"The Plant..." "Chapter 4: The Plan"

Story by Insomniac_Hart on SoFurry

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#4 of Tentacle

Finally completed chapter 4 which should act as a spring that will spring me out of this writing block I've crashed into. Thank you all for your patience let the sexyness continue.

"The Plant..."

"Chapter 4: The Plan..."

By: Insomniac_Hart

The afternoon was quiet... And bright on this particular winter day, as wind rustled the over-grown dried out grass against a slightly deteriorated building. The sky was covered in dark patches of gray clouds, yet the sky remained blue and somewhat amber at the setting sun. The lot in front of this building had cars lay parked outside, some with the door open, others crashed against walls or poles. As if in the middle of running away, every one was interrupted. Suddenly a loud bang was heard interrupting the silence outside, scaring some birds from a tree, at the second bang, un-evolved creatures scurried away. Suddenly the door from the building came down and hit the floor, lifting some dust from outside and inside the old facility. A horse dressed in military camo pants, black combat boots, and a brown tank top shirt to help support her breasts... or rather, 'his breasts' walked out staring at his surroundings.

When Jorge pushed the broken door down, light immediately began leaking inside this old bunker. Once the light breached inside, the rest of the group stood at the doorway.

"Finally! the way out" Maryann stated as she walked outside. "Couldn't take that place another minute!" she said coldly glaring at Sean.

"Relax, we just found the way out, we still need to find out what happened here and how to get to where we need to go." Jorge said in a relaxed sigh as he leaned back and forth, he was not used to these new breasts, much less his new vagina. His testicles had somehow fused back against his body, The mound was still there, but his testes were now the vaginal entrance. Walking was tricky because he kept rubbing himself with every step, losing strength in his legs here and there.

"Alright, I see a few cars outside, I'm going to go look for one that works and ill be back, in the meantime do you guys mind looking around for clues? a computer? anything." Jorge spoke as he looked outside and felt a little uneasy at the properties solidarity. "Err... Maryann, come with me."

Sean didn't even bother looking outside as he lay slumped against the wall. He was all alone on this one, and these fellow companions weren't exactly in speaking terms. They already blamed him for something he had no control over. Sean felt violated, alone, and used. "What the hell am I going to do now... " Sean spoke to himself as he tried to climb his way to his feet. He figured he might as well try looking for any answer to this unusual situation.

"Well well well, hope you're happy!" Jessie spoke in a rather harsh tone.

"-Look I had nothing to do with what happened so why dont you just fuck off?!" Sean yelled in reply as Jessie suddenly slammed him against the wall.

"Look you little fuck, I dont know what the fuck happened here but I know you are somehow involved!" Jessie snarled as Sean pushed hard at Jessie's chest, causing him to step back a few feet, only to have Jessie coil back and jump at Sean, striking Sean with a right hook to the face as Sean did his best to cover his face with his forearms, Sean kicked at Jessie's stomach and then elbowed his chin. This gave Sean enough time to get on his feet and put his guard up.

"I fucking told you I had nothing to do with this I was kidnapped like you guys!" Sean yelled as Jessie jumped at him again swinging, though now with tears in his eyes... This made Sean stop for a split second, that Jessie needed to land hit after hit on Sean's face.

"Fuck you man I aint a fucking fag, I dont like any of that shit that wasn't me!!" Jessie yelled as he kept hitting Sean through his guard, Sean ended it by tripping Jessie with his foot, Jessie however grabbed hold of Sean and brought him down on top of him. They were both out of breath and panting as they stared at each other, their breasts rubbing together through their clothes.

"I dont like any of that shit... so why do I love it?" Jessie asked as his voice broke up a bit, tears swelling in his eyes. Sean could notice the change in tone, as if Jessie's normal voice was turning to that of a woman's. Sean felt himself growing hotter as he felt Jessie's cock beginning to grow, Jessie just looked away in shame. Sean caught himself doing the same as he quickly scrambled up and away from Jessie.

"What happened?!" Jorge asked as he rushed inside holding a crowbar at the ready. At looking at Sean's now beat up condition and Jessie's current mood he simply put 2 and 2 together.

"Its all his fault were in this situation, we should just kill him! He probably set us up for this!" Jessie yelled in desperation.

"STOP IT! We need each other regardless of whose responsible!" Jorge yelled and continued. "Now Freaking out about this is not going to help. Get used to how you are now because I dont know how long we are going to be like this!" Jessie just shook his head as Jorge spoke. "Now we have one attempt at a solution and I'm not about to stop and cry about it now, much less kill the only person who might know more about this than we do!"

Sean just looked down and fell against the wall behind him, sliding down until he sat against the hall way wall. Strangely enough he wasn't tired a second ago. He fell limp and passed out.

"Damn it you hit him too hard!" Jorge yelled as the last bit of the sentence began echoing and eventually fading away.

When Sean woke it was dark, and cold. he groaned in pain as he saw they had left him where he fell.

"Their gone..." Sean spoke to himself as he got up and finally felt the soreness and pain of both the plant's feeding, and Jessie's fists. Sean got to his feet and began crawling his way down the hallway. He used the wall for support every time he began feeling a little dizzy, however it was beginning to fade away. in one of those instances, he put all of his weight on his arm, and let his body fall on the wall next to him, but now there was no wall. Sean tumbled down a few steps as he curled into a ball and began silently crying. At that moment, every light in the room and hallway came on.

The lights on the hallway began buzzing with life as they lit up every dark corner of the bunker. As Sean looked up, he saw pots, pans and some decomposed fruits or vegetables on the cutting board, he was in the mess hall kitchen!

"Oh great... food... wait... who turned on the lights?" Sean asked as he began hearing voices echoing far down the hallways of the ominous bunker. They faded as soon as they came so Sean decided that the voices were nothing more than the wind. Sean began looking through every shelve and drawer for food, finally finding a crate packed with Army Ration Packs. Sean knowing some basic knowledge of ration packs from his friends in the military was already working on heating some hydrated Chicken Alfredo with a hydrogen heat pack

"hmm-mm god food, I feel like I haven't eaten anything in months!" Sean said as he scarfed down another ration pack. After his third meal he couldn't eat another bite, he had to try to live with his new body. He put his hand inside his pants and felt his hard shaft, then felt what he feared the most, his testes were gone, now they were transformed into a vagina. He figured he would first find out who turned the power back on. He began looking around for anything that he could use to help him. He saw something that caught his attention. Much like before, he saw evidence that everyone simply dropped what they were doing, and left.

Plates of food remained partially untouched. He found someones belongings, and from the contents it was a woman who had just left or was on her way to the gym. Taking the outdoors backpack, he packed it with enough rations for the whole group, including water and some first aid basics. He noticed he needed some medical attention himself from the scrape he had earlier, he decided to disregard it for now. He began walking back to the entrance where he lay and suddenly came to a realization. He could find the answers they were looking for and then maybe they would come to accept him for once. He immediately turned back and began searching the hallways for an office that had not been destroyed. Strange, it seemed like whatever destroyed the offices came from the vents. Sean only imagined what had occurred here. His fears were soon verified when he spotted an office that was moderately clean, save for the cum pool on the floor and the drips on the walls. The smell was indescribably discernible.

"Okay... what too look for what too look for... There is no more security so any alarms I trip will go unanswered..." Sean kept checking file per file but only found images of office workers in uniform, he began searching the document file until he found a file that apparently interconnected with everything from security, to random memo's.

"What the hell are they referring to with the term 'Amazonian Effect' I wonder?" Sean asked himself as he finally found the main file, but it was locked. The screen now asked for a key card verification. He looked around and sure enough found teared clothing, however this was still attached to the skeleton of what looked like a canine."he died here... The plant never let him go..." Sean inspected the body further and saw that it was torn in half, his missing arm still clutched a large pistol.

~I Gave him love, he hurt me, and was not going to stop... I had no choice...~ The female voice came from nowhere. It was as if he had told this to himself. He shrugged it off and inserted the card. Immediately the monitor was flooded with data and information on the tentacle beast that Sean and the others had encountered. Sean saw that its main type of food was semen and eggs, it captures its prey and after sucking them dry of their procreating juices, it would switch the sex of the captive, impregnate her, and then switch the creature back with an increase in libido, girth, size, and stamina.

"What the hell?!" Sean asked as he kept reading. "Captive will eventually completely and permanently change sex if plant's pheromone hormone not introduced within four weeks of plant release, this is known as the amazonian effect... The plant was the amazonian goddess, making a tribe of nothing but women that could actually mate with each other and procreate, giving hermaphrodite offspring that are born with both male and female reproductive organs, each offspring could impregnate, as well as be impregnated... further study on offspring is required... Subject A "Katheryn Hopkins" showed that any one can impregnate a transformed sentient being, from ANY species that is capable of impregnating with the use of a penis." Sean kept reading further as he scrolled down further.

"Katheryn mated with her husband Mark Hopkins (Subject B), results show that the offspring is still born with both genitalia (Subject C) We could not decide on a name for a man or a woman... So we chose a unisex name, Midnight... Midnight grew in size exponentially fast... here we decided to change the testing parameters and see where it took us.

"mated subject A with subject C, same result, aborted carriage. mated subject B with subject C, same result, aborted carriage, finally subject C impregnated both subject A and B, same result. aborted carriage. Testing concludes once in contract with this plant, there is no changing back. euthanization on all subjects recommended before uncontrolled mating occurs." Sean read this as he stared at the screen in shock, hoping there was more.

"New development found. It seems all infected individuals underwent urges to leave the base, and travel 500 miles west of here. Hired old military vet by the name of Frank James... told him we were finding new ways of reconstructing limbs... who knew infecting him would get him what he wanted... Plant took him like the others, and literally reconstructed a new arm at size and scale... no plant traces left on arm... perhaps searching these specific hormones could provide further research for live organ farming... on that note, keeping plant egg alive for future research, now to wait for frank to leave..." Sean kept reading interested as he felt there was an answer to his problem coming soon ir he hoped so... he just had to keep reading.

"Frank James leaving as planned placed tracking device and released him with no questions asked, Plant actually hosts body, hence the appearance of breasts and female reproductive organs. Foreign reproductive organs now disappear at the hosts request, but if chosen to, plant can permanently leave the changes, or change everything back upon mental request and completion of plant migration. Prevented plant re population, killed host after observation. Plant controlled body, killed a few agents." Sean read the file and then skipped to the next entry.

"Plant shooting spores through air vents, whole base under quarantine... every one uncontrollably mating...susceptible to fire... cant keep typing, plant drones busting through doors!! She controls the soldiers-Shes in our heads!!" Sean read as the rest of the file after that remained blank.

"At least I know where to go... but I have to find everyone else first." Sean now picked up his stuff and began heading out towards the hallway when he heard something that he didn't expect.

"Look at what we found here? " A voice echoed as he felt someone slamming him against the wall and holding him there, it was a soldier, but from the gear he had on it didn't look like he was from this base. "Found myself a little toy..." The soldier spoke as he removed his mask, Sean could now see he was a male arctic fox, Sean had to admit he was cute but where were these feelings coming from?

"N-no please I need to go!" Sean spoke now noticing his voice was that of a woman's now, suddenly he felt his hands pulling his pants down, Sean tried to resist by holding them there but was quickly replied with a back hand to the face. Next thing Sean knew he was waking up to something pushing in deep inside his pussy! his assailant either hadn't noticed his larger cock, or he didn't care. Sean moaned and cried as the fox pulled his short hair, forcing his head back. As Sean opened his maw to yell, something else made its way into his mouth and pushed into his throat. He could feel the fox's hot cock inside him rubbing against his inner walls again, at first it was painful because there was no lubrication, but after a few thrusts, that seemed to change.

"You little bitch you, your my fuck toy from now on!" the fox said aloud as he painfully rammed himself into the small fennec, Sean suddenly felt the fox thrust so hard it made the cock in Sean's throat to push itself deep inside his throat, suddenly the fox yanked him up, yanking the cock out of his mouth with a large pop and gargle, Sean gasped for breath as he yelled for help.

"yell all you want, no one is here to help you!" The fox said as he then picked Sean up and slammed him against the wall, this made him a little dizzy as he suddenly felt that the wall he was up against was the guy he was just blowing, he tried to yell again but this time it came as a loud grunt as both the Arctic fox, and the other canine thrust their cocks inside both his asshole, and his pussy. Sean's cock only throbbed under his pants, it grew until the head protruded past the pants belt line, and up under Sean's shirt, still out of view. He felt his dry inner walls in his ass now being stretched as the assailants cock began to also pump and rubbing against Sean's inner walls.

"P-please stop I beg you OOoh God!" Sean yelled, this only made his assailants thrust hard into Sean, causing him to bleed a little from both entrances. "Oh God its too much please!!"

"In that case you better relax, because this is going to hurt you a lot..."The arctic fox said now as he reached under Sean's arms and grabbed on to his shoulders with his gloved paws, with that he began pushing Sean down on the cock in his ass and the arctic fox's cock, thrusting as if these men had not had a female in a long time.

"P-lease..." Sean was able to say in between grunts, groans and moans, plus he was being jerked up and down so hard that speaking was almost impossible, they simply thrust and thrust, and pumped relentlessly, as if they were trying to get deeper with each thrust. Sean's ass cheeks and crotch were now red and sore from how they slapped against both foreign thrusting pelvises or hips. Sean was now lost in a mixture of pain, terror, and pleasure as he tried to push the assailants off with his hands, but found that the canine in his ass had already pulled on his arms, and pulled down hard. Sean now felt both knots inside him now tearing him apart as the hot semen burst inside both orifices. He could barely contain himself as he too felt himself cum all over his breasts and his belly, stream after stream of cum jettisoned.

Suddenly the fox mercilessly pulled out and popped his knot out, making Sean groan in pain as the other assailant also did the same to his colon, making Sean cry out in pain, he fell to the ground limp in a mess of reproductive fluids as he sobbed silently.

"We know your friends are here too, wee'l find them, then we will have our set of sex slaves." The fox said as he stared down at Sean, milking his cock and dumping the remains on Sean's limp body.

"H-How can you soldiers d-do this to me?" Sean asked still in shock as he sobbed silently. The fox slapped him hard and picked him up by his throat, slamming him against the wall, which was harder than the Kevlar the other canine was wearing, Sean now saw that the other canine was a German Sheppard. "You are my slave, you call me master from now on, but to answer your last question were mercenaries, not soldiers so dont expect justice... ask another question and ill rip out your voice box!"

With that the fox made his way out and the German Sheppard stood guard over the Fennec, holding what looked like a powerful rifle in Sean's opinion.

"Keep your eye on him, we need them all alive or were not getting paid!" The fox ordered as the German Sheppard looked somewhat disappointed. "Make sure you dont use it too much, i dont think our boss likes sloppy seconds if you know what I mean..."

"No problem Mac I got this, he cant do shit anyway." The dog replied as Mac smirked and made his way out.

~They haven't found them yet, I need to get past this guy and get Jorge, Jessie and Maryann... but where are they?!~ Sean thought to himself as he looked up at the dog before him, he looked hungry... and Sean knew it wasn't food he wanted. Sean lay there half naked as the dog walked over Sean, Sean immediately curled up as this action was replied with the rifles but against his head.

"Strip naked NOW you dirty little slut!" The dog spoke as he aimed the rifle barrel at Sean. "I dont ask twice so I suggest you do it!"

Sean knew that he would probably shit a brick when he finds his cock, but remembering what Mac had said, he knew no matter what he would have to remain alive, Sean did as instructed and started with his shirt, still crying a little and in fear as he knew he was in trouble. He heard the groans of the dog as both of Sean's breasts simply plopped down as the shirt moved over his head.

"Pants too you fucking slut!" The dog barked as he backhanded Sean again, His face was all beat up, and there were sores now from all the punches from before, he even noticed his arms were a little cut up from the fight with Jessie. Sean picked himself back up to his feet as he nervously tried to undo his pants, as the button finally came off, the dog picked up Sean from the throat. picking him up in mid air as Sean released his pants and grabbed on to the dog's overpowering hand, he didn't notice this but his pants suddenly dropped! Sean didn't know which was worse, embarrassed by his condition, or being raped and beaten for not complying.

"Well well well... so your a transsexual!" The dog spoke as Sean expected a beating for this. "Lucky for you you look the part pretty well, If I hadn't seen this Id swear you were a full blown woman toy."

"P-please... let m-me g-go, I c-cant breathe!" Sean was able to sound off as the dog gripped harder but only for a second.

"Tell me your a dirty little slut, and you want my cum inside you, I might let you go." The dog replied as Sean only stared back in shock and confusion, blushing madly as his face was beginning to turn purple.

~This might go easier if I just play along... Oh God what do I do, these guys tore me up I cant go again it hurts!?!~ Sean thought to himself as the dog held him there now against the wall.

"If you dont say it, I swear ill make you say it, and I already told you I dont ask twice..." The dog said as Sean finally began crying at the humiliation.

"I-I'm a d-dirty s-slut-" Sean said weakly as the dog slammed him against the wall.

"I SAID DIRTY LITTLE SLUT!" The dog roared as Sean was beginning to pass out, the dog dropped him in reply as Sean fell to the ground coughing and gagging. Sean had no time to compose himself though as the dog kicked his stomach hard, Sean only inhaled hard holding his belly as he felt his hair being pulled again. This time he felt a hot wet sticky mound against his chin and cheek.

"SAY IT!" The dog commanded as Sean only pulled his head down, the cock now on top of his head.

"I--im a dirty l-little s-slut" Sean spoke weakly as the dog smiled.

"And..?" The dog asked as he re positioned Sean to look up at him, placing his cock right on Sean's Lips. The dog could feel the warmth of Sean's blushing cheeks, and the warm tears moistening the bottom of his shaft.

"A-and I w-want your c-cum i-in" Sean was able to say but could not finish the sentence. The dog punched him in the face and turned him over, Sean could barely even see past his black eye as Sean looked back seeing the dog hovering over him.

"You dont have a scratch on you... Ha! you were born this way!" The dog cheered. as Sean wondered what he meant by that. It hit him that he didn't have any stitches or anything like that by his crotch so the assumption made by the dog must be that he was born with both genitalia."

"P-please no it still burns I c-cant go again please!" Sean begged as the dog stood over him laughing. He placed his cock tip right at Sean's pussy, and thrust deep that made his crotch clap against Sean's pussy and somehow now erect cock.

"OH G-GOD N-NO P-please Get it out Please Get it out!!" Sean screamed as the dog laughed and kept pumping. "Please it burns Please!!" and again the dog thrust even harder, this made Sean now scream in pain as he saw that his muscles in his arms and legs were failing him.

"Every time..." The dog spoke as he pulled out and waited.

"P-please stop please... I'm too weak-it burns please!" Sean begged as the dog let out a sigh and thrust in again, this time Sean yelled loud, but the dog held Sean's Mussel closed this time.

"Go ahead and ask me another question and see what happens... Hell say anything and see what happens!!" The dog finally said as he pulled out, Sean letting out a loud moan as the dog left his tip inside Sean.

There was a long pause as Sean now lay on his chest on the floor, his legs holding himself up on his knees as the dog's cock tip throbbed inside Sean, even that was enough to resume the burning sensation, yet this time Sean could feel cum now secreting from his pussy, and pre leaking on to the floor from his fully erect cock. Both the Mercenary and the Fennec were now entranced into the pheromones left by the plant, and Sean knew what was coming.

"p-please you wont be able to control yourself please stop now!" Sean spoke as the dog began ramming into Sean.

"I... Told... You... Not... To... Say...A....Word!!" The dog spoke as he thrust into Sean with every spoken word. The dog began pumping harder and faster again and Sean only tightened his fists as he knew there was no way to resist this. Suddenly what sounded like broken glass emitted from across the room they were in, Sean could swear he heard a quick zipping sound. and for some reason, the dog stopped pounding him almost immediately. Sean didn't dare move as the dog remained inside him, but not moving, he dared to look back now after a few seconds, seeing something he was not prepared for. The dog had a gaping hole inside his skull, and there was blood everywhere!

"Sssshit! Shit shit shit shit! Oh my god hes dead he got shot... What the fuck What the fuck who shot him Oh my god what the fuck!" Sean whispered to himself while freaking out. Sean now silently pulled the dog off of and out of him, his pussy hurt like a bitch but the terror of death had him ignore it. He now began scrambling to the wall to get his clothes, he saw they were all torn up, and noticed that the gear the dog was wearing was Spec Ops... or at least that's what it looked like. He had to go at this naked until he could run into another set of clothes. The dog was twice his size so he knew he wouldn't fit into that crap... but the gear was adjustable...

"Fuck what do I do what do I do!" Sean as Sean whispered to himself as he scrambled under the window where the shooter could not aim at him. He saw the body now beginning to twitch as he tried his best not to freak any further, taking the dog's weapons, utility belt, and night vision goggles. The belt had some ammo for the riffle, and a couple of attached grenades. Sean put on the dog's goggles witch miraculously was not hit with the bullet or the blood. Sean now took the shirt he had on and saw it was drenched in cum, most of it was not his.

After further inspection of the body, Sean was able to take the bullet proof vest and re-adjust it to his size, he scrambled out of the room with all the gear now and left the room, the windows were dark, and Sean could not see outside, nor did he want to as he got his backpack full of rations and ran to where he had last seen the group.

Update comin soon. been working on this on and off finally decided to continue it today, this is what I got so far, ill update it later with the next chapter... might have it done tonight ^__^ unless I run into writers block... e.e...

"The Plant..." "Chapter 5: The Loss..."

"The Plant..." "Chapter: 5 The Loss..." By: Insomniac\_Hart * * * Sean ran as hard as he could through the facility hallways, panting hard for breath as he held the rifle up in front of him, he could barely walk after what Mac and the Dog had done...

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"The Plant..." "Chapter 3: Submit..."

"The Plant..." "Chapter 3" "Submit My Children" ------------------------------------------------------------ Sean was suddenly woken up as he felt tentacles once again covering, rubbing and caressing his body. This time however he couldnt move his...

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"The Plant..." - "Chapter 2: The Collective"

"The Plant..." By: Insomniac\_Hart 2013 Chapter 2 Update: added a few more details i forgot to mention * * * Sean had been walking for about an hour now, weak and limping home as he felt strange goop leaking from him, he saw his belly was a little...

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