Starlight Pack Chapter 2: New Beginnings Part2

Story by Starlightwolf1 on SoFurry

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#3 of Starlight Pack

If any of you are super religious I suggest you not read this book anymore please to avoid fights please just leave

Chapter 2: New Beginnings Part 2

"Wha-what?" that was all Alpha could muster from the shock."W-why?"

"He-He attacked me and I defended myself," I was still crying like a pup. "I opened his wounds and he just lied there bleeding, smiling, I-I lost it and I ran.

"Why did he attack you, he loved you."

"Yes I know that but we got into an argument and I-I DON'T KNOW!"

"Just-just go Zak." he was even crying.

"What no, why?" He-he was telling me what to, but he did it just like my dad did.

I followed his orders and left still with tears in my eyes but after i left the den I just flipped and ran.I was so overwhelmed by everything that's happened in just two days.When i opened my eyes, I was at the edge of the territory. I decided to take a walk and visit Dylan's pride.

Later when i got to the pride I walked straight up to Dylan and fell into his chest crying. I guess Meg and the others followed. Cause they were there just as my muzzle hit Dylans fluffy chest. Lizz walk out of the den

"Zak are-are you okay?"Lizz asked, Lizz was Dylan's mate she was a darker shade of gold almost copper, and purple eyes.

"No-No I had to talk about it again and I lost it." Tears were falling down my face like a waterfall.

Meg was standing next to me.

"Do you want me to get him?" Lizz asked hopping i would say yes.

"NO PLEASE DON'T I CAN'T STAND TO SEE HIM."She was talking about... an old friend.

"Zak you need to tell him you just left last time"Lizz was trying to convince me.

"Please No."

"ZAK IS THAT YOU?"Alex called out

Alex was a normal looking panther but with sexy gold eyes he was the coolest cat that i ever knew.

"H-hey Alex what-"but before i could finish my sentence he-he kissed me

"I missed you"He said with all sincerity.

"I-I missed you too." and i kissed him back.

"WHAT THE FUCK" All the wolves yelled.

"Okay what the fuck happened in the pass 4 years when did you become a fag."AJ asked in surprised but as soon as he said fag I tackled him.

"WHAT THE HELL" he snapted in anger.

"Don't fucking call me that again." that word pissed the shit out of me.

Meg just stood there.

"Plus I'm not gay; I'm bi."It's true that in the past 4 years i found out that i liked guys just as much as i liked girls."Uh Meg; you okay?"

"You-you're gay-" She was almost in tears

"Look Meg I'm not gay I'm Bi there's a difference. I still like girls."

"But-but Alex is"

"Meg look Alex and I were together-"

"Wait you broke up me I just thought you left for a couple of days."

I hate this type of conversation; it's so uncomfortable.

"Look Alex I don't know, I-I love you both but I can't choose."

Megan then flipped and ran. Why is happening to me?

"Zak ..."Alex couldn't even finish half of his sentence.

"*Sniff* Yeah?"

"Do you love me or her?"

"I-I don't know, I want you both."My fur was soaked

"Well you can't have both of us you need to pick."I never saw Alex this angry before.

"I know. C-can I talk to Ian" Ian was Alex's little brother.He always knew how to help me if something happened between me and Alex.

"He-he's in the den."

"Thanks.You guys coming?"

"Uh yea, sure" AJ said

The pack then followed me to Alex's den. When we got there I saw Ian trying to catch a mouse; he was getting ready to pounce; he was so adorable. He was about 12, and looked almost exactly like Alex but with cute green eyes.

"Uh Ian it's me." I think when i left he was acting like his live fell apart. He looked up to me. If I never left I think he would be my future brother in-law by now.

"OH MY GOD; ZAK" He was clearly excited

Ian quickly came and hugged me.

"Hey little guy so what's up?"

"Same old, same old so what brings you back?"

"Your brother"

"Zak I know you love him but when you left..."

"Ian I don't care I love him but I-I have a girlfriend."

"Ouch how did he react."

"Not good I have to pick him or her."

"Zak I know you'll make the right choice"

"Thanks, uh guys can I talk to Ian alone please?"

"Uh sure sorry."AJ said

The others left and I was really trying to make the right choice.

I took a big breathe to clear my mind."Maybe if I spend more time with Alex I'll be able to make the decision."

"I don't know maybe it's worth a shot?"

So I left the den and I had to tell meg my plan. Luckly she found the other out side the deb

"Uh Meg is it okay if just for a few days I go out with Alex to see who I prefer?"

"WHAT!?! NO, I..."She was pretty upset at my plan.

I kissed her to try calm her down."It's just for a few days don't worry."

"But-but what if you pick him?"

"Meg please trust me I know what I'm doing."


I went to tell Alex but then I saw him talking with Lizz he was crying.

"Lizz can I please talk to Alex?"I was so nervous.

"Okay sure," As Lizz walked passed me she said." Please don't break his heart, he's the closest thing to a son I have."

I was starting to cry. "Lizz you know I can't make that promise."

"Well at least try."

As I walked to Alex I saw his tears rolling down his muzzle.

I had to stop him from crying anymore it was killing me. So I kissed him hoping it would help.

"What the hell?!"Alex was shit scared he clearly wasn't expecting it.

"Alex I love you and I can't pick you or Meg so I was just hoping for time to figure this out."

"So what about Megan."He had a doubtful tone in his voice.

"She was shocked but... I just need to do this."And I kissed him again, but this time he kissed me back.

"Zak I love you I always have but when you left I..."He was tearing up again.

"Please don't cry not anymore. It kills me to so either of you cry."

"Okay, but how are you gonna figure out your answer?"

"Well' like this. Alex will you go out with me?"

"So is that your plan go out with me until you know who to pick?"

"I know it's not the best decision but if you're cool with it, is it okay?"

He thought for a few seconds then he jumped onto me making me fall to the ground and he kissed me.

"So I take that as a yes."

"Yes, yes, yes ,yes Zak I'll go out with you."

"Great." I was so happy, I had to tell the others my plan but they won't really like it. "Uh Alex can-can I go tell the others my plan cause they don't know and it'll be weird if they think I'm dating meg and they see me kiss you so just to avoid that can I go?"

"Haha sure sorry."He got off me and we walked to the others together.

Soon when we got there they all were with meg

"What the hell were you thinking?" Aj asked, he looked pretty pissed off.

"Uh I actually don't know how to answer that question."


"Look I know what I'm doing so if you guys could just relax and let me explain you would understand."

"Undersand you just broke up with meg for a guy god you're such a fag." Jeff was taking this too far

"You basterd"Just then I Jumped onto Jeff and attacked him."Who gives you the right to judge me for who I am?!"

"Zak stop he's you're best friend" Megan tried to separate us.

I was so ferious that I blacked out and when I finaly gained contionsness I was on the floor god knows where in a pool of someones blood and everybody was gone

"Oh my god oh my god what did I do? No not again please not again?"I was torn apart I was laying in a pool of someones blood and nobody was there. What the fuck happened this time?I got up and started looking for them I tried to see if I could track anyone from the blood but it was mine so no help there. But what happened, how did I lose so much blood and still be alive and where on god's earth was I?

I looked around and then I saw mountain shaped like a wolf head. I din't recognize it so I couldn't get any help til I figure out what the fuck happened.

"Hahaha" I heard a creepy voice it was like the kind of voice a demon would have"So you're back didn't expect to you so soon Pure."

"What-what are you talking about I've never been here." Just then all the grass went black and the skies turned crimson and the wolf mountain came to live to looked at me and smiled I swear to god this place was wolf hell.

"Don't you remember me Pure you called apon me last time you got into a fight, hahah you're pathetic if you need a demon to save you're sorry ass."


"You don't remember you're real name well that's just sad."This thing was like the pet of satin.

Seriously what the fuck didn't my dad tell me all those years ago?

Starlight Pack Chapter 3: Seeds Of Differences Part 2

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