Waking Instinct Part 3

Story by SkitchCougar on SoFurry

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The third and final section of my three part voraphilia story, Waking Instinct. I really loved writing this, especially the last few sections, and I hope you enjoyed reading it. If you've enjoyed WI, please leave a fave or, even better, a comment. Thanks!


?A few days passed, and things were going extremely well for Skitch and Rip. They were happy, in love, and Skitch's predatory urges had nearly stopped. Most of the day had been spent playing and talking to each other, and as the sun finally dipped below the trees, they prepared for sleep. Rip dropped down next to Skitch, and gave her a few tickles with his tail before curling up to her body. "Oh sweety, you're so cute!" Skitch laughed and pulled Rip against her body to tickle his ribs. Rip laughed and tickled her with his tail again, "You're cuter!" Skitch gave him a quick kiss on the ear and touched noses. They shifted on the ground, giving each other gentle, loving licks while the shadows moved across their bodies. It was almost dark, and she gave Rip a few final licks before relaxing her grip and moving back beside him. She yawned, "We should get some sleep." "Do we have to?" Rip jokingly replied, still tickling her with his tail. Skitch giggled and fluffed Rip's hair, "I think so, silly." "Aww." Rip lifted his tail and curled up to Skitch, "Well, goodnight then, Skitch. Tomorrow!" "Goodnight, foxy!" Skitch brushed a paw across Rip's body and then rolled over on her side to sleep. Rip stared up into the sky, joy still rushing through his mind, and then rolled up against her. He curled his tail over Skitch's legs as she began to snore, and then closed his eyes before drifting off to a soft, gentle sleep. ~~~ Rip gently stirred, and woke to the firm hold of Skitch's paws against his body. His eyes flickered; Skitch was facing him, eyes closed, and held him closely to her body. Rip put an arm on her fur, smiling as he realized that she just wanted to snuggle. The fox shifted, trying to get closer around the uncomfortable firmness of her paws, but he couldn't move. He brushed his arm against Skitch; he had to get her attention so she would loosen her grip, but she didn't respond. "Skitch," Rip whispered, "Skitch..." He tried to push away to reposition himself, but she just extended her claws and scraped against his skin. "Ow, ow. Skitch, wake up. Skitch!" he spoke and tapped a paw against her head. Skitch paused for a second, sniffed the air, and then pulled his paw into her mouth. Rip suddenly realized what was happening, and ripped his paw out of her jaws. She was having another predatory moment, except this one was much worse than the others, and he screamed at her again. He pushed away as hard as he could, desperately trying to get away from Skitch before she tried anything else, and she weakly pulled him back in before he finally broke free. Rip slipped backwards onto the ground, and wildly scrambled back until he was a few safe feet away. His chest heaved madly, and he looked up at Skitch, begging that she would wake up and recover from her mad dream. He loved her; all Rip wanted was for her hunger to end so he could go back to her side. But instead, Skitch's eyes flashed open and a wild, animal tore over her face. Rip stumbled backwards, watching as she shifted to her paws and lurched towards him. She was snarling, and stood a few feet away, just waiting to make a move. "Skitch! Wake up, please! You don't want to do this! Skitch!" Rip's panic caused his voice to come out as a high squeal. Skitch remained still, watching, waiting, and kept staring at Rip with the same wild look. It was prey... she wanted to chase, but why didn't it run? There was a pause, and then she suddenly made a wide lunge with her paw, causing Rip to yelp and start sprinting away. Skitch immediately gave chase, leaping up across the grass and after the fox in long, bounding strides. Rip was moving as fast as he could. He had to get away; she was beyond reason and all that mattered was saving himself. He didn't want to die, he was terrified of the thought, but as he looked back, he saw that Skitch was rapidly gaining. There were only a few seconds left now. Skitch was almost there, the fox was almost hers, and she kept running after him, now only a few short yards apart. Rip didn't dare look back. He could hear her paws on the ground, legs sweeping through the grass, and began to desperately weave through a few trees to throw her off. He didn't think it'd come to this, didn't think that- "Rip..." Skitch's voice called out from behind him "Don't be frightened, it's still me." The fox slowed to a halt at the sound of her voice, subtle relief flooding through his body. If she could speak, then she had to be back to her normal, loving self; he was safe. He turned around, half-smile on his face, and stared at Skitch. "Good lord, you... you scared me there." "Sorry, Rip. I still love you, and I want you to be with me..." "I love you too, Skitch." Rip started walking towards her, "We'll be together, I promise." Skitch smiled as Rip walked closer and extended her paw out to him. Rip wrapped his fingers around it, and hugged it close to his body. "I missed you, Skitch." "I want you to be a part of me." Rip smiled, "I know, I think I already am." Skitch paused, "No, no... Rip... you don't understand..." "I do, Skitch. I won't leave you, I promise." "You won't be able to." Rip looked up into her eyes and pushed his face into her fur, "That's not a problem." "Are you sure? You seemed so scared..." "Scared? I'm not scared of you, Skitch. I love you." Skitch looked down at him, "You were running from me." Rip looked up, "Oh, no, no, no. You were having one of those moments. That's what I was running from. It wasn't you." "Oh sweety..." "You scared me, Skitch. I thought you were... going to eat me," he dug his face back into her fur. "I... I am." The fox pulled back and looked at her, "Wh... what? Skitch?" Skitch kept him near her and stroked his face, "I'm sorry if that frightens you..." "It... it terrifies me. No, Skitch. You can't. I love you; I want to be together." "So do I..." Skitch hugged Rip against her body. "But that's not the same. I want to be with you... I want to live with you," he paused, "Skitch... if... if you eat me, I'm going to die." "Rip, do you love me?" "Of course, Skitch. I think I love you more than anything." "Then you'll let me do this." "Wait, why? Skitch, I love you but... but... I'll die if we do this." "I want you to show me how much you love me." "But can't we do that some other way? Skitch, you're scaring me. Stop talking like this. Please." Rip's voice faded into a small squeak. "I'm sorry, Rip," she hugged Rip a little tighter. "Skitch, please. I don't want to die. You don't have to do this; I think it will pass like the others." "It won't. I tried..." "Try again, resist it! Please! For me!" "The only way I can make it go away..." she paused, "Is to eat you." "But Skitch, if you eat me, I'll be gone, forever. You'll... you'll never see me again..." "If I don't... I'll lose myself." "What do you mean? How?" "I'll become one of *those* cougars." "Skitch!" Rip cried out, "Skitch, I'm so scared!" "I'm sorry, Rip. You can either kill me or feed me." Rip started to cry and dug his face into Skitch's fur. "I know, lovely. I'm sorry to put you in this position," she softly spoke as a tear ran down her cheek. "Will it hurt?" he asked voice barely audible. "No, I'll try to keep you from hurting yourself." "Are you sure?" "As sure as I can be. In fact, I've heard that it feels wonderful." "And... and you know this will save you?" "It's always worked for the others." Rip paused before replying, "Okay... I... I love you, Skitch. I'll do it, for you..." "Thank you, Rip. I'm sorry, I still love you." "No, it's... it's okay, I think. And I love you too," he managed to muster a faint smile. Skitch kissed Rip's forehead and hugged him again, and Rip squeezed Skitch as tightly as he could. His tail lightly brushed her leg, and he buried his face into Skitch again before looking up at her with wide, teary eyes. She gently wiped his head, and gave him a second kiss on his cheek before softly speaking. "Ready?" Rip nodded, and Skitch dried his eyes, "Ready." "Relax and enjoy it, Rip. I'll try to make it feel as good as I can." Rip smiled, "I will too, Skitch. I hope I taste good." Skitch leaned over and lovingly licked Rip's neck, "Mmm, don't worry. You taste delicious, foxy." He smiled as the tongue rubbed through his fur, "Yay!" Skitch hugged Rip, gently rubbing behind his ears, "And Rip, even though I'm doing this, I still love you. I'll never forget you." "I know. I won't... I won't forget you either," he laughed a little, "I don't think that will be a problem, though; at least not for long." She smiled and nuzzled Rip, beginning to lick his ear. He hugged her a little more, tail pressing against her leg, and moved into her touch as she shifted down to his neck and shoulders. Skitch slowly started to pull them both down to the ground, tongue still taking in Rip's taste, until they were both on their knees. Rip followed her tongue, a few shivers of calming pleasure rushing through him as his fur stood on end. He had almost forgotten the fear, there was just a rising joy, excitement, and sensation as he closed his eyes and moved closer to her body. Skitch leaned farther forward and pulled Rip up against her body. She pushed him against her fur, letting his tail wrap between her legs, and brushed noses as she briefly licked across his face. Every touch, every taste of the warm, savory fur, brought thorough satisfaction to her feral urges. She escalated into sweeping, vigorous movements, craving more of the fox's taste and texture upon her wide, dripping tongue. She was the predator, this was her beautiful, wonderful prey, and the instincts kept rising up inside of her until simple taste was no longer enough. She placed an arm around Rip and started to lean forward across his body, putting a paw on the ground to support her weight. Her body shifted over his form, and she kept licking again and again, savoring every bit of his delicious taste. Skitch pulled Rip against her, pressing into him until he was curled under her body. His face was up against the skin, her purring a massive, audible rumble that mingled with the grumblings of her stomach, and he gently stroked the body. He'd be on the other side soon, deep inside the loving, powerful cougar, and somehow, he wouldn't have it any other way. She sat above Rip's frail body, and began to adjust the fox, positioning him so he would be easy to swallow. He didn't fight, didn't resist, and Skitch loved the control the prey had given her. He was completely hers, influenced only by her own mercy, and she savored the feeling as the predatory instincts continued to surge. And she no longer feared them; she embraced them. They weren't something to dread, something to fear and avoid, but rather, they were a... part of her now. They were predatory, and she was the predator; it was so simple. It was time. Skitch moved Rip until he was muzzle-to-muzzle, and briefly touched noses. She began to lick his face, pulling the fox closer and closer to her, and then slowly opened her mouth. Long strands of saliva arched over her teeth and dripped from her tongue, and her deep throat stretched down into bottomless darkness. The moist breath rushed over Rip's drool covered face, and he briefly opened his eyes to stare into his fate. These were his last few moments outside, last few moments of life, and he looked down into the throat before shifting up to Skitch's eyes. He could see the pleasure enveloping every inch of her body, it made his sacrifice all the more worth it, and he paused a second to smile before leaning towards her maw. Skitch suddenly pulled Rip closer to her teeth, causing the fox's body to suddenly surge forward. Her lower teeth were protected under the wide, squishy tongue, and Rip closed his eyes again as the moment drew nearer. Skitch stroked Rip's body, the massive rumbles of her purring running through his ears, and continued to pull him closer into her mouth. This was it; there was no going back, even if he wanted to. Skitch was going to eat him. He was just her food now, a meal of flesh and bone, and he was completely powerless under her strong touch and predatory instincts. He was hers to control, devour and consume at the cougar's leisure, and somehow, he loved that. She wanted to eat him, and he was gladly her food, her delicious, warm prey. It was so wonderful to Rip; he was so excited to save her, satisfy her desires, and the tingling fear of his approaching death only added to the excitement. Would it hurt? Would she forget him after he was gone? They only added to the rush, and he could hardly remain outside of her body for much longer; he craved to be inside her, craved to be her small foxy snack, and he pulled towards the maw, a sharp feeling of pleasure rushing through his body. He could feel his member go erect, sending a surge of sensation throughout his entire body, and he let out a short, quick whine, absolutely dying for her jaws and throat to envelop every inch of his body... "Eat me..." he whispered, quietly yelping as the pleasure intensified, "Eat me now..." Skitch pulled him closer, slowly taking him up to her jaws. He, he wanted her to eat him, she knew he was enjoying it, but she couldn't help but feel a slight pang of guilt as she thought about it. He was her love, her best friend, her small adorable foxy, and now... now he was going to die inside of her, and it was all her fault. But as she kept pulling him in, she couldn't help but enjoy it. Every desire was being satisfied, and her predatory instincts surged as her tongue made another pass across her cheek. He was her friend, yes, but he was also her voluntary prey, and as she repositioned him one last time, she was overwhelmed by how wonderful her power felt. He was hers, that was all that mattered now, and the guilt quickly diminished as she pulled Rip closer. He wanted her to eat him, she wanted to eat him, and that's exactly what she was going to do. Rip's muzzle entered her mouth, softly guided by Skitch's licking, gesturing tongue. The purring was starting to overwhelm him, and puffs of warm, moist air brushed across his fur in rhythm to the deep, consuming sound. She kept pushing him in, wide, soft paw stroking and pressing against his back, and he could feel her upper teeth gently brush against his skin. His entire head was almost in now, and Rip kept his eyes closed, able to feel the clearly feel the position of his body. The moisture and continuing passes from her tongue had his fur soaking wet, and he pushed a little farther until his face was completely inside. He had to keep going, his erection was bulging with pleasure, and he let out another whine, craving even more; Rip had never experienced sensation this intense in his life. Skitch heard Rip's cry, and firmly pushed him closer inside, determined to aid his efforts. His face was moving towards the back of her mouth now, and she pulled him tighter, ready to plunge him down into throat and towards the darkness of her wet, rumbling stomach. Rip pushed forward again, pressing his head down her mouth and inside the wet, sticky esophagus, erupting into a violent shiver as the warm, soft flesh surrounded his face and ears. Skitch smiled as the fox moved in her arms, savoring the absolute domination she had over him. With every inch, the less he could struggle, with every movement, the further his escape faded, and that wasn't even a problem. He was willingly, enthusiastically, pulling himself inside of her and closer and closer to her belly. She had turned the fear into pleasure and the hesitance into enthusiasm... that was complete control. She was his one and only influence now, and everything, even his thoughts, were completely within her power. Her tongue gently moved over Rip's neck, feeling around his fur, and firm, quivering throat. He was whining with pleasure again, sending small ripples across the tongue and into her mouth, and she gave it a few close, vigorous licks before sending it down her throat and moving towards his shoulders. Skitch was sampling every bit of his body, taking in every bit of his taste, and she licked around and under his arms as they gracefully slid into her mouth. Rip shuddered again as he moved further down her throat, savoring the wet touch of the saliva surges running down around him. He was shaking with excitement. Skitch was really eating him, he really was her prey, and with every second he couldn't help but heighten his euphoric joy. He had no idea that it felt this good... This was all that mattered, he was born to be eaten. This, down ahead, was his destiny... Skitch sent more of Rip down her throat, and moved on to the chest, neatly positioning the fox's arms beside his body. Her paw moved down to his hips, guided by his soft furry chest, until she paused at his crotch. She gently brushed against it until her hand met his erection, and she then firmly wrapped her fingers around it, giving it a squeezing rub that sent Rip into another series of shudders. His tail dove towards her hand, brushing against it and then flicking between her legs to tickle her clit. The cougar immediately gasped, barely audible except for the quick breath of air rushing across Rip's fur, and the purring sharply intensified. She quickly swallowed a bit more of Rip, rewarding him for his gentle touch, and sent his shoulders into her throat before beginning to tilt back in preparation for the final gulp. Only Rip's legs and tail remained outside, the rest of his body was concealed within her, and Skitch slowly moved her hand away from him and towards her own form. She tilted backwards, back arching gracefully as the fox's legs dangled in the air, and started vigorously rubbing her vulva. Rip was no longer enough, she had to enjoy this moment as much as she could, make it as intense as it could possibly be, and quickly pressed above her wet, dripping vagina, heart rate exploding as she anticipated the rush of pleasure. Rip felt the deep gasps and quick shudders. He knew what she was pushing towards, the same thing was happening to him, and he slid a few more inches down her throat, eyes squinted as the sensations overwhelmed every inch of his brain. It was getting warmer, tighter, and the air was hot and stagnant from the lack of circulation to the point that he could barely breathe, but whatever short gasps he could make perfectly portrayed his pure ecstasy. He was almost there, almost to the stomach, and they were both in pure sensual paradise... He slipped forward a few more inches, and Skitch kept her throat in the nearly vertical position as she continued to pleasure herself. His navel slid down under her tongue, and she shifted to his crotch, slowly curling her tongue around the firm edges of his erection. Rip's legs wiggled before her eyes, and his tail danced across her face in quick, playful strokes as she began to pull her tongue in and out of her mouth to rub against his cock. She held him there, not wanting to accidentally have them miss this moment, and continued to rub against Rip's firm, stiff erection. He was so close, she could feel him edge closer and closer, and she pressed her tongue tighter into him before giving one final stroke. Rip felt his cock surge and quiver as a few sticky strands of fluid squirted into Skitch's tongue. He violently shivered, letting out a massive whine that echoed through Skitch's insides, and kept waving his tail around her face. He whined again, erection starting to quiver before a second eruption splattered against her tongue, mixing with the saliva before slowly dripping down Skitch's chin. It was pure bliss. Skitch shifted to her knees, and quickly snatched Rip's tail to twine it between her fingers as she continued to touch herself with her other paw. Her tongue made a few more passes over his wet sticky cock. The fox was still quivering, and she slowly moved him down a few more inches and prepared for the last, final swallow. She had given him more pleasure than he'd had in a lifetime, and Skitch was certain that Rip had returned the favor; now it was time for him to move into his new home and rest... She fully opened her jaws and Rip quickly rushed down. His tail slowly unwound from her fingers with every passing inch until it left Skitch's fingers with a rapid flutter and dove down alongside his legs. Skitch's tongue rubbed against Rip's knee, shin, and then finally his paw and toes before the last part of him disappeared into her hungry, gaping maw. And just then, Skitch erupted into a massive, consuming orgasm as a massive yowl burst from her throat. She could feel the last bits of Rip sliding down into her, causing her to tingle with pleasure, and she slowly slid down to the ground, breath moving in rapid, in-out bursts. She had done it, she had eaten the fox, her first and last prey. He was sliding into her at this very moment, absolutely powerless to change his fate as filling, wonderful food, but she then remembered exactly who the fox was. He had sacrificed himself for her, given his life so that she could live a normal one, and for that, she would remember him for as long as she possibly could; as a friend, and her closest love. Skitch stretched across the ground as her breathing steadied and fatigue slowly set in. It had been a long, wonderful night, but there was nothing to do now but rest and sleep, for both her and Rip. She gently rubbed her paws against her gorged, enlarged stomach, feeling the soft, gurgling rumbles, and pictured Rip inside. She hoped his last few moments were comfortable, she could almost see the fox curled up within, and softly licked a bit of Rip's scent on her hand. "Yes Rip," she thought as she nodded off to sleep, "I will never... never forget you..." She yawned, face wet with saliva and warm, sticky cum, "Thank you, Rip. Thank you..." And with those words, Skitch the cougar fell asleep.

Rip slid down Skitch's throat, nearly his entire body surrounded by the warm, sticky flesh. His fur was saturated with saliva, his skin was burning hot and moist, and the esophagus walls restricting strokes caused him to loudly gasp for air with every movement. There wasn't much left to breathe now, whatever dank stagnant air reached him filled only a fraction of his lungs, and with every passing second, he was steadily losing consciousness... But Rip barely noticed. His emotions were still surging in a euphoric high; he had just experienced more pleasure than he had had in his life, more than he would have ever experienced in his lifetime, and his body quivered from the aftermath of his climatic orgasm. He was almost there, almost to his final destination, and his thick, still-erect cock glided against the esophagus walls as they pulled him down another few inches. Almost... only a few more moments before he slid down into her belly and fulfilled his ultimate, final role. His eyes drowsily squinted into the permanent darkness, half-trying to judge the moments before he finally arrived, and a sloppy, content smile formed on his face. He was so lucky to have been eaten by someone as wonderful as Skitch, someone as close to his heart as her, and he was honored to be her prey. He was completely hers, in a few hours there would be nothing left but nutrients and memories for the cougar, and the grin grew wider. He would have let her eat him even if she didn't need to be saved, he would probably let her eat him a thousand times if he had only known that the pleasure was this strong and the emotions so satisfying. He was her food, a tasty meal of fox, and he would never do anything to change it. He loved his role more than he had ever thought possible, and he shivered as his erection slithered through a small dip in her throat and vibrated against the thick movements from Skitch's overpowering purrs. Almost... He felt the tip of his tail squish into the close confines of her esophagus and Rip's heartrate burst with the rapid excitement. Only a few more seconds, he knew it, and the esophagus walls surged one final time to pull him down before- *SPLASH* Rip suddenly went into a brief second of free fall before splashing down into her stomach and landing in a pool of burning, stomach acid. Stinging sensations erupted across his entire body as the heavy acid dripped from his fur, and the sudden shock forced him out of his euphoria and back into reality. He gasped for air, long wheezy screeches that echoed against the stomach walls, and crumpled into a small ball to fit within the tight, narrow confines. This was it, his final few moments of life, and he just stared into the darkness, tail curled up over his body. With every second, his body was being digested, broken down into nutrients for Skitch to use, and as he gasped for air again, he knew that he had only mere seconds left before he drifted off into final, eternal sleep. He could still feel Skitch's purrs along with slight shifts in her body, was she still awake? Could he try to say a final goodbye as she pleasured herself? Skitch? he gently called out. There was no reply, and Rip kept staring out into the black as the burning slowly intensified. He was going to pass out from the lack of oxygen, and then... then he would die. But he wanted this, above everything, he wanted to do this for her; it was the greatest sacrifice... And it wasn't really even death, was it? Like Skitch has mentioned, his consciousness would fade, yes, but the rest of him would live on, in a sense. His body would go to her, become a part of her, and he would be a part of everything she experienced. He would live on as a part of her body, live as long as she lived, and the thought brought great comfort to him as he pulled himself closer in the pitch black. In a few hours, he would become part of Skitch... Rip coughed violently and began to shift at the bottom of the stomach. He couldn't feel any fur on his hands, and he shifted left, bare, fur-less skin now exposed to the acid. It was burning more than anything now, but he blocked the pain with the thought and tried to shift to a more comfortable position. He was moving on, this was just next stage of his life, his destiny. Rip moved a few inches, trying to keep his furred parts in the acid, no longer afraid and filled with a tingling excitement as his final seconds ticked away. "Yes..." he thought, Skitch... "I'll be with you forever... forever..." His lungs were almost completely empty, and he surged forward, gasping again for air. His body fell into the acid, half of his face splashing down into the puddle, and he stared blankly forward, fully conscious that he had just made the last move of his current life. The right half of his face burned from the exposure, and bubbles rose to the surface as acid poured into his open mouth. "Goodbye Skitch, he whispered, tongue barely able to form the words seconds before he shifted into eternal sleep, "I... I love..." But she was unable to hear him, Skitch was fast asleep. Rip produced a shallow, half-dissolved smile as his consciousness faded to black. She didn't need to hear him. Food didn't talk. Food digested.