
Story by sisco on SoFurry

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First time in a long time I have submitted a story here, thought I'd give this place another try. So here is a short story I wrote. This one was written in about 3 hours

and was just somthing off the top of my head for a yiffy story contest so don't judge it too harshly. it's m/m yiff


"It is said that in this world there are Demons searching for innocent souls to corrupt. They are said to be clever of mind and black of heart. Into your ears they will whisper every word you wish to hear. They will promise to fulfil your every desire. There are others who say..."

The nights were getting longer and colder. Soon autumn would give way to winter and his master had not yet replaced the barn door. The young tiger shivered in the corner, his bed a pile of old hay and his blanket thin and worn with many holes. Lewis shivered and pulled his ragged blanket around him as he stared out the open doorway at the relentless rain, a strong gust of wind in the right direction would send the droplets all the way to the back of the barn where he cowered. He feared getting sick because it would not be acceptable to the Master. Last time he showed any signs of illness his Master had whipped him until he bled and wept for forgiveness.

Lewis pressed himself into the corner of the barn and closed his eyes. As he felt the blissful arms of slumber reach out to take him he heard something and opened his sleepy eyes. He looked up to see a dark shadow filling the barn door, it seemed giant to him and all he could really make out were eyes glowing with an inner fire staring at him. Their gaze seemed to pierce right down to his soul and he felt himself being examined.

The tiger whimpered in fear and gripped the small wooden cross that hung around his neck. "B... b... Be gone... D... Demon", the tiger whimpered holding the cross tightly.

The monster chuckled and stepped forward into a ray of moonlight coming through the barn window. In the dim light Lewis could see that the creature wasn't nearly as large as it had appeared. Standing less than six feet tall, with large wings that had cast the shadow. His face was like that of a cat but with a red mark between the eyes. He was quite scrawny and also very naked, wearing nothing but a belt with a sword attached. He looked to Lewis very much like a bat. He stepped forward and smiled in a friendly way " Is that anyway to treat another being on this cold night? What would your mother think if she found out you kicked a harmless poor fellow like me out into the cold? I was just looking for shelter I have travelled a long way in this bad weather. This barn looked like a good place to rest I did not expect anyone to live here with such a grand mansion so close."

Lewis's guilt overwhelmed him he let go of the cross and bowed his head "I sorry", he whispered.

The stranger chuckled " No harm done, but I do wonder why a handsome strong young lad like yourself is sleeping in a cold barn not the warm beds of the house next to it?"

" My master owns the house and he does not permit workers such as me to enter it." The tiger answered his head still bowed in shame.

The stranger sat down next to Lewis " He must be a powerful man indeed to keep one such as you cowed". The tiger just nodded in reply. The stranger reached out a paw and gently lifted his chin up " A handsome and strong young man such as you shouldn't spend his nights shivering in a barn."

Lewis blushed again and smiled slightly the cold of the night seemed to have left he could feel the warmth of the strangers body. " What are you doing here?"

The stranger smiled " Just passing through. My clan lives in the mountains to the north. I came down into the lowlands looking for something I lost."

" What did you lose?" Lewis asked, as he looked the stranger in the eyes. They still seemed to glow lightly and he found it hard to look away for them.

The stranger smiled a warm smile and replied, " I don't know I'll know that when I find it."

They sat in silence for a while Lewis stared deep into those smiling purple eyes, they seemed so warm and friendly as well as beautiful. Finally the stranger broke the silence " It's nice to meet someone who is willing to talk to one such as me, most just seem to scream and curse. They call me a Demon. What is a Demon?"

Lewis gulped feeling shame for his actions when the stranger arrived" A Demon is a servant of the devil. They are winged beasts that harvest the souls of the unfaithful and evil."

The stranger chuckled and winked at Lewis " Then why would one visit you? You have faith and I can't believe you are a sinner."

Lewis blushed deeply again and tried to look away from those eyes that again seemed to be staring right down to his soul. " The master is always beating me for my sins, for being slothful and stupid."

The stranger frowned " The master who keeps you in a freezing barn while he sleeps in a huge bed in a warm mansion? He is far more of a sinner than you. I bet he lives alone."

Lewis shook his head " No he lives with his two daughters."

" Are they nice?" The stranger asked looking even deeper into the tiger's eyes.

Lewis found himself trembling a little " They look nice, but are spoilt and cruel."

" So you like the way they look? Would you like to spend your night in their beds?" The stranger asked with a soft chuckle.

The tiger couldn't look away and he knew he couldn't lie to this stranger. He gulped and replied softly "Yes."

The stranger reached out and stroke Lewis's arm softly, the gentle contact felt good and Lewis relaxed a little. " Would you like to breed them, show them your strength and prowess?"

Lewis gasped he had never told anyone his desires before but knew he couldn't hide them from this being " Yes".

The paw stroked off his arm and onto his stomach gently caressing Lewis in a way he had never felt before. " Would you mate them hard and fast, fulfil your own desires and then discard them as unworthy of your love?"

Lewis purred in response to the caressing and the images the stranger's words brought into his mind "Yes."

"Would you force them to do everything you desired obey your every command? To demean themselves before you in anyway you desire?" As he spoke the strangers paw slipped lower onto the tiger's cloth pants groping the erect cock inside.

Lewis purred loudly and groaned "Oh god yes YES!" Then realised what was happening and jumped away from the stranger.

" I... I mean no. Y...y... you shouldn't touch other males there it's wrong." The tiger said.

The stranger arched his back and chuckled softly "But it feels so right." As the stranger stretched Lewis could see his erect cock shining in the moonlight. It was thick and long, as black as the strangers fur.

" I showed you mine now you should show me yours." The stranger chuckled as he crawled closer to Lewis.

Lewis took a step back and was about to respond when a strong gust of wind came up behind him, the ice-cold rainwater blew in from the outside and made Lewis jump again. He tripped over the crawling stranger and the two went rolling off into the hay.

Lewis ended up on top of the stranger looking down into those beautiful eyes. "I... I... sorry" He stammered and tried to move off only to find the strangers paws holding his wrists tightly.

" Don't move this is the warmest I've been in days", the stranger said with a smile curling his wings around Lewis blocking out most of the moonlight.

Lewis trembled and tried to move again "We shouldn't it's not right".

The stranger held his wrists firmly " It's ok, travellers huddle together for warmth all the time. You have to admit it's a cold night and you could use the heat of another body." As he spoke he pulled his wings away from the tiger letting the cold night air at the young feline.

Lewis shivered as the cold air caressed his body again he could feel the heat of the stranger beneath him. His mind wavered and then gave in to his wants. Without a word he lay himself down on top of the stranger. Pressing close to the stranger and basking in the heat of another body. The stranger smiled and let go of the tiger's wrists, he curled his wings around them both blocking out the cold air and moonlight.

All Lewis could see were the stranger's beautiful purple eyes staring at him. The stranger's arms were around him his paws stroking down the tiger's back. Lewis slipped his arms around the stranger and held him tightly. He felt warm and safe for the first time in years he smiled in the darkness.

The stranger gently caressed the tiger's face "That's what I wanted to see you have a beautiful smile." Lewis blushed and pressed his face to the stranger's chest in embarrassment. The stranger smelt good in a way Lewis couldn't describe, it reminded him of a summer day. He found himself inhaling the scent deeply happily nuzzling the furry chest. He held the stranger tightly in his arms and then jumped a little as he felt something hard poking him in the groin.

The stranger chuckled softly " Hey what did you expect nuzzling around my chest like that. There's no reason to panic you are much stronger than me, there's nothing I could force you to do that you don't want to do."

Lewis blushed again, he was well endowed with muscles thanks to years of hard work and the stranger beneath him would hardly be a match for him in a fight. He felt ashamed of his fear earlier.

The stranger gently caressed his face and then pulled it forward Lewis didn't think to fight against it as the stranger pulled him into a kiss. He purred happily as his lips brushed against the bat's lips and gasped a little as a warm tongue wormed its way into his muzzle. It tasted sweet in his mouth and felt good as it caressed against his own tongue. The stranger's paws caressed slowly down the firm tiger chest and stomach and unfastened his pants.

The tiger moaned in bliss as he felt a paw caressing his erect cock. The stranger gripped the young male's pole and began to jerk it slowly and softly as his tongue explored the tiger's muzzle. Lewis felt the stranger take gentle hold of his paw and guide it down until he felt a hard and hot cock pressing against his paw. He didn't think he just gripped the thick shaft and began to jerk in time with the stranger's paw.

The bat moaned into his mouth, the breath as sweet tasting as his tongue. Lewis purred loudly the cock feeling so good and right in his paw. He squeezed the meat happily and jerked it faster making the bat gasp. Lewis's mind spun as he kissed the creature as passionately as he could, pressing his tongue deep into the warm maw tasting greedily. He realised for the first time that he was no longer on top, he looked up into those beautiful eyes and saw nothing but love and lust.

The stranger let go of the tiger's cock and used his paws to spread the tiger's legs. He pulled his cock away from the tiger's paw and slipped himself in between the young male's legs. Lewis found himself cradled in the bat's arms as something pressed against his pucker. He opened his eyes wide and broke the kiss in surprise as the thick black shaft was driven deep inside him. The pain of the entry making him whimper slightly, the bat buried himself as deep in the young male as he could and then stopped just holding the tiger.

Lewis trembled the feeling of another male inside him almost overwhelming him. The pain had faded quickly and now he just felt warmth. His virgin rear clasped tightly around the cock he could feel every inch and every heartbeat as the cock throbbed within him. He looked deep into those beautiful eyes and nodded slowly. He saw the stranger smile as he began to mate him slowly.

There was no more pain, as the cock slowly thrust in and out of the young tiger, only warmth and pleasure. Lewis couldn't look away he found himself lost in those purple eyes. He gazed deep into them as the bat began to mate harder and faster, he rode the thrusting malehood and pushed back into it wanting more. He felt connected to this stranger in a way he had never felt before. He purred happily enjoying the feeling of the maleness thrusting inside him and basked in the warmth of their union.

The stranger gripped the young male's cock in one of his paws and began to jerk it fast in time with his thrusts. Lewis moaned even louder feeling the growing pressure of his nearing orgasm. He held the male in his arms as tightly as he could. The bat felt so much bigger and stronger than before, the tiger felt more secure under him than in his own mother's arms.

He looked up into those eyes as his orgasm took his body, his cock erupting in the bat's paw. The bat leant forward and kissed him taking his moans of pleasure into it's mouth as it thrust away with more and more vigour driving Lewis to ever greater heights of ecstasy. Until with one last powerful thrust Lewis felt the cock pulse and a warm sensation as the bat emptied his seed into the young male.

They lay like that for hours, the bat kept his cock inside the young male as they whispered words of love to each other. As Lewis fell asleep in the warm arms of his lover he felt the bat lightly kiss his forehead, the kiss tingled on his skin in a way he had never experienced before.

Lewis gasped as he was rudely awoken by a bucketful of ice water being thrown over him. " Get up you lazy swine". His Master commanded.

The tiger wiped the water from his eyes and stood up. He felt strange for a moment he thought that he had merely dreamt the stranger up but he was still naked and could still feel that strange tingle on his forehead.

He saw the Master's two daughters giggling at his wet naked form, he ignored their amusement and shook the water from his body. He felt stronger than he had ever felt before.

" Put some clothes on you cretin, have you no shame?" His Master commanded.

Lewis bent over and scooped up his pants and hopping from one foot to the other he put them on. They didn't feel right he couldn't feel the morning air in his fur with them on, he felt imprisoned in them and confused at why he would want to wear them.

His Master, beating him across the back with his cane, awoke Lewis from his musings. The tiger winced but more out of shock than pain and as his Masters swung again he stepped forward and grabbed his Master's arm.

The young tiger grinned at the older one as he held the arm in a vice-like grip. The old tiger had never seemed so weak and small as he did right now.

" W... What are you doing you fool?" The old tiger demanded the confidence in his voice gone.

Lewis leaned close and looked into the older males eyes " I can see your sins." The young male whispered.

His master's eyes filled with terror " I haven't sinned I am a good man. You are the sinner you slothful ungrateful brute."

Lewis laughed softly " Lying is a sin too, isn't that what the preachers say. I know whose beds you go to when you are feeling filled with lust", his eyes flicked briefly to the two girls who cowered back under his gaze. " You took them when they were but ten. I can see every sin in your evil small little heart, you small minded cruel man."

His master struggled and kicked tears streaming down his face " It's not true I didn't I DIDN'T."

Lewis grabbed the old tiger by his throat and lifted him off the ground " Don't you dare LIE TO ME!" As he shouted he threw the old tiger across the room.

His master sprawled on the floor and wept, " Please have mercy." He begged getting to his knees. Lewis raised his paw to strike but as he looked down at the quivering blubbering old male his heart did fill with mercy and he lowered his paw. Lewis turned in disgust only to hear a soft thud followed by a much louder one.

The daughters screamed as one and fled. Lewis turned slowly to see the headless body of his former master and the stranger standing over it with his bloody sword in his paw. " That's where I step in."

Lewis looked confused " You?"

The demon shrugged " I found what I was looking for. An innocent soul to spot the true sinners."

Lewis looked confused " I knew, I could see it in his eyes the things he did I could sense them."

The stranger held out a hand " My name is Reath by the way."

Still in a state of shock Lewis took the paw " Lewis".

" Well my Angel we should go before those sister bring others", Reath said leading the tiger out of the barn.

" But I don't understand" Lewis said in a whisper.

" You are my partner all of us demons need a partner. An angel to spot the true sinners and a demon to punish them. I came looking for an innocent soul to be my mate and found it in you." Reath said with a smile as he squeezed the tigers paw lightly.

" But everything we did, the things I said. I'm not innocent" Lewis whispered in disbelief.

Reath laughed, " Simple lusts of the flesh that you never gave in to they are not sins and mating with someone who is willing again is not a sin. No you were and are a true innocent". The Demon reached up and touched the place he had kissed last night " If you weren't you would not have the mark of an angel"

Lewis's paw went to the spot he could feel a hard smooth mark where Reath had kissed him. " Is it like yours?"

" It's like mine only pure white, the mark of an Angel. Now it's time to go we have much to do. Are you ready?" The Demon asked with a smile

Lewis felt his own wings unfolding for the first time, beautiful white feather covered wings. Reath leaped into the air pulling Lewis with him.

"There are others who say the difference between Demons and Angels is as fine as a strand of hair."