The Squall: Adventurous Tina as Written by MercenaryMark/Mathanwy92

Story by videogame30 on SoFurry

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#15 of The Squall

MercenaryMark: I had a lot of fun writing this one, but god I've been distracted lately. Still working on my Mass effect story, and also being a Dark Soul's fanatic certainly isn't helping my attention span either. I also plan on writing a short indention of the first chapter of Myroni Eterni's legacy cycle story. Visit his profile and check it out, personally I had the same thoughts about it as I did with the Squall series; however regardless of if I write this chapter or not I will not be writing another story until the Squall is complete, and I already have a rough draft on how I'm ending it as well. Anyway if you read his story you'll feel the same way, the Legacy cycle has sooooo much potential but there is one thing that ticks me off so much that I hope he doesn't take much offense to it:

His main human character. Ian Alther Neos, is a bitch. Like I mean in literal terms, from someone who has mysterious past and disastrously dark power I just thought his interactions with the other characters (especially with Gore) made him I mean I love the rivalry he has with the black dragon Terror, but you would expect someone of his experience to be just a bit more gifted in the art of combat and also a lot more aware of the people around him and their attitudes to him in general.

Honestly I felt like he was their cabin slut more then a fellow mercenary.

That's actually what I tried to do with Shawn in this story, so you guys as readers understand that hes attracted to his anthro friend's biased not just on the fact that they are bipedal animals with sexy bodies that any normal man or women would lust after, but because they each have different personalities that draw him to them in the first place.

Lol but enough of my yammering, the third short will be coming out sometime next week depicting my first Male/Male scene between Tony and Shawn, hope you stay tuned. Also my offer still stands if you want to have a character pop in for a quick short at the 5th then thats ok with me, if not then I already have one suggestion for putting Julie or Caleb in the short story.

Heres the second day folks, enjoy

Day 2

Shawn was a bit nervous about going to the beach.

Ever since his boating incident he felt a slight fear of going anywhere near water again, which was unusual considering his previous line of work, but it was primordial fear: he is mostly afraid that if a squall happens again he won't be as lucky this time.

Tina however was insistent on getting him to tag along, which was no surprise considering the Julie had arrived to talk to Jessica about a job opportunity in private, Tony was going on a date to see an old flame of his, and Beth was heading to the transit to call her husband (the fact that she had one took him by surprise), so it was clearly obvious she was taking advantage of both of them having nothing to do in the mean time. Tina was dressed in her usual swim wear that appealed to her body more then what was due (with a see-through skirt for fashionable reasons) while Shawn wore an oversized cargo shorts, courtesy of Tony, and sandals. He didn't wear a shirt.

And also wasn't surprised when it earned them more looks then what credit was due, thank god they were being escorted.

As they arrived there, the militant commented that they wouldn't be escorting them freely on the beach but will still keep a watchful eye on the perimeter to keep them safe. Tina took this in stride, and as soon as the vehicle stopped she turned to Shawn with a mischievous grin, "oh people are gunna get a kick out of this, stick close to me my sexy friend because we are going to have sooooo much fun today."

As she hauled him out onto the sand it suddenly occurred to Shawn how bold Tina was. While he was naturally shy due to his slow accepting nature, Tina was a force to be reckoned with. She knew she had looks, she knew she had skill, and she knew she had smarts and was able to reinforce and back up each single one with adamant action that most physiologist would have found impressive. It almost felt like nothing could make the shark sad, and in the end her excited and outgoing nature was addicting to say the least.

She strutted happily, hooking her arm around his as he paced himself to keep up. Excited chatter was heard from neighboring beach goers, most of them adults of all ages as their attention was fixated on the two: the beautiful and incredibly voluptuous great white and her companion who was pretty much a smoothie dream come true, and considering he wasn't wearing a shirt that certainly didn't help his case.

She then brought out their beach going supplies, a two stretch chairs with an umbrella. As he helped her set up he felt the heat rush to his face as several of the beach goers where actually trying to get his attention in rather suggestive manner, finally yelping and face planting in the sand when a passer dared a rump fondle and was chased off by Tina, bragging to her friends afterword, "I'm starting to think this was a bad idea."

"Lighten up stud, your practically a celebrity here... if I was in your shoes I'd go with it and have as much fun as possible," Tina returned smirking as she placed a hand on her hips, her breasts bobbing gently much to watching males and jealous females (though a few noticeably watched as well), "You should try to enjoy it."

"Not sure getting fondled is much of an enjoyment," Shaun grumbled, shaking his face to dislodge the sand as he commented, "besides wouldn't Jess get mad if I just started going around flirting with everyone?"

"You underestimate how open we are Shawn, "the great white waggled a finger casually, moving down so she was all fours wagging her tail enthusiastically before getting nose to nose with him, breasts pressed against his chest, "a little harmless flirting never hurt, though if you feel I could help you get more comfortable."

"Tina!" Shawn whispered, blushing red, "it's just...I mean we are in public...I uh..."

Tina blinked at this, studying him quietly. It slightly shocked Shawn how calm she suddenly became before she looked down, shaking her head and chuckling, "you're just like Jessica, its unreal..."

She got up to stretch before looking out to the water, "well I'm going for a dip, care to join me?"

"I'm fine, just going to soak up some rays before heading in," Shawn nodded, the blush fading slightly, "I'll join you in a few minutes."

She nodded before taking off, drawing many gazes as she dived into the ocean. Getting covered in water made quite for a sexy sight, but Shawn was at an enigma. He couldn't figure her out really, something about her attitude made him feel comfortable with his setting but he felt as if she was trying to cover up for something else... It all just seemed so overplussed to him.

Those thoughts where dashed however when he was then approached by another beach goers, looking up with a sigh before asking, "How can I help you?"

"Yes...How could you help me hmmm?"

Shawn blinked. The newcomer in question was a female otter anthro, slightly shorter then Tina but with a large bust that was barely concealed within her top. Shawn had to give this women credit, he could quite literally make out the curves in her body, "excuse me?"

"Pardon my friend, we are," another newcomer approached, a fennec with a cute muzzle and large ears. Shawn was surprised to see that in spite of most anthro's being notably bigger then he was, this fennec was actually shorter, "remember me?"

The human stared at her for a second before smiling, "Yes I do, elevator, you dropped your phone..."

"Told you I wasn't lying, "the fennec smirked at her friend, who rolled her eyes before they both turned their attention back to Shaun, "my name is Shasta and this is my friend Lilly."

She held out her hand to shake his, though it didn't take a genius to see how excited she was at the prospect of merely touching him. He could literally see her body shivering in excitement.

You're practically a celebrity here, go with it and have as much fun as possible...

Shawn took the hand, but to both of the female's surprise he brought it to his lips and kissed gently, looking up with a smirk, "the pleasure is all mine ladies, I hope that you are enjoying your time here at the beach... though I can certainly think of a few things to make it...more interesting."

Shasta almost fainted right there and then had her friend steadied her with a webbed paw, smirking and licking her muzzle in anticipation, "oh? And what would you have in mind smoothie?"

Shawn thought for a second, standing up before them quietly before stretching, "hmmm well many things come to mind that could benefit all of us, perhaps starting with relaxing in the shade, I mean- he brought a hand to stroke a line along his stomach and chest, drawing more eyes then what for- you wouldn't want me to burn my skin in this hot sun would you?"

Lilly was already at his side with the fennec nervously in tow, bringing a hand to stroke along his back, "we have some lotion with us, its prescribed for fur but I'm sure it will help protect your...delicate body." Shasta nodded eagerly at this, pulling out a bottle with creamy prescription within. Shawn smirked, moving to lie on his stomach as both women began, stroking gently along his back and earning a happy growl from him.

As time passed Shawn began to notice more then four hands touching him, a multitude of beach goers drawn over curiously and asking to assist with lathering his body, a few males and females gasping and murring in an almost chorus-like precision as they touched him, some adventuring a grope but Shawn found himself not minding, quite content with himself right now as he looked up to see a familiar shark smirking and laying down as well, a few males assisting her with the rub down in a similar manner, "well well well, little Shawn's got a wild side after all."

Shawn tilted his head at this, smirking, "I learn from the best." earning a giggle and a surprise kiss from the great white in front of him. As she broke it, she winked then said aloud, "hey! Who wants to kiss the human?!"

30 seconds later...

Shawn was scowling as Tina hid him under the beach bar counter, the bartender happily allowing them to hide (in exchange for a hug from Shawn) while a large crowd of furs searched the beach from him, "'who wants a kiss from the human? I nearly suffocated with the pile that through themselves at me Tina."

"Aaaaah live in learn, we'll set up a stand and charge 5 bucks a pop for a kiss," Tina winked, "how's that?"

"It's an awful idea," Shawn grumbled, "I think I'd like to choose who I exchange saliva with you know..."

"Like me?"

"That's different, you're my friend," the human smirked suddenly, "plus you didn't bite my tongue off with those teeth of yours, I'll thank you for just that."

The two chuckled but feel silent when a familiar two approached Tina. The lupine bartender on note moved to cover up Shawn's hiding spot with her body (much to her enjoyment and Shawn's chagrin). Lilly spoke up first, "hey uh... your the human's companion right?"

"His name is Shawn, and yes I am."

Shawn lifted a brow. He couldn't see her, but the notable tone of her voice had suddenly changed: not the happy flirtous Tina, but one with a cold and irritable demeanor... He wasn't sure if she was acting hostile just to drive the two off or because... naaaah they were getting lotioned from like 100 people earlier, plus she did suggest them to kiss/maul him earlier.

There's no way she was jealous.

The fennec spoke, her voice nervous and edgy, "do you know where he went? We promise we won't tell any of them we are just hoping to... "

"Get a kiss, I know," Tina answered sighing, "I was only kidding about that you know, Shawn is a shy guy so he's not used to that kind of stuff just yet so..."

"So why did you get a kiss hmmm?" the otter responded irritably, "perhaps your hiding him here and just want to keep him all to yourself huh?"

The fennec stuttered at her friend's behavior but was interrupted by Tina, who commented coolly, "I'm sorry, I wasn't aware Shawn belonged to anyone, and even if I was hiding him here I certainly wouldn't bring him out to be around a bitch like you."

"Says the one hiding him," came a sneered reply, Shawn could literally feel the fennec girl Shasta shivering nervously from behind the counter as Lilly continued, "maybe your just afraid he'll end up wanting to have a good time with someone else who isn't afraid to fuck his daylights out."

"Oh believe me that's the plan," came a mischievous remark, "but you need to get over yourself, because unlike you I happen to actually be friends with fight those odds slut."

There was a pause, and then the sound of a slapping impact, the fennec gasping frightfully and both women growling angrily at each other; Shawn realized he needed to stop this. Pushing the surprised Lupine aside he stood up from behind the counter, all 3 sets of eyes coming to him the moment he revealed himself. He noticed Tina had a red mark on the side of her cheek, a bout of rage seething inside but keeping it level as he held out his hands cautiously, "please stop, I didn't come here to have people fighting over me, that's just...its just sad ok?"

Shasta opened her maw to say something, but only let out an ashamed squeak as her tail dipped between her legs with her large ears down. Lilly on the other hand grew a wide smile, shoving past the surprised shark before lacing an arm around his waist and pressing her chest against his as she commented in a pout tone, "then why hide? Certainly you can't think that we wouldn't be as friendly as your -she sneered at Tina- shark friend here, is it really unfair for me and my friend to want a kiss like she has?"

She smiled and dipped her muzzle forward but was stopped by one of Shawn's fingers, surprised to find him frowning, "maybe, but you insulted and hurt her, so what makes you think I want anything to do with you now?"

"I..." the otter tried to say, but was immediately shut down as the human forcibly removed his body away from her, "Tina may act spontaneous and flirtiest to everyone around her, but as I listened to her defending me just now from bitches like you who only want one thing -she flinched at that as he continued-, she's loyal and trustworthy, always concerned about my well being, and if she ever wanted to fuck with me or anything stupid like that I would still do it, why?"

He then got in her face, growling, "Because she's my friend, and I'm afraid to say that you'll never get that chance with me."

She notably drooped after that, "I... "But no words came out; she merely fell to her knees in front of the human and began sobbing uncontrollably as she lost control of the situation. The fennec moved to comfort her friend, giving a slight glance to the both of them before ushering her crying friend away. Shawn then sighed, turning to Tina. She was watching him intently, as if she was surprised by his actions, "Shawn..?"

Shawn immediately grabbed her hand, thanking the bartender quietly before rushing out to the sands of the beach. With the events that had passed the sun was slowly falling on the beach, the furs around the beach having quit in their search and left.

It was just them now.

They both came to a stop at their setup, moving to sit in their respective chairs quietly. Neither of them spoke for quite awhile, and honestly they couldn't find the strength which was surprising for the great white considering she loved to talk, but even she was impressed at how Shawn had stuck up for her, remembering events from before he came.

She remembered a familiar husky always doing the same, chuckling, "you know you and her are really alike..."

"Hm?" Shawn turned his head slightly as the shark adjusted her body to face him, hesitating before saying quietly, "Shawn...I..."

"Excuse me?"

Both turned their heads to see the fennec from before, stepping nervously in place as she spoke, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for earlier, I didn't mean for things to escalate as they did..."

"Its fine, is your friend alright?" Shawn commented, sitting up from his chair, "I didn't mean to be so harsh with her."

"She is fine, she's just too stubborn is all," the fennec smiled before moving over to the human cautiously, looking over at Tina nervously as she asked, "uhm... well I'm gunna get going but...I was wondering if... I mean..."

"You want that kiss?" Shawn lifted a brow, turning his head to Tina who was also smiling. He then winked at her before standing up, cupping a hand against the fennec's cheek. As he inched closer he heard her immediately intake breath before moving her cute muzzle to his lips. Thankfully Jessica had made canine kissing much easier for him, and Shasta felt her heart flutter as the human touched tongues with her, nose to nose.

It was a sweet moment, and Shawn enjoyed it as much as she did as they broke apart, leaving her breathless. He then winked at her and commented," tell your friend to fix her attitude, and she might get the same." The fennec eagerly nodded before taking her leave, practically skipping as she left the two alone once more.

"I think you made her day, too bad her friend didn't get the same courtesy," Tina chuckled, getting up from her chair. She moved over to the human and wrapped her arms around his neck, to which he accepted gratefully.

"Maybe one day, she just needs to learn how to not be a bitch next time," the human scowled before turning to the shark and commenting "but let's not worry about that, you wanted to say something Tina?"

Tina smiled, looking at the human with a sincere smile, "well I just... really appreciate you sticking up for me, I tend to not let things like that phase me but... it surprises me how similar you and Jessica are, because she would readily do the same."

The great white blinked when the human kissed her nose, "I tend to learn from the best really, your more of an inspiration then you let yourself believe Tina, don't let anyone tell you otherwise..."

The two stared at each other for a staggering long minute, but soon after Tina made the first move in the form of a heated mouth to mouth. Though she was a shark and her muzzle was broader then Jessica she seemed to prefer kissing in a human style fashion while tilting her head. Both hands from the lovers began to explore, taking advantage of the moment of being alone as they slowly sunk to their knees into the sand.

The sun was dipping into the horizon, leaving only light trails of orange along the dark ocean of the beach, a perfect setting.

Time was at a lapse, and Shawn immediately assumed the male role and began teasing the female Carcharodon, biting her neck gently. He regaled a larger reaction from Tina due to her not having fur as well, the great white actually 'purring' happily to his attention. Taking this in easy he removed her top as well, taking a moment to admire her body in curious fascination. Her breasts were notably larger then Jessica's though unlike her canid friend her nipples where not a stark color in contrast to her skin. It was intriguing really, Shawn had made out that Jessica's nips where a light pink color under her fur, however Tina's where the same color as her white belly.

As he brought up both hands to stroke along the nubs gently, earning a protested moan at his teasing, he suddenly realized that in spite of her breast size the reason her areola matched her belly color was because she was still a shark and therefore carnivorous by nature, though due to her bipedal body needs she was omnivorous as a requirement. This meant that she didn't produce milk, or need to, if she ever had a pup to take care of.

As if on curiosity he moved his head forward and tilted gently, taking one of the nubs between his teeth and nibbling/suckling gently, causing her to gasp in pleasure. In spite of the lack of obvious ability to lactate when it was needed her body still responded to sexual messages in a similar manner to any mammal, leaving Shawn to deduce that the species of anthro on this plane of existence didn't just branch out to mammals, but also reptiles and fish as well.

He tugged on the nipple in his mouth; biting a bit harder then he put for but was pleased to her cry out his name readily. She was already pulling his short's fly open, letting his arousal break through into her hand as she stroked him in generosity of his touching. He broke off her nipple to whimper slightly as she began to stroke him a bit faster, enjoying the heat of his phallus against her palm.

Shawn moved to return the favor, his curiosity piqued as he moved a careful hand to her bottom swimwear, removing the see through skirt before exposing her sex. He was gifted with a sight different then what he had seen before, the clitoris being a slightly different shape. It wasn't a slit; it was more or less a small triangle shaped pussy that sported that same as the slit but with more direct approach. She confirmed this by pushing him down excitedly, moving over him and adjusting his hard on to her vaginal passage before taking it all in one swoop, moaning loudly.

The human under her squirmed a bit in the ministrations of her humping as she began, the pleasure overriding his thoughts. He began to thrust into in time with her bouncing and humping, his inner thigh pulsing with each thrust as he pounded relentlessly into the shark above him, supported by the bouncing sway of her large tits. It occurred to him that they were having sex in public on the beach, no one watching (aside from the guard who were no doubt enjoying the show) something that he would have never done at home, yet the very thought excited him more, surprising himself with a surge of adrenaline as he pushed himself up, letting her wrap her legs around his back as he thrusted up into her faster and harder in time with her suggestive cries.

"Ah! ahn! oh god! Oh Shawn!"

He couldn't reply, breathless as he pushed his body further while pleasing the female against him. His mouth opened, but instead of saying anything he clamped down on one of her breasts and began suckling roughly on the nub, earning a welcome cry of delight. They were both sweating from exertion of the moment, Shawn's drive lessoning as he approach climax. Tina came first, screaming mightily into the air as she raised her muzzle high, the orgasm rocking her body. The clenching of her tight vaginal passage overcame him, and he too was coming as well, the white cream splashing around in her warm inside before he flopped against the ground, the great white along with as they both bathed in the afterglow.

Tina was the first to recover though, adjusting herself to move down Shawn's lap. The human figured what she was up to the moment her muzzle impacted with her waist, and groaned in derivement as the shark's broad tongue cleaned him of his previous orgasm and hers. The ministrations only proved to harden him once more, but Tina was amorous. Shawn sat up and gifted with the sight of the great whites large supple tits coming together across his phallus before squeezing and stroking along it with helpful flicks from her tongue, "oh shit...Tina!"

He wasn't really surprised at the breast sex he was currently getting, considering her teeth could have lacerated his cock if she tried, and for that he was grateful at the utmost. Tina was an adventurous lover, always trying different things to meet their needs, much to Shawn's enjoyment. He couldn't last long though, giving the shark a mouthful of his second orgasm as he thrusted once between the mounds, "ah...fuck...!"

"Mmmmn yes..." Tina seductively replied, catching as much as she could before tilting her head and gulping loudly, "divine..."


"Ssssh lover, it's going to be a long night for the both of us, and I intend to make the most of it..."