DragonBlood Ch3

Story by Sithris on SoFurry

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#4 of DragonBlood; My failed first attempt at writing

Whew. I did it. My first smut scene. It's not too heavy, and I feel i brought it on a bit too quickly, but overall I'm proud of it. I hit 1000 words with this one. I was never any good with english essays so thats a milestone for me. Anyway, I think i might take a short break for a while, to stretch my back. More to come soon.

"You fantasize about me?" she asked.

"On occasion." Chris admitted. "Though I'm sure I have different thoughts to you."

Reena nodded and stared at Chris for a minute.

"Could we... Please just forget this conversation happened?" She asked.

Laughing, Chris gave her an affectionate rub on her snout. "I suppose so, but we'll have to come back to it later."

Reena sighed. "I guess so"

"Come on, time for you to sleep. I know how tired you get after flying." Chris said.

He gave her a pat and got up to leave.

"Chris..." Reena murmured.


"Could you... Could you stay here for the night?"

Chris thought about this. I don't have anything else to do tonight, and she's probably feeling a bit upset over what just happened. It couldn't hurt...

"Alright, But I need to get up early so that I can feed the hatchlings."

"Yay!" Reena shouted, moving over on her bed to make room for him.

Chris hopped up onto the bed and lay down next to her. He was about to close his eyes when he realised something.

"Reena, there are no blankets on this bed. I'll freeze."

Reena thought about this for a moment, before extending her wing over him. Chris felt the warm membrane of skin cover him, and smiled.

"Thanks." He snuggled in closer to her and closed his eyes.

Both of their minds still racing about what had happened, neither of them thought they were ever going to get to sleep. Chris started stroking Reena's chest, a motion that worked to calm her quickly, and soon relax. She cooed softly before giving in to her lethargy and faded off. Chris was comforted by the warmth of her wing around him, and soon found himself giving in to the ache of his limbs.


Chris woke with a start, realising how cold he was. He opened his eyes to see Reena had pulled back her wing in her sleep. Chuckling despite himself, he got up and put a few more logs on the now dwindling fireplace. He sat in front of it for a while until he felt the blood return to his limbs. He glanced over at Reena, still sleeping peacefully, her deep blue scales flickering in the light of the fire. She was beautiful. He traced his eyes down her body and felt something in his chest stir as he looked at her curved frame. I wonder what else she fantasizes about... He noticed her paw stroking at the air slightly. He watched her chest rise and fall for a while before his curiosity got the better of him. Walking up to the bed, he sat down behind her, and placed his hands on her back. Reena shuddered at the touch. Feeling encouraged, he began to stroke down her back slowly, causing her to hum in her sleep. His hands wandered down to the base of her tail, where he slid them over to her belly, and gently rolled her onto her back. Reena stirred in her sleep, as her eyes lazily opened.

"Chris...?" She questioned tiredly.

"Shhhhh..." Chris shushed her. "Just relax."

Reena watched him through half closed eyes, wondering if she was still dreaming. She watched as his warm hands traced the smooth skin of her belly, and took a sharp breath as she noticed the look in his eyes. He smiled at her reaction, and continued to move his hands lower. Her eyes now wide and watching his every move. He moved around her and straddled her tail. She stared into his eyes as she felt his hands slide into the grooves either side of her hind legs. He took his time to let his eyes wander over her body. He felt his arousal growing as he glimpsed between her legs. He had not often looked exactly here during his examinations, but now he had a full view. Right between her legs, the soft skin of her underside was split by her soft slit. Her lips were slightly puffed in arousal and anticipation. (Interpret what lips as you will). He noticed a slight wet patch in the centre. Grinning mischievously, he took his finger and slid it down the centre of her lips. Reena's tail jerked underneath him as she inhaled sharply. She started to pant at the attention he was giving her.

"Please Chris... again..."

Chris complied with a grin and slipped his finger down her slit again, causing her to coo. He started to run his finger up and down, causing her back to arch slightly under her, pushing her now slick vent closer to his fingers. She closed her eyes again and leaned back, content to let him continue. Chris was almost surprised at himself about what he was doing, but his arousal pretty much snuffed any contradictions he had out of his mind, happy to just please his dragon.

Reena's head rolled to the side, and she opened her maw, letting her tongue lull out. Chris took this as encouragement, and tilted his hand upwards. Reena's head snapped back up to stare at Chris as she felt a pressure begin to part her slit. She watched as Chris' finger started to disappear inside of her, and involuntarily arched her back, moaning. Chris felt his finger become wrapped in warmth as he slid more of it into her. She watched through squinting eyes as his finger slid in to the knuckle.

Chris gave her a moment to get used to this new sensation, before using his finger to feel around her walls. They were quite soft and incredibly warm, pulsing slightly as they were pushed and rubbed at. Reena almost lost herself at this point, and let her neck fall back onto the bed, panting.

"I take it you like that, eh?" Chris asked with a chuckle at the end.

Reena barely managed to nod. "More..." she managed to get out.

Chris complied and slipped his middle finger into her depths. He felt the tail underneath him twitch and jump, and decided to give her a little more. Slowly pulling his fingers back, he watched her face as a look of disappointment appeared. He then slid them back, seeing her face turn to pleasure instead. Chris pulled back out and began to pump his fingers into her slowly. Reena began to shudder as she felt a burning feeling in her chest. Chris began to increase the speed of his fingers, feeling the hot walls around his fingers begin to contract. Reena's mouth opened in a silent moan as her body tensed and her toes curled. Chris's fingers were pulled in with enough force that all he could do was let them. Reena's tail bounced underneath Chris as her orgasm slowly died down, leaving her gasping for air. Giving Chris one last glance and a wary smile, she collapsed on the bed, pulling her wing around him and falling back asleep.