Catfood Ep. 18 - Training

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#18 of Catfood


Catfood - Episode 18 - Training

© 2004, 2005 Nameless

My visit to the doctor went as well as could be expected. It was pretty unpleasant, even more than I had expected, but it was bearable. I could not help wondering if the things they did to me were not as bad as I thought they would have been or if the events of the last few days had already toughened me up so much. If any of the nurses really noticed the signs of my almost-climax at Jen's hands, then they did not say anything. I couldn't stop thinking that my musk must have been obvious to anyone in the same room as I. One of the nurses did notice my arousal, that is unless I read the tight but pleasant grin on her lips completely wrong. I didn't ask, of course, but I couldn't help but think of it more as a "Good for you, girl." grin than anything else.

They drew a lot of blood and took more tissue samples. They scanned my body with several different scanners. The doctor told me that they needed the tissue and blood samples because some of the ingredients for the chemotherapy had to be synthesized specially for me. He told me that unless the lab analysis turned up any unusual problems, I would start the therapy on Monday or Tuesday. The drugs, which would have to be injected, would be delivered to Tammy's company and their doctor would administer them.

It was after two when I finally walked out of the clinic. My whole body was sore, but I was euphoric.


"Come in."

I opened the door and entered Tammy's office. "Hello, Tammy."

"Hello, Lisa. Good to see you. Have a seat. Unless you'd prefer to kneel..."

"Thank you, I'll take the chair." I sat down.

"So, Lisa. How are you?"

"Good, I guess. I'm a little sore; they really poked and prodded me. I stopped counting how many needles they stuck in me after an hour or so. I'm surprised I have any blood left, they took so much... Apart from that I'm good. The doctor told me that they should have the serum ready on Monday or Tuesday."

"That is good to hear. Are you ready for tomorrow?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I shrugged "My hide will be a little more tender than usual and I don't really feel fit. I probably won't be able to set any athletic records, but apart from that I should be fine."

"Good to hear."

"Can you tell me anything about what will happen to me? Please."

"No. The client doesn't want me to tell you anything about him."

"Oh, well... At least he's male?"

"Yes. Though he just might want to watch you do it with another woman. Every now and then he likes to watch hot lesbian sex."

"Oh." I shivered a little at the thought. "I guess there's nothing I can do about it now..."

"Well, he assured me that he will treat tomorrow as a normal "tryout day", even though you are already serving as a slave and this is technically a regular assignment. He is an experienced master and he will make sure you are not hurt. He will also give you a safeword and honor it."

"Thank you."

"Thank him, I didn't talk him into this, he offered to do things like this on his own. I do know him and I trust him. Lisa, he will do unpleasant things to you, but he will not hurt you."

I had not been extremely anxious about the next day's date, but Tammy's reassurance was a big relief. I trusted her. "Ok."

"And if you don't use your safeword before you get there, I'm sure you'll have quite a few very intense orgasms. He really knows a thing or three about making a woman happy."

Tammy's lusty smile made me wonder if she had served this particular master or if her knowledge came only from what her slaves had told her. "Oh!" I blushed. The thought warmed me, starting from my crotch. I simply had to ask "Did... Did you serve him?"

Even had she not said anything, her smile would have been answer enough. "Yes."

"Thank you." My anxiety retreated further. If Tammy had served him and remembered the experience fondly then I was sure that I would do fine.

"All right," Tammy said, changing the topic "have you eaten lunch?"

"No. They gave me a snack and something to help build up my blood again, but that was all."

"Why don't you order something?" Tammy turned the screen my way.

"Sure. Thanks." I quickly selected a sandwich to be delivered to Tammy's room.

"Get something to drink." Tammy waved in the general direction of the cupboard.

"Thank you." I found a glass and filled it with apple juice and water.

Tammy gave me a pleased smile and said "If you feel up to it, I'd like you to go to the gym and exercise. I'll leave it up to you what you do... I suggest stretching, some yoga exercises and a little something to build up your endurance, either the running belt or an exercise bike. If you want, you can go swimming. But don't overdo it, especially today. Ok?"

"Sure. Will there be any group activity? Like yesterday?"

"I don't think so." Tammy checked the computer "No. There will probably be a few other people using the gym, though. Mostly slaves, but there will probably be a few employees or customers there as well. Either to participate or just to watch. You are free to ask them if they want to do something together with you."

"Ok. What... what if one of the customers wants me to... do something for him?"

"Well, you don't have to, you aren't serving him directly. I would like you to go along with any reasonable requests, however. We do want to please our customers, after all. And you'll get paid for it, of course. But your health comes first in any case, if he asks you to do something that you think you aren't up to, then excuse yourself politely. If anyone insists on it, or asks to hire you for... more extensive activities, refer him to me."


"You are free to accept any requests as long as they don't interfere with your other duties. Today I want you back in your room no later than five. You may go to the cafeteria to eat dinner either right then or later. I have several more stories that I want you to read and a few films that I want you to watch. Tomorrow morning I want you to be ready at nine; that is finished with breakfast and groomed. You may shower once today and again tomorrow morning."

"Ok. If I want to use the pool, does the shower before count as my shower for today?"



There was a respectful knock on the door. Tammy called "Come in!"

The door opened and Pam came in, carrying a tray with my sandwich. She closed the door and approached the desk. She bowed, careful to keep the tray level with her belly button and addressed Tammy "Your sandwich, Mistress."

"Thank you, Pam." She pointed at me. "Actually it is for Lisa."

"Yes, Mistress." Pam placed the tray on the desk in front of me. Then she stepped back and assumed the upright slave position, her feet shoulder wide, her wrists crossed behind her back, chest thrust out a bit and head lowered. "Will you be paying for it, Mistress?"

"Hmmm..." Tammy considered for a moment. "Yes." She turned to me "My treat, Lisa."

"Thank you."

Pam approached the desk and held out her the datapad that adorned her left wrist to Tammy. Tammy acknowledged payment for the food. Pam stepped back, assumed the position again and bowed deeply. "Is there anything else I can get you, Mistress?"

"Hmmm..." Tammy considered her for a moment before she turned to me and asked "Pam, is your pie any good?"

"Yes, Mistress. That is, almost everybody who has tried it liked it." I began to blush as I realized where the discussion was heading. Pam grinned "In any case it is hot and fresh, Mistress."

"Good." Tammy turned to me. "Would you like some of Pam's pie, Lisa? My treat as well."

"Ummm..." There was no question what Tammy meant by that. Involuntarily my eyes flickered to Pam's crotch. She wiggled her hips invitingly. Suddenly I noticed her scent, realized that she was quite aroused and I started to sweat. Her claim that her 'pie' was hot was no idle claim. I stuttered "I... ummm... no..."

Tammy shook her head sadly and said "Apparently Lisa doesn't find it appetizing. You may go."

"Yes, Mistress." Pam sounded so disappointed, even hurt, suddenly I felt sorry for her. I almost wanted to call her back, but I couldn't bring myself to say the words. She bowed and said "Enjoy your lunch, Mistress." She took two steps back, turned around and left.

I stared at the closed door, glad that she was gone and ashamed that I had not been able to get over my distaste even though my rejection had obviously disappointed her greatly.

Tammy commanded "Eat."

"Yes, Mistress." I picked up the sandwich and bit into it, somewhat relieved that the encounter with Pam was over. But I could not stop thinking about her. After a few bites I blurted out "Do you have to do that?"

"You mean trying to get you to have sex with another female?"

"Yes." I began to regret bringing the topic up once more almost immediately.

"In a word, yes." Tammy said "I promised that I wouldn't force you to do it, but I won't stop badgering you."

"Oh." I took another bite. "Thank you, I guess."

"I'll try to set you up with assignments where you won't have to hump another woman, but I can't guarantee anything. I might have to accept a woman's offer; I can't simply pass up a good offer. For all I know, your master tomorrow may order you to gorge yourself on pussy pie. I recommend that you think very carefully before you refuse, it would look pretty bad on your rap sheet."

"I... I see." I turned my attention to the sandwich in my paws.

I finished the sandwich and asked Tammy the question that had occupied my brain almost all day. "What about Jen and Kaye?"

"Well... Jen already visited. Kaye called me and told me that she'd come by later. She didn't sound particularly happy about it."

"I don't think she'd be. What... did Jen tell you?"

"She told me what happened between the three of you." Tammy gave me a nasty grin. "I think she has a much better understanding of your situation now. I don't think she'll try anything like that again. At least not without my explicit permission."

I swallowed hard, if the look on Tammy's face was any indication, Jen had not enjoyed the experience one bit. "Ummm... what did you do to her?"

"Nothing really bad. I didn't hurt her... well, except for her pride. If you want to know, you'll have to ask her yourself..."

"Oh." I stared at Tammy, somewhat impressed by her ingenuity. If I wanted to satisfy my curiosity, I'd have to put Jen through all this once more. I wondered if I wanted to do that.

"She did agree to tell you about it. If you ask her, that is. The same will go for Kaye. It's part of our deal. If they refuse, I expect you to report it. Understood?"

I swallowed. "Yes, Mistress." I really did not want to do that to my friends, but every time I thought about it, my curiosity grew a little more.

"You didn't ask Jen about my offer?"

"Ummm... no. I... I didn't think she..."

"It's ok, Lisa. I didn't command you to do it. It's probably better to let her get a little distance before we ask her."

"Yes. I also thought it would be good if I... could tell her what my tryout day was like. I hope it won't be so bad that it would spook her..."

"I am sure it will go just fine, Lisa. I know that you'll do well."

"Thank you, Tammy. I really hope I do."

She reached across the table and gave my paw a gentle squeeze. "Don't worry, Lisa." I gave her a grateful smile. We sat in silence for a minute before Tammy spoke again. "Anything else on your mind?"


"Then I suggest you return the tray to the cafeteria and get on with your duties."

"Yes, Tammy." We got up and shared a hug. "Bye, Tammy. See you tomorrow."

"See you, Lisa." I picked up my purse and the tray and left.


When I entered the gym, Candy and three other female slaves were just beginning to warm up for their daily exercises, so I decided to join them. Two male humans, probably customers, were watching them. At first I was pretty embarrassed to do my stretching exercises in front of them, but I got used to it pretty quickly. Somehow seeing how much they enjoyed watching us helped. When I realized that the other slaves did their best to give them something to look at helped me get over my embarrassment, I felt that I simply had to join in. Very soon I got into the spirit of things. We vied for their attention, but in a fun and friendly way. The occasional applause or friendly praise embarrassed me much less, than it spurred me on.

When our muscles were warm and limbered up, we proceeded to the running machines to jog. I soon found out that I was not in the best of shapes and that I had to go a lot slower than the others. I was a bit disappointed when one of the males left without a word a few minutes later.

But he returned only a minute later, carrying several leather straps. "Do any of you ladies want to have her elbows tied together?"

Candy was the first to react. "Yes, please!" When the others showed just as much enthusiasm for this, I simply had to join them, even though I did not think I would enjoy this very much. We all stopped running. The first male (neither of them had told us their names and I did not think it wise to ask) handed two straps to the other one and moved to stand behind Candy. He grabbed her arms, wrapped the strap around the elbows and pulled it tight. Candy huffed and thrust out her chest to relieve the pressure.

I had to stop watching her, because at that moment the second male moved to stand behind me. I thrust my arms behind me. He took them and gently but firmly pressed them together until my elbows met. Like Candy, I had to thrust out my chest to relieve the pressure as much as possible. He wrapped the strap around my elbows at least three times before he closed the buckle. A minute later we were all tied up.

The older male, the one who had fetched the leather straps, sat down in front of us, looked us over and declared "Now, that is what I call a nice view."

I could hear other male whistle appreciatively from somewhere behind us.

The male in front of us clapped his hands. "Let's get going, ladies." We did. Running was even more difficult now. It took me a while to get used to run like this. But even when I did, it was more tiring than jogging normally. But the two males seemed to enjoy watching us very much. I couldn't quite decide if I was more jealous of the way the other's much more ample breasts swung around or glad that my own mediocre sized ones didn't threaten to throw me off balance with every step. I decided that I was more jealous, when I noticed that the male in front of us seemed to pay a lot more attention to the other slaves than to me. And I could not deny that the exercise aroused me quite a bit as well. If the scents were anything to go by, the others were at least as aroused as I was. After a few minutes the younger male returned to sit in front of us.

"Hey, Mouse!"

I was so surprised I almost lost my step; they had not spoken to us since they had tied our arms. "Yes, Sir?"

"What's your name?"

"Lisa, Sir. I'm a Desert Kangaroo Rat, Sir, not a Mouse." I smiled to show that I wasn't offended. Suddenly I realized that he might not like to be corrected and hoped that he had not taken offense.

He smiled. "Ok, Lisa. What's up with you? You don't exercise very hard, do you?"

"Sorry, Sir. *Huff* I had a tiring *Huff* medical examination *Huff* today."

"Oh. Anything bad?"

"Ummm..." I did not really want to talk about it, but I was not quite sure if I wanted to refuse his request either.

"It's ok, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

Somehow this decided me to tell him. "It's ok, Sir." I didn't want to lose my rhythm and had to shut up and take a few breaths before I could continue. "I'll be starting a cancer treatment next week."

"Oh." He chewed on that for a bit. "Best of luck, Lisa. Maybe we can get to know one another when you are done."

I gave him my best flirting smile. "I certainly hope so, Sir." I really did. I certainly hoped that I would still be able to do it. That I would be fit enough to serve someone (or do anything else, for that matter) when my cancer treatment was over. And he seemed a decent person.

We continued jogging for a while. We were all rather sweaty when we finally stopped; I less than the others, of course. The males untied us, taking their time and feeling us up a little. The male who had talked to me untied me. I found that I didn't really mind his attention very much. His hands were gentle and I was almost disappointed when he released me and moved to release the next girl.

We did a few more stretches, then we began to train our other muscles. After doing pushups and jumping jacks we turned to the exercise machines to lift weights and such.

When I looked at the clock, I was surprised to find that it was twenty to five. The time had passed incredibly quickly and pleasantly. I excused myself and headed to the pool for a quick swim, more to have an excuse for the quick shower than for any other reason. Still, I enjoyed swimming a few lengths and I realized that I was a little disappointed that I had to do it alone. I was both relieved and disappointed that none of the customers had wanted anything from me. I couldn't shake the feeling that they had thought me less attractive than the other slaves. I quickly dried my fur with one of the provided towels and returned to my room.


When I checked the schedule, I found that Tammy had not given me a lot of choices on what to do. There were two stories I had to read, as far as I could see, there was no choice on which ones. Not that I'd had a real choice the other day, I'd had to select a story based on the title, an estimated reading time and nothing else. The only thing I could actually make a decision on was when to shower and when to eat dinner. There was also a reminder to drink the provided electrolytic beverage. I did so, then I used the toilet.

When I was done with that, I started on the first story. I found that I had to tie myself up. As per the instructions, I fetched two leather straps, a pair of handcuffs, a vibrator and tight rubber panties. I found that I didn't require any additional lubricant when I inserted the vibrator into my sex. It was held in place by the extremely tight panties. Under normal circumstances I would have judged them to be one size too small. A lock connected the handcuffs to the back of the chair. I sat down and strapped my ankles to the armrests of the chair. This forced me to sit with my legs spread wide. It took a bit of effort to grab the small remote from the table, it was build like an oversized ring and went around two fingers of my right paw, with the controls positioned so I could manipulate them with my thumb. Finally I locked the handcuffs around my wrists. This took a bit of effort, but I managed it after a few tries. I sat panting for a minute, then I began reading.

The story wasn't really special, just a tale of a girl and her boyfriend who liked to tie her up and take advantage of her helpless but willing body. Being tied up and constantly teased by the vibrator in my cunt made it a very intense experience, though. It took me almost an hour to read my way through the story, but I wouldn't have been able to say how long it had lasted, I only found out when I looked at the clock afterwards. I didn't get to climax until the very end of the story and by then I was really desperate for it, having been teased all the time and taken almost to the edge several times. I didn't have to look down to know that I was sitting in a sizeable puddle. The orgasm made up for all the teasing I had to endure, however, it was almost enough to blow my mind and it seemed to last forever. I was panting and my muscles felt like rubber when the handcuffs finally clicked open. It took me a few minutes to free myself from the chair and several more to clean up the mess I had made. I cleaned the toys, wiped them with the provided disinfectant and returned them to their proper places.

It was already well past six and since I didn't want to eat lunch too late, I drank some water and headed for the shower. The hot water felt wonderful. I cleaned my fur and hair thoroughly, but I didn't dare tardy all too long. I dried and brushed my fur, and then I cleaned the shower.

When I returned to the main room, I found a message waiting for me. I opened it and found instructions to put on several items before I left for dinner. Only part numbers were given, no descriptions of the items. Curiosity and more than a little anxiety filled me as I made my way to the dresser. What I found were two coin sized disks with a small hole in the center and four chrome rings that had been cut.

I began to blush when I went on reading the message and realized where the items were supposed to go. The disks were for my nipples and the rings were clip-on rings for my labia. I stared at the screen, suddenly I was breathing hard in embarrassment and arousal. For a moment I thought about refusing, but then I realized that I didn't dare to. For all I knew I wouldn't get any dinner if I did. Or... suddenly I saw an image of myself, two gently humming vibrators in my sex and tailhole, paws tied at my back, kneeling and eating from a bowl on the floor. "Where did I get that idea from?" A moment later my mind was made up, I had to go along. Besides, I knew that Tammy would be angry with me if I did not. Or at the very least disappointed in me. I didn't want that.

I sighed and studied the instructions further. I rested my left leg on the chair to give me better access and picked up the first ring. The metal was flexible and easy to bend open. I slipped it over my left labia in the spot indicated on the screen and released it. I hissed in pain as the ends dug into the sensitive skin. After a few moments the pain faded a little and became bearable. I repeated the procedure for the other three rings. When I was done, I realized that my sex was already damp again.

I sighed in resignation, wondering if there had been much of a point to my shower, at least as far as getting clean. I massaged my left breast until the hard nipple poked out of the fur. As per instructions, I pressed the two knobs on the backside of the disk to increase the diameter of the hole and slipped it over the nipple. I inhaled sharply when it contracted around my nipple, it was not so tight that it really hurt, but at first it was pretty unpleasant. I repeated the process with my right breast. I walked over to the mirror and considered myself. I found that I was getting aroused, the items of intimate jewelry tugged at my flesh with every movement. Not painfully, but every little tug reminded me that I was nude and aroused, visibly so. I sighed and closed my eyes for a long moment. Then I steeled myself and left the questionable safety of my room.


I was halfway to the main office building when I met the first person. It was a woman in her early forties. After a moment I recognized her, if I remembered correctly, her name was Edna. We had met her briefly in the cafeteria and Tammy had told me that she worked in the sales department.

She had not given me permission to address her by name. As we approached one another, I bowed and greeted her. "Good evening, Madam."

She stopped and perforce I had to do the same. I turned to her and waited with my head bowed a little. She looked me over. "Well, well... what's your name, slave?" She stressed the last word.

I risked a quick look at her face and decided that she had not forgotten my name, but that she was trying to show her superiority. I gritted my teeth, but I saw no alternative to playing along. If I showed her any disrespect, I would only give her a reason to punish me. I hoped that she didn't really look for a reason. "My name is Lisa, Mistress."

"Aha, Lisa the rat." Her tone was infuriatingly haughty. "I see that you like shiny baubles, pet." Before I could do anything, not that I would have done anything for fear of angering her, she stepped close and flicked the rings that adorned my nether lips around. She commanded "Cross your wrists behind your back. Spread your legs a little more."

I inhaled sharply and obeyed. As humiliating as the experience was, it turned me on, especially the fact that I had to endure her attention without being able to do anything.

"You like that, slave, don't you."

My muzzle burned in shame and humiliation as I forced out the answer. "Yes, Mistress." I didn't like the way her fingers teased me, but I could not deny that it aroused me.

She put a finger on my right nipple and teased it. I had to endure her intimate exploration for a very long minute. I breathed a sigh of relief when she stepped back. "Look at me." She grinned, obviously enjoying my discomfort. "Well, well... I think I'll have to do a bit of Quality Assurance one of these days..." When I didn't get the joke, she added. "Have to make sure the wares we sell are up to the standards our customers expect. Don't you think so, slave?"

I blushed even more when I realized that she was talking about me. Having to answer her made it even worse. "Yes, Mistress."

She walked around me, put a hand on my shoulder and turned me to look in the direction I had been going before. I shivered when she put a finger on my neck. Her finger slowly trailed down my spine, sending new shivers through me as it jumped over each vertebra and dug into the space between them.

I should have anticipated it, but her open-handed slap right across my buttocks still managed to catch my by surprise. I squealed and jumped forward. She laughed and called "Hurry, slave!"

I fled; face burning brightly, her laughter trailing after me. I could feel her eyes on my burning rump. I didn't dare to uncross my wrists until I was well out of sight; I kept them like this until I had to press the button to call the elevator. At least her spank had not been very hard, the pain faded quickly and soon all that remained was a certain extra warmth in my buttocks and in my sex.

I rode the elevator up to the cafeteria. It was almost empty; there were only three people there, Jeff, Max and Pam, who sat on Max's lap. It took me only a moment to decide to join them, I would have had to in any case, because a moment later Jeff noticed me and waved me over. I stopped in front of the table, unsure if I should sit on one of the chairs or on Jeff's lap.

Jeff looked me over, as did the others. "Hello, Lisa. Nice piercing... Feeling kinky today?"

"Hello, Jeff. They're only clip on... Mind if I join you?"

He gave me an innocent grin and patted his lap. "Not at all. Sit down."

"Thank you." I sat down.

Jeff put his arms around me and sniffed. "You smell good today."

"Thank you." I leaned against him for a moment, savoring the feeling of his strong arms around me. After a bit his right hand moved down to caress my thigh. I inhaled sharply when his fingers brushed over one of the rings that adorned my labia. After a minute or so I turned to Pam, who was quite obviously enjoying the way Max's hands roamed over her nude body. "Could you get me something to eat or should I fetch it myself?"

She looked up at Max and asked. "Master?"

"Sure." He released her, helped her stand up and gave her bottom a playful swat. "But don't take too long."

"Yes, Master." She turned to me and bowed. "What can I get you, Mistress?"

I smiled at her and said "I'd like a glass or orange juice and a vegetarian whole grain sandwich."

"Yes, Mistress." Pam bowed again and headed for the counter, swishing her hips seductively. I couldn't look away and neither could the two males. Suddenly I wondered if my seat was getting bumpy because of me or because of Pam.

"So," Jeff asked "how is my little rodent gal doing?"

"I'm fine, I guess. I visited the doctor today... I'll start chemo next week."

"I guess that is good news..."

"Yes." We were silent for a moment, then I added. "I'm a little anxious about tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow's your tryout day, isn't it?"

"Yes. I... I'd really like to know what will happen... Tammy hasn't told me anything..."

"Don't worry, Lisa." He took a draught from his drink, turned back to me and studied my face. "You'll do fine."

"I hope so." I squeaked in surprise, two of Jeff's fingers had suddenly invaded my sex. I began to blush again.

Jeff and Max both laughed, which only made even more blood rush to my muzzle. Jeff grinned down at me and blew me a kiss. He wiggled his fingers around inside me and I could not suppress a moan. "Nice, just the way I like it..."

Max grinned at us "Hot and wet?"

"You have absolutely no idea." I began to sweat. "So," Jeff asked "Lisa, what's there that makes you so horny? Sitting on my lap? Thinking about the tryout day? Or our date on Saturday? Or," He looked at Pam, who was on her way back to our table, carrying a tray in front of her belly (so as not to hide any of her naughty bits) and swishing her hips for all that she was worth "Pam inviting pussy?"

If possible, I blushed even worse. Pam was almost back to our table before I could answer. "A... a little of each. Ohhh...." One of Jeff's fingers brushed over my clit, sending electric shivers up my spine. Pam bowed and said something to me, but it didn't register at all.

Only when she repeated herself was I able to make sense of it. "Your dinner, Mistress."

I had to take several deep breaths before I was able to answer "Thank you, Pam."

She served my food, and then she bowed again "Is there anything else I can get you? Any other way in which I can serve you?" The lusty smile on her lips left no doubt what services she was thinking about.

"Ummm... no, thank you, Pam."

"Enjoy your meal, Mistress." She bowed once more and returned the tray to the counter. We all watched her walk, even I could not bring myself to focus on anything else. Pam came back and sat down on Max's lap.

Jeff finally removed his fingers from my sex and licked them off, obviously enjoying the taste. If I had not been blushing furiously already, I would have started then. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself, then I took a sip from the orange juice and picked up the sandwich.

We sat in silence for almost a minute before Jeff asked "Are you afraid of Saturday?"

I looked up at him and asked "Should I be?"

He gave me a Cheshire grin and said. "You're a rat. Pretend that I'm a cat. Should you be worried when I smile like this?"

"Oh." I stared at him and a tiny shiver ran through me. "I guess I should be..." His question increased my anxiety about our date somewhat, but I didn't get afraid. Actually the teasing humor in his eyes reassured me somewhat. He simply did not look like someone who would hurt me. I started to hope that I was not wrong about it.

"Be afraid, little rodent gal, be very afraid."

I almost giggled; he was more comical than scary. I couldn't quite keep the amusement out of my voice when I answered. "I'm absolutely trembling in fear, Master."

He shook his head and complained. "You don't have any sense at all."

"Maybe if you tell me why I should be afraid..."

"No can do. It wouldn't be as much fun if you knew..."

"Ok." I went back to eating my sandwich. I was anxious about tomorrow, I was anxious about Saturday, but I realized that I was not afraid. Maybe just a little... I leaned back against Jeff's chest and relaxed. The warmth of his body felt good, he simply held me. I felt good; the pleasant scent of arousal filled my nose. Jeff's right hand rested on my thigh, his fingers played with the fur on my belly and brushed over my sex occasionally. His other hand massaged my breasts gently. He kept me aroused without exciting me so much that I wasn't able to concentrate on my food. All in all his attention was extremely pleasant if a little frustrating. Jeff's hard manhood pressed against my seat. His obvious enjoyment of my body pleased me. I closed my eyes and chewed slowly. I noticed that Pam was breathing a little too quickly, even moaning very softly. When I looked at her, I could not quite make out where Max's right hand rested, but if his fingers were not inside her sex, they were not very far from it. The dreamy look on Pam's face left no doubt that she enjoyed whatever he was doing to her body. We sat like this for a few minutes, simply enjoying the company.

Suddenly Jeff said. "Max, I think we'd better get back to work."

"Oh." Max looked at the clock. "Yeah, we'd better."

"Get up!" When I didn't react instantly, Jeff pinched my rump. I squeaked, more in surprise than in pain and jumped up. A moment later Max lifted Pam off his lap and deposited her on her feet.

Jeff got up. "Lisa, see you on Saturday." I looked up at him, then I reached up to put my arms around his neck. I had to stand on tiptoes to do it. I pulled him down and kissed him. Jeff returned the kiss and a moment later his tongue invaded my mouth. I was out of breath when we separated a minute or so later and my legs felt a little rubbery.

"Good night."

"Good night, Jeff."

He walked around me and gave my bottom a playful swat. I whirled around to glare at him, but he and Max just laughed. "See you." A moment later they were gone.

I sat down again and Pam joined me. The seat felt uncomfortably hard without my living pillow. I sighed and went on eating. "Pam?"

"Yes, Lisa?"

"Do you have any idea what Jeff has planned to do to me? He said he'd do a 'CB' to me. Whatever that is... Tammy seemed to know."

"Oh." Pam looked at me for a long moment. "He said 'CB'?"


"Well, well... I can't be totally sure, but I think I know what he has in mind..."

"Is it bad?"

"Likely..." She fell silent suddenly "But if he didn't tell you anything, then I'd better not do so either."


"No, Lisa." She pointed at the corner of the room. "See that camera?"


"You know that we are under constant observation and that our owners record everything? If I tell you and they find out..." She drew a finger across her throat.

I shivered "They would not kill you, would they?"

"No. But I know that Angela would be very disappointed and angry with me. I really don't want that. She really knows how to use a switch..."

"Oh. Ok. I..." I lowered my head. I was really curious but I didn't want to get Pam into trouble.

I finished my sandwich in silence. I stood up and said. "Thank you, Pam. Good night."

She hugged me and kissed me. I returned the kiss, it wasn't full of passion, but it was far from a sisterly kiss. "Good night, Lisa. Have fun."

"I hope you have fun as well. See you." I released her and left.

End of Episode 18