A Meeting of Souls

Story by Tinaski on SoFurry

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For LoneWolf669 commission about Alyssa the unicorn & Jason the lucky human ;P

Chapter one: The Beginning of Something Right.

Crouched in a sea of bushes she wasn't quite sure of why she was hiding, it was impossible for anyone but him to see her. She was already cloaked from the average human eye. Only one person could see her, and although it took thirteen years she was finally going to get to say thank you for the kindness she had been shown.

Perhaps it was her nerves that kept her hiding. It had been thirteen years, and all of it had been nothing but a 'dream' to him. She wasn't entirely sure she would be received with open arms. The boy could run, or scream- in her deepest fears he'd reject her. After all in the eyes of the humans she was imaginary. She was nothing more than the character of a fairytale. Unicorns just were not real in the blinded world of humanity.

No. He wasn't like that. He was different than the others. Memory proved that in so many ways. It was the one memory she had never been able to shake, no matter how often her herd had told her to forget. It was impossible- like trying to forget her own magic.

That day, when she was merely a Foal, she had gotten separated from her herd and in her search for them she had hurt one of her legs on a rock, tearing the skin and in a painful sting causing her to lie down and try to nurse her own wounds the best she could.

That's when he found her. Alone, scared, & hurt she felt defenseless and if he had been anyone else perhaps he would have ignored her- or worse abused her situation and caused her more pain. Instead the young boy's caring nature kicked in allowing his boy scout training to come into play. And although they had never taught him how to properly sooth and take care of something up until that point he had been sure only existed on girls lunchboxes and cartoon movies, he did his best.

He stroked her silver mane gently rewarding her for baring the pain and out of his own curiosity. Her hair was like nothing he had felt before. It was soft like velvet but smoother like silk. There was no way to describe it in all its tactile perfection. It shinned in a way that caught the light like woven diamonds in a silver glow.

The boy stopped mid stroke and grabbed his bagged lunch opening it up and pulling out the baby carrots his mother had packed him for lunch. He figured the horse like creature might like them.

He held them in the palm of his hand while sprinkling a little bit of the seasoning his mom had made with fresh ingredients from the garden. Out stretching his hand he held the vegetables under the unicorn's nose making sure to keep his hand flat so she wouldn't bite one of his fingers accidently.

The unicorn sniffed hesitantly at his hand before glancing at the boy. It was as if she was asking for full permission to eat and without any words the boy understood completely. He nodded at her with a small grin.

"Go ahead." He whispered.

Her first bite was small and gentle. The front of her nose and lips brushed gentle tickles across his hands. After the first munch her eyes made a quick glance to his before shyly darting back down.

As she finished the carrots the boy reached behind him, the young Foal noticed this action and jutted backwards afraid of what he might be reaching for.

"No! No! It's all right!" The boy said frantically, quickly pulling forth his water bottle. The thought of scarring the unicorn scared him. "It's water, just water!" He explained pouring some into his hand and offering it to her. For some reason he couldn't bear the thought of her leaving.

The Foal examined it and recognized the substance giving it a few quick licks, lapping up every bit he had poured.

As they finished she decided to rest her head upon his lap, nuzzling slightly closer in order to feel close to him. The elders had always warned against humans but this boy was almost as kind to her as her own parents, and he was a stranger. Something told her she wasn't wrong in trusting him, his soul spoke to her in a way she had never experienced.

Alas the moment came to a close.

The herd had finally found their missing young and as the sight of her parents caught her eye she darted up galloping towards them with a Winnie. She quickly laced herself into their legs. She quickly went to show them the boy who had been so kind but noticed one of the elders already beside the boy crouching down and touching the tip of his horn to the boy's forehead. She wasn't sure what he was doing but soon the boy fell softly to the ground in aid with the older unicorns magic. With a neigh of disapproval the young one trotted closer to the elder, curious to what had happened.

What did you do? She questioned

The elder turned to look at her. I put him to sleep he explained with a simple state of mind.

Why? The tiny unicorn didn't want the boy to sleep, she wanted to play with him some more.

Because little one, it is for the protection of the heard. The boy will wake and when he does he will think it was nothing but a very vivid dream. The elder ushered her back towards the herd.

With a last fleeting glance the unicorn turned in submission listening to her elder.

Ever since that day she had never forgiven her elder, or herself. The boy had been so kind and she had let his memories be tampered with. Not only that but a friend had been robbed from her. She had always wondered what they had missed.

But no longer would she.

The door to his dwelling opened and out stepped the fully grown boy that had helped her so many years ago.

He stood tall at 6 feet with the same ink black hair cut short as when he was a child. He was shirtless showing off his well sculpted body and well toned abs. rolling his shoulders back he made a slight yawn before reaching behind himself grabbing a leg stretching out his right calf before moving on to the next.

To the unicorn he was magnificent and although in the past thirteen years he had grown a lot and changed in many ways there was something about him that just made her know it was him. It was impossible to be anyone else.

She followed the young man waiting for him to jog somewhere a little more secluded so he wouldn't draw attention to himself.

He finally jogged out on to a dirt path and leaned forward catching his breath. He had sprinted a bit practicing his agility. Sweat like little drops of rain rolled of his body making his skin glisten from the sub rays.

Now was her chance. Slowly the mare took a step to the clearing rustling some leaves and drawing the boy's attention. She moved carefully into his view slowly as not to startle him too much.

At first he froze, not sure what was creating the disturbance and as he saw her emerge his lips parted in small awe. He did not notice her horn and mistook her for a wild horse. As soon as he did however he stumbled backwards in a flustered mixture of fear and awe. Mythical and beautiful but unknown and mysterious.

He was only afraid for a moment as soon she was using her telepathy magic to speak with him.

Please do not be afraid. She pleaded him. I just want to thank you.

"What-? How?" He asked in confusion.

She took a few steps forward taking advantage of the man's stupor and placed her tip of her horn to his forehead unleashing a burst of magic restoring his memories. In a matter of seconds he would have everything back to him.

It all came rushing back- the images of her as a foal, the soft feeling of her rubbing against his skin, the herd of her family everything. It hadn't just been a dream to be forgotten it was real. Everything was real.

For a long time I've wanted to speak with you- to thank you for that day but I was not allowed. Today is the first day I could. I needed the magic to speak with you and now that I do- Thank you. What you did for me was more than I could ever expect. The unicorn explained stepping forward and bowing her head to him.

The young man clamored to his feet. "It's ok- just what anyone would do I guess." He muttered still reeling from the new information offered to him.

No. Not just anyone. The unicorn replied.

The man smiled. "Anyone decent." An urge surged through him. Her mane- he had remembered the softness of it and wanted to touch it yet again. "May I?" He asked reaching for it but not quite touching it yet.

A soft blow of air escaped the unicorn almost as a chuckle. Of course.

His hand came down stroking her silky locks. "I'm Jason by the way." He whispered still infatuated with her mane.

Jason? The mare questioned.

"It's my name- what I'm called. What's yours?"

We do not have names; there is no need among our herd. We recognize one another with magic. The concept of 'names' was slightly confusing to her. Although for humans she supposed it would be necessary.

The boy nodded in understanding. "Kay" was his simple reply.

I have something to show you. She said quickly changing the subject. It's a place hidden, most humans can't go there- I won't have to use my magic to conceal myself there. I would like to take you there- if it's alright.

With his approval she began leading him towards the special place.

"So- do you go to this place often?" He asked keeping in step with the unicorn.

When I get the chance- it's a great place for grazing- My herd went there more often when I was young. She told him as they climbed a hill.

"Ah ok." He replied. "Can I call you something- it just feels weird not knowing a name for you."

You can call me by my species. She suggested.



He chuckled. "That seems a bit impersonal."

The Unicorn turned her head to look at him for a second before turning it forward. I do not know what else you would call me.

"I could give you a name." Jason suggested."Maybe buttercup?"

Is Buttercup a common name for humans? She asked.

"Well no- it's more of a horse name."

She nodded her head. I would prefer a human name.

"Alright- hmm wait stop." He told her getting in front of her to get a good look. "Maybe- Sara? Or Elizabeth?" He frowned. "No- Carly? Sophia? Bella? Rose? Amy? Clarissa? Maybe-," He paused searching for the perfect name. "Annie?"

The mare shook her head. If it's too hard to decide-

"Alyssa!" He said with a smile. "Alyssa fits you."

She felt something warm stir inside her as he said the name and she agreed to it enjoying the sound of her new name.

Soon they arrived at the hidden glade. It was hard to believe that something so beautiful had been there - so close to home- this entire time.

They spent the rest of the day there. Talking to each other, getting to know each other, telling stories of growing up and laughing at shared jokes. It was like they had been friends their entire lives.

"So you're telling me you've never even heard of TV?" The young man asked in bewilderment.

I'm not a human Jason. Alyssa chuckled resting her head on his lap.

"I know but still- Never even heard of it?"

I don't know what's so special about a talking box anyway. She defended.

"It's entertaining. But I guess the internet is pretty-," He saw a look of confusion flutter over her face. "You don't know about the internet?"

Humans have many funny things to keep themselves occupied. I only need the nature. She said with a tone of amusement.

"Tomorrow I can bring my I pad- show you what entertains us 'Silly humans.'" He told her with a grin.

Tomorrow? She questioned.

"Well its getting pretty late and I don't have it on me-,"

I meant - you want to see me again?

Jason paused. "Of course- If you want to that is..."

The mare stood up. Of course I would.

"Alright- see you tomorrow Alyssa. I can be here around noon."

Alyssa leaned forward craning her neck around him and pulled Jason into a makeshift hug. Till tomorrow.

"Till Tomorrow" He whispered back wrapping his arms around her neck pulling himself closer to her.

The next day they met starting a long tradition of introducing each other's worlds to one another. And soon Alyssa even let him mount her back and took him further into the world he would never have seen without her.

A year and a half past since Jason's memories had been restored and their relationship had blossomed soon both the unicorn and the boy began falling for each other. Neither had the courage to tell the other.

It was as if Jason couldn't help but have his mind slip towards Alyssa while masturbating. Her beautiful white as snow mane the way her voice sounded in his head. She was incredible.

Many times would he run over his cock with his calloused hand wishing he could be inside her instead. It felt wrong- he knew it was wrong- She wasn't human. Still, he wanted to cum inside her feel her clench around his member as she orgasmed withering in pleasure from him too. To see her face, feel her pleasure, taste her sex- everything was intoxicating. It was becoming a need to experience it.

It was the same for Alyssa, she was becoming so wet from her slit even she could smell her own arousal. It was becoming unbearable.

That's when she decided- Jason was her mate. Her one true love, but in her mind she could never see him loving her sexually the way she was, she needed to change. To become human was the only option.

The next day when they met she told Jason that she needed a few days before she could see him again. When he asked why she didn't give him a direct reason, rattling something off about spending time with the elders.

Jason took her word as truth and told her to have a good time and that he would see her when she was done. Even as he said those words his heart lurched forward. Part of him would be empty for a few days.

Chapter two: A Man Obsessed.

Jason was at a lost without Alyssa, sure one or two days he was ok. He wasn't that clingy. It's just that in that in the past year and a half he had never gone more than that without seeing her. It was almost like he was going through withdrawal from her. She was always in his mind.

He found himself naked in his bed for the second night in a row. His body outstretched, his fist around his cock pumping it as he clenched his eyes together. His imagination had been getting more vivid. He could practically feel Alyssa's soft hair and skin as his hips pushed himself into her.

Yes she was there in front of him and the tighter he closed his eyes the better her image was in his mind. He could only imagine the way her voice would whinny as he pushed into her for the first time. He wouldn't want to hurt her- he'd be gentle. It's just his ears were craving for the sounds. His cock craved her wet slit too. To be covered in her wet warm juices. To be connected to her in the best way.

He came in spurt; the cum drizzling over himself as his orgasm overwhelmed him. His breath heaving and uneven he reached for some Kleenex wiping away the evidence. He had covered himself.

He felt sick, what would Alyssa say if she knew? She trusted him with all her secrets and friendship and he was in his room picturing himself deflowering her. She'd probably think he was sick, no he was sure she would. She probably had someone else she was interested in. Some one of her same species, someone who she could live forever with, someone who her parents would like and who fit together with her perfectly.

Jason was having a hard time even understanding his strange obsession with Alyssa. It wasn't like he ever found horses sexual or any animal for that matter. He had not been permitted to see more of her kind but he doubted he'd ever be attracted to any of them either. It wasn't her creature he was in love with, it was her. It was the way her humor made him laugh, the way she knew just what to say on a bad day and the way just the sight of her made him feel butterflies- even after all the time they've been together.

After he was all cleaned up he grabbed some clothes, nothing special just jeans and a t-shirt throwing them on before heading downstairs. Slipping on his shoes at the bottom of the steps he quickly tied them ready to go out.

"Jace?" His mother asked looking up from her book momentarily. "If you're going out could you pick some eggs? I want to make pancakes for breakfast and we're out."

He half smiled at her, "Yeah. No problem."

"Thanks honey!"

As he closed the door behind himself a thought crossed his mind that he couldn't believe he hadn't thought of before. His parents. Even if Alyssa's parents could ever accept him how would his parent's react to the thought of him dating a creature they thought wasn't real. Let alone she wasn't human. He was pretty sure it was illegal actually. But that was with animals. Alyssa wasn't an animal. She was a person. A- person just differently shaped.

He frowned to himself. It wouldn't matter. If Alyssa could ever love him- it wouldn't matter what anyone else thought. He just wouldn't tell them, for all he cared they could think he was single forever. Alyssa was the only one in his mind that mattered.

Before the store he decided to walk to the pasture. It was a beautiful evening and he could only imagine the field lit up with fireflies. A soft glow illuminating the grass and flowers. He was on his way when he heard his name being called.

"Jason!" A female voice called and for a fraction of a second Justin's heart leapt hoping to see Alyssa. Instead as he spun he found Hayley Johnson.

Hayley Johnson was about five foot three with chestnut brown hair chopped just below her shoulders. Her breasts were plump and had a hypnotizing effect on a younger version of Jason. But now he didn't even seem to notice them, despite the dangerously low cut shirt she was sporting.

"Hey," He responded weakly. He really was not in the mood to talk to her.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in ages! Where are you going?" She asked jogging in place. It was sort of irritating Jason. Her up and down constant bouncing was like a child in his eyes.

He shrugged. "No where- well just out for a walk- I have to get going though, promised my mom I'd get her some eggs while I was out."

Her eyes perked up with a certainly, "I could go with you! I needed some things anyway."

"Sure." His smile tightened. He was really hoping she would have just gone away.

They walked to the grocery store which was not too far from where they were. The whole time Hayley rambled on about something that Jason really could not care less about. Something about some celebrities latest tryst.

What did he ever see in her? She was nothing like Alyssa. Not an original thought in her head, and if there was it was about something pop culture related topic. Then again it could have been spoon fed to her via her apparent addiction to those celebrity gossip shows.

"So Jason," Hayley purred as they left the store. She put the magazine she bought under her arm. "It's been really lonely at my house since I got my own place-could use some company."

Jason raised an eyebrow. "Could always get a cat."

Her laugh was that of a hyena. "I was thinking more of a nighttime companion." She teased stepping forward and putting her hand on Jason's shirt. "Bed gets awfully cold."

Jason stepped back. " Sorry- I have a girlfriend."

"Oh." Hayley said putting her hand back to her side. "Sorry I didn't realize." She paused a second stretching the awkwardness. "What's her name?"

"Ah, Alyssa." He stated Starting to walk away.

She followed. "Oh, did she go to highschool with us?" She was being particularly nosey he noticed. It must have been a result of the gossip rags.


"How'd you meet?" She asked keeping step with him.

He squinted into the night. "Um, yeah. We met uh- when we were kids." It wasn't a lie. It was the truth. "Met up again 'bout a year and half ago." He swallowed roughly.

"What's she look like?"

"She's white." He stated before his eyes widened. "Blonde hair you know? And um She's just beautiful. She's got this way she looks at me when I'm being an idiot that-, anyway yeah."

"Cool," She muttered. "I should get going- Keep in touch though."

Jason waved her off. He had no real intention of 'keeping in touch.' Still he was polite enough not to say it aloud. "Yeah , sure."

He walked home alone wishing he could go to the place he shared with Alyssa. Unfortunately he had the eggs to think of and didn't want them to spoil for his whim. He would just go back the next day.

His mother was waiting for him in the kitchen when he came home. "Have a nice run?" She asked setting down newly started book. She must have finished the one she had been reading before left.

"Didn't go for a run." He grumbled putting the eggs away.

"Oh, you could have gotten them after you ran." She asked getting out of her chair and stretching. "Are you going back out?"

"Nah it's fine. Getting bit dark out so- I'll do it tomorrow."

"If you weren't out on a run where'd you go? Took long at the supermarket?"

Jason shook his head. "Bumped into Hayley Johnson." He braced himself for his mother's reaction.

"Oooh" his Mom sing songed. "Ooo la la."

She had known about his crush back when he was in high school. He rolled his eyes. "It's not like that, I'm not interested in her anymore."

"Is that so? Anyone you do like?"

"No." Jason lied the back of his ears turning red slightly. His mom instantly noticed. "Aha! There is - is it who you've been spending all your time with? Does she go out for runs with you? Or have you just been sneaking out to see her in private?"

Jason nodded. "Her names Alyssa but it's nothing serious. I don't think she even likes me back the same way. Don't worry about it." His voice was filled with a peaceful sorrow.

"Did you two get in a fight or something? The past few days you've been shut up in your room. Your Dad and I have been worried 'bout you. It's unlike you to be so unsocial." Worry was laced into her voice.

"No- we didn't fight she's just went to go see her eld- Grandparents." He caught himself just a little too late. Wincing slightly as his mother responded.

"Were you about to say elders? This girl isn't a part of some freaky cult is she? You're not going to come home with a shaved head wearing all white wearing socks and sandals right?" A tint of worry concealed in a sarcasm heavy joke.

He shook his head laughing to himself. "Nope. She isn't. I have no intention of joining a cult, don't worry Ma"

"Just checking, I do watch dateline you know."

The next morning after a shower and a nice pancake breakfast Jason went out for his run, this time making sure to get where he was going. Nothing was going to stop him from getting there this time.

He made sure no one saw him as he slipped out and get sent on any trivial errands. Then he put in his head phones making sure no one would try to talk to him on his way to his special place. He jogged there all the while trying to remember that Alyssa wouldn't be there for him. It wouldn't be the same but at least he would get to be there, look up at the sky and have his own time to just think about her beauty.

Finally he reached it; collapsing to the ground he found himself a bed in the grass. He took a deep breath, the whole place smelt like her. He didn't know why- the rest of the world didn't smell as sweet, but it was. He reasoned maybe it was her own magic protecting the area, and that was the cause. Either way he didn't care. Her scent was comfort enough for him.

Chapter three: The Transformation.

Alyssa was afraid. She had gotten permission to attempt a transformation from her elders but she was not sure how it would turn out. Something like this was never even attempted before. She was running a huge risk just for a chance that Jason might want something more than friendship with her. Her goal was to become one hundred percent human. She would be giving up everything. A few of the others had told her she was being foolish, other's called her a romantic but most just turned their backs on her. Loving a human so much was just an absurdity.

Still Jason made her happy and she just couldn't imagine herself with anyone else but him. He was her mate & there was nothing anyone could say to change her mind. That's why she needed this. Any chance at all to be with him was a chance she would take no matter the risks. It would be worth it.

She wasn't even sure the elders helping her fully supported her. They just might have been doing it so they didn't have to deal with her anymore. Not even that mattered though. The only one who did was Jason.

Right before she left for the ceremony her father beckoned her close. He hooked his neck around hers pulling her close in a hug before blowing little bit of air onto her ears. If the ritual worked correctly it might be the last time he ever sees her again. That was the one part that made her hesitate.

Her love was too strong though, she had to go, and she had to try. Otherwise she would be unhappy without her beloved Jason.

Giving her mother a hug good bye as well Alyssa made her way to ritual space. It was scary for her, growing up she thought she'd be forever at her parent's side. It was what she wanted though, despite having to turn her back on everything it was what she wanted.

It was a small clearing with seven stones protruding from the ground covered in moss but with glittery gems encrusted into them. They were pointed to tiny cliffs 6 elders stood one to each.

Her great grandfather stood not yet in his position greeting her with a dip of his head.

My little lamb, are you sure of this? The magic we must use is unsure of itself. We may not be able to fully change you, nor is it certain if we'd ever be able to reverse the effects. He told her in warning.

Alyssa pushed her head into his shoulder in affection. I love him. I have to try or I would live in regret. Thank you for your help, It means so much.

She walked past the old unicorn and laid down in the middle of the circle. The elders had all speculated that the change would make her week and she didn't want to bruise her new body.

Her great grandfather took his place and nodded his head to the others. In perfect unison the unicorns all reared up onto their back legs before dropping down into a deep bow touching their horns to the ground. The wind swirled around them and as they slowly lifted their horns the wind enclosed on Alyssa.

The magic was strong she could feel it deep inside of her throbbing and tearing at her. It was frightening how strong and defined the magic was and it was only becoming more powerful. Gaining power and momentum, it made Alyssa wonder if the elder's would even be able to control it.

Just as the strong winds enclosed around her the elders snapped their horns back to the ground making a cracking noise rip through even the heavy sound of the winds.

Alyssa felt the ground leaving but as she opened her tightened eyes noticed it wasn't her ascending to the sky. It was the ground sinking below her. The wind was merely holding her in place. Making sure she didn't leave her original position.

She watched beneath her as the elder unicorns flung their heads back. Before bending down, their horns all still pointed up at her.

She could feel her body changing and she braced herself for the worse. Luckily it was not actually that bad. She was expecting some bone crushing feeling but instead it was only a hum of a feeling as her body began shrink and conform.

She did feel a dull ache in her chest that began to bother her though and as she looked two bumps were lurching out forming breasts as her back straightens and legs morphed. Her shoulders were changing when she noticed her mane had become more hair like and instead of front hooves she had grown hands, with fingers and nails.

It tingled as she was brought down to the level of the elders. She was weak but tried to push herself up onto all fours. She learned quickly that in human form it was easier said than done. Her arms and legs were no longer equal and she laid back down into the grass. She rolled to look at her legs.

NO! She exclaimed still having claim to her magic. She had not fully turned. Her legs were still- she was caught in the middle of the change. Sure her thighs resembled that of a humans but she still had her back hooves. She reached behind her- still a tail and as she turned to check her nose bumped into her shoulder. She raised her fingers to her face slowly and felt the contours. It was still that of a unicorn.

Tears streamed down her face. She had taken the gamble and lost. She was caught in between. Now she didn't belong in either world.

The Elder of her lineage walked down towards her touching her gently with his horn.

Do not cry my little lamb. This is only temporary, some back in three weeks after he has seen you. If you still want to change we will allow you- if you change your mind however we can reverse what we have done. He must see you as you are, if he cannot love you for who you are do not change for him. Stay safe little one. We will not be able to help you in the human world if you choose to fully transform.

She was left to collect herself. She was weak but determined to learn things she would need to know in this body.

Standing up right was a big struggle but she learned after some very tricky maneuvers how to shift her weight in order to stand.

The next obvious task would be to walk but it was easier for her then the first initial attempts to stand. It wasn't long before she was strolling thought the forest looking for something to eat.

With luck she found some berries and used her new fingers to grasp them first before eating them. She was enjoying the new form and ate the berries until her noticeably smaller stomach was full.

Taking a deep breath she decided to say her first words. She knew exactly what she wanted it to be. There was no question what she would say. It was absurd to even imagine saying anything else.

"Jay-," She started before clearing her throat. "Jason. I love Jason." She said quietly before playing a bit with her voice. She switched tones trying to find the one that felt just right Finally she settled on a tone she found very pleasing and said her true love's name one more time. "Jason." She whispered.

Speaking was somewhat strange to her. She was used to only using magic to speak but was sure Jason would appreciate this. His name was nice off her tongue too. In a way it made her feel more close to him.

She felt a tingle between her legs as she thought that. It was something she had felt before with Jason, it was just now was the only time she could reach it comfortably.

She laid down her head tilted to the side. Her hand slipped down between her parted thighs as she felt her private region for the first time. Her fingers brushed lightly across her tender lower lips enjoying the light sense of pleasure it brought her before moving her fingers lower towards her opening.

She discovered a wetness that as she messaged the area a wave of deeper pleasure. She could feel something bigger building in her just above her pelvic bone. She moved her finger on to a fleshy bump realizing a greater sense of pleasure emanated from there. Rubbing in tiny circles she let out a tiny moan closing her eyes. This exploration of her body was bringing out some primal feeling in her.

She could picture Jason there using his rough slightly calloused fingers petting her there. With the image of him between her legs instead of her own the surge of pleasure increased and a deep wave rushed over here like a tide swelling all the way to her head.

She laid on the ground for awhile just reveling in her first orgasm. It would have been even sweeter if Jason had been there but she could certainly be at peace just lying there picturing him. She imagined him taking her in his arms holding her close as she rested her head over his chest and listening to his sturdy heartbeat.

She wanted to make him feel what she did in that moment. She felt such peace and pleasure. She felt completely at rest.

She fell asleep in the grass curling up and letting her eyes slide shut.

When she woke the next morning she let herself stretch before anything else. She extended her legs and arms, and twisted her back. She liked her new body. Her only hope was that Jason would like it just as much.

As she walked through the forest she happened upon a hot springs tucked into a corner of the forest with a cluster of rocks protecting it from view.

Dipping a hoof in she gently let herself begin to be submerged into the hot water. A shiver of pleasure rushed through her. It was different kind of pleasure than the night before but it was still a relaxing position.

She washed away all the dirt that had clung to her from her falls of learning to use her body.

The next days she would meet Jason for the first time in her new body. She only hoped he would accept her and would love her. It was all she wanted.

For now all she could was try to relax and get ready for him. After thoroughly washing her body making extra sure to rinse between her legs well she left to gather food and sleep, hoping to dream of Jason.

Chapter four: A Meeting of Souls.

Jason left for the field earlier than he had planned to meet Alyssa, his eyes were just craving for the sight of her and he was having trouble having sitting still to wait. He jogged over to the field in haste expecting having to burn some time there once he arrived.

However just as he reached a spot to lie down he heard a voice behind him, It was strange different than normal. He recognized it as Alyssa's but what made him freeze was where it was coming from. He had only heard her inside his head before, but now her voice emanated from behind him.

"Don't move." She spoke softly. "I need to tell you something before you do."

Jason nodded relaxing his shoulders and letting out a sigh of relief he was finally with her and the stress that had built up before drained from his body.

"I've done something." Alyssa stated with worry laced into her voice making Jason tense and fight the urge to turn around. "I- Jason, I love you."

A smile lit Jason's face at that phrase. "Alyssa-," He said ready to return the sentiment.

"Please let me finish." She interrupted. "I love you Jason, more than a friend, more than I've ever loved anyone else. You're handsome and kind and I want you to be my mate."

"Alyssa-," Jason tried to start again hoping to assure her he felt the same. His heart was pounding harder than a drum.

"Let me finish!" She said quickly cutting him off again. "I- I know you could never love me like that, we aren't the same species and I just I know you couldn't. I'm fixing it though. That's what I was doing. I asked the elders to turn me human. It's not done yet, I need to go through another but I'm fixing it. I just want a chance to prove you should be with me-,"

Jason cut her off breaking both her rules about not moving and letting her finish pressing a kiss to her lips. "You never needed to change." He whispered pulling away. "I love you too Alyssa. I have for a while now; I just never thought you'd want me."

"Of course I do! Jason you're perfect!"

"You never needed to change." He said pulling her into a hug. "I love the unicorn I've gotten to know. Please don't finish the transformation. I love you so much." Hesitantly he kissed the side of her neck feeling her pulse with his lips and closing his eyes to revel in the moment.

Alyssa stepped back and moved into a pose she had seen in a wallpaper Jason had used on his phone. Positioning her right hand behind her head she used her left to grasp her left breast. She stood with her legs apart and lustfully looked towards Jason.

With a slight growl of something primal Jason leapt forward taking her into his arms and kissing her deeply. He used his tongue slowly parting her lips and started massaging her breast with his hand loving the supple softness of her beneath his fingers.

Moving from her lips he kissed his way down to her breath bringing her down to kneel with him in the grass. Running his tongue over her nipple he delighted in the way she reacted. A soft moan escaped her as he grasped it lightly between his teeth, rolling his tongue over it again and again before suckling on to her.

Kissing his way across her chest he made to give the same attention to the other one, the noises she was making assured him she was enjoying herself.

He put one arm behind her back and slowly lowered her back allowing her to lie down as he worked his way south on her body. With small kisses he arrived at her clit. Already a bit swollen from her current arousal.

He pointed his tongue and licked her in a slow drag upwards making use of the sensitive glands in order to bring pleasure to her. He felt her shiver and her legs curved inward holding his head in place. With a chuckle he brought his hands to her thighs and held them open as his tongue further explored her, licking her from her wetness to the tip of her clit flicking it at a slowly escalating speed. Rubbing her every so sensually he moved his fingers up and over her stomach reaching for her breasts making sure every part of her felt the rush of pleasure.

He gave delicate kisses as he moved to her opening and slowly dragged one and down to rub her clit with his fingers as he tongued her opening. She tasted amazing and as he pushed against her virginity he tasted her flavor more in depth. Savoring

Orgasm reached Alyssa and her body shuddered in pleasure. The feeling of Jason at her pussy licking, and tasting her made her eyes roll back in pleasure. It felt amazing.

As she came down from her first high with Jason he moved up her body giving her loving kisses. "It's your first time." Jason stated softly before standing up and undoing his pants. "It might hurt a little; you should be on top- control the speed and depth, to make sure you are comfortable."

As he removed his jeans Alyssa got her first sight of a human male's erection but as long as it was her mate's she was more than ready to know how it felt inside her. She wanted to make Jason feel good as well. So as she watched the human whom she loved recline back on to the grass she straddled each of his sides and positioned his sex at her own.

She slowly pushed Jason's long member against her as she fit the tip inside. Each second taking a bit more of him inside her and breaking away her virginity in a way so delicate the pain was barely there. Once it was gone she adjusted to the feeling of him inside her for a moment before beginning to rock back and forth rubbing Jason in the best ways possible

His eyes felt the urge to seal themselves up in pleasure but Jason would not allow it. He did not want to miss a moment of Alyssa's beautiful face twisted in pleasure. Except maybe to watch the erotic scene of his cock being sucked up whole into her pussy only to come out as she rocked back up.

Alyssa could not keep her eyes open despite her tries. The feeling of him putting pressure on her g spot was becoming too much and as the pleasure built she became more frantic in her bouncing causing her breasts to jiggle giving Jason another point to fascinate about. With every thrust Jason's name slipped from her lips.

Everything was perfect in that moment, for both of them. They came in unison lustfully whispering each other's names experiencing a perfect moment.

She rolled off of Jason trying to catch her breath and as it came to her finally she looked over to see her lover in the same state of bliss. "If you want- you can do anything you want with me."

Jason did not need to be told twice. He rolled on top of her getting himself hard yet again by rubbing himself on her body teasing her clit with his tip before pressing into her and beginning to pump himself loving the way her pussy clung to him.

The unicorn lifted her legs and wrapped them and her arms around him in a simple attempt to become even closer to him. This however angled her pelvic bone in just a way that rubbed the tip of his cock. It made his knees slightly weak but he kept going strong as the position seemed to be even better for Alyssa.

Her mouth was left open in a silent moan as her eyes gazed up at him in pure ecstasy. He could feel her cumming around him and it was just about to drive him over the edge.

Instead of giving into temptation he pulled out of her and quickly tossing her onto her knees thrust into her again. The small break was enough to suppress his orgasm and he could continue making Alyssa squeal in pleasure. He loved hearing it.

Everything about the moment was better than either of them could dream and as he pushed one final time into her he let himself burst, this time collapsing with her still in his arms.

Exhausted both of them lied in a tranquil peace, enjoying the pleasure of just being in one another's arms. Slipping off to sweet sleep.

When Alyssa awoke the next day at sunrise she had an overwhelming feeling of peace. Jason had held her all night long. Things would be different, they had to be, but she was okay with it. She could be forever with Jason and that made the future less scary.