Ferals just wanna have fun

Story by Zinzoline Velvetpelt on SoFurry

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This sexy little story is a trade between myself and Cloudy-Kitty; I did the story, she did a very sexy picture to go with it, rawr! =~.^=


-This story is very adult-oriented and not suited for anyone under the age of 18

-This story contains graphic descriptions of lesbian sex between two non-morphic felines

-This story, therefore, contains a form of bestiality, or at least animalistic sex =~.^=

-Zinny the winged calico Maine Coon is © me

-Cloudy the clouded leopardess is © Cloudy-Kitty and used with her permission (see her lovely drawings here )

The wee hours of morning. That special time when the moon had just set and the sun had not yet risen. That time when twilight colored the sky, slowly changing the deep dark indigo of night into the fresh blue of a new morning. It was at this time when nature was most active with the creatures of the night doing a last prowl before settling down for sleep, and the creatures of the day waking up from their sleep to greet the new day.

Among these creatures an unusual cat could be seen walking along the border of the forest. She was quite large for a cat, being a Maine Coon, her thick fur flowing around her body in silken waves at each step she took, fiery orange patches and deep black patches forming an intricate calico pattern in the clear white fur. A flick was given with each dainty paw to rid it of the wetness of the early morning dew as she stepped through the grass at the border of the forest, fluffy tail erect, the end swishing left and right slowly.

So what was unusual about this calico Maine Coon kitty? For one, her eyes were not green, not orange, not yellow, not even blue, but a soft lightpurple color like the blossoms of a lilac tree. But the thing that caught the eye the most, and which immediately classified this fluffy three-colored cat as unusual, was the pair of soft, downy little angelwings she wore on her back, as white as her fur, with a stripe of fiery orange along the upper edges, running out into splotches of deep black at the tips to match the calico markings in her fur.

In normal life, she was known as Zinzoline Venus Velvetpelt, First Priestess of the Circle of Bastet, and she was a very tall, slender, attractive feline lady with long deep red hair that cascaded from the tip of her head and flowed down between her large angelwings all the way to below the base of her tail. Only very few people knew that she also had the choice of a feral form, turning into the fluffy Maine Coon she originated from at will, as which she was just simply Zinny. And even in that form, she bore the downy wings that showed her angelic heritage, though in a much smaller size.

Now what was that fluffy calico kitty doing there, walking along the border of the forest at the break of twilight in her feral form? Well, she always enjoyed going out for a calm stroll in and around the forest during the night, soaking in the peace and tranquility of the nature around her. And oftentimes, she would allow herself to change to her small, fluffy feral form, fitting in even more with the flora and fauna around her, feeling even closer connected to Mother Nature as she walked around in her purely natural form. It also had the benefit she could let her natural heat cycles come more easily that way, without any of the sometimes awkward situations it could lead to in the anthro world. The feral tomcats knew and respected the angelic winged calico cat and left her alone, and the feral females (not only cats) of the forest and the fields also knew her and were much more comfortable and accepting towards her when she was in this form.

It came as a little bit of a surprise, therefore, to Zinny when she found the forest and the field being unusually quiet as she walked through the cool grass. Animals would not flee before her to get out of her way, not even prey species like squirrels or mice, because they knew the fluffy calico would not harm them a whisker. And yet, there was little to no sign this early dawnbreak of any of the animals Zinny usually encountered on her walks. Might something have happened? No, there still was the chitter of squirrels in the trees, and the chirping of waking birds greeting the new day. No signs of sickness or anything that might have kept the forest and the field this quiet; everything seemed alright, just a lot more quiet than usual.

Giving a little shrug of her fluffy shoulders, Zinny turned half away from the forest and directed her steps a little further into the field. There was a small creek of crystal-clear water running out of the forest, collecting into a pond surrounded by catkin willows at the side of the field. Desiring a drink, the winged calico trotted through the soft grass and headed for the pond.

She sniffed around a bit at the shoreline, skirting a cluster of large rocks and stepping around one of the large willow trees to find a good spot to squat down and lap a drink of water. Finding a spot where the grass gave way to a shallow end of the pond, Zinny leaned down on her forepaws, her fluffy tail swishing slowly as she brought her gracefully whiskered muzzle down towards the water, her little pink tongue darting out to lap up the cool, sparkling liquid.

The fluffy calico eventually so went up in lapping the water that she did not notice a pair of bright lightblue eyes looking at her from the dark shadows between the rocks a little furtheron. A large, but obviously feline tongue passed slowly over the lips of a white muzzle. Short whiskers twitched softly as the lightblue eyes gazed at the drinking calico, traveling from the lapping tongue via the downy wings to the slowly swishing fluffy tail. A pink nose surrounded by white fur at the underside and deep golden-ochre fur at the upside rumpled slightly at the delicate perfume of heat the calico by the waterside was emitting. The pink tongue passed along the white lips again as the lightblue eyes gazed at the three-colored sex of the fluffy calico, clearly displayed by her position, showing even a hint of pink between the colorful lips of the fuzzy outer labia. Excellent...

Very slowly, the lightblue eyes moved. First up, then forwards. The milky twilight of the dawning day gradually unveiled the head of a large feline, white fur at the underside of the muzzle shifting into a deep golden ochre over the top of the cheeks and the head, a white patch surrounding each lightblue eye, deep darkbrown markings contrasting sharply with the light colors of the sleek fur, forming thick, wavy stripes over the cheeks, a group of small spots on the forehead, and a small line like a teardrop at the inside corner of each eye. A strong, musculared forepaw appeared from the shadows, then another, covered in sleek golden fur lined with frilly, irregular darkbrown patches. A white throat, white chest, shifting into deep golden ochre at the sides and over the wide back, dotted and patched with more frilly, small and large darkbrown markings, the markings of a clouded leopard. Powerful hindlegs, ending in strong, yet elegant white feet, and finally a thick, bushy, fluffy tail, white at the underside and golden on top, decorated with darkbrown patches in the plushy golden fur, came into view as the large feline slowly stepped out from behind the rocks she had been eyeing the winged calico Maine Coon kitty by the waterside from.

Like the calico with the lilac eyes and the downy angelwings, also this clouded leopardess had a feature that set her apart from others of her species. On the top of her head, between the somewhat small, rounded ears, the deep golden fur was tipped with a clear blue color that ran from slightly before the round ears across the top of her head to down into her neck, stopping at the line of her shoulderblades. It showed the exact place where in the anthro world, this lovely clouded leopardess sported a headful of deep blue hair.

As with Zinny, next to no one in the anthro world knew that this clouded leopardess had the choice between her anthro form, and her more primal, natural feral form. The blue hair, in her feral form showing as a soft blue tipping in the fur on top of her head and in her neck, and the pattern of the frilly brown patches in her sleek fur, shaped like clouds, stated the obvious reason why people called her Cloudy Kitty, or just simply Cloudy. And as with Zinny, the main reason why Cloudy enjoyed getting out and about in her feral form was because it allowed her to go through her heat periods with her slightly nymphomaniacal nature without any of the awkward situations or problems which such could bring in the anthro world.

Of course, the appearance of a feral clouded leopardess prowling around had been the reason why it was so quiet in the forest and the field. But Zinny did not know it, nor had she noticed the clouded leopardess who had crept out of the shadows between the rocks as she was still bending over towards the water, lapping with quick motions of her little pink tongue. And the clouded leopardess was upwind, so the scent of heat Cloudy was emitting herself had not been able to reach Zinny's nose yet.

With slow, agile, fluid and utterly soundless movements, Cloudy crept through the grass, belly to the ground. Her tailtip twitched softly as she crawled around one of the catkin willows, her lightblue eyes never leaving the form of the winged calico. That kitty was so hers... Very slowly, with calculated motions of true feline grace, Cloudy inched closer towards the water, taking long moments to lift a paw, then place it into the grass again, making sure she was unheard. The predatory skills of her primal form definitely showed.

Suddenly, she froze, one forepaw still lifted for the step she was making, as Zinny lifted her head up. Had the calico Maine Coon noticed her? Pressing herself down into the grass, Cloudy gazed intently at the colorful cat. Zinny lifted her head a little further, drops of water dripping from her muzzle and her long whiskers twitching as she sniffed at the air. A large, slightly tufted ear flickered and swiveled. It did seem as if the fluffy cat had smelled or heard something. But after a moment or two, Zinny gave a little shrug with her fuzzy shoulders and leaned her head back down towards the pond to drink a little bit more.

Cloudy's white lips curled upwards into a grin, the canines in the corners of her muzzle showing. She lowered the forepaw that was still lifted, crawling a little bit closer towards the pond again. Her rear end slowly rose up into the air, thick fluffy tail swaying from side to side as the clouded leopardess crouched into a pouncing position. She slightly trampled her hind feet into the grass, her shoulders sticking out and her head extending as she kept her eyes locked upon the drinking calico. Then, in a sudden flash, she sprang.

Zinny let out a mewl of shock and surprise when her drink was very suddenly and quite rudely cut off. She didn't even know what had happened. One moment she was lapping at the water of the pond, and the next thing she knew she was being knocked over with quite a bit of force and pinned down on her back in the grass by a large paw resting upon her chest and tummy. Blinking in surprise, the fluffy calico looked up. Another soft mewl escaped her as she found a large clouded leopardess leaning over her, looking down upon the kitty with a twinkle in her lightblue eyes, running her tongue along her lips. Zinny squirmed a bit under the large, soft paw holding her down, her small angelwings giving a rather helpless flutter against the grass, her tail twitching.

Cloudy grinned a bit wider as she looked down at the squirming fluffy calico under her forepaw. Again, she slowly ran her tongue along her lips, nostrils flaring as she caught the winged cat's scent from much closer by now. With a rumbling sound in her throat that was somewhere in between a growl and a purr, the clouded leopardess lowered her head and gave a long, slow lick across Zinny's fluffy body, her big tongue pressing against the calico's small sex and sliding all the way up across Zinny's tummy and chest to her throat and over the cat's muzzle to between her large, tufted ears. A new mewl died in Zinny's throat, replaced by a quivering purr as the lick sent warm tingles running all through her tummy and up to her brains. Opening her eyes she had closed for a moment, the winged Maine Coon sprawled out in the grass, looking up at the clouded leopardess leaning over her with a sparkle now in her amethyst eyes.

Slowly, Zinny felt the pressure of the paw on her chest getting lighter as Cloudy lifted her forepaw a bit. Remaining on her back, Zinny gave a short flick with her tail, her fuzzy hindlegs spreading apart slightly. She raised one of her own dainty forepaws, touching against Cloudy's forepaw while her upper lips curled into a feline smile, displaying the canines in the corners of her muzzle and the tip of her little pink tongue between them. As the luring scent of the clouded leopardess's heat drifted into her nose, another purr rolled from Zinny's muzzle, and she smiled at Cloudy, squeezing her eyes in a friendly manner. This big clouded leopardess was not going to eat her... or at least not in the way a predator usually ate a prey.

Cloudy's grin widened even further, her round ears perking to Zinny's soft purr. She leaned down her head again, giving the fluffy calico's face a little nuzzle while she let out a soft sound that could be a sort of meow. Zinny chittered softly and purred again, lifting her head a bit to give Cloudy's nose a cute little lick. Rolling over, the winged cat rose to her four fluffy feet and rubbed the side and top of her head against Cloudy's cheek. She touched her nose against Cloudy's nose and squeezed her eyes again, outing a soft mrowl as she slowly stepped away from the pond, her swishing tail playfully stroking against the clouded leopardess's cheek and nose as the calico looked across her shoulder with a look in her eyes that clearly said; 'come with me... I know a nice place'. Cloudy certainly didn't need any further encouragement.

Zinny chittered a soft kitty giggle when she saw the twinkle in Cloudy's eyes as she playfully tickled the clouded leopardess with her fluffy tail. She flicked her tail softly as Cloudy tried to nip the tip of it, trotting off into the field. Turning around, the large golden-furred feline quickly followed the small three-colored feline, catching up with Zinny easily and giving a playful nip to the calico's fluffy tail when they were side by side. Zinny chortled and flicked her tail again, leading the way to the forest. Following the line of the trees for a moment or two, the winged Maine Coon eventually halted in her steps and looked up at Cloudy, meowing softly.

There was a small cove in the border of the forest, lined with low bushes and big ferns. Overhanging trees provided a sort of canopy of branches, filtering the sunlight that fell onto the soft grass covering the ground. The spot almost seemed as if it was especially made to lay down and cuddle in. Cloudy smiled as she stepped closer and sniffed at the ferns and the grass. A mix of several female sex scents permeated the grass; cat, vixen, raccoon, skunk, rabbit, otter, but the smell of the winged calico Maine Coon kitty was by far the strongest, dominating all the other scents and telling Cloudy that this specific spot was obviously very often used by Zinny to have some sexual fun with other females. With a grin and a deep purr, the clouded leopardess gave Zinny a lick over the back of her head and crawled into the spot between the bushes and the ferns, rolling over onto her back and squirming through the grass a bit. Looking up at Zinny, the clouded leopardess grinned at the small cat and squeezed her eyes in a sort of wink, flicking her big bushy tail to softly tickle Zinny like the calico had done to her earlier.

The squirming and the tailflick released a wave of Cloudy's alluring scent and provided Zinny with a clear view onto the clouded leopardess's feline vagina, the fuzzy white lips swollen with the arousal of her heat and showing the fleshy pink insides. Zinny mrowled softly and canted her head, sniffing deeply with her muzzle a little opened to catch as much of the enticing scent as she could, her long whiskers twitching. Giving her own fluffy tail a swish, she leaned in and flicked her little tongue over Cloudy's puffy sex, eliciting a happy purr from herself and a deep rumbling purr from the clouded leopardess. She lifted her head back up and licked her lips enjoyingly. She definitely wanted to taste more of that delicious treat... but she was a cat, and she was a bit of a tease.

With a grin displaying her canines and the tip of her tongue, Zinny lightly hopped onto Cloudy's soft white tummy. Her dainty little feet and soft, warm pink pawpads pressing down softly against the cloud-patterned feline's soft fur and skin, the small calico walked across Cloudy's tummy and chest, up to the leopardess's head. Lowering herself down into a comfortable position between Cloudy's large forepaws, Zinny rolled her head and began grooming Cloudy's golden-furred cheeks and white muzzle with soft licks of her little pink tongue, purring softly.

Cloudy squeezed her eyes and let out a deep purr, her tail swishing slowly and her whiskers twitching at the soft licks the calico was giving her. She rolled her head a bit as well, sweeping her big tongue over the top of Zinny's ears and her tufted ears, until she couldn't reach the calico's head anymore because Zinny was slowly moving downwards. The winged calico purred and slowly licked down along Cloudy's soft white throat, crawling slightly backwards on the clouded leopard's body and turning herself around a bit as she nuzzled and licked her way further down, nuzzling playfully at a small darkbrown patch in the clear white fur for a moment.

Further down she licked, grooming the thick, sleek white fur with regular strokes of her little pink tongue, her nose twitching and rumpling softly as she took in the scent of Cloudy's fur and warm skin with a purr of delight. Pressing her chest and tummy down against Cloudy's white chest, Zinny's purr deepened even further when her grooming licks eventually had her little tongue sliding over one of the leopard's quite large, brownish pink upper nipples.

A shudder of Cloudy's body had Zinny flicking her tail sharply to maintain her balance, purring deeply at the mild sweet-saltish taste of Cloudy's nipple. She chittered softly at the gasped growl of a purr Cloudy let out, rolling her head just slightly to look at the large feline's face for just a moment before turning her attention back to the perky brownish pink nipple right before her nose. She gently nuzzled the sleek white fur surrounding it apart with her nose, exposing Cloudy's nipple to the cool morning air of the new day, a purr in her throat as she began playfully lapping at the nipple that was easily as large as the small calico's entire nose.

Cloudy began squirming in the grass a bit, her thick fluffy tail swishing left and right, fanning ever more of her growing scent of arousal through the air. Her forepaws curled and stretched, one pawing at the air while the other pressed down softly against Zinny's back, right between the small calico's downy wings, in turns. She held her hindlegs drawn against her tummy, though her squirming slowly had the clouded leopardess's hindlegs sinking down into the grass, the toes of her white feet flexing and curling gently as the small fluffy cat's licks over her tingling nipple increased her arousal more and more. The fuzzy white lips of her feline vagina swelled up thickly, the relaxing of her hindlegs drawing the white furry labia apart a bit to give way to the fleshy pink inner lips peeking out from between them, small droplets of a thick, musky fluid glistening in the early sunlight for a moment before dripping down.

Scrunching up her nose cutely, Zinny breathed in the spicey scent with a rolling purr. She lifted her head a bit, sniffing deeply for a moment or two before she lowered her head back down and began licking at the other nipple of the uppermost pair on Cloudy's chest. With a soft little catly grin to herself, the fluffy calico wettened the nipple thoroughly with her warm saliva, then suddenly lifted her head a bit and crawled a little bit further down upon Cloudy's chest, leaving the wet nipple to be tantalizingly chilled by the cool morning breeze as she nuzzled and licked her way towards the second pair of nipples on the clouded leopard's chest. Being indeed a playful tease, Zinny also licked the second pair of perky brownish pink nipples on Cloudy's chest very wetly, warming them with her saliva and then leaving them to be cooled by the breeze as she moved yet further down towards the third pair of Cloudy's nipples, slowly crawling down across the clouded leopard's white tummy and halting only for a few moments as she applied her wet warm licks to the third pair of nipples before moving on the lowermost pair down on Cloudy's lower tummy.

By now, the large golden-furred feline was panting softly between her growled purrs of delight, her tongue slightly lolling from her opened muzzle as Zinny's playful teasing licks over her hard, tingling nipples sent waves of pleasure rolling through her body. She squirmed harder through the grass, her swollen white pussy now steadily dripping with her juices of arousal, one hindleg every now and then kicking out a bit while her big, fluffy tail flicked and swished through the grass in erratic patterns. Zinny chortled softly as she felt the large feline squirming about under her dainty little feet, her long whiskers twitching as she sniffed up the heavy scent of the clouded leopard's arousal. Looking back across Cloudy's body, the small calico chittered a soft giggle and squeezed her twinkling lilac eyes at Cloudy as she hopped off the leopardess's white tummy with an airy leap, landing in the grass between Cloudy's spread and trembling hindlegs.

Turning around, Zinny canted her head a bit and licked her lips as she gazed at Cloud's swollen and dripping pussy, the glistening pink inner labia trembling wantonly between the swollen fuzzy white outer labia as they released more and more drops of the clouded leopardess's honey, a small puddle already forming in the grass beneath her fluffy tail. Almost tentatively, the fluffy winged calico extended a slender little forepaw and touched her silky pawpads to Cloudy's puffy, dripping sex, sending a shudder through the large feline's body while a gasp escaped the leopard's muzzle. Mmm, so warm, so wet...

Zinny raised her head and looked at Cloudy's face with a soft chitter as Cloudy braced herself on her forepaws to lift her upper body a bit, looking down her chest and tummy to watch the colorful little cat between her hindlegs, breathing heavily through her slightly opened muzzle. With a soft chortle, Zinny squeezed her eyes again in a playful sort of wink, lifting her fuzzy rump into the air while lowering her front end to the grass, her downy wings flattening down against the grass and her fluffy tail swishing slowly. A happy purr rumbled in her throat as she found herself face to face with the clouded leopard's swollen vagina, her nose scrunching up again at the heavy, intoxicating scent, her long whiskers twitching and softly tickling the insides of Cloudy's thighs and her soft white tummy.

Finally deciding she had teased the clouded leopardess enough, Zinny playfully wiggled her fluffy rump into the air as she crouched a step closer towards Cloudy's tummy, darting out her little pink tongue and touching it against the soaked white outer lips and slick pink inner lips of the large feline's dripping sex. Another shudder went through the leopard's body, a growl of pleasure drowning out the purr of delight Zinny let out at the taste of Cloudy's juices rolling over her little tongue. She half-closed her eyes, her purr deepening as she nuzzled the large cat's mound, pressing her cool pink nosepad against Cloudy's sensitive clitbud while her tongue flicked across the clouded leopard's swollen vagina, lapping up the droplets of the delectable sticky honey that leaked from between the fleshy lips.

Cloudy gasped and purred in a deep throaty tone, her hindlegs twitching and her thick bushy tail swishing slowly left and right while her tongue dangled from her opened muzzle as she looked down at the small colorful winged kitty lapping at her pussy. She stretched out a hindleg, fuzzy white toes splaying and curling, more shivers going through her large feral body. The drops of juice leaking from her quivering pussy slowly turned into thin trickles as Zinny kept lapping, the calico's purrs reverberating against her tummy and into her slick tunnel.

Zinny mrowled happily between her purrs, pressing her little muzzle against Cloudy's puffy cunny to let her little tongue slide even deeper between the slick lips. Her long whiskers twitched and trembled, stroking across the large feline's trembling sexlips and the insides of her thighs. Lifting her head a bit, the calico Maine Coon softly pressed her nose against Cloudy's sensitive clit again, rubbing softly as she slipped her tongue deeply into the clouded leopardess's dripping pussy. Another shudder went through Cloudy's body, the golden toes of her forepaws curling and digging into the grass as she wriggled her rear end with a growl of pleasure, pressing herself against Zinny's muzzle a bit harder. Her juices seeped out in richer trickles, coating the calico's muzzle in warm, sticky leopard honey. Zinny chirped a purr of delight and crawled up even closer, flickering her little tongue up and down between the quivering, slippery lips of Cloudy's pussy, making soft smacking sounds as she lapped up the tasty juices, small droplets dripping out of her long, wiggling whiskers.

Cloudy growletted, squeezing her eyes and panting. She shuddered as her forepaws trembled, getting it harder to prop up her upper body so she could look at the sensual winged calico between her hindlegs. Zinny lifted up her head for a moment, her little tongue slipping out of the large cat's pussy and sliding over Cloudy's clit as she sent the clouded leopardess a cheerful wink. Nuzzling close, she gave a playful little nip to the big feline's throbbing clit, drawing another growled purr from the leopard's muzzle which was accompanied by a thin squirt of sticky juice flying from Cloudy's cramping vulva and splattering against Zinny's fluffy chest. Letting out a cute mewl, Zinny looked down and lowered her front end to the grass again, swishing her fluffy tail as she pushed her muzzle against Cloudy's slippery cunt, slobbering at the juices quite loudly, her purrs sounding wet and bubbly.

Gradually, small drops of kitty juice started leaking from the calico's own three-colored little pussy as well, dripping down left and right into the grass as Zinny wiggled her fluffy rump into the air. Her purrs deepened even further, slowly matching Cloudy's growls of pleasure as she kept lapping and licking at the big cat's pussy, her tongue digging deeply into Cloudy's slippery slit at each lick. As the trembling of her forepaws became too much to prop herself up, Cloudy let herself sink down into the grass flat out on her back, squirming around with her eyes closed. She purrowled lustfully, her slick vaginal walls quivering and clenching down upon the winged calico's flickering little tongue and her hindlegs kicking into the air.

Zinny chortled between her purrs, lifting first one dainty forepaw, then the other, placing them on both sides of Cloudy's swollen sex and beginning to trample softly like a nursing kitten would trample into its mother's chest. The clouded leopardess growletted again, arching up to Zinny's slender little paws and lapping tongue and flicking her bushy tail, the tip stroking along the winged calico's sides and rump. A soft giggled purr bubbled into Cloudy's thick juices as Zinny lapped deeply into the large feline's soaked pussy, wiggling her fluffy rump against the tickling tail and coiling her own colorful tail around it while trampling her dainty forepaws even harder against Cloudy's puffy sexlips, drawing squishy sounds from the leopard's dripping slit. Her little tongue flickered and twirled inside Cloudy's slick clenching tunnel, lapping at the silky walls, slobbering at the sticky juices, her teeth every now and then grazing against the clouded leopard's swollen labia as Zinny pressed in even closer to lick even deeper.

Finally, Cloudy couldn't take any more. The rhythmic kneading of the little calico's forepaws against her swollen pussylips, the tickling of the whiskers, the ceaseless lapping of the little tongue, it was more than the clouded leopardess could handle for a long time. With a deep, throaty growl of lust and pleasure, Cloudy arched her back, white toes of her hind feet flexing and curling, golden toes of her front feet curling and clawing at the grass, her bushy tail flicking sharply and poofing out to thrice its thickness and her twitching pussy cramping hard as all of Zinny's ministrations drove the large feline into a sparkling orgasm. Gush after gush of hot, sticky juices flowed from Cloudy's cramping cunt, filling the calico's muzzle and soaking the three-colored fur of Zinny's face, shoulders, chest and forepaws, each gush accompanied by a panted, lustful growl rolling from the leopard's opened muzzle. A cheerful, bubbled mewl escaped Zinny's muzzle as Cloudy's orgasm all but bathed her in thick, hot sticky leopard honey, and she braced herself on her hind feet a bit, keeping her dainty forepaws and her muzzle pressed against the big cat's gushing pussy, lapping and slobbering noisily at the rich flows of leopard nectar that rewarded her licking.

Slowly but gradually, Cloudy drifted down from the peaks of her climax, her shuddering body relaxing and sinking back down into the soft grass. A few last trickles of her juices seeped from her twitching pussy, quickly getting lapped up by the small winged calico between her trembling hindlegs. Panting deeply with her eyes closed and her tongue dangling from the side of her muzzle, the clouded leopardess quivered under the grooming licks of the colorful kitty as Zinny lapped up the remains of her orgasm and cleaned her sticky vagina. With a soft, gasped mrowl, she rolled her head and opened her eyes to look at the fluffy calico again, her lips drawn back into a wide feral grin.

Zinny looked up, her long whiskers and fluffy little muzzle still dripping with leopard juices, a content kitty grin curling her glistening lips. She offered a soft mewl in return to Cloudy's gasped mrowl, lowering her head for a moment to give a few last cleaning licks to the large feline's quivering pussy, then lightly hopping onto Cloudy's tummy and stepping across the leopard's chest to her head, settling down in the soft white fur and giving a little nuzzle and lick to Cloudy's muzzle. Cloudy smiled, her head rolling a bit, large tongue flicking out and sliding over Zinny's sticky muzzle, licking her own juices off the winged calico's face.

They lay like that for a few moments, Cloudy sprawled out on her back in the grass, drawing in deep breaths to regain herself, Zinny resting comfortably upon the large feline's soft chest, purring softly and licking her lips and whiskers every now and then. As Cloudy regained the control over herself, a wide grin curled back the leopardess's lips, her teeth and the tip of her tongue showing and glinting softly in the early morning sunlight as she looked at Zinny. All of a sudden, the large cat rolled over to her side, causing Zinny to almost topple over into the grass. Outing a cheery mewl of surprise, the fluffy calico stretched out her dainty paws, her wings giving a soft flapping and her tail flicking as she landed in the grass on her feet with a rather funny little hop due to the unexpectedness with which Cloudy had rolled over. Her fuzzy little rump was pointing right at Cloudy's head, glistening three-colored vagina fully revealed by the swish of Zinny's tail. The grin on the clouded leopardess's muzzle grew even wider. Now it was her turn...

Rolling a bit more to her side, Cloudy craned her neck a bit, nuzzling close to Zinny's rear end. Her large, broad tongue darted out, pressing full against the winged calico's wet little pussy and slowly drawing upwards. The strength and pressure of Cloudy's tongue against Zinny's rump was so firm that the long, slow lick actually pulled the winged Maine Coon's hindlegs clear off the grass as the leopardess's tongue drew Zinny's rear end up into the air. The fluffy calico mewled again, shivering with pleasure, only her forepaws resting in the grass as her hindlegs dangled in the air, fluffy tail flicking left and right over the back of Cloudy's nose and along the large feline's cheeks. Unable to hold herself upright for very long in that position, and trembling ever harder from the pleasure rolling through her fluffy body at the feeling of Cloudy's tongue slowly and firmly gliding over her swollen little pussy, Zinny toppled over in the grass when her forepaws gave way, shivers of pleasure coursing through her little body, making her fluffy three-colored fur ripple with delight.

Laying on her back, Zinny spread her fuzzy hindlegs wide apart, her wings flattened against the grass and her tail flicking softly as she looked up at Cloudy rolling over even further to her chest and tummy. Turning a bit, the big cat nuzzled her muzzle between the small kitty's spread hindlegs, her tongue once more pressing flat against the calico's trembling little cunny and giving such a firm lick upwards Zinny's small body was pushed slightly forwards through the grass. A deep growl of delight rolled from the leopard's muzzle and vibrated the Maine Coon's body at the taste of Zinny's juices against her tongue. Another slow, long lick was given, and another and another, each lick moving the fluffy winged calico back and forth through the grass, each lick rewarded with more juices seeping from Zinny's swollen three-colored vagina.

She gasped and mewled, squirming about in the grass under the firm licks Cloudy was giving her. Fuzzy little toes splayed and flexed, dainty hind feet pressing softly against the clouded leopardess's cheeks, thin trickles of hot feline honey leaking in a steady rate from Zinny's puffy little vagina, swept up by Cloudy's tongue the moment they appeared. Making sure the small cat wouldn't be pushed all over the place by her firmly licking tongue, Cloudy placed one of her soft golden forepaws upon the winged calico's chest and tummy, gently pressing down, warm velvety pawpads rubbing across Zinny's hard little nipples. Zinny mrowled deeply, her fuzzy hindlegs kicking and her slender forepaws reaching out, gripping around the forepaw pressing down upon her squirming body. The passion of her heat period, the delicious pleasure she already had from licking at Cloudy's large pussy, and the firm pressure of the licks her own little cunny was now receiving fired up the calico's lust higher and higher, each lick of Cloudy's tongue pushing her ever quicker towards a fiery climax.

The large clouded leopardess purrowled deeply as she felt how Zinny's body shuddered and trembled harder and harder under her licks. Pushing down her forepaw a little harder on the calico's body, Cloudy lowered her head and pressed down her muzzle suddenly, a quick, wet lick driving her large tongue right into the winged Maine Coon's tight, slippery little cunt, filling up the small cat's slick tunnel completely. Zinny squealed with lust, her back arching up as high as it could under Cloudy's paw, downy wings and fluffy tail beating up and down against the grass, forepaws gripping tightly around Cloudy's forepaw and hindlegs kicking out, the claws of her dainty hind feet gently raking through the leopard's whiskers and cheekfur. With a growl of pleasure, Cloudy wiggled her tongue inside Zinny's swollen little pussy a bit, rubbing firmly against the calico's tightly clenching walls and flicking against all the kitty's most sensitive spots, her nose, purring breath and whiskers caressing and tickling Zinny's little clit, tummy and the insides of her fluffy thighs.

Squealing and meowing loudly with lust, the colorful winged calico thrashed and writhed though the grass under Cloudy's paw, bucking and shocking, her muzzle wide open, teeth shimmering in the light, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. A scream rose up from Zinny's wide-open muzzle, her fur poofing out when a powerful climax hit her with full force. Thin drizzles of her hot feline honey forced themselves out of her shuddering body in little squirts as her pussy clamped down hard upon Cloudy's tongue, squeezing the tongue like a supertight vice. The large clouded leopardess in fact squeezed her own eyes for a moment and gave a sharp flick with her tail at the very hard squeeze Zinny's little pussy gave to her tongue.

In a reflex, Cloudy drew back her head a bit, trying to pull her tongue back into her own muzzle. But with the small calico's powerful orgasm lasting, the grip of Zinny's tight little slit was so firm Cloudy actually pulled the fluffy Maine Coon backwards with her when she drew back her head. A mrowl that was half surprise and half a laugh rolled from the large feline's muzzle. There was nothing to it... she'd have to wait until Zinny had come down from her orgasm and relaxed a bit. Flattening herself down in the grass, Cloudy rested her chin on her forepaws, her tongue still caught in the winged calico's cramping, twitching cunny, a soft purr rumbling in her throat.

Only slowly, Zinny did eventually relax as the crashing waves of orgasm ebbed away. Slumping into the grass, the fluffy calico panted in deep gasps, all her muscles going limp. Cloudy grinned slightly and put her forepaw on Zinny's chest and tummy again, slowly drawing back her head once more, carefully pulling her tongue out of the small cat's soaked pussy with a slurping sound. She closed her lips over her tongue for a moment, making a funny face, then nuzzled Zinny's tummy and began slowly licking the last trickles of kitty juice from the Maine Coon's wide-spread little snatch.

Zinny shuddered softly again, soft breathless mewls coming from her opened muzzle, her tail and wings twitching lightly against the grass. She very slowly managed to draw in deeper breaths, her lilac eyes opening halfway and gazing a bit unfocused at Cloudy's form. Blinking a time or two, Zinny brought the twinkle back to her amethyst orbs, a deep breath pulled in and released in a long, low, vibrant purr. Cloudy smiled at her, shifting her large body a bit so her head was level with Zinny's head, her tongue flicking out to give a soft lick over the calico's muzzle. Zinny smiled back softly, rolling to her side and cuddling up against Cloudy's fuzzy chest with a purr. Lifting her head a bit, she gave soft licks to the clouded leopardess's lips and nose, her sparkling lilac eyes gazing up into Cloudy's bright lightblue orbs with a look of satisfaction, and understanding. Oh yes, they would meet and have fun like this much, much more often...

Late after work

Wow, would you believe that in all my years of writing, this is actually my first solo story? =^.^= There's probably plenty wrong with it, but I doodled out the idea at work, started writing it, then stared myself blind on it for two months because I...

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Such a relaxing massage...

Alrighty, first off, I'll have to put all this dull information here, hehe =~.^= -This story was originally an old Furcadia log. I tweaked it, made it into a smooth-flowing story, and to be on the safe side I changed the name and species of the...

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Motherly Love, chapter 03

Alue closed her eyes with a deep, happy smile, nuzzling Crystal's neck and taking in her scent, letting out a soft sigh under the feeling of her daughter pressing up and rubbing against her. "Ohh, hmmm... I can't say how happy I am to have you back...

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