forelorn love-part 2

Story by gaylordtay on SoFurry

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Didn't think I would even write a next one, to tell the truth. Enjoy!

Taylor was spending Saturday with Jacob, so he couldn't wait tell him the whole story. Jacob was a liger, half lion, half tiger, pure white, fifteen, also wore glasses, and Taylor's oldest, best, and truest friend, although he sometimes didn't act like it. Taylor had known Jacob since the age of four. Jake, asTaylor sometimes called him, aslo had a few of the problems Taylor had, such as ADD and ADHD, but he was still a good person and at times really funny. And, even though he would never admit it, Jake really felt something for Taylor. Even as Taylor was telling him the story of yesterday and what he did with Zac, Jacob was getting hard and imagining it being him on the recieving end of that bj. Lucky for me, Jacob thought, Dad's not gonna be home for a long while. After Taylor finished the story he took a breath, yawned, and ended up breathing out into Jacob's mouth. Once he realized what was going on, Taylor relaxed and let his tounge explore his old friend's mouth once more. He put his arms around his lovers neck, carresd his spine, grabbed his butt. Jacob reached for his sexy cougar's sheath, finding only a long, hard cock, dripping with pre. It was Jake who broke the kiss. ''Lets go into the living room, darling," he whispered into his beloved's ear. "Anywhere you want, Jake," Taylor cooed. Taylor kicked off his pants and boxers and, teasing himself, ran into the living room, Jake eagerly doing the same. He ran in to find Taylor sitting back spread-eagled on the couch, full eight inches sticking in the air. "Well? Will you or should I?" He asked. "How about we sixty-nine it?" Jake suggested. "Good idea, love. It is something new..." Taylor replied. He moved into a lying possition on his back. Jacob reverse-mirrored Taylor's position and mounted him, putting his six-inch shaft in his lovers mouth, Taylor eagerly sucking the cock. Jacob started to lick his friend's tip, swallowing his pre along with it. Taylor moaned into Jake's prick, recieving a moan from him as well. Taylor started to lick around Jake's tip, he doing the same and fingering inside Taylor's ass. By now they were both sweating, both moaning, both close to their climax. "Wait," Taylor said, "I want you to fuck me in the ass." "Anything for you, my sweet little cougar boy." Jake got off him, but when Taylor tried to roll over, Jake stopped him. "Not like that. I want ot make love with you, not just fuck lyou." He said. He positioned himself right against the cougar's tailhole. "Are you sure your ready for this, love?" His answer was simply a nod as Taylor braced himself for his beloved intruder. "Okay..." He entered the tight tailhole only with his tip first, causing Taylor to yip slightly. "You okay?" Jake asked, a strong sense of concern in his voice, "I didn't hurt you, did I" "No, it was just a little surprising, that's all. Keep going. And don't worry. I trust you not to hurt me." Jake couldn't help but smile at this, now knowing exactly how much Taylor cared about him. He continued entering his lover, slowly until his shaft was all the way inside, then exited up to the tip, then reentered. By the time he started his second entrance, Taylor was already over the pain and was quickly slipping into an overwhelming flood of pure pleasure. A rapturous moan erupted from is throat, quickly being stifled by a kiss from his lover. This also caused the liger to move faster, getting more moans from this perfect cougar below him. As their toungs danced in their mouths, Jake built a steady pace, faltering every now and then in the heated passion of their union. As he pumped his rock hard cock into Taylor's ass, Jake moved a paw down to massage thecougar's shaft, then started to paw his friend off. This was too much pleasure for Taylor, who quickly broke the kiss. "Oooooh, stop... I'm gonna... Oh yeaaah..."He called out his lovers name as he ejaculated on both of their chests, sending Jake over the edge as well. Taylor called out again as he felt Jake's hot cum shoot thorugh his anus, filling him quickly. When he was done, Jake moved down and licked the cum off of Taylor's stomach, then he wiped it off of his own chest and licked it off his paw. "You were great, Jake. Absolutely great."

"As were you, kitty."

"You know, I don't think I'll ever get tired of you calling me that."

"C'mon, let's get cleaned up before my dad gets home."

OK there it is. If you liked this one, you wont be able to wait for the nedy one! Just hang in there