Misadventures of Jason: Part 2- Teachers Pet

Story by Gorrister on SoFurry

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#2 of Misadventures of Jason

Sorry for the long wait! Its been a tough year for me and kept getting distracted with other things! Hopefully it will be (atleast somewhat) worth the wait! And I'll try to continue on the series from here more frequently! Hope you enjoy!

Catlyn Victora was doing the best should could on the first day back teaching English after a long summer break. It had been a VERY long break for her, having had the longest 'dry spell' she had ever had after breaking off a messy relationship with her boyfriend of 2 years back in June. Before they broke things off, her boyfriend and her were humping like rabbits 2 to 3 times a day, so going from that to nothing was a shock to her system. To add to her problems, she was having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. She was avoiding most people, her self esteem shot. She wasn't looking for another relationship so soon, and she wasn't the type the go looking for hookups at the bars downtown either... though if she couldn't get it together soon, she thought she might have to. Hell she was starting to have day dreams of getting gang banged by the half a dozen studs two to three times a day now. She couldn't believe she lasted this long without something that didn't require at least a couple batteries between her legs.

It was getting to her for sure... it didn't help that today she was being ogled by half the student body, and the faculty as well when she was out on campus. But she did enjoy those stares, it made her feel good, in a way, reminding her she still had it. She always put an effort to keep her fur golden and shiny, and well groomed. Her silky black hair was done up into a bun on top of her head, her small ears peeking through. She wore a pair of small glasses, and a dark shade of red for lipstick on her lips. The skirt she wore were just short enough without being too revealing, the same with her blouse which she knew showed off a good deal more of her cleavage than a teacher should.. but it felt like just the right amount. Maybe those looks and some of those drooling guys would help her build her confidence back up, she knew she would get somebody soon for sure. Maybe that new Math teacher, the cute mouse. He was a bit on the nerdy side but she always did have a thing for rodents. He certainly would be a better choice than Larry, the old horn-dog of a bear who kept telling the same silly dirty jokes and making lewd suggestions to her. She might've reported him for sexual harassment, but it was so much more fun to just tease him back. At any rate, she knew she would have to figure out something soon... or else she thought she might be forced to jump on one (or more) of the more handsome students...

She tried to push those lustful thoughts down as she taught class, getting the usually stares from the boys and some jealous looks from the girls as she went on, doing her best to be professional and go forward with the lecture. But something was different today. There was a certain smell in the air that should couldn't put her finger on; it was odd... but she liked it in some way. In addition to that, something was affecting her self control. While she was teaching, she couldn't help but be swarmed by lewd thoughts. She was feeling even more horny than usual, for sure. She was able to keep her cool on the outside, but on the inside, she couldn't stop thinking about the handsome young colt in the front row, the tiger with the broad shoulders to the right, or that cute timber wolf in the back with the bulge in his pants, all three of them holding her down to her desk... each one taking turns fucking her while she serviced the two other young cocks. Each one of those hard dicks making her cum harder than she ever had, and covering her fur in their thick spunk...

'Gah! What am I thinking!? Those are my students!' She thought to herself, trying to get away from lewd daydreams, but still they lingered in her mind, her dark silk panties starting to get soaked between the soft fur of her thighs. She was getting hotter by the moment, the number of cocks ready to fuck her growing in her mind, all of them dancing in her head. She was so on edge she almost jumped up with the young rabbit who kept on staring at her got up and rushed out the door. She could have sworn he looked like he was trying to smuggle something out of class in the front of his pants. But she shrugged it off, not missing a beat with the lecture. As class went on, she was able to regain her composure, cooling down a bit with only a few cocks running around in her head, though her wet panties were a constant reminder that she would have to take care of herself soon. Maybe she could sneak off and get some release with her vibrating little friend she had in her purse after class...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Crap crap crap!" Jason said to himself out loud as he rushed back to class. He was amazed he came out of the bathroom without a stain showing on his clothes after what he had left in the bathroom. Sandra, the slutty vixen who came at his cock full of lustful need, was still moaning in a puddle of his own cum which covered nearly the entire wall of the stall with a sheen of hot cream. With a sniff, however, he noticed there was a lingering smell... he hoped no one else would pick up on it... At any rate, he was more concerned about getting back to class before it ended. Half the class period was gone after that little adventure, which surprised Jason cause it felt like he had just spent half the day with that slutty fox. He had to shake that thought out of his head, almost tripping on himself when he cock hardened in his pants. He was able to concentrate long enough to get it down before went back to class.

He got to the door just in time to see the other students file out of it into the hallway, going their separate ways down the halls, hardly anyone noticing him, though a few going by did give a few strange looks, or at least looked momentarily confused as they sniffed the air. Maybe the smell was worse than he thought... but lucky for him, most of them were too busy getting to the next class to really sniff at him. He tried to wait as patiently and as quietly as he could for the flow of other students to die down so he could try and sneak in. He wanted to grab his books and dash to the next class like nothing happened, if he could. He definitely wanted to put as much distance between him and the bathroom he left a mess as he could. He found a moment and moved in to go for his stuff. He tried to act as casually as possible, not trying to be noticed or seen, and grabbed his backpack. He had barely got his pack on when he heard a voice say: "Not so fast, Mr. Lagos." It was Ms. Victoria and the way she said it send a chill down his spine, making his fur stand on end (and make something else start to stand up again...) "You're not going anywhere. Take a seat."

Jason nodded with a defeated expression on his face, his ears going behind his head. He got back in his seat as the rest of the students left out the door. The cougar had her arms folded, which forced her breasts out and gave Jason a disappointed look. "Would you mind telling me why you missed half of my class?" she asked as she stepped forward to the front row desk that Jason was sitting in.

It took a moment for Jason to think of anything, let alone say it, since his mind was rather focus at the moment on those soft breasts jutting out even more from the cougars chest. "Um... uhhh..." he stammered, trying to think of a reasonable excuse, since he could only assume that 'I was fucking another students brains out in the bathroom with my massive cock.' probably wouldn't go over to well.

"J-just some.... stomach problems..." he said, nervously rubbing the back of his head. He couldn't get his mind off of Sandra's cum-covered body, and Ms. Victoria's breasts, and imagining what it might be like to give the cougar the same kind of treatment as he did to the vixen. His cock were straining in his pants now. Being this close to Ms. Victoria was hard for him to control himself, and even harder on the fabric of his jeans. Every inch of her curvy breasts were assaulting his eyes this close. He couldn't stop himself from imagining what she would look like without those clothes. Sandra was a girl, and a sexy one at that, but Ms. Victoria was a woman with wide hips, silky thighs and big full breasts.... He had to snap himself back into reality when he felt his cock press against the bottom of the desk.

"Stomach problems?" Ms.Victoria said. He could see the cougars eyes roll slowly, "Is that so?" she asked in sarcastic tone with a sigh, heaving her breasts a bit, making Jason twitch in response, "I've been doing this longer than you might think... I know when a student is lying...I might not know what you were doing but I bet I wasn't worth missing my class for..."

-'And I would disagree with that...' Jason thought to himself trying to think of anything to get his cock to go down. -

"You're a bright kid, Jason. It might not seem like it, but high school is important and you don't want throw your education away frivolous and things you'll regret..."

-'Come on...come on... anything to get this to soften; baseball? The Magna Carta? Betty White? Wait... why did that make it harder!? ' His mind raced to think of anything other than numerous different words for breasts

Catlyn sighed again, breaking Jason's concentration, "Just.. don't let it happen again.... Alright?" she finished, looking at him with a sweet smile, "Can you do that for me, please?" Jason lost all train of thought when he saw that cute look on her face, smiling at him so brightly. He stammered to himself, trying to think of a good reply before there was an audible rip from under his desk, his body deciding to answer for him. His jeans and underwear finally had enough, the fabric of both of them ripping apart as his cock sprung out, whacking the underside of the desk with a thump.

Catlyn's ears twitched, startled as she took a look around, not noticing the obvious throbbing problem just yet hiding under Jason's desk, "What was that sound?" she asked. Jason tried not to moan as his mind raced trying to think of a way out of this embarrassing situation, "W-what? I-I didn't hear anything..." he stammered, wiggling in his seat. Surprising to no one, that didn't seem to convince the curious feline.

Ms. Victoria was startled again when something hot and slick had splashed on her leg. She looked down and then caught sight of it: peeking out from under the desk with the wide head of a thick pink cock, drooling pre onto the ground now. Her mouth hung open as she looked at it, just staring at it as it throbbed.

Jason was just frozen in his seat at this point, unsure of what to do now that the cat was out of the bag, or at least the 'cock' was. There was a few moments of awkward silence, Jason too scared to do anything and, from the look of things, Catlyn was too turned on to do anything either.

"There's... no way that's real..." she said softly, whispering to herself as her hand went down to rub that big head. Jason let out a moan as he felt those soft, delicate fingers touch against his sensitive head, a shot of pre shooting out to cover her paw.

She quickly pulled her hand away in shock, looking at her hand now covered in the rabbit's thick preseed. She didn't know what was coming over her as she studied her paw for a moment before she brought it to her muzzle to give it a sniff, purring softly as she did. Then, to Jason's surprise (and even Catlyn's really), she started to lick her hand clean, the lewd sight making his cock bang against the desk some more as he watched her.

"Mmmm...that's good..." she said with a smirk as the taste washed over her tongue. She had a certain sultry tone in her voice now as she looked down at Jason with a big smirk. Catlyn knew she shouldn't be doing this with a student... but this was a special case. Plus, considering how turned on she was, hornier than she ever was, she knew she couldn't help herself, she NEEDED this cock, and NOW.

Jason yelped with surprise as he felt a hot tongue slather against the big flared tip of his cock. Catlyn had kneeled on the ground under the desk, between his legs which were spread in the desk seat. His toes were curling his shoes as Catlyn's tongue rolled around his head, slurping down the spurts of pre shooting into her mouth. One of the hottest teachers in school, always acting so proper in front of her students, was now sucking his cock. Jason couldn't believe it, and was loving it; and by how deeply she was purring, she was loving it.

Catlyn pushed a few a more inches of that thick cock into her mouth. Her plump lips were straining around that girthy length, struggling with its size. She wasn't used to dealing with a cock this big. She thought a few of her previous boyfriends were hung, but they were almost small compared to this young rabbit. Even the stallion she had fun with way back in her wild college years, was just a bit smaller than Jason. She could feel every hard throbbing vein against her tongue as she moved it across that warm and throbbing surface, bobbing up and down the first few inches. Her paws decided to explore the rest of his length: one paw went down to grab at his balls in the shreds of his pants, lifting them up in her paw. She moaned around that cock as she felt their heavy weight, hardly believing just how big they were. Where had he been hiding all of this for the last few years he was here!? She knew she had seem him on campus before, there was no way he could have kept this under wraps for that long...

That thought rapidly disappeared though as a large shot of pre covered the back of her throat. She swallowed it with eager enthusiasm. Her purring got even deeper as she tasted more of that hot slick preseed against her tongue, all of her senses focusing on the rabbits cock now. She pushed out all other thoughts in her mind, focusing just on that massive cock, wanting to taste every inch of it, wanting to swallow every ounce of cream it had to offer, and wanting it to stretch her aching cunt, making her cum again and again till she wouldn't even be able to stand. She needed this, and she needed it badly.

Jason was sitting back, gripping the seat. He couldn't believe what was happening and didn't know how to react. His hips were doing their own thing and acting out on instinct, thrusting on their own in and out of that hot and velvety mouth. Catlyn's plump lips were squeezing against his throbbing shaft as that hot, slick and experienced tongue wrapped and twirled against the sensitive underside of his cock, his head buried in her throat somewhere. Jason was panting as the room got hotter, unable to see Catlyn as she worked under that small classroom desk, but he didn't need to see to fell her work over every last inch of his throbbing member.She was sucking up and down his cock slowly, every time she pushed forward a few more inches of his cock would disappear past those soft lips of hers, into that purring mouth of hers.

Beads of saliva and voluminous amounts of pre leaked from the cougar's dark lips, Catelyn having a hard time swallowing all the slick precum filling her mouth in such powerful spurts. Each shot was getting stronger as Jason's cock got thicker in her mouth. "F-fuuckk..." Jason, said low, trying to hold back his orgasm that was rearing its head. He growled, at least as much as a young rabbit could to tried to restrain himself.

He was suddenly surprised by the feeling of his cock touching cool air, no longer been enveloped from all sides by the silken hold of the teachers mouth. His hard tip was pressing aginst the cold underside of the desk as he watched Catlyn stand up slowly from under the desk. "Mrmm... looks like you'll be going off any second now.... " she purred, "I'm not letting you go anywhere without giving that cock a ride..." she said with a husky, lustful voice. She hardly sounded anything like the teacher who was lecturing less than an half and hour before, and the look in her eyes was full of need, a primal need. She wanted his cock and even if Jason wanted to complain, the hungry cougar was gonna get what she was after...

Catlyn grabbed at Jason, practically dragging him to her own sturdy desk in the corner of the room. His pants were discarded on the ground where he had sat. His was cock bobbing up and down ahead of him with shots of pre spreading out across the ground as he was guided by the cock hungry cougar. She plopped him on top of the desk before Jason could even think of helping, and then pushed him back.

Jason flopped back onto the hard surface with a grunt and then leaned up on his elbows. He watched as Catelyn started to strip, "I would give you more of a show, " she said with a big smirk, her dainty fingers fiddling open her blouse , "But I don't think you, or at least -part- of you can wait that long." she giggled, Jason's cock agreeing with her as it throbbed hard, a shot of pre shooting up into the air a foot.

Her breasts came into view as the blouse fell away, held up by a lacy black bra. She then wiggled out of her skirt. Jason could see how soaked her panties were even though they were so dark already, the fabric dripping with her own juices, Jason doing nothing but watching with his jaw hanging open.

She then deftly unclasped her bra from the back and wiggled out of it, tossing it with the rest of her discarded clothes giving Jason a prestine view of her bare full tits, covered in soft golden fur with dark brown nipples with wide areolas.Jason didn't know cup sizes and couldn't begin to guess, all he cared about was that they were big, soft and looked like his head could fit perfectly between them (He would later find out they were DD cups) It was the first time Jason saw bare breasts in real life, that he could remember at least.The sight captivated him, staring at them in rapt awe while his cock kept twitching.

His concentration was broken, though, when Catelyn let out her own growl and pounced onto the desk, straddling his waist with a speed only a predatory feline could possess. She ground her wet panties against Jason's hard cock, the tip rubbing up against his shirt, getting it stained with a few more shots of precum as the head smeared against his stomach. She then lifted her hips up, and moved her panties to the side. His head felt the boiling hot netherlips of the cougar's snatch kissing his head sweetly before she sank down on that thick cock slow and steadily.

This was different from the fucking he had with the Sandra earlier in the bathroom. That was just about him giving the slutty vixen what she wanted: a hard fucking and plenty of it. Well as hard as he could give at least, Jason still felt like he was running on instinct mostly. Now he had a much more mature woman at the reins of his wild stallion of a cock, and she definitely knew how to use it. The fucking was slower but still so much more pleasurable.

Catelyn rode his cock, her pussy gripping him tight and practically milking his cock as she moaned softly. Her hips bounced up and down as she slowly sank more of his cock in, such a tight but somehow perfect fit. Jason was doing all he could do to hold back from cumming, he didn't want to lose the sight of such a beautiful woman panting so hotly, the sight of her breasts jiggling a bit each time she sank down a little further, and the feeling his cock was getting surrounded by the tight, warm and wet embrace of her perfect pussy. She moaned under her breath and bite her lip to stifle back her moans so she didn't inform the whole student body what was going on in her classroom.

Jason's paws went away from gripping the desk to explore, her hands caressing her soft thighs, to her hips till finally they went to grasp those soft, hanging breasts. His fingers sank in softly as he gave them a squeeze, a more audible gasp coming from Catlyn as he did, her pussy clenching a bit tighter around his cock in response. He leaned his muzzle up to give one of those dark nipples a lick as she kept riding. Catlyn gripped his head close as he did, letting out a moan she couldn't hold back. Her fingers rubbed down his neck, down his back as she rode his cock. His underwear was now soaked with a mix of sexual fluids from both of them now, a large puddle on the desk.

He was panting as he suckled those nipples, deeply loving this. But a powerful urge inside him was growing. Not the feeling of an orgasm coming along quick but something else, the same thing that came over him when he was with the cock hungry Vixen.

Jason moved his paws from those breasts to her hips and pulled back his muzzle with a kiss on her nipple. Catlyn let out a yelp of surprise as Jason flipped her over onto her back , positioning himself on top of her. She was on the edge of the desk with Jason standing over her with his cock still buried deep inside. Catelyn looked at him, eyes full of surprise, lust, and excitement, but she hadn't expected to see what was staring back at her. Jason looked at her with a predatory smile, confident, hungry, and horny, no longer the cute innocent (well, mostly) rabbit she was sucking the cock of earlier. He pulled his cock out slowly, and then without missing a beat, slammed it into her. His balls slapped the cougars soft ass, her whole body shaking with enough force to make her breasts bounce. She put her hand over her mouth to cover a loud moan while her legs wrapped around the rabbits hips.

Jason cock slammed in again, with another load slap of his balls and came hard, but his hips kept going. The desk creaked under the weight of his thrusts. Cum was shooting deep inside Catelyn. She was no longer covering her mouth, only able let out breathless moans, her paws gripping the table tight as she was cumming herself, and again, and again, every time that cock slammed in. Jason panted hotly , hardly aware he was cumming, too lost in pleasure and lust as he kept thrusting in and out of the cougar. He seed was flowing out of her, a splash of cum getting spread out each time his balls slapped against her ass wetly. Her stomach had swelled a bit with the sheer volume of the seed flooding her. It felt like one orgasm leading into another, his stream of seed lasting for minutes on end as he kept fucking his teacher, who was panting hotly with her eyes rolling in the back of her head.

After the flow of his seed ended, Jason's mind started to come back to its normal state. He was breathing heavily, his legs and balls dripping with his own cum and Ms. Victoria looking pregnant on the top of the desk. She had a blissful look on her face as she purred, unconcious. Jason, pulled his softening cock out, Catlyn's grip around his hips loosen now with her legs lip, hanging over the edge of the desk. He watched as a flow of seed started to pour from her, out onto the ground to join the big puddle that was already there. "Mrs. Victoria?" he asked, a bit worried. She didn't respond but was purring like a truck with a big smile on her face, sleeping like a kitten. Her legs were spread wide with a mess of cum coming from between them. "C-Crap..." he panted, his legs shaky from pleasure still, "Gotta... gotta get outa here quick..." he looked at the mess over his shirt and legs, "And im going need to clean up..." He grabbed his ripped and discarded pants that missed most of the mess, put them on and tried to sneak his way off campus, making a dash back home to get a change of clothes, and maybe a shower. He might even be able to make it in time for the next class too....