No Thanks, I'm Stuffed

Story by Bullsworth on SoFurry

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It's always more fun when things get just a little bit public.

Most of the dirtyness is only implied. This is just a quick little story I wrote trying to get back into writing. I've been having trouble finishing my stories. Sorry to anyone who has been hoping for more or trying to contact me.

A babble of gently clinking utensils and hushed conversations trickled through the small restaurant. Along with the dim, somehow reddish lighting throughout, the atmosphere was perfect for what is commonly regarded as fine dining of high society.

Rows of small, circular tables are distributed across the carpet, with several dozen fashionable couples distributed among them. Seated at one of these, with her chair pushed back much further than would be considered proper, was an alluring brown bovine in a tight black dress. As she reached forward drop a crumpled napkin beside her nearly-untouched plate, the ebony fabric clung to her expansive bosom and left very little to the imagination. Each mound wobbled slightly, as full and curvacious as a pair of ripe melons. Thick nipples caused the tip of each to protrude against the thin cloth.

She leaned back in her chair once more, letting out a sigh of relief and putting the reason for her distance from the table on full display. Just below her volumous udders, the cow's stomach bulged out hugely from the rest of her otherwise trim figure. Fellow diners in the room could be forgiven to thinking at first glance that she had attempted to swallow an inflated beach ball before coming into the restaurant, and maybe a second after that. Her dress stretched taughtly around the round protrusion of her belly, which easily took up all the space between the bovine and her meal. In fact, a close look at the seams would reveal several patches of exposed brown fur where the piece of clothing was beginning to fail at its job.

Her green eyes glinted in the dim light as she smiled across the table at her partner. The big, black-furred clydesdale returned the warm sentiment, pushing back his own chair to stand to his full, towering height. Though his bulk was draped rather smartly in a fine gray suit, the massive equine quite literally stood out head and shoulders above all others in the dining room. He ducked around a hanging lamp and stepped around the table in a single stride; glasses and plates at the surrounding tables tinkled against each other in the minor seismic event this caused. Leaning down, he laid a soft kiss on his lover's forehead and murmured something directly into her ear. The cow giggled quietly, the smile on her lips turning very coy as her horse strightened back up and strode away through the scattered tables. Her eyes lingered on his receding backside awhile before falling onto a Collie seated at the table nearest hers, whose husband had also excused himself just moments before.

The canine wore an extremely fashionable, blue-sequined dress. Though not nearly as revealing as the black number worn by the bovine, the fabric fit snugly on the smaller female's form and put the tell-tale, basketball-shaped belly of late-term pregnancy prominently on display. Bringing a glass of water to her lips, she sipped quietly and glanced around the restaurant. Her mind meandered through many important matters that she'd left back home before her eyes met the gaze of the brown cow seated across from her.

The voluptuous cow smiled broadly and leaned in, "How far along are you?" Her voice rose slightly at the end of the sentence with the slightest tinge of a southern accent.

Her thoughts only just re-entering the walls of the dining room, the Collie swallowed quickly and returned the smile. She raised her eyebrows questioningly, "Hmm?"

"With your child. Are you getting close the date?"

"Oh," the canine smiled wider and placed a paw on her swollen belly. "Only three weeks now. I can't say that I'm looking forward to it, but I will be very happy to bring my boy into the world."

"Is this your first?"

"Mmhmm. We decided to wait on trying until we could afford to move out here."

"Wise choice. Not everywhere is suitable for raising a child." The cow nodded sagely, "I remember my first time. Twins. Sometimes it was very frightening." She smiled again, "But you'll do fine. You've already got a mother's eyes."

"Why, thank you," the dog chuckled in response. She lifted her glass, gesturing toward the other female's bulbous tummy before taking a sip. "How about you? You look to be carrying triplets this time around."

Confusion fell over the bovine's long face for a moment before she let out a hearty laugh. "Oh, dear, I'm not carrying any children tonight. But I can understand why you'd think that." She gave her stomach a gentle pat, sending several heavy waves sloshing across its surface. "My Edward has just been off on a business trip these past few weeks, and when we're apart for so long, he has a tendency to get, well... quite pent up."

Water caught in the Collie's throat for a moment as she looked upon that bulging, jiggling belly with new eyes. She sputtered bit, her mind still trying to work out the physics of the realization, before finally managing to retrieve her smile. "Oh... of, of course."

"The damn fool is just so fertile. After a set of twins, and then triplets, I was afraid to find out what was next, so I went and got my tubes tied," the cow continued, not noticing her new companion's shocked expression. "Honestly, I didn't even want to come out tonight. I knew I wouldn't be able to eat a bite. But, after he was finished, I couldn't even squeeze myself out of this dress, and he said he wanted everyone to see me at my most beautiful. He's a big man, but when he makes those puppy eyes I just..." She trailed off, gazing off at the walls and squirming slightly in her seat.

The Collie, for her part, wanted desperately to find something polite to say but she simply had no words. Instead, she took several more gulps of water and hoped that the conversation would take a more amiable turn soon.

Her rescue came in the form of what was arguably the main cause of this unsociable path of discussion. The bovine's eyes focused in the distance, "Ah, here comes Ed now. Well, it was a pleasure talking with you."

Her seat shook slightly with each hooffall as the big equine lumbered past the dog. She set her glass back down, watching as he extended a hand to help his lover to her feet. In spite of his size and obvious strength, he handled the smaller bovine with such gentleness. She watched, still wordless, as the couple walked out together, hand in hand.

Moments later, her own husband returned. The doberman, dressed in a neat black suit, sat across from her and flashed a toothy grin. "Making friends?"