Above Average Part 11.

Story by Zielregen on SoFurry

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#11 of Above Average

The date actually, finally starts! Shocking, right? Also leads to one hell of a cliffhanger. whistles innocently

Alan and Steve exited the employee washroom and made their way farther down the service hallway. Alan was soaked in cum everywhere below the ankles, which included the underside of his immense balls, and his huge semi-rigid cock was still drooling pre as it lolled and swung heavily with each step. The net result was that Alan was leaving quite a mess in his wake.

"You're lucky I remembered to bring my key today." Steve commented with an exasperated sigh as he swiped the card into the reader on the side of the large freight elevator at the back of the hall. The machinery behind the large doorway hummed as it stirred to life.

Shortly after having started attending classes at the local college, it became apparent to the mall management that it was not feasible for Alan to use the stairs or the escalators. Using the stairs was very difficult for him due to the absolutely enormous set of balls he had dragging along with him as he walked, and the escalators were just too narrow for his thickly muscled frame and gigantic endowments to fit onto. Alan's size also made using the elevators a difficult ordeal. Sure, Alan could fit well enough on the lifts, but he took up so much space that no one else could get on with him. As such, the management had decided to extend to him the privilege of using the extra wide, industrial strength freight lift that was tucked away in the back. They had originally only given Alan a card key for it, but since he often lacked pockets, he very rarely kept it with him. The mall management then decided to grant a spare key to Steve to keep on hand since the two of them were often found together.

Alan flawlessly executed a maneuver in which he backed into the lift and turned sideways so that he could quickly and effectively get is immense frame and massive endowments through the doorway. He had done this several times a week since he had started living on campus and so had had plenty of practice. Steve quickly ducked in after him and hit the button to take them to the ground floor. The freight lift was so much more spacious than the standard elevators reserved for customer use, and Steve found himself wishing that it went all the way up to the upper levels of the parking garage. They could have saved themselves so much trouble if Alan didn't have to cut through the main mall area in order to access the lift.

Steve glanced at his watch as the lift slowly and noisily made its descent down to the ground floor. "Ok so you've got a little over twenty minutes before you are supposed to meet up with John. It'll be tight, but if you don't make a scene, we can get back to the dorm in fifteen minutes."

"I make a scene everywhere I go." Alan commented with a chuckle.

"Believe me, I've noticed." Steve responded with a wry smile. "But seriously, keep it on the down low for a few minutes, ok? I mean, even if you aren't really interested in the date, it'd still be rude to stand him up."

Alan sighed heavily in response. "I know, I know. I'm not really trying to stand him up or anything. I'm actually kind of nervous. I just keep trying to take my mind off of tonight."

"You? Nervous to meet up with a guy? That's new." Steve replied playfully as he nudged Alan's densely muscled arm with his elbow.

"I'm not worried about meeting him. We've already been well acquainted." Alan replied with a smirk. "It's just, I feel kinda bad. I mean. It almost feels like I cheated on him in a way. I know we hadn't even gone out yet, but I mean I already found a new guy without even giving him a chance. Does that make sense?" Alan asked, his brow furrowed showing his concern.

"It is what it is. You weren't intentionally out on the pull, it just happened, and running away isn't going to solve anything." Steve replied calmly. The elevator dinged signaling that the two were now on the ground floor. "Ok. Chin up, shoulders back, now march out there like a man on a mission."

"Heh. Thanks dude. Man, what'd I do without you?" Alan replied with a genuine smile on his face.

"Probably sit in your room jacking off until your dick outgrew the dorm." Steve responded sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

"Well, that's still an option." Alan replied with a devious smirk.

"Whatever dude, now get out there before the doors shut." Steve said with a chuckle as he placed both hands in the deep trenches between Alan's bulging traps and lats and gave him a shove. The shove was more for show than anything else. Even if Steve had shoved with all his might there was no way he could hope to even budge Alan's immense bulk.

"You really are a good friend." Alan said happily as he stepped off of the lift.

"A good friend?" Steve replied playfully. As he caught up and began walking alongside his humongous buddy.

"The best friend." Alan responded laughing.

"And don't you forget it!" Steve added with a wink.

"I never will." Alan replied as he shoved open the double doors that separated the service hallway from the mall proper. Alan followed Steve's advice almost to the letter as he stepped out from the hallway and began his proud march through the center of the crowded mall. All eyes were on him as he puffed out his already massive chest, causing his already enormous pecs to swell out even farther.

Despite being very similar in height, Steve was absolutely dwarfed by his massive pal. Even if it were possible to ignore Alan's colossal cock that was now going on eleven feet and was easily three times as thick as Steve's chest, the layers upon layers of muscles that were packed onto Alan's frame made him a veritable wall of dense, rippling brawn. Alan's muscles were so gigantic that each individual, deeply set ab was as large and as thick as a professional bodybuilder's bicep. His huge, tree trunk thick quads flexed with each and every thunderous step.

All eyes in the mall were on Alan as he proudly strode towards the front entrance. Men and woman alike stared at his with their mouths hanging open in awe. Many seemed to grow faint just from being in the presence of such raw masculinity. Several men tried unsuccessfully to hide their tents. To Alan's credit, he actually managed to stay on course and made decent time, but he still didn't hesitate to shoot a sly wink or a seductive grin towards a few of his choice fans. He made sure to accentuate his glances with either a bulging bicep flex or a massive pec pop for good measure. A few of his male fans had a pop of their own down below from the show.

Alan made it to the lobby in record time. Traffic ground to a halt all around him as he stepped forth into the bright late afternoon sun. The low angle of light from the setting sun just seemed to accentuate his deeply cut muscles. His light brown, sun-kissed skin, was covered in deep, dark shadows from the thick valleys of his dense muscles. The shadows were so dark that it appeared as if his muscles had almost been lovingly painted on by an artists brush.

Alan took a step out into the sunlight, but quickly hopped back into the shade. "Sweet zombie Jesus! That's hot." He yelped.

"No shit, bro. It got up to 95 today." Steve replied casually, adding on a very visible eye roll for good measure.

"Yeah, but that hurt like hell! I think I just baked my potatoes!" Alan moaned while he rubbed his toes against the underside of his scorched nutsack.

"And this is why they invented things called clothes." Steve replied sarcastically. "I know you own a few pairs of underwear. You should actually wear them sometime."

"But they're tight and uncomfortable." Alan whined.

"Tough shit. You gonna stand there whining or man up and deal with it?" Steve taunted playfully.

"I'm staying right here until it cools down. John will just have to wait." Alan huffed. He crossed his arms dramatically across his chest which actually looked really silly given how huge his pecs and arms were. He was barely able to cross his wrists in front of him so it ended up looking less like a defiant pose and more like a failed attempt at Gangnam Style.

"Don't be that way." Steve chided with an overly dramatic sigh. "Don't you have anything in your bag you can use?"

"I've got a pair of shoes in there, I think, but I shredded all the underwear I packed." Alan replied sheepishly. "Or rather, I should say your little friend shredded them."

"I'd say it was your little friend that did it." Steve joked as he poked Alan's drooping semi to drive home his joke. "And what's this 'your friend' crap. I thought you two were officially hooking up?"

"Oh, come on! I'm being comically bitchy here." Alan replied with a bit of a chuckle as he dramatically threw his arms up in the air in mock disgust. The maneuver somehow just served to cause his enormous lats to flex magnificently.

"Oh, I know, bro, but you are wasting time. We need to think of... oh, wait a tick." Steve began to say, but then his rant dropped off unexpectedly as he began to wander across the street like a mosquito to a bug zapper. Steve stepped inside the lobby of the neighboring hotel and reemerged moments later riding a luggage rack down the handicap ramp like a mine cart out of the Temple of Doom. Steve hopped out at the last second and grabbed a hold of the cart handle, causing it to screech to a halt no more than a foot from Alan. "Your chariot awaits, good sir." Steve said in an affected accent as he bowed dramatically while gesturing towards the rack.

"What are you doing with that?" Alan asked skeptically.

"Do I have to spell it out? Get your shoes on, put your junk on the cart, and let's roll." Steve replied slowly as he pantomimed each action for emphasis.

Alan raised a hand and pointed a finger upwards like he was about to launch a counterargument, but upon realizing that he really didn't have anything to complain about he just shrugged and set to work. Getting his shoes on was the easy part. He had to have Steve reach into his backpack and fish the shoes out for him, though. There was no way Alan would be able to reach back there without having to undo the straps that held the backpack on him.

Getting his junk loaded up turned out to be much more of a problem. At first Alan tried to shove his balls onto the rack while Steve pushed against the cart on the other side to keep it from rolling away, but it quickly became apparent that he was not strong enough to keep the luggage rack from rolling away. "Holy shit, dude, your balls are heavy!" Steve moaned as he struggled to catch his breath. His shirt was beginning to get quite damp from all the sweat that was now rolling off his skin.

"They're not that bad. You are just leetle, girly, twig man." Alan replied in his best Hans and Franz voice.

Steve didn't say anything in response, but he did make a show of raising both middle fingers in a show of mock indignation. They finally settled on wedging the cart against the wall while Alan and Steve slowly shoved Alan's huge nuts onto the rack. All in all, they had wasted almost ten minutes in their endeavor.

"Thanks for the help man. Sorry about making you have to get all up close and personal with my balls and all." Alan said pleasantly as he gave Steve a gentle slap on the back. Unfortunately a gentle slap from the supermassive muscle hunk was enough to knock the wind out of the lanky skater.

Steve coughed a few times and then sputtered his reply. "No problem, man." He managed to regain his breath and his composure and continued. "Sad to say it isn't the first time I have had to press up against your sweat ass nuts, and probably won't be the last." He looked down at his hands and stuck out his tongue as he grimaced. "The worst part was the communal cum sludge you got going on there. Seriously, bro. You are rank." Steve disgustedly shook his hands out and then wiped them off on the side of Alan's enormous, buff arm. Alan just laughed it off as they made their way across campus.

The cart groaned and squeaked noisily under the weight of Alan's immense nuts as they traveled. Alan made a few brief flexes and poses for people who were staring at him, but Alan wasn't feeling particularly sexy now that his balls were basically wheelchair bound.

Alan and Steve entered the dorm building and headed towards their ground floor apartment. Alan opted to ditch his ball trolley because the hallways here were too narrow to be bothering trying to steer that contraption in here. He shifted his nuts enough so that they spilled off of the cart, sending it clattering against the far wall in the process.

Alan had been given special treatment in his room assignment due to his difficulty with stairs and the fact that he single-handedly exceeded the weight limit for the elevators. As they approached their room, Steve stepped in front of the doorway and blocked Alan from entering. "Here's the plan. John's supposed to be here in two minutes, and you look like shit. Go get cleaned up, and I'll chill with the lurch for a few minutes."

Alan actually didn't have anything to say in protest. It was a sound idea, and it was generally considered poor form to show up to a date with a guy covered in the jizz of another guy, let along the jizz of four other guys. "Alright." was his simple reply as he turned and trudged off to the showers.

"And no showboating this time!" Steve called back after him.

"I promise nothing." Alan replied casually, but loudly enough that Steve could clearly hear him. Steve just rolled his eyes and ducked back into the dorm room. The room was just as messy as they had left it. The lack of their communal dirty clothes pile reminded Steve that he had taken all their clothes with him to get washed and that the clothes were all still in his car. He let loose a series of undecipherable grunts and groans as he chastised himself for forgetting about the laundry, not just because it meant he now had to go back for it, but because he was pretty sure Alan had at least one pair of shorts in there.

Steve quickly hopped up from his bed the second he heard a knock on the door. He knew it had to be John. No one else would come by their room at this time of day, and Alan would never bother knocking, even when Steve had ladies over, which made for some awkward dates. Under normal circumstances, Steve wouldn't mind his roommate showing up when he was getting intimate with a girl, but Alan was a special case. It was hard to keep a girl interested when an over ten foot long cock was filling up much of the room.

Steve opened the door, and sure enough, John was waiting patiently on the other side. "Is Alan ready?" he asked expectantly.

"The goofus is still in the shower. He should be along in a minute if you want to come inside and wait for him." Steve replied, nodding towards the room behind him as he stopped leaning on one of the doors and opened it all the way so John could come in.

John stepped into the room and balked at the doorway. He had forgotten how filthy the place was, which was amazing considering how state of the art and self cleaning this room was supposed to be. Alan's loads were legendary, so much so that the school's engineering department had developed a self-draining dorm room for just such a situation. The patents for the design had netter the school millions, but as good as the state of the art room was at draining jizz, it still didn't pick up all the old beer bottles and Doritos bags that littered the floor.

John fidgeted as he scanned the room. Steve's standard sized dorm bed was tucked away in the corner of the room and was covered in wadded blankets that obviously hadn't been washed since the semester started. Much of the rest of the room was taken up by the two, side by side, king size mattresses that functioned as Alan's bed. Alan's mattresses were left to lie on the floor due to the lack of any form of bed frame that could support his immense bulk.

"Pull up a thumb, dude." Steve called over to John kindly as he flopped down into his bed.

"Um... no, I think I'm fine here." Jon responded as he crinkled his nose at the mess. "Actually. I'm going down to Pablo's to get a table. Just tell Alan to meet me there when he is ready." John added.

Steve raised an eyebrow questioningly at John, but a quick assessment made it clear that the football star was clearly uncomfortable being in their messy den. "Alright, man. I'll send him along after you. Hopefully won't be more than five minutes." Steve replied as he gave John a casual wave goodbye.

Steve puttered around the apartment for a few minutes waiting for Alan to return. Steve was actually surprised by how quickly Alan came back, and with his cock relatively unchubbed, no less. "Wow. No show for the fans tonight?" Steve playfully ribbed his roomy.

"Ah you know how it is. Gotta pace myself. Can't give 'em a good show every night or they'll get complacent." Alan replied with a wink.

"Well whatever. John just left. He said he'd get you two a table at Pablo's." Steve replied lazily as he flipped on the TV.

"Not exactly fine dining. What was he wearing?" Alan inquired.

"Uh... clothes?" Steve said with a shrug.

"No. I'm serious. Like casual? Dressy?" Alan pressed for information.

"I dunno. Like... nice jeans and a button up? Business casual?" Steve replied uncertainly.

"Shit. I'll have to dress up." Alan moaned.

"Dude. You could put on a thong and it'd be dressing up." Steve joked.

"Well. That's still an option..." Alan mumbled as he pulled through the overhead cubby that served as his dresser. Alan's immense package made it very difficult for him to bend over and pick things up, so he had had bins mounted to the ceiling for all his storage needs. Alan pulled out a couple of huge clumps of cloth and chucked the unceremoniously over his shoulders. The articles of clothing unfurled in midair and floated to the ground like parachutes. Each of Alan's pairs of briefs had such a massive pouch in the front that, as they lay on the floor, they looked more like deflated hot air balloons than they did articles of clothing.

"Ah-Hah!" Alan announced triumphantly as he pulled out a pair of black and white briefs. Steve perked up for a moment, but then went back to focusing on the current detective drama that played on the tiny TV that was set up at the foot of his bed.

Alan unceremoniously jiggled and stuffed his balls into the pouch, but left his cock to fly free. After a few minutes of packing and shifting he turned around and posed flamboyantly for his bud. "Ta-daa!" Alan chimed as he showed off his choice of attire.

Steve looked up from his show and just about spit out the mouthful of beer he was halfway through downing. "Holy shit, dude. I got you those as a joke!" He sputtered as he tried to choke down his laughter.

"What? Not dressy enough for Pablo's Bar n Grill?" Alan asked with playful snark. Alan's current ball pouch was plain white in the center with black sides and a very cartoony black bowtie that was stitched into the front just below the upper hem of the pouch, making the whole thing look like the front of a tuxedo. The fabric was stretched so thin, though, that the skin tone of his nuts were fairly visible through the white fabric.

"Nah, man. I think you'll be just fine." Steve replied, still trying not to cackle. "Now just remember. Be home by 10 pm sharp and no feeding that thing after midnight." Steve said as he pointed to the humongous, semi that was flopping over the waistband of Alan's undies.

"Alright, mom, gawd!" Alan shot back in his best angry teenager voice. As he opened the extra wide double doors that led back out to the main hall.

"Fuck you." Steve shot back.

"After I wear out Mr. All American, I am sure I'll have plenty left over for you to have a turn." Alan replied with a saucy wink. He then stepped into the hall and shut the doors behind him.

The trek to Pablo's was fairly uneventful. The restaurant was actually one of the many small establishments that were on campus, so Alan only had to walk a few blocks. The sun had all but gone down by now so the ground probably would have been cool enough not to roast his marshmallows had he decided to make the trek au natural, but he had to admit, there were some advantages to being somewhat dressed. As thick as the skin of his nutsack was, the constant scraping along the pavement when he dragged his exposed balls along got to be a little itchy to say the least.

Alan stepped into the entryway of the small mom and pop eatery and was immediately greeted by an audible gasp from the hostess. "Wow. Uh. Hi, Alan. Your table is right this way." It was no surprise that just about everyone in town knew his name by now, and yet they always still seemed surprised whenever they saw him. It was almost as if they had never seen him so big and buff and hung before.

Alan made his way into the main dining room, and was greeted to by the sound of several people gasping and quite a few dishes dropping as all the diners and workers got their first look at him. Alan tried his best to give everyone a polite smile, but he was enjoying the attention far more than he wanted to let on. He could already feel his cock starting to chub up a bit more from all the lusty eyes that were fixated on him. On the far side of the room he caught sight of John, who had stood up to gesture him over, but John's arm and his jaw had gone slack the second he saw how absolutely massive Alan had become.

Alan had forgotten just how amazingly hot the blond haired, blue eyed, All American jock was. John's clean cut, short blond hair framed his handsome features perfectly, and his well toned muscles filled out his shirt and pants fantastically. As Alan's eyes drifted lower he caught sight of the outline of John's quickly hardening dick. Alan couldn't help but smile to himself as he saw the effects his body was having on the football star as the bulge from John's rising erection began extending down the jock's leg well past his knee.