The Night Is Ours.

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Kopa and Vitani try to find ways to be together. But when Zira starts to interrogate her daughter as well as Simba scolding his son for staying out late, things get out of hand.

Story Requested by @Simba777

(Please thank him for an awesome idea!)

"Mom, dad! I'm heading out!" Kopa called to his parents, resting within Pride Rock. Kiara came bolting over to his side, using herself a barricade and halting her big brother.

"Where are you going?" She demanded. Kopa chuckled, ruffling his little sisters head. Though he was in his late adolescents and she was just entering hers, he had not broken the habit of treating her like a cub.

"Out. That's all you need to know." He replied warmly.

"Take me with you! I wanna go play!" Kiara demanded, pouting as she glared up to him.

"I'm not going to play. I'm heading out to patrol the outlands for a while. Once it's clear, I might go exploring." Kopa explained.

"You've been doing that a lot lately." Nala commented from inside. "You know we don't like you patrolling alone."

"I'll be fine, mom, I promise. Sides, I'm getting a lot stronger. Zira doesn't frighten me anymore." Kopa assured her.

"Just be careful son." Simba agreed. "We're just looking out for-"

"What's best for me, I know dad. Thanks." He smiled. "Love you guys, I'll be home later!"

"Love you son! Be safe!" Nala hollered back, as her son disappeared down the ramp. Kopa made a dash for the Outlands. Looking off to the west, he could see the sun slowly hiding behind the horizon. Grunting, he shook his head and fixated on the Outlands ahead.

"She's gonna kill me if I'm late again." He reminded himself. Dashing for the border, Kopa pulled the outlands closer and closer to him. He had been growing strong, his speed impressive from a combination of playing and exploring. As the grass grew tall, closing in on the tree they agreed to meet at, Kopa raised his nose to the air and began searching.

"Gotcha!" Vitani shouted, swiping away at his hind legs. Kopa fell to the ground, but with a quick flash of his front paws he was back up on all fours. Smiling he looked around; ears raised high for any sign of his friend.

"I just dare you to try that again." He boldly challenged. Vitani accidently gave away her position, letting a soft laugh rise over the grass. Kopa leapt toward it, finding the surprised lioness and tumbled with her. She tried to throw him onto his back, but with a good kick, he flipped her over and pinned her down. "Pinned ya!" He laughed.

"How the heck am I supposed to counter that anyway?" Vitani laughed, patting Kopa's cheek.

"Could ask my mom, bet she'd show ya." Kopa winked; reaching for her paw he pulled her back to her feet. Vitani made a second attempt to wrestle him to the ground. They tossed each other clear of the thick grass and down the slope of a shallow hill within the savannah. Pulling the move once more, he pinned her down and smiled just inches from her face. "Pinned ya-"

"Ahem." Vitani noted, pointing down toward his more delicate region. Kopa glanced back and saw her hind leg with claws extended just inches from his sheath.

"That is so cheating." He glared at his giggling friend, letting her back up once more.

"Hey, if it works." Vitani winked.

"So what's the plan for tonight? Hanging out, exploring the elephant graveyard again?" Kopa listed off, pacing around her.

"Bleh, I barely have the energy. Between training Kovu and eating nothing but field mice, I'm worn out." She complained, scratching at her arm.

"Serious?" Kopa questioned. "When did you eat last?"

"Yeah, about that." She trailed off. "Last time we hung out." She submitted.

"That was two days ago!" He exclaimed. "You're telling me you haven't eaten since then!?"

"We don't exactly have a lot of food out there you know." She retorted.

"Easy fix, c'mon." He led on, back toward Pride Rock.

Kopa left Vitani a fair distance behind and snuck in underneath Pride Rock. He had grown a habit of stashing a few pieces of food there for just such an occasion. Though Kiara did now and again loot it for her own snacks at times.

"Prince Kopa?" One of the lionesses called out. "What are you doing?" She asked, watching him toss aside the rocks.

"Left a snack here, I finished my patrol. Gonna grab a bite and explore." He quickly answered. Finding the leg he had left from breakfast he smiled and snared it up in his maw. "Got it." He called back to her, muffled by the bone in his mouth.

"Ok kido, be safe." She bid farewell, watching him vanish into the savannah. Kopa headed out toward a solitary tree and placed the meat down. Glancing around, he looked for any sign of his friend and called out softly.


"Your mine!" She called out, leaping from the bush nearby. Kopa grinned and ducked down as Vitani plummeted headlong into the tree.

"Yep, that tree is definitely alllll yours." He dragged out with a snicker. Vitani peeled herself off the tree and wiped at her nose, feeling just a trickle of blood escape. "Oh no!" Kopa cried out, rushing up to her to examine her injury.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Vitani dismissed, shaking her head. "It's nothing I haven't had a million times before." Kopa gave her nose a gentle wipe, tipping her head to examine more closely. Vitani felt strange, being handled with such care of something as simple as a little bloody nose. Kopa let his tongue escape, giving few soft licks to clean the area. "Kopa." She whispered.

He paused a moment, seeing the look on her face, embarrassed by his affectionate care.

"Sorry." He bashfully smiled, letting his attention return to the food. "Here, you can eat this. I like having something to snack on now and then, so I keep my own little stash under Pride Rock."

"Wow, thank you Kopa." She praised, lowering herself down to the generously donated meal. Vitani wasted little time, gulping down the bulk of the thigh in huge bites, one after another. Kopa couldn't help but smile at the sight, he knew it felt good to help others, but Vitani wasn't just some stranger, she was his friend.

"Better?" He asked.

"Oh so much better." She sighed, swallowing the last pieces. Flopping onto her back, she held her stomach and moaned blissfully. "Been so long since I had real meat!"

"Come on then, why don't we go check out the southern savannah. Haven't been there in a while." Kopa suggested, already leaning off toward the south.

"South huh? Yeah, alright. It would keep us out of mother's view for a while." Vitani agreed.

"You really think Zira is stalking you?" Kopa asked in disbelief.

"Psh, you don't know her as well as I do." Vitani countered, leaping to her feet. She took to his side and strolled off towards the south. While Kopa shot the occasional glance back to Pride Rock, Vitani kept a vigil watch out for Nuka or Zira. As they traveled further south and the night fell upon them, she continued to fixate on her home off in the distance.

"So anyway, Zazu keeps complaining that the hyena's haven't left the elephant graveyard yet, but every time my dad and I go to look, what do you think we find?" He carried on.

"Huh?" Vitani glanced back, swinging away from her focus on the Outlands. "Oh, I don't know. What did you find?" Kopa raised a brow and snickered.

"A hippo trying to teach a giraffe how to do a back flip." He quipped. Vitani shot back to him in total confusion.

"What!?" She exclaimed. Kopa lunged for her and tackled her to the ground. Getting his weight on her he chuckled.

"You know, I'll be honest. You suck at paying attention."

"Oh, I suck at paying attention." She scoffed. "You got kidnapped by a group of singing vultures!" Kopa let her up and started laughing aloud.

"Least I can beat up hyena's" He taunted.

"If you can ever find them!" She fired right back with a laugh. Kopa plugged his nose and waved his other paw in front of his nose.

"Maybe you're chasing them away with that breath."

"That's it!" She snapped, as she started chasing him off. Kopa kept ahead pretty well, strafing and snapping quick turns, he dodged every lunge she made for him. Coming down a long hill, she got the better of him and tackled. Rolling him over and over until they reached the bottom.

Vitani finally got the pin on him, planting her paws firmly on his chest as she panted heavily. "So, about that little breath remark." She quipped, leaning in nice and close.

"Ah! It's killing me! Stop!" He playfully cried, batting gently at her shoulders. Resting his head back, he spotted a soft little light, flickering behind a blade of grass. Looking to the left he spotted another and another until it finally caught Vitani's attention.

"What are you?-" She cut herself off, watching as one by one, a swarm of fireflies began to circle around them. "Wow." Vitani breathed, reaching for one of the little lightning bugs. It flicked around her paw, brushing under her chin before taking to the air. Kopa watched as the spectacle came alive. Like hundreds of tiny stars, they swarmed about them, sweeping between their bodies and circling all around them, gradually climbing higher and higher.

"It's beautiful." Kopa sighed, watching the light show.

"Wow!" Vitani exclaimed, falling to her back, she landed right next to Kopa, his arm, buried beneath her back. He felt a strange rush, her warm body so close in such an amazing moment. Boldly, he wrapped it around her, pulling her in even closer as his paw fell on the side of her chest. Surprised by the sudden move, she quickly turned to see his smiling face. Feeling warmed over, she embraced it and looked on to the performance still going on in the sky. Fireflies dancing overhead as one after another they began to fade into the backdrop of the sky.

"That was amazing." Kopa spoke softly. Hearing a soft buzz by his ears, he was abruptly greeted to one of the fireflies perched upon his nose. Vitani picked herself up a little and found Kopa, staring cross eyed at the little arrival. Laughing, she leaned herself in close and blew it away. "See, it was-"

"Shh." Vitani hushed, pressing her nose against his. "No more silly lion tonight, ok?" She requested softly.

"Ok." Kopa complied, as Vitani closed her eyes, slowly drawing her lips onto his.

Kopa arrived home in the early morning. The sun had barely broken the horizon as he ascended the ramp and peeked inside. Simba was still awake, but only just barely. Having spent the entire night up waiting for him to return. Seeing him finally arrive, Simba mustered up his remaining strength and charged the door.

"Where the heck were you all night?!" He scolded quietly. Kopa shied away from his father before replying.

"Relax dad, I was out exploring like I said. I lost track of time and went to sleep under the stars, it was nice." Kopa played off.

"Didn't you even think to tell us you weren't coming home?" Simba demanded.

"I'm sorry dad, no one asked you to stay up for me!" Kopa protested.

"No one has to, it's my job!"

"Dad, for pity's sake. I'm not a cub! If you want someone to look after, take care of your precious little girl, instead." Kopa argued, heading inside. Simba snatched him by the tail and pulled him back out with a snarl.

"It has, and always will be my job to look out for you! Do you understand? Next time you pull a stunt like that, I'm grounding you to Pride Rock for a week!" Simba warned.

"Whatever, I'm outta here." Kopa brushed off, heading off toward the ramp.

"Kopa!" Simba bellowed, Kopa just scowled as he walked on ahead, unimpressed with his father's attempt to punish him. It wasn't the first night he had spent outside, but it was true that he didn't at least tell them he was planning on doing so before. "Kopa get back-!"

"Simba!" Nala intervened. "Enough, just let him walk it off."

"I can't believe his attitude." Simba snarled.

"And you need to check yours." She advised him. "Simba, you're exhausted. Come inside and get some rest."

"No, I have to take care of the morning reports." He argued, rubbing his eyes.

"I'll handle them." Nala insisted, nuzzling her husband's cheek. "Get some rest. I'll have Zazu, Timon and Pumbaa check on him from time to time, ok? Least we know he's safe."

"Yeah, your right." He confessed, lumbering into the den. Nala looked on to her son walking off into the savannah and sighed.

"Timon? Pumbaa?" She called back. The two didn't answer, they were still fast asleep. "I know what to do." Nala assured herself.

Vitani arrived back home, greeted by the condescending gaze of her mother. She took a deep breath and braced herself to answer for her absence last night. Parking herself before Zira, she sat perfectly upright and proudly, keeping her face calm and reformed.

"Where were you?!" Zira snarled.

"Relax mother. I was out scouting most of the night. The Pridelanders are quite inactive, I swept the border and surveyed the kingdom, even had enough time to squeeze in a nap." Vitani reported.

"Is that so?" Zira questioned, pacing back and forth before her daughter.

"Yes, mother." Vitani confirmed.

"Some might think you were spending time with the Pridelanders. Perhaps one of them in particular?" Zira posed to her.

"Kopa." She laughed softly. "It's funny, how little trust your own daughter." She managed to snap back.

"Are you laying him!?" Zira demanded. Vitani threw her head up and laughed aloud, feigning a wipe of her eyes, Vitani regained her composure.

"That's priceless. No, mother. I'm using him for information. But as I said, there is little activity to report. The Pridelands are quiet." She lied. Vitani knew she had to keep her true intents quiet.

"I find that difficult to believe." Zira snapped, turning away in disgust.

"Believe what you will." Vitani quipped, getting back on all fours and passing by her mother. "I'll continue to do what I think is in our family's best interests."

"And if that means killing, Simba's precious little son?" Zira proposed, glaring at her daughter. Vitani felt a cold shudder down her back, but managed to turn back to her mother with the same composed and calm visage.

"Then it would be a significant waste of good intelligence and make our lives out here even harder. Simba turns a blind eye when I hunt, Kopa even donates food to me from time to time for me to bring back. If you enjoy eating rats instead of the meals I bring to feed our family; my little brother in particular." Viani threw in. Zira snapped away with a growl. "That's what I thought. You would do well to have more faith in me."

"Do not; stay the night without informing me." Zira spouted, feeling that the bulk of her argument had been spent.

"I am sorry for that mother. I may have to do it again tonight. If you'd like, I'll take someone with me to be sure I'm safe. Kovu, perhaps?" She suggested.

"You would take him into the Pridelands?!" She bellowed, leaping before her daughter.

"I will get him familiar with the territory. There are secluded paths to Pride Rock I think he should become familiar with." Vitani suggested, passing her mother once more. "Don't worry, mother. His safety is my number one priority. I will not let Simba get his filthy claws on him."

"You had better not. I expect my son returned, unharmed!" Zira reinforced. "I will allow this little ploy of yours for now. Consider it a test of loyalty. If I find but one strand of fur missing from his head." Zira quietly threatened moving in close to her daughter. "I'll shear the lot from yours."

Vitani brushed off her mother's threat and headed inside the den. Kovu was picking away at a field mouse, blissfully unaware of his sister's return. Vitani smiled, snagging his tail and held him up in the air. He had grown a little bit, the small tuft on his head had grown a little long as well as larger plums of mane appearing on the tips of his elbows.

"Hey!" Kovu playfully batted at his sister. "I told you to stop that."

"I can't help it if I grow faster than you." She snickered, releasing her little brother. "Ready to do a little training with me tonight?"

"More training?! Really?!" He protested, swatting at his meal.

"Relax. It's easy stuff. Stealth, prowling and trying some of my routes through the Pridelands, you'll like it." She assured him.

"Ok." Kovu submitted with a little smile up to her. Vitani returned his meal and settled in beside her brother, watching him chow down on the last of the field mouse.

"Mom, come on!" Kopa pleaded to his mother, pacing angrily at the base of Pride Rock.

"This isn't up for debate, Kopa. You're taking her with you." Nala reaffirmed, set upright she kept her face stern and fixed upon her son.

"Why can't Timon and Pumbaa watch her? They always do." He argued.

"She's been finding effective ways of ditching them. I wonder who's been teaching her that." Nala smiled, raising a brow as Kopa stopped pacing and turned to her in surprise.

"I.. well, I only."

"Uh-huh. That's what I thought." She concluded. Kopa forfeited his argument and let himself slunk before his mother, his eyes dragging along the ground as he batted the rocks. "Listen son, Kiara respects you, looks up to you. I think a little time together could be good for you."

"She used to try to sit on my head." Kopa was quick to remind her.

"And you, used to scare her to death with those hyena bedtime stories." Nala retorted. "You were young. She's starting to grow up, and so are you." She consoled, brushing her paw through Kopa's mane.

"Fine, I'll do it. It'll get dad off my back too I suppose." Kopa agreed.

"Your father loves you, Kopa. He stayed up all night worrying about you. Someday you'll see how much it means to do that for someone." She whispered, scratching behind his ear. Kopa purred contently at his mother's affection and leaned into her chest for a hug. Nala wrapped him up and gave a good squeeze. "That's my baby. Now go get your sister. Are you planning on staying the night again?"

"Yeah, probably."

"Where?" Nala questioned.

"Probably around the southern Pridelands. There's a few little hang outs I like by the river." He explained.

"Ok. I'll tell your father not to worry. Go on, go get your sister."

"Ok, mom." Kopa agreed, heading back up the ramp and into Pride Rock. Before he could make the den, Kiara leapt out and attempted to tackle her brother.

"Gotcha!" She proclaimed, giggling as she gripped her brother's neck.

"You gotta promise to behave, ok?" Kopa advised.

"Psh, whatever. All I wanna do is explore without a certain warthog and meerkat following me." She touted, dropping from his chest. "I wanna have some fun!"

"Alright, fun, yeah." Kopa apathetically cheered. Kiara was already bounding ahead down the ramp while Kopa took his time. "I promised her we'd meet up again tonight. What am I gonna do?" He whispered to himself.

"Come on, Kopa! Get your lazy butt in gear!" Kiara called from ahead. Kopa looked up and in a sudden rush of panic he gave chase.

"Kiara! Don't run ahead that far!"

"You can't catch me!" She taunted, leading her brother on in a chase toward the southern savannah of the Pridelands.

Vitani took her brother on her back and aimed straight for the Pridelands. Kovu was having a blast, riding on her swift sister's back. She aimed for the stream, clearing over in a single leap, her paws landing firm within the Pridelands.

"Do it again!" Kovu cheered from her back.

"Hahaha, later little brother. I think we can afford to-" She cut herself off, throwing her nose up in the air. "We have company." She growled.

"S-s-simba?" He stammered, huddling a little closer to her neck.

"No, I recognize that stench." Vitani scoffed. Sure enough, not far behind was Nuka doing his best to stay low. "So, mother doesn't trust me." Vitani whispered.

"What?" Kovu questioned.

"Never mind. Why don't we play a little ditch-the-Nuka." She chuckled deviously. Kovu snickered and rubbed his paws together in delight at the idea.

While Nuka prowled through the grass, something he had become mildly better at in his age, he kept a fix on Vitani and Kovu's tail. They seemed aimed toward Pride Rock, something that Nuka knew to look for after being advised by his mother. In a snap however, the two disappeared from sight. Nuka was baffled; the grass was tall enough, maybe. But to vanish was unheard of.

"Where did those termites go?" He whispered, sweeping the area. In a sudden rush of horror, he saw three patrolling Pridelander lionesses coming toward him. Gasping he huddled down to the ground, trembling, making an effort to become as scarce as his siblings. What he ignored was the soft patter of footsteps behind him, as Kovu reached out and gave a hard smack to his brother's more delicate area.

Squealing in pain, he leapt up into the air in plain view of the lionesses on patrol. Growling they spotted the invading lion and started to charge.

"It's Nuka! Get him!!" One of them cried.

Shrieking in fear, he turned tail and ran back towards the outlands with three angry lionesses in pursuit.

"Hahaha!" Kovu called out triumphantly. Vitani revealed herself and pat her brother on his back.

"Nicely done. Come on, we've got a date." She informed him.

"A what?" Kovu questioned looking back. Vitani lead him back onto her back and smiled.

"You'll see. I have a little explaining to do while we're on the way. So nice of Nuka to take care of that patrol for us." Vitani snickered, watching as her brother was almost to the border.

"Kopa I'm bored!" Kiara whined. Kopa had lead her out to the south, parking beside the small river under the shade of a nice tall acacia tree.

"Relax, Kiara. We're just taking a breather." Kopa insisted, stretching out. "Sides, I thought you wanted to do some star gazing tonight?"

"That's tonight, and the sun hasn't even set yet. I'm bored!" She fumed. It was true, though the sun was starting to sink into the western sky it was still quite bright out. Kopa worried he couldn't stall here for very long, but he needed to wait for Vitani to arrive. He also neglected to inform her that he was expecting her, unable to put into words what was going on, or more important to keep quiet about it.

"So, Kiara. What do you think of the outlands?" He proposed, trying to strike up a conversation.

"The outlands?" She pondered, looking up to her brother's shy little smile. "Well, their kinda dusty looking. But at least Kovu seems nice." She confessed. "But, daddy doesn't like-"

"I know. I know, but I mean. What if you got a chance to play with him sometime? You know, I could sneak you two away maybe, would you want to?" He suggested.

"Yeah! That'd be soo cool!" Kiara happily agreed, bounding up to her feet. "We should go do it right now!"

"Granted." Vitani called out from behind. Kiara gasped and bolted between her brother's paws

"Relax, Kiara. I knew she was coming." He explained, pushing her back out. Kovu dismounted off her back and hesitantly made his way closer. "Though I didn't know you were coming." Kopa stated, looking down to him.

"Hi." Kovu nervously stammered.

"Easy, Kovu. He won't hurt you. Unless he wants a good ass kicking from me." She winked to him.

"Love to see you try." He invited, flexing his arm a little.

"Please." Vitani rolled her eyes.

"Hi, Kiara." Kovu waved shyly.

"Hi, Kovu." She greeted, rubbing her arm.

"So, wanna play tag or something?" Kovu offered.

"Sure, it sure beats sitting around with my lazy butt brother." She giggled. Kopa just sighed and waved her off.

"Shoo, go play with your friend." Kiara and Kovu laughed as they bounded off ahead. "Stay within ear shot you two!"

"Yes mom!" Vitani cracked, pinching Kopa's cheek. Kopa lightly swatted her paw away and smiled as she laughed at him.

"I gotta make sure she gets home in one piece." He explained.

"Me too. I had to think fast to get mother to let me out tonight. She's not an idiot." Vitani stated, shuffling a little closer to Kopa.

"Think she knows about last night?" He questioned.

"She thinks I'm mating you. Still, even just sleeping together would probably set her off." Vitani confessed, leaning a little more into his chest. Kopa draped a paw over her back and held her close, brushing his chin along her neck.

"Mating, huh?" Kopa asked softly.

"Mmhmm." She agreed, brushing through his mane. "Not that I would complain."

"What?" Kopa pondered, bringing her face to face.

"Come on. It didn't cross your mind last night?"

"Well." Kopa trailed off, scratching his neck. "Maybe a little."

"Maybe a lot?"

"Maybe a lot." He consented, closing his eyes. Vitani stole a soft lick across his lips, his eyes flashing open in surprise.

"It's not like you're the only one who has thought about it." She whispered, gently stroking his arm. "Lately especially, the little things you've been doing for me. Feeding me, playing with me, exploring the elephant graveyard and then last night."

"Yeah?" He questioned, placing his muzzle aside hers.

"I've never slept so well in my life, so peacefully." Vitani answered, letting his tongue glide over her neck. "Please." She stammered.


"Don't stop." Vitani trembled. Kopa let his tongue comb through her fur, taking long, sensual licks down her neck. Working his way down her shoulder, his prickly tongue flashed across her chest, slowly working its way up to her chin. Vitani began breathing aloud, enjoying the moist bath he was offering up so freely. As his muzzle found its way closer to her face, she stole it away and buried it in her own. Their tongues flashed over one another, muzzles locked in place letting only a thin trail of saliva escape along with soft moans.

Kiara and Kovu were tossing each other around, having switched from tag to wrestling in what seemed like an instant. Kovu glanced back toward his sister and paused, allowing Kiara to tackled him to the ground.

"Ha! Pinned ya!" She proclaimed. Kovu lightly batted at her, gesturing for her to hush. Kiara followed his paw as he pointed off toward her brother. "What? Are they kissing!?" She exclaimed.

"Shh!" Kovu hushed. "Wanna have a little fun with them?" He suggested with a smirk.

"Oh yeah." She agreed, letting him up. Kiara followed Kovu behind a rock, just within earshot of the two and settled in with him.

Vitani released Kopa's muzzle, gasping for air and panting aloud. Letting herself fall to her back, she eagerly pulled Kopa toward her face.

"Kopa?" She begged softly, stroking his cheek.

"Yeah?" He answered, his warm eyes locked on hers.

"I love you."Vitani whispered. Kopa's smile bloomed wise, bringing his nose in to press against hers.

"I love you too." He answered, taking her lips into his. Vitani moaned, letting a good loud smack escape as their lips parted. Kopa resumed his bathing, letting his tongue ride across her chest. Vitani closed her eyes, enjoying the soft feel of his mouth work to clean her.

Kopa let his tongue glide over the arc of her chest and move down, flashing along her tender belly. Circling each of her nipples before slipping down the middle. Vitani let another shudder escape, trembling even at the titillation happening down below. He moved along to her inner thigh, his tongue gradually climbing up to her feet. Planting a soft kiss at the tip of her toe, he started gliding back down toward her belly, bathing the whole way with his warm, wet tongue.

He offered the same treatment to her other leg, placing another soft kiss at the tip of her toe before coming back down. Vitani could hardly stand the teasing anymore; wriggling beneath him she tried to hint at what she really wanted. Kopa wasn't about to disappoint, his tongue dipped low to her folds and flashed across. Vitani let another gasp escape, feeling the soft rake across her most delicate area. Kopa pressed his muzzle in, taking in the full taste of her body, her virginity the only barrier preventing further intrusion.

"What are they doing?" Kova questioned softly, watching his sister moan with pleasure. "Looks like he's licking her butt."

"What?!" Kiara exclaimed in disbelief. Climbing on top of Kovu she glanced around the rock and took in the view. She could hardly believe it, it was true. It really did look like her older brother was cleaning her butt. "I don't get it. Unless, he's licking that pink spot."

"Pink spot?" Kovu questioned, looking up to her. Kiara relieved herself of his back and started spreading her legs wide, tipping her body back just enough to expose her folds.

"See, this spot." She insisted, gesturing down. "It's all pink inside." She explained. Kovu leaned down, giving her folds a quick sniff.

"I don't smell anything good, don't see any pink either." He stated.

"Open em a little then. But be gentle!" Kiara demanded. Kovu nervously reached down with both paws, parting her virgin entry, he saw the bright pink flesh within.

"Whoa." He awed at the sight. "Can I, you know."

"Lick it?" She cringed nervously.

"I don't have to if you don't want." Kovu offered.

"Well, your sister is really liking it." She pondered. "Ok, just one." Kovu let his tongue sink just a little bit inside. The taste was a little salty and bland, but not too bad. Kiara felt a little tingle from his pass over her vagina. She found herself wanting him to do it again. "You can, do it again if you want."

"Really? Did it feel good?" Kovu asked eagerly. Kiara nodded and let him go about trying another few passes. She soon found herself emulating Vitani, moaning softly at each brush of his tongue into her body.

"Kopa!" Vitani cried out. Kopa stopped bathing her pussy and moved up her body. "Turn, turn c'mon." She insisted, guiding his muzzle down and his rump over her head. A good portion of his pink member had already escaped during her tongue bath to which she immediately engulfed into her mouth. Kopa stammered while she sucked eagerly at his meat, taking him to the hilt while his sack rested along the top of her nose. Scooping up her hind legs, he took back her pussy, licking and pressing his tongue on her virgin entrance.

"What are they doing now?" Kiara asked, hearing Vitani cry out. Kovu stopped licking her for a moment to go look.

"Whoa, you better come see this." Kiara peeked around once again to see the new positions they had taken. She could hardly see Vitani's face, buried between her brother's legs while he was still content to lap up her slit. Kovu set himself a little further back; sitting upright he could feel his sheath welling up with a pink flesh of his own.

"Wow, it must really feel good to them." She whispered.

"Kiara." Kovu called softly. Looking back, Kovu was revealing himself a little more, a subtle pink tip breaching the peak of his sheath. "I think this is what she's sucking on." He explained.

"Oh." Kiara acknowledged, moving in a little closer. He could feel her breath pass over it, resisting the urge to push it toward her mouth. He didn't understand why, but he wanted to follow along with what was happening.

"Do you wanna try it?" Kovu suggested nervously. Kiara looked back up to him before resuming her examination of his ever growing penis.

"Well, you did lick me a lot there. I guess it's only fair, right?" She suggested. Kovu eagerly nodded, his breath stopped short as she slowly moved in on him. She took on the tip first, getting the taste of it in her mouth. Sinking down a little more with each soft breath. Kovu couldn't believe it was happening; she was really starting to suck on him, closing his eyes he took in the warmth of her mouth as her tongue toyed with his now fully erect form.

Vitani spat up Kopa's meat in a dire need for air. She could feel something within her begin to well up. Each wet lap across her slit brought her closer and closer, her claws lightly digging into Kopa's thighs. Overtaking her body, the walls of her vagina began to contract rhythmically, spurting a little of the sweet juices they had accumulated into Kopa's mouth. Vitani wailed as her legs kicked out; losing herself to this new sensation he had so eagerly given her.

Her breath stuttering, she flashed a few soft licks along his dangling cock before slapping his thigh to get his attention.

"Turn around." She commanded, her voice still trembling from her climax. Kopa began to swing around as Vitani rolled herself to her belly beneath him. Flicking her tail away from entry, she waited for him to get into position. Feeling his weight pressed on top along with his saliva coated shaft between her legs just felt right, as if some deep need to break the final barrier between friendship and love had to happen this night.

"Vitani." Kopa moaned, licking along her neck. Closing her eyes she forced his muzzle back and licked his chin.

"It's time." She assured him. Kopa let his tip slip along her opening, teasing it with the soft bristles. His muzzle just inches from her neck; he took long slow breaths as it began to push in. Vitani grit her teeth, she could feel his shaft pushing hard, desperate to breech the walls he had worked so hard to lick clean. Kopa gave one final push, tearing through her hymen and finding the warm, wet depths within.

Vitani loosed a sharp cry as he entered, feeling him part the virgin flesh. Kopa closed his eyes, his legs quivering as he delved deep inside the hot depths of her body. His balls coming to rest against her, Kopa let a soft sigh pass his lips, regaining his footing to better maneuver for the next phase.

Withdrawing slowly, no more than half his length he pushed back in, he took his time getting used to the tightness and occasional clinch from her pussy. Vitani raked the ground with each withdrawal, his barbs stinging each time. But with the pain of her initial penetration subsiding, she grew used to the motions, his hard cock stimulating the whole of her walls, right down to the depths of her vault.

The two moaned in synchronicity, with all their worries and nerves behind them they were left with nothing but the sensual movement between their legs. Vitani even took it a little more playfully, clinching up hard as he pressed to her depths, squeezing his cock tight to prevent any escape. Kopa loved every press, her body was so tight, so hot inside, he found himself panting softly onto her neck.

Kopa grew ever more bold, bracing the ground himself he expedited his pace, bumping his new mate forward with each thrust. Vitani continued to moan and wail, loving the intruding member surge between her legs, blissfully unaware of her little brother observing in the distance.

He snared her scruff in his maw, his panting growing rapidly. Kopa knew he was getting close already; her previous efforts within her mouth ensured he could not take it for much longer. His thrusts grew tighter together, his tip fixated on her womb, stroking eagerly against its entry as he grew close.

Kopa released her maw, letting a soft roar escape. His legs quivered, forcing his cock in deep. The rhythmic twitching began with a massive first release, a spastic stream of seed followed behind, soaking her walls and flooding her vault. Kopa couldn't breathe; only inseminate the mate he loved so much. Vitani squeezed tight, milking every last drop he was willing to give, loving the cool slick sensation it built up within. It was as if his first jet alone shot into her womb, feeling a slight wetness deeper inside then anywhere else.

Kopa started to pant loudly, at last finding the breath that had eluded him before. Vitani closed her eyes, feeling a slip of a stream escape her entryway, trickling down to her belly. Kopa tried to withdraw but Vitani would have it, clinching up tight she prevented him from escaping. Instead Kopa found himself falling on her back, submitting to her little lock and just taking the chance to rest. Vitani stole his paw, kissing it softly as he continued to pant atop her back.

"Vitani." He breathed.

"Shh, just stay like this. I can hold you up." Vitani whispered, kissing his paw.

Kovu couldn't believe what he was seeing. Kiara had grown a little disinterested in sucking on him, opting instead to lick along his belly while occasionally flashing over his sheath. She was completely unaware of what her brother had just done to his sister.

"Soo, what are they doing now?" She questioned softly, batting at his erection playfully.

"He... He put it inside her." Kovu gasped, swinging back to Kiara. "He put it inside her pink hole."

"What?" She exclaimed, shoving him to the side she peeked out from the rock to see Kopa on top of Vitani, his paw being kissed and caressed. "I don't see his thing inside her."

"I did, I saw the whole thing." Kovu assured her. He began to fixate on Kiara's tail end, wanting so badly to try out what Kopa was so willing to do. Kovu couldn't hesitate anymore, he had to ask her, just once at the very least. Something about what they were doing felt right on an instinctual level. "K-Kiara." He stammered nervously. "Do you wanna, try it?" he suggested.

"Try it?" She questioned. "You mean, put that.." She gestured, pointing to his penis.

"Yeah, look if it's too much or it hurts, we can stop. But your brother looks like he really enjoyed it, and so did my sister." Kovu carried on, moving in a little closer to her.

"Well..." She trailed off, pawing the ground. "Promise to stop if I ask you?" Kiara insisted.

"Yeah, I think it might hurt a little at first cause it's new you know. But after that it should feel really good." Kovu concluded. Kiara wasn't sure what to think, she passed by him and took another look at her brother, seeing him smiling and kissing along Vitani's neck.

"Hmm, ok. I'll try it." She submitted. Kiara hid herself from her brother's view and rolled onto her back, letting her feet dangle off in either direction. Kovu slowly approached, letting his erect shaft dangle over her body. Kiara smiled shyly, seeing him come so close. She felt nervous, unsure even about what she was doing. Feeling him dip a little low, grazing her belly she gasped, her nerves kicking in as he went even lower.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle. Ok?" He assured her. Kiara wrapped her hind legs around him and held fast.

"Ok." She consented. Within moments he was slipping across her rump, flicking upon the entrance to her body. Kovu closed his eyes, trying to aim himself by feeling it out. Catching on her folds once more, he pressed in and caught the same resistance as her brother. He clenched his teeth and pushed hard, penetrating her and delving into her body.

Kiara yowled as Kovu rushed to hush her muzzle. They both waited to see if they had caught the attention of their elder siblings. Thankfully, they were still lost in contentment over by the tree. Kiara bopped his nose lightly, scolding him. "It hurt a lot!" She whispered harshly.

"Sorry, here, just try to adjust to it." Kovu advised, pushing himself in deeper. Kiara felt his slick pink cock bury itself in her vault. Gasping once again, she gripped his shoulders to brace herself. Kovu kept it nice and slow, just as promised, carefully edging himself out then back in, taking his time to let her adapt to his girth. The pain subsided as her eyes closed, embracing the feel of his hard shaft within.

Vitani released Kopa from her vaginal grasp, playfully tossing him off her back. Laughing he flopped to his back, letting his new mate pin him down. Vitani licked along his cheek, before working into his mane. Kopa purred contently, enjoy the soft brush through his fur as she worked her way up to his ear. Vitani took to straddling him, letting her leaking slit hover over his sheath.

"Good to go again?" She whispered softly, nibbling on his ear.

"I can be." Kopa answered, running his paw down the side of her neck. She lowered herself down, putting her weight on his sheath. Smiling down on him, she started rocking back and forth in an effort to coax him out.

"You know, mother's probably going to kill me if I come back like this. Leaking with your seed and all." Vitani confessed. Kopa grasped her paw, looking up to her.

"Don't talk like that. You know how much I care for you." He scolded softly. Vitani looked down at their paws locked together, smiling at the sight as her eyes found their way up to his.

"Is there any way I could stay with you? Any chance?"

"I don't care if I have to overthrow my dad to do it." Kopa assured her. "I'm not losing you." Smiling she raised herself up a little higher.

"Is it this you don't wanna lose?" She questioned, slipping his shaft back inside her pussy. Kopa gasped, gripping her paw even tighter. "Or me?" She finished, letting a stammer escape as her weight came down on his body.

"You." He answered firm. "I want you at my side, always."

"You have me." Vitani agreed, trying to let her paw escape his.

"No, don't." He insisted, keeping his grip fast. "Don't let go." Vitani smiled, relieving some pressure on his belly as she leaned in for a kiss.

"Ok then, lover boy here comes that bad breath again." She chuckled. After a few soft kisses and keeping her grip on Kopa's paw, she leaned back and started to ride atop of him. Inching forward and back she could feel the previously expelled seed seep out with every push back into her body. Kopa was in awe, the pressure when she would come down, pressing hard on his sack and taking in depths of his flesh even he never knew; it was all overwhelming.

Kiara began to moan and wail, Kovu had picked up the pace, eagerly mating his friend. The sensations were so very new yet so exhilarating. He was penetrating the whole of her body, his tip pressing up on the entrance to her young womb each time. Kiara kept her eyes closed for a good while, trying to come to terms with what was happening to her. It felt dirty, yet so right, so fun and most of all incredibly pleasing.

"Oh Kiara." Kovu moaned, trying to get a better grip on her body, bringing her closer to his own. Kiara pulled him in, gripping even tighter with her legs. Spinning her tail around his and holding on as he rode her. He was bigger then she thought, harder, and even though his barbs were not as formed, they tingled enough brushing along her inner walls to stir a fire in her loins.

Vitani continued to press on her lover, riding atop of him. His shaft pressed hard against her vaginal walls, scraping away at the remaining traces of his last climax. Kopa started pressing up each time she came down on him, filling her deep with every ounce of him that he could. Vitani was slick, yet still so very tight, he had ever imagined he could be taken so fully into a lioness or that one could be so loving of him. Being on bottom was a foreign idea, but he quickly grew to love it.

Kiara mewed and moaned, as something began to swell inside her. The fire that grew within seemed to be spreading across the whole of her body. Kovu felt it too, his legs starting to tremble while his sack began to warm over. He inched his muzzle closer and closer to Kiara's, her breath flashing over his nose as he began panting in return.

Kopa couldn't take much more, Vitani was squeezing so tight combined with her weight it was starting to set him off. Vitani started to gasp, feeling her own climax building once again. Gasping for air, she swung her head back and slammed her weight down hard on him, squeezing inside tight. She refused to let go of his paw as it happened, her body nearly convulsed on him, yanking on the flesh inside. Kopa abruptly lost it, his streams coming out in torrents as though her climax was tearing them out.

Kovu leaned in hard, his balls pressed up tight against Kiara's rump. Frantically he released his first ever ejaculation, aimed directly into the depths of her body. Kiara yowled and cried out, her body responding with a climax of her own. She held on fast, riding out her orgasm while Kovu worked to cool the fire he worked up within.

The air in the savannah seemed stolen away, as four gasping bodies drew in every breath they could. Vitani dropped her head beneath Kopa's chin, her legs too sore to keep herself propped up on him. Kopa pulled her tight to his body, letting her rise and fall with his breath, stroking along her back.

"Come home with me." He whispered, kissing her head. Vitani gripped him a little tighter.

"Can I?" She moaned.

"I won't go home without you." Kopa assured her. She took a few moments, just resting her head on him, feeling his heart beat against her own. Aside from Kovu, there wasn't much left for her in the Outlands. If she went home now, as she was, filled with the seed of her enemy's son, she'd be branded a traitor for sure. The thought quickly rose to mind though, a sudden rush of panic.

"Oh no! Kovu!" She exclaimed, leaping up to Kopa's face. "Where did they go!? Kovu and Kiara, are they ok? If mother is out here." Vitani rambled on. Kopa felt the same rush of urgency and let her off. Leaping to his feet, they began calling out.

"Kiara! Kovu! Where are you!"

"Kovu!! Please! Come out now!" Vitani echoed, searching frantically. Spotting the rock she rushed toward it, hoping to see his little face hiding behind there. Swinging around, he spotted him, mounted atop of Kiara and looking back to his sister, chuckling nervously.

"Ah hahaha, hi sis? We're uh... just wrestling." Kovu tried to mock up an excuse.

"Stone-cold busted little brother." Vitani chuckled. Kopa joined her side and slammed his face with his paw.

"Jeez! Dad's gonna kill me."

"Come on, lover boy. Let's get these two little imitators cleaned up in the river." Vitani advised. After separating the two, Kopa and Vitani carried them over to the water. After giving them a good thorough bath, they let their siblings climb onto their backs and aimed for Pride Rock.

"Brother?" Kiara questioned softly. "Are you mad at me?"

"Nah. Surprised a little, but not mad." Kopa assured her.

"Vitani?" Kovu asked. "Where we going." Smiling she looked on ahead.

"Home. For the first time in a long time."

The stars were out in full force with the moon giving off only a sliver of light in the night sky. Kopa lead Vitani up the ramp and toward the den. Taking a good long breath, he turned inside, only to bump heads with his mother.

"Ow!" Nala cried out. "Watch where you're going." She scolded lightly.

"You too, mom." Kopa replied, rubbing his head. Nala looked over to see Kovu and Kiara nervously waving to her.

"Why am I not surprised." She smiled, glancing to her son.

"Mom, I'm making an official request as prince of the Pridelands. Vitani and I-"

"Done." She snickered, covering his mouth with her paw. "I had a hunch something was going on between you two."

"What?! How did you know?" Kopa demanded.

"Around four months ago, I figured that's probably when you met." Nala concluded. Kopa's jaw slacked while Vitani just sat up in disbelief. Nala made her way over to Vitani, placing a paw on her shoulder. "If you are willing to put the past behind you, and look to your future." She smiled, looking to Kopa. "I'll happily accept the both of you, into our pride."

"You're serious!?" Vitani exclaimed. Nala gave a firm nod, glancing back to Kovu.

"That goes for you too." She advised.

"Me?" Kovu questioned nervously.

"Yes, I'm assuming you want to be friends with Kiara, no? That will never happen if Zira has her way. I won't hold you here against your will, but I can't keep you here if you're going to follow inS Scar's paw prints."

"If it's for Kiara, yeah, I'll do it!" He proudly answered.

"Good. Now Kopa, I do believe you have a prior promise to keep." Nala smiled.


"You are supposed to be babysitting tonight. Kiara has been begging for days for a night under the stars." Nala reminded her son, heading back toward the den.

"Oh, right!" He exclaimed. Kopa couldn't believe how easily the situation had been resolved, but wasn't about to argue with the results. "Guess we'll just kinda, hang out nearby then, if you don't mind."

"Not at all." She agreed, kissing her son's cheek. "Be safe, sleep well."

"Bye mom!" Kopa called back, leaping for the ramp.

"Bye momma!" Kiara echoed.

"Bye, lady Nala." Kovu and Vitani called back as well. Nala smiled, watching the four celebrate. Heading into the den, she met the warm eyes of her husband and settled in beside him.

"So." Simba began, grasping her paw. "Think this will work? Zira's not gonna lay down and accept her son and daughter living here."

"It's not up to her. Besides, it's what makes Kopa happy that matters." She explained.

"I'm glad you talked me into this. It's nice to know that he's not just safe, he's happy as well." Simba sighed with relief, kissing her cheek.

"You should know by now I'm always right." Nala winked.

"Hmm, so, what do you want as a prize for being right." He winked suggestively, licking her cheek.

"Just a massage." She playfully dismissed. "My back's been killing me." Simba chuckled along, grasping his wife and kissing her neck. The night was theirs for their kingdom to enjoy, a night filled with laughter, love and a few other sounds that usually come from what follows. But one thing was for certain, tonight, the basis of a lasting peace, had formed in the Pridelands.

Shaman's Tale - Chapter 10

Silver wandered through the forest, vaguely aware of his own path. It had grown dark, the stars were alight overhead but his eyes never found them. He stayed quiet for some time; his mind had gone numb after dumping his frustrations out on the prey and...

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 9

Silver, Roque, Shaman, Keledrin and Khari arrived at the stream that fed its way back to their home. Rounding the way to the den, many looked on in surprise at the sight. Shaman had at last come home, bringing with her two strangers to the pack. Serajo...

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 8

The ride in the train was quite relaxing. Silver rested upon Shaman's back as she watched the scenes go by. Around each bend of the mountains seem to bring in a new sight. Gorgeous valleys dotted with a mix of white and green topped trees, small towns...

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