red dragoness slightly smirked. "I don't want to annoy you that much, AuRon." "I know, I know, but so far I don't really see anything else. Anyway, for now, maybe I should go hunt something for us to eat ?" the grey dragon suggested. Hazel nodded, suddenly realizing she was a bit hungry. "Oh yes, that's a good idea." the dragoness replied. "A good way to stay separate without wasting any time !" The grey dragon smiled. "Indeed. See you soon then !" He swiftly jumped on the rocks near them and, once on the top, leapt in the air, soon diving toward the forest.

AuRon took a deep breath as he flew toward the forest. The fresh wind hitting his face was a blessing in his situation. His thoughts got a bit clearer, suddenly making him realize how much the presence of the dragoness was influencing him. And that wasn't only the numerous dirty thought he had ! Since the beginning he had kept Hazel near him, even inviting her in his cave. But why ? Thinking about it, he barely knew her. So why bothering keeping her at his side while knowing this was causing some troubles ? There were plenty of comfortable places in his territory where she could have stayed until her situation got better. And yet, even now that his thoughts were clear, he somewhat wanted to keep her at his side. This was intriguing him. He really had the feeling he was missing something important in this situation. The grey dragon finally arrived at the lake, and decided to dismiss those thoughts. Now wasn't the moment to think about all that. If he wanted to hunt something, his thoughts would better be clear. AuRon began his descent, scanning the forest for any unlucky prey.

Hazel couldn't help to observe the grey dragon taking off. AuRon really was an agile dragon, compared to the bulky Terreth. That taking off was rather majestic... well if one didn't care about his erected length which was kinda ruining this majesty, of course. The dragoness giggled at that thought. She didn't exactly know why, but she was enjoying having some effect on the young dragon. That was a bit mean, knowing how 'hard' was his situation - she chuckled at her own pun - but she really couldn't help. The red dragoness decided to climb on the rocks and sat at the top of the formation. It definitively wasn't the most comfortable place, but having a clear view on the forest under her and having the wind blow at her face was worth it. AuRon really had a nice territory. It maybe wasn't as big as an older dragon's territory, but it really had anything a dragon could want. She really was feeling nice here. But was it because of AuRon as well ? She couldn't deny it, she wasn't exactly indifferent while thinking of him. It probably because he was a nice dragon, and well, by hosting her he really was saving her. She really was thankful to him. Though she couldn't help wondering if there wasn't more between them... She remembered how much she enjoyed the contact of his wing over her when she woke up. Well, of course there was the fact her heat had driven her dreams in a rather dirty direction, but it didn't explained why she felt... safe ? Yes, that was how she had been feeling at that moment. Her lust was explaining a few things, but it couldn't explain everything. The red dragoness sighed a bit at that thought. Even in her thoughts she couldn't formulate what she was starting to wonder : was she... falling in love with AuRon ? She considered the idea for some seconds before giggling. Another thought caused by her heat ! She had met him the previous day, how could she fall in love that quickly ? Nah, that only was friendship of course. She was sure the grey dragon was feeling the same with her. Well her position wasn't exactly comfortable, but that wind was a blessing. A good chunk of fresh air, all she needed to keep her thoughts in the right direction. Hazel decided she would wait for AuRon to finish his hunting here.

AuRon crouched, hidden behind a bush. Only his tail was moving a bit as he carefully watched the prey in front of him. The wind was in the good direction and with his now green scales he was almost undetectable. The boar wasn't suspecting anything. One step closer, and he could leap on it... The dragon took his time to make the last step he needed. The prey wasn't going away, on the contrary its movements were leading it toward the dragon. There, he was almost there... The wind suddenly shifted. AuRon mentally swore as the boar suddenly raised its head, alerted. Before it could understand he was there, the dragon pounced from the bush. The boar tried to escape but it was already too late. With one powerful jump, AuRon pinned the boar on the ground and tried to bite the animal's throat. It tried to resist but in its position, it didn't took long before the dragon's jaws closed on its neck. With one swift motion of the head, the prey was dead, its neck broken. The still green dragon released his jaws as his prey stopped moving. It was a rather big one, it definitively would make a nice meal for them two. AuRon positioned himself above his prey, grabbing it with his four paws, and started to take off with a vigorous flap of his wings. Hopefully a boar wasn't that heavy. The dragon soon was in the air, heading toward his cave.

A quarter of hour later, the grey dragon was dropping his prey in front of his cave. He quickly peered inside to see if Hazel came back in, but it seemed like she didn't. She still must be at the place he left her. So he just flew away to find her - no animal dared coming that close from his cave, AuRon knew he could leave the carcass here without having to worry about it. It didn't take him long to find the dragoness still basking under the sun, on the rocky formation. Seemed like she chose to get some fresh wind. AuRon grinned as he got an idea. What about a small prank ? The dragoness still didn't notice him, the occasion was too tempting... The grey dragon quickly landed and blended with his surroundings. Step after step, he got closer from the rocky structure, making sure not to make a single noise. It just was too easy. The wind was covering any sound he could have made and was carrying his scent away. AuRon started to climb on the structure, his scales progressively becoming grey like the stone. Now he had to be cautious not to brush his scales against the rock, as this would alert Hazel. The dragoness now was at only half a dozen of meters away from him. As he went past a gap, one of his claws scratched the rock making an audible noise. AuRon literally froze, even slowing his breathing to avoid any visible movement. He mentally swore. That wasn't the moment to fail !

Hazel looked back as she suddenly heard a sound behind her. Was AuRon back ? No, seemed like he wasn't. That probably just was a small rock that fell because of the wind. The red dragoness looked back at the landscape in front of her, trying to spot AuRon when he would come back from his hunt.

AuRon took a deep breath as the dragoness stopped looking behind her. That was a close one. Hopefully his camouflage was nearly perfect when he was standing near a surface like that. A quick glance at the place he was wasn't enough to spot him. The stone-grey dragon carefully resumed his approach, that time taking care not to make any noise with his claws. Step after step he was getting closer from Hazel. But he had to keep patient ! One step... A small pause... Another step... Yes, that was it. He now was only a meter behind his aim. And she still wasn't suspecting anything ! AuRon mentally chuckled at the perspective of the fun he was going to have. It had been such a long time he didn't make someone a prank ! Another step... Now he had to be even more cautious, at the slightest sound Hazel would suspect something. He also had to take care about his wings, the wind mustn't enter under them and provoke an audible flapping noise. They now were tightly folded against his flanks. Another step... He was almost there ! One step or two and he would be at the dragoness's side. AuRon slowed his breathing as well, making him totally silent. There, a last step, slowly... He had made it ! He was right near Hazel and she didn't even suspected his presence ! Now the last part. AuRon carefully sat on the ground, taking his time to avoid making any other noise. Now the funny part was coming... How would he surprise her ? Hmm, maybe...

Hazel turned her head as she heard a noise right near her, but she didn't see anything at the first glance. How odd, she would swear it was the sound of a claw scratching the ground. The dragoness was about to look back at the forest when a subtle detail caught her attention. The rock near her was... blurry ? She frowned as she noticed that fact. How was that possible ? It was like she was watching through... She squealed as AuRon pawed her flank and suddenly appeared out of nowhere while shouting "Boo !", brusquely leaping backward of surprise. After some seconds recovering from the fear the dragoness started to growl at the grinning grey dragon. "AuRon ! You scared me you stupid !" she angrily shouted at him. The young male started to chuckle. "But if you saw your head ! You didn't see anything coming !" Hazel growled louder and pawed AuRon's muzzle, only making him laugh. "Totally worth it !" AuRon exclaimed. This was too much for the red dragoness. Hazel roared of indignation and pounced on the grey dragon. Even if he somewhat was expecting a revenge, AuRon got surprised she jumped on him like that. The two dragons fell from the rocks and continued to roll on the grass below as they continued to fight like two hatchlings, AuRon laughing and Hazel hissing.

A quarter of hour after, the two dragons were lying on the ground, both of them heavily panting and chuckling from their fight. "Has been a while... I didn't get that much fun !" the grey dragon smiled. Hazel growled a bit, though at that point it mainly was for the show. "Have to admit, you silly." she replied. AuRon chuckled. "That just was worth it." "You're just a stupid hatchling, AuRon !" the red dragoness snapped. The young dragon chuckled again. "Maybe but you didn't exactly seem to care either !" he just replied. Hazel frowned as she realized that her attitude hadn't been that much more mature than the grey dragon's. "Humph. The worse's that you're right, I wasn't exactly better." she grumped. AuRon just smiled before standing up. "Well, anyway there's a dead prey that only waits for you, Hazel. You come ?" he declared. The dragoness's belly rumbled at the news, that hatchling fight having made her hungry. AuRon chuckled as he heard that. She stood up as well and followed the grey dragon as they booth headed back toward his cave.

Again, the grey dragon was walking with the assurance of a dragon in his territory. It made Hazel giggle a bit as she thought that not less than some minutes before, he was fighting like a hatchling. On some points he already was a fierce adult dragon, but on the other points he just was a childish youngster. That maybe was this part of his personality she liked the most, to tell the truth. AuRon heard Hazel giggle and looked at her with a warm smile. Her that was exhausted and terrified only one day ago, she really seemed to enjoy his company as much as he enjoyed hers. It always was nice to have some company, and AuRon could guess she didn't had much when she was with Terreth. Hazel purred as AuRon looked at her, and smiled back at him. That smile looked so sincere it warmed her heart. It had been a while she hadn't felt so... alive.

The two dragons arrived at the male's cave, where the boar carcass still was waiting for them. Hazel raised her eyebrow a bit as she saw it being so exposed. AuRon saw this and shrugged. "Animals don't dare coming that close from my lair, since they have absolutely no cover to hide them." he just explained. Hazel tilted her head, understanding the point. It was quite a distance from the forest to the cave, distance during which no cover was possible. So AuRon didn't had to worry about his belongings being stolen by animals, like it was the case with Terreth... That cave definitively was the perfect one. "Anyway, help yourself Hazel !" the grey dragon told her. The dragoness's belly protested again before she started to hungrily eat the boar. AuRon settled in front of her, eating the beast from the other side. Again, Hazel got surprised by how eagerly she was engulfing mouthful after mouthful. She normally wasn't eating a lot, so why did she have such an appetite since she came here ? Maybe that was about all the physical activity she was having, since she usually didn't really had any... Yeah, that probably was that. AuRon couldn't help to watch her eating between two mouthfuls of the boar. She definitively was hungry for eating that eagerly ! Good thing that boar was a rather big female, otherwise they wouldn't have had enough meat for them two. The two dragons continued to eat until they entirely finished the carcass. AuRon simply lied down as he finished his last mouthful, while Hazel flopped on her side with a sigh of contentment. This made the grey dragon chuckle. "Well, when you're hungry you're not making like..." he smiled at the dragoness. Hazel moaned a bit as she stretched her paws. "Seems like not." she just smiled back. The sun had started to set while they were eating, and this long day combined to the large meal was making her a bit somnolent. The dragoness widely yawned, resting her head on the grass, smiling and purring a bit. She just was feeling so nice right now... The grey dragon watched her doing so, smiling. Seemed like someone definitively was happy in his territory... Strangely, this apparent happiness was making her look even more beautiful. "You know, AuRon, I think I got a lot of luck." Hazel suddenly said, interrupting his thoughts. He raised an eyebrow, surprised by the statement. "How that ?" he asked. "Well, to meet you. I would have been in a lot of troubles if this territory was the territory of another pervert dragon. Instead, I meet you, so friendly and caring." Hazel declared. AuRon slightly blushed under the unexpected compliment, which made her laugh. "And so cute when you're blushing as well !" she added. The pink dragon chuckled a bit. "Erm, thanks for the compliments..." he awkwardly said. He was about to say something else when the wind suddenly shifted, bringing the scent of the dragoness right in his nose. The strong sweet smell aroused him before he could realize it, instantly bringing back all the thoughts he had been trying to get rid of that day - and kinda making him blush even more. And Hazel's position wasn't making anything better ! How could he miss her exposed vent with her flopped on the side ? Hazel, on her side, started to understand the problem as she caught a very subtle sour smell. That smell was the one she smelt the morning when AuRon was aroused... Damn it, she nearly forgot that hear of hers ! The red dragoness quickly rolled on her belly, feeling her nether burning again as the sour smell evocated her some obscene thoughts. "Damn it ! I nearly had forgotten about that damn heat !" she angrily exclaimed. AuRon sighed as he couldn't help to hum the sweet smelling emanating from the dragoness. "I nearly did as well..." he smirked. There was an awkward silence as the two dragons tried to hide the obvious fact they got aroused. AuRon could feel his member pressuring on the ground below him, making him rather uncomfortable. After a while, he sighed and stood up, trying to ignore his half-erected cock - to no avail. And Hazel just couldn't help starring at it, her heat suggesting its load of unwanted thoughts. "We might as well get some sleep." the now red dragon suggested. Hazel nodded. "I don't think staying here would bring up anything good, would it ?" "Nope. It certainly wouldn't." AuRon replied. Hazel stood up as well and followed the young male as they headed inside his cave. She was rather surprised to see it smelt fresh, before remembering air could flow in this cave. That particularity probably never had been so useful for AuRon ! The pinkish dragon, very slowly coming back to his usual grey, flopped on the side and stretched his body with a wide yawn. Hazel got a bit surprised by this behavior as it clearly exposed his erected shaft, and again she couldn't prevent from attentively watch it. For now, the shaft was about the same color as his scales but Hazel didn't know if it was because of his abilities. After all, right now they both were of a natural flesh color... Otherwise, although it seemed a bit thick and long - like she could judge with her experience ! -, it didn't really had anything noticeable, apart from the classical knot at the base. Hazel's thoughts wandered away as she imagined how good it would be to have this shaft spread her inners, the knots spreading her lips apart as he would force his way in her... AuRon suddenly noticed Hazel was carefully observing him... and more precisely his crotch. The dragon blushed harder than ever, and right before he rolled on the side Hazel saw his erected member had changed color. So it was exactly like the rest... But how the hell could she have thoughts like that ? She was observing his cock ! And with all the related thoughts ! What was wrong with her ? Could her heat alone be responsible of all this ? "I... Erm... I'm sorry, AuRon. I didn't meant to..." she started to stutter. "No... I'm the one sorry. I use to stretch like that before sleeping, but I totally forgot about... Erm..." AuRon replied. For some seconds, they looked at each other in silence before nervously starting to laugh. "We definitively should sleep before another accident like that happens !" the grey dragon chuckled. Hazel nodded as she also flopped on the side, near the grey dragon. She moaned a bit as she relaxed her muscles, stretching a bit with a smaller yawn than the red dragon's - and also facing the opposite direction, just to avoid repeating the awkward moment they just had. Though she got surprised as AuRon extended his wing and covered her with it. She rolled on her other side and gave him an interrogative look. "Well, I know that I'll anyway end up like that tomorrow morning, so..." he justified. But in fact, he really had no idea why exactly he had done it. He didn't even thought about it, putting that wing on her had been... natural. Hazel raised an eyebrow, not exactly convinced. "That's a strange argument." she just commented. "Erm, does it annoy you ?" the young male asked. The red dragoness thought for a long second. The thing was, it was far from bothering her. On the contrary, she felt rather nice under his wing. But was it really her or her heat ? The dragoness finally decided she didn't care at all. "No, it doesn't." Hazel replied. AuRon warmly smiled at her. "Well then there's no problem ! Good night, Hazel." Hazel smiled back at the male. His warm smile was so infectious. "Good night, AuRon." she said back. AuRon closed his eyes and soon fell asleep. Hazel, however, stood awoken a bit longer, first rolling on her other side to have her back facing AuRon - but making sure his wing still was on her flank. Even though she liked the feeling of the wing covering her, she felt slightly disturbed. Again she had that feeling she was missing something, something so obvious she couldn't involuntary miss it. Was it about AuRon ? Yeah, probably. But between her heat and her own feelings, she really was lost. She just didn't know what feeling belonged to what. In his sleep, AuRon pressed a bit his wing against her flank. Hazel smiled as she turned her head to look at the sleeping dragon, who also was having a wide smile. Maybe she was caring too much about all this ? Hazel made herself comfortable and closed her eyes with a content sigh. Yeah, she was caring too much about nothing. Everything would come at the right time. With this last thought, the dragoness finally felt asleep, a small smile on her lips.