
Story by Bronzewing on SoFurry

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Just a 20 min story I did to keep myself busy. I just let myself type so may have a few errors in it.

Always looking for feedback to help improve myself.

Big dragon belongs to Drkkaiser.

The city rumbled and knew fear. The city was merely one of many and now was it's time to fall. Karl was a simple desk worker when it started, and when it ended he would be changed. Like many others Karl fled down the stairways till he saw natural light. As his eyes adapted to the sun he could see what caused the world to rumble.

His crimson body towering above, even his toes cleared the tops of buildings. Karl watched as another step was taken and looked on as towers fell from a simple step. Each step altered the weather, forcing the winds to change. The air soon filled with the masculine smell of the dragon's feet. Many were left to struggling to breathe as the world rocked again.

Karl had his feet knocked out from under him following the titan's footfall. Looking up the vast expanse of the red giant's front Karl could make out a savage smile. Meeting the dragon's gaze Karl knew that they died not just for his pleasure, but because he deemed it was their time. Karl closed his eyes as the sky turned red and hoped it would be quick.

The air flowed around him as the sole fell towards the ground. Screams were cut off as the ground cracked under the immense weight. Karl felt his heart beating still as his lungs filled with the smell of this great being. The man's body was pulled into the air as the titan took another step. He could only grunt in pain when he hit the ground and roll to his knees to ease the pain.

Looking up, Karl could see the muscular rump of this god flex as he moved his other leg forward. Karl's gazed up at the giant's back as the tail scythed through the air in his wake. The world rumbling snapped Karl from the daze of what happened. Looking around he could see the city was a mere ruin. Straining his ears Karl could hear no sounds, no people.

Looking up Karl caught one last glimpse of the dragon before he vanished as suddenly as he appeared. Karl knew why he was spared, what his new job was to be. He was to spread word of this crimson deity to others.