Above Average Part 9.

Story by Zielregen on SoFurry

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#9 of Above Average

Alan is finally ready to head back to the dorms after an eventful couple of days, but the weekend is not over just yet.

Alan arbitrarily dumped his various schoolbooks and other objects back into his backpack as he rushed to get ready to leave. He had been showing off so much that he had completely lost track of the time. If he didn't hurry he was going to be late for his date. Packing would have been so much easier if he didn't have to work around his massive wang. He couldn't just bend forward and pluck things up. He had to squat down and pick up objects from the side. It was a minor inconvenience, but it was a small price to pay for looking and feeling as great as he did.

While Alan was busy gathering his stuff, Dan stepped out from the bathroom having finally managed to scrub the layer of cum off of himself. He was greeted by the sight of Alan squatting down; his already enormous thighs and glutes flex in the process, making them appear larger and even more amazing. Dan could actually see the fabric of Alan's blue briefs straining against the force of his enormous, shapely, bubble butt. Dan had cum so much since yesterday that his cock and balls ached, but after seeing his idol's amazing musculature, he was already rock hard and dribbling.

Alan turned to greet the new arrival with a warm smile. "Lookin' good, Dan. As much as I love seeing you drenched in my cum, you're so much cuter without it."

Dan just about melted into a puddle of goo right then and there after hearing Alan say he was cute, but the laws of physics and biology conspired against him. Instead he just got a little weak in the knees and red in the face. "You clean up nicely yourself." Dan replied trying to be suave and sexy about it, but his delivery lacked the necessary punch. Instead he ended up awkwardly mumbling it.

"Yeah. I had a little trouble reaching some parts, though. Hey. Did I get all spunk off my back?" Alan asked playfully as he pivoted at the waist to show off the area between his shoulder blades. Dan's mouth fell open as he stared in awe. The way Alan was standing and twisting caused all the muscles in his back and arms to flex outward. Dan was sure that Alan was intentionally doing that purely to mess with him, and he was right.

Alan grinned triumphantly as he noticed Dan's horny stare and fully boned dick. The small towel that Dan had tied around his narrow waist was doing nothing to hide how painfully hard he was. "It's been fun, dude. As much as I'd love to stay around and get you off some more..." Alan lifted his arms and flexed to emphasize his next point, causing his massive biceps and pecs to flare out for his adoring fan. "And get even bigger, but I've really got to go." Alan grinned smugly as he could see the steady drip of pre from under Dan's towel turn into a steady stream.

"Can't you stay a little longer? It's not that late yet..." Dan asked poutingly.

"No can do, bro. I have a date tonight." Alan replied proudly.

"Oh..." Dan mumbled in reply. The hurt he felt was clearly visible on his face.

"Ok. What's wrong?" Alan asked sternly.

"Oh... It's nothing..." Dan mumbled. "It's just... was I not good enough?"

"Not good enough? You were great!" Alan responded emphatically. "That was some of the hottest sex I've had in ages!"

"Just the sex?" Dan asked quietly. His eyes were focused down on the floor.

"Well. Not just the sex, but... ooohhhh." Alan's jaw hung open as he started to catch on. "This wasn't a casual hookup for you, was it?" He said softly as he slumped back onto the couch.

"Well, it was my first time." Dan tried to laugh and play it off as a joke, but it sounded forced and pained.

"No, but I mean... This whole time, all I was hearing out of you was how hot I was. I went along with it all thinking I was indulging some crazy muscle worship fantasy of yours." Alan tried to explain awkwardly, but even he realized how silly it sounded.

"It was fifty-fifty." Dan replied meekly with a wry smile.

Alan could tell how hurt Dan was, and he was feeling like total shit for unintentionally riding roughshod over his friend's feelings. "I'm sorry. I didn't take it as seriously as I should have. I'm just so used to people only wanting to mess around with me because of how I look. I never even considered that you might want more."

Dan's expression changed slightly as he listened to Alan. The pain in his eyes softened as he became more sympathetic. "I'm sorry, too..." He managed to stammer.

"I... I guess I only did ever talk about how hot you were... but you do have an amazing body..."

"Damn right I do!" Alan shot back with unexpected enthusiasm. It was just what was needed to diffuse the situation. The wisecrack blindsided Dan while his defenses were at their weakest and left him giggling like a fool. Dan tried to choke back his chuckles which just made him laugh harder. Alan joined in too, less because he thought his own comment was funny, but rather because Dan's goofy snorts and guffaws were just too hard to resist.

Eventually Dan managed to get it all out of his system, and his outburst tapered off to a few scattered titters. "No, but. I mean you're hot. Don't get me wrong." Dan stammered as he wiped away the tears that had welled up in his eyes during his sidesplitting outburst. "But, you're the first guy I ever really felt comfortable enough around to do... well... a lot of things. I had so many firsts tonight, and I owe them all to you. I feel like just being around you makes me a better person." Dan was practically gushing by the end of his little litany.

As Alan listened to is friend rattle off all these things, his dumbfounded expression steadily warmed up until he was positively beaming with pride and joy. "Wow... that's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me." Alan said dreamily with a goofy gin plastered on his face.

"Well it's all true." Dan muttered, suddenly losing his nerve.

"Come here." Alan said suddenly as he spread his arms wide apart. Dan didn't even need to ask what Alan was asking for; he already knew. Dan clambered over Alan's cock with surprising speed and agility, losing his towel in the process, and fell into Alan's outstretched arms. Dan was seated with his legs spread wide atop Alan's immense cock as they locked lips passionately. Alan was actually a little surprised by how into it Dan was getting, but he went along with it and even returned the favor by matching Dan's tongueplay move for move.

Dan was so overcome by his emotions and lust that all he wanted to do was make love to every inch of Alan's immaculate body and soul. He continued to kiss Alan deeply and passionately as he ground his cock into the deep grooves of Alan's chiseled abs and squeezed Alan's enormous, muscled pecs. His whole body felt warm with fiery passion as he could feel the load building up in his cock. He could tell Alan felt the same because the massively muscled hunk's breathing between kisses was ragged and his already chubbed cock was steadily hardening and inflating between his legs. Dan's kissed drifted down Alan's chin and then down his neck as he hugged Alan's broad, beefy chest tightly. Even through the dense layer of pectoral muscles he could feel Alan's heart pounding away. As Dan continued his journey, steadily kissing lower and lower down the nape of Alan's neck, he felt Alan's hands move down low and firmly grasp the soft, supple cheeks of Dan's bubbly butt. Alan deeply massaged Dan's pillowy buns as he pulled Dan in tighter. Dan was able to dig his cock in deeper and deeper into the vast trenches of Alan's abs.

Dan felt Alan shudder as he heard the loud snap of elastic breaking as Alan's enormous cock sprung free from its fabric prison. Part of Dan wanted to see the beast breaking free, but there was no where he would rather be than nuzzled in close to his big, buff lover. Dan came hard as he felt Alan's humongous cock buck and shudder beneath him. Alan's massive load flew out and splattered against the wall, painted it white with his thick, sticky jizz.

They held each other tight as they waited for their breathing to steady after what had been an intense orgasm for both of them. Dan continued to nuzzle in as close and as tightly to Alan as he could manage, letting his load smear against both of their bodies.

They could both hear an audible sigh. Neither one needed to look up to see who it was. "I can't leave you two alone for five minutes, can I?" Steve moaned with partially feigned exasperation. He looked down and noticed the tattered wreckage of yet another pair of briefs. "That was your last pair, wasn't it?"

"Yeah... I think it was." Alan chuckled.

"Well it looks like you'll be getting back to nature for awhile. Now hurry up and get in the car. You're going to be late as it is." Steve responded while rolling his eyes at Alan.

"Alright, alright..." Alan groaned as he stood. Dan was still comfortably situated with his head resting against Alan's shoulder as he rode atop Alan's colossal dick. Alan's junk was now so huge that standing up barely caused it to shift.

"You don't really have to go, do you?" Dan muttered pleadingly.

Alan sighed and replied dejectedly. "I promised the guy, and I'm not gonna flake out on him this late in the game."

"Oh... ok.... But what about us?" Dan asked so softly that Alan could barely be sure he had heard it.

"We'll see how tonight goes, for starters, and then we'll go from there." Alan responded. He was trying to be reassuring, but even he realized how stupid it sounded. "We'll keep in touch, alright?"

"Yeah. I'll Facebook you the contact info. Now let's go!" Steve cut in. Dan slumped his shoulders in defeat and slid off of Alan's enormous dick.

"I'll talk to you tonight, ok?" Alan once again tried to reassure Dan.

"Ok. Don't break too many hearts out there tonight." Dan replied only half sarcastically.

"It's apparently all I know how to do." Alan shot back with a wry smile. "But I'll try to let him down gently."

Dan ended up grinning in spite of himself. Alan gave one last goody wave and squatted down to pick up his bag. Dan got a really good look at Alan's phenomenal ass and the spaces in between as Alan did so. Dan was once again rock hard, much to the chagrin of his painfully empty balls.

Alan had a difficult time dragging his balls up the stairs and an even harder time getting in the car. Each nut was so wide that he had to struggle to get them through the awkwardly tiny car doors. Once in the car he had to sit with his back against the driver's side rear door while his cock and balls filled up the rest of the back seat and the empty hole where a passenger side seat would normally go.

A few minutes later Steve came bounding out to the car. He hopped into the driver's seat and fired up the engine and then tossed a small black box over his shoulder to Alan. "I swear, it's like you're actively trying to not fix this." He said while rolling his eyes.

Alan stared at the case dumbfounded for a minute while he tried to remember why it was important. As his memories steadily righted themselves, Alan wasn't sure if he should be freaked out or overjoyed by the now almost nine feet of soft cock he had crammed in the car with him.

Back at the house, Dan was slowly strolling up the stairs clad in just a towel. He didn't have any clean clothes in the basement so he'd have to borrow some from Todd, but he wasn't in any particular rush. He was still on cloud nine after his heart to heart with Alan. Dan slowly ran his fingers through the clear, slimy pool of spunk on his chest. He had gotten off so much recently that his load barely had any substance to it, but just feeling the still slightly warm liquid against his skin made him feel happy. Part of the reason he was taking his time was because he knew he would have to wash it off before he got dressed.

"Yo. Danny." Came Todd's voice meekly from somewhere off to the side. Dan turned towards the voice and saw Todd awkwardly creeping out from the kitchen. "So... um... About today... and last night, too. I guess what I am trying to say is... sorry."

Todd furrowed his brow and waited for some sort of response from Dan, but Dan was still too wrapped up in his warm fuzzies over Alan to really understand what Todd was talking about. Todd took a deep breath and then tried his best to explain. "So... I guess I should just sort of say that I kind of knew you were gay... for a while, really." Todd fidgeted and looked around the room awkwardly before continuing. "I kind of figured that you and Alan meeting up would be enough to get you to come out, which is kind of why I was being such a douchelord to him. I... I wanted to keep you in the closet."

Dan's joyful haze quickly cleared up. "What? Why?"

"I know how bad this sounds, but... I... I was worried about how uncool it would be to be the guy with the gay best friend." Todd's brow was still furrowed and he had a bit of sweat on his brow as he explained. He looked at Dan pleadingly while he placed his pointer fingers against the thumbs on the opposite hand and repeatedly alternated the directions his palms were facing, which was a habit of his he had had for years. He did it whenever he was really nervous or upset.

"Steve seemed to handle having a gay best friend just fine." Dan replied flatly.

"That's because Steve gives zero shits what anyone thinks of him." Todd responded. "I... I wish I could be like that..." Todd said meekly, but then quickly added "Don't you dare tell him I said that!"

Dan couldn't help but grin, even if it was a wry one. "You don't have to be the guy with the gay best friend, you know, or have a gay friend at all for that matter." Dan muttered as he turned to walk up the stairs.

"No wait. You don't understand." Todd called after him. "See... I felt like I had to sabotage it because, well... I couldn't imagine you not being my friend... gay or otherwise." Todd's fingers were flipping even faster now as he cringed under Dan's gaze. "I just wasn't ready yet... but it's never was my call to make, was it? So... I guess what I am saying is... if you're ready, then I'm ready."

"Ready for what?" Dan asked with an eyebrow raised skeptically.

"To beat the shit out of any tool who gives you shit." Todd replied, giving an emphatic fist pump.

"Pass. I've seen you fight." Dan replied with a tone of playful snark. "Besides. If anyone does give me trouble, I'll just send my boyfriend after them."

"Boyfriend...? You're officially tapping that?" Todd asked, sounding clearly surprised.

"More or less." Dan responded nonchalantly.

"How does that work anyway? I mean he's so..." Todd made some very exaggerated gestures to denote how huge Alan was, yet somehow his gestures didn't nearly do Alan justice.

Dan put his thumb and pointer finger up to his chin as he thought for a moment, and then a smug smile spread across his face. "I suppose that makes me the top."

"Oh, yeah? ...What's the top?" Todd asked, obviously confused.

"I'll tell you when you're older." Dan replied with a healthy dose of smug snark.

Above Average Part. 10

Alan shifted his weight as best he could. By the time he had managed to get somewhat comfortable, he was resting sideways on the back seat of Steve's car with his enormous, muscular butt pressed against the door. His gigantic balls spilled over into...

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Above Average Part 8.

Alan was sitting cross-legged almost as if he were meditating. He was in a large, ornate room, surrounded by big, buff, hung attendants who were there to cater to his every whim. He was revered as a god here. It's not surprising considering all he did...

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Claves: The Midnight Marauder

Armor clattered noisily as three armed soldiers charged up the stairs. They were all clad in identical uniforms consisting of heavy iron gauntlets, boots, and helmets with green tabards emblazoned with a fierce lion's head covering their breastplates....

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