The Hunt is On

Story by The Anonymous ArAB on SoFurry

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#2 of Children of Mother Nature

_A sighing voice. Resigned. The old man. "Alright, fine, yu win. I guess they managed to find him. Big deal...

The airy chuckle again. The woman, clearly sounding victorious. "You see? How many times must I remind you to trust me natural intstinct? Now... I believe it's time to wake up our eldest?"

A sigh again, this time worried, but still defeated. "Yes, dear."_

A cool summer breeze whispered across the clearing. The grass rustled, the leaves fluttered, carressing their brethren in the softest of touches.

The many gathered around the area were all feeling varying levels of anqiety, from the amateurs to the experts. Fox hunting was an enjoyable sport, at least to the men here. To one woman, though, this was more than sport.

This is my life.

An older gentleman with a handlebar mustache, whitened from age, stood, a handgun aimed upwards. He called out to the assembled there, his voice very educated and sophisticated. Clearly, this was a sport for the nobility only. "Are we ready? Weapons prepared, mounts saddled, dogs with scent? Very well!" The fox was released, the orange furred animal streaking off towards the forest. One pair of bright, blue eyes watched the path of the prey, pinpointing the spot where it disappeared into the forest.

These men are a joke. I am the huntress.

"On my mark! Three..."

The prey is my only concern.


My eyes are my advantage. My bow is my mark.


I will succeed.


Horses reared, charging off in the general direction of the fox's trail. Dogs barked, straining at their tethers, following the scent with their masters following close behind. And one woman, one lone woman with no dog, no mount, no proper gun, walked towards the spot where she last saw the fox. The essence of calm.

Her name was Alyssa.

She was the daughter of a wealthy family. Like anyone there, nobility ran through her blood. The difference between her and the rest was, amongst other things, her way of life. Growing up, she was absorbed in hunting, though both parents called deemed it as "unladylike." But no matter how far her parents went to try and break her, Alyssa possessed a will that would not be broken. When she turned 18, her parents gave up, buying her a house in the country that was suitable to her needs. Alyssa, instead of going to a school to get a degree, instead decided that she'd spend her life as a huntress, competing for any money she may need.

Now here she was, a blue eyed beauty with a reputation the preceded her wherever she went. Someone that was mocked for the way she hunted but who proved herself time and time again. Not much had changed on today's hunt. She was dressed for ease of movement and suitability of clothing. She wore a form fitting tank top, patterned in woodland camoflauge, that accented the curves of her torso. Around her hips lay olive green cargo pants, again, showing off her curves without looking overly femenine. She was hunting, after all. To add to her "under dressed" appearence, she carried a bow and quiver of arrows on her back. It was her weapon of choice, something she had picked due to a flash of inspiration that came when she heard her first story of the Greek Goddess Artemis. She had never taken another weapon after she learned the bow.

As she entered the forest, she crouched, waiting for a minute to make sure she had the right trail. The frenzied creature would be careful, but not completely stelthy. In a matter of minutes, those blue orbs had found the trail. She followed it in her mind, and her feet followed after. Although the best hunter out there, or so she assumed, there were other hunters that crossed her path from time to time. And on those occasions, she was greeted with either a snide comment about her or some corny pass at her. She had experience with both suitors and jerks, and all that came her way were treated equzlly. "Sorry, I'm a bit busy now. I don't have time for leisure."

And so she kept on her way. Nothing stopped her except the occasional check on where the trail was heading. And even then, the down time only lasted a minute or so. Like a true hunter, the eyes stayed focused on the prey; wherever signs of it layed, anyways. Eventually, as she circled around a bush the animal had clearly gone through, she found herself in a small glade. She stopped for a moment to stare around. The sky was visible overhead, and it seemed too peaceful here. An irony not lost on the huntress, to be sure. She followed the last of the trail to the clear opening of a den. This had to be where the fox was at. She had no doubt that the other hunters had either gone on the trail of a different fox or had lost the trail altogether.

Alyssa got down on her knees, leaning over and planting her hands on the ground. Bent over, she leaned her head down to try and get a good look at whatever rested within the depths of the den.

Unknown to the huntress, there was something else in the glade. Green eyes peered through a bush at the rounded buttocks of the human. A slow grin spread over the orange furred maw. A fluffy tail wagged back and forth over the grass.

Alyssa heard nothing at all, her head buried as it was in the burrow. But it wasn't as though she was completely unaware. When a loud rustle burst from behind her, she crawled back, turning around to see what had snuck up on her. What she saw nearly made her scream. Nearly scream, because a furry hand clamped over her mouth, keeping her quiet.

The thing that had leapt from the bushes was a half man, half fox. It had red-orange fur that paled along his chest, abdominal area, and crotch. There were no cloths to speak of on this beast, hence why Alyssa could identify it so quickly. It had grabbed her from behind, yanking both bow and quiver from her back before leaning over her form. Hr was not about to allow her to get up, though he had moved fast enough to take her completely by surprise before her reactions set in. One arm circled Alyssa's waist, a hand pressed to her belly. The other was around her upper body, circling around to blanket her mouth with five furry digits. Soft as the fur was, the creature was ironically beastly. With its muzzle right by her ear, he whispered softly, "So close, but my little cousin got away long ago. Sorry to disappoint you." The hand slid off of Alyssa's mouth, to allow her the freedom to talk. As a reminder, he kept his index finger against her chin, brushing against the skin lightly.

Alyssa, wuickly realizing how bad this situation had become, struggled against the powerful fox's hold. All efforts bore no fruit. So she growled, teeth bared, and said, "How dare you?! Do you know who I am? If you want your furry hide to stay on your body, then you will release me!" More struggling, all of which rewarded her with a tighter hold and harsh laughter against her ear. The fox, hot breath brushing her cheek with wispy hands, said, "Is that so? Nobody will find us here. One of my kin has taken the roll of prey. He won't be caught. We're all alone here, Girly."

Another growl, and she said, "Don't call me that! I swear, if you even think of doing me harm, I'll scream so lo-"

The hand clamped her mouth again. The fox would not play games. He growled, now, the sound much more fearsome that the one Alyssa had produced. "You humans disgust me. You sit by on your pedestal, picking off whatever lesser beings comes your way. Well now your on my level, and you ain't so high and mighty now." That maw opened, teeth closing in on Alyssa's neck.

She whimpered, trying to escape, all of her strength put into crawling away. The hold stayed. So managed to free he mouth long enough to say through clenched teeth, "Get... away... from me! I won't... be... your... chew toy!" Thrashing at this point, the fox had to pull away just to keep his hold on her. Such a strong willed human! He had never met her likes. She also used the bow, a very primitive weapon, considering. Trying to get a better hold, both arms came together, trying to link until they found the warm rise of Alyssa's breasts. A gasp escaped Alyssa's mouth as she felt those furry hands close around her chest, and, out of sheer surprise, she stopped struggling. The same thought passed through the mind of both human and fox-man at the same time.

It's been so long...

Alyssa didn't want to feel pleasured by the beast man, but the fox felt the sudden urge to mate. With such proximity, he realized just how fine a specimen of human this was. So, slowly but firmly, he started to rub the huntress' breasts. Pressure was put on and taken away, those orange hands pressed those chest mounds together and rubbed them apart. Alyssa, still struggling to get away, uttered small moans and gasps every now and again. She felt very hot in her clothing, as though she was stifled. She cursed the fox in every way she knew, but he ignored her, inhaling her scent and rubbing her warm globes.

Alyssa wasn't the only one enjoying this, forced though the feeling was for the human. The fox was getting his own pleasure from his fondling of the human. He felt a stirring in his loins as blood quickly filled his manhood. Out of his sheath came a full ten inches of fox meat, already rock hard. As close as he was, Alyssa noticed fairly quickly from the sudden pressure against her rear. Now fervor drove her to try and claw away from the fox, but his grip stayed strong, as it had before. Her will not to be denied, she continued to struggle despite how hopeless it was.

After a few more moments of rubbing and squeezing, the fox released Alyssa's breasts, instead turning his attention to stripping her of her clothing. He straightened up, though remained on his knees behind the human. With new freedom, she tried pull her self away, hands digging furrows into the ground. She would have screamed, but the fox had already driven any hope of help out of her mind. Suddenly, she felt hands fasten around her pants, knuckles digging into her hips. The fox didn't know how to unfasten it, so he was simply tugging down. It required little effort, but he got the pants off and thrown away with little trouble. Same with her panties. Exposed to the world, Alyssa blushed, and said, "No, don't you dare! Don't touch me!" However hopeless recieving help might be, Alyssa would not sit by while she was raped by a fox. She kicked at the furry man, failing miserably to land any hard blows, and opened her mouth to scream.

Again, down came that hand around her mouth, muffling any sounds from her mouth. She couldn't even bite the beast! Tears streamed down from her eyes from how powerless she was. She had never been bested in her life, and now here she was, about to get raped like some powerless waif! She made no sound when the fox cock tickled at her opening, only bit her lip to refrain from crying out when she felt the fox penetrate into her. When he hilted, though, she moaned loudly, hands knotting in the grass as she felt the fox meat fill her completely.

The fox, holding tightly onto her hips, pressed into her, then started to really mate. With a slow starting rythem, he began thrusting in and out, the wetness of Alyssa's cunny lubricating his movements and making it easier. Small sounds escaped from the human as she felt the fox in her. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before! Not to say that she was a virgin, but rarely did she find a man worthy of that sort of attention. At least, not from her. This fox, however, had pleasured her without even fucking her! That in itself earned the fox some respect. Or, it would have, had the beast not raped her.

Picking up speed, paying no heed to any kicks or efforts to pull away, the fox still humped his length into the human girl, intent on driving himself to an orgasm. the girl was an afterthought. Whatever pleasure she felt was something she could thank him for later.

Alyssa, despite any shame she felt, was enjoying this greatly. Her body was, at any rate. She moaned, groaned, and screamed from time to time as those ten inches pounded into her womanhood. After so long, she could not deny the pleasure, but she denied herself from showing all of it to this male. Until, that is, the orgasm hit.

When that fox started angling his thrusts so he could tap her G-spot, she lost all hopes of hiding her feelings. She screamed out loudly in pleasure, not fear, and started to push herself back against the fox instead of pulling away. Her walls tightened around that fox cock, and she rode out that orgasm for everything she had.

Warm were the liquids that passed over the fox's shaft, but he had a while to go before he finished. The orgasm merely gave him cause to speed up, which he did. As a result, the thrusts were harder, and the sound of flesh against flesh soon filled the glade. Mingled with the fox's panting and Alyssa's screaming orgasms, the area had suddenly become a hotbed of sex. A pleasure filled hiding spot where neither of the two held back. It was not two predators, now it was two mates.

Finally, several orgasms (All which were Alyssa's) later, the fox finally cummed. He hilted into her, helped in part by the girl pushing as far back against him as she could. His knot was forced into the girl, another scream issued as the bulge pressed against her walls, threatening to tear her tightness. His warm seed spilled into Alyssa, coating her insides and filling her womb. With no inhibitions, the two held positions, girl's back arched in pleasure, fox's mouth opened in ecstasy.

They fell over onto their sides, human and fox, and despite the animosity between them, they remained like that, falling into a short nap. Both had been drained by the single session of sex.

A few hours later, Alyssa awoke. She felt empty, and realized that there was nobody beside her. She sat up, wondering if it all had been a dream. Then she saw the trees, and her pants and undies, folded neatly beside her, as well as her bow and quiver. A note lay nearby. Scrawled onto a piece of bark, it read this:

"You surprised me. Never have I met a human with such ferocity. Huntress.... if you wish to find me again, you'd better get started. -F"

She read the note twice, and though she was still drained, her eye was now on a new prize. House be damned, competitions be damned. She finally had something to truly test her skills.

Once she had clothed herself and set her bow and quiver around her torso, she searched for the trail. It took her longer than usual, but she found it.

Off into the bushes she went. The bark note was left behind. It had been snapped apart and stomped on. The words would not be found again.

I am the Huntress. I have never lost my prey before. I am not going to start now.

Artemis would be proud.