With No Working Title - Ch.1

Story by SLDawn on SoFurry

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#2 of With No Working Title

Welp, here's the first chapter, including what was originally the "prologue" of my hopefully regularly updating story series.

It's still my first attempt at fiction in years so please go easy on me.

Any questions, comments, tips, advice and anything in between is GREATLY appreciated. Feedback is so much better than page views and i'd love to hear what you furs have to say. =3

Dawn is a character of my mind and i'd like to keep her limited to my own stories for now. However, what she does in your minds, not my business, just hers. ;P

Edit: Minor language changes, possible sentence restructures, only major change is Siv's species. It just bugged me WAY too much and I was having such a hard time handling him since I've never been good with birds. Hope this doesn't upset anyone.





A white furred hand slid off the alarm clock as the snow leopard sat up on her bed. Groggy and with eyes half closed she almost fell asleep sitting on the edge of the mattress when her alarm went off again. Dawn growled and hit the snooze button reflexively before leaning over to find the miniscule button that turned the alarm off for good that morning. She reached her arms over her head, fingers clasped and stretched for a few seconds, letting out a long yawn as she let her arms fall back to her sides. "Early cat gets the rat..." She mumbled her morning mantra and pushed herself out of bed.

She snatched up her powder blue bra and loose white t-shirt dragging them with her to the bathroom. She couldn't wear much to sleep during the summer months as the temperature was far too high, even at night, for a snow leopard like her to endure. She untied her small black shorts and dropped them, along with her plain pink panties, to the floor before reaching over to turn on the shower. She quickly pulled her arm back from the cold spray and waited for the water to warm. Dawn thought she was pretty, but nothing terribly special, not even for guys to go drooling over. She was about 5'8, with very light blonde hair hanging almost half-way down her back, she'd have to get that trimmed soon, and bangs dangling just past her bright blue eyes. Her white furred body was covered in black rosettes except for her front, from her neck down to the insides of her thighs. The black and gray pattern encroached a little into that clean white fur but was so faded that it was barely noticeable. She was quite slim, her chest a pert B-cup and a tight round butt, which she thought was her best feature. Just above her rear was a thick fluffy tail long enough to reach her ears if she stretched it that far and because of that she generally had to keep it lifted a little as she walked so it wouldn't brush the ground.

She pushed a paw into the shower to test the temperature, adjusting it a bit she then stepped inside and closed the door, letting the water wash the last of her drowsiness away.

Having showered and dressed in a pair of plain jean shorts and a dark blue Adidas t-shirt Dawn was now frantically running around her apartment gathering her books, keys, headphones and her bag to put it all into. All while brushing her teeth. It was gonna be one of those days... She glanced at the clock on the wall and growled, washing out her mouth and running for the door, grabbing her sunglasses as she did. She locked the door and turned for the elevator, someone was kind enough to hold the door for her as they saw her jog over. She just might make it to class on time, she smiled and put on her white lens sunglasses and headed for school.

Five hours later and two classes of droning professors, every Thursday it was the same. And now it was time for lunch before her chemistry lab period. She met up with Merik and company at the lounge area, carrying her fresh slice of pizza. James, a big Rottweiler, waved from one of the chairs as she walked over, forcing herself into the space between him and Merik earning a groan from both of them. James always being the first to complain "Damnit Dawn why do you insist on doing that?". Merik mumbled in agreement but was smiling anyways. The gray chinchilla was smaller than her and always exuded that feeling of calm that she envied so much. She had known them both since starting high school, having gone through that awkward time period when everyone has no clue what their hormones are saying. They had all crushed on each other at one point or another, except James on Merik, "I don't bat for both teams man." That was the first time either she or the chinchilla had heard the phrase and it was very funny at the time.

"Cause I'm so tiny and cute that I know neither of you mind much." She replied to James' complaint and settled in comfortably, trying to keep her elbows to herself as she ate. He responded by leaning against her obnoxiously. "Nope, I don't mind at all." Dawn whined a little under her breath, struggling to push the much larger Rottweiler off of her, "James, you're huge! Get oooooff." The canine laughed, sitting up straight again. She sighed in relief and started eating her pizza "Finally, I'm too hungry to deal with you right now." She glared at him out of the corner of her eye.

James snorted and smiled. "Keep eating food from the café downstairs and you won't be so tiny for long." She stuck her tongue out at him before continuing to eat quietly. "Least I'll still be cute." She waved at Cherri, a red fox with only three black sock markings though her left hand was oddly absent of one. Cherri was sitting on a couch just across from them with Siv, an extremely tall white fox and tiger cross, who was at the other end of said couch. Cherri waved back but Siv never noticed, too busy with his own chemistry work. He was in the same lab as her after lunch and she'd brought him into the fold in first year. This was their little group, minus Jade and Katie, who probably weren't out of class yet. All seven of them had gotten lucky, having classes that aligned pretty well to allow them all to hang out together just after noon. This particular lunch was being dominated by the soccer game on the big screen behind Cherri, who had no real interest in the sport. James and Merik on the other hand were pretty well entranced, James occasionally barking out a complaint or cheer. Dawn finished her pizza and leaned back against the couch to watch the game with everyone else.

Dawn stood and stretched, grabbing her bag and trying not to bump either of her friends as she hopped over a bag to stand beside Siv. "Hey, we gotta get going, class starts in ten." Siv nodded and finished scribbling out a note to himself on the side of his page, packing up his books and grabbing his bag a moment later. "Yeah let's go." He rolled his shoulders and led the way out of the crowd that had gathered for the end of the game, Dawn trailing behind him. She jogged a little to catch up and walk beside him after they left the lounge. He was going quick, she could barely keep up with his long strides, the tigrox, as he called his 'breed' was six and a half feet tall and it always made her feel small, which didn't usually happen. "Hey slow down Siv, you're killing me." He did slow down and even made fun of her for a moment by shuffling in tiny steps. "Haha, you're funny." She said sarcastically, Siv chuckled but still didn't say anything, his tail swishing from side to side as he walked.

Dawn desperately tried to catch her breath, her ears ringing as she propped herself up, coughing and gasping for air. She couldn't hear a damn thing as the high pitched noise continued. She looked around, seeing other people in pretty much the same situation. Some were stumbling towards the door, others were still laying down stunned as she pushed herself to her feet. Coughing ensued as she found her head enveloped in a thick semi -transparent cloud, each cough not helping her much as she inhaled more of the smoke after every cough. She tripped over a stool as she made her way to the door, almost falling but managing to catch herself on the corner of a desk. A sharp pain flashed up her arm, originating from her paw and she pushed herself through the doorway into the hall where the smoke was quickly dispersing out into the air. She coughed some more and propped herself up against the wall, a dozen of her lab mates doing similar things as only a few more came out of the room. Siv was one of the last to come out, helping to support a girl who looked like she had sprained or twisted her ankle. With her hearing coming back, she found less high pitched ringing and more of a screeching as the sound of alarms going off blared in her ears. "What the fuck happened?" She mumbled to herself and coughed again.

She went to rub her stinging ears when the pain in her left paw went off again. She brought the offending limb around and found a few small shards of glass were embedded into her palm and two fingers. The largest of the shards seemed to be where all the pain going up her arm was coming from and she gingerly pulled it out with her claws. The momentary flash of pain as it slid out was followed by relief that she still seemed to be able to move all of her fingers, so no lasting damage had been done. She left the rest of the little shards in as she stood. The on campus security guys and a few teachers were ushering the students out of the hall and into one of the unused computer suites around the corner and down the hall, away from the room. She shuffled in behind the other students and dropped herself into one of the chairs, picking glass out of her paw gently. She felt a weight on her shoulder and looked over to see Siv standing beside her, "You alright there spots?" In his usual off-English cadence. She didn't like it when he called her that, but she couldn't find it in herself to say anything right then.

She smiled grimly and showed her bloody paw to him, "I think I'm okay..." Tears formed in her eyes and she looked away, taking a deep breath, hearing him sit down in the chair next to hers. She looked down at her paws in her lap. "What the fuck happened? That WAS an explosion right?" Siv nodded and took her bloody paw, very carefully pulling a tiny sliver of glass she had missed. "Thanks..." She mumbled and looked around the room at everyone else, most of the girls were crying, some of the guys too. A couple were still stunned but it looked like almost everyone had gotten over their initial shock as the firefighters tramped down the hall in their gear. "What the fuck happened..." She asked herself quietly.

The firefighters couldn't tell what had caused it for sure without further investigation, but what everyone was told, was that there had been a gas leak in one of the adjacent rooms. The gas had leaked through into their room in minute amounts and when someone turned on their burner near that particular wall, it had ignited. Thankfully the gas had partially been vented out by the shafts in each room but it hadn't dissipated it entirely, obviously. One poor wolf had gotten pretty burned, and two others had concussions, but everyone else had escaped with minor injuries. The local paper covered it the next day and said it was a miracle no one was killed. Everyone was sent home or to the hospital from her class. Dawn needed stitches and she hated hospitals, so that had been a real bummer but three hours later she was home again. She had started to feel a little dizzy in the last thirty minutes on the bus home, and it hadn't really gone away, but she attributed it to the stress of the day. She sat herself down on her bed and just barely managed to set her alarm before passing out fully clothed.

Dawns sleep was far from restful, she was panting from overheating, and taking her shirt off while half-conscious hadn't helped. Her whole body felt like it was being cooked and she wondered in one of her more awake moments if she had caught some incredibly nasty flu at the hospital.






Dawn whimpered and curled into a ball, her tail curling around herself and over her face, ears folded down. Her head was absolutely pounding, the most skull splitting headache she had ever experienced happening right then. And on top of that, she still felt like she was overheating, though not as bad as last night. She laid like this for another five minutes before...



The snow leopard growled angrily, completely ignoring her headache a moment and hitting the button to turn off her alarm for good. She promptly collapsed on the bed again groaning quietly. School could wait, there's no way she'd even make it to class like this. The headache slowly started to subside after about twenty minutes, still going strong, but not as bad as it was. She got herself a glass of water and a granola bar to munch on while she laid down again. "I wonder if I got a concussion, that would make sense..." As the headache continued to fade, she felt her body heat up once more, she whimpered again and let herself fall asleep for a second time.

Dawn awoke at noon, all traces of the headache and fever gone besides the bottle of Tylenol on her bedside table that she'd retrieved in a bleary haze hours earlier. Surprisingly, she felt fine, hungry, but fine. She checked her phone and saw a half dozen text messages from various friends wondering why she wasn't in class that day. She went through the usual responses to everyone, telling them she was sick and she'd see them next week etc. etc. Not bothering with a shirt as she went to the kitchen and made herself a bowl of cereal, needing her hunger satisfied sooner rather than later. She went out to her balcony and sat down in her lounge chair, enjoying the heat of the summer, cooled down by the shade provided from the balcony above. She purred quietly, tail flicking back and forth when her phone rang, it was Siv. She answered quickly, knowing he had class this time on Fridays, so it was curious that he was calling at this time. "Hey whitey, whatsup?" She knew he hated being called that, payback for the spots comment yesterday.

Siv sighed on the other end of the phone and she grinned to herself, "Ugh... I asked you not- Nevermind. Did you have a really bad headache today? James said you weren't at school either."

She was a little confused now, how did he know she had a headache this morning? She paused for a moment, "Yeah, I did, I'm at home. Did you have a headache too? So bad you didn't want to move?"

She heard shuffling around on the other end, papers being moved around a dull thump. "Yeah." Siv paused on the other side of the phone, more shuffling. "Alright, I wanted to ask you first, I have to call a few other people, but I think that gas caused it, I'll let you know."


Dawn held her phone, slightly worried, the gas? If it was harmful, and the teachers and paramedics had let everyone go thinking they were fine... That could be real bad, but Siv said he'd let her know, so she wasn't going to panic just yet. She smiled and stretched languidly in her chair, purring to herself. Yeah, she felt just fine. Must be one of those nasty strains of flu that hit you hard but don't last very long. The young snow leopardess started to feel a little fuzzy, on the inside, like she'd had a little to drink. She started to press back against the soft fabric cushions of her chair, loving the feeling as she rubbed over it, like she was snuggling with another fur.

Within moments Dawn was so entranced by the feeling she was squirming in her chair while her mouth opened in a long exhale and her back arched. She let her arms drape over the back of the chair, paws roaming over the back of the imagined fur behind her, her eyes closed, letting herself fall into the daydream. She continued to shift around in the cushioned chair, pressing as much of herself against the fabric as she could, her body craving sensation in any form. Gradually her black and gray rosettes turned into deep dark blue rings filled by a much lighter blue colour. As her spots changed she gasped again louder and squirmed more vigorously, her eyes snapped open, glowing brightly now, neon in colour. Despite her eyes being open, she felt like she was in a haze, she couldn't think, she could only feel the burning throughout her body, not unlike last night but so much more enjoyable, like a jacuzzi that was inside of her pushing its way out.

"Mmmmm... This is wonderful..." She let her hands roam down over herself, claws gently dragging over her skin through her fur when the feeling inside her intensified to an almost painful level in her breasts. Dawn looked down and saw her mounds start to expand on her chest, slowly but steadily filling the little space left in her bra. Moaning quietly as her nipples hardened and pressed against the silky fabric attempting to hold her growing breasts she brought her paws up to gently squeeze them, eliciting another moan from her squirming form. Another minute of feeling herself up, she felt a tightness around her chest, her breasts had started to overflow the bra, but it's design had forced them to stay inside, and now the wire was starting to dig into her ribs. She reached back and quickly undid the clasps on her bra and let it fall into her lap, her breasts falling only very slightly on her chest, their perkiness undiminished despite being almost two cup sizes larger. Her nipples had changed colours as well, now matching her eyes in their colour and standing stiff atop her still growing mounds. She reached her paws up to her breasts, hefting them from underneath and feeling their new added weight before gently pinching both her nipples. She inhaled sharply and her whole body stiffened. The feeling was electric, like someone had attached two low voltage batteries to her nerves, originating from the nubs on her chest and it was driving her wild.

It occurred to her that maybe had she changed colours down there as well? She sat up quickly and had to catch herself, not used to the new weight on her chest, and pulled the waistband on her shorts and panties out. There, between her thighs was a very, very neon blue pussy, slightly swollen and shiny with arousal. She dropped back against the chair, her new chest wobbling a little more than she was used to and realized the heat inside of her had faded away as she was busy examining herself. What did she look like now?

Dawn stood unsteadily, giving herself a moment to adjust to the added weight and walked to the bathroom, pulling her shorts and underwear down. Her bright new colouring was eye catching to her, with her eyes almost glowing as they looked over her new self in the mirror. Her now massive breasts, she guessed they were almost E cups now, and her bright blue pussy still moist and shiny between her thighs. A few moments passed and she realized she was still incredibly turned on, and staring at her new breasts knowing what her nipples could do, wasn't helping her much either. She let her paw slip down between her legs and gently dragged two fingers over her moist lips, a light exhale and her legs shook as she did. She brought her fingers a little further up and pressed against her clit which actually caused her legs to buckle, having to drop to her knees with an audible moan. "Oh gods... That felt amazing..." She restrained herself from exploring her body further on the spot and went as quickly to her room as possible

She threw herself onto the bed. Gasping quietly as her breasts and nipples dragged over the fabric, sending sparks through her body. She grabbed her blanket from the corner, unused since winter, and covered herself in it. Screw the heat. She wrapped herself in it, letting the fabric rub over her entire body, hornier than she'd ever been in her life, the sensation was heavenly and maddening at once. She let her injured paw drift down over her stomach, three fingers pressed between her legs as her other grabbed at her chest, the size of just one breast easily able to overwhelm her paw. Between rubbing her newly sensitive breasts and nipples, easily twice as sensitive as before, and her even more sensitive clit, Dawn brought herself to orgasm over and over. She lost track of time until after her fifth mind numbing explosion of release left her panting and exhausted. She purred to herself, stretching and relaxing against her pillows, she kicked the blanket off her body before drifting off, still more than a little aroused but too tired to even stay awake. As she slept the colour drained from her spots and her breasts shrunk back to their original size slowly, though her nipples and pussy remained the same colour. She shifted lazily in her sleep, content and purring as the afternoon wore on.

Dawn was awoken by a furious, loud knocking on her door. She sat up and groaned, almost tripping as she stood from her bed, not even noticing her breasts were back to their normal size. She yelled "One second!" as she quickly dressed. She peered through the peephole of her door and saw Siv. Odd, wasn't he at school? She unlocked and opened. "Hey Siv, uuuh... What's up? I thought you were in class." She stepped aside and let him move past her into the room. He seemed worried. "Yeah, I was, but remember I said I'd let you know about the gas?" He shuffled a little to the side, one wing brushing over the back of his neck. She nodded and motioned for them to sit but he shook his head "No, I'm good, thanks though." He shrugged and smiled nervously. "Well I called or talked to almost everyone from the lab. Everyone said they got a headache either last night or this morning. I did too, last night. And the prof said that it sounds normal, the chemicals may have had a temporary effect that could cause a headache." He paused a moment, "But you didn't respond when I texted and called you again a while ago, so I..." He shrugged and averted his eyes, looking embarrassed. "I got a little worried."

Dawn smiled and leaned over to give Siv a quick hug. "Awwww thanks, I'm fine though." She walked over to the chair on the balcony and grabbed her phone, seeing the missed call and a few texts. She suddenly remembered what had happened only a few hours earlier and shivered. She turned back to Siv, "Did anyone else get a fever?" She didn't want to give anything away, but she was curious if anyone had a similar experience.

Siv shrugged and crossed his arms, leaning back against the door frame. "No one mentioned a fever. You went to the hospital right?" She nodded, "And you look fine, and the fevers gone?"

She shrugged and smiled at that. "Yeah I guess... I might have just caught it while I was at the hospital right?"

Siv nodded, "Mhmmm." There was a bit of a pause and he took a deep breath, "I should get going then, I just wanted to make sure you were alright." He stood and gave her another hug while she thanked him for caring.

The moment he was gone, the gears in Dawn's mind started turning. What the hell had happened yesterday. Like, what the actual fuck? Changing fur colours, boobs growing, increased sensitivity and horniness? None of that was normal. She paced a little before rushing over to the bathroom and stripping off her shirt and bra. "Ooookay..." She exhaled, her nipples hadn't gone back to their normal colour but her breasts, obviously, had shrunk. That would have been really tough to explain to Siv at the door. She pictured it in her mind, 'No really, I'm fine, you just can't come in.' Not suspicious at all. She cringed, just now realizing how bright her eyes were, at least they weren't glowing anymore. But Siv had easily been able to see those, maybe he missed it? She hoped so, she didn't know what was going on and she wanted to figure it out before anyone else. She didn't bother to check, assuming that if her eyes and nipples had stayed blue, so had anything else.

What about the hospital? Yeah, and what would she say? I'm sick with something that makes me go so horny I have to orgasm until I pass out? Oh yeah, it makes my boobs inexplicably bigger and turns me blue at the same time. Oh yeah, she'd be taken very seriously. Even if she was, what would they do? Watch over her a few nights? Study her? Images of government suits coming and whisking her off to a lab flashed through her mind. Nope. Hospital was out of the question. Family doctor was a possibility, but he was on the other side of the country in her hometown.

She took a deep breath putting it all out of her mind for now. She pulled her bra and shirt back on and checked the clock. Four, she'd gotten so much sleep since yesterday, but now she had another bodily function to take care of. Her stomach growled in agreement and she decided to make some ramen. While the water heated, her mind wandered to earlier. Now that Siv was gone she could think about it some more, though she couldn't remember it all that well, but enough of it was clear causing her to blush. How was she not aching? After all that, she should have a hard time walking but her legs, and other things, weren't sore at all. She put it out of her mind as best she could, she didn't know what happened or how it happened. Her heart fluttered all of a sudden as she had a small panic attack. Tonight was Jade's birthday and she'd promised her she'd be there. She could say she was sick but Siv was invited too, what if he went and said she was fine? Damn, she had to risk going and pray nothing else would happen.

Jade had decided that she wanted to go to a dance club she'd only been to once before despite being in walking distance, Black Ice or something like that. Dawn wanted to keep it simple and was dressed in a plain black v-neck tee, tight jean shorts and black heeled sandals. Everyone said to go downstairs to the dance floor to meet up. The room had almost no light, strobes, laser lights, and the usual thumps of very loud music echoing around them, your typical late night club. James, Cherri and Jade had all arrived together since they lived in the same dorm building. She met them downstairs at one of the tables that were scattered around the edge of the room. The fox was sitting with her back to the wall, sipping something that looked suspiciously like water when Dawn took the chair beside her. "Hey Cherri!" Dawn had to yell to be heard over the music. Cherri waved and put her drink down. "How long have you guys been here? And is that water or...?"

The fox smiled and reached into her purse to show Dawn the mickey of Vodka she had smuggled in before leaning across the table so she didn't have to yell. "Only a little while, Jade dragged James out onto the dance floor. She said something about dancing with someone taller than her before he disappeared to chase tails." Dawn chuckled at that, Jade was a beautiful green dragoness that was just over six feet tall and wicked smart. She sat up and looked out over the dance floor, spotting her two friends dancing together for the time being. Hopping down from her chair and avoiding the dance floor, she made it to the bar and asked for a screwdriver, and upon receiving it made her way back to where Cherri was sitting. They chatted for a few minutes, the snow leopardess finishing her drink and asking for some of the vodka from Cherri, she didn't have the money to keep ordering drinks and she planned on enjoying herself tonight, seeing as she didn't go out too often. After a few minutes she saw Jade break off from James to dance with a wolf who came up to her nose. James didn't have to wait long to find an interested party, a small calico snatching up the much bigger dog within moments of Jade leaving. Dawn chuckled, if James played his cards right he might get lucky tonight.

Dawn finished the vodka Cherri gave her and hopped off the chair motioning for the fox to come with her out onto the dance floor. "C'mon, let's go!" The other fur smiled and followed her out into the mass of bodies dancing on the floor where Dawn tapped Jade's shoulder and waved hello before turning to dance with Cherri. Half an hour and a few dance partners later she got a text from Merik saying he and Katie had arrived. She broke out of the crowd and walked over to the bar, texting the two of them to meet her there. She didn't have to wait long, as soon as the bartender got her drink Merik walked up beside her with Katie behind him. Dawn jumped down and gave them both a hug, "Glad you guys could make it! Was beginning to wonder if you couldn't find the club!" She grinned and guided them over to the same table Cherri and her had been using, Jade sitting and taking a break, sipping her own drink. As soon as Jade could reach Merik she snatched him up into a full-bodied hug, though he didn't seem to mind much, when your big scaly friend has fifty or more pounds on you, generally you don't argue. Dawn grabbed another chair from nearby and sat herself beside Katie, Merik having now seated himself in Jade's lap which amused the dragoness to no end. "Hey Mer, is Siv coming tonight? I thought he said he would."

Merik shrugged "I'm not sure." He poked the dragoness's leg to get her attention, she leaned her snout forward beside Merik's head. "You heard from Siv?"

Jade nodded "Yep! He said he got called in to fill a shift tonight, nothin' he could do about it."

Merik frowned "That sucks, was hoping I could get him drunk enough to dance." Jade and Dawn both looked at him surprised. "Whaaaaat? He's cute..." Merik blushed a little.

Dawn just shook her head, imagining Siv dancing at all was a tough one, but with Merik? The thought made her smile.

Katie had brought her own drink in the form of a pocketable bottle of rum, though Dawn had no idea how anyone could drink the stuff. Katie had pre-drank on their way to the club while Merik drove so it didn't take long before the she was venting about the day she'd had at the university. "I HATE that stupid little bitch." Dawn lifted an eyebrow at the wolf, who was only about five-two herself. "Don't you start, I dint mean she was little, I mean... She's a bitch okay? Fuck! Ruins that class every Friday." Dawn smiled and just let her go, agreeing where appropriate. Katie was cute when she wasn't angry about something, which was often. That was a joke their group shared about the fiery timberwolf, short height, short fuse, short explosion. She didn't stay angry for long, and almost never held a grudge, which was good or they'd all be on that list from some past argument or another. After a while Katie petered out and Dawn wanted to dance, seeing as the wolf hadn't even hit the dance floor since she arrived. They both wound their way through the crowd and found a spot nearby James, who was still dancing with the cat from earlier.

An hour or so passed, closing in on midnight and Dawn had let Jade and Katie convince her to keep drinking with them, so she was pleasantly buzzed when she started to feel warmer than usual. She felt fine though so she kept dancing and as the warmth grew inside of her she let herself enjoy the feeling, not noticing that her spots had started to shift back to that double shade of blue. She did however notice that her bra was starting to feel very tight which snapped her back to reality, now noticing that her spots had started to faintly glow. She looked around quickly and found Katie facing away from her, a couple of other furs had noticed that her spots were glowing, though not making a scene just yet and she noted that her bra was getting tighter, not as fast as before, thankfully. She tapped Katie's shoulder urgently, making sure she knew it wasn't a mistake. The moment the wolfess turned around she noticed Dawn's glowing spots and immediately grabbed her wrist, tugging her to the washroom. They got to the back end of the room where the secondary washroom was located, Katie having the forethought to go to the only washroom made for one person with a locking door on it. Katie pushed her into the room, turning and locking the door behind her. By now, Dawn's bra was so tight it was becoming hard to breathe, her breasts pressing together from the bra's confinement and pushing out of the t-shirt's low cut neck. Katie just stood somewhat dumbfounded as Dawn exhaled enough to loosen the bra for the clasp to be undone.

Neither of them seemed to find words for a few seconds, Dawn's breasts stretching the front of the tee dramatically, her cleavage slowly deepening. Katie opened her mouth to speak and didn't say anything right away, Dawn almost managing to say something first but was cut off, "Fuuuuuuuuck... Yer glowing. 'nd your boobs are huge." She slurred a little and reached for Dawn's wrist, running her fingers over a softly glowing rosette. "That's fuckin' cool." She looked the snow leopardess in the eyes and her own widened considerably. "Your eyes too!" She let go of Dawn's wrist and stepped back, not quite sure what was going on.

Dawn cringed a bit after each comment, turning to glance in the mirror, her eyes were indeed glowing, intensely. Her shirt was starting to reach its limit, the fabric having gone a little sheer and her nipples were showing through a little. She was trying to find the words to explain to poor Katie when she felt the warmth returning, this time even quicker, and she was unable to fight wave of arousal that came with it. Her spots all shone more intensely now, their colour bathing the room in a blue glow as she pulled her shirt off, exposing her bigger boobs to the air. "Dawn... What the fuck are y'doing?" Katie muttered just before Dawn reached out and grabbed the back of her head, leaning down to pull the smaller wolfess into a deep kiss.

The kiss lasted for two or three seconds before Katie forcefully pulled away, "Mmmm..." Dawn purred, "Katie, c'mon... That was nice." Dawn mumbled, seemingly only half aware of what she was doing and stepping forward while Katie stumbled back until her back hit the door.

Katie didn't feel like herself, that kiss was amazing, it had taken all of her will to pull away, and even now she wanted to give in to it. "B-but Dawn, why are yo-mmmf!" Dawn cut her off with another kiss, one of her paws cupping the back of Katie's neck, the other splayed over her lower back, running her fingers through the young wolfess's fur. She purred into the kiss as Katie quickly gave up, Dawn's spots flared again and Katie moaned quietly, suddenly feeling really turned on, as her arms wrapped around Dawn's neck and she pressed their breasts together. Dawn's paw accidentally hit the switch in the bathroom, cutting the lights and leaving the room to be lit only by the glow coming from her spots, as she pulled Katie back from the door. Dawn broke away for a moment and sat down on the covered toilet, Katie automatically climbed into her lap and dove in for another kiss. Both of the wolfess's paws grabbed at Dawn's exposed breasts, leaving the leopardess to breathe a little heavier until Katie's thumbs brushed over her hard nipples. Dawn moaned into Katie's mouth and stiffened immediately when Katie pinched them gently, seeing the reaction from the moaning cat underneath her she continued to knead and pinch at the heavy breasts in her hands. Growling quietly Dawn grabbed at Katie's shirt, tugging it off, the curvy wolf wearing a lacy black bra over her gray fur which she quickly removed herself. Their exposed breasts pressed together as Dawn pulled Katie in close, her paws ran down the wolfess's back and over her skirt, squeezing her soft butt through the fabric and drawing a quiet bark of surprise from her. Almost immediately after breaking away, Katie draped her arms over Dawn's shoulders and leaned forward to kiss her passionately again.

Everything felt so good to the glowing snow leopardess, kissing the other girl, the feel of her breasts against hers, just touching her felt incredible. She felt so turned on and she knew they shouldn't be doing this, she'd never had feelings for Katie before, she still wasn't sure she did NOW, but god it felt so good. She brought her paws under Katie's skirt, squeezing her thighs, one paw reaching between the wolfess's legs and pressing gently. The gasp from Katie as she broke the kiss was delightful, she slid her fingers inside the other girl's panties, the tips of her fingers finding her clitoris almost immediately and rubbing over it. Katie moaned out loudly and buried her muzzle into Dawn's cleavage to muffle it, lightly humping down against the larger cat's fingers. Dawn smiled and nibbled at the base of her friend's ear while the wolfess squirmed in her lap, sliding her paws up and into Dawn's hair, gently gripping the base of her neck and squeezing with every moan. They continued like this for a few more minutes until Katie went rigid and let out one long moan, riding out her orgasm on Dawn's fingers with her face pressed against the snow leopardess's breasts. Dawn purred happily and hugged Katie close as she caught her breath. "Wow..." The wolfess muttered "What brought that on? I mean, I'm not complaining, I'm just confused is all."

Dawn shook her head, her arousal had disappeared shortly after Katie had orgasmed in her lap. Everything that had happened suddenly hitting her and now she felt very flustered "I uuuh... I don't know." She noticed the room was slowly getting darker, her spots and eyes losing their glow, "Hey, ah... Katie? You might want to turn on the light."

As she stood unsteadily and hit the light, Katie readjusted herself and grabbed her bra, pulling it back on followed by her shirt. "I didn't know you liked girls Dawn." She looked over at the snow leopardess, "And what's with those hmmm? And the glowing!" She motioned at the heavy orbs sitting atop Dawn's chest and the spots that were still blue but not glowing.

"I don't! I didn't! I still don't, I think." Dawn was almost tripping over her own words and she looked down at her breasts which were now starting to slowly shrink. "And I don't fuckin know." She looked up and saw Katie looking in the mirror, "See? Look now!" She motioned at her boobs, which within the minute had reached their original size and her spots had returned to their usual gray and black.

Katie shook her head and covered her eyes. "I don't... I can't." A moment passed with only the music from the club thumping through the walls to fill the space. "Fuckin hell."

She looked like she was about to leave and Dawn panicked, "Please don't tell anyone Katie! Please! I don't know what the hell is happening to me ok? Let me figure that out first before you tell anyone alright?"

Katie nodded and smiled, "I'll keep it between us." She blushed and took hold of the door handle, "And if you think that whatever just happened is going to happen again, you give me a call. I'll come over as quick as I can to... Help you figure it out." She winked and opened the door a crack and slipped out.

Dawn went as red as can be and quickly stood up to lock the door behind her friend. "Oh my god, I can't believe that happened. And she just..." Dawn sighed, tonight was supposed to make things easier, not more complicated. Growling in frustration she picked up her bra and slightly stretched shirt and pulled them on. She readjusted her hair and took a deep breath before going back out into the club, walking straight to the bar, ordering another screwdriver and went right to the table they had been using along the wall to think. While she sat and sipped at her drink sulkily Merik hopped up into the chair across from her. "You look like you're enjoying yourself sour-puss."

She glanced at him and shrugged, finishing her drink in one long slurp. Turning to face him over the table and propping her head up on her elbows, "Maybe I am, maybe this is what I look like when I'm having fun." She stuck her tongue out at him petulantly.

The chinchilla smiled "Yeah I know that look, same as when your tail gets stepped on. Seriously what's up?" He reached over and scratched behind her ears, a sure fire way to help her relax.

Dawn purred quietly and tried to fight back a smile, damn him for ever figuring that trick out. "It's nothing I can talk about right now okay?" He looked a little concerned at that but nodded. "I promise I'll tell you about it when I can." He nodded again and motioned toward the bar. Dawn was already verging on sloppy but she nodded anyway. A pair of drinks later she and the fuzzy little chinchilla were giggling drunkenly over a story Merik was reciting for a slim cheetah girl beside them. Dawn wiped a little tear from her eye and caught her breath letting Merik continue to talk, he knew what he was doing around girls. She glanced over again and shook her head, he was adorable and he knew it, five five and softer than a plushy, he was sometimes mistaken for a girl albeit with no breasts at all, but he never really minded.

Dawn turned away from their conversation for a moment to look out over the floor, hoping to find James, she hadn't seen him basically since she arrived. Spotting him across the room she navigated her way very carefully around the still large dance crowd in the middle of the floor. As she approached him she noticed that the cat from before was just now walking away and James looked fairly disappointed from his body language. She dropped herself into the chair beside him ungracefully, god had she drunk that much? James largely ignored her at first. "Hi there J-Dog." Dawn giggled a little, though she felt bad almost immediately and forced her mind to collect itself. Though her mind managed to collect itself pretty well, her body didn't do the same and her elbow slipped as she attempted to rest it on the arm of the chair. Her drunken reflexes were unable to compensate quickly enough and she bumped James' shoulder with a quiet "Meep!"

James flicked his shoulder rather quickly, sending her bouncing back against the chair, the back of her head contacting with the wall only a little, but enough to thoroughly jar her already addled senses. The Rottweiler realized what he'd done almost immediately and turned apologetically to her, "Oh my god Dawn I'm so sorry! Shit, I didn't mean-"

Dawn growled "Fuck you James... Ugh..." She held the back of her head and leaned down a bit, her eyes were rolling, even closed. "Fuuuuuck that hurt... Fuck you." Her vocabulary was never one to impress while drunk and she stood as soon as she could, fully intending to rejoin Merik and leave the dog to wallow alone.

James reached out and gently took her wrist, she stopped and glared back at him. "I am really sorry... I didn't... I shouldn't have done that."

He looked so sad and she did know he hadn't meant to hurt her. She turned to face him, crossing her arms and lifting an eyebrow as she looked down at him. "Fine, you get to walk me home then." He didn't look thrilled at the prospect, seeing as her apartment building was a half dozen blocks further from the club than his rented house. She smiled, "And I promise I'll listen to your sob story and you can vent all you like." He laughed at that and stood, giving her a quick hug.

"Fine, show me where Merik is, I spoke to him once earlier but I want to say goodbye." Dawn pointed to the bar where he and the cheetah were laughing together, both looking just as intoxicated as she was. James promised he'd meet her at the base of the stairs in a minute or so but she shook her head, saying she'd meet him there in a few. He nodded and disappeared around the crowd while Dawn ran to the washroom.

Five minutes later they were both out of the club and onto the street, it was almost 2 in the morning and Dawn was starting to sober up, slowly. True to her word she listened sympathetically to James tell her about the girl he'd been dancing with all night. The fun part of the night, she had thought he was pretty cool to talk to on top of being attractive, so she'd stuck around to dance with him. The unfun part of the night, she already had a boyfriend, he was just out of town and she went out to dance, with her friends' encouragement. Dawn shook her head, though that was a mistake and she had to stop for a moment to recollect her balance. "Stupid grrrrl..." That hadn't happened in a while! She had growled her R. James caught himself from laughing but it came out as a loud 'Snrrrk'. She turned and mock glared at him. "Not funny."

He chuckled and shoved his hands in his jean pockets. "I haven't heard you do that in years, too much to drink tonight, Spots?" She sighed and nodded, covering her face. "You're gonna regret this in the morning." She nodded a second time. "You'll swear on your life you won't ever do it again." She nodded a third time and laughed a bit, her paws dropping to her sides. He laughed with her. They both knew the cycle, it happened every year or so, Dawn would get too drunk for some reason or another and then promise never to do it again, only to break it within the next year, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. Not that she was an alcoholic, but she was also not very good at restraining herself on the occasions when she did drink.

Dawn smiled, enjoying the walk, though it was slow with her unsteady legs she could feel the cool night air was helping to clear her head. James started to ramble on about an essay he had to finish for his philosophy class the next week. She knew it always took people off guard, but he was a philosophy major, loved it too, though she only understood a tenth of whatever he said on the subject to her. She let him continue, listening to as much as she could, until her foot slipped off the curb when the sidewalk suddenly indented for a storm drain. She almost went down sideways when she felt James firmly catch her upper arm and haul her back up, though this didn't help her balance much as she overcompensated, ending up face first against his chest. He smiled and let go of her arm, "You really need to work on holding your liquor." She nodded but didn't really move from where she was, enjoying being close to him for a moment. "I got a secrrrret for you."

She smiled as he lifted an eyebrow at her. "Oh? Whats that?"

Right that moment the heat sprung up inside her again, a steady pulse filling her limbs. She stood back quickly, her thoughts racing. No, no no no! Not again! Not here! Not with him! She fought back against the thoughts creeping into her mind, willing them to back down. "Guh..." She covered her face and doubled over, kneeling and resting on her ankles. She groaned quietly, she could feel the warmth pushing her to grab him and kiss him, to press herself against him, to take him and fuck him. She fought back at those thoughts as best she could, the heat inside her not yet taking control.

James meanwhile was panicking a little, she had nearly fallen and when he'd pulled her back she'd fallen onto him, he didn't think he'd hurt her. He figured she was just feeling really sick from the alcohol but this didn't seem like a usual pre-puke sick. "Dawn, you alright?" She shook her head but didn't say anything. He touched her side gently and he almost thought he heard her purr when she flinched away from his paw. "Woah, what's wrong?"

She groaned , "Nothing...! Noth- Hnnn..!" She gasped again quietly, which he assumed was from pain, a stomach cramp maybe? She sounded like she was trying really hard not to throw up.

"Just throw up if you need to, you'll feel better." She shook her head again and he sighed. "Can you walk?" She shook her head once again and he frowned, "Well shit. Alright, let's go. We're going to my place, it's like, four minutes away, we're still twenty minutes from your building." He leaned down and slid his arm around her back and one under her knees and lifted her up, carrying her down the street.

She continued to fight against the warmth flooding her body as he carried her. Just being pressed against his chest was enough to tip the scale though, her will to fight the thoughts invading her mind eroding quickly. They were only a few houses from his place when she finally dropped her paws from her face, letting her head rest against his shoulder and leaning forward to nuzzle his neck lightly, purring. Her eyes had begun to glow gently, and her rosettes were starting to shift colours.

James nearly jumped out of his skin as he felt her touch his neck. "You okay now...?" He stopped at the base of the steps to his house and put her down, seeing her steady herself fairly quickly.

Dawn smiled a little and nodded. She still felt in control of herself, but not entirely... Still, she knew what she was doing, and she knew how she was doing it now. She wanted him, god did she ever, and she would get him. Her arousal was building inside her so quickly she could barely keep it together, but because she wasn't willing to give in fully, she couldn't just push it onto him like she had Katie. Her rosettes flared a little tiny bit, glowing softly to match her eyes, and she felt that intense heat focus on her chest again. "Yeah... Better, but not entirely. Mind if I come in for a bit?" She smiled inwardly, she knew he'd let her in, and sure enough he agreed, opening the door for her. She stepped inside with him following her and locking the door. He had no roommate, everyone knew that, that's why all the parties were held at his place.

She heard a sharp intake of breath behind her. "Woah Dawn... What the fuck is up with your spots?" She turned and smiled, her eyes illuminating him in a very soft shade of blue. "What the he- Your eyes!"

She grinned widely, feeling very predatory at the moment, "That was the secret I was going to tell you James." He looked up confused, "When we were walking, they've started doing this the last few days." She started casually closing the distance between them. It was becoming unbearable, she NEEDED him now!

James strode into the kitchen, his eyes wide with what she only could guess was surprise. "I thought you were sick! You... You sure you're okay?" She nodded and leaned against his counter, he crossed both his hands over his head and blew out a long breath, "God that's a relief." He paused and glanced back at her, the light in the kitchen not yet turned on showed her blue spots glowing gently. "That's not normal Dawn..."

She grinned in a very Cheshire cat way, "Does it matter?" She moved toward him and finally let some of the warmth have its way, her spots glowing a little more intensely and her breasts pressing against her bra, the straps digging in a little but she ignored it, he couldn't see it in this light. "I'm fine see? Cool eh?" She offered him her arm to examine. He leaned forward and took her wrist gently, at that moment she let her spots flare up and her eyes flashed for a moment. James tilted his head at her, blinking a little as he felt... Turned on. He shook his head and stepped back, Dawn following him, placing a paw on his chest. "What's wrong James?"

He looked down at her, she had gotten very close, looking up at him with concern on her face. "N-Nothing... Just, got dizzy for a second." He stepped back again to create some space. "That's a really sweet trick Dawn."

Oh no you don't...! Dawn stepped forward again and pressed her now larger and still growing breasts against his chest. She was almost ready to let the heat have its way entirely but she wanted control this time! "It is pretty cool... Want to see if it comes off puppy?" She tilted her head down and nipped very lightly at the base of his neck. James stiffened against her, in more ways than one, and she grinned triumphantly. Gotcha.