Fox Fire Chapter 1

Story by AlexanderW on SoFurry

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#1 of Fox Fire

Very first time writing something M/M. About a human and a kitsune and the misadventures that they get into together. First part is mostly smut and no story. Debating if I should continue this or just start on something new.

A chime, clean and crisp, broke the silence of the room resonating in a high, pure tone. In that moment, even with everything else going on, only the bell seemed to exist, its noise cutting through the air like a knife, slicing all other words and piercing thoughts. The sound spread over the room and seemed to fill it with a sense of calm. Any air of oppression or aggression, any negative feelings seemed to have been lifted with that one sound. After listening to such a pure noise it was hard to imagine that anyone could still feel agitated. Instead, a sense of peace, relaxation, and tranquility was in its place. It was all because of the noise which the small bell emitted. It wasn't even rung on purpose, but still its power persisted.

The owner of the bell was on his back, pillow supporting his head as he rested idly on the bed. The room was illuminated with lights from the ceiling giving it a well-lit and bright environment, the lights evenly spaced out and the ceiling itself was tiled. Sparsely decorated, everything seemed old and worn. His family couldn't afford much of what every other family could provide. A smaller bed, and dresser was the main furniture in the room. A desk set off to one side overlooking a window which looked out into a busy street. Even late at night cars and trucks rushed by, and it was hardly ever quiet. Though the noise wasn't the worst thing. Noise someone can get used to, and he could even sleep through the night. The worst thing was the drafty old house with no heating or cooling, and even if they could afford it the house was too drafty for it to do any good most likely. It was always too hot in the summer, and too cold in the winter.

Short brown hair cut well above the ears was ruffled by the thin pillow of which he rested on. He was eighteen, he was well on his way to becoming an adult, but he still held somewhat of a childish look to him. His grandma always used to say that those who are young at heart will stay young forever despite their age. Perhaps she was right, or maybe he was just a late bloomer? He should have grown by now... He could be described as cute, as his features were soft, not as defined as others of his age, and he stood at and even five foot six inches. Though the word cute, that label, irritated him. He wanted to be seen as his age, no longer mistaken for a 'kid'. Soft blue eyes, like the sea, were locked on the bell dangling lightly on a string above him. One hand held the bell up as he inspected it.

The bell itself was small enough to fit into his pocket easily, and the red string which was attached to it seemed nothing special as well. It, like everything else in the room, looked old and worn, and perhaps broken. Though it worked just fine! The dome-like shell of brass formed around a small ball, or so he guessed as something jingled inside, keeping it inside and enclosed, but free to rap the sides at the slightest movement. It seemed, for such a small bell, to ring too loudly and too clearly and far too easily. The light which was reflected off the bells brass surface seemed darker, dimer; in fact the atmosphere around the bell seemed darker in general. Although this trait wasn't readily noticeable, but rather something observed after closer inspection.

He smiled at the bell, and lowered it allowing the small instrument rest on his chest. His hand falling over it protectively he shivered as he felt a rush of cold air enter the room. Closing his eyes he just allowed himself to relax there shaking a bit, but he was attempting to get used to the cold. Somehow this bell made him feel good, and helped him forget his troubles, at least for the moment. In this moment of release he grasped for it, trying to hold onto the feeling, wrestling with it in his mind, begging for it to last just a little longer before thoughts of worldly troubles invaded his mind once more. School, money, food, and if the uncontrollable situations were not enough, for he couldn't help that he had to go to school, nor that his family didn't make nearly enough money -even with him working-, there were people. They were his main problem, and although the uncontrollable situations could be fixed with hard work, the people persisted adding to his ever growing list of problems. Rumors and hate filled his life for he was young and he had just...

"You rang?" A voice came through, sudden but not unwelcome. It had a playful tone as the question was asked as casually as could be. There was always a mischievous tint to the voice that greeted him which gave the owner away.

Opening his eyes the resting boy smiled at his visitor. Standing at the foot his bed was none other than Nashiri, the fox spirit who had gifted him the bell in a show of gratitude. Nashiri was lean, and defined. The lines which outlined his body was sharp, and his features were very fox-like despite being in his human guise. Eyes of amber looked down at the resting boy expectantly, and his posture looked always on edge, as if ready to run at any moment, only restraining himself in one spot because he had to. He looked uncomfortable doing so, and wobbled on the heels of his feet as he stood, waiting, a sly but weary smile upon his face. Long red hair was tied back neatly behind him, and he was dressed in a simple, but out of place looking kimono. The design depicted orange foxes, clouds, and the golden sun all present on a sunshine yellow fabric.

"Oh," he said, shaking his head, "I didn't mean to-"

"Awe," the fox cooed interrupting him mid-sentence, sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning towards the boy, "was someone lonely?" He asked. Somehow Nashiri's voice seemed more mocking than concerned, but the kid knew otherwise, "My little lonesome kit," he allowed his voice to trail off in a sort of amused way. The rest of his thought forever lost on unsaid words. The kitsune had been watching Matthew's face, and he looked too annoyed to be called a 'kit', too precious. Nashiri laughed at his expense.

"I'm not a child," Matthew exclaimed quite loudly over the foxes laugh. He was quite annoyed and he threw the small bell at his insulter with all his might. He was aiming for the spirits head. Although the effort was futile, the kitsune easily caught the bell, the ringing noise it made silenced by being clasped in the foxes closed hand.

"You sure about that?" the fox teased on, getting up and setting the bell down gently on the nearby dresser, "Children do throw things in their little temper tantrums." he said with a grin, sharp eyes locking onto blue ones, another amused laugh escaping him though this one was quieter, more suppressed as if he was trying not to laugh. He observed as Matt crossed his arms at his most recent statement. "Oh, come on, don't be like that. Sometimes you are no fun, Matt." The spirit took the liberty to shorten his name to just 'Matt'. It was a cool and casual voice which addressed him this time, the fox lost his usual mocking tone.

"I've just had a bad day, and," Matt started.

"So you take it out on me?" Nashiri asked, "That is rather friendly of you." Sarcasm poisoned his voice.

"No." The protest began.

"Then why so aggressive over a little fun?"

"Would you stop cutting me off?" He asked, his annoyance with the fox growing, "It's just school, the people, those boys..." he said, "It's more than that though." he grew frustrated with himself, "Its this house, my family, this cold!" he began listing everything that has bothered him, "I'm tired of it, Nashiri. I want it to end, I want things to be different." his voice shook with effort, trying to hold back the emotions boiling within him, "And you're not..." he stopped his rambling list as he felt heat press against his body. Faster than his eyes could comprehend the kitsune had ventured to his bed, laid next to him, wrapped his arms around the kid, and pulled him close.

"I'm not, what?" He asked, his voice but a whisper in Matts ear. He grinned, he had cut the guy off again, but the fox had really no desire to listen anymore. It was obvious Matt was upset, and he knew just how to cheer him up. Humans can be overly emotional. Such close contact with Nashiri sent a shiver down Matts spine, "Those boys can be dealt with." He whispered kissing the teens neck, "You just have a year left of high school." he told him, tightening his grip trying to make him feel secure, "This house can be warmed." he smiled, Matts back pressed firmly against his chest. More heat exploded into existence as wisps of blue fire floated around the two of them, more and more materialized and hovered lazily around the room.

Matthew shifted in the foxes grasp, trying to get comfortable, protesting, "You are going to burn down the house." There was worry present in his voice.

The fox laughed softly, "Its my fire." he cooed, "It only burns what I want it to." he said, nuzzling into the guys shoulder, "See how easily your problems can be solved?" he asked, getting a shy nod in response.

"You make it sound too easy."

"Well," he began, feeling Matt finally start to relax in his grip, the muscles softened under his hands, "I am a spirit." he said as if that explained away everything, simple as that. The fox began nipping and kissing lightly at the teens neck and shoulder. Matt giving into the tender touch of the spirit he relaxed and closed his eyes, letting out a soft but approving noise, "Now, lets make you feel better." The kitsunes words washed over him like electricity, the tone of his voice was lower and more demanding, and somehow he felt like he didn't have a choice in the matter, but he didn't care. Nashiri was gentle, and his very touch sent Matts temperature rising. How could he resist such charm? Maybe that was the point.

Small laughs broke from the human as he squirmed a little in the kitsunes grasp, "Stop." He protested, "I'm not in the mood." He said half-heartedly. The lack of effort in the protest was noted by the fox and he kissed and nibble more, his hands beginning to explore and rub the guys chest. Nashiri's warm breath went down his neck, gracing his body, giving him goosebumps.

Then he found himself on his back, a hand firmly on his chest, pressing him to the mattress as amber eyes looked down at him, smiling. That smile, playful and full of half-truths, the kitsune made an art of lying and mind games, "Surely you do not mean that?" He asked. How could the fox ask such a question when he could as clear as day feel that those weak protests were not the case? The kits heart thumped just a little bit faster when he was in the room, yet alone when he touched the human. Nashiri knew all too well exactly what was wanted, what was needed, what was yearned for since he made his presence known in the room.

Nimble hands grasped at Matthews plain shirt and tugged it up slowly. One hand allowing itself entrance under the hem and up feeling the bare, warm skin, while the kitsune leaned in and caught the guys lips with his own. The kiss started out gentle, playful, and quick, though as Nashiri went to pull away he found Matts hands resting on his back and the teen would follow the foxes withdraw in an effort to lengthen the kiss. This only succeeding in him getting in a few more small kisses upon the lips of the spirit, before he felt an amused smile and heard an equally amused laugh which cut itself off as the fox leaned back in, chests almost touching, kissing Matt back just as deeply.

Hands from both parties continued their exploration of each other, gripping, and sometimes ripping at the fabric which barred them access to each others flesh. Their kissing only pausing but a moment, just long enough for the Nashiri to get that annoying shirt off Matt, before it began again. Lips hungrily pressed to each other, tongues battled, pushing and lashing at one another, each of them doing what they could to take in as much of the other as possible. The swirling lancing of tongues paused again to allow the human much-needed oxygen. The small break itself was broken up into small sharp breathes as Matt couldn't keep himself from the fox for very long at all. Lips once again searching for the others before too long after each breath. He found himself intoxicated with feeling the spirits touch, and trying to absorb his warmth as his own. The fox was abnormally warm, and he wanted to cling to that, and never let it go. It was more than that though, it seemed everything about the spirit was just too perfect down to his every smell and the subtle otherworldly grace he possessed.

One last heated kiss was given from Nashiri before the kitsune diverted, and started attacking the neck with teeth and lips and tongue, "You know, this isn't making me feel any better." Matthew talked, stating it in a matter of factly sort of way. Though his body was betraying his mind, as he found himself lifting his head slightly allowing Nashiri to have more access to his neck, "And, I really don't want to get all stinky and sticky." He complained.

"I'll wash you afterwards." Nashiri spoke his response, licking and nipping at the jawbone.

"I also have homework." He said, "And a test is coming up in Physics." he announced, "You know how much I suck at Physics."

"When's the test?" The answer came with a tug on the shirt, Matts chest was now exposed to him. It was clear that he wasn't giving up on his endeavor.


"Well, Matt," a soft kiss punctuated the beginning, "today is Friday. We have plenty of time to prepare." A soft laugh came from him, "If you'd like I'll take the test for you." he grinned, pausing his assault to look up at the guy under him, and tugging on the shirt as if reminding him that he wants it off.

The only response had been Matt sitting up a bit and lifting his arms so his shirt could be removed by the spirit. The humans own hands played on the fabric of the kimono, tracing the lines which defined the muscled complexion of the fox.

"You are still so shy," a hand grabbed the wrist of one of Matt's and slipped it into the kimono.

The touch of the warmer skin under the fabric made the teen blush and stutter the word, "Stop." only earning a light-hearted laugh from the fox, "Shut up." the human would demand, "I haven't been doing this for hundreds of years, you know. In fact, I think its weird that you are so comfortable with the human body."

"What's not to like about the human body?" the spirit shrugged, looking down at him, legs straddling either side of the guy, "What's not to like about your body?" He followed up the question with a smile, "I see nothing wrong." he told him, "No extra arms, or third eyes, or unsightly mutations." The foxes eyes observed the body under him, his hands resting on the guys chest, "I just don't see why you humans are always so shy. Especially, you." The fox poked the teens nose playfully.

"You must be blind then." He told him, "Just look at me." He said, "My skin isn't as smooth or as soft as yours. I have freckles spotting my shoulders, not to mention acne. I'm scrawny and weak, like a stick. I have this weird hair on my arm that is randomly darker than the rest. My nose is too angular, my cheeks still have a baby look to them. My teeth are not per..." Matt stopped, "You think this is funny don't you?" He asked. The fox shook his head a 'no', "Then stop grinning at me like you are enjoying this." He said, "I'm being serious."

"So was I." The voice was softer than before, and the amber eyes looked sad even though the face carried a tricksters smile, "You will never find happiness if you keep comparing yourself to others. You, Matt, are who you are. I am who I am, and they, other people, are who they are. Besides, I don't care about that lone darker hair on your arm, nor your angular nose. If I did, well, I wouldn't be here wanting to help you with all your problems. All of them." He repeated, "I like you for who you are, not what you look like. Granted," the kitsune locked eyes with him, staring down into them, "you are rather dashing for your age." he snickered complimenting him. "Let me make you feel great." He tempted again, "Because you deserve it, and don't deny me or think I'm a fool. I can feel perfectly well what you really want," the fox teased him. This kitsune wanted it as well.

Matthew couldn't hide anything from the fox, could he? "You're lying about all of that." He exclaimed feeling the guy start back in, little kisses and soft nibbles, nimble hands exploring areas perhaps too low rewarding the fox for his effort with a surprised little cry. The teeth which racked on his skin were sharp and threatened to puncture with and more added pressure, but the fox was gentle about it. After all his goal was to make the human feel good, and he wasn't sure how the guy felt about pain, blood, or any of that other stuff quite yet. Though the lying comment awarded Matt with a sharper nip, the skin turning red and teeth marks apparent.

Working his way down the body laid before him the kitsune took his time. He explored with his mouth, tongue, and teeth every inch of skin which was presented to him. He was trying to get the kid to relax more while his hands worked on the bits still bound within old jeans. They were rubbed, groped and teased, stroked, and slowly worked. One hand on the shaft, the other below which fondled and felt, gently grasped.

A quivering sigh egged on the fox as the hands were removed from the pants, and the button quickly undone, "Raise your hips," the order came from Nashiri, and they were raised like instructed. Taking the moment he tugged them, along with the underwear off and down exposing the human to him, "and stop blushing so much." He said, before breath teasingly cascaded against the hardened flesh, making it twitch with frustration. Then it was enveloped with warmth and wetness. Fit into the foxes maw the spirit went to work sucking, lapping, and slurping. Warm tongue prodded and ran up and down the shaft, teasing the head by twirling around it, poking the slit and sucking on it especially hard before lips down and nose buried itself in the hair present there.

Toes curled, and his hips were held down by the foxes powerful grasp. Hands balled and sheets were kicked and torn at as waves of pleasure were sent up Matthews body. The sensation was better than the last time, the fox only seemed to have got better and better. For a moment he wondered about the physics test, but the feeling of the tongue scraping over his sensitive head brought him out of it. He twitched, and tried to move, squirming under the spirit, holding in words and sounds because he didn't want the embarrassment. He knew Nashiri would tease him afterwards, he always did. Though he felt nice, this warmth which built up inside him was welcome, and he found himself being taken away by Nashiri's skill with his mouth. The fox taking his thoughts away from the everyday things, and he glanced at the flicking wisps of fox-fire which hovered in the room. Their light was distorted, and they seemed like they were almost going out, growing dinner. Most likely because the other was focusing on him and not his magic... The strangest things he thought about as he was getting serviced.

Soon however he felt something strange which broke his gaze from the hovering flames, to look down at the fox. He'd managed to keep one hand juggling the orbs under his shaft, which was being sucked on, but he felt something else too. Something wet, and it made him wince for a moment as it wiggled around inside him. There was more than one, two, yes, two of the kitsunes fingers found their way inside him. Nashiri paused, "Relax." He said in an all too caring voice, "This will feel great." He reassured him, giving the member in front of him a healthy lick before it disappeared back into the maw, sending shivers throughout the boy.

The fox was right, as always. The fingers moving in and out of him slowly felt less and less resistance, and with that they moved faster. They pressed against his insides and made him shudder with the added stimulation. In and out they were moving and up and down the head was bobbing, and soon enough it was all over. A tightness overcame the fingers, squeezed them together, and the kitsune relented his sucking, letting the cock fall from his mouth. A hand came up and wiped his maw clean of drool and cum.

By now a hearty and worked up scent permeated the immediate area. The boys scent and smell of cum filled the kitsunes nose and mind, and he just drank it in for a moment before grinning down at him, "My turn." He said, pulling his fingers free from the boy, and grabbing the ends of the sash which held the kimono closed. Tugging on them slowly he, straightened up and made a little show of it ripping it off to one side and letting it fly across the room maybe a bit too dramatically. Letting the kimono open and slide from him the fox spread the guys legs more and licked his lips.

By now Nashiri's disguise as a human was falling short. Fox-like ears poked out of his head, and his tail was revealed swaying happily behind him. It could be said that he wasn't concentrating on keeping form right now, as he positioned himself over Matthew. Hand guiding his cock to the boys hole, he pressed himself against Matt, arms held the human tightly against him as he pushed in. Not exactly taking it slow he sheathed himself inside the guy letting out a grunt as he felt himself fully enter the human.

A, what Nashiri thought of as cute, noise came from Matt. The rocking began as he began moving in and out of the man squirming under him, a "Fuck." came from Matt which made the spirit smile and encouraged him to rock a bit faster, "Nashiri..." a weak reply to this treatment came as the fox went about his work. The tightness around the cock was unbelieveable and made even the kitsune hiss in pleasure as he worked that ass, rocking in and out of it. The fox loved how sexy and whiney Matt's voice sounded when he called his name. It made him want to make the kid call his name out again.

"I... I forgot... my Physics book." It was after that sentence was said that hips slammed into Matt harder than he had ever done before, eliciting a cry from Matt and a satisfied smirk from the fox. Nashiri would have taken it personally a few centuries ago, he making love to the human and all the guy can think about is school? Did it really bother him that much?

Matt went to talk again, but the kitsune placed a finger over his lips, silencing him with a 'shhh', "You need to stop thinking." he told Matt before he roughly kissed him. Tongue tracing the lips which he pressed against, before going in and tasting the human for himself.

Tingles and pinpricks could be felt massaging their way through Matts body, as his body relaxed and his mind was clouded. Thought now came harder, and even so was incoherent, fuzzy just like the electric thrill which pulsed through him at the moment. His own thoughts dulled, but the sensations which he was receiving from Nashiri seemed to ring through his entire being. Soon Matt found that he could no longer hold back those little gasps or yells or other noises as the kitsune took him. Words didn't come out right even if he tried to talk, and his breath got faster and shallower. His heart was racing, and he found himself riding the kitsune, grasping onto him and wrapping his legs around him.

Sweat picked up, and the smell of sex was now readily apparent becoming a thick perfume the both of them wore. Little gasps and moans spurred the fox on as he thrust into the tight warmth which was Matthew. Becoming faster and faster the sound of skin smacking skin, the creaking of the bed, the intensity of the fox-fire, everything seemed to increase in volume and power.

"Matt..." The fox breathed the word keeping up his new pace. The cock was throbbing and aching inside the boy, pre escaping, and Nashiri felt that he was just about there, but he wouldn't let himself go... No, not just yet. The pulsing intensified as he relentlessly moved his hips harder and harder into Matt, trying to go just a bit deeper each time. Feeling that he couldn't hold himself back any longer, the fox let himself go with a loud moan of pleasure as he buried himself deep inside the teenager. Hips still moving as he rode out his orgasm inside him only stopping after he felt he had thoroughly unloaded inside him.

Collapsing completely on top of Matt the kitsune smiled as his breath was labored. Nashiri still held onto the kid tightly, and soon enough pulled out of him, before rolling onto his back taking Matt with him.

Matthew smiled at his visitor, their tangled and naked and now very sweaty forms laying together in the bed. Both took sharp, exhausted breaths, the cool air burning in the heat of the moment. The warmth was intoxicating, and all too inviting, and Matthew found himself unable to resist pressing a cheek into the kitsunes chest. Nashiri's hand falling on the teens head as he gently stroked and glided through the guys darker hair. They stayed that way, Matts body all but crumpling over the foxes, draping over him like some blanket. The blue eyed boy wrapped his arms around the kitsune under him, and he nuzzled into the chest softly, tiredly, letting out a soft 'mmmmm' sound of enjoyment as he felt his hair being toyed with. The kitsunes powerful hands, and sharp claws were all too gentle when turned on this human, and it made him feel special.

The spirit stopped his petting for just a moment, an agile hand grasped for one of the sheets which lay were in ruin compared to the once made bed before the two of them bonded. With one swift and graceful movement the kitsune covered the two of them with the thicker, warmer blanket on the bed. A lazy flick of his wrist and the light switch on the wall by the door flew down, the lights above shutting off leaving them with flickering fox-fire as light. Even then, one by one, the wisps of flame wavered out of existence. The only evidence of their even being there was the heat which they left.

"You planned this," Matt accused the fox.

"Why, what do you mean?" Came the answer, hand falling back on Matts head as the soft petting continued.

"You normally don't come just wearing a kimono."

The Kitsune grinned.