Part 5: Stiking Back

Story by t-ster on SoFurry

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#5 of The Choices of Fate

Hi again, everyone. Part 5 of The Choices of Fate series, fresh off the presses.

If you have not read the rest of the series, please do so. Yiffstar is noce enough to put links to them at the top of the story, so please read the first four parts of the story before this one. I almost guarantee it will not make much sense otherwise.

Also, if you are not of legal age to view sexual content, leave yiffstar now. Not that you will, though, but now I have plausible deniability.

If you could not tell by now, this story contains adult content, violence, depictions of full nudity, and intercourse between male and female humanoids. If that offends you, don't blame me, for you have been warned.

For the rest of the furs out there, Enjoy! And please rate and comment. Feedback keeps me going.

The day had been better than yesterday. There were less furs left than what I had gotten through yesterday, and I didn't have to do any experimenting. By mid-afternoon, I was done training any fur in the Grey Wolves who had powers. I decide to let Emelia know that I will be taking off for the rest of the day, most likely.

{Hey, gorgeous.} I send to her. One side effect of being telepathic; if I have a connection with someone, I can tell them something without having to find them first.

{Hey, stud. What's on your mind?}

{You could find out for yourself.}

{Yeah, but having you tell me is so much more fun.}

{I'm gonna head out for a while, don't know when I'll be back.}

{Where are you going?}

{I want to see Jason, and my parents.}

{You going to say goodbye?}

{Something like that, I want to make sure my affairs are set before we leave tomorrow.}

{Well, be careful, the Krendall are still looking for you. Call if you need help.}

{Sure thing, be back as soon as I can.}

While I was carrying on my conversation with Emelia, I teleported outside of the base, to Jason's house. I knock on the door. This time, Jason's father comes to the door.

"Well, if it isn't Kevin! Haven't seen you in a while. Come on in!" The tall stallion exclaims.

"Thank you, is Jason around?" I reply.

"He should be in his room, JASON! Kevin's here to see you!"

"Be right down, Dad." A voice calls from the direction of Jason's room. The stallion I recall from school comes down the steps, "What's up, Kevin?"

"Nothing much. Ummm, is there a place we can go to talk? In private?"

"Oh, sure, come on up to my room." Jason leads the way up the stairs to his room. It's still covered in basketball posters, just like I remember. Then I recall that it has only been a month, even if it feels more like several years. "So, is it news from the Wolves? It's not like them to send someone like you."

"No, this isn't anything official. Most of the Wolves are leaving tomorrow for a raid, a big one. I just wanted to see everyone again before I left with them."

"Wait, don't tell me you-"

"No one has done what we are planning and survived. We have prepared the best we can, but I don't know how it will turn out."

"But, you've taken out suits before. You can stand up to them."

"Maybe, I just wanted you to know how much I value your friendship. Thanks for being there for me during school."

"Hey man, you helped me with all those homework assignments. I would have never gotten through math without you."

"Yeah. Oh, by the way. You know where my parents live now?"

"In the motel, downtown. Most of the furs who got their houses vaporized moved in there. I think your parents went there too."

"Thanks. That's all, I can make my way to the motel. Thanks again for everything. See you around?"

"Yeah, I might be stopping by the den more often in the future, things are changing fast."

"I'd ask how, but I guess I'll see for myself. So long."

I walk out of the house, stopping to say farewell to Jason's parents. After walking a few minutes from their house, I take to the skies. It has been too long since I had a good flight.

It takes me almost twice as long as normal to get to downtown Blenburg. I have to dodge several aerial patrols, and eventually, I just teleport behind the motel. I thought the Krendall don't like to show so much force? Maybe someone else fought back. I can't afford to get caught, though, so I figure it is better to just visit my parents than to investigate the patrols. I use my remote viewing to scan the motel, and I find my parents. They are in a room on the second floor. I walk up to the door and knock. After a short wait, the door opens.

"Yes? Who is- Kevin? Is it really you?" My mother says after opening the door. I notice two things. First, her scales lack their usual shine. She looks...old. Secondly, she has a green and white aura, although it is very easy to miss.

"Yes Mom, it's me. Sorry it took so long."

"I was worried sick about you. Where have you been?"

"Oh, well," I know that telling her the truth is a very bad idea. Even if she believes me, she would be too worried about it to be sensible. "Just being here and there."

"And why did it take you so long to find us?"

"Well, I had been looking for you. I heard from a friend that you were here, so I checked it out."

"Which friend would that be?"

"Emelia. She said you asked her to help find me."

My mother's face darkens upon hearing Emelia's name. "Why would I ask such a thing from someone like her?"


"She is a troublemaker, a delinquent, a, a rebel" I never knew my mother to curse, but that last word came very close, judging from her tone.

"What? Mom, this isn't like you. I went to Prom with her."

"And I have been regretting that decision ever since. She has been a bad influence on you. The authorities have been looking for you, saying you are a wanted fugitive. It's all that Emelia's fault."

"Mom, what are you saying? You like Emelia. And I have been fighting back against the Krendall. They have taken so much from us."

"The Krendall provide for us. They get our rations to us, when the governments fail. They protect us from rotten rebels. I know you would never do such a crazy thing like fight against the Krendall."

{Are you listening to this, Emelia?}

{Kind of, I thought you mother was nice.}

{She was, but now, she seems rather bitter, especially to you.}

{Maybe she smells me on you? We have been together quite a bit.}

{I don't think so, I took a couple showers since this morning. I was thinking, maybe this is like when you were on the Krendall ship?}

{You mean, that chemical?}

{Yeah. Let me just check something.}

"Hey Mom, you said that the Krendall provide your rations, right? Are there any vitamins or pills in with them?"

"No, just food. They are balanced meals. They don't taste as good as my cooking, but they do well enough."

"Mind if I have a bite? I am kind of hungry."

{Your not hungry.}

{I know, do you remember any taste from the chemical?}

{You don't think-}

{It's a possibility. What government wouldn't want to make the populace more docile?}

{But, that would mean...}

{Yeah, anyone who has had Krendall rations would need to be watched. This could be very bad.}

My mother walks back in the room then, carrying a plate of food. "Here you go, Kevin. A nice plate of steak and potatoes. Enjoy."

{Be careful! If you are right...}

{I'm just going to taste it, and I would appreciate some help trying to find any possibility of that chemical being in here.}

{Okay. I trust you.}

I take a bite of the steak, after putting some of the mashed potatoes on it. I don't taste anything wrong with it, except that it is very bland. That is, until I get a faint hint of a medicinal flavor, like cough syrup.

{Don't swallow! That's the stuff!}

I immediately spit out the mouthful, which catches the eye of my mother. "I know it's not the best food in the world, but it's not that bad."

"Oh, I just realized that I probably shouldn't eat. I've got plans for tonight, and I should probably get going."

"You'll be back soon?"

"As soon as I can. Just promise you'll do the cooking. I miss your dinners."

"Sure thing. I'll cook lasagna."

"Sounds like a plan." I say as I walk out the door. I feel like I just got punched in the gut.

{I'm sorry.}

{For what? You probably saved me.}

{I mean about your mother, your dad is probably the same way.}

{I'm glad they're alive. There is still a bit of her in there. Maybe we can save her, and others like her.}


{I'll be heading back, then.}

{Wait, could you do me a favor.}

{Sure, what do you want me to do?}

{Could you check in with my folks?}

{I thought you had that place bugged?}

{We did, but we aren't getting anything, we haven't for a couple days now.}

{Why didn't we send anyone sooner?}

{We did, earlier today, but...}

{You want me to check, after seeing what happened with my parents.}

{That, and I think the increased patrols mean that he got caught.}

By then, I had teleported to Emelia's parents' house. I check inside with my powers to make sure that her parents are in and that there are no Krendall lying in wait. Satisfied that everything looks normal, I walk up to the door and knock. After a short wait, the door opens to the same dragon as the last few times I came to this door. However, he also lacks the shine on his scales that he used to have. There is the barest hint of an aura, but I can't make out a color.

"Yes? Who- YOU!!"

{Oh, no. Please, no.} I hear from Emelia, echoing my own feelings.

"Uhm, yes, me."

"GET OUT! AND STAY AWAY FROM EMELIA!! SHE WAS A GOOD GIRL UNTIL YOU GOT A HOLD OF HER!!" After yelling, he slams the door in my face.

{Ow. Your dad sure can yell.}

{Oh, I guess. I've never heard him so angry before.}

{Hey, it's nor your fault. If you want to blame someone, blame the Krendall.}

{But I knew they could do this. I was there. I could have said something.}

{And how many people would that have saved? When people are hungry, they will eat anything.} "There was little you could have done. Any more would have put you at undue risk. But we have bigger problems." I teleported back into the base during that thought, and found Emelia waiting in our room.

"I know, tomorrow we leave for the raid."

"That, and what to do about food. Any food we get from the Krendall must assumed to be tainted. We have to make sure we are self sufficient. We also need to find a way to reverse the effects of this chemical."

"I know, I have already sent a report to other resistance groups about the chemical and the rations."

"We'll find a way to get everyone back. Your parents will be fine."

"I hope you're right. You know, this won't go over well."

"Huh? Oh, you mean if the Wolves found out."

"Yeah, everyone will want to check on any loved ones on the outside."

"We have to tell them, though. They deserve to know."

"But we can't risk anyone getting caught, we need every fur that will come along tomorrow. Maybe we should wait until we get back to tell them?"

"No, they'll find out during the trip, I think. It is bound to be a popular topic of discussion."

"*sigh*, I guess you're right. So how do we make sure no one leaves to check on loved ones."

"Tell them the truth. From what I could tell, anyone affected only hated the resistance. Our parents still care for us, they just have it in their minds that we have been corrupted somehow."

"Hmm, you know, that just might work. I can tell everyone about what has happened and tell them that leave is restricted until after the raid."

"Sounds like a plan."

"I better go make the announcement. Care to join?"

"I hope you won't need a bodyguard, but I'll go too, just to make sure."

"I don't think it will get violent, I just want some support."

"I support anything you do."


We head off to the control room. Again, Emelia goes on the PA, though this time, she doesn't ask everyone to meet, but gives out the information over the PA. She tells them about the chemical in the rations and how every fur on the outside is to be assumed affected by it. She also asks that everyone stay in the bunker until after the raid, as the chemical could lead loved ones to turn them in. She tells them that the best thing to do for them now is to continue to fight the Krendall, and help any efforts to find a method to reverse the chemical's effects.

"That was a good speech." I tell her after she turns off the PA.

"Thanks. I feel like I just gave them all death sentences, though."

"We can't give up now. We know about the problem, we can find a solution."

"I know, and I know how crushing it was to see what had happened to my parents. How could the Krendall do this?"

"Hey, if we lose morale, the Krendall have a victory. The chemical was probably meant to reduce rebellion. Whatever they can do, we can undo."

"I suppose so, and thank you for being here for me."

"Where else would I be? Whenever you need me, I'll be there."

"I know."

We head back to our room, some of the furs in the halls seem depressed. The news is hard to take. By the time we made it to our room, there was a pall over the entire base. "Are you sure this was the right thing to do?" Emelia asks after I close the door to our room.

"It is better that they know now. We might lose some furs for tomorrow, but in the end, keeping it a secret would only make it worse if they ever found out."

"Maybe. I guess it doesn't help to think about it now. We can't un-announce it. I just...don't want to think about it."

"Things will look better tomorrow, I promise."

"I guess. We do need to rest up. Tomorrow is a big day."

I give Emelia a kiss on her forehead, saying, "Just remember, I'm always here for you. If you need me, you don't even need to call, just think."

We crawl into the bed together. Laying in each other's arms, we drift off into sleep. Even though this is the first night I have ever slept in her arms without sex first, I feel closer to her than ever before.

I walk up to the Krendall ship, the forces of the resistance had already defeated the outer security forces. I am leading the group inside the ship. We already know that there is no one inside the ship other than the leader of the Krendall. I walk into the chamber hall of the ship, and at the far end is a single chair. The chair is facing away from the door, but slowly turns to face me. No...the leader can't be...!

"Kevin! Wake up!"

"Uhh, bwah?"

"We need to get ready to leave. The resistance won't wait for us, even if you are needed to train everyone."

"Oh, yeah. Man, that was strange dream."

"How so?"

"Well, we had beaten the Krendall and captured their leader, but I can't remember much after that."

"Nothing better than a good omen before an operation."

"I could think of a few things..." I say, eying Emelia. "...but we probably don't have enough time before we have to leave, huh?"

"No, we don't, you had to sleep in."

"Do I at least get breakfast?"

"If you can eat on the fly."

"Of course, I used to do it all the time."

"So that's why you were always late to class?"

"Kinda, I like to sleep."

"I can tell."

"Things are going to get interesting, aren't they?"

"If we pull this off, we will be the first to strike back at the Krendall. We will be leading the first successful offensive against them. You and me are already the top of their wanted list, and with you leading the charge, and me leading the political side of it, we will have a bounty on our heads that would fund a small country. I guess that counts as interesting."

"Yeah, that's pretty interesting." I was ready to go. Not that it took me all that long. All I had to do was get dressed. We head out the door and meet the rest of the Grey Wolves. {I thought we would get less volunteers, not more.} I send to Emelia.

"What are all of you doing here?" She asks them.

"We all want to go. You don't mind if some of us volunteer late, do you?" Benson replies.

"Well, we were expecting people to not want to go along." I reply.

"You said so yourselves, 'The best thing to do right now is to fight against the Krendall.' We are just following your advice." Trevor adds.

"Well, we will need all the help we can get, so, thank you for your support." Emelia announces, to which the Wolves reply with cheers.

We set off to the Factory, which is in the town of Rychard. Before the invasion, it was a bustling economical center of a couple hundred thousand furs. After the Krendall got a hold of the place, it is little more than a labor camp. By highway, it is about 45 minutes between Blenburg and Rychard. By wing, a couple hours. By foot, and staying out of sight, it took us all day and well into the night to reach the outskirts of Rychard. Walking through a forest, we come across a clearing. In said clearing, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of tents.

"Whoa. This is the resistance?" One fur, a skunk, asks.

"If everything is going according to plan, then this is about a quarter of the forces that are taking part in this operation." Emelia answers.

"A quarter? And I am supposed to train ALL of them?"

"Only those who have powers, and want to receive training."

"Hey, is this safe? We didn't run into any security." Benson chimes in.

"We have been watched for about half an hour. We weren't stopped because they were expecting us, and Emelia and I are rather...recognizable."

"So we just find some room and set up camp?" Trevor asks.

"There should be a place set aside for us. Unfortunately, there are more of us than we planned, so our place will be a bit crowded." Emelia answers.

We find our section of the clearing, setting up tents and campfires. While the Wolves are setting up camp, Emelia and I check in with the other leaders of the resistance. We know that they know we are here, but formalities still stand. After checking in, we also get our assignments and the official timetable for the attack. Apparently, the raid has been pushed back by a few days. I guess there will be plenty of training to do.

Emelia and I go back to the section set aside for the Grey Wolves, and find a tent set up a bit off from the rest of the tents. Trevor is waiting next to it. "What's up, Trevor? Why is this tent separated from the rest?" I ask.

"Ah, there you two are. I was just about to go find you. Benson and I set this tent up for you. It should give you a modicum of privacy, if only until more resistance members show up. Just remember, canvas has even less sound proofing than the walls back home. Don't keep everyone up." Trevor says, then walks towards the other tents.

"Huh, I guess they can be a bit sensible at times." I quip, walking into the simple canvas tent, holding the flap open for Emelia.

"Well, I guess we should hold up our end of the bargain." She replies.

"And what would that entail?"

"A great yiff. We may not get another good chance until after the raid." I didn't even need the telepathic link to know that she was worried about the raid.

"Well, then, we just have to make this night memorable enough for a few days."

I move closer to Emelia, gently kissing her on the lips. I move down her jawline and to her neck, gently licking and caressing her scales with my lips. She moans and starts unbuttoning her top. "You know exactly where to go, don't you?" She asks, between gasps and moans.

{Of course.} I send to her, emphasizing the link that I am using to know where she wants me to pay attention. I can tell her nipples are erect even through her shirt and bra, and how much she desires my mouth to be on them. Never taking my mouth from her scales, I help her remove her shirt, unbuttoning down the front and pushing it off of her arms. I pay attention to her shoulder with licks and light nips, while my hands are busy with her bra strap. After undoing the clasp of her bra, I push that off her as well, exposing her perfectly round, perk breasts to the air of the tent, and my ministrations. I close my mouth around one of her taut nipples, suckling gently, while rubbing the other one with my fingertips.

Emelia lets out a long, pleasurable moan. {How dare you keep all the fun for yourself?} she asks. She then pushes me off of her chest, which causes me to lose balance and fall backwards. {That's a bit better.} She sends, kneeling over my legs, pinning me to the ground. She unbuttons my jeans, pulling them down over my legs. My member already straining my boxers. She removes the boxers, freeing my member from it's cloth containment. She grasps my rod, stroking along it's entire length. I can feel her heat through her pants on my legs. {I think that's enough foreplay.}

She moves along my body, removing her pants at the same time. Slipping one leg, then another out of the slim pants, and freeing her tail from it's hole. Her panties are already wet with her juices, the smell filling up the tent. She positions her hips above mine, pulling her lacy undergarment off to the side. Her dripping hole just inches above my shaft. Slowly, tortuously, she lowers herself down onto me, enveloping my meat pole in her velvety folds. She hilts herself on me, and then raises her hips up again. She rides me slowly, building the passion and need in both of us. We share our sensations. I can feel both her walls gripping me and having her cunt filled with such a deliciously warm cock. Every twitch sends shivers throughout both of our bodies, through which we cannot sit still. Emelia moves faster as time goes on, losing herself in the pleasure. I grab her breasts, pinching her nipples. The extra stimulus too much for her, sending her over the edge. Because I am sharing her mind, her peak brings about my own.

After we catch our breath, I say, "Well, I think that was pretty memorable." We fall asleep like we always do, in each other's arms.

The next morning, I wake up to the sight of Emelia sleeping in my arms. I will never get tired of seeing my lovely mate in the morning, especially when we were together the night before. Carefully, I extract myself from the embrace so as to not wake her from her slumber. I realize how sore I am from sleeping on a sleeping bag over bare earth, and stretch to relieve the stiffness. I go outside, and try to find wherever it is that we will be getting food at. After wandering and asking around for about a half hour, I find a section of the clearing that has several tables set up and a serving line. They are serving breakfast, so I grab a tray and get in the line.

When I get to the serving tables, an arctic fox stands there, coldly staring at me, arms folded over his chest. "I aint servin' no freaks." He says as I hold out my tray for the sausages that he would normally be serving. I look at him quizzically, not sure what he means. "Ya heard me, freak."

"Oh, you mean my abilities. Well, to me, it looks like you could do some of them yourself, if you wanted to." I reply to him. I can tell by his aura that he can use shields and beams.

"I don't want ta be a freak, I don't even want ta be 'round ya freaks. I only toleratin' ya 'cuz I've been told ta do so. If'n I had my way, I'd shoot ya where ya stand, freak."

"I have a name, you know. It's Kevin."

"Don't care, freak. You best be movin' on. Ya won't be gettin' any food from me."

I move on down the line, and find friendlier furs willing to serve me some food, although none of them seem happy to do so. I don't think many of them will be willing to undergo training. I sit down with my tray of food, suddenly not in a very good mood. I sit there, mulling for almost half an hour, not getting through much on my tray. Benson sits down next to me, "What's got you down this morning?" he says.

"They didn't give you a hard time?"

"Well, they did seem a little stiff, but they don't know us."

"Well, the fox seemed to know me well enough to hate my guts. He didn't seem to like the fact that I have powers, even though I told him he has some too."

"Well, not everyone fantasizes about being a superhero. I guess some furs don't want things to change. Don't forget, freedom means that everyone can make their own decisions, and, within bounds, can act on them. We are freedom fighters, which means that we fight for freedom. Not everyone will always be agreeable."

"I know, it's just...why must furs have this prejudice against anything different? I know some don't. Heck, all the Grey Wolves volunteered for training. But still, there are plenty who want nothing more than to eradicate anyone different than them. I have been scorned for being a dragon before. I know it's psychologically important for survival and all, but why do I have to be singled out for distinction?"

"I can't answer, no one can. Some furs are born to be jerks, others are raised that way. Sometimes, furs hate greatness, wish they had it instead. You are destined for greatness."

"I would gladly give it up to be like anyone else. If being great comes at the cost of respect, I'll pass."

"You have respect, it just sometimes comes with fear. Don't worry, once they get to know you, they won't fear you."

"I guess, it still does not feel right." I stand up, leaving my mostly uneaten breakfast on the table, having lost my appetite.

I already know my task for the day, and the next several days: training. I go to the spot in the clearing set aside for the training, a small, cleared away section of grass that has a couple chairs and a party tent over it. The sides are open to the air, and no one is waiting for me to show up. I wonder how long it will really take for me to be finished with all the furs who actually want to be trained.

I wait for a few hours at the training square, and only a handful of furs show up. It only takes a minute or two to complete the training, so most of my time is spent just sitting there, contemplating things from the resistance effort to my relationship with Emelia. I was about to leave the stand when furs start to show up, a lot of furs.

I guess the resistance just needed some time to get used to the idea of having powers, and to see that my training actually works and is completely safe. After the initial lull, I have little time to myself as there is constantly a line, and it gets longer throughout the day. By the end of the day, I am exhausted. I only had two breaks, one for lunch and the other for dinner.

The next week goes by like that. With the exception of how the breakfast line treats me, every day is basically the same as the first. I spend the entire day at the training square, seeing fur after fur after fur and training them, if they have an aura. Every day I wind up exhausted, and I have very little time with Emelia outside of when she can stop by the training square. I don't have enough energy left at the end of the day to be intimate with her, but we both agreed that what I am doing for the resistance is more important right now.

My job is over eventually, though. The week passes quickly enough, and preparations for the raid fall into place. I have a day to myself, though Emelia is still busy coordinating the raid, and the overall resistance efforts after the raid. I walk around the encampment, seeing all the different furs. A practice area had been set up on the outskirts of the clearing for people to practice their powers, even though after the training they have full control of their abilities. There are no furs there now, but the ground is scorched and burned from repeated beam training. I continue my trek around the clearing, but there are no furs around that catch my attention.

The day passes without anything of mention happening. Emelia is the one who has to decline intimacy, though, as her day was rather draining. The next day is the raid, and we both wake up early to the sound of reverie. The sky is still a gray predawn. We assemble with the rest of the Grey Wolves and the greater resistance forces in the middle of the clearing. When all the furs were gathered, we were lead through the forest to the east.

We continue walking for most of the morning. The sun is high in the sky when we finally come to an end of the forest. About 300 yards away is a large building, between the building and the tree line is a bare parking lot, with about 30 suits and half a dozen other machines. They look like boxes on legs with spindles coming out the sides. They look familiar, but I can't place them. One of the Grey Wolves does, though, and says, "Hey! Don't they look like battle mechs?" I look again at the hulking machines and realize that he is right. I used to play a video game that had battle mechs that looked similar to these robotic behemoths. Judging from the relative size, they must be at least 30 feet tall, and they are probably heavily armed.

Not liking the look of these new weapons, I ask, "Emelia, were there any mention of these mecha in the intelligence reports?"

"They said that the factory would be heavily defended. There were no details."

"Great, well, lets hope they aren't as tough as they look."

"You're sure we have not been spotted?" Benson asks, fairly nervously.

"I did not pick up any movement or any sense of alarm from around here. All the resistance members are accounted for as well. As far as I can tell, we have not been detected." I answer.

{Everyone be ready, the Rychan Rebels are moving in now, and the Garlen Brawlers are getting ready with the charges. Be alert for any alarms.} Emelia sends to everyone. {Good luck.}

I see a group move in towards the building from the northern tree line, and another group from the south. I guess those would be the Rychan Rebels and the Garlen Brawlers. They manage to get inside without getting noticed. I use my abilities to track them inside the building. The Rychan Rebels avoid detection from the suits, and try to persuade the workers to leave, but none of them seem eager to listen. The Garlen Brawlers sneak around to key structural points, planting explosive charges. Everything seems to be going according to our plans except for the workers. They seem to not notice the furs trying to get them to escape. Until, that is, when the suits come back around. The workers suddenly make a racket, attracting the attention of the suits.


"The Rychan Rebels have been made. The civilians turned them in." I tell Emelia.

{All backup furs, the Rychan have been made. Time for Plan B. Full assault, follow Kevin.} Emelia sends over her telepathic network.

{It's time to show the Krendall what we can do. TO VICTORY AND FREEDOM!!} I send to the Grey Wolves and the rest of the backup force. I rush from where I was sitting by the tree line, and once I am clear of the forest, I take flight, beating my wings to try to get some altitude. I figure those mecha should have a harder time hitting an airborne target. I notice most of the rest of the resistance moving from the tree line, the rest giving support in the form of energy beams shot from the forest.

The beams shot from the forest are well aimed, and several suits fall in the initial volley. A few beams are aimed at the mecha, and I curse under my breath when I see them stopped short by an energy shield. I thought they would be a challenge. I leave the suits for the ground forces, confident that the other furs can handle them. I focus on the mecha, firing my own beams at them. They, too, are stopped by the energy field. I dive down on them, through a wave of laser fire and rockets, to get close enough for an energy blade. I land on one mech, noticing that the energy shield did not stop me or even faze me. I form an energy blade and stab downwards, piercing the hull. There does not seem to be much damage, so I pull the blade out and swing it downwards in an arc, slicing the top of the machine. This time, an explosion is my reward. Good thing I have my shields up, or I'd be toast.

The suits are not able to stand up to the resistance, not with their new powers. The mechs are causing a bit of trouble, some furs and down with considerable burns, the smell of burnt fur permeating the area. I teleport to the next mech, this time, arriving at the junction of it's legs. I fire a beam straight up from where I am, crackling blue energy boring a hole through the metal plating, gears, and wires. Another explosion follows.

I am about to deal with the next mech in line when a missile flies into the group of freedom fighters. {Kevin! There are some jet planes coming in!} I hear from Emelia. Great, mechs and planes. Good thing we have powers. I look to the sky, seeing three arrow shapes in the sky. They look fairly fast, and move fairly fast as well. I know I have no chance at all to catch them by wing, so I use my teleportation to get me in a better position.

I teleport above the wing of fighters and open my wings, coasting on a thermal. I fire off several beams in quick succession, missing on most of them. A couple hit, and one fighter goes down in the woods. Another fighter has a hole in it's wing and it leaking fuel, but it is still in the air. They seem to notice me now, though. They gain altitude, flying around me. The jet that is still whole fires a missile at me, it would have hit, but my shields keep me safe. I am not sure how much more I can take, though. My shields have never been tested this much before (not that they have been tested at all), and I am not so keen on finding their limits with enemy fire.

I decide to try a little trick. I put shields up in front of both planes, blocking their flight paths. Both planes simply vanish, dematerialized by my shielding. With the planes gone, I turn my attention back to the battle on the ground. The suits are almost completely gone, but the four mechs are still operational, and they are still causing trouble for the resistance members, though less than before. More furs can devote time and energy to shielding the group from the mechs' beam weapons.

I feel like being a bit playful, so I create giant metal spikes in the air above the mechs, at my height, which is about 300 feet up. The long and sharp spikes fall down, directly on top of the mechs. Their shields do not seem to stop solid matter, so the spikes fall right through the mechs and into the ground. The four mechs are enveloped in fireballs, and the resistance cry out in victory.

I have not been keeping an eye on the resistance members inside the base, and when I turn my attention back on them, I find out that the both groups have been pinned down by suits with that cloaking system. Both groups using their powers, and getting pretty tired. {Emelia, they need help inside, I'm going in.} I send. I fly down to the building, blasting a hole for me to get in through.

I land next to the Garlen Brawlers, who are pretty shaken by my entrance. "I'm here to get you out, we handled everything outside." The furs all nod, but one of them mentions the invisible suits. "Let me handle them. You just get out of here." My reassurance was punctuated my a laser blast that tried to bore through my shields, just to get stopped short. The furs run as I try to figure out how to get rid of these suits. If only invisibility was a power then,...wait, what is the pink glow? I see three distinct figures... of pink. I run up to one and slice it with my energy blade, and hear a pained yell. So...the suits can also use powers. That changes things a bit. I'll have to remember pink. Anyway, I quickly deal with the other two, now that I can see them. Their armor still does not stand up to my energy beams.

I go over to the Rychan Rebels and dispatch the four suits giving them trouble. I guess that is why the suits outside didn't turn invisible, they didn't have the ability. Nice job, Kevin. Great, you again. Yes, me, or rather, you. Nicely done, figuring out that new ability. And training the resistance to use powers? Brilliant! Now when they die they will be surprised! You are really starting to get on my nerves. I suppose. Just enjoy this little victory while you can. You will soon realize the true nature of your powers, and how furs will react. "Just get out!"

The Rychan rebels look at me strangely. Then I realize I said that last part out loud. "You heard me, we need to get out of here. Now!" I know that might not be the best way to handle it, but if they knew I heard voices in battle, I would lose the small bit of trust I had built up with them. I head back outside with them, to be greeted with cheers. The celebrations are cut short, though, as the Garlen Brawlers remind everyone that the charges have been set and we should get away from the building before we set off the explosives. We move back to the tree line and the demolition charges are set off, leveling the factory. The workers were evacuated by the Krendall during the attack, so no one is inside when the building is demolished.

We head back to the clearing for a night of celebration. Only a hand full of us had thought we would be able to get back alive, let alone completing our objective. Emelia gave a speech saying that now we can fight back, and we can win against the Krendall. The way is now open for us strike back and win our freedom. This raid will go down in history as the start of the counter-offensive against the alien invasion.

That phrase stopped me for a bit. Aliens? They are furs like us, I've seen what they are under the suits. They are manufactured soldiers that were once furs. After the speech, I go up to Emelia. "You are wrong."

"About what?"

"The Krendall aren't aliens, or at least, not all of them."

"How do you know? Have you seen them?"

"I have seen what is under the suit, and it isn't pretty, but it isn't alien. They are, or at least were, furs."

"Maybe, but why did they come from outer space?"

"I don't know, maybe they want us to think they are aliens?"

"Well, in any case, we have to fight back."

"I know, it's just I don't want furs to get the wrong impression of who we are fighting."

"Sure. By the way, what happened to you in the factory?"

"What do you mean?"

"You got really angry at something. You were yelling inside your head."

{You didn't hear the voice in my head?} I switch to our telepathic channel, just to make sure no one heard us.

{No, I just heard you. What do you think this means?}

{I doesn't feel like when we talk to each other like this. But if you couldn't hear it, then I don't think it is coming from me. I think things are going to get interesting.}

{Good interesting or bad?}

{I don't know, but right now, we have a party to attend.}

"You're right, tonight is a celebration of victory. We can worry about that later."