Horace and Andre

Story by KevinFoxboy on SoFurry

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#7 of CatGirl

More 'Gina Catgirl' character interaction outside the Pride.

Adult for nude guys fondling

Digression into anti-censorship

Horace and Andre - (c) 2010-0114.2034 Kevin Foxboy, All Rights Reserved

Horace TomCat had seen Andre Weasel's photography in an advert for Biological Synthetics Incorporated. A lovely CatGirl strutted her stuff for BioSyn's Furson Catalog. Horace had Gone Furry to escape his shady past when he'd been a patsy for drug-and-gun-smugglers.

He'd picked the black-and-white Catfur to go with his mulatto ancestry and was attracted by her light gray fur with white chest and belly, dark gray gloves and boots. He had no idea of her past, why she'd Gone Furry; it was just that the photos brought out her beauty.

So many other photos of Fursons followed the fashion-mag habit of airbrushing out the slightest imperfections; Horace disliked the fake perfection. Andre's pics caught the Young Teen Cat's slightly disheveled fur and she still looked lovely.

She was also wearing nothing but the fur and a sly smile; just some very strategic shadows kept the censors from going nuts. So the pics caught Horace's eye; he wanted to meet her and figured the best way was to see the photographer, so he looked him up from the credits.

When he went to Andre's loft he first saw a guy who'd Gone Skunk. The two black-and-white guys hit it off immediately, and Jacques introduced Horace to Andre. Horace was a bit put off by the two guys' living together; but he figured, oh yeah, they were French.

Horace had always figured he only looked at girls so he was straight, but these Fursons seemed OK together, and Horace kinda cozied up to Andre to get to Gina CatGirl. He wasn't sure what to make of their clothing-optional lifestyle, but of course everything was covered in fur.

Turned out Andre Weasel was bi, got along with guys and gals; and Horace didn't know what changes to make in his own life as a new Furson. He was kinda liberal though, and let Andre teach him some stuff, er, one-on-one.


Fur is soft and warm and inviting; that's why people own pets, and why BioSyn makes Fursons and fur slaves. Recombinant DNA mixes human and animal in different proportions, and Going Furry was still very new; no person, Furson or fur slave knew how to deal with the new truth.

So Andre and Horace had no legal or social guidelines; they just had to feel their way along, so to speak. Andre's loft was big enough Jacques left them alone to explore their Fursonal feelings.

Horace was just curious at first; the Weasel fur was short and a bit spiky. The French furrs got their new friend com-fur-table and relaxed quickly; Andre was willing to help Horace and wanted to admire the Cat. They went to a spare room together; no bed, no pressure.

Pleasure is pleasure, and it doesn't matter whose paws are on you. The Weasel started with a pawlick just to say hello, and it felt OK to both furrs. Horace returned the lick and hugged him gently.

Andre started rubbing Horace's shoulders to relax him, and the Cat rubbed back. They held each other and let their paws slide down one another's furry bodies, not yet pressing the curves. Both guys liked the other's firm muscles under the warm fur.

Horace was OK with Andre fur-flowing around him and sighed contentedly as the Weasel's strong arms rubbed him down and around his front. The Cat started purring quietly and tilted his head back, relaxing into Andre's gentle grasp.

He was a bit surprised when Weasel paws caressed up his furry chest and started circling his guy nipples. He tensed a little, and Andre didn't push it, just held him and let his head rest on the Cat's left shoulder.

Horace had no idea of Andre's past, but the Weasel had always been a gentleman with lovers of either gender. Soon the Cat relaxed and Andre tried again, slower. He whispered in Horace's ear asking if it was OK to continue, and waited a second or two for Horace to think and whisper back ... yes.


Andre slowly hugged Horace again, inhaling his Cat scent while Weasel scent caressed the otherfur's enhanced nostrils. Maybe both of them were still getting used to the new scents, sights and sounds of their new Furson bodies. Oh, and the feel of fur on pawpads instead of on fingers.

One of the problems with having fur is your own sense of touch is blocked a bit, as does having a thin blanket on. Sure it's warm, but you tend to flex your short paw-fingers and skritch down to the otherfur's skin. There's less feeling on the rest of your body when the skin is covered.

Andre noticed when Horace's body relaxed, then carefully began a slow sensuous caress of his chest. Horace didn't flinch again, so Andre moved his paws around Horace's nipples; the Cat moaned softly as the pleasure grew.

The groans became louder when Andre slowly squeezed the Cat nipples. There was a slight response from the bi Weasel's sheath, and Horace put his left paw on Andre's left paw and slowly moved it down his chest. Andre let his paw trail down the Cat's firm six-pack and past his hips.

Horace was still shy around other guys but he was curious about the fur. Andre didn't press his new friend, just gave the Cat the time he needed to relax and allow the sensations.

BioSyn gives different Fursons different bodies in addition to the species change. Almost all the guys have the sheath put in to hold them, especially the ones who go Canid or Mustelid; but animal cats don't have em so Horace had a tougher choice. He went with the partial sheath with the sorta spikes, to give the gals a little, er, extra thrill.

Horace spoke softly since the Weasel was still draped over his shoulder; it felt good to have somefur warm and cuddly holding him. He told Andre about his choice of fur body and Andre'd seen the TomCat just in the fur. It hid his Cathood, and Andre disengaged from Horace to show his Weaselhood.


It wasn't a contest so neither Furson actually measured; but since the Weasel was OK just in the fur and now, well, *showing*, Horace relaxed too. It was such a strange situation for him being with another guy; he wasn't sure how to react, so he kept going back and forth between nervousness and relaxation.

But Andre Rousseau had already gone through exactly the same concerns with ladies and men growing up in Lyons France, so when he became Andre Weasel he knew how to handle it. Literally. And now he showed the sexy kitty how to relax and 'go with the flow'.

Look, I know this is long-winded, and you furrs who were expecting four-letter body-part words and lots of gay sex are just gonna be disappointed. I'm not a pro writer, I just write what furrs tell me. If they don't wanna do show-and-tell, I don't push or judge. Just let em tell their story their way, OK?

Horace TomCat had already gone way beyond anything he'd seen in movies; sure he'd been with young ladies when he'd been human, but he was having trouble remembering he'd only come to Andre's loft to get in touch, literally, with the sexy Gina CatGirl.

He tried to do the hugging and touching he'd done with the ladies, but now he was close to Andre Weasel and the fur was quite frankly erotic. He'd kinda had a tail fetish before, I mean caressing Fursons' and fur slaves' literal tails. Andre wore his fur rather short and spiky to keep gawkers away, but it was really quite soft and fluffy once you got to know him.

Horace was getting to know Andre, um, up close and Fursonal. He was surprised he was so relaxed about it; he thought it would be a lot harder, I mean more difficult, to get the Weasel to give up Gina's address.

Besides, furrs caress each others' fur a bit differently than humans; almost always down the body with the lie of the fur. With skin you can go up, down, right, left, in circles. It just doesn't feel quite right with fur. Yeah, OK, sometimes it's lotsa fun to relax with somefurs and just enjoy them, but then the fur won't look so cared-for. Wash your hair and sleep on it wet, and you'll see what I'm driving at here.


So Andre and Horace tried some stuff out. I left you at the last star with Cathood and Weaselhood showing. I'm not gonna comment on size cause they didn't; let's just say neither was disappointed. There was more touching, hugging, fur-licking, and handling of tails.

Fursons are kinda ticklish under their tails; BioSyn makes em that way on purpose. Gives em all something to discover about their new bodies. Horace TomCat and Andre Weasel spent the rest of the afternoon finding out just where the other was ticklish.

When dinnertime rolled around, Jacques Skunk rapped on the closed door and averted his eyes as he told Andre and Horace he'd cooked and was ready to serve. I mentioned the loft was clothing- optional, and Horace had relaxed enough to join them that way. They just put clean towels on the chairs and dug into 'poisson au buerre avec les pommes de terre et haricots verts'.

Oops, I mean 'fish in butter sauce with potatoes and French green beans'. Remember the Weasel grew up in France and the Skunk had French neighbours. I guess I just got carried away again.

Anyway, they had to work off all the calories, and what better way than a romp around the big loft? It had lots of open space for photo shoots, and I'll leave you to imagine three naked furry guys running around. Their Furson bodies were better, stronger, faster than human, and you'd think they were kids again the way they carried on.

Then it was time for Horace to go back home to get some sleep before going back to work. He'd forgotten about meeting Gina CatGirl in the fun of meeting other Fursons, but he'd get his chance soon enough. He'd also get the chance to become friends with Jacques Skunk.


OK, True Confessions time; you can skip down to the next star if you don't care. I've been interested in anthropomorphic animals for decades, even in high school where I got in trouble for it. The school authorities also threatened to call the police when I admitted I was curious about other guys and the clothing-optional lifestyle.

But before you judge me, walk a few miles in my shoes. All the Biological Synthetics Incorporated stuff I've written, even what I haven't posted, is a mixture of what I've experienced in real life, with a liberal dose (sometimes *very* liberal) of news articles, ideas I've copped from science-fiction stories, and my own (my family says sick and twisted) imagination.

Anyone who's read the Kevin Foxboy, JakeFox, Gina CatGirl, BioLab, or Lord Lu stuff knows what I'm talking about. Lots of times I divert from the Furry stuff to stick in religion, philosophy or just ramblings. I was honestly expecting some email response, even "that's sick" or "you don't know what the h- you're writing about!" from the KevFox.t35.com website, because I've emailed authors I've read, to ask about a plot point or comment on a concern they'd put forth.

Nofur's bothered to reply, and I hope they don't feel I've insulted them. Even if I disagree with somefur, I've always been civil about it, asking them to be mature about the disagreement and think seriously instead of just giving a knee-jerk response. Lots of times I just let it drop instead of fighting about a point.

I disagree strongly with American censorship and religious conservatives. What the hey do they think they're protecting people from, and why are they qualified to make judgements about other people's lives? A few websites dropped my postings because 'someone might get offended', but if they do, it's up to them to go elsewhere, not block me for having a different lifestyle.

Note, nobody actually said they *were* offended, just the hosting company thought some unnamed someone *might get* offended! It's immoral to get violent and hurt others, but that's OK in PG13 movies! And just try to show some skin or people being affectionate, and the Motion Picture Academy of America (read Censors) gets all R or even NC17 apoplectic!

These people get offended so easily over nothing, and try to impose their views on everyone else! *They're* the ones society should label as *sick and twisted*!


See, here's the star! Horace TomCat came by Andre Weasel's loft, and did some more paw-licking, hugging, caressing, amd cuddling. After running around the loft together just in the fur, Horace was relaxed enough for Jacques to join the Cat and Weasel; and the French furrs were relaxed enough to include the TomCat.

But they weren't averse to wearing clothes, and wore jeans when somefur came around for a photoshoot. Y'know, more professional that way. Somefurs were more relaxed than others; and BioSyn Labs paid for the Furson pics to get people to Go Furry, so Andre did fur shots to show off their work.

They were in America, and Americans are so strange; they get all upset when you show them affectionate furrs! So Andre's profes- sional shots were just individual furrs. But the photoshoots included lots of shots of interaction the furrs kept for themselves. Only if they wanted, no social pressure.

Some of the ladyfurs were a bit worried about the shoots with the guys watching, but Andre was a perfect gentlefurr, always strictly professional during the shoots. If a lady was shy, he'd put up the screens; plywood frames just like a theatre uses would block light but show a background scene and reflect some light to fill in shadows.

Remember Andre Rousseau had grown up as a model and thought nothing of working with nude men and women; being nude is sensual but not automatically sexual. That's where Americans get it wrong. Fur hides the body parts anyway, and sensual sells Going Furry, so Andre coaxed most of the ladies into being OK with undressing.

So when Gina CatGirl came by again for more Teen Cat pics, Jacques Skunk gave Horace TomCat a heads-up call. Andre let him in, and let him and Jacques watch Gina. When Andre saw Gina starting to relax with Horace, the two Frenchfurs kinda figgered on leaving em alone together. Jacques was reloading the analog camera, and Andre looked at him that kinda dreamy Weasel way, admiring the black-and- white Skunkfur that photographed so nicely.

Gina caught the goofy grin and suggested they 'get a room'. Jacques got his jeans off past his wide Skunktail and used it to cover his, er, Skunkhood. Andre undressed too, er 'weaseling' out of his jeans. Gina thought they were kinda comical but was curious about the first TomCat she'd seen up close.

I already said what Gina and Horace did; another chapter might tell what Andre and Jacques started before being interrupted by Horace's happy whoop when Gina agreed to go out with him.

Kevin Foxboy 15

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