Snow Bunny ch. 30

Story by Kaikan on SoFurry

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#30 of Snow Bunny

A/N: I actually updated!! can you believe it?! I have a very good excuses for not updating for a while. One is that I had to focus on school for a bit. Two is that I got a job at the spawn of satan, Walmart. and Thirdly is that I have a whole lot of smut coming in the next few chapters and it is draining me. One time I screamed "I can sex no more" and a few family members started looking at me, weriedly. well onto Ch. 30 and I hope I can update sooner for everyone.

Ch. 30

Silver eyes looked down adoringly at the shirtless chest below him. Bronze skin was still as dark as ever even when it hadn't seen light in over six months. A light sheen of sweat glistened in the torch light, shadows of scars contrasting the perfection.

A strong hand rose to stroke the bare skin, careful to just graze over the mostly healed wounds.

"You're not in pain, are you?" Derek asked.

Moku peacefully smiled, blue eyes still closed. "I'm alright."

The full blood couldn't help but to smirk and nuzzle that exposed neck. "So much for just 'laying' with you. That was quite... nice." His smirk broadened as he came across a light purple mark on the boy's collar bone. "You've got a hickey." He swiped his tongue over it in a broad lick.

Moku frowned and squirmed. "It's not my fault. You were sucking like a leech."

"Mmm... I couldn't help it." Derek was positively purring, unable to hold back after just one lick. "You were being so... lusty."

Annoyance crept up on Moku but he didn't stop Derek from devouring his neck. He even spread his thighs to allow the other to lie between them. He actually liked the feeling of Derek on top of him. Usually he hated anyone in this position but with Derek it didn't seem as suffocating. The weight was almost reassuring, the body heat pleasant. He wanted to wrap his legs around the other but his thighs and... other places still stung with mostly healed wounds.

So instead he twisted his hands in the furs below him and let the other lick and kiss his body. It was pleasant, sometimes ticklish and other times he almost tingled.

Derek groaned, lapping up beads and trails of sweat. It was salty but he craved more. There was something about Moku, with every shiver and arch that he made, that drove him into madness.

He was panting and it didn't make sense why. He slid lower down that delectable body, Moku's scent overwhelming his senses. He shivered, moving his hips against the furs below him, trying to relieve the pressure that was building there. He growled lightly, licking up a scabbed over claw mark. Moku shivered, fingers coming up and entangling in Derek's hair.

It was almost unbearable. Moku was giving off the most delicious scent. Like rain and flowers and melted chocolate all mixed in with this overwhelming musk. Not even a musk, more like a sharp delectable, dizzying scent that was making him rub against the furs even harder. He could feel Moku's clothed hard on press against his stomach and every once in the while the boy would flex his hips and drag it against him.

Oh, he couldn't stand it. The lower the full blood got the more strongly that delectable scent became. He left his post of sucking along the other's hipbone and pressed his face into the boy's groin. He inhaled deeply and almost came. He bucked hard and gripped the boy's sides. He buried his face into the leather, shivering and eyes fluttering shut.

And then Moku made the most wonderful noise ever imaginable.

It was a whine mixed in with a gasp and whimper of pleasure. A hand shot to his hair and gripped hard. The other tossed over those blue eyes, hiding half of his face.

Derek had to pause to look at the beauty presented to him before lowering his head again and mouthed the leather clad erection. Moku let out a chocked cry and arched.

"Oh, damn..."

With that Derek went wild. Moku was panting, whimpering, bucking against his mouth. He couldn't stop himself. The more he did the stronger the scent became until he couldn't stop himself. He bit down.


Derek's eyes shot open. He knew nothing good could come from that.

The leg that had been over his shoulder lifted and kicked him hard as Moku shot into a sitting position.

Big mistake.

Moku made a painful cry, falling back. He whimpered and growled, half rolled onto his stomach. He was gripping the furs in a vice like grip, knuckles turning white.

"Moku!" Derek said, all evidence of his previous uncontrollable desire vanishing. "Are you alright? Your stit-"

"Of course I'm not fucking alright!" The other snapped back. "I'm covered in stitches and you BIT ME!"

Derek winced, guilt ridden and embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

"It hurt."

"I'm really, really sorry. I don't know what came over me. You just smelt so good and so sexy and... and... I'm sorry?"

"And what were you doing? You were down... there and... what the hell?"

"It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"To be down there?! And doing... stuff..." He could feel his face warming.

"Well... you didn't seem to be protesting."

Moku was positive an egg or possibly some form of meat could be fried on his face. He bowed his head to hide his embarrassment. "I'm in pain."

Derek dared to crawl closer to the other. "Maybe I should take a look."

Moku looked horrified and frightened. "NO!"

Annoyance crept into his voice. "Why not? You might have ripped one out!"

"Because... Because..." Moku searched madly for a reason before coming out with the most pathetic one he could think of. "Who knows what you'd do! Probably try to go down on me."



Derek bit his bottom lip.

Moku went wide eyes. "Derek..."

"Can I?"

"Can you..." Suspicion was crawling up him like a thousand ants. "What?"

"Go... down on you?"

It felt like Raklyn had just pranced into the room completely naked while doing some sort of prancing pelvic thrust before twirling about and galloping out on his hands. Moku was getting redder by the second and Derek was feeling like he had just gone to class without any clothes: exposed and vulnerable to switches.

Luckily the echo of a low, sad howl entered their cave.

Derek's head snapped towards the opening, pausing. "Something's wrong. They're in trouble." He turned back to Moku. Their eyes met before looking away in embarrassment. "We'll..." Derek stood. "We'll talk about this when I get back. Are you alright?"

Moku hesitated. "Yeah. I'm fine. Go."

Derek gave him a small smile before exiting.

An empty feeling swept through the smaller boy. The cave seemed to have had all the warmth sucked out of it and he curled up in the furs, ignoring the soft pangs of irritated stiff healed wounds. Somehow, even in three layers of pelts, the early spring chill still seeped through his skin.

There was something vacant about the cave as Liolyn entered it. There was no fire, no sign of life. All the cozy memories of rolling around in furs, laughing and kissing, seemed to have fled. Even the sexy memories were gone. He couldn't see ghosts of writhing bodies, feel Kadell's mouth sliding up his neck. The whispers of strong arms crushing him as he was slowly pumped into, his soft needy whimpers filling the darkness had fled from his mind's eye.

There was no gasps of pleasure, no mewls of desperation.

He ached to be snowed in again.

A scent that already overwhelmed the cave seemed to be pulsing behind him and Liolyn whipped around, taking a few steps back.

Golden eyes met silver and not a word passed between them. The look was all that was needed.

Kadell closed the distance, ducking down and dragging his tongue across the dried blood on Liolyn's arm. The cat shivered, his hand coming up to slide through dark strands. He lowered his head to nuzzle Kadell's shoulder, mewling gently.

Clothes were being peeled off, layer by layer. They nuzzled each other, faces pressed together, breaths ghosting across sensitive skin. Soon there was nothing left separating their bodies.

Things took a turn towards the desperate side as hands raked down naked skin. Bodies rubbed against each other, soft gasps of pleasure echoing off the stone walls.

Claws grazed skin, sharp teeth nipping. Kadell let out a low growl and Liolyn found himself being slammed against the ground, strong hands gripping his wrists and held them in place.

Silver eyes stared into his and Liolyn had the urge to look away. It was too intense. It hurt him.


The whisper was desperate, sad. It made something inside him pine and he had the urge to cry. Those silver eyes were wavering, such intense sadness poured out of them to fill Liolyn's soul.

"Kahdahl." He raised his head as much as he could. His tongue sliding out to flick over those parted lips above him. "Make love to me. Hard. And dry." He nuzzled the head that nuzzled him back. His voice shook without permission. "Make me feel."

Lips crushed against his. He mewled, opening his mouth to welcome the probing tongue. Hands released his wrists to wrap around his body, holding him tightly. The kisses were sloppy and messy, no technique behind them. They were fueled by desperation, both yearning for the other. Guilt pulsed in their hearts, flooding their bodies through their veins.

Liolyn lost track of time as he was kissed, devoured by the wolf demon above him. His legs had wrapped around the other, clutching his sides like clamps. His tail wrapped around Kadell's leg like a snake, gripping it like one.

That hard length had been rubbing along his crevice for some time. He whimpered, squirming. He ached on the inside, yearning to be filled. He was leaking precome too, his own erection trapped between their bodies.

He arched his head back with a whimper and Kadell's mouth slid along his neck. Licks slid up his jugulars, nips placed at his tendons, kisses rained everywhere else. The wolf only separated to deliver a long, wet lick to his hand to semi slick his erection. Despite the request he had no intention of injuring his bedmate. Liolyn would just have to be settled with barely there lubrication.

"Lio... relax."

Liolyn let out a roar as he was entered. He burned and stretched painfully as his body clenched so that he would feel more. It was the familiar sensation of being ripped in half. It hurt. Oh god, it hurt. Half of him screamed, thrashing and trying to flee. The other half of him cried out in pure pleasure, begging for more.

His whole body shivered, trembling and jerking, as he came. His come poured between them, shamefully giving away his joy.

The fearful half of him dissolved and the whore side took over. He thrashed, whimpering and pleading with his body. Faces were flashing behind his closed eyelids, all haunting and making him cringe and yet he was slamming his hips back. It burned with a vengeful fire and his body craved it. He wanted more.

He wanted to vomit, he wanted come again. A mixture of emotions swirled through his body, making it tremble and jerk. It was confusing and his mind reeled, colors mixing the faces together as memories of blood and screams drowned him. His wrists even felt cold as if the shackles were weighing him down.

He was crying out, begging for more, harder, faster. The emotions were pooling down, gathering in his release. He was almost there, wavering on the edge of infinity.

"Liolyn. Look at me."

The voice was piercing through the blinding colors that were beginning to flood the memories, drowning them to the bottom of his soul.

"Open your eyes."

He whimpered, convulsing as he fought off the command. He was almost there! Almost free.


That thick length moving in him, plunging him with burning sensations, stopped. He let out a cry of despair.

"Look at me."

He was trembling, length pulsing in agony. He didn't want to. He wanted to hide in his darkness with only the blinding ocean of colors to keep him company.

"Please, Lio."

He swallowed hard, his lids trembling as they fluttered open. Blinding silver burned away the colors, releasing the typhoon of memories. He made a choking noise and tried to curl in on himself. Fear was overwhelming him. He was scared that Kadell could read him, see his memories reflected in his eyes.

He must be disgusted. All the things that Liolyn had done... Kadell must be repulsed. The cat feared what the wolf demon would say. What harsh words would be spat at him, what tone would slice through his soul.

But only three words were breathed out. "Look at me..."


That length was slowly sliding inside of him, static shocks of pleasure crackling through his stinging passage. His hips twitched, his breath shuddering. A keen escaped his throat as those small thrust become longer and deeper.

There was an arm wrapped around his waist now that his hips didn't need to be held up or stilled. He was arching them, rolling them to meet Kadell's movement. The other arm was tucked behind Liolyn's but was free for movement since the cat had both arms wrapped around the other's neck. The back of claws stroked his cheek, cradled the back of his neck when they kissed sensually. It kept Liolyn from turning away, trying to break the eye contact. It was making him shudder, tremble with terror. So much emotion was being reflected in those silver irises and he feared that he was seeing his own within them.

Ghosts of words were hissed in his ears, bringing back repressed memories. It all hurt with the intensity of hell's flames but snow rained over it, cooling them and spreading a chilly blanket over burning coals. Hushed words were being whispered, shushing noises breathed out. Fingers that caused shocks of pleasure grazed over his lips to silence anguished whimpers.

Silver eyes were growing brighter, shining in the darkness. Soon they were as bright as twin stars, grey dusted full moons. They were becoming white, gleaming and blinding him. Liolyn let out a tormented choked cry and tears were streaming down his face in boiling rivers.

Those eyes that pierced his very soul wavered, eyes fluttering, and Kadell let out a choked noise of his own. His hips flexed and he was spilling his release deep inside the cat demon. Ever muscle trembled, rippled of pleasure coursing visibly down his body. Those eyes momentarily became unfocused before they flashed the purest of white, a white that made the snow and whites of his eyes look black.

And with that Liolyn felt his own climax. It wasn't as pounding as ones before but it made him sob, made his arms tighten around the wolf's neck. He tried to arch back, break the eye contact but a strong hand held his head in place. His whole vision blacked as a hand stroked his coming length and the pleasure seemed to go on and on, eating away at him, destroying all thought.

He came back down, his legs convulsing from the intensity. He was still staring into silver eyes that were quickly receding back into grey. They were both panting, both trembling from the experience.

Kadell was afraid to move, afraid if he did it would break the spell. But he had to speak, had to say something that was gnawing at his soul. His heart of pounding like it was about to explode. He felt weak, needy. The yearning sensation buzzing through him almost made him vomit, made his bones leap out of him.

"Lio... I..." His voice caught. There was a choking noise in the back his throat as the words struggled to leap out and yet they clung to his throat.

He had to tell the other man. He had to voice it. Three little words. Three simple words. Two of those words were permanently stuck in his throat. He was scared, inches from trembling.



Fingers silenced and sad amber eyes looked up at him. The memory that was once reality not a minute earlier flashed before his eyes and he remembered them resembling golden suns, blinding just like the orb in the sky. The dark room almost lit up with the intensity. "Don't speak. Just..." Liolyn ran the tips of his fingers over those parted soft lips. "There's no need."

Kadell kissed those digits pressed against him before they were removed. Something softer and more welcoming took their place and Kadell moaned, tongue sliding with the one that invaded his mouth.

They switched positions, Liolyn rolling them slowly over so that Kadell was on his back. It was nice, letting go. Liolyn was slowly kissing him, the cat's tongue plundering his mouth. A skillful hand had snuck down, toying him into hardness. Deft fingers slid and pulled, rubbing the tip almost ticklish soft then shudder inducing hard. It wasn't long until he was coaxed into full arousal.

With a final flick of wrist and tongue, the cat demon sat up, straddling the tops of Kadell's thighs. He had both of their erections and stroking them together in one fist. It felt nice, so nice. The powerful wolf demon was reduced to wispy breaths and hushed whimpers.


He shivered violently in response and resisted bucking.

"A while ago we had a... bet, per se. If memory serves me right, you lost."

Kadell's fuzzy mind fought to make sense of the words being whispered to him. He managed to whine and roll his hips upward.

He heard a dark chuckle and the wicked demon above him leaned down. Lips that can cause him unimaginable pleasure grazed the shell of his ear and electricity shot from the touch. That seductive voice purred. "I'm ready to collect."