forelorn love-part 3

well, here it is, part 3. I hope you enjoy this. They each grabbed a pair of clean clothes and headed for the bathroom, Taylor reaching it first. He set the water at a comfortable temperature, turned on the shower head, and both furs stepped...

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forelorn love-part 2

Didn't think I would even write a next one, to tell the truth. Enjoy! Taylor was spending Saturday with Jacob, so he couldn't wait tell him the whole story. Jacob was a liger, half lion, half tiger, pure white, fifteen, also wore glasses, and...

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forelorn love

It started out like any normal day. Taylor got up, showered, brushed his fur and teeth, got dressed, and went to school. Taylor was a black cougar, with white paws and feet and a white blotch on his tail. He normally tried to dress in black as much as...

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