Inner feelings and Secrets.

Story by Oros Triago on SoFurry

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#3 of The Steele Saga

The third installment of The Steele Saga has arrived! Hurrah! :)

Just a warning, there is sexy dragon times in this one, so yeah. If you don't want sexy times then all I gotta say is

...too bad, already done and posted. So sit back and read it already

This part takes place right where the previous scene left off. Steele stands with the legendary blade Excalibur in his hands, now fully revealing why his family was murdered all those years ago and now has the chance have vengeance. Later on a new resident moves in while Steele discovers feelings for his mistress, now known as Aurora, despite all the things that dragons have done to mankind. Only one question remains: will he remove the hard shell of his covering who he really is or will he continue to hide from the world?

Once more please vote, fav, and leave your comments to let me know what you think. enjoy!

Excalibur: the fabled sword of the human king Arthur. Many myths have been associated with this fabled blade but the passing years have warped what the blade truly was. In fact, the blade was a physical incarnation of the user's will and was first obtained when Arthur had touched a powerful stone that allowed him to harness such power. This stone was called the god's stone and the power of Excalibur was not only given to the young King, but to all his descendents as well. However, the sword seemed most powerful by men with a strong will and great honor. Arthur and his family was chosen to bring about order to the world when the dragons arrived, him and his descendents meant to do so for many centuries.

When the dragons had first arrived, it was much similar to the more recent invasion that Steele had lived through: The dragons arrived claiming that the earth was theirs, enslaving or killing any humans they saw and nearly won at the end. Of course, the humans won strictly for the simple fact that Arthur had Excalibur. Because the blade was will incarnate, the blade did not hinder when it came to cutting through the harder then diamond hide of a dragon. But even the single unbreakable blade was not enough to face an army of flying dragons. No, the young king was forced to use a different tactic, one that the dragons never thought he would do.

Lost to the pages of history, Arthur had banished the dragons using a forgotten item as the door. It is believed that said door was located somewhere in England, for that was where the dragons first started their invasion. But even if mankind had located the door, they would have needed the key that could send them back to wherever the beasts had came from.

That same key was now in Steele's hands as he stood over the unconscious body of Alduin, the king of dragons himself. Anger raged openly within from his eyes as he had his foot planted firmly on the beasts scaly head. He gazed around with his brown eyes as the dragons that surrounded him watched in fear and awe that the legendary weapon was in this slaves hands. They were muttering to themselves, worried about the upcoming events now that one of the king's sons have reappeared.

"Arthurs last descendant?"

"I thought Alduin killed them off?"

"Well he has the blade."

"Yes. But what does it mean?"

"What else? We're going to be banished."

"Not if we kill him first!"

"While he stands on our king? Good luck with that."

His brown eyes watched the crowd calmly, his fist clenching around the glowing hilt as his teeth did so as well. He raised his arm slowly, causing the group to gasp and mutter as he rose the glowing blade higher and higher. Then, once his hand was at its limited height, he slashed the blade in a downwards arc and the group seemed to stop. But the strong man did not slam the blade into the flesh of the blue dragon underneath him and instead changed its trajectory, throwing the blade off to the side. It did not hit the ground but instead dispersed in a group of lights, appearing much like fireflies flying quickly out of a group before it hit the ground.

With their eyes still watching, Steele slowly began to walk to the crowd and they all moved out of his way, weary of what might happen if they intrude on his path. He stopped at the door however, when his mistress called out. He turned back to look at her, her face filled with bewilderment as well as rage.

"What the hell is this all about?!" She snarled at him, her green eyes looking at his for an answer. "You go and kill several humans, come back and knock my father out with a single punch, brought to our attention that you have Excalibur, and now you're just going to go back inside?" She shook her head. "Just what in the world are you after Steele?"

Steele contemplated his situation for only a brief moment, his hand going to his side, before he opened the door and slammed it behind himself. Here he leaned against the cool metal frame and trembled. Pulling his hand away from his shirt, he looked with wide eyes at the blood in his hand. His blood.

Looking down, Steele spotted blood oozing in a steady torrent down his body and pooled on the floor. He began to walk forward, stumbling as he did so when he began to slowly make his way up the stairs. He collapsed near the top, but only managed to get to his shaking feet.

"Damn it all." He whispered as his head suddenly felt very light. He was shot, and as he continued up the stairs Steele only felt worse. Now at his mistress's bedchambers, he slammed the door wide opened and stumbled in but did not stop. He instead threw the other door open and walked into the bathroom where he fell to his knees and turned the water on. He was dying, that much was certain but he did not mind. To him, it was better then what he lived with now. After all, his freedom would only be given to him when he was dead, so why not get it early.

Soon, the water was filled and he slid head first in. Darkness and warmth surrounded him as his mind began to grow fainter and fainter. In his final conscious moments, Steele was surprised by himself when he began to think about the golden dragon that was his mistress. What was her name? Oh now he remembered what it was... he had heard it earlier from outside.


he smiled when he thought he heard her voice. The the darkness came and there was nothing left fro him to see or hear.

The man awoke surrounded by water. Shaking his head, Steele swam quickly to where he thought the surface and took a gasp of air when his head was removed from it. Immediately, Steele saw that this no ordinary place as he was surrounded completely by darkness. No water, no light, nothing. Yet when Steele looked down, he could see his own body as though there was nothing there while he swam to keep his head above whatever engulfed his lower body.

The 'liquid' suddenly disappeared and he landed hard on his feet, falling immediately to his hands and knees when he thought he would continue to fall. Placing his one foot up to bring himself to his feet, Steele stopped when he saw a figure standing with his back to him directly in front of him.

The stranger stood roughly six feet tall and wore a white robe. His head was covered in a thick mane of messy white hair and the man suddenly turned his head, allowing Steele to confirm that he was in fact around sixty years old. What made it so painfully obvious was how this wrinkles that lined his face and how old man seemed wiser then his age suggested. His wrinkled face contemplated Steele for only a moment and Steele was about to ask (rudely) what he wanted.

"You must do what he could not." He suddenly said, his voice even filled with the wisdom from his face. Steele was startled, not expecting this kind of greeting and he looked into the old mans eye.

"What...Do you mean by 'do what he could not? Who's he?' Steele asked, standing up to his feet. The old man did not seem to hear Steele and turned back to face him completely.

"You must do what Arthur could not and bring peace to this world." the old man said, now allowing Steele to fully realize what he was talking about. "Come, find me. 561B76. Now go!" He held his palm out to Steele and a blast of light shot out of his hand, momentarily blinding him as he held his arm up to cover his vision. After a moment, he lowered his hand causing a small gasp to escape when he saw that the man was gone.

Steele looked around and into the darkness, trying to see where the old man went when he suddenly felt his footing slip. Giving a grunt of surprise, Steele began to fall into nothing and he reached up to grab something. But there was nothing to grab and soon he was swallowed by the darkness.

Some time earlier, Aurora was watching where Steele had went before walking over to her fathers unconscious body where the crowd had formed around him. Pushing her way in, Aurora spotted her mother as well as several others lift him up. She did felt a little concerned, but not as much as she did for Steele. With a sigh, she walked up to her mother.

"Will you be alright Mother?" She asked gently, stopping as the group helped the dragon up. A small groan could be heard from the unconscious blue while her mother smiled at her and nodded.

"We will be alright." She suddenly saw Aurora look at the door worriedly. She cocked her head to the side. "But...Are you alright Aurora?"

Aurora looked back and smiled at her. "Yes, I will be fine. But I am worried about Steele." She looked once more to the door. "He normally doesn't let a person live after that, especially when he hates them so."

her mother seemed to smile at her. "You know a lot of things about him." She laughed suddenly. "You've been watching him a lot longer then him being here haven't you?"

With a blush, Aurora gave her mother a farewell and walked to the door where she watched the dragons carry her father away. Her mother was right, but Aurora was right as well. Steele normally didn't leave a man alive in a fight like this. She was stopped when a large blue drake with childish features approached her.

Tebinth Arkinias, the brother of Aurora and son of Alduin. Despite being three years younger then her, Tebinth stood a full two feet higher then her at six foot four and he was the same color as their father but had their mothers bright red eyes. While the rest of their family had a kind of knowledgeable features, he seemed to have inherited more childlike features and was beaming a rather adorable grin at his older sister.

"Was that really the Substitutioner?!" He called out happily. If there was one thing about him that made him more childlike, it was his rather large liking to Steele and his gladiatorial career. Aurora only grunted an answer while she placing her hand against the metal door. and Tebinth bounced with glee.

"Oh please, oh please let me spend my time here Sis!" He begged as he looked back up at Aurora who only laughed at him. His red crimson eyes seeming to water with a child like hopefulness

"Alright, Alright!" She laughed at him, his happiness getting at her. No matter how much she fought it, she couldn't say no to her brother and she knew not to fight it. "But only while you, mother, and father are staying here in the area."

"Alright! Yes!" Tebinth cried out, smiling even more then before. She smiled and began to open the door. As soon as the smell inside hit her nostrils, she immediately knew all was not well. Looking inside, the dragoness saw blood coating the door and the floor, forming atrail that lead down the hall and up the main stairway deeper inside

"Steele..." She whispered before suddenly darting inside, following the trail to her bedchambers where the door was left wide open. Behind her, Tebinth followed close behind. He too was worried even though he knew nothing of Steele.

Inside only confirmed her fears as Steele was barely breathing, his head against the marble while his still clothed body was bleeding out in the water. Her eyes wide, Aurora ran to the pools edge, amazed that he was still bleeding despite the water being as red as the blood coming out of his wound located in his lower hip.

"Steele!" She cried out, darting inside towards his body.

She grabbed him by his blood stained collar and pulled him out onto the flooring, away from the water where she quickly ripped his shirt off, revealing his body. She was wrong about there being only one wound as there was another on his thigh as well as on his upper arm.

"Damn it Steele." She whispered when she heard her brother run in. The drake gave a gasp and walked over to the two, staring at Steele's body.

"Will..." Tebinth began, fear creeping into his voice. The boy may have been alive during the war, but he had never once been called out to battle. This meant that he never seen blood until now and it was hitting him hard. "Will he be alright Aurora." The young golden dragon only looked up and smiled.

"He'll be fine Tebinth." She began, turning back to his unconscious form. She slowly placed her clawed hand to his bare chest and a small glow encompassed her hand. "I am Arkinias's finest healer after all."

And she was right, no dragon healer in the family was as capable as her. The glow seemed to get bright, before it suddenly burst into a blue flame. The flame seemed to spread from her hand and out to the three bullets holes where they stopped. The wounds seemed to begin to close and in the one in his hip, a bullet fragment popped out and a moan could be heard from Steele's unconscious body. Pain etched his chiseled face and soon it turned into one of utter bliss as the wounds finished closing.

Aurora gave a breathe of relief when his wounds finished healing, but she felt suddenly faint and began to fall over when she felt her bothers dart underneath her. She gave out a small smile as Tebinth watched Steele's body.

"Great, now I have to get you and him to bed." he laughed as he helped her to her bedchambers. Once she was safely in bed, Tebinth went and retrieved Steele, placing him gently in the bed along with her. Tebinth smiled at his sister.

"So shall I stay in the spare downstairs?" Asked Tebinth while Aurora curled around the human's sleeping form. She nodded and Tebinth began to walk away. "Give a holler if you need anything!' He called out as he went around the corner and disappeared.

With him gone, Aurora watched Steele breath in the gentle rhythm of slumber before she herself joined him. Before she fell asleep, Aurora heard Steele mutter and gasped when he suddenly had his arms pressed against her chest. Looking down, she was surprised to see him giving a small smile while he slept.

"I hope your enjoying your sleep Steele." She whispered quietly as she bent down and kissed his cheek gently. Laying her head down next to him, she soon fell asleep.

Steele awoke but immediately wished he hadn't. He felt groggy as well as very sore around his hips, leg, and right arm. Opening his eyes slowly, he was surprised to see Aurora's golden wing covering him. Then he realized that he was pressed to her chest and he moved away quickly, feeling his face flush from the touch. Rubbing his face of the remaining sleep, Steele quickly moved out from underneath his mistress's wing and sat on the edge of the bed, noticing the trail of blood still on the floor. With a snort, the man stood up and walked into the bathroom where he grabbed a cloth and wiped up the mess. It took some time, but he finally managed to get the blood cleaned up and he wiped his forehead from sweat at the door. The sun was beating down on him there and he had a tough time finding shade as he cleaned up.

He still felt groggy from the night before but he knew he had to get breakfast ready before his mistress was awake. Going to the kitchen, he began to make some eggs along with some meat he suspected was cut from the body of a moose. He was sprinkling some pepper and seasonings on the eggs and meat when he heard something move behind him. Steele looked over his shoulder to be surprised when he saw a face of a blue dragon standing at the door gawking at him like he was a foreign animal in a zoo.

The dragon stood roughly six foot four, a good three feet taller then Steele. His scales were of a dark blue, much like the sea deep below its surface and it was the same as Alduin. A tattoo on his right shoulder, the shape of a snake with wings in mid flight, indicated that the blue drake was a Arkinias. He also noticed that the dragon's two crimson eyes were the same as the golden dragoness that came here with the king of dragons the night before. But really caught him off guard was how ecstatic the drake appeared when he saw him, his long mouth opened in a wide grin as he stared at him.

The dragon suddenly leaped over the table, at least, tried to when he landed on the table hard close to Steele. This surprised the human considerably as he spun about and pressed his back to the stove tightly, blinking as the dragon leaped of the table once more and began to inspect the human eagerly.

"W-Who the hell are you?" Steele stuttered as the dragon stood back, grinning like an excited child.

"I'm Tebinth Arkinias, son of Alduin and brother to your mistress." His grin widened. "And I'm... A HUGE FAN! CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH?"

Steele blinked at the request, catching him off guard as he felt the heat of the stove going over his back. He spun around and stirred the meat and flipped the eggs when he suspected that they were about to burn. "U-Uh... now's not the time kid!" he said when the eggs suddenly burst into flames. He picked up the pan and ran to the sink where he turned the tap on and shoved the flames under the rushing water. "Damn it all." He swore quietly when steam shot up in his face, causing him to cover his face with the crook of his arm.

The blue dragon behind him looked at the stove and noticed dark smoke rising from the meat. He looked over to Steele and called him, pointing a clawed finger at the stove. Steele swore and ran to it, only to trip on his face halfway. Tebinth began to chuckle as Steele jumped to his feet and laughed when Steele gave a sad moan when he finally arrived there. The meat was black and burnt and Steele sighed while he turned off the stove. "Again, damn it all." He threw the pans contents into the garbage, the blue dragon finally calming down from his laughing high. "Well, mistress won't be pleased this morning."

He was suddenly interrupted by a woman's laughter and he turned to see Aurora standing in the doorway, chuckling as she walked up to him. "I see that you're feeling better Steele." She said as she looked him over. He was still not wearing a shirt and Steele felt himself flush as the dragoness gazed at the spots where his wounds once were. "I see that the one on the hip has fully healed, but it seems that the one on your arm will leave a scar."

Steele blinked ad looked at his arm, finally seeing a small pink spot there that indicated a small wound. She was right, but he hadn't realized that he was wounded elsewhere. He had only thought that he had been shot on the waist area. He gasped when Aurora suddenly pulled his pants down.

"H-hey!" He yelped, covering his privates while the dragoness inspected another small scar on the inside of his thigh, thankful that Tebinth was in the fridge. "What in the world are you doing Mistress?!"

Aurora ignored her slaves protests and sniffed at his leg, but not in inspection. She felt a need in her loins strike her and she gave him a lick on his skin, causing him to shudder at the feeling of her tongue. Luckily, Tebinth was still in the fridge and didn't notice his sister doing such an intimate act with the human. In fact, he was completely oblivious to the scene as he pulled his head out with a lump of lamb in his mouth, Aurora pulling up Steele's pants up as he did so and brought her head slowly up to his.

"I'm surprised you can even get aroused with the lack of blood in your body Steele." She whispered in his ear, causing him to gulp and obtain a redder face. She was right about that. He_was_ getting an boner simply from her licking his thigh. But she was wrong about one thing about it: He was suddenly getting light headed.

But why was he so aroused by that simple act? Sure he had slept with her before..But this was different. He felt a twinge on his heart and that made him upset. Was he falling for her? Steele shook his head, finding the idea ridiculous and unnerving. She was part of the family that had murdered his family all those years ago, he couldn't possibly be falling in love with her after only knowing her for a little over two days.

Could he?

Tebinth noticed that Steele was acting strange as he ripped a hunk out of the meat. "Steele? You alright, you're a little red there." he muttered in between mouthfuls.

Steele sat there for a moment, staring blankly ahead of him. "Yeah I'm fine..." He croaked, starting to walk to the door with a strange hobble, trying his best to hide his erection from Tebinth. "...Just..need some sleep." He didn't make it halfway around the table before he fell flat on his face like a floppy rag doll.

The two dragons sat there staring at Steele's unconscious body. "Guess we're all mortal." Tebinth muttered, taking another bite before walking over to the unconscious human where Aurora was already inspecting him. "Should I take him to his room?" He asked his sister but she only shook her head as she grabbed him and easily tossed the man onto the base of her neck.

"I'll take him." She replied quickly leaving the room with a smirk. As she walked, Aurora heard Steele groan and she looked back over her shoulder to see him resting peacefully, but his pants had an awkward tent in them. The dragoness grinned at him, finding him... intriguing to say the least. She was also feeling a kind of wanting towards him... was she falling in love with an asshole? Worse, he was a _human a_sshole.

Now the two were at his door and Aurora was still conflicting with her emotions. But it didn't take long and she walked in, closing the door with her golden tail and locking it. Giving a little strange hop, Aurora tossed him gently onto the bed and watched as his chest rose and fell. But her gaze slowly slid down to his bulge where her gaze truly lingering on what was hidden inside.

Licking her lips, she slowly slid onto his bed and grasped the waistband and pulled slowly down. Soon, his manhood was released from its cloth prison and shot straight into the air. "Wow." She muttered, her emerald eyes going big as she looked at the prize she had released. "I forgot how big he was, even if it was only two days ago." Leaning forward, she smelled the earthy musk of his pheromones on him and her heat in her legs only worsened at the smell. She opened her mouth and slowly licked the base and brought it slowly up. Pre-cum formed at the top and when her tongue arrived there, Aurora flicked only the tip of her long tongue on his head and pulled back, savoring the sweet taste.

Aurora pulled back but stopped, Steele's brown eyes watching hers as she pulled back. This in turn caused her to jump, startled that he was awake but was even more surprised when he blushed and turned away from her. It seemed like he was rather...upset... about something.

"Sorry." He muttered shyly. Aurora blinked, not expecting an apology of all things. She watched him for a moment, studying his face for any emotions. The only thing she saw was something she thought Steele could not even be able to make on his chiseled face: Sadness.

"F-For what?" Aurora asked him, blinking several times. He looked up at her apologetically, handsome brown eyes gazing into her emerald green eyes, making her breathless.

"For being an asshole." He sighed at her. She blinked yet again. Why was he apologizing for that? It wasn't his fault for what he was, in fact, Aurora believed she was falling for him for every moment he spent with the human. Even then, she couldn't help but give out a laugh.

"I thought that you said you were a dick." She chuckled at him, cocking an eyebrow ridge as she did so. He chuckled, his face brightening up with a smile of all things but it was only for a moment before he had the apologetic look again.

"Either way, I shouldn't have acted like that." He looked away once more. "You've been... so kind to me. You gave me a home, treated me like a friend, got me new clothes, and heck you even fixed me up when I was injured." Steele swung his arm over his own body, towards the scar he had before looking back up at her. "And all I did in return was be an utter jerk to you, all because I hate you for being a dragon."

Aurora shook her head at him, making him blink now when she wiped a tear from his face. "Steele, do you really hate me?" Steele looked at her for a moment but even he didn't have an answer for it. The only thing that ame to mind was her being being a dragon and a... "Why?"

He gave it a moment before replying "For so many reasons." He sighed slowly, quietly. "Starting with you being a dragon but the main reason for my hatred towards you is for being a Arkinias." She smiled up at him, making him surprised at how she reacted.

"Because I'm an Arkinias?" She laughed with her musical voice. "Steele that is a rather poor reason."

She suddenly grasped his hand and placed it against her chest, keeping it there when he tried to pull away. Steele felt her heart there, beating softly withing her chest. "Steele, what is it that you see when you look at me?" She asked suddenly, looking up gently into his eyes.

Steele blinked at his mistress, the question she had asked surprising him. "I-I don't Know..." He replied. She only closed her eyes and smiled warmly.

"Are certain?" she asked, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "Because when I look at you...I see a gentle man hiding beneath a hard exterior." she opened her eyes and looked back up at him. " A man that I believe I am falling for"

"Falling...for me?" The man asked slowly, drawing out each word like they're his last. She only nodded, now bring his hand up to press against her cheek.

"Yes." she slowly began, nuzzling his hand softly. "But I don't know why... I just know that I'm falling for you. But now I need to know... What do you feel about me?"

"I...I don't know..." he whispered slowly, trying to think. What does he think of her? In the last two days that Steele had been there he knew that she smiled often, in fact she had never once shown a face other then happiness except for extreme times, such as last night when he was standing with his foot on her fathers neck. This showed that she was a loving family member to him.

Then it came to how she spoke to people even when they were nothing compared to her status meaning that she was well mannered. But this proved wrong to him from last night when she had yelled at him about being Arthur's descendent. Yet other then that she had not once yelled at him really and she even had...mated with him on his first night with him there, showing that she had compassion in a strange way.

And as he thought about it more, the more he felt a feeling rise up in his chest before he suddenly followed his instinct. Grasping wither side of the golden dragons head, Steele brought her lips up to his and kissed her in a slow, romantic way. After a moment, he pulled back slowly, his face suddenly giving out something he hadn't done in many years. He was smiling.

"I...think I have your answer now mistress." he whispered to her, mere inches from her face still when Aurora gave out a chuckle, grasping his one hand once more and giving it a gentle squeeze.

She shook her head slowly before looking back up at him. Aurora." She said slowly, making sure he heard. "Call me Aurora."

His small smile grew wider. "I...thought you wanted to be called mistress?" he questioned her, rubbing his fingers under the ridge of her cheek.

"I changed my mind." she giggled softly. He only laughed in return.

"Then I don't want you calling me Steele." he smiled, placing his forehead gently against her head.

"Call me by my real name instead." He breathed slowly, looking back into her eyes. "Call me Trevor." Then he kissed her once more, this time more intimate as their tongues invaded each other mouths. Trevor felt disappointed in himself, his tongue being small and puny compared to hers and was only able to reach so far as past her front teeth. Meanwhile hers was busily exploring his mouth, its long length able to go so far and bend around every crevice in his mouth that he felt like it would be the best kiss he would ever get.

She was the one that pulled away this time and giggled at him. "So what now Trevor?" Trevor felt her hand begin to trail down his body, making him realize that he was still hard down below. He chuckled at her now, smiling warmly at her.

"That all depends on you Aurora." He laughed, rubbing her neck affectionately. "I'm far too weak to do anything right now. Heck, my head is all light headed because my dicks hogging all the blood."

"Are you sure that's not from me?" She laughed, slowly bending her neck down towards his tool while her hand began to fondle him.

"Well, that could also be it." He moaned, Aurora giving a flick of her long tongue on his tip. "But I'm... pretty sure that its just from being hurt. Oh gosh, don't stop."

Now Aurora was spinning her tongue lovingly around his head, even kissing it lightly before going down to the base. Here she kissed it and began to lick up and down slowly, causing him to moan when she suddenly agave another kiss, this time on the top and pushed down, causing his member to spread her lips wide open as she took him into her large maw.

"Oh my GOSH!" Trevor yelped, feeling himself covered in utter warmth. Aurora didn't move, at least, not yet. Instead she suckled on him and wrapped her long prehensile tongue around him, squeezing while sucking on his dick. She grinned, pulling herself off of him when he was trembling slightly, leaving only her tongue wrapped on him still. Her emerald eyes watching his brown ones as he realized that her tongue was still on him.

"Oh wow." He gasped when Aurora gave him yet another squeeze with her tongue.

"Enjoying yourself?" She asked her lover, gazing up at his trembling face. He gave a warm smile, rubbing the bottom of her cheek.

"Yeah." He leaned back as Aurora began to bob her head up and down, up and down, enjoying every moment and movement that she made. "I've never felt...ngh...this good. Oh god!" Aurora suddenly removed her tongue, only to press it on the bottom of Trevor's shaft, adding pressure to him while she bobbed. This in turn caused him to feel every ripple on the top of her mouth, adding to the pleasure coursing through his nerves.

Now with this new feeling assaulting his nerves, Trevor felt Aurora speed up for a few moments, only to slow down once more. While she sucked and licked on him, Aurora felt her need in her loins grow and she felt herself bring her tail back towards her sex, which was dripping wet with lust. With small groan, Aurora began to rub her tail against her sex, lubricating it with her juices.

After a moment, the dragoness began to press her own tail against her fold, spreading her lips wide as it went deeper and deeper into her vent. After she had a good amount in her, she began to wiggle it while slowly pulling out. Meanwhile, she pulled back on Trevor as well trying to keep both movements in sync. But she went just a bit slower with her bobs, meaning to slow down his oncoming climax.

Soon the dragoness was pounding away at her own cunt at a steady pace, simultaneously sucking hard at Trevor's head. A groan was heard, the vibrations going up and through the tool in her mouth only adding more pleasure to Trevor. This caused her to groan against the engorged flesh within her mouth and Trevor shuddered at the feeling, one of his hands placed gently against the top of her head as a show of thanks.

Her tail was soon coated in her own fluids, aiding to the thrusts and making it more pleasurable as she began to penetrate herself at a faster pace. Meanwhile, Trevor was feeling the familiar squeeze within himself that indicated that he was close. But he had inherited something from the honorable blood coursing through his veins and began to pull out. He felt that it was wrong for him to finish with in her mouth, believing that doing so was morally wrong. But he was stopped by a growl and he felt Aurora pull him back down.

His eyes went wide. "A-Aurora!" he gasped, when he felt his rod suddenly tense up. It was coming, and quick. "P-Please! If you don't stop I'm gonna...I'm gonna..." this seemed only to encourage Aurora as she began to speed up on her ministrations on the human, her long tongue twirling itself all around his member and pressed it once more to her roof for maximum pleasure.

Then, he finished when she slammed him as far as his sex could go slowly pulling back with each spurt of cum that came out of his tool. Meanwhile, her tail simultaneously going in deep when her own orgasm came forth, her juices shooting out from around her tail and unto the floor and dripped steadily from inside her thighs. The moment felt like forever when it only lasted for a few moments. The couple sat there on his bed for a few moments, coming slowly out of the glow of the moment before Aurora pulled herself off of his softening manhood while taking her own tail out of her still dripping vent.

With her eyes still closed, Aurora pulled her head up to Trevor's own level, her mouth slightly open while he stared. Cum was oozing gently out of the corners and she finally closed her mouth, taking an audible gulp causing Trevor's now soften dick to twitch once more with arousal even though he felt exhausted already from not only the lack of blood in his system, but also from his own climax.

"Huff...huff...Ummm..." Trevor gasped in between breaths for air when the dragon began to lick his member of remaining sperm. He groaned when he felt himself begin to harden once more, soon after at his maximum length.

"Aurora..." He whizzed. "...I...I can't last like this... I'm too-" he was interrupted when the golden dragon between his legs pressed a clawed finger to his lips and she gave a gentle shhh.

"Do not worry." She whispered, beginning to slowly crawl onto the bed gently pressed him to his back. Aurora continued to crawl, rubbing slowly along Trevors member until she felt it brush past her own sex. She shivered slightly at the feeling of the engorged flesh between her highs, wanting the human to take her then and there but she restrained herself.

Bending her long neck down towards his neck, Aurora began to gently lap at his soft skin gently. Simultaneously, she began to slid herself along Trevor, coating him quickly in her own bodily lubrication. With out thinking, Trevor brought his hands to her hips and stroked Aurora's flanks in slow strokes. Her wide leathery membranes on her wings seemed to cover the entire bed, making him feel like everything that they were doing was in their own personal world.

"Kinky." the human sighed, grabbing himself and positioning his organ so that they could continue. Soon he felt her lips and Trevor began to tease her, sliding slowly up and down. "I don't have the strength to do this, so you decided to take control yourself."

"That is another thing about you Trevor." She breathed gently into his neck causing him to shiver at her warm moist breath. "You are so...observant...." the last part she groaned out as she began to slide herself down on him, spreading her womanhood wide over his dick and soon he was hip-to-hip with the dragoness. She felt his grip tightened, Trevor's manhood surrounded entirely by rippling flesh and warmth that felt warmer then a oven baking bread.

"Ugh." He grunted, Aurora bringing herself up only to slam down once more when she felt him about to leave her most vulnerable area. Soon she was going at a gentle pace, Trevor face closed with a warm smile on his handsome face before he opened his brown eyes to watch as he disappeared again and again into her wet depths, each sink giving a lewd noise. It felt like bliss yet even when he was inside her before, this only felt better because he actually wanted to be here unlike last time.

Trevor smiled once more, closing his eyes as he leaned back gently into his pillow. There he just relaxed his body and basked in the quick movements of his dragon lover, loving every stroke of her internal muscles. The human grunted, when he suddenly felt Aurora suddenly clench down on him, feeling like she was trying to milk him even though her thrusts had stopped, bringing him to the hilt deep inside her snatch.

"Jeez.." he groaned, feeling something warm and moist beginning to pool around his crotch and on the bed sheeting. "Came already? Your heat must bee hitting you hard." Her orgasm died down and he was surprised to see her going back at it, moving faster this time when there was less friction due to all the fem-cum that had coated the both of them.

While he enjoyed the faster speed immensely, he was worried about Aurora as she had a grimace on her face and his hand moved from her flank to her shoulder. "D-Don't hurt yourself.." He muttered, groaning afterward when he felt the dragon squeeze her internal muscles to aid in his pleasure as well as her own. She replied at first by shaking her head and pressed her lips against his.

Pulling back, Trevor and Aurora stared at each other. Her pace picked up suddenly and he tensed from the feeling. "I'm not worrying about myself Trevor." She moaned, suddenly shifting her position a little to add more enjoyment for herself. " I just...want to make you...feel better."

That really did it for him and Trevor felt the pressure build up in his lower body. "T-Thank you..." he gasped, Aurora once more speeding up until it felt like she was using a jackhammer on his own organ. The dragoness too, felt her own impending climax. This amazed her, having come to yet another one in such a short time. Was the human she was fucking underneath her really that good at it, or was the feeling within her chest really what she thought it was?

Her question wasn't answered when Aurora felt Trevor begin to twitch deep within. Her hips sped up for several more thrusts before she slammed down one final time, a cry escaping her as Trevor's own joined hers. It felt like he was exploding, his seed spurting deep into the dragoness' womb as his body tried desperately to impregnate her, filling every crevice within it.

The feeling of Trevor filling her vent with his spunk was what set her off and she gave a mighty roar, her vent squeezing and rippling around his cock as it milked him even more for his seed. As their bodies trembled against each other, a trickle of both their fluids began to trickle out from around Trevor's embedded flesh. Their climax soon ended, leaving the two breathless and Aurora felt her legs give way, collapsing onto Trevor's body where he took her gently into an embrace. There the two basked in the after glow of the moment, enjoying the feeling of each other when both jumped suddenly, the door swinging open.

Tebinth ran in, a look of worry and fear on his face. "You guys okay? I heard Aurora give a y-" he blinked, having a clear view of Trevor sex balls deep with her own as a mixture of the twos cum came dripping down his shaft. The trio sat there blinking at each other before Tebinth's face went purple caused by the red tinge of being flushed.

"Well then.. I'll just um..." he muttered before suddenly darting out the door, slamming it with his tail behind him. With a sigh, Aurora turned to look back at Trevor who was blushing just as much as he was.

"Can't believe the twerp just walked in on us...' he grumbled, looking back up at Aurora.

"I-I thought that I locked it..." she muttered sadly until Trevor laughed and gave her a gentle kiss.

"Guess you don't know that you need to lift the door a little as you close it in order to do it properly." He chuckled, rubbing her shoulder gently. With a grunt, Trevor felt her pull off of his softening shaft, more juices splattering on him from the movement. He tensed up when he felt Aurora begin to clean him once more, but this time he knew that it wasn't for sexual purposes and thus fought the urge to become erect again. He wouldn't be able to survive another scene like this.

Afterward, Aurora gave a sigh and stood up, turning to the door and began to leave. "I better go make sure he's okay." She said over her shoulder to Trevor. At the door she looked back and smiled at him warmly. "Get some rest alright."

Then she was gone, leaving Trevor alone in his own room. With a sigh, the man leaned down int his bed and closed his eyes. His face was sore, it so for he had not smiled like this in years. With a content sigh, Trevor fell asleep, his mind on his new future here with his new mistress.

Meanwhile, Aurora was walking down the hall towards the kitchen. Her brother wasn't in the room he was assigned to so she assumed that Tebinth would be in the kitchen. She felt content, Trevor's spunk making her feel nice and full, keeping the need from her heat at bay as she came to the door. Her she pushed it open to see Tebinth shoving meat down his gullet in a furious speed.

"What..the hell... Aurora?" He yelled in between mouthfuls, his sister taking a seat opposite of him. Her smile was now gone, replaced by an grim face that she wore as her eyes closed. "Ya know..what he to you...if he...found out." Finished with ribs, the blue drake reached over and grabbed a large platter filled with pork chops, Aurora giving out a sigh at her brothers gluttonous ways of showing distress.

"I Know." she muttered at him when he suddenly pointed a piece of meat at her with a frown.

"If you want to be with him.." He snorted. "...Then you better tell him the truth." he took another bite of meat before continuing.

"You better tell him that it was you who murdered his family all those years ago and not father because if you don't..." His eyes narrowed menacingly at her. "...I will Aurora."