The Half-Moon Tribe 3

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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#3 of The Half-Moon Tribe

Life finally began to get back to normal for me. I was feeling better physically, and mentally even better. Arch had, in all polite terms, taken me to his bed and had sex with me. To any wolf this was a big thing, the idea that their alpha male would take the time, and effort, to mate with them was a very big ego boost. Most of the other wolves in our caern had assumed Arch already had been, but besides the one time we had done nothing together. I almost wished the rumors were true, but then again I didn't. Part of the fun with a fantasy was that it wasn't entirely true, but I really liked it.

My feet were better, at least for regular motion, which translated to me leaving Arch's room and back to my own tents. I had modified my regular outfit since the mages had recommended I wear bandages on my feet from here on out; especially if I ran. My feet were wrapped in clean white linen bandages, all the way up my legs and terminated right below the knees. The loincloth of choice today was a dark blue loincloth criss-crossed with black fabric going over the groin and over the waistband. My hands were wrapped in bandages as well, just to make it look like I wasn't totally wounded. Around my shins and forearms were loose tan fabric, which gave me a more rugged look. The cloth was held onto my body by straps of leather staps that could be buckled, no more than half an inch wide but several on each limb of my body. I looked more dangerous, and a lot more important looking.

My day-to-day activites hadn't really changed once I got out of Arch's room. I had to give reports to Arch and manage my striders, telling them where they should go, who was on rest, training, and various other small jobs that Raz, my subordinate, had been doing for me while I was recovering. I was still under orders from Arch not to go on any mission on my own; my feet had to heal completely and the mages said it could be another two weeks before I was better. I didn't mind, I enjoyed the break. I had found time to finally catch up on my paperwork and rework some of our primary routes inside the Map Room, a tent with a huge map of our known territory with crisscrossing paths that striders had been developing for decades.

I had tried to get Arch alone sometimes, but it became apparant Arch was even more busy than I had been. The rumor was that the feline caern of Apollo was approaching and would be in our land in three days and then in another two would be at the temple. That meant an administrative headache; Apollo would need fine quarters on par with Arch, his warriors housed in fine rooms and Apollo's striders put into our main stream information sharing. It was a lot of paperwork and problems for a lot of people. We were friends with Apollo and his people; but cats, for the most part, were very prideful and acted a bit more superior to the world than they are; especially toward wolves. It was obviously a playful act that the cats did, but it make some of the cockier younger males more angered. The women the leopards brought with them were always followed by our males as well. While some wolves may have hated the smug attitude of the cats, a lot of young males also liked the suple curves of their bodies.

I was in my tent, sitting at my desk. There was a map infront of me I was looking over. Raz had sent someone out after I had left and followed my scent back to Apollo's caern much slower and tracked the path I made, making a map. I had, in some unknown way, slipped around certain areas of the cliffsides and valleys, shaving off a generous amount of time. The map was crude and I had to examine it to make sure it was actual and passable by a majority of my striders. If it was proven to be a good route it would be added to our main map in the Map Room and a new path to Apollo's caern would be eastablished. It was at that moment the tent flap of mine opened up and Raz stood there infront of me.

Raz was a young male like myself, I had retired the old strider-alpha when Arch gave me the position, and picked a younger male as my second. Raz was a chocolate colored wolf with dark brown fur on his back and a lighter shade on his chest. He had two color eyes, one blue and green and wore a simple brown loincloth. "Slayn?" He asked gently.

I put down my quill and looked up to Raz, leaning back into my chair. "Yes, Raz?"

"Slayn, the Alpha has called a meeting in the next hour. He wishes for each group to discuss what they will be doing for the felines who will be here in a few days. He wants a report from the striders."

That surprised me, but it wasn't unexpected. I nodded. "Very well. Have some of my reports at my place in the council room when we go."

"We, Slayn?" Raz asked, crossing his arms over his chest and smiling.

"Yes, Raz. We. You were sitting in my chair at past council meetings while I was recovering, you know more about modern events of the council than I do and will need you there to catch me up for a meeting or two."

The two of us would depart for the council room a few moments later, mostly me fumbling to gather my papers and layouts, planning on doing most of my work while I listened to the ramblings of the other sects. I wasn't in a mood to listen to them complain and try to map out order for the felines, but I knew that Arch wanted me there, and if anything, being able to see him again would make me happy.

We entered the council room last, and the room was as it always had been; the stone circular table with carvings of wolves in the middle. Wood and stone chairs circled it, 12 in all with a grand chair far from the huge, ornate doors and where Arch was seated. There were the leaders of each unit; Rey the Wise, an old wolf who had seen many seasons and helped Arch in terms of magic. She was as smart as she was elderly, and everyone knew not to cross her path. There was a boy around my age seated next to her. His name was Renin, and a cream colored wolf with black marks on his muzzle and hands. They were both dressed in the mage robes of their sect, wearing more clothing than most of us thought nessessary, but they stood out, which was what they probably wanted.

There was Chance, the leader of the Warriors and Arch's beta male. He was a black and white wolf, as hulking and large as Arch himself. Chance and Arch had spent their teen years together, through many conquests on the field and at home, lording over the female wolves of the caern, and even often sharing partners. They were now best friends, their strength was almost equal with the scale tipped mostly in Arch's favor, though Chance often gave Arch a run for his money. Chance did not bring his subordinate, Rex, who was out on assignment. Chance was wearing the more traditional warrior loincloth; consisting of a thin strap of leather around the waist and two panels covering the groin and the rear end. It was thicker and heavier, hung more protectively over the body and did not move around as much in combat. Chance did not like showing his nakedness to the pack and more often than not refused to take it off, even in situations where he was comfortable. Only a few had seen the male naked, and I wasn't included in that group.

Finally, there were the scouts. the scouts were bigger than the striders; but only slightly. Their body types were more suited for sitting for long periods in awkward positions, hiding and sneaking. They were slender and toned far more than a strider was. They had more emphasis on cunning and stealth with combat than pure speed. The Scouts were the primary defense system of the pack; always on the boarders and patrolling. They had little nodes of scouts peppered within the woods and our known lands, and as such, only a small few of the actual Scout numbers were actually in the temple grounds. Juran, head Scout, was a man in his late 20's and approaching 30's quickly. He had seen a lot of combat and had taken a lot of wounds. His arms and legs were covered in scars that had not healed with magic, leaving the damage to flesh and fur. He was a pale grey color and very cunning. He had the sharpest eyes in the pack and was a perfect choice of Arch to lead the scouts. His subordinate, a young girl named Lieah, was seated next to him. Slender and narrow, she had once been a strider but asked to be a scout instead. She was as dangerous as she was beautiful and carried herself so.

Raz and I stood and tipped our heads to Arch who was seated with papers infront of him. We paid our compliments and sat in our chairs, with me directly to Arch's right. There were, in all, eight people within the council room with four extra chairs left empty. There was another wolf in the back who would keep records, mostly for Rey and her tomes to record, making nine people total in the chambers. Raz put a stack of papers infront of me, making me blink my eyes and look up to Arch.

"Thank you for coming," Arch began as he moved some papers infront of him. "As you know, Apollo and a small group of his leopards are coming to our caern, we need to make preparations for their stay, including more fish. Juran; I want you to report to the river scouts to collect more salmon from the streams."

The scout nodded, but said nothing. Leiah was writing something down on a piece of paper.

"Chance, we need barracks room for their warriors. We do not have many quarters in the temple for Apollo's group; he's traveling in a large unit. I want the west wing of the warriors' barracks cleared and cleaned out for them with strict orders for no wolf to enter there unless invited by a leopard."

"Yes, Alpha." Chance said it with a stern, powerful voice and looked to Arch with his amber eyes. His words implied more than what was said. Not everyone had such a high opinion of the felines. "I may ask, however, why we are going out of our way so much for this visit? We did not the last time."

Arch looked to Chance, leaning more over the table with his elbows propped onto the stonework ring. "We are in their debt for securing the northern border from our enemies. They also helped Slayn recover enough to make it home and do something no one else has ever done. They are bringing goods and information and Apollo is my personal friend, and by extention: yours. If I hear any mistreatment of his leopards I will personally be on hand to deliver punishment." A growl trickled through the bass of his voice and it was obvious that command was meant for everyone present, not just Chance.

The room began to grow hot, and everyone looked away from Arch. Arch was something of a mystery. He knew very little magic but he had such an innate, powerful control over Fire. It was so hot, and it was by his will alone the papers on the table did not burst into flames. The alpha's power often flared like this in meetings when he had a particularly important command. Rey huffed and held her hand out, a glowing aura of blue light shining from it, cooling the room with her magic. "Arch! There's no need to flex Elemental muscle infront of this council." She was often a great mediator for the alpha, keeping him in line when necessary. In fact the old wolf was one of the only pack member who got away with talking to Arch like an unruly teenager. She had a hand in raising Arch through the years along side Kaudi, the old Alpha male, and he had a deep respect for her.

"You mind yourself, pup! You should know better than to brandish a weapon unless you are fully intent to using it." Rey continued on, easily flustered by the misuse of magic, and even more easily triggered into long speeches.

Arch glared at the older woman, and a growl cut her off. He quickly said the only thing that would appease her, to spare everyone a lecture, even if it sounded forced. "Very well, I will remember your advice, Rey." The rest of us shared an amused look as she settled down. It really did sound like a mother scolding her pup when she started up.

The meeting continued slowly, just like it always did. My striders were not even really being put out; Arch asked us to set up more tents for their striders and to make our maps and charts available to Apollo and his people. I was bored and idly doodling on my piece of paper with my quill and ink, just keeping myself from falling asleep. My hand shifted at some point and knocked one of the caps to my ink well down. There was a heated argument, between Arch and Rey again, so no one but Raz noticed that I slipped down off my chair and down to the floor. Where the hell had the cap gone?

Not really paying attention to proper protocol, I crawled under the table and began to hunt for the stopper so I could actually carry the ink back down to my tent. I couldn't find it though; somewhere under this table was my cap. I began to crawl to the side as I listened to Arch and Rey bicker.

"I will NOT open my tomes up to the felines, Arch!" I heard Rey say.

"You will do as you are told, woman!" Arch was growling.

I found the cap finally, right between...two big black paws. I blinked and looked up. What I saw was the flap of a loincloth between two equally black thighs. It was Arch. I was right infront of the big wolf, and he was in the middle of yelling at someone. He seemed stressed. I wondered if I could help.

I listened to Arch yelling, and at the moment he was yelling the loudest to Rey, I made my move. I shot my hands forward and lifted the loincloth up, moving it out of the way, and quickly pressed my muzzle to that sheath, cupping my lips around the rounded flesh and began suckling on it, pushing my tongue right against the opening and taking one of the biggest risks of my life.

Arch yelped loudly and jumped, his knees hitting the stone table above him and quickly sat down, his hands gripping the table with his claws out. I never stopped, I continued to lick along the sheath, suckling on it in my mouth and trying to coax my alpha male to arousal. One of my hands had moved out, gently brushing my fingers along the two huge orbs hanging away from Arch's body, cupping them generously and tugging on them, gently rubbing them in my small hand as I played with Arch's sheath in my muzzle.

"Arch," The Scout Leader said, his eyes quirking as he stood up slightly. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes! Yes." Arch said with a bit of a stammer, his eyes looking around as he quickly shot his glare to Rey. He was silent for a moment as he seemed to try to compose himself. "You WILL provide documents for our friends, Rey." Arch would let out a yelp as my tongue delved briefly into his sheath, and then growing aroused, the black tip would be exposed, allowing me more than easy access. I assaulted the ebon head with reckless abandon, swirling my tongue over the head packed with nerves, trying to make Arch even more aroused.

So far, I was safe. Arch hadn't called me out and seemed to be allowing me to continue, and that was fine with me, I was going to go to town on Arch's cock as best I could without getting caught. I opened my muzzle and took the available inches into my muzzle and began to generously suckle on the length. Arch was wide, wider than anything I'd ever taken into my maw, and had to open my mouth a bit more uncomfortably than I usually would have had to, but I didn't care. Arch was letting the smallest and youngest member of his council suck his dick and I was not going to disappoint.

Arch was sitting on his chair, breathing a bit harder but looking more than comfortable. His hands had moved from the sides of the table and touched the arms of his wooden chairs, gripping the wood with his claws out but other than that, I couldn't tell if there was any kind of reaction other than Arch kicking his leg out and flexing his stomach as his penis extended, generous inches sliding out as my hands worked along those orbs of his testicles and suckled on the sensitive pointed head. Arch seemed to love it when I flicked my tongue over the sensitive head and swirled over the slit, so I continued to do that, changing directions now and again, from clockwise to counterclockwise, keeping Arch on his toes.

"Arch," Chance began then as he leaned forward on the table. "What should we do about the felines who want to spar with us?"

I could only imagine Arch struggling to keep his focus, but he was doing an amazing job. I had to wonder if he had done something like this before. I listened closely as I greedily suckled on that hot erection. Arch was nearly fully aroused. "W..We can have them spar. No death challenges and no magic..!" Arch was keeping his speech in odd array, but still, he was holding on. At most, Arch looked like he had a stomach-ache.

Chance blinked and nodded his head, but then leaned back. "Rey, what do you think about their magic users?" This from Chance.

I listened to Arch sigh in pleasure as he could focus more on me than what he had to pay attention to. He slouched a bit as he became fully aroused, sans his knot. Arch and I knew better than to tease out a knot, Arch could have to stand up and having an hour long erection would be a bit...bad.

Now that I had the whole thing to play with, I moved my other hand up and gripped Arch at the base of his penis, beginning to bob my head over the inches I could manage into my muzzle, using my hand to get the inches I could not. I smeared my trailing saliva down along the ebon skin, trickling it down along the thickened length and giving myself a bit more lubrication to work with. I closed my eyes as I just focused on my task, bobbing my head sloppily up and down along the wet length, slurping along the delicious ebon flesh, moaning softly as I was drawing Arch toward his peak. This continued for quite some time while the others talked, but as soon as he had the opportunity, he spoke up.

"Everyone...Dismissed." Arch managed to choke out rather abruptly. Everyone blinked in surprise, and nodded, picking up their papers and getting up to leave. Raz was probably the only one who noticed my absence, but he was such a good little beta-strider, he did not bother me with my current job. I listened to clawed feet clinking away as they left, hearing the doors slam behind them. Arch groaned.

"You have a lot of nerve, little male. But your mouth is something amazing." One of Arch's hands moved under the table and grabbed the back of my head, and pushed me down. I could feel the length pressing past my throat and down it slightly, and I did everything I could not to choke. Arch began to thrust forward, sliding what he could fit into my throat.

With a loud growl, I felt Arch hit his peak and miss the tasting portion that came with giving someone a blowjob. I felt Arch's penis flex and throb and then, with no warning, he errupted. The hot seed fired outwards, down along the very back of my tongue and right down my throat. I coughed as I swallowed, Arch just pouring his cum right past my throat and into my belly, down that thin tube and then into my stomach; warming my core. Arch did not stop right away, either, he thrusted into my mouth and throat until HE was done; and when I felt the river slow to a thin stream, he pulled back, leaving me to cough and rub my throat.

Arch leaned back, and breathed hard. One of his hands moved down and held my chin, holding my head in one hand as he looked right into my eyes. "Oh, the little strider missed me. Don't worry; you'll be seeing much, much more of me now, my little wolf." And with that, Arch grinned.

To be continued...