Ch. 2 - A Day In The Life

Story by Taki on SoFurry

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#3 of The Flash

Two weeks after the flash, what is life like for Alex and Jen?

Soft electronic music filled the dorm room, and gently roused Alex from her slumber. It was another new day in the post-Flash world. Alex rolled out of bed and sleepily tottered over to her computer to turn off the alarm. Jen was lucky enough to not have an 8 AM class, so Alex didn't want to wake her.

Two weeks had elapsed since the Flash changed both their lives forever, in ways both great and small. To start, Alex and Jen now shared a room. Alex was one of two students to have changed gender, and the college had politely asked her to consider switching rooms. It seemed some people had a problem with males and females officially sharing a room. Alex consented and moved into the vacant space in Jen's room, since she had been spending a great deal of time there anyway. Despite Jen's "additions" she was still registered as female, the registration form apparently lacking an option for "all of the above" in the gender section. The two had pushed the small single beds together to make a large one, and Alex found that spending the night wrapped in the strong arms of Jen's new dragon form helped her deal with the stress of having her life turned upside-down.

If Alex had just been turned into a skunk femme, she probably would have found the change easier to deal with. She had been happy as a guy, and never harbored any desire to try life from the other side, but she could have adapted. After all, there were advantages to this new situation, especially since she now lived with an attractive, virile dragon. No, the problem was that the same coincidence that stuck her with the body of one her own characters had saddled her with that same character's incontinence. It had been fun to torture her own character with such a problem, but the humor had disappeared quickly now that she had to deal with it herself.

Alex sighed and set about her revised morning routine. Where she used to sleep in just a pair of boxers, she had switched to wearing a long t-shirt and pajama pants. It seemed wrong to sleep topless as a female. Jen had laughed at her when she explained, as the dragon now slept naked every night. Not that Jen would be able to find sleepwear tailored for an 8 foot tall dragon with the build of an amazon and large wings, of course. Alex stripped off her shirt and pants, and started to undo the tapes on her diaper. Like every morning since her change, it was soaked, and she was still filled with shame whenever she had to deal with it. She rolled up the heavy garment, stuffed it in a small plastic bag and tied it off. She would take it to the garbage bin after her shower, but didn't want to leave it sitting open the room, as both she and Jen had enhanced senses of smell.

She wrapped a towel around herself, grabbed her shower kit and headed off to the bathroom. She was glad to find it empty; some of the other girls didn't appreciate having a former male share their facilities. As usual, her shower seemed to take forever compared to what she had managed as a human. Half the time was spent fighting with her large fluffy tail which seemed to delight in squirming out of her reach. An almost equal time with a hairdryer and a quick brush of her sharp teeth later, the fluffed-out skunk girl returned to her room.

For the most part, her wardrobe had not changed. The majority of her old clothes still fit, given that her preference for loose, comfortable things resulted in clothes that were still loose and comfortable, if not flattering. In the end, only her undergarments needed to be replaced. The bras were annoyingly necessary, given the size of her new bust. Jen had been insufferable when they went to the mall to get Alex sized, but the new girl was still glad to have her support. She hadn't bothered to get any panties, because they would just have been wasted. At night she wore her diapers, and during the day she wore more discreet pull-on underwear to protect against the more rare daytime problem.

It was these she pulled on now, rolling the rear of the waistband over to fit under her tail. She also donned boxers, to help disguise any outline that might show through her baggy shorts. It was almost certain that nobody would be able to detect that her underwear was packing extra absorbency, but the number of people she caught staring at her ass on a daily basis made her paranoid.

A rustling behind Alex distracted her as she was fumbling with a bra. She turned and saw Jen start to sit up. "Oh hey, did I wake you?" Alex asked.

"No, just caught up on sleep I guess," Jen replied as she stretched her arms and wings behind her. "You doing ok this morning?"

"Yeah, just the same old crap," Alex said, a note of annoyance entering her voice as she tried to fasten the bra strap behind her.

"Oh, come over here," the silver dragon said. Alex walked over and turned her back to the dragon, allowing her to do up the hooks. "I should make you practice that until you get it right."

"I'll get it eventually," Alex said with a slight pout. She grabbed a random t-shirt from her dresser and pulled it down over her breasts. Once again, she wished she had found some solution for shoes. A fashion major was making some decent money by doing cheap clothing alterations for other students after being inspired by her own transformation into a catgirl, but she couldn't do anything with footwear. Alex had engaged her services to get her clothes to fit properly around her large tail, and she wondered again how the girl managed a sewing machine with her large catlike paws. The skunk girl stuck with her original idea to wrap her footpaws with bandages. It wasn't ideal, but it looked cool and would offer at least token resistance to sharp objects she might come across. She left her claws exposed since she found it helped her balance to be able to grip the ground better at times.

Now fully dressed, she began to pack her messenger bag, first loading her laptop and then filling a smaller pocket with her changing supplies. She inserted three of her pull-on undergarments, not wanting to risk being caught without, and a plastic baggie containing some wet wipes for cleanup. Jen gave her an appraising look. "Three? Isn't that a bit...pessimistic?"

Alex cringed. "I only brought one yesterday, and ended up regretting it. I was on campus all day and had to change in the morning. Some assholes in a car honked at me on my way to my afternoon class, which startled me enough to..." she trailed off. "Anyway, I had to go through the rest of the day wet, because I couldn't get back here. It was disgusting, and I never want to have to go through that again. I'm damn lucky I didn't leak." She had nightmares about being forced to walk back to the dorms with wet spots on her shorts.

"Twice in one day? Do you think you might be getting worse?" Jen asked, looking concerned.

"God, I hope not. I showed you the outline for the story. The ending really sucked for the narrator. I don't want to end up like that," Alex said with a shudder. The main character of her story, whose body she now possessed, had ended the story with no bladder control at all. If Alex reached that point, the thinner, easier to hide garments she wore during the day probably wouldn't do the job any more.

"Maybe you should see a doctor or something. I know you're embarrassed about all the girlie stuff, but it's probably a good idea," Jen suggested.

"I know, I know. You're right. It's just that, if the news is bad, I'm not sure I want to hear it," Alex finished softly.

"You're going to find out eventually anyway. Wouldn't you rather it be now, given there might be some treatment?" Jen asked.

"Yeah," Alex sighed, "You win. My family doctor is pretty cool. I'll give her a call after class today."

"Good to hear. And I don't want you worrying about this all day now. You know stress can exacerbate this kind of problem."? "True enough, but it's hard to keep my mind off it when I'm reminded every time I sit down."? "Oh come on, it can't be that distracting."? "Would you care to try?" Alex teased.

"No thank you," Jen said, sticking her tongue out. "But seriously, you need to think happier thoughts. You've been too down lately. Now give me a hug before you go off to class."

"Fair enough." Alex walked over and wrapped her arms around the dragoness. Jen reciprocated, also using her wings to embrace the smaller girl. "Damn, you give good hugs," Alex said, "I feel better alrea-" she broke off as she felt a now-familiar heat stir within her. "Oh, you didn't."

"I did. You worry too much, and this should keep you interested in more pleasant things. Besides, I only gave you a touch of arousal," Jen explained, a sly smile breaking across her face, "Just enough to keep you from fretting, not like what you got that first time. You should be able to resist jumping anyone during your class. Have fun!"

Alex glanced at the clock. "That was a dirty trick. I have to get going, but you are dead when I get back," she threatened.

"After we have sex, right?"

"Yes, after we have sex."

"Well, that's ok then," Jen commented flatly. Alex laughed. She wasn't really mad at Jen, and the image of a 5-foot-8 skunkette taking on an 8-foot dragon was pretty amusing.

"Ok, I'll be back in about an hour. You better be right about me not jumping anybody," Alex said as she grabbed her bag and headed out.

"See you then, I'll be ready," Jen replied to the closing door.

This wasn't the first time the two had played around with the dragon's powers of arousal since their somewhat-accidental fling on Day Zero, but it was the first time Alex had been out in public while under the influence. Jen had certainly been correct about it keeping her mind on pleasant topics, as it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the delicious feelings coming from her lower half. Just the act of walking was stimulating her in ways she wouldn't have thought possible. Every swing of her hips sent the soft inner fabric of her underwear rubbing delightfully across her heated nethers. Instead of her usual paranoia of worrying what observers thought of her, Alex was concentrating on figuring out the ideal gait to maximize those pleasant caresses. Each step raised her heat a little more, and started to bring the familiar lust-filled fog down over her thoughts.

By the time she got to the science building across campus, she was breathing as hard as if she had sprinted the entire way. Alex leaned against a wall to try to collect herself, but she was too worked up. She would have to clear her head a bit if she wanted to avoid embarrassing herself in the middle of class. With some trepidation, she ducked into the nearest women's bathroom and entered the stall furthest from the door. She was glad she had the strips of cloth wrapped around her feet. Her tough paw pads might give enough protection on typical surfaces, but the thought of walking barefoot (barepaw?) across a college bathroom was unpleasant.

She locked the stall door and quickly dropped her pants. Her physics class would start in just a few minutes, and the professor was a stickler for attendance, often giving unannounced quizzes right at the beginning of class. Alex was going to have to do this fast. She sat on the toilet and spread her legs, groaning when she saw the state of her thighs. One effect of the dragon-induced arousal was increased lubrication in females. Usually Alex was ok with this, given the size of the Jen's equipment, but it would make her current task a little messier than she would like. Her crotch was already damp with her juices, and it was clear that only her absorbent underwear had protected her from sporting a wet spot on the front of her shorts.

Despite her intimate relationship with Jen, or perhaps because of it, Alex had never masturbated in her female body. Nothing like a little on-the-job training, she thought, as she plunged two fingers into her white-furred pussy. It was only with great difficulty that she refrained from crying out. The walk to class had gotten her close to orgasm, and now her goal was to get over the top as fast as possible. Finesse could wait for a more leisurely session. She quickly worked her fingers in and out of her needy slit, her hand soon becoming soaked with her copious sexual fluids. Soft moans and animalistic growls escaped her without her notice. All her attention was on the pressure building inside her.

With her right hand moving ever-faster between her legs, she used her left to paw at her breasts, wishing she could feel it more through her clothing. She curled her fingers upwards, desperately searching for that place inside she knew brought her greatest pleasure. The abundant moisture was causing her motions to produce a lewd slippery noise, but Alex paid it no heed. She was almost at her peak as she brought her left hand down to rub her clit. Almost instantly she felt the pressure release within her. "Mmmmmmm!" she moaned, biting her tongue to keep from screaming. Her tail quivered behind her and her toeclaws scratched at the ground. A final burst of feminine juices coated her hands as she leaned back in relaxation, letting out a sudden squeak as she pinched her tail against the toilet fixture behind her.

As the fog cleared from her head, she realized what she had been doing. Or more to the point, how obvious she had been about it. Anyone with ears would know she had been playing with herself. If they couldn't identify the slippery noise of penetration, then the sexy moans were a dead giveaway. She sniffed the air and cringed at the smell of sex surrounding her. Alex wished she could afford to wait until the other occupants of the bathroom were gone, but she had to get to class. She cleaned up as best she could with some toilet paper and pulled up her shorts, cringing at the dampness still present on her underwear. There was no time to swap to a clean pair, though. Flushing the toilet to at least gave her a razor-thin alibi, she exited the stall, blushing heavily beneath her fur, and refused to meet the gaze of anyone else in the bathroom. She paused to give her hands a vigorous washing, trying to diminish the scent that was sure to follow her. As she left the bathroom, she heard one of the remaining girls start to chuckle. Hopefully she could avoid more stimulation enough to keep from further shaming herself during class.

The physics professor was just about to begin when Alex entered the classroom. She could tell because the projector was showing some incredibly text-heavy Powerpoint slides. There would be no unexpected quiz today, just a boring professor reading directly from an endless series of boring slides. Alex sighed and moved to an empty seat at the back of the room. The introductory physics class was mostly review for her, but it was required for her major. She only showed up as a precaution against pop quizzes and to find out when the next test would be. The back row of the room was filled with people in the same situation. The girl next to Alex sniffed a few times and looked around in confusion before she took out a novel and began to read. Someone further down the row seemed to be watching a subtitled movie on his laptop. The skunk girl followed suit and pulled out her laptop. It was convenient how much surfing the internet could look like taking notes. She loaded up some news sites and did her best to ignore the droning professor and the warm tingle between her legs.

As usual, she looked for any updated news on the Flash. In recent days, reports had come from every branch of science proffering theories on what had happened. Astronomers reported that the event had corresponded with gamma and x-rays from a suspected supernova. Biologists noted that the changed had their very DNA altered. Nearly every human exposed, which covered an area approximately corresponding to the western hemisphere, had received some sort of change. No other animals seemed to be affected, with the strange exception of a few dolphins and lemurs. Although there was a great deal of interest in the root cause of the changes, for purposes ranging from potential miracle cures to painless plastic surgery, nobody had yet come up with a reasonable theory. There was a rumor that the Biology and Physics departments had a betting pool going over which discipline would find a cause first. All Alex really cared about was that someone would find a way to get her back to her old self, but the news was void of reassurances. It looked like she would have to wait a bit longer.

She sighed and slid lower in her seat, and after a second sat back up straight. She slid back down again, a little faster this time, squirming slightly in her seat at the end. A few more repetitions with increasing speed caused her to let out a little gasp. Suddenly, she froze as she noticed what she was doing. The girl beside her had looked away from her book and was staring at Alex. "Just trying to get comfortable," the skunkette offered lamely. The other girl just gave a slow nod and returned to her novel. Alex turned her focus back to her laptop, hoping she could avoid any more lapses. It was going to be a very long class.

Jen had just ducked through the door after her shower when Alex burst in after her. "Drop that towel right now, you've got work to do," the smaller girl announced, tossing her laptop bag onto her desk.

"Ah, you got back quickly. Now, what is it you think I have to do?" Jen asked, feigning ignorance.

Now that Alex was back in the proximity of the dragon, the musk-induced docility reasserted itself. "You know...I need you fuck me," she said, looking away with shame. She couldn't tell whether she was embarrassed about the nature of the request or from having thought she could give orders to the dragon.

"Oh, so it's about what you need, is it?" Jen asked teasingly, "First, tell me how your class went." She could tell the skunk girl needed relief badly, but it was too much fun watching her squirm.

"Just a boring lecture...the usual," Alex lied.

"And...?" Jen asked, noticing the deception.

Alex felt her cheeks grow red. "The walk made me so horny I had to masturbate in the bathroom before class, and I started humping the chair during the lecture. Also, I think the professor noticed my nipples poking through my shirt after class. He was kinda staring."

"Wow, I didn't think I got to you that bad. Sorry you embarrassed yourself like that, but you have to admit that's pretty hot."

Jen was right. Alex did find the whole situation intensely arousing, and not just because of what the dragon did to her. The idea the she might enjoy the humiliation was too disturbing to admit, though. "Yeah, I suppose. I'd prefer it happen to someone else, of course."

Jen saw through her equivocation, but decided to let it pass for the time being. "Ok then, are you wet?"

"No!" Alex said defensively. "Well, not in the bad way," she finished with a deepening blush.

"Good! I don't have to make you take another shower before we begin. Now hurry and strip so we can get started."

Alex almost squealed with joy, and raced to get out of her clothes. As she dropped her bra to the ground, Jen asked, "How can you be so much better at taking that off than getting it on?"

"Motivation," Alex said, as she practically tore her shorts and underwear off her legs. The scent of her arousal filled the small room, capturing the dragon's attention.

"You weren't kidding about being horny, were you?" Jen commented as she took in the sight of the naked skunk. She found Alex's new form incredible sexy, from the large, fluffy tail and generous breasts to the glistening fur between her legs. "How would you like to try something new today?"

Alex looked apprehensive. If there was a sexual position they not yet tried, she didn't know of it. What else could Jen mean? "Maybe. What were you thinking of?"

Jen grinned, "I thought you might enjoy trying some oral sex."

"I don't know, wouldn't that be kind of...," Alex started.

"What, gay?" the larger girl asked as she grabbed the skunk's breasts.

"Ok, true, I'm not a guy anymore, but I still don't think it's something I'd like." While she responded, the dragon began stroking her nipples. Alex let one hand slide down and start rubbing her lower lips. Her inner heat was already causing her to drip.

"Didn't you once say you'd try anything once?" Jen asked.? "Well, yeah, but I meant stuff like sushi or kimchi, not cock," Alex explained.

Jen traced a hand along the white stripes on the skunk's back. "Isn't the principle the same? You can't know if you'll like it until you try."

The argument might be cliché, but it was true. Alex wouldn't have expected to enjoy sex as a female, but despite the strange nature of her first time, she couldn't deny she liked it. She also noticed that now that the idea had been planted in her head, curiosity was starting to get to her. Thinking about how it would be, the image of a petite skunkette on her knees, lips wrapped around a huge penis as she got pumped full of cum came to her mind. It was a great fantasy, and did it really matter in the end which part she played? "I suppose I could give it a shot."

"Excellent! I'm sure you'll enjoy it," said Jen. She gave a brief stroke to Alex's moist slit and then moved over to the bed, her towel long since discarded. "Do you need instructions, or do you think you remember how it's done from being on the receiving end?" she asked wickedly.

Alex rolled her eyes. "I'll manage." She followed Jen over to the bed, one hand still idly working between her legs. She crouched in front of Jen and surveyed her target. Never before had she been so close to a male organ, having lacked the necessary flexibility when she had one of her own. She'd accepted by now that her girlfriend was much better endowed than she used to be, but it was still somewhat surprising to note the size up close. "Did you have to make this thing so big? This might be a little difficult. And yes, I know, 'dragons don't do anything small,'" she finished along with Jen. "Speaking of which, would you mind warning me before you shoot? I've seen what you can do with this thing and I don't want to drown."

Jen laughed, "No problem." Alex was tempted to focus her attentions on the more familiar female sex situated behind the dragon's large balls, but knew that would defeat the purpose of this exercise. She paused to inhale the dragon's scent, powerful at this range even just after a shower. The earlier play had Jen already hard, a small bit of fluid leaking from the tip. The skunkette gathered her courage and gave it a delicate lick, her small, pink tongue just barely making contact. Jen giggled softly and earned an indignant look. "Sorry," she said, "that was just too cute." Alex shrugged off the interruption and resumed. Before the distraction she had found the taste of the dragon delightful. It was musky, warm, and somehow spicy. She desperately wanted to try more, and practically lunged at the draconic cock.

She boldly wrapped her lips around the large member, using her tongue to lick across the tip. The wonderful taste and smell made her want to bury her nose in the dragon's crotch, and she stopped only because she couldn't fit the entire shaft into her mouth, even given the extra space gained from her muzzle. Though she was unpracticed at this particular skill, Alex was attempting to make up for it with enthusiasm. She voraciously licked up and down the sides of the impressive phallus, coating it with saliva to better use her hand to stroke the parts her mouth couldn't reach.

"Oh damn, that's good," Jen gasped, "How did you learn to- oh fuck!" The dragon groaned as Alex used her free hand to begin working the herm's female sex, attempting to match what she had done to herself before class. The skunk plunged three fingers into the dragon's wet lips as she savored the musky fluid now continuously coming from the thick cock. Alex felt the member twitch against her tongue as she continued her two-pronged assault. Jen basked in the feelings coming from her nethers, the warm pressure of the skunk's mouth and the energetic caressing of her inner walls. She spared a moment briefly feel sorry for the rest of the world that would never experience the pleasure of having dual sexes stimulated simultaneously.

The dragon's sexual fluids were having the usual effect on the skunk, and her own juices were leaking down her legs as she kneeled next to the bed. She stifled the desire to delegate one hand to her aching folds. Alex was locked in her fantasy from earlier, imagining herself as the slave of the powerful dragon, her own satisfaction secondary to making her master happy. The thought sent a spike of pleasure down her spine, causing a twitch in both her tail and her cunt. The dragon's female sex suddenly clamped down on her intruding fingers, and the herm gasped, "Now! I'm cumming!"

The warning barely got through to Alex in time, as she was busy shaking with her own climax brought on by her fantasy. She pulled back, keeping only the tip of the shaft in her mouth. The dragon tensed up, and the skunk found her mouth almost instantly filled with hot cum. She released her lips from the pulsing member as she attempted to swallow as much as she could, knowing it was the only way to cool the fire Jen had kindled in her that morning.

The dragon continued to spurt, rapidly coating Alex's face and breasts with thick ropes of semen, covering the other girl from the nipples up before she was spent. Jen groaned and laid back on the bed. "Fuck, that was good. What did you think?" she asked, looking between her breasts at the other girl still kneeling between her legs. The sticky skunk silently wiped her eyes clean and blinked back at her. Jen saw the slightly surprised expression and burst out laughing. Alex tried to hold back, but knew how ridiculous she must look and soon joined in.

"You're lucky this is so tasty or I'd be more mad," she said, pausing to lick their mingled fluids from her fingers. She smiled as she enjoyed their combined flavors, the dragon's spice and her own slight sweetness.

"Well, as fun as it would be to watch you lick yourself clean," Jen said appreciatively, "You should probably take another shower before that dries on you."

Alex proceeded to lick along her forearms, doing her best impression of a cat while consuming some more delicious dragon seed. "Meow?" she asked, prompting another laugh from Jen. "Yeah, you're right, there's no way I can get it all like that. Can you check if the hallway is clear? I don't want anyone to see me walking to the bathroom looking like the star of a bukkake film."

"Sure thing," Jen said. She poked her head out the door and gave a quick thumbs up to Alex. "All clear. Don't delay now, you still have a phone call to make, remember?"

"Yeah, I know, I'll do it," Alex sighed.

"Good, I know how easy it can be to kill time in the shower, " Jen said with a wink.

"I've told you, I don't do that," the skunkette replied with a note of exasperation. For some reason she had no problem with having sex with Jen, but playing with herself somehow felt like it would mean embracing her new form, something she wasn't quite ready to do.

"You mean, except in the bathroom of the science building?" Jen teased.

"And whose fault was that?" Alex challenged. "Anyway, I'm going to get clean, back soon." She quickly ducked into the adjacent bathroom, holding a towel to her side to block the view of anyone wandering by, thinking it would be a bad idea to wrap the clean towel around her in her current state. She welcomed the chance to be alone to try and figure out where her earlier submissive fantasy had come from. She didn't really like that kind of thing...right?

An hour later, Alex walked back into the room, her mind no clearer than when she left. She tried to dismiss the enjoyment she got from being humiliated and the unexpected slave fantasy as being merely side effects of the unnatural arousal Jen inflicted on her, but that didn't seem quite right. After all, she still found the idea of being treated as a slave or toy or pet disturbingly enticing even now, an hour after drinking the dragon's cum had neutralized the effect of the musk.

As she once again got dressed, her traitorous imagination supplied her with further erotic images in the same vein. She was being led through campus clad only in a leather collar and leash. She was on her hands and knees in front of the dragon, submissively licking the large taloned feet. She was sitting in class with a sex toy buzzing inside her, attempting to hide her repeated orgasms.

She shuddered, though she wasn't sure whether out of excitement or revulsion. It was good that Jen had gone off to class, or she'd insist on hearing about what was disturbing her friend. Alex attempted to clear her mind as she looked up her doctor's phone number. She wasn't looking forward to making the appointment, but it was preferable to dwelling on her new-found kinks. Apprehension filled her as she dialed. She would have no choice but to explain where her problem came from. The doctor would ask, and it might be relevant to figuring out what the real cause was, but she could at least give the sanitized version of the explanation. She wasn't prepared to tell anyone but Jen the secret of her fetish, even though she'd rather lost interest in the topic since her change.

It occurred to her that the impending conversation might actually be easier if her doctor wasn't a family friend. Alex had been seeing Dr. Samantha Chen since she was a child, both in her official capacity and at the occasional family function. However, this would be the first visit as a female. The phone started to ring, and Alex was surprised to hear Dr. Chen herself pick up. The receptionist must be on break or something.

"Dr. Chen's office."

"Hi, I'd like to make an appointment, please," Alex said.

"We're pretty backed up right now, are you a current patient?" the doctor asked.

Alex was briefly amused that Dr. Chen didn't recognize her voice. "Yeah, I'm Alex Lawson."

"Oh, Alex!" the doctor shouted in recognition, "Sorry I didn't recognize you. Your voice sounds different. Did the Flash get you?"

"Oh did it ever. I'm a girl now," Alex replied.

"Really? I wouldn't have pegged you for the type," Chen wondered.

"I'm not, but it's a bit of a long story, and it's somewhat related to why I called. Can I come in any time soon?"? "That's going to be tough. We have every hypochondriac in the area coming in, afraid the Flash gave them cancer or lupus or dandruff or something. Is your problem serious?" the doctor asked with slight concern.

"I'm not really sure. I've been having bladder control problems," Alex admitted softly. "Every night, and occasionally during the day. I think it might be getting worse."

"Well, that's worth a look," Chen commented, dropping into the more serious tone she uses when discussing medical issues. "I'll see if I can get you in some time soon. Any other changes I should know about?"

"Oh yeah, I'm a skunk now, too."

"No way! You're a hybrid? I've been wanting to see one of the more interesting changes. Everyone I've seen lately has just had their hair color change or something. You have to come in and let me have a look. Are you free this afternoon?" the doctor rapidly exclaimed.

Her excitement surprised Alex, who stammered a response, "Uh, sure, I suppose."

"Excellent! I hope you won't mind submitting to a few tests for my own curiosity. I have some friends doing research on hybrid changes, but they refuse to tell me anything they've found out until they're ready to publish," Chen said, the jealousy obvious in her voice.

"No problem," Alex chuckled, "Thanks for getting me in so soon."

"Don't thank me until I'm through with you. Can you be here around two?"

"Sure, see you then."

"Oh, one more thing," the doctor added, "You should show up with a full bladder. It will help with one of the tests."

"All right. I hope we don't both end up regretting that," Alex warned.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. I have to go now. My receptionist is back and wants her chair," Chen said, acting as if she had been caught doing something wrong.

"Ok, bye," Alex said as she hung up. That went better than she expected. A glance at the clock told her it was almost time to meet Jen for their standing lunch date at the dining hall, so she grabbed her messenger bag (which she refused to think of as a diaper bag, even though that was why she was bringing it) and headed out.

Alex pulled into the parking lot shortly before two. She was glad she had mastered driving with her rearranged feet. She was used to operating the clutch with just the ball of her foot, which was much the same, however her previous technique of operating the gas pedal by rotating her foot on her heel was simply impossible with the new design of her ankles. Several hours of practice in an empty lot got her moving again, but she still felt she lagged her previous skill. Unfortunately, she hadn't found a decently comfortable position for her tail, which required her to sit oddly in her seat to avoid crushing it.

Dr. Chen's office was in a medical park, along with several other specialists and various other medical services. Alex walked through the lobby and up to the second floor that housed her destination, her bag over her shoulder as usual. Her laptop shared space with the other supplies she packed, as a precaution against the typical doctor's office wait. Surprisingly, Dr. Chen met Alex as she entered, and quickly invited her back to an exam room. Right away, Alex received another reminder of how much she had changed. She used to be a good bit taller than the petite Asian doctor, but now their heights were almost equal.

"Thanks for coming in so soon. It's so exciting to see a hybrid," Chen declared as she led Alex down the hall. "I figure we'll start by checking out the reason you came in here before I satisfy my own curiosity. How does that sound?"

"Works for me," Alex said as they entered the exam room. "What's first?"

"First, why don't you tell me how you ended up like this. I gathered from our phone conversation that you didn't exactly want to be female."

"That's right," Alex began, filling the doctor in on the edited version of her story, having gotten plenty of practice recently. "So yeah, I kinda got screwed," she finished with a slight blush.

"That's really unfortunate. From what I've heard, most hybrids are happy about the changes they got"

"Well, I'm ok with being a furry," Alex said, using the more colloquial term, "but I would have preferred to stay male, and I wouldn't have chosen to be a skunk. I'd say I'm more of a panther or something."

"That's understandable. I bet skunks have something of a stigma to deal with. In fact, I've not heard of any others. You wouldn't believe the number of foxes and wolves volunteering for studies, though," the doctor commented.

"I bet I would," Alex muttered. "Anyway, that's how my problem started. I've been wet every morning since the Flash, and anything surprising during the day might cause a leak. I've been taking precautions since the first day," she explained, pulling down the waistband of her shorts to demonstrate.

"All right. Is there any pain associated with that, either when it happens, or a burning when you pee, or anything like that?" Chen asked.

"No. In fact the first time I didn't even realize it had happened until my roommate pointed it out," Alex said, cringing at the remembered embarrassment.

"Ok, time for the usual set of embarrassing questions," Chen said with a wicked grin. "First, do you use any drugs?"


"Alcohol or cigarettes?"? "None."

"Are you sexually active?"

Alex's blush returned in force. "...yes."

Chen raised an eyebrow. "After the change?"

"Yeah. Jen and I got together after we both changed."

"Oh, another girl then. I suppose it would make sense that your orientation wouldn't change. And I don't have to ask if you've been using protection in that case," the doctor said wryly.

"Well, actually," Alex started, "You'd almost think we should." She went on to explain her girlfriends combination of equipment, the doctor becoming more interested as she went on. Alex thought back to the hour-long lecture on draconic reproduction she had received when she asked Jen if they should be using birth control. The important point she took from it was that unless she started laying eggs, there weren't going to be any accidents. She gave an overview of the process to the doctor, who seemed rather impressed.

"That's quite a lot of detail your girlfriend came up with. I'd love to get her in here too to explain some of the fine points. Do you think she'd be willing?" Chen wondered.

"Probably not. She doesn't like doctors, and she especially would like to keep her mixed sex quiet, which might not be possible if she ends up in some medical journal. There can't be that many dragons around, so there's really no possibility of anonymity. Sorry," Alex offered.

"That's ok, I understand completely" the doctor said with a sigh. "We can move on with your tests now. Let's head next door. I want to do an ultrasound to check your bladder."

"Cool. Can I use the bathroom after that?" Alex asked. On the doctor's orders, she had downed a large soda at lunch, and she was now feeling the consequences.

"Yep. Let's go."

The two walked to the office adjacent to Dr. Chen's practice. Chen had already arranged the use of some of their equipment, as one of the doctors there was also curious about hybrid physiology. Once again, Alex was led straight through a waiting room, bypassing other people who gave her some slightly angry looks. They arrived in a small room with an exam table and a curious piece of equipment, and Alex received further instructions.

"You'll need to take off your shirt for this. You can leave your bra on, and just push your pants down a bit. No need to get completely undressed yet," the Asian woman said as Alex quickly obeyed. "Hop up on the table and lie down on your back. Your fur is going to make this interesting. An ultrasound relies on direct skin contact, and I have to use some gel on the area to help as well. You probably don't want to shave your stomach for this, right?"

"Not really," Alex laughed. "I'd look pretty silly."

"All right, I'll do the best I can. Cleanup is going to be difficult for you, but I'll grab a stack of paper towels"

The skunkette reclined on the exam table, carefully adjusting her tail under her. The doctor coated her lower torso with a cold gel and grabbed a scanning probe from the machine. As she ran the odd-looking instrument across Alex's stomach, rubbing the gel into her matted fur, a static-filled black and white image appeared on the screen. Alex could make no sense of it, but apparently Chen could. Most of the doctor's practice with this tool was exams on pregnant women, who liked to be walked through what was visible, so she was used to explaining what was on the screen. "This is your bladder," Chen said, pointing to a white squiggle, "It looks normal. No sign of trauma." Alex wasn't really paying attention. The doctor was putting an uncomfortable amount of pressure on her abdomen. If this went on, she suspected her weakened bladder would give in, and she squirmed a little bit in discomfort. "Moving on, it looks like you're appropriately equipped with girlie bits. Everything looks good there. Speaking of which, have you had your first period yet?"

That captured the girl's attention. If not for her black fur, Alex would have gone pale. She had somehow avoided considering that possibility. "No...I haven't."

"Ah, it's been couple weeks since the Flash, so you're probably about due. Do you want me to tell you what to expect?" Chen gently asked.

"You know, I'll just ask Jen later. I'd rather not think about that," Alex said, with growing horror.

"Well, you'll have to eventually, but we're done here for now. You can hit the bathroom now and get cleaned up. Fill this up while you're in there," the doctor instructed, handing Alex a specimen cup. The skunk girl dashed to the attached bathroom, not even bothering to pull up her pants in her rush. She returned several minutes later after using half a roll of paper towels to get the gel off her midsection.

She dropped into a chair against the wall with an exaggerated sigh of relief. "So, any idea what my problem is yet," Alex nervously asked.

"Nothing obvious yet. We'll test your sample here for infections, but you would likely have some pain if that was the cause. We'll let you know if we see anything. I'm afraid sometimes these things are just mysterious," the doctor explained.

"Yeah, I know," Alex sighed dejectedly. "So is it time for me to get poked and prodded in other fun ways?" she asked, hoping to take her mind off the inconclusive results.

"If you're still up for it," Chen said, perking up at the chance to indulge her curiosity.

"Sure, I've got no other plans today," Alex said with a smile.

"Great. Can you start by giving me a rundown of the hybrid features you have?"

"All right. Obvious ones first. I'm covered with fur, which gets pretty warm, especially when out in the heat. I do seem to still sweat, but not as much as before. The poofy tail is cute, but it can be annoying. I only have a little bit of control over where it points, and I'm always accidentally leaning against it or getting caught in doors or something," Alex said, her tail waving behind her as she discussed it. She gestured toward her bandaged feet and wiggled her clawed toes. "The feet were the hardest to get used to, actually. I mean, other than the vagina and breasts." She blushed again. "Skunks are technically plantigrade like humans, but my ankles are still up off the ground, and that threw my balance off for the first several days. I think most of the height I lost was in my legs. They seem to be a bit stronger, and I can run pretty quick if I don't think too much about what I'm doing."

Alex held up her hands, pointing out the matching claws on the ends of her fingers. "These claws were actually more vicious than the ones on my feet. They probably would have made good weapons, but I had to file them down a bit when they kept catching on everything. From what I've read, I should be nearsighted, but I didn't get that 'feature'. I got improved hearing and sense of smell, though. That's a double-edged sword if ever there was one." She quickly reviewed her changes in her head. "I think that's about it. You get all that?"

Dr. Chen laughed, "I think so. One thing you didn't mention, do you have scent glands?"

"I haven't really tried that yet, because, you know, ew," Alex said, scrunching up her face. "I wouldn't want to spray indoors and I'm certainly not going to drop my pants in the woods to give it a shot."

"Fair enough, I'll check for you when I give you a gyno exam back in my office."

"Whoa whoa whoa, I didn't sign up for that," the skunk stammered.

"Well, it's an important part of women's health, and I get the impression if I let you leave here, it will never get done," the doctor said in her serious tone.

"Maybe...," Alex trailed off.

"I've heard that before. I'd like to get some x-rays first, and after that we'll complete your introduction into womanhood."

By Alex's estimation, Jen had managed that back on Day Zero, but she got the doctor's meaning. "If that's how it has to be."

They proceeded to an x-ray room, where the skunkette was irradiated from various angles, focusing on her legs and tail, especially where the latter attached to her spine. It would be a few minutes to develop the films, so they returned to Dr. Chen's practice for the bit Alex had been dreading.

The embarrassment started when she had to undress. So far, only Jen had seen her naked as a female, and it was still awkward to be exposed. Humiliation and arousal were linked in her mind from the day's earlier exploits, and Alex gasped in fear as she felt a heat building inside her. She couldn't let herself get worked up about this. Don't worry about being naked. Don't think about how hot the slavish fantasies had been. Don't think about how much the exam position made it look like she was asking for sex, legs spread to let a powerful male get close and slip ins--whoa that's cold!

The discomfort of the procedure brought her crashing back down to earth, and kept her there through the end. It turned out to be quite possibly the most unsexy thing she'd ever done. If the doctor could tell was she had been thinking of at the start, she didn't say anything. Chen gave her a clean bill of health for her womanly parts, along with a stern warning to use protection if she ever ended up with a partner who didn't have egg-laying as part of the reproductive cycle.

"To answer my own earlier question, you do have scent glands, so be careful where you point your butt," the doctor admonished.

"Really? I wonder why Jen never mentioned that when she...ahem...never mind," Alex said, cutting off the thought before she embarrassed herself more.

"Please, like I've never heard that kind of thing before," Chen said with a brief chuckle, "Anyway, your x-rays should be done soon. We use digital records over here, so we'll scan them when they come in. We can send you a copy over email if you want."

"That would be awesome," Alex said as she dressed herself. "Some people I know on the net have asked for pics, but I don't really feel like putting anything recognizable on the tubes. Being a skunk is already pretty distinctive. X-rays should be safe."

"We're about done here. I appreciate you putting up with all the personal questions. It's been really interesting hearing about how things are working out for you," Chen said gratefully.

"No problem. Just let me know if you get an idea about what's causing my problem," Alex requested.

"Of course, and you let me know if it gets definitively worse. I know a urologist I can refer you to, but I'd like to spare you a fair amount of discomfort for now. We have your insurance information, so you can stop by the desk on the way out to sign out. We'll only hit you for the office visit, since everything else was mostly for me. Thanks again for coming in, I have to get back to some other patients. See you later." The doctor was back into her fast-paced mode of speech, and she was already moving toward the door as she finished.

"Ok, bye," Alex called at her retreating back. It was a good thing she could find her own way out.

Later that night, Alex and Jen were resting in the dorm room. Jen was busy doing some random surfing on her laptop, complaining all the while that keyboards were not designed for large, taloned hands. Alex sat on the bed, her back against the wall, seemingly lost in thought as she idly munched on a bag of chocolate-covered grasshoppers.

"Hey Jen," the skunk said softly, "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Are you going to ask me to try one of those bugs again? Because I told you, that's nasty," Jen said, the joking phrase belying her concern for her friend.

"Don't dragons eat whole sheep or something? You have no room to judge," Alex said teasingly. "But seriously. I've been thinking about something since this morning, and you're the only one I can really talk to about it."

Jen began to fear that she had done something horribly wrong earlier in the day, and rushed to apologize. "I'm sorry about what happened to you in the science building. I really didn't think that would happen. And if you didn't like what we did afterward, that's fine. I know you can be suggestible when you're affected like that and I probably should have waited until some other time..."

"No no, it's nothing like that," Alex interjected, "It was fun. A lot of fun, actually. Even the bits in the science building." She began to fear her blush would become permanent. "I guess that's the problem. Doing that in public, knowing that everyone else in there could tell I was was amazing. It's been on my mind all day. And when I was going down on you, I had all these fantasies, like I was a pet, or a slave. I've never pictured myself in that kind of situation, but it got me so hot I came just thinking about it. It's fucked up, and I'm not sure I even know who I am any more." As she finished, silent tears began tracing down her cheeks, mostly hidden in her fur.

Jen moved across the room and sat beside Alex on the bed. "Hey now, calm down," she said, rubbing the smaller girl's back. "First of all, you know I'm not going to judge you for anything you like, and anyone who does is a punk." The skunkette nodded. "Second, well, are you sure this is new for you?"

"What do you mean?" Alex sniffed, a look of confusion crossing her face.

"I've read your stories. I know you like to write about this kind of thing. Sure, maybe you've never written anything that was clearly about slave play, but it's obvious you like humiliation," the dragon said. "Did you ever wonder why you chose to write everything in the first person? Technically, you might have been in control as the author, but it was always yourself that you were messing with. You always identified more with your target. Hell, that's how you ended up a skunk."

Alex was staggered by the sudden insights. Could that be right? Jen was correct about the fact that she always wrote from the point of view some unfortunate girl. It was true, too, that her favored writing technique was to put herself in the character's position, using her own theoretical reactions to drive the story. In a way, it was always herself that had her control stripped away, got humiliated in public, or was otherwise shamed. "That' How could you see all that when I couldn't?" she asked Jen.

"It was obvious from the way you wrote. Anyone who was close to you would be able to tell. If you had let me read your stuff earlier, you could have gotten this revelation out of the way a while ago," Jen explained with a smile.

"I guess it makes sense that my imagination would move onto new topics, now that I'm kind of getting an overdose of my former favorite," Alex theorized, patting her padded crotch. "In a way, it's a relief to know what's going on in my head, but I don't know if I like the idea of being turned on by humiliation."

Jen hugged the smaller girl. "It's best not to worry about that. You like what you like, and you'll be happier in the long run if you just roll with it and have fun. If you want to get those ideas out of your head, you can either write them into stories or act them out. I, of course, am willing to help with either solution," Jen said with a sly grin.

"Perv," Alex said accusingly, "You just want to see me playing at being your little sex slave."

"Well yes, but only to help you feel better. I assure you, I would get no enjoyment out of it whatsoever," Jen replied in mock seriousness, unable to completely hide her smirk.

"Maybe I'll take you up on that sometime," the skunkette said with her own smile. "For now though, we should probably get to sleep. We both have early classes tomorrow, and I've had a fairly crazy day."

"Sure hon," Jen said, kissing the top of Alex's head.

As usual, Jen had an easier time getting ready for bed. She preferred to lounge around the room in her underwear, and would have been nude (which, of course, is the natural state for a dragon) if not for Alex's insistence that she be at least partly dressed in case someone came to the door. With her minimal clothing quickly removed, she watched as the other girl went through her more involved process.

The skunkette stripped to her bare fur and tossed her dry absorbent undergarment in the trash, feeling pride that she had made it through the day without wetting as well as shame that this was now something to celebrate. She bent down to dig out a diaper from under the bed where she kept them hidden, unknowingly providing quite the enticing view of her attractive rear and waving tail to Jen. The tall dragoness looked on as Alex did her best to put on the diaper, a job that really requires three hands. "Are you sure you don't want help with that?" Jen asked

"Yeah, I want to do this on my own. It's like, babies have to have someone change them. It's important to me that I be as adult as I can, to keep a little bit of dignity," Alex said, somewhat sadly. She affixed the last tape and checked the tightness around her legs. It wasn't easy to get them tight enough to not leak, but also be comfortable. She crinkled over to the dresser to grab her night clothes.

"Suit yourself. I'm willing to help you any time, you know. I don't see much difference between this and helping you with the bra, but I understand where you're coming from," Jen said as the other girl finished putting on her pajamas. "Is that also why you wear long pajama pants even when you have fur? I know you get warm during the night."

"Yeah. Just a t-shirt and diaper would be too juvenile," Alex explained. Jen was already reclining on the bed, so she hit the light and joined her. She sighed as she was wrapped in the larger girl's arms. Being cuddled like a stuffed animal chased away her stress, and she quickly fell asleep, faster than she ever had before the Flash.