The Fall of Olympia-CHP 2

Story by Volsk on SoFurry

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Your face

The two had waited there for quite some time, lucky that the gaurds had not found him. As the authority figure's footsteps got farther away, the pink wolf slightly whispered, "Are you okay?" Vol'sk had been zoned out, still entranced by her embrace and made an absent nod. Being stronger than him, the pink creature practically lifted him up and turned him towards her. "What is your name?"

Vol'sk's face was red, and he made a single choked word. "....V....Vol'sk...."

She smiled, obviously knowing that the threat was gone. Vol'sk, however, still seemed scared. After a short awkward moment the female spoke up. "My name is Astre Hollistr..." She looks him in the eye, looking like there is more to say, but instead she drops him and runs deeper into the alley. She maked a left around the corner and disappears. The red wolf is left there, utterly confused at everything that has just happened. His crush just saved his life, told him her name, and darted off as if to hide something. He sat to ponder the event for about 10 more minutes until he realized how late he was for work. 'Oh no! Im late! They'll... They'll imprison me or execute me!' Vol'sk sprang out, running out into the street and frantically picking up his dropped things and hurried to work. A few other street walkers gave him weird looks as he awkwardly carried his things, slowing down to a walk as the mine came into view. It was a square building built into a rock overhand. The main office was made of polished steel, meaning it was government funded. There were only a few inside doing office things, gaurds standing in various doorways and watching everything. As Vol'sk walked closer, the gaurds that checked if someone was valid gave him angry looks until he was all the way up to them. By that time his ears had gone back and he stared shyly and scaredly at the ground.

"Hey! Why in Earth are you so late?!", boomed a quite large dragon gaurd, this one being green. The sudden voice made Vol'sk jump and reply in a shaky voice, "...J-just... some street... violence..." The heavy green gaurd looked over at the other, smaller one, then back to Vol'sk before backhanding him across the face. The blow send him to the ground whimpering. Vol'sk knew that if he didn't get up, the gaurd would most likely kill him. He slowly rose holding him face with one hand, his things with the other as he made is way into the chrome office. The only thing he had to do now was clock in, which he did before stepping into the nearby elevator. While the doors to it were chrome like everything else, the actual inside contained walls of martian rock and a very shabby lifting mechanism. The thing always gave Vol'sk the shivers with its shaking and squeaking. By the time the wolf was actually down there, he was shaking like a leaf and stumbled out into the open mine. His fellow workers had been hard at work for quite some time and already looked tired and exhausted. Making his way to his station, Vol'sk went down the long lit cave, taking a right down another long one. Then finally, a left. This part of the cave hardly had anyone come by which is why Vol'sk liked it so much. It was here he felt safe, mining away at rock he was forced to dig. He was being watched though by a security camera in the area, but at certain times it would not see him. This is when Vol'sk felt the absolute safest. He could sit down, drink coffee, do anything while out of sight as long as by the end of the day he had his fair share of rock dug out. One good thing about this opressive system was that it ackknowlegded the strengths of each citizen, meaning that Vol'sk had less of a quota than other miners. Even though today was started late, Vol'sk was easily able to chip away his share of minerals by the end of the day and came walking back down the tunnels towards the entrance with his backpack full of things. The rocks he mined were deposited into a cart that followed him on a rail to the unloading station near the entrance that took it up on a seperate elevator. Vol'sk made sure to stay back a ways from the swarm of his larger co-workers that were waiting at the elevator's door. The rust wolf hid just around the corner of a tunnel and waited... and waited... until 40 minutes hd passed and everyone was gone. This was when he quickly ran towards the elevator before it closed down and rode up the shakey thing to the top and out of the entire building, left back in the street like before.

Just like every other day, he had been down in that hole for 14 hours which made the time now 7:00 PM. Most people at this time where given a free 3 hours to go along various stores and bars. Vol'sk used his 3 hours to walk to the outskirts of town just a little over a mile from his house where he would sit at the boundary fence and peek out at the martian landscape. The fence itself was very flimsy and easy to get through, but there were sniper towers upon various heightened areas that carefully monitored the perimeter. Vol'sk knew he was watched every time he went there and thought of it as very unsettling, but dealt with it and went along with his life. He had a specific rock he would lean against after setting down his backpack and pulling out a sketchpad. Very little paper was left in it, and the pencil he used was very light. Nothing Vol'sk had was actually in good condition aside from objects assigned to him by the government, such as working tools. But what he had was enough. Every day he would come here to sketch whatever was on his mind, with limits of course. If he were to draw something that incinuated rebellion, he would surely be arested. Not that Vol'sk every had rebellion in his mind. His sketchpad was full of drawings of trees, rocks, and other various natural things. A page here or there had a certain fox drawn on it, but not very well since he wasnt a very good artist when it came to human form. This day seemed more peaceful than others, despite how it began. The wind was hardly blowing and there weren't gaurds yelling in the streets. Everything seemed perfect..... until..... FLASH.....

The Fall of Olympia-CHP 3

At the sudden flash, Vol'sk immediatly sprung up from the ground, dropping his things. Upon trying to look at the source of extreme light, his eyes were forced shut by its intensity and he was flung completely off his feet just moments later....

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The Fall of Olympia-CHP 1

The Fall of Olympia Olympia... a strong nation of economy and military. It was the first nation to be founded on Mars, after colonization and terraforming took place. This Mars is not like the Mars we know today. While its terrain is similar, its...

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