The Squall: Lovely Jessie as Written by MercenaryMark/Mathanwy92

Story by videogame30 on SoFurry

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#14 of The Squall

MercenaryMark: Well thats day 1 for some fun in bed between Shawn and Jessica. Next will be an adventure between Shawn and Tina ;3 Also the offer still stands, if you wish for your character to make a short or lasted appearance on short story 5 or you want to see interaction between an existing character just let me know and I'll arrange it. See ya next time peeps!

Day 1

There wasn't much that wasn't already on Shawn's mind as of present. Even now, with the lovely female husky anthro writhing atop him in distant pleasure, pleasure that he was thoroughly enjoying as well, he felt himself drift slightly... into a thought of himself.

He questioned the logic, and the reason. Of what you may be wondering.

He felt a small moan escape his lips as he lapsed, his blue eyes watching her supple chest heave with each thrust from him. The two lovers were lost in the passion of their lovemaking, finally taking advantage of the chance of being alone.

But still his mind wondered ever so slightly.

Why Jessica, and why him?

It all seemed just too easy. True he had admired Jack's artwork and his skill with a tablet but honestly he had never seen it as much more then that: artwork. He was never a furry or anything to do with the fandom in the first place; he was a fisherman who enjoyed playing music at his friend's expense. Yet when he got here he felt like he had relaxed into this alien lifestyle so easily, like it was meant to be.

That only confused the human further.

At that moment they stopped, breathless as Jessica looked down with a broad smile on her muzzle, moving down to 'kiss' him. She was a canine, and therefore had no prominence of kissing like a human; her kisses were usually licks and attentive tongue play while pressing her muzzle close to his and even then it felt foreign to him when he first tried it to her. Shawn became use to it however for her sake, and enjoyed the moments of 'French kissing' as was happening right now.

She broke the kiss then brought him to be above her, lying on her back amongst the sheets of the comfortable bed. The way her fur splayed out... the way her eyes gleamed so innocently while her chest continued to heave with paced breaths of sexual desire...

Maybe it was her beauty. Shawn considered the fact that he would never have thought of her twice if he had never met her in person, this exotic and powerful anthro sharing his desire. He was before her now, appreciating such beauty to the point of wondering why he never noticed this when Jack drew her some time ago.

He thrusted his hips into her, causing her muzzle to pipe out a needy whine.

Shawn knew he was attractive in human standards and had many girlfriends during his time, but rarely took part in full time relationships. He winced, remembering one that asked him to go steady with her, and he had responded by laughing; he had thought she was joking.

He thrusted his hips deeply into her once more, noticing Jessica's claws digging into the fabric with each thrust. A callous hand came out to stroke along the underside of her breast, earning a welcome murr in return before fitting as much as he could in palm and squeezing gently.

As he watched her continue to writhe in the bliss of the moment, gasping and moaning, he suddenly tried to picture each of the women he had been with, more or less slept with, in her position. Shawn was surprised to find that no matter what women he imagined in Jessica's spot, the husky always seemed to wipe away the concern with her own beautiful image. In retrospect thinking of all the women in question was a bad idea, and he found himself stopping with his eager thrusts, still hard, but not moving.

Jessica moved, removing him from inside her as she got onto her knees, watching him in concern as her voice brought him back to reality, "Shawn?"

Shawn blinked, looking at the canine as if he didn't recognize her. He then asked, "I don't understand..."

"Hm?" Jessica tilted her head, placing a hand on his thigh not in a suggestive manner but more so in concern, "Talk to me hon."

Shawn stared at her quietly before commenting, "I've been with many women in my time Jessie, I was young and took advantage of my overall sex appeal... and the bitches just... ate it up."

"You still are young Shawn," Jessica replied, smirking.

"Then why is it that when I imagine one of those women in your position it turns me off, "he sighed, scratching his head in frustration, "why does this just seem too easy for me? You know Jack showed me a picture of you before I left and I honestly didn't really register it more then art, I didn't think it was beautiful, or amazing, or sexy, too me it was just fantastically drawn fucking art..."

"Am I... unattractive to you?" Jessica's ears drooped slightly in concern

"No no, "Shawn shook his head, then cupped his hand around her cheek fur, scritching gently much to the canids delight, "you are the most attractive girl I've dared shared a bed with, and honestly I'm seeing that the women before cannot compare with it, its just..."


"Is it just because of the fandom that you like me?" Shawn hesitated, "I'm human, nearly every fur on this world wants to fuck me or have me fuck them because...only because I'm human, I was just afraid that..."

The two remained silent for a second, the sexual stupor fading slightly while the two adjusted. Jessica then said, "you know, thinking about it, I've only seriously loved someone once before, his name was Alex."

"Tell me about him," Shaun asked, moving forward to touch his nose with hers, then foreheads as they leaned against one another.

"He was an artist, the one who actually inspired me to draw you really," Jessica continued, "he was black jackal, and certainly not like one I've ever met in my lifetime, and I loved him very much..."

"His full name was Alex Lumen."

"When I was in college, I was studying graphic design to get better at my artwork, I wanted to become professional in the manner but I always had a hard time finding a focus or a means to draw at all." He was my professor during that time, I didn't really find out much about his past but all most knew was that he was just as new to the school as I was, but honestly during that time I didn't consider more of that fact...until I spoke to him alone. "Alex was going over some of the workload and he had asked to talk to me in private."

Jessica licked the tip of Shawn's nose quietly, earning a smirk from the human as she continued, "He had told me that my work was good but lacked motivation, and I replied that I didn't feel motivated much to draw anything really. "He took it in stride and showed me his secret portfolio of artwork... and I was surprised that it was all human biased, honestly I had never considered the fandom anymore then just that...a fandom, but he didn't stop there. "He showed me the original artwork of humans, books written about them, all authored by Alan Dufan who Alex idol led and took after, and it ignited a spark within me."

"I wanted to draw humans like Alan and Alex did, I was inspired to finally have something motivated about, and in the end that was what spawned my favored creation: Shawn, the fishermen."I wasn't as zealous as the others though, might have uh...-she blushed red- touched myself to my own artwork when my imagination went wild but in the end even I saw it nothing more then just a handsome creation of artwork."

Jessica then looked the human straight in the eyes, "I loved him for it, and he showed me an all new way to look at art, not as a fandom but as ART, all beautiful creations that he and I made..."

"Did he have a human that he liked to draw?" Shawn asked curiously, nuzzling against her neck (as she was taller then him)

Jessica giggled as she remembered, "one actually, he never told me much about him though, just said his name was 'Samiel'."

"What did he look like?"

"Beautiful tan skin with dark hair and eyes as sharp as an eagles, with tattoos fashioned along his skin" Jessica replied, "he reminded me of the 'native' humans that Alan Dufan drew but I suppose that was where Alex got the inspiration for him."

She then felt tears in her eyes as a sad memory came back, trying her best to keep her voice level, "Inspiration that made Alex disappear one day... we had been together 'till my graduation, I was close to even asking for him to be my life mate but... then one day he left, not even a note, all that was said was that he had resigned and left to pursue some other endeavor... I didn't get a chance to say goodbye..."

"Jessica..." Shawn began but she held up her paw to quiet him then moved to caress his face, "Its been a long time since I felt the way I felt about him as I do you...true my initial desires were biased mostly on the fact that you were 'Shawn' and that you were human but, when you where kidnapped, when you said you cared a lot about me, it brought up old feelings that I had hoped to discard when Alex left my life, and now I know without hesitation.."

She then looked him in the eyes again, caressing his cheek, "I love you, your personality, the way you approach things with ease but also with caution, your music, I just..."

He silenced her with a kiss, this time more human then anthro. His feelings were reassured with her explanation. In the end he found just as many reasons to love her as she loved him, and felt it better to express with action then words.

Shawn laid the anthro on her back once more, nuzzling her breasts quietly, then her stomach, then lower before his nose was impacted with her scent: exotic and very female. He stroked his tongue across the nether lips, earning a surprised gasp and moan in response, "S-Shawn..."

He continued this action, delving deep into her depths with his tongue to which she soon began squirm, body shuddering with building pleasure. He pressed down into her depths and swirled his tongue, in taking her taste as well as her scent which only aroused him further. Very soon, as the human pushed his taste testing, the husky was panting loudly, placing a paw on the back of his head, "oh gods Shawn...uunh....more..."

Shawn was honestly not surprised, he was certainly not a stranger to oral sex like before, however he had rarely found enjoyment receiving more so then giving. This changed though with Jess, as he could quite literally taste the heat on his tongue, her pussy walls constricting as they dashed more of her exotic flavor against the organ that penetrated within which only served to make his tongue swirl and delve harder and faster in a more eager apparition then any other.

"Shawn...Shawn...nnnnh..."The husky whined, pressing her hand down on the back of his head. The convulsions within only meant the obvious, and Shawn readily braced as the female above him gasped and yipped, exhaling loving nothings in the air as her cries carried her through her orgasm and leaving the two panting for air. Shawn licked his lips and engaged in a lick kiss with the female as he nuzzled her forehead, "not too bad?"

"Heavenly, "came his satisfactory breathless reply, "but I guess we can move on with the main course? The others should be coming back soon."

"True enough, "he licked her neck, getting a giggle from the husky before directing his aroused and aching phallus to press against her slit. She stopped him there, making him lift a brow as before she got up to turn her back to him, sitting on her knees, "actually... I want you to take me there..."

He blinked but when she lifted her tail he understood, nodding. The human then moved forward, embracing the husky from behind, "will you be ok?"

"Just be gentle at first..." came her reply, going breathless once more.

Nodding, he positioned himself under her tail, using his left hand to steady himself against her shapely rump. A moment or two, building sexual tension he surmised, before pushing gently against her tight passage. She let out a small pained yip, clenching her teeth as he pushed into her ass. She was reassured when the human kissed the back of her neck, his hands moving to rub along the base of her stomach, and in time the pain lessoned as he slid himself in fully, his waist impacting with her rump.

Shawn wasn't much bigger then any other human male, but he was still endowed enough to please, and soon his hips pulled back gently then thrusted back in slowly. The thrusts picked up pace as her insides accepted him fully, Jessica's body filled with a burning lust as she moaned loudly and readily. Shawn adjusted himself so his head was on her shoulder, both hands grabbing the full tits and each and squeezing and pressing them together, sometimes taking his index finger and thumb and pinching the supple nipples nearly hidden within the fur much to her loving desire.

The room temperature must have risen during this intense lovemaking as Shawn readily pounded under the canids tail, chest pressed to back, biting and kissing her neck, her tits being fondled ever so graciously... he then pushed it further as one free hand found her pussy once more, three fingers prodding and probing inside with almost malicious intent. Jessica was in sheer bliss, her body being wracked with pleasure all over; she was already close to coming, as Shawn was as well considering he surprised himself with how long he was lasting inside of her tight passage.

"I love you Jess...nngh!..." "I love you t-too Sha-...Sha-...Shaaaauuuuunh!"

They both came at that moment, there bodies squirming together as she humped against his hand while he pounded and came deep inside her tail hole, filling her within her hot passage. And as quick as it came it was gone, both lovers slumping into the bed with Shawn on top of her, panting but licking timidly against her neck. The two lovers staid in that position for quite a bit, holding each other while exchanging kisses and tender caresses, not having a care in the world. They honestly didn't really care if someone walked in on them or not, let them know how they felt toward one another... well everyone minus...

"Aaaaaw you guys didn't invite me to the fun, your not the only one who likes getting drilled in the place where the sun don't shine Jess," a familiar shark commented in a pouting tone, somehow having slipped in without them knowing

The two immediately surge upwards, Shawn grabbing a pillow to cover his crotch as Jessica yelped and covered her body with surrounding blankets, "damn it Tina!"

Tina burst into laughter as Tony and Beth approached the doorway, looking through, "hey Tina what so funny...oh...OOOOOOH."

Both Shawn and Jessica's faces were red from embarrassment, the both of them diving for cover from the laughter of their friends on being walked in on, but in the end the two just chuckled, nuzzling each other affectionately under the cover of the bed blankets, coming to ignore the laughter from their friends.

Shawn was very sure now; he loved Tina, Beth, even Tony, but not one of them as much as Jessica.

And she felt the same way.