That Holiday Scent

Story by MilesAeon on SoFurry

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This was originally going to be a commission but ended up being a Christmas Gift for friends on G+. Hopefully they enjoyed it as much as I had fun with writing a story that was not a super sexy story, instead it was something more of a romance story. As always please feel free to provide feedback, I love to make improvements where I can!

Also, this was my first "Commission" that I ever did for anyone so I may have paid too much attention to details, hopefully that didn't ruin anything.

That Holiday Scent

Written By: Sylas Graves

As the early morning began to shine through the windows of the small apartment rays of light splashed onto the emerald muzzle fur of the young otter. A small grumpy groan escaped the lips of his mouth as his golden eyes fluttered open.

"Too early for the sun... Go back to bed!" Were the first words uttered from his lips. Then it suddenly dawned on him. "Wait a minute! It's Christmas!" He quickly climbed from the bed and dashed down the halls, the nails on his feetpaws clacking against the hardwood floor. He was told by his friends to expect a surprise beneath the tree this year. Living alone and long since losing his belief in the big polar bear in the red suit, he was less than inclined to believe that a surprise would be waiting for him. Sure enough though, beneath the sparkling Christmas Tree were a number of gifts.

"Holy... a Christmas miracle?!" Gasped the otter, who was standing in front of the tree in his black silk boxers that sported a printed string of Christmas lights and the phrase "Murry Christmas" printed across the rear. "No Way, Alex! The big polar bear doesn't exist. But... how in the world did these get here?" he muttered to himself as he slowly pads around the tree to check each gift, which were tagged with "To Alex, from Santa Claws". Something else caught his attention though. A different scent in his home, a scent that sent a tingle down his spine.

"What IS that smell?" He turns and snuffles around, his black nose twitching and flaring as he tries to track the source of the scent. Out of curiosity the otter raises his arm and sniffs. "Ugh... maybe that smell is me. I need a shower!" The emerald furred otter clacks his way to the bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror. His hair is still ruffled and messed up from his long night of sleep. He stands there looking at his own reflection for a moment trying to remember what kept him up. What had it been? Why couldn't he sleep and why hadn't he heard from Auric yet?

"That's what it was!" He shouts, suddenly speaking aloud to himself. "It's because Auric wasn't online. Usually we stay up chatting as long as we can and he just wasn't there last night." Suddenly his cheeks flush as he remembers the other reason he couldn't sleep. "Oh right, the dream. Man that was a bit steamy." Shuddering as he recalls the dream. It almost felt real! He remembers hearing Auric speaking to him. He remembers the feeling of his lover's lips on his round ears as he whispered sweet nothings. "Ugh... stop thinking about it Alex, otherwise you will end up taking a cold shower." That didn't stop the thoughts from coming though. He could almost remember how Auric's touch felt, clawtips running through his thin emerald coat. "Oh, feathers!" He muttered to himself as he thought about it. The dragon had been so sweet and loving, taking his time and kissing every part of the otter's body. Alex once more groaned this time out of a different kind of frustration.

Quickly starting a cool shower the otter didn't hesitate to climb in. Attempting to calm his mind, among other body parts, he switched his mind to a different subject. He begins trying to figure out how those gifts showed up. Who delivered them? Had someone broken into his apartment simply to drop off gifts? Who could possibly be stupid enough to do something so silly?

"It doesn't matter I suppose. If they wanted the gifts to be delivered that bad I suppose I can't complain. I expected to wake up to nothing under my tree. It's a nice surprise!" He continues to speak to himself as he places a blob of toothpaste on his toothbrush. Quickly brushing his fangs and washing off his fur, he continues on his morning routine, though he is never able to shake the knowledge of the presents out of his mind. Turning off the cool shower he quickly towels off and heads for his bedroom, until he realizes the scent is still there. He stops and snuffles around the room once more, always ending near the tree when he tries to investigate the scent.

"Ok, while the presents are a nice touch, I swear if someone is playing a prank and one of these boxes has gross smelly stuff in it I'm going to be pissed!" Alex gives a noisy huff and pads back to his room. Grabbing a clean pair of Christmas themed boxers, this specific pair having red and green paw prints all over them with the words "Deck the Balls" in a circular print over the crotch. Alex looks down at his boxers and just laughs at himself. "Auric has the worst sense of humor sometimes." Though it was that sense of humor that made Alex love his golden furred dragon all that much more.

Finally wAlexing back towards the tree, Alex took the time to sit down and begin opening each present one by one. The presents were filled with all of the things he would have asked for. The presents were amazing: Furry books from Kyell Gold, all of which were signed and included Waterways Out of Position and Isolation Play, a brand new gaming computer, a number of PS3 games including Skyrim, a golden yellow collar with the tag that reads "Alex", a new purple harness and strangely an unlabeled key with a paw print on the head of the key. He couldn't believe it! No one ever really got him anything for the holidays. Sure, his parents usually sent out a package or two, but usually just clothing his friends always dropped by after the New Year and dropped off small gifts, but some of these were just amazing. Then something under the tree caught his eye. With all the presents opened and set to the side there was a strange purple tuft with a ribbon wrapped around it under the tree.

"What in the world is that?" Slowly he crawled over to the purple tuft of fluff and grabbed it softly, realizing the scent he has been tracking is from this thing. "It's warm to the touch. What could this be?" He attempted to pull on it and realized it was attached to something. Nervously he begins to follow the yellow cord to its source; however, as he followed it the "cord" began getting thicker and thicker. Finally he reached the end of the strange yellow object to something wrapped in a red fluffy material.

"Murry Christmas Alii..." A familiar voice suddenly muttered nervously from behind the tree.

"HOLY MOTHER OF...!" Alex squawked as he jumped backwards. His fight or flight instinct kicking in as he realized he wasn't alone.

"Whoa, whoa! Slow down, Alex!! It's me!" The mysterious voice spoke up once more. Alex's jaw hit the floor as he realized who it was. Stepping out from behind the tree was his lover. The golden dragon's fur wrapped in the iconic red and white suit of Santa Claws, around his neck rests an emerald green collar matching his mates' fur color. His purple hair just like in all the pictures the otter had ever seen, and those beautiful eyes. Auric smiled nervously. "Merry Christmas, Alex. You have no idea how much it took to set this up for you."

"I... You... You're... here!" Alex stammered, his mind completely blown while still trying to process the surprise.

"I couldn't possibly let you spend the holidays alone." Auric explained. "So, I spent every penny I had to get you some gifts and a plane ticket here. One of your friends that had a copy of your key for emergencies lent it to me for the surprise. All of your other friends were in on it." Alex couldn't believe what he was hearing. His friends had set this all up with Auric. How had they been able to keep this such a big secret? Though thinking it through it wasn't much of a surprise they tried so hard to keep it hidden. Auric was all he talked about sometimes.

"So... you spent everything you had in the bank to do this?" Alex questioned.

"Well, I have enough to make it by for awhile, but it's going to be tight for a bit until I can recover from all of the expenses." The dragon explained. "Though, honestly Alex, it is worth every penny I spent to be here with the man I love on Christmas. To see your smiling face... and... to kiss your lips." With that the golden furred dragon leans in and kisses the emerald otter. The kiss soft and sweet at first but gaining depth and ferocity as the two share their first of many Christmas kisses.

"Do you have to go now?" Alex questioned his lover, holding him tightly in his arms. "I mean, you just popped out from behind my Christmas tree. I know you have a lot of work to do and stuff."

"No love, I took plenty of time off." Auric smiled down at his emerald otter. "We have a few days before I even have to think about leaving, which is why I also went grocery shopping. Come on into the kitchen."

Once the couple reached the kitchen Auric opened the refrigerator door. Alex gasped in surprise as the usually empty fridge was filled with so much food it was about to overflow.

"I take it we aren't having ramen for Christmas?" Alex grinned. It had been awhile since someone had offered him a home cooked meal besides his parents.

"Nope! " Auric replied quickly. "I couldn't possibly come all the way out here to let us "feast" on things like ramen and mac 'n cheese. Tonight we will have the best meal I could come up with."

The next few hours were filled with cuddles and kisses and the golden dragon keeping busy with cooking. The small apartment filled with the smell of ham, potatoes and corn. Though something was bothering Alex. One of the gifts he had received had been an unmarked key.

"Hey, sweetie?" Alex piped up. "What is this key for?"

"Hmm? Oh, the one with the pawprint on the head of it?" Auric smirked, having wondered when that question would come up. "That's the key to my heart... and my apartment." Standing there stirring a pot of beans he was taken by surprise at the otter tackled him into a hug and kissed him deeply. Auric smirked and returned the kiss, trying not to let any of the sticky beans drip onto the floor from the spoon.

The day dragged on a bit longer as Alex looked over his gifts and enjoyed the alone time with the love of his life. Soon Auric had finished their early dinner and seated the otter at a table covered in a beautiful red table cloth and small green candles burning in between them.

"Your meal, my love." Smirked Auric, rather proud of himself for actually managing to pull off the meal. The golden furred dragon set down a large platter consisting of ham braid over a bed of rice and beans, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and gravy.

"Oh wow, Auric! I didn't know you could cook like this!" The otter replied as he eyed the platter hungrily.

"Yeah....well... neither did I, sweetie." The dragon replied back as he dished up his lovers plate. "It took me days to find all the recipes and stuff for this."

"Well it looks like you did an awesome job, honey!" The otter chittered happily and takes a bite of his meal. "Oh! Oh my! It tastes amazing!

"I'm very happy you like it, Alex." Auric replied, sitting down for his meal as well. The meal goes well with the emerald otter eating himself until he is stuffed. Once dinner is finished the couple retires to the living room for some time with the new computer and PS3 games. Soon the sun begins to fall and the couple begins to tire.

"Wow, Auric. Today has been simply amazing!." Alexs smiles. "I couldn't wish for a better Christmas than this."

"Well...." Auric begins. "We haven't finished just yet. You see there is this small matter of dessert."

"Oooohhhh!" Alexs grins, his large oar like tail whipping about. "What are we having? Ice cream perhaps? Or maybe some chocolates? I didn't see any pies anywhere so that can't be it."

"Nope..." Auric replies as he climbs off the couch and stretches, the emerald green collar glinting in the dim light. The golden dragon turns and looks at his lover, eyes full of a new emotion. Alex shudders as he realizes what is for dessert. "Come on Alex..." The dragon smiles and whips his purple tipped tail back and forth as he sensually pads towards the bedroom.

Alex followed that flowing purple tail tip curiously and gasped as he entered his bedroom. At some point in time Auric must have snuck back to the bedroom to set things up. Resting on the nightstand was a leash to match his new collar, some whipped cream, cherries and the room was lit with red and green Christmas lights around the bed.

As Alex entered the room Auric gave a seductive grin and began closing the door. It seemed the dragon had plenty on his mind for the rest of the Christmas evening...including creating a new Holiday Scent.

Devils Smile

Devil's Smile Written By: Sylas Graves She had the devils smile. I think that's what drew me to her in the first place. I didn't meet her in the club or the local bar... I was picked up at the local coffee shop. Yeah, you heard that right, she picked...

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