Prologue -- Uncommon Distractions

Story by FiftyShadesOfFur on SoFurry

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"Tippy!" The voice rose above the scattered growth of the forest floor, bouncing from trunk to trunk beneath the limbs of the trees.

"Tippy! Tippy!" The call came again, this time from a stand of scarab oaks. A shape could be made out shifting in the midst of the oak trunks, and just as the male voice rose a third time for Tippy, black ear tips and snout appeared out of the greenery. The figure was humanoid, but canine. He had a coat of black fur and wore simple traveler's clothes--breeches, tunic, cloak and boots--and he bore a large spiked club in his hand.

"Where could that darned cat have gotten to," Ruffio muttered to himself. The girl should have been back to the glen hours ago for lunch. When he'd gone to find her, his stomach growling, he'd had no idea he'd be trudging through the woods sniffing for more than an hour. The black dog shook his head in agitation as some leaves grabbed at his ears. She had to be close. Pathetic that the magician should get lost when all Ruffio had used was his old hound nose track her this far, and he was sure he was just about to find her too.

At last the canine caught a strong whiff of Tippy's scent, and honed in on the source. But as he rounded the bank of a hill he picked up something else in the scent--something hormonal. He paused and sniffed again, his brows scrunching together as he became sure. Yeah, sure, maybe it'd been a while since this old dog buried his muzzle in a kitty's honey pot, but the nose still knew. He continued forward, forgetting his hunger and agitation long enough to satisfy his curiosity. What on earth could that girl be doing?

Ruffio came to the edge of a small clearing after only a few more paces. He stepped silently up to the wispy branches between him and the clearing and stole a view through their foliage. The dog chuckled silently, shaking his head again.

Naked as the day she were born, Tippy was sprawled on her back in the clearing, her legs pulled tight around the muscled neck of a feral brown bear who lapped at her feminine region. And her arms were spread wide, her paws kneading at the ground. The feline was shorter than average, but not stout--no, instead her curves were most appealing.

Moving around the edge of the clearing so that he could see around the bears mass, Ruffio spied a buck deer also working on the girl. The animal suckled on her nipple, craning down to reach the crown of flesh while its six-point rack wavered above her. And now he could spot, on the other heaving breast, a large squirrel, gobbling up the ashen nipple there. He laughed again, already suspecting the cause of this strangeness, and was reassured of his notion when neither animal nor girl responded to the gravely sound of his un-quieted chuckle. He broke into the clearing with a few easy steps.

He could hear the satisfied feline's gentle moans and purrs as he approached her slowly. His eyes were glued to the low, bare limbs for any hint of the nymph that had started this orgy. The little buggers liked to have their fun, and to watch too. But it wasn't until he was just about to reach out and 'wake' Tippy that he noticed the strangely placed shrub with twinkling eyes.

He couldn't see that magic strike, but later he imagined he did, for the short, sudden (but not uncomfortable) shock of revitalizing energy that hit him had an unreal sensation. At present, it seemed most necessary he get out of his clothes--the air had become so stifling! Away his boots went, followed by the pants, then the shirt and cloak at once. At last he stood naked, with two clubs, the larger one in his paw. But the one dangling between his legs was swelling to take that challenge, so he discarded the other. The ground seemed to slide beneath him, Tippy and the animals drawing nearer, though it was actually he who tread toward them.

A very quiet giggle came from the shrub, its small round leaves quivering as though in a breeze. But this was unnoticed by the other creatures. Tippy let slip a gasping moan to the affect of the bruin tongue, half opening her eyes to regard the hulking figure of the standing canine. Eyes met and both regarded each other the same; though they were mere acquaintances, each felt enchanted by the other, and compelled to show it.

Every nerve aflame, making his heart flutter like a boys, Ruffio found himself on his knees, leaning over the feline. Then, seemingly of their own accord, the squirrel and buck suddenly disengaged their efforts and darted away from the clearing. Another tiny giggle from the bush marked the occurrence, though, and the dog promptly took the vacated space as his own. While the bear pushed and nudged with his muzzle, his slippery tongue pushing Tippy further and further, Ruffio's padded paw wandered over her breast. He worked the callused skin of his digits over her supple mound until his thumb and forefinger found the erect nipple, and pinched firmly on the grey flesh.

Tippy emitted a surprised squeak, her eyes and mouth shooting open. But the old dog was already there. Bracing his weight with his free paw, he'd lowered his muzzle to hers, and he now welcomed her open mouth with a pure kiss. Her receptive lips pulled on his, bringing the kiss tighter together, while their tongues met tenderly.

But the male broke the kiss, letting his lips slide over her pouty lower lip, then over her chin to her neck. He released her breast and nipple, sliding the paw over and around her far side to gently hold her. Meanwhile, he dropped easily to his elbow with the arm supporting him, and slipped that forearm between her silky fur and the grass. By using his down elbow to pivot from this position the black dog effortlessly pulled Tippy over and on top of him, so that her legs straddled his middle and she laid across his chest, bosom pressed to him. And, also caused by the fluid movement, the bear reared back and sat, though he did not run off as did the other critters.

The voluptuous kitty had no less allure than a siren as she sat up, the hot afternoon sunshine of summer warming her fur. While the bruin began pacing about the engaged couple, his own desire evident where it hung from his bulk, Tippy ran her paws over the canine's bare fur. Over his chest, and down his stomach to where her warmth was pressed against his belly. Taking hold of her hips, Ruffio helped the younger female wiggle down over his pelvis--his rigid shaft pressed between his thighs and her sex in the process--until she sat below his groin. The feline sat back on her haunches with Ruffio's legs beneath her, her knees spread enough to expose her mound, though the colors were shaded by her shadow and cool. The pouting mound glistened deliciously with moisture from its mild pink folds. The black dog's member sprung free of their bodies as Tippy settled below it and achieved an angle greater than it had in years.

Observing this, and the complete and rigid swollenness of the tool, Tippy purred her appreciation. Then, with a sensuous giggle, she placed a paw on the lean, bare-but-fur area on either side of Ruffio's engorged presence. Her digits rubbed deeply into the muscle there, causing her trapped toy to bounce and wiggle with the motions, and the toy's owner to grunt. Her eyes lustfully moved from the bulbous knob of near-purple flesh at the base of her toy up its bulging shaft to the engorged tip.

The dog's paws found her sides and held on just below her ribs, giving soft squeezes while her paws moved closer in. He groaned softly when the girl's digits reached his sheath, which the feline hesitated none in taking hold of with one paw and pulling up against the knot. A sputtering shot of clear pre-cum erupted from the cock-tip, squirting over Tippy's chest and face and eliciting another fit of quiet giggles from the bush. The girl retreated from the shot at first, but then laughed, her lips smiling. Her other paw found the dogs hanging sack, and scooped it up from between his thighs in her fingers, cupping and soothing the orbs inside. Then the cat leaned forward further, her legs sliding against the dogs, her chest coming to rest on him just below her massaging paw. Her face now inches from canines tool, she used her other paw's grip on the ruby shaft to bring the tip to her lips.

As Ruffio pushed himself up on an elbow to watch the girl she began rubbing his enflamed head on her tender lower lip. The gentle pressure was enough to bring panting moans from the older male, his sack pulsing in her hand as sprays of pre-cum shot onto her lips, past them, or onto her muzzle. The old black dog tilted his head back and let out a howl at the stimulation, his erection throbbing enticingly to Tippy. The lass, already tempted by the unbearably musky perfume of the male, parted her lips slightly to allow the bright pink tip entrance. Then she administered another tug on his knot using the leverage of her paw below, and received a warm mouthful of thin, salty juice. The flavor was agreeable and Tippy began to suckle on the member, pulling herself forward so that the length slid past her lips. She crept forward further until her breasts bumped against the girth of his knob, their weight resting upon his sack and her still-working paw.

Still forgotten about by the engaged couple, however, the bruin paced. He eyed the feline girl's rounded rump with greedy, bestial lust. His long tongue licked her remaining taste from his lips, and he walked around until he was behind the leaning female, and then lumbered towards her. Tippy's lips continued to grace the sweating pink flesh of Ruffio's shaft, her tongue working at the length captured in her hot muzzle. The brown bear reared up on two legs behind the girl, still unnoticed until he took two steps forward and came down with a solid thud, a paw on either side of Ruffio's chest.

Surprised again, Tippy turned her head to look back, but the cock still in her muzzle caught her cheek--stretching the skin out comically--and caused her to strain. Neither humanoid could even consider, in their present state, a negative response to the bear's entrance. In fact, all three creatures perceived each other in the same hazy, pink light of adoration, desire, and ache. The brown furred mass above squatted down, pressing his groin to Tippy's rear. Ruffio tensed under the added weight and heat, but soon relaxed; Tippy hadn't forgot her attentions to his arousal, and now at the bottom of each slow, deliberate head-bob the kitten's nose nearly nudged his knot.

Squatting now, the bear humped dryly for his mark, his length of bear meat sliding up and down in the bend of Tippy's behind. The bruin continued to struggle until the girl pressed her bottom up into his furry stomach, rendering herself available to the beast. The bear was still careless in his thrusts, though, and when he finally delivered a sinking thrust it was not to the girls waiting sex, but her un-expecting tailhole. Pain proved minimal though, for despite the inconsiderate fervor of the eager beast's quick, piercing thrusts his equipment was modest, and well moistened for transgression.

But the stimulation of her spread tailhole did distract the young darling, who already having felt the veins against her tongue pounding for release, unsheathed the scarlet saber from her muzzle and squeezed tightly--eliciting a low moan from Ruffio--with the paw below his knot. Her other paw carefully released its goods and began pumping vigorously up and down on his shaft. A smile played her lips while the black dog grunted deeply, his stomach tingling in preparation.

The small, odd shrub quivered and produced a bout of quiet giggles once more. This time Tippy was slightly more readied, though. She felt the pulsations tremble through Ruffio's member and pulled her face back, squinting though she couldn't resist the want to stare at the swollen erection as her paw brought the dog over the limit. As canines do, his knot pulsing, Ruffio delivered stream after stream of seed. The hot, thick juice clung to the grey fur of Tippy's breasts, neck and muzzle in streaks, pulling a delighted and entertained laugh from her. But just as the last of the seed pooled around where she gripped the shaft, the brown bear, having the endurance to match his pace, exploded in her rear. The sensation of her backways filling with the bear's presence caused her to spasm, rubbing her already roused sex against Ruffio's body below her. She panted, her mouth agape.

In the moment of slight relaxation that followed next the brown bear stumbled back a ways, and then stopped. He shook his head a moment, as if clearing it. Then next thing he's shooting off through the trees, rear legs pounding dirt. The other two, however, appeared not to be as freed. The dog was already sitting up, helping Tippy to lean back comfortably on the grass. His arousal still throbbed, another achievement presumed left in youth, and he swiftly presented it to her hungering lips. A slow, easy thrust brought him mostly inside. Then he withdrew, her passage gripping him with satisfaction. The cat moaned loudly in reply to Ruffio's second thrust, which rooted him. Then the old dog began a rhythm, delivering to the girl with each thrust, a wordless compliment of beauty.

The mismatched pair of lovers frolicked, absorbed in their exploit, for a long while and great many positions longer until they at last lay, each wordlessly panting for breath and feeling the slanting rays of disappearing sunlight alight on them.

Ruffio stirred first--boy were his hips sore--he stood painfully and blinked into the setting sun. The queer bush was gone, he noticed, his eyes scanning for his clothes.

"You don't see my robe, do you?" came the pleasant voice of the female, her tone tired but not unhappy. It was the first time she'd spoke since the dog came upon her in the clearing. But he didn't see the robe, and told her so.

"We'd better get cleaned up first, anyhow," Ruffio said, "I think I heard a stream running nearby. Probably cold, but we could use the chill," he thought of his weary joints. It had been a much longer afternoon than he anticipated.

Tippy agreed all-but wordlessly and came with him. They walked naked through the trees, listening to the complimentary rumbles of hunger from their stomachs, until they found the trickling creak. Standing with their ankles submerged, they crouched and took up pawfulls of water, washing each other. It hardly seemed personal, with the vivid memories of earlier still at the front of both creature's minds.

Once they'd made their way back to the clearing Ruffio lent Tippy his wool shirt, and then dressed himself. The garment was long enough on the feline to merit passing through the foliage, so they set off. It was getting dark, and though these forests were relatively safe, less merry things than nymphs wandered the night.

After a while, when the silence had become less comfortable between them, Ruffio offered, "Even though it took close to two hours to track you out, since we're returning to the academy in a straight path, it ought not take too much longer."

The young girl glanced at him, a shy smile taking her muzzle, "Oh, I'm sorry you had to find me," she said, "I didn't mean to go missing like that."

The old black dog chuckled, "I didn't meant that at all. Don't worry about it. Could of happened to anyone, right? I didn't mind finding you at all." And when the girl laughed softly to this he had to throw a laugh, and say in spite of himself, "Well, I didn't--err, you know what I meant, Tippy."

She laughed a little harder, but then gained her breath, saying pleasantly, "Call me Tipp, please."

Ruffio glanced at her and laughed softly, keeping himself quiet. This girl was funny. And, considering their afternoon, she had more to her than most to be pleasantly chatting now. With a look at the sky, Ruffio placed the time near eight. If they arrived soon, they would catch the end of dinner.

He thought that was a good thing--they could both use the meal.