The Nocturnal Guest

Story by Macabre Dragon on SoFurry

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Nothing much to say for this one except m/f human and werewolf sex ahead.

I really tired to create a haunting atmosphere, at least up to a certain point to mimic what you would find in a typical horror story.

All of that goes out the window eventually but it was fun while it lasted.

I should also mention that there's vore at the very end, which is separated by a line.

Hope you like. Comments and critique are very much appreciated! =)

The Nocturnal Guest

The lake was completely undisturbed as Don pushed off the shore in his canoe, scattering a few rocks as he jumped into the boat's stern. Settling down and regaining his balance, the man picked up the wooden oar draped across the gunwales and proceeded to dip the paddle into the water at a strong, practiced pace. The surface of the water was smooth as glass and shone brightly in the noonday sun, and it seemed almost a tragedy to disturb the stillness with even the slightest ripple. Dark green forest surrounded the entirety of the lake, which was only about a mile across. Excluding the small cabin on the eastern shore where Don was staying, the lake was completely absent of any man-made residences.

As he slowly paddled his way about twenty meters away from the shore, the only sounds Don could hear were the calm, rustle of leaves as the wind danced through them, and the odd bird that sang a soft tune to accompany the pleasant movement. The sun warmed the boat and its occupant, lightly kissing the man as he stopped paddling to close his eyes and enjoy the refreshing heat. Underneath the boat, the coolness of the water rose up to counter the day's humidity, creating a perfect balance of temperature often reserved for the most perfect of days.

Breathing deep with satisfaction, Don picked up the can of beer he'd brought with him, drained the rest of it, and threw the can into the lake. It bobbled in the water about five feet away from the canoe's hull, adding small ripples in the water to accompany the larger ones coming from the boat. Opening the icebox and taking another can out, Don opened it a let out a loud belch, adding his own music to the melody taking place around him. The intrusive noise caused the birds so stop singing momentarily, pausing for a few moments before beginning their tune once again.

At twenty-four years old, Don was at the prime of his youth. Well toned and muscular, his copious amounts of drinking hadn't quite altered his physicality in any noticeable way; at least, not yet. For clothes, he wore dark blue jeans with a black belt, a white v-neck, and a pair of sandals. He was clean-shaven, had short hair, and a pair of brown eyes that constantly seemed to carry the weight of exhaustion. Over recent years, Don had managed to fall into a pattern of laziness and selfish enjoyment, attending or throwing the odd party or committing to similar unhealthy activities more then anything else. His job was failing, his schooling was suffering, and he was making new, undesirable friends while pushing his old ones away. Perhaps it was simply a stage in his life, or a particular attitude developed after years of giving his all, but at this point, the man only cared for himself.

Self-indulgence became a regular activity for Don, which is also the reasoning behind his appearance at this isolated cabin in the woods. Though he knew of the cabin's whereabouts and visited it often, the place wasn't his own. His uncle had lived in the small cottage until about a month ago, when he suddenly vanished without a trace. Authorities, neighbours and relatives had tried to contact or find him for days without success, and after a month, many assumed that he would never be found.

In light of his uncle's absence, Don had taken it upon himself to throw a small party for a large group of his new friends. Although the property itself was small, the location of the cabin was perfect: there were no neighbours, a ton of firewood, and enough booze in the cellar to fuel a party for hours on end. Him and his uncle had never been close, and when Don had discovered that the cabin would be empty for quite some time, he simply couldn't resist. If his uncle came back, which was doubtful, he could simply feign ignorance of the whole idea. The local town, Pinefort, was only an hours drive away, and full of people his age who knew about this place. He could blame the mess on them.

Taking another large drink of his beverage, Don kicked his legs up on the seat across from him, lying down to rest his head against the side of the boat. It wasn't an overly comfortable position, but it was easier than sitting up, and that's all that he cared about. His friends weren't due to arrive until late that night, and although he came up early to prepare for their arrival, he figured a few hours relaxing in the middle of the lake would do no harm. Settling down, Don let the pleasing heat of the sun and the small rocking motions of the boat calm himself down. Forgetting all his troubles, it wasn't long until his daydream's lulled him into a light sleep.


A few hours later, Don slowly began to open his eyes. Though it was still bright outside, the sun had moved across the sky by a good few inches, and now hovered directly above the tree line, barely touching the tips of the evergreens surrounding the lake. He'd managed to finish off a few more beers during his time in the boat, and like the first, three more cans now collected on the lake's surface a short distance from the boat, lightly reflecting the sun with their shiny, aluminium exteriors.

Blinking a few times so that his vision adjusted to the light, Don took a quick look at his watch. Seeing that it was late in the day, Don let out a sigh and stretched, hoping to ease some of the stiffness he felt in lying awkwardly across the bottom of the canoe for so long. In stretching however, he forgot the half-drunk beer that was still clutched in his hand. Grimacing and turning his hand sideways, Don accidentally upturned the remainder of his beer into the bottom of the boat, spilling some against the side while most of it splashed towards him, dampening his white shirt.

With a curse, Don jolted upright, keeping the beer upright as best he could. As he quickly sat up, the force of his momentum caused the boat to begin a slow rocking motion, moving up and down and causing small ripples. Though the sideways motion of the canoe was small, in jolting upright, Don found himself unprepared for his sudden change in position. He wasn't drunk yet but any means, but his balance was anything but perfect after the amount of alcohol he drunk. Trying clumsily to correct himself, Don dropped the beer and gripped the seat under him, leaning over to the side in an attempt to counter the rocking motion of the boat. In his addled state however, his movement was incorrectly timed, and the strength of his body caused the boat to tip even further over to the side. The boat didn't flip over, but when Don was leaning to the right about as far as he could go, his left hand gripping the seat slipped, and with another loud curse, he flopped over the side and into the lake.

Having been warmed in the sun for the past few hours, the frigidness of the water surprised Don as he plunged beneath the surface. Accidentally swallowing a bit of water in his shock, he righted himself and pushed for the surface, panicking as he struggled to bring himself back up. As he broke the surface of the water, his head hit the bottom of the canoe, cause Don to flinch in sudden pain and let out another loud curse. Using one hand to grip the side of the canoe and the other to rub at the pain that arched through his head, Don gritted his teeth and began seething under his breath.

He was interrupted from his rage however, when he heard a low, doggish giggle come from the shore of the lake.

Keeping his hand on the boat and turning his head in surprise, Don scanned the foliage closest to him, looking for the source of the sound. Focusing on the dense brush, Don felt his breathing pick up and his heart beat heavier in his chest. He knew he was alone out here, there was nobody else for miles, yet there was no mistaking alien chuckle that reached his ears.

"Hello!?" Don called out, still watching the trees from in the water. "Duke? Heather? Are you guys early for the party? If you are, come out! This isn't fucking funny!"

Don's voice echoed around the empty lake as he shouted, and when it faded, only complete silence greeted him. Thinking that it must've been his imagination, Don shook his head and turned back to the boat, putting both of his hands on the side. Though he tried his best to pull himself up, all Don succeeded in doing was pulling the canoe down towards the water. Though he was slightly tipsy, Don knew that if he tried to get back into the boat from the water, he would probably just end up tipping the damn thing over.

Giving a low curse once again, Don turned and began swimming for the shore, pulling the boat with him as he did. Though solid ground was only twenty or so feet away, pulling the boat in his addled state made the swim a lot harder, and it was about five minutes before Don finally reached the edge of the lake. Pulling the boat up onto the rocks beside him, he turned and took one last look into the tress behind him.

The sun had begun to go down behind the trees, casting the interior of the woods in a darkening haze. Squinting, Don did his best to see if anyone was in there, but as far as he could tell, he was still alone. The birds had stopped their pleasant chirping, and now only the wind blew through the lifeless trees, emitting a haunting cadence that sent shivers down his spine. There was something about the woods he didn't like anymore, and it felt like someone was watching him.

Shaking his head at his own skittishness, Don picked up his remaining beers from the canoe and made his way towards the cabin. It would only be about four more hours or so before his friends would start arriving, so he would just have to stop being a pansy until then. Still, it wouldn't hurt to simply spend the rest of the evening inside, away from the creepy woods.

Stepping up onto the porch and reaching the wooden cabin doors, Don took one last look at the woods around him before lifting the latch and heading inside.


Maira stared intently as the human slowly walked up the stairs to the cabin, turning his head to try and pointlessly spot her again. Crouching low in the bushes, the natural camouflage of her fur made her extremely difficult to spot, and practically impossible for the weak eyes of a human. Being a werewolf, Maira knew that her appearance would startle him, and it would be better if she remained undetected for now. Standing at about six feet tall, Maira's fur was a tawny brown mixed with patches of dark red. She had a long, pointed muzzle with sharp, milky white teeth and a jet black nose. Her long, bushy tail ended in a white tip, and stood completely still as she regarded the human, her long ears pointed forward in attention. Though she really wanted to meet this human, Maira wanted to wait until night. She knew that her appearance at night would most likely startle the human even more, but she also knew that the moon would be out, making the encounter all the more perfect.

This particular human, Maira noticed, seemed to be more clumsy then any of the other ones. Allowing herself to laugh when the man had fallen out of his boat had been a mistake, but he'd been too disoriented to even notice. Even walking up the steps to the porch seemed hard for this human, as he stumbled on the final step before quickly correcting himself.

Moving silently, Maira moved through the brush to get a closer look, darting around a tree and coming to a stop about ten feet from the front door. The human didn't stay on the porch for very long, but Maira managed to get one close look before he turned around and went inside. True, the human was clumsy, but he was pretty handsome as well. He was young, fit, and right in the middle of his sexual prime.

Yes, Maria thought. This one will be perfect.

Ever since she discovered humans for the first time, Maira had developed a powerful fascination with the creatures. Though her father wanted her to mate with one of her own kind, whenever the season rolled around, Maira would search for the first, isolated human settlement she could find. The first time she tried it, the experience had been one of the most rewarding sexual encounters of her life. It is true that she was a different species, but Maira found that with the right approach, almost all human males eventually succumbed to her natural beauty. Getting past their defences or their doubts was always hard, but once she got close enough, their instincts would always take over. The real challenge was getting away from her father. Being the alpha of the pack, her father was both extremely large and frighteningly good at following her whenever she went on one of her little adventures. Though she was sure she covered her tracks well this time, there was always the risk of her dad interrupting her little adventures, sometimes right in the middle of the sex, which only made him angrier.

Maira knew that she would have to mate with one of her own eventually, but that's what her father wanted, and she wasn't a child anymore. It had been over three years since she reached adulthood, and she always found herself at odds with him and his incessant need for control. Even if he didn't approve of everything she did, Maria believed she could make her own decisions. Though she promised her father that she wouldn't try again, the last one had been so... satisfying that she simply couldn't get the smooth-skinned creatures out of her mind. She was here for her own reasons, and Maira didn't care if her father understood or not. Her decision to mate with a human wasn't to spite her father, it was pure instincts, and as long as Maira felt the need, she would keep using them to fulfill her desires.

Closing her eyes, Maira gave a low growl of lust, picturing the man she had watched in her head. Her entire body quivered in anticipation at the promise of another human to help satisfy her needs. Letting her right paw fall down to the cleft in-between her legs, she left out a small purring noise as she lightly tickled herself with her pointed claws. She didn't know how long she could wait, but it would have to be a little bit longer.

Soon, she promised herself, before standing up and vanishing into the trees.


About three hours later, Don found himself pacing back and forth across the interior of the cabin, wondering what to do with himself. It would be about another hour before his friend said they would start arriving, and yet the time was passing as if it were a snail making its way through a puddle of molasses.

His uncle had to have been the most boring person Don had ever known. After drying himself from his involuntary swim in the lake, Don had spent half an hour dragging the kitchen chairs outside to the campfire, getting a few pieces of firewood ready, and checking the alcohol in the fridge before opening another can for himself and sitting down in the arm chair by the fireplace. If his friends wanted anything else while they were here, they'd have to do it themselves.

The interior of the cabin consisted of a mere four, small rooms: a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom, and a bathroom. Dark brown, wooden panels consisted of most of the flooring and walls, with the odd, tacky carpet covering a small area in the middle of each room. Family pictures and simple oil paintings decorated the walls, along with a few plaques or trophies commemorating the uncle's prowess at fishing. There was a large fireplace in the corner of the living room, and a fairly large window next to it, looking out at the lake. The cabin as a whole emanated a sort of rustic feeling, and contained a sense of history associated only with places of great age.

Don continued to lounge on the chair next the fireplace, drinking his newly opened beer. Looking around at the cabin's features, his opinion of his late uncle only worsened. Unable to understand how his uncle could've gotten by without a television or a computer, Don continued to sit there, shaking his head at the complete lack of modern entertainment.

"No wonder I never really knew him," Don mumbled, smiling to himself, "dude probably didn't even own a cell phone."

Taking a glance outside the window, Don noticed that night had fallen over the lake and the surrounding woods, cloaking them in darkness. Stars and a bright, full moon shone in the cloudless sky, casting a pale reflection on the still waters and lending the motionless trees a ghostly appearance. Though Don would never admit it, the pallid scenery made him uneasy, and he began to imagine that horrible creatures were lurking just outside his window, staring at him from the inky blackness. Once again, just like when he heard that low chuckle out on the lake, he felt himself being watched, and a shiver ran down his back. Cursing his imagination and shifting in the chair so that he looked the other way, Don tried to focus his attention elsewhere, but without something to do, it was rather difficult. How could his uncle STAND this boredom?

Thinking he could distract himself with some food, Don was about to stand up and head into the kitchen when a sharp couple of knocks banged against the front door, causing him to jump and spill some of his drink. Angry at being scared so easily, Don put his beer down heavily onto the nearest table, slamming it down and making a large noise before sauntering his way over to the door.

"Who is it? Are you guys here?" Don asked as he approached, stopping as he reached the door to undo the latch and take a peak outside. When he didn't see anybody, Don pulled open the door and stepped out onto the porch, craning his head around and trying to find whoever made the noise.

"Alright, this isn't fucking funny guys," Don said walking to the left side of the porch, "if you don't come out right now I'm gonna beat the shit out of you."

When only silence greeted him, Don felt himself feeling uneasy once again. The darkness of the woods pressed in all around him, and his unfamiliarity with the surrounding area made him feel all the more alone and vulnerable to whatever could be watching.

Turning around, Don was just about to head back inside when he noticed something sitting on the pathway leading up to the cabin. Pausing at the doorway to take a closer look, Don felt his panic rising as he realized that the being was a wolf, sitting attentively and staring at him from about ten feet away. The lake was behind the creature, reflecting light onto its furry back and outlining its form with a dim, haunting light. Though it may just have been because of the dark, Don could've sworn there was about the way the wolf was sitting. Not wanting to goad the wolf into attacking him, Don decided that the best course of action was to simply back up into the cabin and close the door, and he was just about to do that when the wolf shifted, moving itself into a standing position.

Don continued to stare, wide-eyed as he realized what had been so abnormal about the wolf's posture. Other then the canine's head, the rest of its body was proportioned as a human's would be. Raising itself up onto two, muscular legs, the wolf looked almost like a human woman, albeit slightly larger and with more fur, claws and a tail. Standing mesmerized in the doorway, Don began to question his sanity as he watched the wolf stand up in front of him. He didn't remember taking any drugs, but maybe his uncle was into that sort of thing and he put it in the beer or something. That had to be it, Don thought, that's how he passed the time in this dull place.

Standing fully upright, the wolf clasped her clawed hand together and shot Don a happy grin, flashing her fearsome teeth. "Hello there, please don't be afraid," she said, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

With a shout of fright, Don backed up into the cabin and slammed the door shut, pulling the latch over and retreating into the kitchen to try and find some sort of weapon. The closest object on hand was an iron spatula, and though it wasn't his first choice, Don quickly grabbed it and turned back to the door, his eyes wide with fright.

Outside on the path, Maira sighed, letting her shoulders slump down. It never was easy gaining their trust at first. Perhaps she shouldn't have shown the man her teeth. Humans were easily startled by such things. By now, the human was probably scared out of his wits, and it was probably a bad idea to approach the door, especially if he had a gun. Staying where she was, Maira called out to the human, trying to keep her voice calm and sweet. "I'm sorry if I frightened you, please come back out. I promise to stay exactly where I am."

Don heard the she-wolf's call and stepped backward with a whimper. It was impossible for such a creature to exist and yet here he was, cowering in the kitchen of his uncle's cabin, hiding from a werewolf. Her voice sounded nice enough, for a monster that is, but Don had no intention of stepping outside for a second. If she wanted to get him, the wolf would have to...come in here? The thought process made Don give a small swallow of dread. Hopefully she would just go away.

Again, the wolf called out to him from the front pathway, "Please come outside, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk."

"Go away!" Don yelled, trying to sound intimidating despite the squeak that entered his tone. "Just....Just get out of here! My friends will be here any second that they'll beat the SHIT out of you!"

Now that would amusing, Maira thought, chuckling to herself; however, she wasn't here to play with a couple humans, she just wanted one, and her patience was wearing thin. "Please come out, I need help, I'm desperate! All you have to do is come out to the porch." For a few moments, there was no response from inside. Maira waiting expectantly, hoping that the silence was a good sign.

After the quiet stretched on for about half a minute, Maira breathed a sigh of relief when the human slowly pushed open the door and walked cautiously onto the porch, brandishing a spatula in one hand and a frying pan in the other. The man jumped as the door slammed shut behind him, causing Maira to giggle unexpectedly. This human sure was a timid one.

Upon hearing the wolf laugh, Don turned back to the creature, his face a mask of understanding. "That sound," Don said, "it was you who was watching me earlier..."

So he did remember, Maira mused, tilting her head and relaxing her pointy ears in an expression of amusement. "Why how nice of you to remember. Yes, it was me and I'm sorry about that. I know how unkind it is to spy on people."

As she spoke, the human began to lower the kitchen utensils in his hands, loosening his grip on them. This was good, Maira thought, he's beginning to trust me, even though the fear is still there.

"So,'re not going to hurt me?"

Remembering to keep her teeth hidden, Maira responded, "yes, I will stay right here for now. I simply wish to talk."

"Right, um, ok,' Don said, lowering his weapons but still gripping them tightly.

As silence stretched between the two, Maira was finally able to get a good view of the human she planned to mate. Though he was uncoordinated and perhaps a little slow, the man was definitely a worthy prize. The man didn't know what she planned yet, but he would soon. Folding her paws behind her back, puffing out her chest and bringing her right leg forward, Maira did her best to look pleasing for him. Though she was sure the display would tempt any from her own species, she knew that attracting the human would be more difficult.

Don couldn't help but stare at the wolf in front of him. He was terrified of her, but those glowing yellow eyes seemed to be staring at him with a desire he couldn't quite place. Also, the canine's tail was wagging, which was either a good sign, or a precursor to something awful. Unable to take the awkward silence any longer, Don said, "So, said you needed help?"

"We'll get to that, don't worry," Maira said with a mysterious grin, 'What's your name?"

Swallowing, Don replied, "Uh, Donovan, but my friends just call me Don."

"Don...well, pleased to meet you," Maira purred, nodding her head. "My name is Maira."

"Maira huh?" Don said, visibly relaxing as their conversation continued. "That's... a good name for"

"A werewolf," Maira finished for him, smiling, this time showing her teeth. She was past trying to play harmless with this human, he should be relaxed enough by now.

"A werewolf, o...good."

Maira couldn't help but giggle again. This human sure had a slow way with words. "Yes, 'good' is one way of putting it; after all, we're getting along quite nicely wouldn't you think?"

"Ya...sure, I suppose," Don said, a confused expression on his face. He was unsure of where this conversation was going, not to mention slightly overwhelmed by the strangeness of the encounter. He was talking to a werewolf, a female one at that, and for some reason he wasn't running. Maira seemed nice enough so far.

"Excellent, that makes me glad," Maira said, "I do enjoy a human's company you know? You're such interesting creatures, and not at all like the boring male wolves I'm forced to live near. With them its always I hunted this, or you have nice fur, or look how awesome I am as I slaughter this deer. Boooring. Is this you're cabin?"

Don shook his head, snapping out of a trance. He'd missed most of what the werewolf had said, choosing instead to stare at Maira's breasts and study the voluptuous curves of her body. Though such a distraction was common for him with human woman, Don realized with a shock that he'd actually been checking a werewolf out. Suddenly understanding what he'd just done, Don's eyes widened in surprise, and rather then responding with an answer, all he could manage was, "Ah...what?"

Maira let out a small growl of pleasure, too quiet for the human to hear. She'd noticed that his eyes had strayed downwards when she was talking and that was good. Very good. Flashing her yellow eyes in the dark, Maira said, 'Is this you're cabin?"

", yes...well, no actually, I'm just borrowing it from my uncle I guess..."

"Ah, I see," Maira said, smoothly walking forwards a few steps. "Where is you're uncle?"

Don stepped backwards as the werewolf stepped towards him. Now standing a little closer to the cabin, Don could more easily see the canine as the front of her body hit the light coming from the deck. Though he originally thought her fur was black, Don noticed that it was actually brown with small patches of dark red. The distinct colors surprised him, even if he wasn't sure what to expect. He thought the patterns made her look, prettier almost, and he nearly forgot why he was scared of her in the first place.

"Well, he's not here right now, I'm looking after the place for him, but my friends will be here any second! So...don't...try anything."

"Hee hee, don't worry, I said I wasn't going to hurt you," Maira stepping a little closer so that she was about ten feet from the porch. She knew that the human would have a hard time seeing her in the dark, and in order for the human to accept her request, she would need to put on a display that would pique his interest.

Running her claws through her fur and down the sides of her body, Maira swung her hips slightly, letting her body move sensuously back and forth. "So, would you're uncle mind if I came inside?"

Looking unsure of himself, Don raised the pan and spatula up to his chest in a defensive position. "No...just, fuck off, I don't know what you are, but you can't come in."

Maira tried not to let her disappointment show, but her ears did droop slightly as the human finished speaking. If she couldn't even gain enough trust to enter the human's den, how much of a hope did she have of mating with him? Perhaps she needed to be a little more blunt.

Putting one of her clawed fingers into her mouth, Maira suckled it softly before pulling it out, softly dragging her hand downwards along her neck and stopping at her breast. "You know how earlier I mentioned that I needed help?" Maira asked, tilting her head and perking her ears back up.

"Um, yes," Don responded, his eyes locked on the canine's form.

"Well," Maira purred, "For a female werewolf such as myself, every so often we find ourselves, overwhelmed with a powerful need to find a mate. The times differ for each of us, but a male can always sense when one of us is in heat. I came to you this night because for me, that time is now, and although I could've chosen any number of males from my own kind, I want you."

As Maira finished speaking, Don froze in place, wondering if he'd heard the werewolf right. There were a few things he thought she might say, but Don never expected to hear THAT. How was this even happening? Don thought. Why does she want me? Isn't she an animal?

As he continued to stare, Maira decided that perhaps she needed to tempt the human further. She'd already caught the human staring at her, yearning for physical contact. Even if Don didn't know it, he was attracted to her, and she was going to make him see. Giving a lustful growl, Maira turned around and bent over, lifting her tail high into the air and presenting Don with her hindquarters. She put her hand on her knees and looked back at him, slowly swinging her rump and smiling at him. Any male from her own species would be on her in a second with such a temptation, so hopefully the view would have a similar effect on the human.

There were no words to describe the mixture of confusion, excitement and arousal that surged through Don as he stared at Maira's submissive posture. Though he may have been unsure of himself before, now he was certain that his attractions to the female wolf were justified. As Maira turned back and smiled at him, he felt a twitch of pleasure run into his loins, and suddenly, Don found himself getting hard. He was suspicious of the werewolf up to this point, but there was no way the creature would take the ruse this far if her intentions weren't genuine. Perhaps this female really did want him, and if that was the case, Don would be the dominant one. The thought made Don smile.

Losing his fear in a haze of sexual longing and confidence, Don dropped the kitchen utensils onto the wooden porch with a loud thump, and began walking towards the hunched over canine. "You know what? I'm sorry for being so scared before, you just startled me that's all.," he said, "You really are quite the sexy bitch."

Bitch? Maira thought, biting back a snarl. For werewolves being called as such was a terrible insult. How did he get so confident all of a sudden? Perhaps the human thought it was a compliment. "Does this mean you accept my invitation?" Maira asked in a low growl.

Stopping only a few feet from the posing werewolf, Don pulled off his shirt and threw it over to the side. The cold night air nipped at his naked chest, causing him to shiver and fold his arms together for warmth. "Ya sure. If that's how easy you werewolves are then sign me up. You look really sexy, even if you aren't a human like me."

Slowly, Maira began to stand up once again, lifting her upper body back to its original position. Then, turning around, the female narrowed her eyes and faced the human in front of her, who once again, seemed to cower under her gaze. The werewolf was about a foot taller then Don, which caused Maira to tilt her head downwards slightly to get a good look at the man's half-naked body. From this close, Maira could finally smell the human's scent, which was a mixture of pleasant, male musk and a tinge of the odd drink she had seen him consuming before. In smelling him, the werewolf could tell that Don was already becoming aroused from her close proximity, which was a clear indication that he was ready for more intimate contact.

Don stood completely still as the large wolf walked up to him, smoothly rolling her hips in a purposeful stride. When she was close, Maira lifted up her paws, putting one on each of the human's bare shoulders, and pulled him close, hugging him against her furry body. Though this wasn't his first time with a woman who wanted him, this was definitely his first time with a female of a different species. That being said, he decided to let the larger creature dictate what was going to happen next, in case he did anything that she would fine unwelcome.

Don let himself be pulled in, and rested his head in the soft fur in-between her breasts. He too, embraced her in kind, wrapping his arms around her torso and inhaling her scent. A bestial odour filled Don's nose as he inhaled, strong, animalistic scent that reminded him of something wild and primal with a small hint of pine from the forest surrounding him. There was also another small, metallic scent that Don couldn't quite place, but when it hit him, he found himself growing in excitement and arousal, and began pushing his waist foreword and grinding himself against Maira's powerful hips.

Maira growled as she felt the human push up against her. The smell of a female werewolf in heat was apparently too much for a male human to handle as well, and Maira could tell that Don wouldn't be able to control himself now. Widening her legs and pulling the human close, Maira tilted her muzzle down and sniffed the top of the human's head, enjoying his smell as the human continued to push himself against her. Though the human was scrawny and small compared to a male werewolf, Maira thought that Don had a fair amount of strength for someone so tiny, and she couldn't help but shake in excitement as she held the human against her. Everything about this night was about to pay off, and she wanted her reward now, more then ever.

Pushing the human away from her, Maira growled lustfully, tripping the human as he backed up with a swift pull of his left leg so that he fell onto his back with a small yell of surprise. Before Don could react, Maira was overtop of him, baring her teeth and flashing her intimidating yellow eyes. Although the werewolf expected the human to cower beneath her once again, Don simply held her gaze, calmly waiting to see what she would do. Holding her stare, Maira snaked her left paw foreword, hooking her claw under the man's leather belt and severing it with a quick, jerking motion of her arm.

Not caring that Maira had just ruined one of his belts, Don reached down with both of his hand and undid the button for his pants, pushing them off of himself as best he could from his position on the ground. Though getting them off was difficult, it wasn't long before Maira let out a playful rumble and crawled backwards, gripping each of the pant legs and tugging on them until the blue jeans were ripped from Don's body, leaving him completely naked on the dirt ground.

Once more, Don felt the night chill wash over his body, tickling his exposed skin and sending goose bumps down his arms and legs. It was pretty rough and dirty on the ground, and Don was going to suggest moving inside, but when he looked over at Maira, the werewolf was staring at him on all fours, panting heavily with a vicious looking lust etched on her canine features. It was enough to make Don shut his mouth, as he doubted anything he said would reach her.

Maira purred as she moved over to Don, crawling slowly over to him until her muzzle was positioned directly over his penis. The human's shaft was only partially erect, which was something she planned on fixing before proceeding.

Don became unsure of himself again as Maira lowered her muzzle towards his junk, baring those dangerous looking fangs once again. "Alright so, hey, watch it, don't...please just..." Though he tried to continue speaking, Don could help but trail off as the werewolf opened her maw and dragged her warm tongue along the underside of his shaft, staring at the base of his balls and working her away up towards the tip before slipping her tongue back inside.

A small amount of pleasure emanated from Don's groin as Maira dragged her wet muscle across his skin, and the human let out a soft gasp. "That was good," Don said, opening his legs a little more, "just watch your teeth alright, they look really sharp."

Maira smiled, purposely lifting her black lips and baring her fangs in a mocking smile. "Don't worry little human," she said, "just relax and I'll take care of everything from here."

Opening her muzzle one more time, Maira lowered her mouth and lightly closed it over Don's member, letting her lips slide back into place so that her teeth were lost from view. Suckling softly, Maira moved her tongue up and down on the bottom of the human's penis, pushing it up against the roof of her mouth. Bobbing her head back and forth, the werewolf purred and lathered as much of her saliva onto the length as she could, using every aspect of her mouth to stimulate the growing organ. Maira welcomed the familiar shape and taste that filled her mouth as she licked and undulated her tongue against Don's member. Small drips of pre-cum began to drip and onto the back of her tongue, causing Maira to pause and swallow with a lustful growl before continuing. Audible gasps and moans of delight came the human as she greedily engulfed him, and although she felt his penis enlarge with every passing second, her narrow, pointed muzzle could easily fit the entire shaft, almost as if the shape of her jaw had been designed for such undertakings. Moving her head faster and increasing the pressure, but still being careful with her teeth, Maira worked her mouth in every pleasurable way she knew, striving to get the human hard as fast as possible so her own needs could be satisfied.

After a few more moments, Maira gently stopped sucking, letting the human's penis rest inside her mouth. Wrapping her black, canine lips around the base, she slowly pulled back, sliding her mouth backwards along the shaft until just the head resided at the front of her mouth. Then, with a flick of her tongue, the werewolf gave the very tip of the penis a few rough, moist licks, causing Don to sharply inhale as the motions tickled his urethra. Seeing that the human was more then ready, Maira gave the head one last, brief suckle before letting it fall from her mouth, running her tongue along her lips as she did.

Breathing heavily, Don said, "O my God, you're amazing. That was so fucking good..."

Narrowing her eyes, Maira crawled overtop of the human, positioning her waist just above Don's throbbing member. Putting one claw on his lips, the werewolf smiled and lowered herself onto the human's prone form, covering him with her furry body. "Shhh," she said. "No more talking..."

Don no longer felt the chill of the night air as Maira dropped down onto him. Once again he buried his face into her chest, breathing in her wild, bestial scent. Unable to see what was happening, Don inhaled in surprise when he felt Maira lower her hips, pushing herself up against his erect penis. The werewolf's nethers cupped the underside of his penis, rubbing against him as Maira began to lightly hump against him with an ever increasing lust. Moisture collected on Don's member as the werewolf purred and thrust her hips foreword, grinding against him and pushing the human into the ground. Hot breath erupted from Maira open maw as she panted overtop of him, shooting quick blasts of warm mist into the cold night air.

Maira let her hips rest against the human for a little while before lifting herself up onto all fours once again. Wasting no time, Maira reached downwards with her clawed hand and gently gripped Don's penis, holding it steady and lining it up with her pussy. Then, the werewolf slowly began to sit down, bringing her hips lower and widening her legs to ease the human's dick inside her. Maira began to growl in delight as Don's penis reached her folds, and with one, purposeful movement of her waist the werewolf dropped herself downwards, shuddering in delight as she was spread apart.

Don let out a pleasured cry of his own as Maira dropped herself onto him. The warmth of the flesh that gripped his junk was incredible, and already he found himself reaching upwards to rub and massage the furry breasts of the beast overtop of him. "Ah...fuck, you feel so good..." Don said, trailing off as Maira rolled her hips against him in an attempt to push him inside deeper.

Smiling as the human touched her breasts, Maira put both of her paws down to each side of Don's shoulders, moving herself into a favourable position before drawing her hips back, letting the penis slowly glide out of her, massaging her sensitive walls as it went. Then, baring her teeth into a lustful, predatory grin, Maira brought her hips forwards and began rocking them in a slow, steady rhythm, humping the human underneath her with as much force as she could muster. The human grunted along with her sharp growls as Maira thrust her waist forewords, arching her back and tensing the muscles along her legs every time the long shaft drove itself into her.

Don felt the intensity of his pleasure rising as the werewolf rode him into the dirt. The soft fur of her inner thighs and her bushy tail tickled him as Maira thrust against him, the moist, warm walls of her sex gripping his shaft as it entered, coating it with bodily fluids. Occasionally, the werewolf would stop moving and simply push her hips down, letting the pink flesh of her cunt flex and swell against the invading member. Whenever she did this, Maira would lower head and nuzzle against the side of Don's neck, nibbling his shoulder and licking it with her wet tongue. In those moments, Don would slide his hands along the fur at her side, stopping when he reached her middle. Putting his hands on her lower back, Don would pull the werewolf closer and thrust his hips upwards, pushing his member as deep as he could. Maira's succulent flesh would ripple in response, involuntarily pulsing around the invading member. It was almost more then he could take, and Don felt his pleasure rising at an extremely rapid pace. Although he wanted to last for a while, he wasn't sure if it was possible. The werewolf was in control, and her constant stimulations were driving him over the edge.

Just as Don felt himself teeter close to the brink, Maira suddenly stopped and lifted her waist up, letting his penis fall out of her pussy with a wet, slopping noise. The cold night air seemed to rush in from all sides as the werewolf stood up and walked away, causing Don to flinch. The chill was most strong on his shaft, which still glistened with the canine's bodily fluids in the light coming from the cabin.

"Hey, what the hell?" Don breathed in an annoyed tone, "why did you stop?"

Maira didn't respond right away. Instead, she walked up to the nearest tree, which just happened to be outside of the light coming from the cabin. Pulling herself away from the human had been one of the hardest things she had ever done. Her pussy still ached in longing, begging her to let the human's cock enter again, but it would be worth the wait for what Maira had planned. Mounting the human herself had been fun at first, but what she really wanted was for Don to take charge, to mount her like any male werewolf would. Though she knew the human would have trouble seeing her in the dark, Maira put her hands up against the tree and bent over, lifting her tail and displaying herself as she'd done before. Looking back at Don with a yearning gaze, she spread her legs apart and purred, "This is why human..."

When Don didn't move right away, Maira snarled and laid her pointy ears down on her head. "Come and take me, NOW."

Exhilarated, Don picked himself up off the ground, brushing himself off as he did. The dirt hadn't been overly comfortable, as one would expect, so Don was more then happy to change positions, especially if it meant mounting this werewolf from behind. Besides, the night air was extremely cold against his skin, and he needed to get inside her soon to feel the warmth clamp down on his shaft once again.

Don grinned as he approached the werewolf, noting the way in which she hunched over expectantly, raising her tail to him in an erotic display. "Hee hee, doggy style..." Don said, finding the petty humour incredibly amusing as he walked over to Maira, his still erect member bobbing with each step.

"What did you say?" Maira growled as Don finally reached her backside.

"Well, you know...doggy style...with you being a..."

"A wolf," Maira finished for him, a dangerous undertone in her voice.

Don gulped. "Ya, um sorry," he said, reaching out and putting his arms around her waist.

Maira turned her face towards the tree and shuddered as the human touched her again. She felt him run his hands through the fur at her hips, stroking her muscular torso and sliding his grip downwards across her ass and down her thighs. Though Maira loved that the human was being a tease, the anticipation was killing her, and she didn't know how long she could take the man's massages before she turned around and jumped on him once again.

Although Don wanted nothing more then to rut her right away, the view he was experiencing was unlike any he'd ever seen and he wanted to savour it. Walking forwards, he pushed his hips against Maira's hindquarters, keeping one hand on the outside of her thigh and using his left to grip the base of her tail. Due to the werewolf's height, his member hung just under the swelled lips of the canine's vagina, teasingly rubbing and bumping against the inside of her thighs. Don smiled as he noticed the tempo of Maira's breathing increase, quickening into excited panting. Maira lowered her backside, letting out a lengthy whine of need as the top of Don's penis rubbed against her puffy entrance.

"Alright then miss 'wolf,'" Don said, lifting his hand off of her thigh to reach down and grip his member, "let's pick up where we left off..."

Slowly, Don used the palm of his hand to push his length upwards, and his index and middle finger to spread open the werewolf's folds, easing his access. Then, sliding his hips forewords, Don gave a small intake of breath as his penis smoothly entered the beast's moist flesh once again. Familiar warmth spread through his loins as he buried himself as deep as he could, relishing the pleasured grunts coming from his canine lover and the soft, undulations of her sex that accompanied them. Despite having penetrated her, Maira continued to whine in longing, pushing back against Don and grinding her hips into his groin.

Not needing any further encouragement, Don moved his hands onto Maira's lower back, rubbing her silky, brown fur the entire way before holding onto her middle. Then, with a purposeful backwards movement of his hips, Don began thrusting himself forcefully into the werewolf's hindquarters, spreading her sensitive cunt apart with every foreword push. The wet, warm flesh gripped and twitched around his length, sending tinges of pleasure arcing deep into his loins and throughout the rest of his body.

Holding the tree and raking her claws along the bark, Maira panted heavily, barking softly or letting out a pleasured snarl every time the human's length reached a sensitive part of her pussy. Rolling her hips in time with Don's rhythm, Maira tensed every muscle in her body and spread her legs wider, hoping make the sex easier for her smooth-skinned friend. It didn't take long for Maira to start feeling a surge of bliss begin to build up with in her, increasing in strength with every sensuous thrust of her human lover. Whining in delight, Maira dropped down lower, bringing the human down with her as she got onto all fours, opening herself up fully to smooth member as it slid in and out of her. It wouldn't be long now.

As the werewolf bent down, Don increased his pace, slamming himself deep within her in strong, quick humps. He wrapped his arms around her middle and laid his chest upon her back, pushing her bushy tail to the left so that it didn't get in the way. The fur of Maira's back tickled his bare chest, but also warmed him as he thrust away, breathing almost as fast and heavily as his canine companion. Lost in his wild, primal passions, Don almost felt that he himself was a beast of the night, taking his mate in true, animalistic fashion. The thought amused him for a moment, but quickly faded as he felt the pleasure rising within him reach its inevitable peak.

With a few short jabs of his length, Don nearly lost his footing as his entire body was raked with ecstasy. A notably pleasurable spasm of the werewolf's moist flesh gripped his rod and sent him over the brink, and Don tense his entire body and let out an immediate, drawn out gasp, pushing his hips forward and pushing his entire member inside as deep as it would go.

Maira braced herself as she heard the human gasp behind her, pushing against her and beginning his release. She growled in delight as human's penis began to throb inside her, the first pulse of the long shaft shooting its heavy, warm load of cum to into her womb. As the human's dick twitched inside her, steadily pumping more and more semen inside her, Maira felt her own gates come crashing down and with a long whine, punctuated by a sharp bark, she clamped down hard on Don's member, squeezing her legs together and losing herself in complete bliss. Starting as a tingling wave of pleasure deep within her loins, her entire body exploded in sexual ecstasy, causing her to scrunch her face and shake uncontrollably against the tree in front of her.

Don felt the warmth surrounding his member increase tenfold as Maira's cunt gripped his length, excreting moisture and coating his penis in a thick, intermixed solution of bodily fluids. He hunched over the werewolf's form, resting his head against the top of her back as his orgasm died down, his cock weakly dripping out whatever was left in his spent vein. Holding her close, Don moved his hands up to her breasts, massaging them and feeling her chest rise up and down in heavy, laborious breathing as her own climax continued. Her pussy contracted rhythmically around his length, and Don could see her tail flag and feel the muscles in her legs tense in time with every pulse. He didn't know how long he stayed there, toying with her boobs as she came, but after a while, the contractions lessened, and Maira visibly relaxed in his arms.

Turning to face the human at her back, Maira gave him a warm smile of satisfaction. Sweat dripped from Don's brow as he returned her smile, lifting himself into a kneeling position, but keeping his dick where it was.

"So, was this 'human' to your liking?" Don asked.

Maira opened he mouth halfway in an attempted response before her eyes widened in surprise, her ears rising up and pointing forwards in alarm.

"Dad?" She said.


Don was wondering what the hell Maira was talking about, when suddenly he felt a large, heavy presence behind him. Before he could turn around, a humongous set of jaws clamped around his lower legs, pulling him back and yanking Don back and his penis out of the werewolf beneath him. With a frantic cry of alarm, Don began to useless struggle against whatever manner of beast was attacking him. He raked the ground with his hands, trying to find a grip or a rock, anything to help him get away, but nothing worked. The maw that was wrapped around him had already engulfed nearly the entire lower half of his body, and it wasn't long before the fearsome mouth wrenched him backwards and clamped on his waist, pulling him up into the air as it did. Screaming the whole way, Don held onto the lower jaw of the beast with both of his hands. Once he was aloft, he looked down at what held him and the breath caught in his chest, his countenance changing to a supreme mixture of confusion and fear.

Clutching him in his massive mouth was another werewolf, only this one was larger then Don could've ever thought possible. Standing nearly half a story taller then the cabin, the newcomer's fur had the same general color of Maira's tawny brown, only slightly darker and a lot rougher. Large, corded muscles stood out along the beast's entire body, the outlines of his strength standing out even amidst the thick fur that covered them. Taking a quick glance back at the wolf's face, Don saw that his yellow eyes were narrowed in anger, and that the huge, brown muzzle that gripped him were scrunched in a deadly look of hate.

"Wait stop!" Daddy no!" Maira said, standing up from her spot on the ground to run over to the giant wolf's legs. "We can talk about this, there's no need to eat him!"

The wolf looked down at his daughter, Don still hanging out of his legs. Though he couldn't speak, Maira could tell that her father was disappointed. "Why don't you spit him out?" Maira said. "We can talk about this. It was my decision, not his.

When the giant wolf shook his head, Maira let out a huff of disapproval. Crossing her arms and stamping her feet, she let out a snarl and said, "it's always the same with you isn't it? You always tell me 'stay away from the humans Maira,' 'don't make friend with them Maira,' 'don't ever let me catch you lifting your tail for one of them again Maira.'"

"But how will you know if you like them or not if you keep eating everyone of them I meet!"

Glaring at her daughter, the wolf growled at Maira, lifting a pointed claw and gesturing for her to stay put. She knew perfectly well what that meant: to stay where she was so he could deal with her in a second. After that, her dad lifting his head skywards and began to swallow the helpless human. Having been forced to endure this before, Maira curled her paws into balls of anger and stamped the ground repeatedly. Her father could easily maul and kill the human with his sharp teeth and strong jaws, but he always liked to gulp them down whole whenever he wished to make a point.

Shocked back into awareness, Don tried his best to hold on to the sides of the wolf's mouth as it pulled him deeper. "No wait! Maira, help me! Help me you stupid bitch! Get me out of here!"

The warm flesh of the wolf's throat encompassed his feet while the massive, wet tongue licked the underside of his body, tasting him and rubbing rough length over Don's sated genitals. The large wolf slowly worked Don's form deeper, flicking his head and opening and closing his jaws in a powerful, repetitive cycle. With every movement, Don fell deeper into the wolf's throat, his form making a large bulge in the beast's furry neck. The heavy lathe of the canine's breath and saliva washed over Don's body as he grunted and struggled to get himself free. The scent of meaty, rancid air filled his nose and the inside of his mouth every time the wolf exhaled, the humid gusts washing over his naked skin, coating him with warmth.

Maira continued to watch as her father swallowed her human lover. Some might think such an act cruel, but her father had made it very clear what would happen every time she tried mating with a human. This was the first time she had actually been able to finish with a human before her father had intervened, so in that sense, this was a victory for her. She didn't like this one very much anyway, even if he was the best she'd had so far. Maira would just keep finding more humans until her father quit being so stubborn.

"Gah! No sir! Please, we can talk about this! I love you're daughter! I love her...wahhhh!" Don yelled. As he spoke, the pulling motions of the throat intensified and he soon found himself hanging onto the wolf's lower fangs, the rest of his body submerged in a stinky, fleshy prison. His entire body was covered in the beast's hot, soupy saliva, which clung to every part of his body in a sticky cocoon. The ring of pink flesh at the back of the wolf's throat squeezed on Don's middle, coaxing him inwards, though not strong enough for him to lose his grip quite yet. His legs were already down the giant canine's throat, and he could feel the moist gullet clamping down on them, yearning for the rest of his body to follow.

The rough, wolfish tongue underneath him scratched along his bare chest, moving upwards to lick and push at his arms and hands, effectively loosening his grip. It wasn't long until the combination of gravity, the pull of the beast's throat, and the saliva caused him to fall. With a yell that was soon cut short as his mouth was filled with the flesh of the giant canine, Don heard the jaws clamp shut above him, sealing him in. The scent of the beast's breath was overwhelming, and all Don could hear was the wet undulations of the red, moist flesh that caressed him deeper. Sliding downwards, Don felt the wolf's uvula drag across his back, the tongue underneath him rising up to push him backwards before dropping downwards as the throat opened up. With a gulping noise that reverberated all around him, the flesh surrounding him widened, letting Don fall downwards before closing again and pushing him into the esophagus.

Warm, mucus and saliva covered walls of pulsing meat entrapped him, squeezing Don towards his inevitable destination. He knew where this fleshy corridor would lead, and he couldn't help but let out a whimper. This had probably been that damn she-wolf's plan all along. His consciousness flickered as slimy walls mashed against him, his breathing slow and laboured as air became scarce. Eventually Don felt himself pushed through the tube into a tight, furnace-like sac that expanded to welcome him. Maybe something will happen, he thought as he faded into blackness. Maybe that bitch can convince her dad to spit me out. What was her name again..?

Maira pouted in annoyance as her father licked his lips, rubbing his bloated stomach with one of his clawed hands. The human had started off as a thick bulge in his furry neck, but after he raised his head and closed his eyes, an audible swallow pushed the meal down into his gut. The slow passage of the bulge into his middle seemed to take forever, but eventually, the giant wolf's belly became distended and her father let out a contented sigh.

"Why do you always have to do that?" Maira started accusingly.

Her dad responded, his voice a deep, rumbling basso, "Hush Maira, not another word from you. This isn't the first time you've seen me eat a human and it won't be the last."

"I know that and I don't care. Eat them all and get fat, maybe then you'll be too lazy to FOLLOW me wherever I go! I'm twenty-one years old dad! I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions without you breathing down my neck!"

The giant wolf let out a gut churning belch before responding. "No, you're not. Not when I catch you lifting you're tail to every human male you run across. Human's are prey Maira. That's it. When we get back home, you, me and your mother are going to have a nice, long chat about limiting your night-time activities. Its about time you spent more time with your own kind."

"But DAD...I don't like the other male werewolves, their so bossy!"

"No Maira, I'm not going to put up with this. The day you bring home a human as your mate is the day I become the laughing stock of the entire pack! We're going to find you a nice, young male to settle down with and that's final!"

Silence stretched between the two after that as they padded off into the trees, the father's belly sagging as he walked. I'll slip away and find another human after a day or two, Maira thought. That'll show him!

