Part 7 - How I Met Your Father

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#8 of Youth and Vigor which Ray gets to know the family.

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor. If this sort of thing offends you, don't read this story. If this sort of thing interests you, please enjoy.

Additional Note: This part contains mostly character development and explanation of the plot, but there's some sexy bits in here too. More importantly it sets the scene for the next part, which might not make sense otherwise. If you're just in it for the porn (hell yeah!), then you can probably skip over this part, otherwise, enjoy the suspense! And just so we're clear, this has no relation to How I Met Your Mother. I just thought it was funny :3

Part 7 - How I Met Your Father

Ray's rusty red pickup truck rumbled down the road, headlights piercing the darkness of the cool night air. He looked down at the address in his paw that Ted had given him. A nice neighborhood, Ray thought, but no matter how nice it was it wasn't going to quell the terrible feeling he had in his stomach. It was also a bit of a drive from where Greg lived on the other side of town. His neighborhood wasn't so nice and the pup was very reluctant to be left there, but this was the sort of thing he thought it was best to handle alone and dropped off the cub. If there was going to be a problem, he didn't want the cub getting involved. He did his best to assure the young doberman pup that he would be back, and they would have plenty more sleepovers in the future. Ted hadn't said much on the phone. He only gave Ray the address and told him to come over at 7. He didn't sound angry either, but there was an indiscernible tone in his voice that made Ray very nervous.

He turned on the last street as his truck started lumbering up a steep hill, objecting to the added strain on its engine. The houses on this street were rather large and set back with gardens of shrubbery and trees protecting each one. The construction was mainly brick and patterned stone, some had very large windows or balconies. The sort of furs who lived here were a little out of Ray's tax bracket, that was for sure. Well kept street lamps lined the way, making it easy for Ray to find the correct address plate. Eventually he did, all the way at the top of the street, last house on the left. Ray pulled into the driveway and took a deep breath.

This couldn't be the right place though, all the lights were dark. He turned off his engine and stepped out of the truck cab to get a better look. Yup, it was definitely the correct address. Ray wondered if Ted had somehow forgotten and wasn't home, but under the circumstances that seemed highly unlikely. He slowly padded up to the door, looking around. The yard was very well kept, with little colorful flowers lining the walk way. It was a two story red and yellow brick house with a large peak in the center, but all of the windows had interior blinds pulled down so Ray couldn't see in. The only light at all was right above the door, shining straight down at him and making it difficult to see. Well, this was it. He was about to confront the father of the cub he'd bred with on the school bus. Most likely, this was going to go very, very badly. But maybe... just maybe...

Ray reached up and rang the doorbell. For a little while nothing happened, but soon he heard some footfalls inside the house. His ears perked. There were three sets, one was definitely an adult, but the other two were much lighter and faster. All three of them must be home, Ted, Andy, and Andy's brother. Ray looked down and kicked his footpaw nervously when suddenly the door swung open. Ray looked up but was blinded by the flood light above the door. A pair of arms reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders, hard and strong, yanking him inside. Ray tripped over the door frame and just as he was about to scramble back to his feet to turn around to face his assailant, he felt a sharp, deep pinch on his neck. Ray's world went dark and the wolf fell to the ground.

The wolf awoke slowly, blinking his eyes. Something had happened, what had happened? He took a deep sniff, leather, he could smell the rich, smooth scent of leather. It was permeating, and vinyl too, where on earth was he? At first all he could see were bars, all around him, even above. Where he was trapped there wasn't even enough room to stand. The wolf tried to call out but his muzzle was bound. A vented black mask gag covered his entire muzzle and face, he could feel where the clasp met behind his head. Beginning to panic, he tried to reach up and pull the muzzle off but his paws were bound! Looking down he saw that not only was he restrained in black leather cuffs, but his paws were stuck into big black padded mitts, making his fingers useless. He tried to scamper back against the wall of the cage but his footpaws wouldn't move right either. He whimpered helplessly, looking down toward his footpaws. His calves were bound back against his thighs with thick leather belts, forcing him to walk on his knees, which had also been put in padded restraints. His legs were being held apart with a metal bar of some kind, and his chest was being hugged tightly with a star shaped harness. And then Ray realized that aside from all the leather belts and other restraints, he was completely stripped. His sheath hung freely and his bare rump was exposed, leaving only his tail free to hide himself. Ray tucked his tail and tried to sit up again, but all he ended up doing was banging his head on the roof of the cage which threw him off balance. He fell down and landed on his side, letting out a pathetic whimper as his belly and wolf bits were exposed to the whole room.

"Oh good Mister Ray, you're awake!" a tiny voice called out. Little Andy came scampering through the darkness. Ray's ears perked up and he shifted himself closer to the bunny boy and tried to call out, but the only sounds he could produce were muffled barks and whimpers. "Aww, it's okay Mister Ray, the puppy cage is a little scary sometimes, but you learn to really, really like it." The cub nodded and sat cross legged next to the cage. He was wearing an oversized action hero t-shirt which covered him all the way down to his thighs, but when the cub sat Ray could also tell he was wearing a pair of tight red briefs underneath. It looked like there were little kangaroos on them too. "My daddy will be glad to see you, he has a really fun game he wants you to play." Andy continued, putting his paws up on the side of the cage and wrapping his fingers around the bars. "Oooh good, here he comes now!" Andy turned around and waved at the darkness. A tall lop-eared rabbit stepped forward. He was lanky but very fit, and his fur pattern was very similar to Andy's, but a deeper chestnut brown instead of the light coffee color of his son's. A pair of wire rimmed glasses sat on his muzzle and he was otherwise dressed in business casual, with a loosely buttoned up shirt that was tucked into the waist of a pair of striped slacks.

"Andy, why don't you go play with your brother. Mister Ray and I need to talk." he crossed his arms and smiled down at the cub. Again, he didn't sound angry, but his voice had a mischievous quality to it, like someone with a plan they were just bursting to tell you, but wanted to make you wait as long as possible.

"Okie dokie!" Andy nodded and scampered off. Ray could hear his excited footpaws hopping up the stairs. Once he was out of range, Ted leaned down and put both his paws on the top of the cage, staring down over his glasses at the helpless caged wolf.

"Well well, my son tells me you played a game with him at school." he paused, as if waiting for the wolf to respond, but knowing he was bound and gagged he just grinned to himself and continued. "He also said you were very good at it, a 'very big, happy puppy' he put it. And from what I could tell putting you in those restraints, big is right," he looked down at Ray's bare sheath. The wolf was still terrified, but he couldn't help but feel a deep arousal, especially as he began remembering how good it had felt to breed with the cub, his tight little behind taking all of the wolf's creamy seed. Just then his tip began to poke out and he realized what was happening. Nervously he looked back up at Andy's father standing over him and tried to shake his head.

"Oh don't worry, 'Mister Ray'," he teased, emphasizing the word 'Mister'. "I know Andy started it. My son can be very persuasive when he gets excited. Thing is, most grownups that he gets interested in tend to ignore the advances and chalk his mischievous nature up to ADD or some other psycho-babble crap. But you, you decided to play along." The bunny grinned and crouched down on his knees. "That means you and I have something in common Mister Ray. Why don't I tell you a story?" he winked at the wolf and stood back up. He began slowly pacing as he began his tale. "The first time Andy snuck into my room and tried to push his little muzzle against my cock I didn't know what to think. I was terrified, I didn't want to be the sort of father who molested his kids. I love both my sons. I want them to have a happy, healthy upbringing. But at the same time, Andy's little tongue was doing things I hadn't felt in years. He had energy, he had passion, he really wanted to get a taste of what his father had to offer. So between the terror and the uncertainty, I decided to pretend to sleep. That night, little Andy sucked my cock for a good half an hour, his tongue was everywhere, his paws knew just where to go. When I finally came, which while pretending to sleep is not particularly easy, that little cub drank it all down, every drop, and then without saying a word he snuck off out of my room and shut the door." Ray listened intently to the story, not only because the bunny held the keys to his bondage, but also because it was just so damn hot. His wolfhood poked out a little more as he took a heavy breath.

"So I lay there, totally dumbfounded. Was this because I didn't pay enough attention to him? Could it be backlash from the death of their mother? I didn't know if I should get him into counseling or therapy, or even send him away, but then something occurred to me. He wanted it. He wanted it a lot. I hadn't felt that kind of passion and lust before in my life, even when my wife was alive. So I decided he wasn't going to be punished, if this was what made him happy, I wanted to know more. So for a little while I didn't mention it, I just thought I would see what move he made next. A couple days later I came home early from work and there was Andy, stark naked and kneeling on the kitchen floor. His brother Jack's cock was in his muzzle and the cub was going to town. Jack was enjoying it too, his paws were on the back of Andy's head and he was pumping it hard. When they both saw me they froze, absolute terror in their eyes at having been caught. Little Andy looked like he was about to cry and I knew I had to do something. So I undid my belt, unbuttoned my shirt, and came up next to Jack. Andy was ecstatic, he dove into my shorts and wrapped his muzzle around my cock like a pro. He sucked me dry, it was amazing, all while pumping Jack off with his paws. When we both came it was incredible; I'd never felt so close to my family before. Jack was slouched against the kitchen counter, absolutely overcome with pleasure, and little Andy was panting down on his knees, covered in both our cum from his muzzle all the way down his belly with the biggest grin on his face. From then on, we played those sorts of games together whenever we could." Ray's cock was all the way out of his sheath now, the length hanging down against the vinyl floor of his cage, dripping with a little pre-cum.

"So you like that story, huh?" Ted grinned down at the caged wolf, running his paw along the top bars of the cage. "Well let me make one thing perfectly clear. I love my sons, they're my entire life and I would do anything to protect them." his face got very intense as he leaned in close. Ray nodded quickly in agreement, whimpering. He would never hurt these cubs either, he was caring and protective too, he wanted to be sure Ted knew that. "Having said that, I also want them to be happy and have fun. Andy seems to have taken quite a liking to you, and I have a feeling Jack is going to enjoy your company as well. But first I have a little test for you." He grinned and got down on his knees, reaching over to undo the lock on the cage. "Andy says you're very good at being a doggy. I want to see just how good a doggy you can be. So tonight, you're going to be our dog, and you're going to do everything we ask you to do, like a good, obedient little pup. Is that clear?" Ray nodded quickly again, trying to put his paws up and roll on his back in a sign of submission. "Good boy!" Ted smiled, swinging open the cage door.

The bound wolf inched his way out, it was very difficult for him to move in the spanner bars and cuffs, but eventually he made it out and flopped down on his back. The bunny unclasped the spanner bar separating his legs, as well as the black leather cuffs binding his arms together. Then he reached down at grabbed a pawful of Ray's big, warm, wolfcock and gave it a squeeze. "Oh you're going to be a very good boy, a very good boy indeed!"