Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act III, Part 6

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#19 of Eudaemon III: Rebirth

Zerrex looked at her for a few moments... then he snorted quietly and threw his cleaver aside, meeting her eyes, seeing the mix of emotion in them... and most of all, recognizing that pain, the hell in them, and the darkness. She looked back at him... and then shivered once as he opened his arms before she leapt forwards and into them, kissing slowly up his neck and tasting the sweat and grime and blood on his scales as she panted quietly before her hands slid down his body and pushed him backwards.

The Drakkaren blinked, before grunting as his back collided with the wall of the facility, and Cherubim slid down his body, kissing over his chest before nuzzling into his crotch as she fumbled and worked frantically to undo his belt, looking up at him with a grin that made her look shockingly like Cherry as she spoke in a seductive voice: "Ooh, now I gotta bring out this big boy, get you all ready and riled up..." A pause as she jerked his pants down, Zerrex staring down at her with something like amazement as one of his hands reached up to rest on her skull, and she sighed as if he had just given her a blissful massage instead of roughly grasped her head, pushing herself up against his palm as her blue eyes flicked up to his, then down to his boxers to gaze hungrily at the bulge of a huge but still-flaccid shaft. "Oh, you never disappoint..."

She jerked down his boxers before he could respond... then her eyes widened at his size and she looked back up at him with definite lust burning in her eyes, her body flexing as she leaned forwards to breath in his scent and send soft pants over his huge member, feeling a flush rising in her face at how excited she was becoming... excited to the point where her lower region had already begun to spill out its sweet juices. "Ooh..." A pause, then she slowly lowered herself to stick her long tongue out, lapping teasingly at the bulging obsidian head of his member, simply enjoying the taste of the strong male before grinning slightly as she gazed up at him with entertainment, as he looked down at her with a slight smile and his eyes half-closed in pleasure.

"I might not last as long as usual, so you know... been seven and some years since I've had a good blowjob." Zerrex said idly, and Cherubim snorted, a grin spreading over her muzzle as she lowered her head and reached up to grab the male's hips, jaws opening hungrily as she began to take inch after inch of thick, flaccid flesh into her muzzle. Zerrex grunted quietly in pleasure at this, rolling his head back and feeling his body flexing, muscles working as his massive shaft buried down the tight, slick throat of the female without any trouble.

The effect was amazing, as Cherubim sealed her jaws around the already-massive girth of the male, suckling back hungrily as she felt him slip deep into her maw and into her throat, finally getting a response from the male's member as it twitched once and then began to thicken. She arched her back, moaning softly as she closed her eyes... but as she tasted the male's flesh, it was like any cock she'd sucked before... and even though he seemed to have more stamina, she felt a strange sense of loss at the idea that it might be no different than anyone else, and he might not even have the chance to get erect as her grin faded slightly and she wrapped her flexible tongue several times around the thick cock, careful to avoid snagging the huge male flesh with her sharp teeth as she began to suck back in earnest now, intent on draining the male's life essence if at all possible... and if not... to give him the best blowjob he'd ever had.

She could feel his life trickle from his cock... and then it stopped as Zerrex gave a light groan of pleasure above her, his member thickening, growing inside her, pushing down her throat... which automatically stretched to accommodate the huge member, bulging outwards as a strange effervescence shone around her scales, the insides of her body easily doing the same trick she had learned so long ago as she began to rock herself firmly up and down, deepthroating the member and pushing her nose up into his waist, testicles that looked more like cannonballs bumping into her chin as one of Zerrex's hands went and rested on his hip, the other staying firmly put on her skull. She couldn't help but moan around the huge member as she began to suck harder, to work herself faster up and down the enormous cock, using all the strength she could find to pull the male's energy from his body... but it was like there was a barrier there, and instead all she felt was a hot, throbbing mass in her mouth that was harder and stronger, filled with an energy so thick and powerful she could almost taste it, and she moaned as she worked herself faster up and down, her breasts bouncing with the force of her movements along the male's gigantic length.

Zerrex grit his teeth, head bowing forwards as he opened his eyes to look down at the female as her wings slowly wrapped around his legs as well, claws of one hand digging into his hips and the other pushing up forcefully over his chiseled abs with what looked like longing, watching her draw back more than a foot before slamming her head back upwards, amazed that she could swallow his entire cock without any discomfort, but instead a look of... Gods, was that joy? Something pure, beyond ecstasy or lust? And then he grunted again, feeling a flush rising in his face as her tongue rolled around his member again, muscle massaging and lightly moving against muscle as he felt himself beginning to stiffen already, his breaths coming a bit harder now as he felt an orgasm already rising in his long-unused cock. Oh Gods... not so soon...

It hadn't even been ten minutes yet, as he tried fruitlessly to restrain himself... and then he arched his back slightly and began to thrust loosely into her maw, tilting his head back and releasing a hungry groan as his legs spread a bit further, both hands going to grab the back of her head and forcefully yanking her upwards as he began to thrust rapidly into her mouth, feeling her almost choking in surprise... and that only made him thrust harder, massive testicles pounding against her chin as her nose forcefully struck into his abdominals again and again, her claws digging through his armor-like scales as she felt the massive member rubbing the inside of her mouth raw and becoming harder than steel.

Then the male arched his back and released a roar of pleasure, firing the first volley of seed with enough force that Cherubim almost felt herself rocked backwards in amazement... that, and the blast of load had come with an extra helping of his energy, showing that her efforts weren't entirely fruitless, after all: more and more bursts of seed shot into her body as he rammed her again and again, growling hungrily like an animal and slamming himself into her face with enough force to crack concrete... but she sucked back hungrily, moaning and almost squealing in glory around his cock, loving the taste of his seed, a bittersweet taste she had so long forgotten, full of his strength, full of his power and energy... and she rocked herself harder, her muscles bulging, that strange glow seeming to push out of the cracks between them as she moaned hotly before he finally began to pull free... but as he did so, the reptile rolled his eyes upwards with ecstasy as he felt her loop her tongue around the base of his back shaft and suck back as hard as she could, urging a few more squirts of seed from his still-hard cock and wiping him clean, leaving only slick saliva in the place of his hot, white load.

She sat back, panting hard and opening her eyes, which were almost glowing with power as she looked up at him hungrily, her body flexing, seeming to grow, then shrinking back down to its normal size and state, as the male lowered his head to look down at her... and their eyes locked as Zerrex panted lightly before suddenly grinning and winking at her, and her own widened as she realized... he hadn't lost any of his power at all. His load itself had his energies imbued with it, and she could feel that flowing through her body and the wounds on her form rapidly healing themselves as the Drakkaren's eyes suddenly sharpened and glanced down to where the cleaver mark should have been... and she grinned as she said softly: "You're so strong... Lord and Master Zerrex..."

She stood slowly, her body trembling with the energy racing through her... and there was one more test to do, as she reached up and undid her bikini bra, revealing her ample, huge breasts with their large, hard nipples... and then she slid one finger between her hip, and the belt and string that held the bikini bottom and loincloth on, flicking it idly as she opened her wings: a sudden blast of wind tore both these clothes flying away as she stepped sinuously forwards, watching Zerrex lean back against the wall of the fortress and murring teasingly as she reached up and stroked under his muzzle slowly with one finger, licking her muzzle slowly with the other as she leaned up close, sandwiching his enormous shaft between their bodies. And she meant it, too... because deep inside her, she found that she wanted the male to pass this last test... to resist her most powerful pulls, to show that he was truly superior...

She leaned up, and kissed him, and he kissed her back with a strange, almost polite gentleness despite the rough power she felt him grasp her waist with... their tongues danced for a moment as his huge shaft throbbed... and then she slid back with a teasing murr, the kiss breaking, the female licking her lips. Even there, with his consent, she hadn't been able to draw a single bit of energy... the romantic gesture, after all, usually gave her far more energy than she got from going down on a male, although both were good enough for your average soldier. And he watched her as she walked slowly away a few paces, hips swinging back and forth, before turning and smiling teasingly over her shoulder as she gave him big eyes, asking almost playfully: "Do you really like me for my personality?"

The Drakkaren frowned, then he tilted his head upwards and grinned a bit in response to this, saying idly as he leaned back against the wall and stroked easily up and down his huge length with one hand that was now completely unable to wrap around the great girth: "I don't think I ever remembered saying I liked you. You're the one crawling all over me..." A pause and a wink. "But you do have great tits, to be vulgar."

"You like big breasts, huh?" the female licked her muzzle teasingly, reaching up to squeeze her huge swells, then her eyes gave a strange flash as the golden energy began to glow from her body again, her voice turning into almost a distorted rumble for a moment as she added in a tone that was nearly menacing: "Then you'll just love my real body..."

She laughed quietly, and it was a strange, echoing, dark sound that lowered by several decibels as she straightened... and her body seemed to become almost liquid for a few moments, the golden aura surrounding her. Zerrex blinked, leaning back against the wall as a wind kicked up around them, watching as her body shifted, change, and most of all, grew... first getting larger, than easily dwarfing him as it finally began to slow and the aura began to fade, and Zerrex could almost feel the waves of lust, power, and domination flowing off the female - subtle at first, but with this body revealed, so powerful and strong that it was enough to get even him drooling... and his hard cock throbbing, but almost making him more determined than he'd ever felt before to please... to last longer... and then to turn the tables and show that he was the strongest, the real alpha here.

That could be difficult however, with her standing at almost thirty feet tall... and her arms and legs covered in thick, powerful muscles that looked almost as large as he was. Her wings had grown massive as well, taking on more of an inwards-curving edge to them along the bottom and spiking up at either extreme side... and she had also grown two sets of large, cruel horns that curved back from the sides of her head, a larger top set with two skeletal branches off it almost like a deer's rack, and a smaller set just beneath these that curved outwards to a greater extreme. Her breasts were larger than wrecking balls, and covered more than half her chest without sagging at all, firm and enormous... nipples that looked like tank cannons... and the taunt stomach now had chiseled, firm abdominals. As she looked down at Zerrex with a cruel grin, he could see that her teeth had grown larger as well, barely fitting inside her muzzle... and almost her forearms and shins, there were small 'wings' of bone that curved up towards her head in sets of threes, arranged on the sides and fronts of her limbs. Her tail snaked back and forth easily, and then it suddenly whipped around and the male found his arms and legs bound as he realized it was likely more than three times longer than her body, thin and flexible enough to almost be a tentacle... and with those cruel, meter-high bone fins bridging up the entire outer side, meaning they probably also continued up her back to her neck... and he wouldn't have been surprised to find out he was right, or that they grew steadily bigger until the largest fin between her shoulderblades, then rapidly grew down, leaving a small bone nub of only roughly a foot at the base of her neck.

She lifted him into the air up to head level, the male almost a third her size as she grinned coldly at him, and he looked into blue irises that were devoid of pupil, where the whites had turned proud gold... and then she lowered her head a bit as she rose him easily and said teasingly: "Kiss me, lover."

This time, there wasn't a nudge at his mind... but a powerful mental command that overrode even Drake and Ravenlight in his head. Still, all it did was cause his head to throb as he snarled up at her, then he swung one arm out and tore free of the embrace of her tail, making her wince back as he fell to the ground and landed in a crouch... before looking up at her from his position in front of feet with claws almost the size of his legs and calling clearly up to her: "Then you bend down to me, bitch. And stop trying to play games with my head."

She snorted, then made a rising gesture with her hand... but instead of easily raising it above her head, she winced and found that in response, Zerrex had quickly set himself and lowered his head... and again their energies combated, that strange, physical force of his against her mental powers. But again, she lost... not as badly as before, as Zerrex slumped, and then she bad-temperedly flicked her wrist and at least managed to knock him back on his ass, causing the reptile to snarl... then grin coldly up at her: "Oh, well, now you're actually a challenge, huh? Good to see you've gotten one advantage, not just in size..."

"Shut up, pencil-dick." she replied smoothly... and Zerrex snorted, glaring at her but realizing, horribly... that it was true in comparison to her size, as she smiled cruelly and walked easily around him, licking her muzzle slowly and then raising her head proudly as she spoke in a mild, playful tone: "What, too afraid to reply now?" A pause as she sat down and rested back against the wall of the facility... then she spread her legs and idly rubbed at her wet labia with one hand, spreading the lips of her sex slowly and then allowing them to close, gazing at Zerrex challengingly and adding teasingly: "Too afraid to fuck me, too, I bet?"

Zerrex knew that was what she wanted... and that approaching her, especially in this form, for any reason other than sheer combat purposes... was idiotic. But instead of backing off... he reached down and undid his still-attached weapons belt, tossing it aside, and then he stripped completely bare of his combat boots and pants, dropping the former on top of the latter to stop them from blowing away in the mild wind that was blowing all around them in a slow cyclonic pattern. He reached down and easily stroked along his huge, full cock, then said tauntingly in return, as he approached her - horrified and yet amused by the spark of lust she set off in him, especially now: "You're the one who's begging for it and already smeared with your own juices for me... I was just going to await a formal invitation, since you're so big it might be a bit awkward trying to bend you over to rape you. I'd have to throw you on the ground instead... but this position works great. Then I can see those impressive breasts of yours bouncing and you screaming my name."

"We'll see..." Cherubim couldn't deny that she was amazed, though, by the male's continued resistance, spreading her legs welcomingly and letting herself slide down a bit as she licked her muzzle slowly. After all, she'd killed platoons, units, even armies with this body without so much of a wince... and her telekinetic and mind control powers increased at least tenfold, whereas her sexual ability... well, she could blow a kiss over a city, and every man, woman and child would fall down dead, giving up their life energy. She was imbued with the strength of a million lost souls... and that was only counting soldiers, and not the many more she had slaughtered or raped during these long seven and some years of warfare. But this one male was withstanding everything, as he walked up to her and looked at her vagina with a grin, then he idly reached up and stroked her clitoris - it was almost the size of his shaft, and even thicker - making her groan a bit at the light thrill of pleasure before she felt him playing a hand over one lip of her sex.

"It's like a cave." He said amusedly... then he grasped his shaft and guided the head of his cock forwards between her lips, before looking up at her. And when their eyes met, there was no hostility, no animosity between them, only excitement... and instead of taunting him, she nodded quickly and seemed to almost soften with her interest, swallowing and looking more like an anxious, virginal schoolgirl for a fleeting moment, then a cruel, dominating monster.

Zerrex looked up at her... and thought for a moment with pity that this is... what he had become himself in some ways. They were both monsters... but she had been deceived, and her hungers gone unfed on purpose, he would bet... and she had searched for a hero strong enough to slay her... or even more, a hero strong enough to control her and let her live, to mount her in more ways that one... in this scenario she was a monstrous dragoness, he was the bloody knight, and the only difference was his choice of lance to spear her with. He grinned a bit at the metaphor as he looked down again... then thrusted forwards and felt unexpected pleasure roll through him with a surprised grunt, her passage somehow tightening around his fifty-one inch member despite the fact she was more than thirty feet tall, her body rocking and the female moaning as she grinned at the sky, eyes sliding closed as his massive member slid smoothly into her.

He felt forwards against her body, his arms going out, his head colliding with her clitoris and making her gasp again in surprised ecstasy as she bucked her hips against him - a simple, easy movement that was like the sea sending a friendly storm-born wave to rock a boat, almost carrying him off his toes and then dropping him back on the flats of his feet with a grunt. He tried to pull back... and he could feel her passage actually holding him inside her, feeling her pulling instead of pushing with her tight vagina... and what felt almost like fleshy barbs that lined this passage in reverse making sure to hold him there. Then she relaxed and looked down at him, panting hungrily... before her eyes gleamed and she grinned wider as her body suddenly flexed and began to slowly grow even larger, expanding as she said in a hungry voice: "Gods... your energy... is so powerful... so good... but I'm sad that in this ultimate, true body of mine... I can suck you down to a husk..."

"What?" Zerrex asked, blinking... and then he snorted and drew back before thrusting hard into her with a grunt, almost wincing at the strength it took, the feeling of his member almost being dragged out like it was on a torture rack... and Cherubim's hips bucked again against him as she almost screamed in ecstasy, and her body underwent a sudden burst in speed in its change, until it stopped after gaining an extra five feet of height... breasts and muscles both engorged further... clitoris so huge Zerrex figure she could likely kill him with it... nipples pinker but harder-looking. Then she stopped, panting, looking down at him as he felt a strange heat building already inside of his shaft, feeling her passage sucking it in and massaging him at the same time, making his pleasure rise... before they both grinned at each other suddenly.

"It wasn't you..." she said in a voice that was strangely soft, a shudder rolling through her form... before she smiled, her head lowering, her eyes narrowing a bit... but what she meant to be a command came out instead as a begging whisper: now she had finally found the male she could submit to... a male who she couldn't drain even with this body, but instead who had unlocked some key piece inside of her, and silent tears rolled down her cheeks as she whimpered hungrily: "Fuck me... please..."

"Gladly..." Zerrex drew his hips back forcefully, wincing as he grasped her body as hard as he could, her chiseled muscles offering little grip except at the ridge of her powerful form... and then he thrusted hard into her, and she tilted her head back and yelled her pleasure to the sky. Again, he drew back... thrusted... drew back... slammed home, beginning to pant, his muscles bulging, feeling her almost trying to pull him inside her with his passage - and Zerrex even grinning as he wondered what it would be like to crawl inside her body - as he began to piston his girth member in and out of her as hard as he could. After a few moments, it became easier as the pleasure rose... and he was growing used to the rocking of her hips, moving with it as he leaned forwards to lap teasing at her clitoris, making her pleasure rise all the higher...

And, after what felt like only a few moments to the reptile but an eternity of pleasure to Cherubim, she suddenly leaned forwards and down, and he looked up with surprise before his much-smaller muzzle was engulfed by her enormous one. Yet somehow the kiss worked... and then the female's eyes snapped open as she felt something like a tear in her vagina... except it was obviously not physical, but instead something else. And from her mouth, there was the strangest sensation of pulling... and it felt like the male was growing bigger inside her, like his whole body was growing larger before she drew back, panting hard and staring at him with awe, hunger, and deepest lust as Zerrex stared back at her with surprise, his muscles bulging, his form not changed...

But she was smaller... and she felt herself continuing to grow smaller even as she threw her head back and felt an orgasm wrack her form, her liquids spraying out with enough force to almost knock Zerrex out of her as she bucked and writhed, smashing in part of the wall of the rebel base... her breasts jouncing on her chest... her maw upraised, crying out in ecstasy as her body continued to shrink. She was being dominated... and she could feel all the energy she'd gained over the years being ripped out of her... or maybe it was a gift from her to the lizard who had made her master, as she betrayed her entire will to him. Again and again, he pummeled her, rammed her with a shaft that wasn't growing bigger... but was providing them both with more and more pleasure as he finally found her small enough that she could wrap her legs around him, the bones sinking back into her scales, her horns also regressing... huge breasts bouncing and growing smaller as well, but still staying comparably z-cup sized on her as she screamed in pleasure. Her shrinking was slow... but even though the pleasure was unbearable, amazing, and she had another powerful orgasm on the way... Zerrex held on tight, his shaft painfully-stiff but even after more than an hour, still ramming her without slowing, his muscles and body bulging, standing with his legs spread and hers wrapped around him, back at her normal size and shrieking in ecstasy as her body literally bulged with the movements of his gargantuan cock.

She slammed her head back and forth, easily supported in the air by the male before she felt another climax strike, pouring her sweet juices down his massive obsidian shaft... her hips bucking, her jaws screaming their pleasure, their amazement, their bliss... and then she forced herself upwards, sitting up on his waist as his hands grabbed her buttocks to support her, kissing him hungrily as she felt him stiffen even more and flex, rocking against her harder, pummeling her as she sent liquid after liquid burst down his huge shaft.

The male groaned hungrily into her muzzle as their tongues danced together... and then he fired off his hot, powerful load into her, filling her up again with that strange, wonderful sensation of energy, of power, of mistaken love, of being dominated and controlled as his seed poured into her body... and blood leaked heavily from her vagina, down his shaft, coating his crotch, inner legs and testicles even as the last jounced and slapped her tail lightly, spreading their wetness with a squelch. He slammed into her again and again, and Zerrex saw a golden light suddenly behind the closed lids of his eyes before it whiffed out in darkness... and he roared as his back arched and his head tilted skywards, tasting blood as Cherubim raised her head in her own scream, blood firing from her maw and her eyes widening as tears of blood rolled down her face... before she slumped against his chest, leaving Zerrex panting and looking down at her as the last few volleys of seed blasted into her, thrusting once, twice, thrice hard into her... and then simply stopping as he leaked his load from his huge member, looking at her speared on his massive cock and whispering in a ragged, confused voice the first stupid word that came to mind as he saw her bloody body: "Cherry?"

She smiled faintly... and her wings slowly rotted and fell away, leaving only scarred, blackened stumps as she looked up at him... and in an instant, he drew free from her that released a gush of seed and a waterfall of blood. He looked down at this in surprise and something like horror, feeling his monstrous cock throbbing and thinking he must have torn her insides apart and killed her by mistake as he fell to his knees, cradling her against his chest... but she reached a trembling hand up to stroke his face as she whispered faintly: "Sin..." A pause, then she added weakly: "Not your fault..."

Then she slumped, and Zerrex merely looked at her blankly for a few moments... before snarling and quickly leaping up to his feet as the wind died completely. But then he heard Drake's calm words in his head, and he froze on the spot, not wanting to believe it after the strange, terrible, and yet wonderful kinship he'd formed with this girl. She's given up her nephilim... her body is rapidly dying. You can do nothing... it's basically rotting from the inside-out, and it's spread through her vital innards first. There's only one thing you can do...

"Kiss... me..." whispered Cynterra Blossom raggedly, and Zerrex looked down at her in surprise as she smiled weakly up at him, and he dropped to his knees as a few more bloody tears fell from her eyes. "Let me... feel loved. Let me... pretend. You loved... me... I always mixed up sex and love, fucking and domination and submission and control... power and lust... with... virtue and joy and love..." she coughed, vomiting black blood onto the reptile's chest, then staring at it for a few moments before looking up at him silently and whispering raggedly: "Kiss me... and..." she began to cry harder now, and Zerrex could feel her body beginning to go limp in his hands, and he realized paralysis was setting in... and that she was only alive out of sheer willpower. "Let me... live on in you... I'll pass my soul... my energy... give it to you out of thanks..."

"Any family of Cherry... is family of mine, Sin." whispered Zerrex... and then he met her eyes and said the thing she had been waiting to hear all her life in a quiet, calm voice: "I can't say I love you for you... but I know your sister loves you. And I'm going to tell her that you died a proud death... and well..." He stopped, felt a strange twinge in his gut, then added quietly: "If you believe you can live on in me... then I'd be honored to have that happen..."

The female reached up and wrapped her arms weakly around his neck as she smiled faintly, then she whispered quietly: "Can I be... yours?"

"You already are." Zerrex replied softly, then he lowered his head and kissed her: it was little more than a few gentle brushings of their lips and then their mouths locking together for a few moments, one last time... but the male felt some strange, powerful force suddenly enter his body, and he grunted and arched his back, eyes clenching shut as he suddenly stood straight, arms spasming outwards... but before he could freak out about the fact he'd just dropped the dying girl, he looked down as a strong wind blew by and reduced her form into a golden flow of flower petals. Zerrex watched them flying away in the wind with his breath caught in his chest, amazed and shocked at the transformation... before he thought he heard something behind him and he slowly turned around, standing naked, no longer erect, and covered in blood, to set his eyes on what looked like an angel.

She was beautiful, wearing plain clothing, her hands tucked in her pockets, and huge, feathered wings half-furled behind her back... then his eyes locked first on the slave collar, before meeting the sapphire eyes of Cynterra. He looked at this ghost for a few silent moments, at the wavering, transparent image as she smiled quietly at him, and then Drake murmured quietly, It's a mental projection... not a true 'spirit,' because her soul is bound specifically to you, so only you and a few gifted... or rather, cursed... others can actively see it... but by no means a hallucination or delusion. Your body has become a container for more than one soul... and she resides literally inside you now, but dormant. I've never seen this phenomenon before, but Hellabos often theorized about it.

"Can you hear me?" Zerrex asked quietly, and Sin smiled and tried to speak, then paused and made a face as she rose her hand to her muzzle, when no sound came free. She frowned a bit, then simply shrugged, smiled, and nodded. Zerrex smiled faintly in return, asking Drake why she couldn't talk... but he had no answer, giving the mental equivalent of a shrug himself.

Sin suddenly winked, blew Zerrex a kiss, then vanished in a flash of golden light... and Zerrex shook his head slowly before turning and beginning to collect his things. Inside him, though, he could feel a strange glow, almost a warmth... and through his body pulsed a new strength, a new power. On the same level, however, he admitted he felt kinda depressed and pissed off... his body hurt - especially his penis and his back, oddly - but otherwise... he thought he was okay.

He sighed as he did up his belt just above the waistline of his pants, making a face at the fact all the loopholes on his jeans had been torn when Cherubim had ripped them down - Cherubim Sin... I wonder if she'd like me calling her that? It sounds catchy, at least... - before collecting his cleaver and heading back into the facility, brushing a bit of dust from his body and shaking his head... which caused his hair to puff out and scrape gently against the back of his ankles. He snorted, rolling his eyes at how long the goddamn white locks had become again already... but it wasn't as debilitating at he thought it would be. It just meant he had to be a bit more careful with his movements and probably meant no more front rolls for him, since he'd just land on a mess of white hair.

"Front rolls suck anyway." He muttered, as he headed for a small, rusted intercom in one corner that had been originally used to notify security when shipments had come in. He played with the buttons for a few moments, trying to figure out how the hell to work it, then finally managed to connect to security station one... which was really just the main command terminal where the council members had been clustered and waiting for him to give the all-clear... which would be troublesome to explain about why it had taken so long, if they asked too many questions about why the hell it had done just that.

Unfortunately, luck was not with him today... not only had he killed his one source of information by mistake - Drake cleared his throat at this and muttered something about how he was working as hard as he could to extract information from Cherubim's soul, but was again limited because a certain somebody still hadn't gotten his other half... which in turn made Zerrex threaten to punch him in the balls... which shut him up - and done so with screwing... it had apparently all been caught on security camera. Worst of all, however, was the fact that the person who answered the transmission call was Churchill: "I knew you were an enemy spy! You were fornicating, fornicating with that monster! You vile, honorless, filthy wretch, you dirty fool, you bad person, you-"

"Dude, that was fuckin' sweet!" cackled Huck in the background, then he yelled cheerfully in the distance over Churchill's continued blathering: "The twins are all hot and bothered too, they're all red and they look all- ow fuck don't hit me don't hit me! Fucking ow... hey, let go of my... hoooooly shit!"

Zerrex didn't want to imagine what had just happened as a sudden silence fell... and he glanced back and forth with a cough before asking uneasily: "Um. Can someone cancel the lockdown?" A pause... and continued silence. "Er. Hello?"

"Sure, Lord Zerrex!" came a chipper female voice: Zerrex's guess was that it was Shine, since she had the slightly-higher voice. Then he thought he heard a few giggles before it asked teasingly: "My sister and I would really love to play with you some more, if you want..." A pause, and Zerrex was about to deny this when the voice added: "How about a nice, long massage in the tub?"

Hot water... twins... massage... boobs... Zerrex stared stupidly at the intercom for a few moments, heard Huck say something that sounded like 'Can I come too?' and then a loud thud and a male whine that brought him back to reality... and he coughed before saying dumbly as he heard the alarms in the distance shut down: "Yeah, sure, great, yes... sounds great." He paused, then took on a more serious voice as he asked: "But we were definitely compromised... and most likely Narrius has information on us."

"Yes, he does... we found a swan box." Albatross said clearly, sounded as unfettered as ever, like this was a normal day at the base. He paused, then coughed and explained at Zerrex's continued, questioning silence: "Sorry. It's a small black box that uses ultrasound and radio waves to take distinct measurements... certain types and wavelengths affect and pass through different substances at different levels... it's complicated, I don't even understand it, to be honest. But by the time we found it, it had finished transmitting... for safety, we smashed it, but most likely Narrius now knows all the logistical information he needs to destroy this base. Or will... before we shattered it, we attempted to backlog the signal - the one weakness of the swan box is that you can trace it to the location it's being sent to and get exact coordinates of the enemy base or facility - but the tricky bastard is having it routed through satellites and national centers worldwide. It'll likely take him at least half a day to get the signal... and so he'll likely attack in the morning."

"Why not in the middle of the night?" Zerrex asked mildly, leaning over the intercom with a bit of a frown. "He could just target us with his cannons without fear of retribution at such a distance... or even fly a plane on silent mode with the lights off and drop a heavy bomb on us. We wouldn't even be able to defend against a nighttime raid or cascade, since we couldn't see anything, and I doubt this facility has anti-missile defenses."

"Shut up, you're making me feel even more impoverished." Albatross replied with a snort of amusement... and Zerrex thought he could sense a faint grin on the face of the Dragokkaren. "But night operations are against Hez'Ranna General Army protocol, for one thing, because the danger to groups is massive intensified, and a guerilla army like ours could wipe out whole platoons with one well-hidden soldier... and that expands into bomb operations for the idiot clones he's built. Second... Narrius seems to spend the early evening giving orders to overseas military through private satellite, then the rest of the night at his mansion. At night, he goes on the defensive... he's-"

"Not a nocturnal hunter." Zerrex muttered and hit his forehead: he'd forgotten that one clear lesson from Narrius, which he'd always ignored: never hunt your prey at night. Narrius was a daylight monster, a noontime demon... and he was admittedly smart as well, knowing not to take risks when he could avoid them. So it made sense... why attack right away like an idiot? He could easily just wait out the night... then in the morning, after the rebels had likely spent the whole night awake in terror, launch a nuke or go on a bombing run, use their tattered nerves against them and leave them completely defenseless, then finish them off with mortars or one well-trained wave of soldiers.

If the Drakkaren had to guess, though, he was willing to bet Cherubim had gone rogue on her former Patriarch at the end... her duty was likely to cause chaos and anarchy, frighten people into a panic - a very basic military trick - but then she had instead tried to hunt down him, who Narrius was apparently most concerned with... that, of course, meant he had indeed tracked Death into the house of the rebels by mistake, but he could deal with his personal guilt later. And she had defected to him in a way that Narrius likely never would have anticipated... and which would infuriate him, when he found out about it.

Albatross asked some question, likely confused... but Zerrex shook his head, then said quickly: "Look, I'll be down in a few minutes. Activate everything, and tell all the soldiers to assemble in an hour inside that main hall thing above the barracks and the adults civvies to do the same along the Ring and in the bazaar below. Meet me in the first subbasement outside the freight elevator, alright?"

"Right. Signing off." Albatross responded clearly, not bothering to argue, and Zerrex nodded, then stood back and rubbed the back of his head as he winced, unable to locate the power button. Finally, he coughed and simply smashed the control panel with his fist before turning and quickly running away to the elevator as it beeped into life. Before he could reach it, however, it began to descend, and Zerrex let out a grumble as he slid through the torn-open doors and wincing as he heard the intercom sizzle and give a small explosion from behind him. As he slid through the doors, he peered over his shoulder and caught sight of smoke spiraling up from the broken panel, and he winced as he fell into the open shaft and landed on top of the descending elevator.

He shook his head with a wince as he heard mumbles below him... probably yells, now that he was actually thinking about it, since there was half a foot of titanium between where he was and inside the elevator. It also wasn't moving, so he couldn't get into the subbasement... so he grumbled, wincing as he stepped on his own hair while moving around in the half-squat, then found the maintenance door and slid it open to peer down at the barrel of a gun and several surprised faces through mesh grating. Immediately, he jerked back and fell over as the soldier opened fire, blowing holes in the mesh and causing Zerrex to squawk and yell, his voice reverberating in the tunnel: "Dude! I'm not the enemy!"

"Oh God! Lord Zerrex, I'm so sorry!" babbled a soldier's voice... and then the elevator began to descend, making Zerrex wince and sigh as he turned around, stepping quickly off the elevator and onto the short ledge in a recession in the wall as he began to pass it, barely balancing on his toes and grabbing the crack in the center of the elevator. He resisted the urge to look down, knowing it would likely cause him to fall and hurt his head - or his everything, since it didn't sound like it was stopping at the next subbasement in line - and then he flexed and jerked the doors open with a grunt, stepping forwards into a crowd of staring soldiers and rubbing the back of his head, coughing and feeling embarrassed as they took in his naked chest, the swastika tattoo on his bicep, his flushed features, tangled mass of hair... and of course his weapons. Then someone muttered that it was Lord Zerrex, and the soldiers that had been halfheartedly raising their weapons dropped them with looks of relief, as the reptile did his best to bustle politely through the crowd.

He found his way into a hallway and sighed, looking up just in time to see the other members of the council coming towards him... and then the twins broke into a charge and leapt at him, Zerrex wincing and catching one in either arm, automatically cradling them each in the crook of one strong limb as they curled against him cheerfully, saying happily: "Lord Zerrex! It's so good to see you!"

"Yes, we were... so... very impressed with the way you destroyed the succubus with sex... it was very daring and just proved you deserve to be called the savior of us all..." Mist added with a murr, nuzzling into his neck and then tossing a glare at Churchill when he drew too close - as in, within ten feet. The male winced and stepped backwards, raising his hands, as Huck slouched forwards and Albatross looked at Zerrex with mild amusement in his eyes.

"I hate you." Huck said clearly again, glowering at the reptile and rubbing at a very large bump on his head. "You got twins. And get to screw a RED soldier to death. And beat up Churchill." A pause and a glance over his shoulder at the tall Dragokkaren, who was now glaring at Huck vindictively, causing him to cough and grin stupidly as he blushed a bit. "Er. No offense, Churchill. You're great, a real stand-up guy... and... stuff."

"Everyone's busy trying to get to the main hall... let's duck in here and talk." Albatross said plainly, then he pushed open the door to a small reading room and stepped inside. Zerrex followed - the twins refusing to allow him to put them down and staying firmly put as they wrapped their legs around his waist - then sat down on a large, fluffy chair, the twins shifting to sit comfortably on the arms and both half-curling against him, making the Drakkaren once again wonder how they could do everything in parallels so easily.

Albatross had taken a seat on the other side of a short coffee table, making a face at the half-empty mug of now-cold stuff on the table and pushing it away from himself as Huck leaned on a bookshelf... and almost knocked it over as he quickly found out it wasn't actually attached to the floor. He coughed and blushed as Churchill closed the door and stared at him like he was an idiot, then simply sat on the floor in front of the rows of books and rubbed the back of his head, glancing around at the others before finally asking plaintively: "So... what are we doing here again?"

"We're discussing possible ways to preempt or counter the threat of Narrius running an attack against us, idiot." Albatross said mildly, then he turned his attention to Zerrex, losing the amusement in his voice and becoming serious once more as Huck also solemned... and even though Churchill was glowering at the Drakkaren who he saw as having stolen his position, he also seemed a bit more focused than usual. "I don't think I have to say that the likelihood of Narrius sending in soldiers for the first wave is zero... but it does mean he'll be using either heavy artillery and missiles, or airplanes carrying high-powered bombs."

Huck nodded, then added mildly: "I'd vote for the last, myself, because he's obviously going to know that we've got our base of operation underground... and any thermal or electrical imaging he can scrounge up will show him that the facility above ground is empty..."

"Then I need someone and a hundred soldiers to go up into the facility and run all the technology they can find, and all that." A pause, then a glance at Churchill before he even had the chance to volunteer. "Actually, make it about fifty, five platoons of ten. Station them around like a skeleton crew... if he takes a picture and sees the clusters of people and then the soldiers in the facility, it'll look like we just did an evac of the battle site into bunkers below it."

"Got it." Churchill nodded and turned, not bothering with his usual remarks and instead taking off to do his mission. Zerrex watched him go, then he turned back to Albatross, who was smiling grimly.

"Most likely, Narrius will see through the ruse..." A pause, then a slow shake of his head. "And even if he doesn't or decides to be careful, he'll just nuke the facility first."

" I doubt he'll use a nuclear bomb..." Huck said mildly, and Albatross frowned at him - at first for being an idiot... then seriously considering and looking at him as if to question 'why not?' Huck looked back impassively... then shrugged. "The area is too close to Uroboros and Skan'Delah, and even if he uses a cold nuke, it might not penetrate deep enough into the earth to reach the facility, and he won't be able to send in soldiers for a few days."

Zerrex made a face. "But we'd all die from radiation." A pause as the two stared at him, and Mist coughed a bit as Shine snickered softly and smiled slightly up at him. "What?"

Huck and Albatross exchanged a look, then the blue-scaled Dragokkaren said irritably, as Huckleberry attempted to look innocent: "You did that on purpose."

Then he turned towards Zerrex, explaining quickly with another short glare at the Dragokkaren in the greasy coveralls: "Cold nukes contain a binding agent that reacts with the specific particle wavelengths that we call broadly, 'radiation.' So instead of spreading the radioactive energy around, they're immediately pulled to the ground and only go as wide as the explosion... and then they steadily begin to break down, which is usually a process that takes hundreds of years. It only takes about a week... two, for the larger bombs that cause more concentrated radioactivity... and then the radiation is cleansed."

Zerrex stared at Albatross blankly for a few moments, then he rubbed the back of his head and said stupidly: "That's like... wow."

"It's terrifying." Albatross said softly, and Zerrex looked confused for a moment before the blue-scaled Dragokkaren smiled faintly and held up one finger. "See the tip of my claw? That's what your standard warhead does... one that works on basic explosive principles." A pause, the he clenched his hand into a fist. "And this... is a nuclear bomb's capabilities. A middle-class type B, say about... five hundred to a thousand tons of nuclear power. These days, low grade ones carry a hundred, easy... and the high class type A? Up to ten thousand.

"Any of them can be made 'cold,' which, ridiculously, by the rules of war, say they're 'okay' to be used in battle against specific military targets in war with another nation. Because they do not 'pollute the atmosphere,' or 'leave incurable disease or famine in an area.' Sure, they utterly obliterate massive swathes of land, even small countries... take millions of lives... but because they don't leave behind radiation, now they're okay." Albatross laughed dryly, shaking his head slowly as he smacked his fist down against the tabletop, snorting softly and looking down in disgust.

And now Zerrex could see why it was so horrifying, as he frowned and looked down... before glancing up as Huck said hesitantly: "But... I don't think they'll be used against us, at least. Plus the Patriarch is the only one who uses them... then again, he likes using twenty-thousand ton 'hot' nukes as well.

"But hey, Albossatross, what can we do to counter... say... mortar cannons, or an air strike?" Huck nudged him gently, awakening Albatross from his thoughts. The blue-scaled Dragokkaren glanced over at him for a few moments with a blank eye... then he shook his head and smiled a bit, rubbing at his scarred face slowly around the eyepatch.

"Sorry, I spaced out." He glanced down, then back up, returning to his usual cool demeanor and flicking a half-smile at Huck. "And you're an idiot. Mortars won't reach this far from Uroboros or Skan'Delah... which means a missile attack or an air raid." A pause as he glanced down, lacing his fingers together and looking at his hands thoughtfully. "But he'll... likely do two waves. The first attack to destroy our armor and the ground facility... the second stronger or burrowing missiles to attack our bunkers... but because of our proximity, I don't think he'd risk a missile attack."

"You can't say we're too far away for that." Huck said disgustedly, looking at Albatross with disbelief. "Look, I know we were the technological backwoods, but it's been seven years since the Patriarch refitted our entire military and I'm pretty frickin' sure even an old school RPG can go a few miles before it putters out."

Albatross looked at him mildly for a few moments, then he rolled his eyes. "No, you ass. We're too close... missiles are designed for long-range attacks, generally on other countries. Yes, there are short-range guided missiles as well... but they lack the same destructive power when we're not talking nuclear, meant more for specific strikes against rural areas or shakeups, not total destruction. He might be able to knock a hole in our defensive shield with two volleys of... say... XBR5Ms, but it'd take around a hundred to burn even the main facility to the ground... and with the layering we have over the barracks, the support of the earth, and the armor of the bunkers?"A snort and a quick shake of the head. "Forget about it. And a long range missile would likely overshoot us... hell, the initial thrust of the missile could be enough to cause an overshot.

"I'm not saying it's impossible... and nor is it out of the question that he'll drag his artillery cannons out, set them up at the other end of the valley, and simply bombard us with fancy explosives with hard-to-pronounce names until we're all charred skeletons in a deep hole in the ground. He could even launch a dirty bomb or some other nasty biological agent into the base, maybe a test run of that Godsmite crap you were mentioning earlier today." Albatross nodded to Zerrex, then he sighed a bit as Huck looked at him with horror. "But I think the most likely candidate is an air raid.

"That, at least, we can defend against to a point... we have a dozen or so medium range 50mm mounted cannons guarding this facility, five of them still work..." A glance and nod to Huck. "And he can get at least two or three more up by tomorrow."

"Fuck that, I can do all of them." Huck grumbled, glaring at Albatross and looking indignant. "Don't underestimate me, wing-boy pirate... face."

The one-eyed Dragokkaren rolled his lavender eye, and even Zerrex looked nonplussed at the lame response of the male. Then he coughed and glanced at Shine as she nudged him, adding mildly: "We can defend against a missile attack, too."

Albatross looked at her blankly, then winced as she looked at him firmly and said quietly: "Dodgeball."

He looked back and forth nervously, then started to shake his head... before sighing and nodding, and Zerrex looked from the twins - both looking stoic - to the nervous-looking Dragokkaren. Then he finally laughed a bit and smiled faintly at Zerrex. "It's a shitty method, but they're right. We can position snipers on the roof, in front, and behind the facility, spaced wide and in different line formations, the lines forming three broad-range platoons. We'd also have to use special detection gear with fielding technology... and each platoon, headed by myself, Mist, and Shine as Spotters, would take the left, right and center wings of an incoming missile attack. Using special bullets... they almost look like giant matches, basically extendable rods that go down the sniper rifle, with large round heads that stick out the top, we could shoot the missiles and blow them apart... and by wearing thermal anti-explosive gear, we could protect ourselves from the heat and the force of an explosion.

"The danger's pretty obvious, though... even your best sniper will take up to half a minute to reload the rifle, and if the missiles get too close, or worse, hit, it could do serious damage to the platoon and the building from debris, shrapnel, or just knockin' some poor bastard flying off the edge." Albatross paused and looked down, then back up with a faint smile, and the twins returned it as he said softly: "But hey, if you aren't willing to risk everything, then you make a shitty leader."

"I can offer support if that railgun on the top floor is still functional, too." Huck added, raising his hand, then shoving the blue scaled Dragokkaren as he began to open his mouth, giving a grumble and whining: "Shut up, don't start! Listen to me for a change, Albossatross!" A pause, a sulky look at an irritable-looking Albatross, then Huck stuck out his tongue at him before looking at Zerrex and continuing in a more serious voice: "If you let me take five of the mechanics up with me, we can make sure the railgun is working, and flush out some rounds for the fuckin' thing... and once the attack starts, be it planes or missiles, we can do something. Armored aircraft might stand up to a few shots from the other cannons, but a railgun will take down anything with wings with just one hit... and if it's missiles and I've got my tech support team with me, we can triangulate where they're coming from and pop a few nails into the bastard's long-range cannons, crimp his style a bit and make it easier on the snipers."

Albatross looked like he was about to argue... but then he simply nodded and laughed faintly, reaching down and rapping firmly on Huck's head. "Guess you got a better brain in there than I usually give you credit for."

"Fuck off." Huck grinned a bit up at Albatross despite himself, but then he softened and glanced over at Zerrex. "But what do you think, Boss?"

The Drakkaren almost started at the old nickname again, blinking, before he shook his head a bit and laughed quietly. "You guys know this better than I do..." A pause, a thoughtful glance down. "But first Narrius will probably try the air raid... then a missile strike if that fails. That'd be my guess, anyway..." Then he sighed and stood up, gently shrugging the twins off, then wrapping his arms around their shoulders when they quickly pressed against his sides. "But we should likely go and talk to the soldiers, then... much as I hate doing this."

"Nah, you go get that rest." Huck said as he stood up quickly, wiping himself off and smiling a bit, and Zerrex glanced at him curiously. "You've already thrown yourself into the face of death once today, no need for you to go and play politics. I'll go grab some of the guys from the mechanics lab... mind if I take five or so from the guys working downstairs?"

"Take them all." Zerrex said absently, and Huck blinked before tilting his head as the Drakkaren smiled faintly and turned a bit more attention to the Dragokkaren. "Even if they're maintaining power... it's not as important as making sure we can defend ourselves. Because having the lights on won't matter if Narrius fires a nuke at us."

Huck rose a hand and made a face. "Good point." A pause, and a hesitation as he shared a look with Albatross. "And me and him were thinkin'... we only got five hundred GA trained soldiers right now... but plenty of the civvies are ready and willing to fight. I know, we shouldn't drag innocents into war, but they're all trained, and we're not exactly doin' good here..."

"Instruct the higher-ranking officers, lieutenant and up, to go talk to the civilians, see who's interested, and put them through this test." Zerrex closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side, making a face as he shuffled through mental files, then he said clearly: "Split the ones who are willing to join up the army off, and bring them upstairs after you're doing telling the soldiers what's going on and sending them off to rest-"

"Wait, what about guard duty?" Albatross asked, tilting his head... then Zerrex looked at him with a mild gaze, which Mist and Shine both mimicked. Albatross stared at this, then he looked over and Huck attempted to give him the same look, causing Albatross to slap the end of his muzzle and make him wince back in pain with a yelp as the blue-scaled Dragokkaren sighed a bit. "Right. We're getting bombed tomorrow. We lockdown the doors leading inside and the worst Narrius'll do is send some advance scouts to stare at us before retreating. Cancel all patrols to make sure everyone's in top shape for... hiding and possibly evacuation, or worse, fighting off the Hez'Ranna General Army."

"Right." Zerrex said mildly, then he looked back at Huck and continued in a casual voice: "Do what you'd do at any military bazaar or supply depot. Tables handing out uniforms and guns, give them out, and then tell them plainly we're going to do a final march against Uroboros to try and at least disable some of the main cannons in a full attack. Tell them... we have no other choice, that we'll all likely die, but that if we don't, then Narrius will exterminate not only us, but all the children and those unable to fight as well. But that if we attack, we may be able to destroy the main cannons and even destroyed, he might decide there's no one left in the facility and leave it alone. That we have a small chance to save those who can be saved.

"Then give them the option to leave." Zerrex shrugged. "Wait fifteen minutes. After that? Tell them they've passed the first test and are now honorary soldiers, then run them through the usual crap and assess the strengths, weaknesses, etcetera."

Albatross frowned a bit, tilting his head. "Shouldn't we just do the latter? I understand the point of the first, but aren't numbers the most important thing for us right now, so we have capable people on hand if it becomes necessary to fight?"

Zerrex glanced over at him and smiled slightly, then he said clearly: "A coward is never a capable person. If these people aren't willing to die or give up their lives to save their own children, then I don't want them being placed in platoons where they may cut and run at the first sound of gunfire. This won't cut all the cowards out of the army... but it will at least get rid of a good bunch of them."

Before the one-eyed reptile could respond, looking almost curious now, Huck slapped him on the shoulder and grinned at him, winking. "You need to get your head out of all your damn manuals, Albossatross. You understand weapons and tactics, great, but I think you need to repeat high school psychology."

"Bite me." Albatross snorted, then he shook his head as Zerrex smiled at the two of them, before turning and allowing the twins to guide him out. Then the winged Dragokkaren softened and glanced over at Huck, saying softly: "He's killed two RED Commanders and their units in one day. Do you think he's the real deal?"

Huck snorted and threw his arm around Albatross's shoulders, leaning on him with a smile as he looked down at him warmly. "With just that? Nah. But throw in the fact he pretty much took over our base without a fight, kicked Churchill in the nuts... and that the twins got faith in him? Yeah. I think he's the real deal." A pause, and he let his arm slip free as he walked towards the door. "I just hope that's good enough to deal with the troubles ahead and the Patriarch. I'll see you in a few Albossatross, I've gotta snag my team, then send Churchill to give a pretty speech and take over doin' repairs in the facility."

Meanwhile, Zerrex was heading back towards his room, guided by Mist and Shine as they pressed close, whispering gentle reassurances to him. He realized as they walked that he could feel their warmth, hear their heartbeat, and almost the strange tickle of their thoughts, and he smiled a bit, glancing from one to the other and thinking again of Cherubim for a moment, as they walked down the long hall towards the Ring... then carefully pushed through the crowd of milling, anxious people already gathered there. Zerrex made a bit of a face at the looks he was getting, as he pushed through the group, but he was glad that he didn't feel alone in this hoard with the twins beside him... until finally, they emerged through the doors and into the hall in front of his room.

Only a few moments later, and they were running water in the tub again, and gently stripping him down as they laughed softly and smiled up at him, the two already naked from the plainer clothes they had been wearing. Mist disappeared for a moment to carry his weaponry into the other room, promising to polish it up later for him, and Shine murmured that she'd have to braid his hair back for him to stop it from getting in the way. The reptile hated to admit it, but the idea did sound sort of appealing to him, as she found a comb and idly started to brush it as her sister came back and checked the water, then dipped a cloth into the filling basin and gently started massaging over Zerrex's body with it, wiping at his already-healing wounds and the crap that covered his strong form.

Then they were climbing in the tub, and Zerrex sighed a bit, relaxing as he sat against one wall and the twins on either side on the sets, smiling at him compassionately and easily massaging over his sore arms, his sore body that was aching... and a few moments later, he slowly let his head roll down and fell asleep with a loud snore, as both the twins smiled amusedly, then pressed against him.

"Poor bastard," Mist said softly, reaching up to idly stroke over the burned half of the Drakkaren's face, then she glanced at her sister and asked quietly in a strange, syllabic language: "I really don't want to do this, but... should we kill him now or later?"

"Don't even joke." Shine said mildly in the same tongue, then she stretched, her body flexing and shimmering for a moment from the water before she looked across at Mist and smiled faintly. "We can't ever go back to the Patriarch, you know that... and he could kill us both... fuck, he could probably rape us to death at the same time... stick that giant thing he hides in his pants through both our bodies." She stopped, then smiled a bit more softly at her sister as she lowered her gaze shamefully. "You're my other half... don't look so down."

"But I'm scared!" Mist said suddenly, looking up quietly and seeming to flicker for a moment in and out of reality, and the water around her twisted up and around her body in strange shapes and arcs through the air before it dropped, rivulets flowing in all directions over her body as she sighed and shook her head, blushing a bit embarrassedly as Shine looked at her with gentle eyes. "I'm sorry. It's just... the memories we took from the bodies of the twins... the strength of their bond as an Iuratus to him... I don't like the idea-"

Shine laughed faintly and reached across to gently touch her sister's face, making her look up shamefully. "No, the problem is that you do like the idea." A pause, and a glance down, then back up as she added quietly: "And there's nothing wrong with it, Mist, nothing at all. We can start a new life... we can let go of Narrius and connect with Zerrex... he will forgive us, he'll understand that we only did what we had to do..."

Mist looked across at her sister miserably. "But... what if he doesn't? I mean, if I had a pair of my favorite servants slaughtered and their memories absorbed, I'd be a bit ticked off too."

"Mist must have been a real whiny bitch in life. Either that, or you're my lame half." Shine said with a grin, and Mist snorted and looked down embarrassedly as the female softened. "Zerrex is not his father... I have faith in that. I have faith that he'll forgive us... that he'll understand it was nothing personal. Besides, once he realizes what we can offer when we no longer have to hide in these bodies as separate entities... then he'll have to forgive us, so we can help resist the attack on the base."

The other twin nodded hesitantly... then sighed and slumped a bit before looking at her sister quietly and finally admitting with teary eyes: "I don't want him to think we're ugly."

"Oh come on now..." Shine slid over to her sister and hugged her gently, and for a moment their bodies seemed to do more than lock together, but literally meld into each other, before the other Drakkaren drew back and stroked the back of her sister's face gently, looking supportively down into her eyes. "You saw what he did with Cherubim in her true body... I'm sure he'll be more than glad to stay curled up with us even in our real form."

The two looked at each other... the twins that were really only one entity, a powerful, living weapon, a tracking creature that was similar to the nephilim and the Empty Ones in the fact it was genetically modified and created in a test tube. It was one of the earliest experiments of the Patriarch's... built from the cells of Black Requiem, Cherubim, Cherry, and Zerrex himself a month after the latter had been captured, and then trained for half a year and modified again and again, fed other living creatures and gaining their cells, their genetic coding... and even the ability to split into two different creatures, leaving a part of its personality in each, and continuing to easily function. The original design of the being had been for assassination and hunting down the rebels ruthlessly and quickly... and after the twins had been captured, uselessly tortured and interrogated, and violated in every other way imaginable without success - Shine had literally bitten the penis off one male during an attempted rape, and Mist had snapped another's neck with her legs when he'd tried to tease her - they'd finally been given the test subjects for this creature, what some would say was a monster worthy of Mengele's designs.

It had split into the twins, had gained all their memories... all their feelings and emotions, and by this time, it had developed an extreme hatred of Narrius... not just from taking on the emotions of all the rebels, but because of the ruthless hours training, the shows it had to put on, and especially the sadistic punishment of being locked in a small glass cube for a week after it had failed to absorb Zerrex's body... and then it had tried once more with no success and suffered the same agony, except this time the box was painted black, so it couldn't even see out of it. After all, it could liquefy its physical form at will, and shapeshift into anything it pleased... but when it had to absorb something else, it had to completely dissolve itself and run only on instinctual, more primal drives and engulf a creature... then break it down entirely to absorb every slice of genetic coding inherent in the living being, as well as the so-called 'soul' and 'life energy' of a being itself. In short, it was designed much like an Empty One... but it had many of the qualities of the nephilim, as well as the intelligence of Drake.

And it hated what it was. No, she... although really, it was a hermaphrodite, able to 'self-replicate' if it really wanted to... but it preferred being female or at least more feminine in appearance. It... she... had no intention of bringing children created just by itself into the world though... and no children period if the world was going to remain in this state of war and chaos. Sure. She was a monster... and her real body was monstrous, huge, and terrifying to many... but you know what? She didn't like killing... she liked poetry, and cappuccinos, and fucking candlelit dinners. And despite all the 'education' she had undergone under Narrius's scientists and soldiers, that had never changed. Hell, she even admitted that she liked to... to 'hold' people, so to speak, feel them inside her but not killing or hurting them, just keeping them safe and secure inside her body... but the only time she ever got to experience this was with herself, holding herself quietly, looking down silently after she had locked the door and rejoined her two bodies into her real one.

After she had absorbed Mist and Shine, she had been sent on a mission out to locate the rebels... then kill them all if possible, or sabotage their defenses and then report back to base with their location. But when she had 'returned' to base after being 'found' injured by another group of rebels - the hospital was no secret to be one of the entrances to the rebel bases, but it wasn't something Narrius could simply destroy because it also ran many experiments for his soldiers on the top floor that the doctors were silent about, and Mengele grew some other toys of his own there - they had been immediately embraced by Huck, who had told them he had been so damned worried. And they had been glad they had feigned amnesia, hadn't just told Narrius where the rebel base was, had said it was a 'locked-down memory with no chance of retrieval...'

Days had turned into weeks... and then she'd actually gone on a mission with the rebels, and helped destroy a train transporting fragile genetics materials. She had been so elated, so happy, just like the others when they'd returned with no one hurt or killed to the base, mission successful in more ways than they had imagined... and then she'd realized she had defected from Narrius... and was free of him.

She was still programmed to obey him, however... or had thought she was, and sure, sometimes at night she felt horrible, felt lonely, felt miserable and like she could still make it up, even though she knew by now she was classified as a 'failed experiment,' and on extermination list Narrius no doubt kept... and no more creatures like her had been manufactured, either, which she thought was a bad sign for her survival. But ever since Zerrex had appeared, the male she couldn't absorb, who even Drake couldn't damage... she had felt content, except when Churchill had been an ass. Then her burst of rage hadn't simply been pretend, or based on the memories of the Iuratus.

She herself felt like an Iuratus now... and as she hugged herself quietly, she looked at the sleeping Zerrex before she smiled at her other half encouragingly and nodded, and they gently lifted him out of the water. Mist emptied the tub as Shine gently sat him down on the closed lid of the toilet, then the two toweled him off as best they could without waking him before carrying him to his room and laying him down gently. Once that was done, the two retreated to the other room in the facility, both still naked, their bodies giving strange vibrations and shifts as Shine closed the door and Mist sat on the floor between the bunk beds as her scales turned black, losing its solidity and half melting as she murmured: "Hurry, sister... we need to rest..."

"You're so impatient." Shine said softly, still solid as she quietly locked the door... then she turned to her sister and walked over, leaving wet tracks behind herself as her body too, turned to the black stuff, with the consistency of melting wax. Then she simply stepped into Mist's stomach, leg disappearing as the twins sighed in unison before Shine's body fell with a wet smack, and their forms collided and merged in a dark shape, before a strange creature rose its head with a loud sigh, flicking its head upwards disdainfully and sending black ooze splattering across the room, where it quickly began to dissolve after striking a solid surface.

She did the same with her other limbs, standing up as the black gunk fell free from her body... a body covered in purple scales that turned white over her chest, with one eye that was emerald and the other a sparkling blue. She was more than sixteen feet tall, her arms bulging with muscle, and she had a double set of breasts: A large, massive pair that would have made Cherubim stare and compare herself to the other female with horror that she could actually have competition in that department, and a smaller set just beneath these, almost seeming to support the much-larger swells. She had larger muscles, as well, along with chiseled, thick abdominals... and her entire body was toned and powerful, flexing when she moved. Her scales, however, seemed strangely rough and almost thorny, overlapping like too-dense petals of a flower.

She also possessed, however, a large, thick obsidian shaft, and a pair of gigantic black testicles to go with this... but just behind this was a slick vagina. Her tail was almost twice as long as her body, and it had a double row of what looked to the untrained eye like stud piercings through it, in a ladder formation down to a small, single stud at the tip... but upon closer inspection, were obviously ridges of bone. But even with this pattern of bones, the tail was just as flexible as Cherubim's... and when she opened her mouth to yawn, tilting her head back, she revealed a set of sharpened, fang-like teeth and a long, curling tongue with a single silver stud piercing in the middle.

Her fingers were long, and claws looked almost manicured, and upon one finger was a ring that looked almost too small, but was actually built into her scales... a plain silver ring, with an inscription on it that said 'For Hez'Ranna's Purity' on it. A bullshit ring she wanted to rip off... but couldn't. The ring and the stud she usually wore in her tongue were the only physical manifestations of her will, and they never changed from body to body, only her placement of them in her form. If she ever lost one of them, she'd become far weaker and would no longer be able to split into two... and if she ever lost both, she would simply dissolve into black muck and slowly dissolve, until not a single strand of her DNA was left. With an inherently volatile body, she needed something to keep her controlled and make sure that everything was running properly... and so the ring and piercing had been introduced.

She smiled faintly as she brushed the other irregularity she bore back: long, white locks of hair, currently braided into four long tails that hung down behind her back, then tied neatly into knots at the bottom. Something she could do without even trying... she had full control over her body's shape, form, weight, size, etcetera, after all, so why not make her hair braid itself? She sighed a bit as she sat down and rested back against the wall, glancing glumly back and forth at the cots that were too small for her... and even now, she felt itchy and painful. Her real size was bigger than this, after all... even though Zerrex thought he had an obsession with size, she knew his was at least just playful. Narrius was the one creating monsters like her that were twenty or so feet tall...

She mumbled as she curled on her side, letting her body expand up to its true height of twenty one feet and some inches anyway, uncomfortable in this fairly-small room that was stuffed with weapon racks and caught between the two bunks... but it was better than feeling... itchy all night long. So she glanced back and forth, then felt another tingling sensation... and she sighed as she sat up and closed her eyes, concentrating.

Thick plates of bone pushed their way out of scales that turned into black mush: solid, nearly unbreakable natural armors with small spikes on the surface, on the outsides of her forearms, her shins... and then covering the top of her head, face, and muzzle as she winced, a pair of long black horns slid up and out of the sides of her skull, rolling slowly upwards. At the same time her sexual organs vanished: nipples and penis slid into her body, anus and vagina closed and sealed, as a short belt of vertebrae-like bones pushed their way out around her waist, and then a long plate sheet of the same ivory substance slid smoothly down from this as she grunted, going all the way down to her knees and leaving her sitting against the wall in natural bone armor, as the last of it - a front plate of bone that covered her stomach, her lower breasts, and about the lower front half of her upper set - slid out of her body and locked into place. It felt heavy... but she felt better in this, her truest form. Sexless, with bone armor instead of genitalia... and she rubbed at one eye quietly as she looked at the ground. It was hard to do, being beneath the eyesocket of an outer skull... but this had been the original design of her body. She had found out only after a few months that she could 'strip naked' and absorb the armor into her body, letting herself be a bit less terrifying to the natural eye... but once she'd done that, then all she had done was training, training, training in shapeshifting.

Worst of all, though, had been the dissections... shifting down to a body, and then letting herself be cut open by scalpels and forced to watch on a television screen - or by just looking in a mirror, if the facility was a backwater one - as the doctors pointed out and said in bland voices what they wanted to see here, here, and here, as some nurse held up a medical textbook for her to see what the insides of people looked like. And the humiliation of having things inserted into every orifice and then pulled out other places, or through her stomach, or turning into different shapes and sizes so that emotionless, faceless scientists in masks could write things down on clipboards...

Then Mengele Tstegi had come. He had been different with her... his tests crueler, harsher, colder... but he had never lied to her. He had spoken to her, for the short time that she knew him, like she wasn't just a monster... sure, he'd always said to her mildly that she was his experiment, but he'd always added afterwards that she was one of his favorites, or that he'd still like to know how she was doing. And even when he hurt her, he treated her differently... in some ways, it was scarier, because it was almost obsession... and in another, she felt... alive? Was that the word?

He asked her how she was feeling... he didn't look at her with revulsion or interest, but seemed to... just accept her for who she was. He told her stories, he bitched about the Patriarch, he made twisted little jokes and he got her changed from feeding off rebels, other 'failed experiments' or soldiers who had failed certain tests or appeared to want to defect, to real food. The last had taken forever to get used to... but she'd felt... so much better, healthier, after being weaned off the steady diet of living people. She felt less like a monster somehow, too... although once she'd said there wasn't much difference.

Mengele had looked at her with his mismatched eyes... shrugged... and then speared a helping of salad on his fork and raised it, saying mildly: "Even this salad was alive, you're right. Even this salad, made of vegetables, was sentient to a point... it has never screamed in pain, cried tears of joy, or fought for a cause it believed in... but it did once fight to stretch to the sky, to stay alive during cold winter, to live... until a force it could not overpower ripped it from the earth and brought it to the Patriarch's pantry. But does the fact it has no voice make it any different from you or me? 'Food' is just a term for what's socially acceptable to murder, extort, and eat." A pause, his quirked, cold smile. "And you and I will always be known as monsters, simply because he have the strength to kill and have recognized the sanctity of all living things is the same... but that the noble lettuce will always deserve more respect for its silent attempt to reach the sky no matter what the cost... then the puling, crying coward who curls up in the corner and begs to not be killed even as he resigns himself to his coming fate by pissing his pants and trying to dig a hole to hide or bury himself in the earth."

A few weeks later, she'd been deployed as the twins... and never returned to the facility. She wondered quietly what Mengele was doing, letting Zerrex free... and how he was feeling. He had tampered with her DNA as well, said he'd given her some gift... but she'd never been able to figure out what he'd done, because it had been late at night and he had showed up unannounced. She shook her head, sighing and looking down, then closed her eyes and simply sat quietly back against the wall for a little while, eventually falling into a light slumber as she murmured some time later: "My name... he was the only one who said my name, too..."

"And what was that?" asked a quiet voice, and she looked up in horror to see Zerrex leaning in the doorway, his eyes cold and contemplative as he stood in the doorway, his hands in his pockets. She looked at him, then flushed and looked down as her cheeks turned flaming red, and her eyes filled with tears and pain at the look he was giving her... before he sighed and softened a bit, stepping into the room and then kneeling carefully in front of her, his eyes locked on hers as he put his hands down on the floor, careful and ready to leap away at a moment's notice.

"You hate me, don't you?" she murmured, glancing up as a tear rolled down her face... and Zerrex gave a faint smile, shaking his head slowly and making a few guesses towards what this creature was. It's not Mist and Shine...

It's just a shapeshifting puddle of ooze. Kill it. Drake said with disgust, and Zerrex glanced up for a moment with a frown at the voice, as he continued in an irritated voice, It absorbs genetic material and energy, takes on the appearance of a creature after it destroys it... but what makes this monster special is that it can take on memories. It's little more than a single replicating string of deoxyribonucleic acid, though, with the power to create and alter its own body and memorize other genetic patterns... they were mass produced for a little while, but I hear that Patriarch Narrius had most of them destroyed because they were mentally incompetent and emotionally unstable.

You... really don't like her, huh? Jealous? Zerrex asked mentally, and he heard Drake snarl, which was almost enough to make him smile as he slid a bit closer to the female - he thought - creature, reaching up a hand to gently touch the end of her muzzle. She started back, crying a bit harder and flinching away, form almost seeming to shrink... but then she swallowed and looked at him as Zerrex said softly: "So you escaped Narrius... at some point, you absorbed the twins... but... then why did you stay here? I can understand why you'd stay in their forms... but why help the rebels?" A pause and a grim smile. "Or is he just that hard to be around?"

She nodded silently, he guessed to the latter... and Zerrex looked at her softly for a few moments before leaning back a bit as the armor-like bones on her body turned to black gunk and receded between the cracks in her scales, leaving her naked and genderless... and then she looked down and blushed silently as she murmured: "I... wanted to tell you..."

"I figured something like that, when you started... talking with yourself, I guess, in the tub." Zerrex smiled faintly, and she jumped, glancing up at him. "It wasn't Hez'Rannan or any other tongue I knew... and despite the fact they were probably smart enough to know more than those languages, I also knew Hez'Ranna didn't really teach anything other than the most common 'civilized' tongue and traditional Hez'Rannan. "Or well, at least started to figure out you weren't the twins." A pause as he frowned and looked down thoughtfully. "You felt... similar to Cherubim, I guess. And your heartbeats were synchronized... which I didn't think even the twins would be able to do unless there was something about them. Instinct led me to wait at the door after you put me to bed... and I could hear you murmuring to yourself and changing form."

She nodded again, trembling violently... and then Zerrex quietly touched her face and sighed a bit, saying slowly: "I have no choice but to trust you. If you worked for the Patriarch... I know he'd never have sent in Cherubim. But you did lie... and although I can understand the reasons why..."

"I know." she murmured... then trembled... and suddenly reached forwards, grabbing him and hugging him close as she began to bawl loudly. Zerrex winced, almost struggling at first... but then he simply sighed a bit and rested against her, feeling both horrible and awkward with the way things were going. Okay. This wasn't supposed to happen. "I'm sorry, I am, Lord Zerrex... please... I just..."

"It's... it's okay." Zerrex said finally, which thankfully calmed her at least a bit... and he gave a faint smile before nudging her lightly and carefully prying herself up from her arms. She looked up at him miserably, and then he asked quietly: "So... how often do you have to be in that form for?"

"You hate it, don't you?" she asked quietly, looking down at her hands, and Zerrex winced. Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid question.

"No, no, no..." Zerrex paused and smiled a bit. "Hey, who wouldn't like two pairs of breasts on a female?" An awkward pause as she glanced up at him quietly, and then he softened. "I just... meant... I hope you haven't hurt yourself or been... you know... in pain or awkward because... it's hard for you to pretend all the time you're the twins... and... that's amazing, you can play out two people..."

She shrugged a bit, then finally said after a moment, looking down and blushing: "It's what I was trained to do... and it's not hard. I can spend up to a week in the form of Mist and Shine before needing to take about ten minutes to half an hour to 'rest' in my true form... then I usually like to spend the night just... in a comfortable size in this form." A pause, then she smiled slightly as she glanced down embarrassedly, letting her sexual organs surface as Zerrex stared at the penis that slowly emerged from her body. "And I'm... both, I suppose you could say."

He continued to stare stupidly, then looked up at her and coughed, rubbing the back of his head and blushing quietly. "That's pretty... er." He shuffled awkwardly, and now she smiled faintly, feeling... strange at the fact he wasn't horrified, but that he was looking at her with something like... attraction? Then he glanced up again and asked, with a bit of a lame smile: "Let's... go back to my room, okay? You can... braid my hair, maybe, and if you can shift your size down a bit... you can spend it in bed with me like that."

She immediately began to tear up again, looking at him with amazed warmth as she whispered: "I'm so sorry about Mist and Shine... I..."

"It's alright." Zerrex said firmly, and she winced back a bit before he held his hand out to her, smiling faintly. "There are... always casualties in war, collateral damage and... soldiers live to die when the odds turn against them. I understand and know it was nothing personal, just like me killing Cherubim was nothing against her... it was what I had to do, and what I was... sorry to do, in the end.

"But hey. You do have to answer me one question still..." he laughed faintly, then watched in amazement as she smiled at him and at the same time, shrank herself down to become equal height with him without so much of a twitch, and he couldn't help but wonder quietly: Schindler said I could size-shift too... will I be able to do that one day, too, that easily? Could she... him... shi... oh Gods, it, maybe? Er. She doesn't seem to mind... she... so... goddamn. I mean, could she even teach me how?

Then he realized she was still looking at him intently, their hands clasped... and he hefted her to her feet as he asked gently: "What's your name?"

She smiled faintly back at him, then nodded respectfully and said quietly: "Mercury. My name is Mercury."

Zerrex nodded and laughed softly, smiling to her and gently stroked her face, then he turned and headed for the door, gesturing for her to follow as he said softly: "Well, let's go then, Mercury. You can tell me a bit about yourself well you take care of my hair so it isn't such a goddamn mess."

"Thank you, Lord Zerrex." Mercury said softly, smiling faintly after him... and then she quickly hurried after the male, and he smiled faintly as his emerald eyes flicked over his shoulder to look at her mismatched emerald and sapphire. After all, it wasn't as if he had a choice... but, as Drake grumbled inside his mind angrily, he thought that a pissed off dark nephilim was another sign that he'd made a good choice, too.