A Single Day's Choice

Story by drkjhult on SoFurry

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#1 of EarlyWorks

My first work I have posted. If you are underage and are trying to read this, you should go back. A story about a underaged boy and his anthro 'pet' dog.

Will awoke like any other day, stretching softly as his nude human form was uncovered from the blankets to be bathed by the sun. His father and mother had finally left for their trip, leaving only Will and the 'pet' anthro canine Luke watching over him.

Will was a typical sixteen year old human boy. He was always active, and enjoyed soccer most of all, giving him the lean body of an athlete. Brown hair, blue eyes, a slight tan on his arms and legs where most of his clothing never really covered. It was clear that he was just a simple boy finding that he would always do whatever he found easy or simple to do. So it was that he was attracted to the taboo prospect of having sex with a furre.

Normally he would of never gotten the chance had his family not been rich enough to afford a 'pet', a trusted servitor of the furre race, someone who had been born as such and not come off of the street. But Luke had been completely loyal to the family, so it was that one fact that Will's parents trusted Luke to make sure that Will did not get into any trouble.

Will rose from his bed and slipped on his underwear, not bothering with anything else as he left the hallway, stopping at the bathroom just long enough to relieve himself. There was no trepidation as he entered into Luke's meager room, no bigger than a double door closet. It was there that he looked down at Luke with a faint appreciation of the masculinity of a furre male.

Luke was a descendant of the long since gone feral huskies, his hair always kept short by frequent trimmings due to the controlled temperature environment of the large apartment. His body was a testament to the hard labor that had gone on during his life, his large form having more than decent enough muscle to show that he was not a stranger to heavy weights. At a simple thirty years of age, he had seen more than his fair share of masters and mistresses, some kind and some not. Though as his crystal blue eyes looked up at the human boy that stood there, knowing what he wanted, Luke was slightly afraid of what the boy had asked of him for the last couple of months.

"Will... You realize what you are asking me if it ever comes out will have me both removed from the family, on the streets, and quite possibly killed? Normal humans wouldn't even think of sharing a bed with a furre, and the few humans that do like it, while they are simply chastised, the furres that they have done it with are never seen again..." There was nervousness in his eyes as he looked over the small, lean body before him, hoping that his words would talk Will out of his decision. While the thought of having a pleasure outlet was a pleasing thought to him, the only outlets he had had in the past were other canine females, and only on permission for breeding purposes.

"Luke. My parents are gone for two weeks. There is no school, and most of my friends have gone out of the country. And you have seen from my interests before that I am more than comfortable with the thought of sex with a guy. It is just that I find the thought of the guy I end up being with having a cock that isn't human is a whole lot more arousing than maybe the one or two guys at the high school that I might think of like that. Besides. I would have to start a relationship first. I already know you..." Will smiled in a sultry way, bending softly at the waist to grab his underwear and push them down his hips, stepping out of them gently before pulling the blanket that Luke was still covered by.

Luke slid back nervously as the blanket was uncovered, for he was only truly allowed to wear a simple pair of shorts while around the apartment, a simple soft leather collar adorning his neck. Due to it still being morning, he had yet to dress, so it was that his sheath and balls were uncovered, soft and fuzzy, sitting slightly up as he watched Will coming closer. His sheath started to swell as he watched the young boy kneel in front of him, wondering what Will was going to do first

Will did not hesitate to gently reach out and grasp that soft fuzzy sleeve that protected Luke's cock, rubbing and stroking it with a eager look on his face, having occasionally gotten to see it for a brief moment. But as Luke's sheath swelled further, and his tapered length began to slide out, Will got to observe the length as it slid free of it's protective covering. It wasn't much to look at as it slid out until blood truly started to flood within the length, the contoured curves standing out, the length itself promising a smooth penetration into any hole while stuffing it with a good amount of flesh as well.

Leaning over, Will let his curiosity roam as he began to lick across the length, from the edge of the sheath to the tip of the length slowly. He was surprised at the deep slightly salty taste, feeling the length swell beneath his hand as he grasped the actual flesh for the first time.

Luke all the while let out a deep groan, afraid that he would no doubt disappear as soon as Will's parents would arrive from back home, worried about what would happen to him. A soft gasp was given as he felt the boy's tongue run along his length, his hips and legs stiffening as his cock jumped and swelled further under the stimulation, his instincts beginning to take hold. It did not take long till Luke started to pant, his body preparing itself to rut the person who had aroused him, whether that person be male or female.

It didn't take much more fondling till Luke responded in the way that Will wanted him to, rising up and grasping Will by the shoulders, turning him about as not a simple pet, but a dominant alpha male, placing him with firm hands on his shoulders and knees. Luke's hands grasped the cheeks of Will's ass, parting them open and looking down between them, smirking softly before he spoke. "Hmmmm, I am going to have to get this ready..." There was no hesitation in Luke now as he figured he was doomed to disappear by this point, leaning forward as his muzzle opened wide, his tongue licking up the valley of Will's ass.

Will was surprised to say the least at the sudden personality transformation of his 'pet', shivering at the way that he took charge and positioned him, just like he was a true bitch. A sudden wavering gasp was given as the canine licked up the crack of his ass, bringing a noticeable shiver up his spine, both excited and scared at what was obviously a turn of events.

Luke didn't leave Will waiting from the first lick before his tongue began to attack Will's ass with a lust filled fervor, his tongue swirling constantly around and on the muscled ring that was free for his taking, ignoring any sound of complaint or pleasure from the young human. His eyes looked up at Will just as he started to apply pressure on the entrance to Will's ass, not pulling back or stopping until he felt the subtle and strong resistance of that entrance give way, his tongue unfurling inside of Will. His tongue started to twist and swirl on the inside, intentionally drooling a good about of saliva down his tongue, slickening up that tight hole as he readied it for him.

Will all the while squirmed and shivered, whimpering faintly at the strong grip that his 'pet' had on him, knowing that with the way he was faced in the cubby hole of the pet that there was no way for him to get out or away. A sudden groan was Will felt the sudden pressure on his ass, gasping as he felt that warm, slick tongue slide inside. Soft noises escaped his mouth that there were no descriptions for as Luke slickened his ass, causing his ass to squirm as it was both pleasured and tickled in a way he never thought possible.

Luke all the while smiled as best he could as he continued his work, his tongue starting to pull out with a lewd slurp before pushing it's way back in again, getting as much of his saliva inside of Will as possible. It was only when his tongue started to easily slide in and out that he was finally pleased, pulling up and away as his hands slid from Will's ass to his sides, gripping them firmly as he repositioned himself.

"Are you ready for what you asked for? Because you are going to get it... You are going to get all of it... For two weeks, your ass is mine." Luke felt a certain satisfaction at the sound of his words, for while he still believed it wouldn't last long, he would rock the human boy down to his very core.

Will all the while found his ass rocking back and forth as Luke's tongue found it's way in and out, feeling as it seemed to happen smoother and smoother each time, causing his body to tremble from the weird sensation. But when Luke suddenly grasped him and held him down, sensing the different position of the canine as he suddenly realized that this might not be a good idea. The words Luke spoke even scared him in a way, knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop what was about to happen, even though he wanted it to happen for the last few months.

Luke didn't give will much time to decide on anything, as he brought his hips up close to Will's ass, letting his now almost fully swollen cock rest against the slickened crack of the boy's ass, his knot revealed now as it was slowly swelling with each pump of blood to the member. Luke shifted slightly as he placed the tip of his cock against Will, looking at the boy as he slowly started to roll his hips forward with a firm smooth push, feeling his cock slip and slide upwards. Positioning himself once again, this time Luke placed his hand on his cock, his words speaking out smoothly. "Oops... Missed. Lets try that again..." He didn't miss the second time, feeling as his cock gained purchase, his strong hips smoothly starting to sink his cock into the boy.

Will jumped when he first felt the length against him, looking over his shoulder as best he could in his position, watching as the canine male lined himself up with him, feeling the tip of that length as it settled on his ass. He started to speak in protest before gasping as it only slid up the crack of his ass, almost pleased with the thought that maybe he was too tight for the canine. Will's eyes widened though as he heard the words, groaning suddenly as he felt his ass get spread wider than it was designed to, feeling his muscles give as the length sunk in.

Luke started to pant eagerly as he started to thrust smoothly with experience, his hands grasping just above Will's hips, pulling the boy back into him with each thrust, his large length gaining greater purchase and entry with each powered pump of his hips. He didn't stop till he felt his knot up against the boy's ass, leaning down to lick along Will's spine, his lips resting against his ear. "There we are. So, how does it feel? Having a canine's length deep in your ass, knowing that his knot is sure to follow?"

Will started letting out soft squeaking noises, his hands bunching on the thin padding that was Luke's mattress, his body rocking against it's will to Luke's tempo. His mind started to truly reel at the thought of what was happening, the pure carnal instinct of Luke's psyche dominating him in almost every way, both physically and psychologically. It was scary and humbling, and yet as he felt the large canine length settle against his prostrate, Will couldn't deny that it felt good, pleasuring him in a way that only a few have known. This fact was evident as he realized his small human length was fully hardened, his balls tightening faintly with arousal. He didn't even reply to the words spoken, a shiver leaving his body as he realized his ass was actually resisting Luke on the withdrawing of his cock.

Luke found a tempo that was natural to him in the past, his length beginning to release pre into Will, slickening up that tunnel even further. It didn't take long till a new noise joined the panting of Luke and soft noises of Will, being the sound of his knot slapping loudly against that slick asshole. The very sound prompted the instincts of Luke to change from the firm slaps to a more strong approach, his hands starting to truly pull Will back into his thrusts with further eagerness, each roll of Luke's hips gaining more strength.

Will was lost in the sensations, feeling as if it was happening all too fast and all too slow at the same time, his prostrate getting squeezed by each thrust of that contoured length. His hands original death grip on the pad changed to soft clenches and unclenches, his body relaxing and pulling on Luke's cock naturally. His eyes widened though as he felt Luke's grip and thrusts change, letting out soft whimpers of pain as he felt that swelling knot trying to push it's way in, his voice actually speaking up. "L-Luke... Wait it is too big..."

Luke ignored Will's protest, his thrusts growing in strength and length, feeling his knot as it started to gain purchase and then be denied, trying over and over again till finally his knot slipped deep enough in. It was then that he felt a sudden fight of Will's body, before his knot slipped in with a lewd pop, the pressure surrounding his knot prompting Luke into a new tempo. His hips started to thrust rapidly, his knot swelling further till it was at it's apex, swollen to the point that it would hurt the both of them if he pulled out.

Will whimpered and cried out as his protector and 'pet' ignored his protests, feeling that knot as it slammed against his backside. When it finally did get enough purchase, Will whined in pain before letting out a cry of pain as it popped in, gasping as Luke transitioned into a different tempo. His pain didn't last against the sensations Luke's knot provided against his prostrate, groaning deeply as he felt the familiar tightening in the base of his gut of an approaching orgasm, only this time much stronger than anything he had felt as he cried out in pleasure as his cock started jerking and spasming in pleasure as his cum spurted out.

Luke grunted and moaned in a few last thrusts before he orgasmed, his cock starting to release a torrent of fluid and seed. He settled against Will gently for the first time, his tongue starting to lick the sweat that had gathered on the boy's skin, letting his long term orgasm continue uninterrupted. Finally he placed his lips up against Will's ear, speaking with a gentle roughness. "Now you know what it is like... You know now what it is like to get claimed as a bitch... Enjoy it, for it is going to be your reality for as long as no one knows..."