mars is quiet, peacefulness descends, relax, sleep, dream...
---the end---
by thwale ©1996
Future, mars
The katzen have agreed to help those accepted get to mars unmolested. there are families of caw species that live on mars as well, mostly katzen. mars does not have any political connection to terra other than what was already mentioned.
Feline, Human, Sci-Fi, mars
Here i am on mars, where some of the most advanced technologies are being developed, and now i'm grounded. what am i going to do?"
the wolf nods his head in understanding.
Military, Sci-Fi, mars, morph
Posted using postybirb
**a series of captures**
**by limewah**
**patron reward for sanmer (april 2023)**
**featuring characters from biker mice from mars**
**_capture 1 - rose tint_**
i'm falling.
still falling.
Anthro, Biker Mice from Mars, Cyborg, Drone, Dronification, Fox, Gay, Hypnosis, Latex, Mice, Mind Control, Mouse, Tail, biker, brainwashing, mars, sounding
So just a couple seconds after the transformation their was the "Big white elephant in the room" but that was quickly over looked as a muscled great white shark started to writh on the floor gasping for air, so yeah kind of a distraction. We carried...
Character Development, Gay, Otter, White Trash, crush, mars, racism
The two had waited there for quite some time, lucky that the gaurds had not found him. As the authority figure's footsteps got farther away, the pink wolf slightly whispered, "Are you okay?" Vol'sk had been zoned out, still entranced by her embrace and...
M/F, Rebellion, The Beginning, War, mars, mining, nuke, peace
This is mars colony, calling terra station prime. i repeat, mars colony calling terra station prime. we lost contact with your data feed, and haven't heard anything in days. please respond!"
Bisexual, Growth, Inflation, Relationships, Spooge, construction, journey, mars, radiation, survival
All four see diagrams appear on their huds as the cougar's deep voice speaks, "you might have noticed this is a rougher landing than usual for mars. that is because we are not dropping on mars.
Cheetah, Cougar, Emotional, Female, Ferret, Gun, Human, Jackal, Male, Mars morph corps, Morphs, Power Armor, Sci-Fi, Space, Sword, Violence (Not In Yiff), army, earth, knife, mars, spoilers