The Diary of Brian Ferrey (Ch1)

Story by Uldar on SoFurry

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#2 of Diary of Brian Ferrey

Brian and Kenneth get to know each other a little more.

Please comment, im eager to learn form my mistakes ^.-.^

I hope you all enjoy this one.



Brian woke up the next morning to his radio alarm buzzing the sound of some indie band. He groaned and casually hit the alarm. It crackled and fell silent. Resting his head back into his pillow he almost began to fall asleep. He remembered about Kenneth. His eyes shot open, remembering the plans for the day. The Dragon was indeed in search of a roommate and agreed to move in with him. Yesterday they were at the coffee shop talking about music and it was clear that the Dragon was fascinated with what Brian had to say. He even moved close to him on the park bench while they were having coffee. Sure it was the beginning of winter and it was starting to get cold, but Kenneth was close to a person he had only met for a few minutes. Brian liked him, allot. Deep inside him, he knew that he considered the dragon a bit of a hunk. But he refused to tell himself that, perhaps for fear of false hope or because of his recent experiences with the family. He was glad the Dragon agreed to move in with him. The chance to be with somebody new was something he needed.

He got out of bed and took a warm shower before fussing around with his fur in front of the mirror for about a minute. Something he never did. He could never care about how he looked, until today. He caught himself for a moment, "what am I doing?"

He made his way to his bedroom and for the first time considered what he was going to wear today. His favorite a day to remember band shirt signed along with a jacket instead of the hoody he wore every day. He put on a clean pair of jeans and shoes along with cologne. Laughing at him-self as he patted the citrus fragrance on his neck "What the fuck am I doing?"

Last night he cleaned up the entire apartment. What was this Dragons presence doing to him? He never changed his ways for any of his other friends or potential mates. Regardless, he was exited to meet his new friend again. After the lesson he will find Kenneth and they would then meet his friends. Kenneth said he was a new student; which was why Brian had never seen him before. The dragon was eager to make new friends and Brian considered this to be a good opportunity.

He quickly made his way to his English lecture. Crowds of people were pushing into the narrow doorway into the large theater where their lecturer, a Bear, was impatiently waiting for them. Brian turned up into the row of seats at the very back of the theater and sat down. Nobody else sat in that same row, which was what he wanted. The lecture began as Brian took out his book and began paging through it. A figure moved up to him and shuffled their way into the seat beside him. He looked up irritably to see who would be disturbing him during the lecture this time around.

Kenneth and Brian's muzzles almost touched. The wolf gaped. The dragon looked at him and chuckled, "Should I move?"

"Kenneth!" Brian choked "No, please sit" he caught himself "I mean..."

The dragon nodded with a pleasant smile "You don't like company I see?"

"Only a select few" Brian shrugged.

The dragon nodded again and turned to listen to the lecture. Brian observed and whispered "Where's your notebook?"

The dragon whispered back "I keep it all in my head, so I need to listen"

Brian nodded "I'll just shut up then"

The dragon giggled softly and nudged Brian on the shoulder in agreement before turning to listen. "You look nice today" Kenneth whispered.

Brian nearly blushed "Thanks"

After the lecture the two of them moved out towards the Café to which Brian asked "I never asked about your subjects... are you majoring in English too?"

Kenneth nodded "And Music"

"That's cool"

The dragon laughed "So we're going to meet your friends?"

Brian nodded and led on, now too shy to start another topic of conversation. The dragon then said "Afterwards I'd like to move in if that's not a problem; my truck is on the main campus road"

"It's parked very close to the apartment, it's not a problem at all" he said it with a smile and light voice.

The dragon returned the smile.

The first bench they saw as they turned the corner into the quad that served as the outside patio for the Café was a loud and familiar noise to Brian. All his friends were sitting at it carrying on like the wild college students they were.

They all fell silent when the two of them approached. A male orca looked up and yelled "Brian!"

The others responded likewise. Brian gave them a moment to settle before he said "Guys, this is my roommate Kenneth Simon. He's an English graduate and new to campus"

They all greeted him warmly; Brian introduced the Orca as Glen Adamson, the Tigress as Laura Beckons and the brother wolves as Ben and Sammy Belen"

They sat at the table and exchanged pleasantries for ten minutes before Brian had decided that Kenneth had had enough exposure.

"Should we go and get you settled?" he asked the dragon.

Kenneth nodded and said "Sorry 'Brian's friends', but we need to go, it's been good meeting you all"

They all agreed as the two of them left for the main campus road only a block down. Kenneth noted that Brian's friends were a good group. After a brief moment of silence the dragon asked "Can I ask you something?"

Brian's ears pricked up "Yes..."

The dragon faltered a second before asking "What are you interested in"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... what kind of people have you been with? Girls or... guys?"

Brian's heart fluttered for a second. What should he say? Was the dragon going to ask him out or was he just talking? Should he tell the truth?

"I have dated both" he replied with a little chuckle he hoped would disguise his growing embarrassment on the unusual topic. Sexual orientations always made him uncomfortable. It was like telling people that he liked something inside of him from time to time.

The dragon looked surprised "Oh! You don't look like the Bi type, more like one for the girls"

Brian blushed, Kenneth noticed and laughed "If it makes you feel better, I am the same"

The wolf could only nod, convinced the red flush would show through his fur. Kenneth nudged him on the shoulder "You're quite shy for a hot wolf"

This didn't help Brian's cause. If he spoke now, nothing sensible would come out. He was thankful for the moment when he finally could say "Here's the apartment, we live on the third floor"

He led the way up and showed Kenneth to the door. He pulled out two keys and handed one to Kenneth "This is yours now"

The dragon took it with a wink; now obviously teasing the still embarrassed wolf.

They made their way inside. Brian showed the dragon to the large lounge and patio door with the three rooms on the left and the bathroom on the right beside the open planned kitchen. The sun was beaming in, making it warm and giving off the pleasant smell of the wooden floors.

"This is lovely" Kenneth said as he paced the room, looking at the bedrooms he concluded that the centre one would be his since it was empty.

"That would be your room if that's okay"

"It's perfect, thanks" Kenneth replied. He moved up to the wolf with an expecting gaze. Both of them were standing in the middle of the lounge.

Brian shrugged and turned his head to the door "we should get your car up to the parking lot so..." before he could finish the dragon had moved in and met his muzzle with Brian's. His wings flared with a leathery rustle as he gave the wolf a quick but strong kiss before he took a step back. The dragon's musky smell filled Brian's nostrils for a brief moment. Despite the shock, he almost melted inside. The dragon was hot and had just moved in on him, why did he pull away?

Kenneth's eyes widened "I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me!"

The scent left Brian, leaving him yearning and horny. Before he could control himself, he moved in and kissed the dragon passionately who responded with likewise vigour.

The two of them remained standing. The dragon's claws moving from Brian's back down to his thighs. The wolf could feel the dragon pull closer, his crotch just above his own, beginning to grow. Brian could only muster a soft whimper as the dragon squeezed him in. His claws lifted Brian's jacket and shirt, reaching into his jeans and underneath his undies. The wolfs head buzzed with the warm touch and sharp claws tickling his rear cheeks along with the hot musky scent that hung on the dragon.

Their lips parted, the dragon's surprisingly long tong invaded the inside of Brian's maw as they continued to kiss each other vigorously. He whimpered again when the dragon's right claw moved round and groped his balls and began to massage his shaft from it's sheath. That was all Kenneth needed to push down onto the large couch, his claws pulled at Brian's jacket and t-shirt, soon getting it off of him. Brian mustered the courage to get his paws under the dragon's shirt and up the smooth scales; exploring the rippling muscles underneath. Once he took the dragon's shirt off and over the wings, he began working on the belt buckle. His heart began to race frantically, his hands shaking and fumbling with Kenneth's jeans. The dragon never stopped kissing as his claws went over Brian's paws as they both began to undo the buckle and pull his jeans off. Brian gaped at the dragon's length as it came free from its tight confines, springing out and softly slapping him on the stomach. It was a purple monster almost thirteen inches in length. Kenneth pulled away from their kiss and moved down towards Brian's crotch. The wolf could do nothing buy lie on the couch and pant with uncontrollable ecstasy and excitement as the dragon loomed over him. Brian gave a groan of pleasure when the dragon licked him from his chest to the edge of his jeans. He wriggled with delight as the dragon pulled the jeans down with his teeth. Brian's eight inch penis lay throbbing from its sheath. Once they were both naked on the couch, the dragon proceeded to lick Brian from his balls up the shaft to the head of his penis. The tip of his tong lapped up the pre-cum and Brian could feel the dragon's hot breath tickle his groin. Brian groaned and twitched as Kenneth took his penis into his maw, his long tong swirling round the throbbing pink shaft and down to the knot that began to form.

Brian mustered breathlessly "stop, you're going to make me cum"

Kenneth complied. Leaving the wolfs penis, he stood from the couch and grabbed Brian by the legs. He pulled him closer to the edge and lifted the wolfs legs up, revealing his tail-hole.

Brian's eyes met the dragons, now burning with passion and desire. His back arched as he felt the tip of the thirteen inch cock press up against him. The pre-cum the dragon had produced was more than enough lube to get the head of his shaft in. Brian moaned, already the girth was getting a bit large. Kenneth slowed only slightly as he continued to push his cock deeper into Brian. He could feel the dragon's member getting wider and deeper. He groaned with the slight discomfort when the dragon reached midway. Kenneth stopped and leaned down to Brian's maw, giving him another kiss "are you all right?" he asked gently.

Brian panted a soft yes. The dragon kissed him again, more passionately as he continued to push deeper into the wolf until he finally reached the base. Brian's balls pressed against Kenneth's lower belly as the two of them continued to kiss. Brian took a deep breath of the intoxicating scent, nothing would ever be so addictive for him as the smell of the Dragon above him.

Brian began panting heavily when Kenneth gave a short thrust, his balls slapping gently against Brian's cheeks. Another thrust made Brian arch his back in complete bliss, the two of them kissed more vigorously and passionately between moans of pleasure.

Soon, Kenneth was thrusting will full force as his cock plunged deep into Brian. The wolf could only moan and whimper, his cock throbbing as the dragon continued with rising vigour. Soon the two of them were panting heavily and almost crying out. Kenneth's balls slapping hard against Brian's ass making him clench every now and then. The dragon flared his wings and growled a deep groan as he finally reached his climax. Brian's insides flushed with warm semen. He could feel the dragon's balls clench and his cock jerk violently within him. It was enough to set him off into a wild orgasm leaving him covered in his own seed that blew across his chest. Kenneth dropped his heavy weight on Brian the moment he pulled himself from the wolf. Both lay panting for a good minute before the dragon moved down on Brian and began sucking on his sensitive member, making him twitch and yelp. Once the wolf was sucked dry they lay beside each other on the couch recovering from their ordeal.

Soon after, Brian nuzzled against Kenneth who responded by wrapping his one free wing over the both of them into a little cocoon.

Brian felt warm inside, for once the lonely and uncomfortable from his past problems were no longer a problem. "I'm glad you decided to move in with me" he whispered.

Kenneth laughed softly "So am I"