Truth or Dare 11: Hard Truth

Story by Bloodfalcon on SoFurry

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#11 of Truth or Dare

Standard legal stuff, if you are not of age to be exposed to adult themed material for your area then please do what you must. All characters are mine, please do not use without permission. Criticism is always welcome.

Truth or Dare

Chapter 11: Hard Truth

As Commander Delinach walked out of the Ready Room followed by Commander Ross all eyes fell on Deamos as soon as the door shut behind the two. Each pair of eyes all held the same level of hostility, though one pair stood out more than the others. Looking unphased Deamos stared back just as intently as the others.

"What the fuck?" Marcus finally snapped slapping the table with the palm of her hand, "you had us drugged? You couldn't tell me out of all the others? What the fuck!"

"You were all told why," Deamos replied coolly, "it has happened and it was part of being an Enforcer get over it Captain."

"Oh it's fucking like that now?" Marcus growled crossing her arms and sitting back in her chair, "OK, Commander, why was I drugged without prior notification or consent on my part? Don't give me that line from 'Deli-snack' either."

"It's pronounced Delinach, Captain," responded Deamos still using a cool tone, "And as stated before the crew was drugged for security purposes and due to the classified nature of the passing from Imperium space into the Old Kingdom. End of discussion Captain."

Marcus opened her mouth to say something but closed her mouth slowly as angry snarl frozen on her face. With ears laid flat against her head she looked off to the side glaring daggers at the room's wall.

"Well as interesting as this all is," Charlie said tentatively, "I have some test to run and should get going."

"Stay put Charlie," growled Marcus, looking over at the snow fox, "no one is leaving until answers are given."

"Captain with everything that is going on I think it is best to drop this issue as it looks like it was outside any of our realms of influence. As much as it sucks balls, it happened, am I happy? not one bit. Waking up naked in a strange place is enough to scare and anger the best of us, but we are Enforcers and we have a mission to complete."

"Charlie?" Asked Marcus in a low tone.

"Yes Ma'am?"

"Shut the fuck up. I don't give a flying fuck! What happened went against all protocol and I want solid answers NOW. Don't look at me with that tone Deamos! Answer my fucking questions. Fuck protocol! Fuck rank! Fuck security! This is your partner of some twenty years saying what the fuck?"

"He can't answer you," Katlin said softly, making Marcus look back at her, "he wants to tell us but he can't. I can't tell you as well as his life would be forfeit."

"Fuck balls," snarled Marcus, "You Sympathetics are the worst fucking liars. It's written all over your face," continued Marcus pointing a finger at Katlin, "and his face as well. You can talk but he doesn't want you to say anything so he is only feeding you enough thoughts to come to that conclusion."

"Excuse me," Diana interrupted suddenly, getting to her feet, "I don't understand Enforcers or how you all operate in any situation. What I do know is that you are always perceived as being level headed and cool under pressure. With that said, you are being the exact opposite. I am no military drone but I do know if one warrants an answer they will get it. Right now we are all in an area of space that has been labeled as extremely hostile. To further advance that thought we had Commander what's his face and his scales of doom tell us pretty much the same thing. Now I can put one and one together, I would think a highly trained Enforcer would be able to do the same thing. Or am I mistaken and you are just some mindless drone that can only pull a trigger and not think?"

Her left eye twitching in either anger or frustration Marcus glared at Diana. Several moments passed with the snow leopard and the wolf staring at each other, Diana looking relaxed and annoyed while Marcus looking like she was chewing on nails. With an angry snort Marcus pushed away from the table and marched out of the Ready Room. Her ears were laid flat against her head while the fur on her tail and the back of her neck bristled, one could almost see the storm cloud over her head.

"You do know how to make friends Diana," Katlin said in a soft tone.

"Oh she will get over it," Diana stated in a flat tone, "she is a big girl, besides my butt was getting sore from these chairs. Anyway I am going back down to medical and have them run a scan on my head I am getting this wicked headache and I don't want it to turn into something worse."

"Do you want to meet up later?" Asked Katlin.

"How about lunch," Diana replied stretching her arms over her head before looking over at Charlie, "hey snow balls want to come with me? We could play doctor and you can take my temperature with your thermometer."

Eyes wide Katlin looked over at Charlie who had a similar expression on his face as well as a deep blush clearly evident through his fur.

"Well?" Diana asked, lowering her arms and giving Charlie an impatient look.

"I . . . uh . . . lab thingy . . . food," mumbled Charlie causing Diana to smile impishly.

"Alright snow balls," Diana stated plainly before stepping back from the table and walking out of the Ready Room with an over exaggerated sway of her hips.

When the door closed Charlie stood rather quickly with his hands held in front of him, "If you all will excuse me I need to finish up a report I was working on." Beating a hasty retreat from the room Katlin could not help the small smile that crawled onto her face from watching how innocent he seemed to react to everything.

With the door closing Katlin's mood changed. Looking over at Deamos she glared at the larger black dragon with enough intensity to have cut steel if she had felt inclined too.

"Before you ask anything I had no choice in the manner," Deamos stated in plain but exhausted voice.

"So stripping down the crew was your plan all along then?" Asked Katlin venomously, "I am sure you really balked at that idea."

"Ms Redtail I was not the one that did that," Said Deamos, sitting in one of the empty chairs around the table, a security team boarded the Revalon and preformed a strip and cavity search of all crew."

Katlin flushed at hearing this, "h-h-how the hell is that supposed to make me feel better? Some stranger running their hands over me a-a-a-and doing things t-t-to me. You l-l-et this happen?"

"They were making sure no one was a sleeper," Deamos said calmly, "the Imperium has been trying to wipe this section of space from the map for over a millennia. Strict security protocols are enforced to make sure no bio-weapon or other nasty surprise crosses the border. Everyone is checked, myself included. This ship was scanned from front to back, no biological material is allowed inside their territory without their consent, this includes any medical supplies and food stuffs. Nothing is left to chance, that being said five tracking transponders were located all of Imperium make and all being roughly the size of a standard poker chip."

"I am so relieved," Growled Katlin through gritted teeth.

"You should be," Deamos stated, "I saw all five and I recognized where they came from. They all came from the same military lab controlled by Sykon. He knew where you were going Katlin and he could have sent one of his many squads he has after us. Fortunately the five transponders were sent off on a long range probe directly to one of the many defense platforms patrolling the border."

"You're deflecting," Katlin snapped angrily her ears going flat against her head, "something could have been said to all of us. You could have made up any reason as to why we had to go into cryo. But instead you went and did nothing! You betrayed all of us and caused mass confusion within this ship. You ask me and others to trust you but you can't be straight forward with any of us. You are just like every other dragon out there a manipulator and an arrogant ass with no regard to others or how your actions affect others."

Pushing her chair from the table and getting to her feet Katlin turned and walked out of the ready room the fur on her tail poofed out. As she walked through the open door she had to avoid running into Commander Ross who gave Katlin a curious look as she brushed past her. Entering the Ready Room Commander Ross looked at Deamos with a questioning glance.

"Chu mahk her crahy," Ross stated plainly, "chu have ah nahke for dat."

"Was not my intentions ma'am," Deamos responded in a tired voice.

Commander Ross waved one paw dismissively, "behter dat chu do. More dehstance chu put up da behter for her. Espehcialy so dat our new frahends dohnt use dat ahginst us. If dey tink dat the two oft chu are togehtr dey wohuld use dat ahginst chu."

"You think I don't know that?" Deamos replied, "I would like nothing more than explain everything to Katlin, but we both know what would happen if I did that."

"Lief es a behtch da?" Commander Ross said patting Deamos on his shoulder.

* * *

Sykon sat a massive ornate table covered with an elaborately woven cloth. Spread out on the table was a lavish meal of many dishes all expertly prepared. Most of the plates consisted of some meat prepared in some manner to be both pleasing to ones eye as well as entice their appetite. Sitting at the table were both the High Queen and Warlord, though the two did not sit anywhere near each other. As the meal commenced Sykon could only look on with a small amount of distaste as his father ate. While his mother would eat with fork and knife in an elegant manner his father used a large knife and took larger bites in an almost feral action.

"I understand the Ali' Oish sector is being pressured by those hairless apes again," High Queen said suddenly causing Sykon's father to stop eating and glare, "if you can not contain one mammalian species what will those within our borders think. I do not want to deal with another purge they are messy and expensive."

"If you are referring to the Humans, then I have that situation in hand," the High Warlord said in a near snarl.

"Truly?" Asked the High Queen, "the report I received was we lost yet another skirmish. How is that?"

Suppressing a snarl which caused his lips to pull back exposing his teeth, "You know damned why you arrogant bitch. Those fucking Humans may not have our weapons but their shield technology surpasses our own. And since you have never been in any form of a skirmish you would not understand how fucking important that is in a vacume."

Putting her fork and knife down the High Queen stared at the High Warlord with disdain, "if you can not be civil at the table I will ask that you leave."

"If your skin is that weak you need to stay out of military affairs," the High Warlord shot back with same level of poison, making no move to leave.

"Are we hatchlings now?" Sykon interrupted continuing to eat his own meal.

"Shut your mouth whelp," the High Warlord snarled the spines along his neck bristling.

"I would have to agree on that point," The High Queen stated in a cool tone.

"Oh I am done being silent and listening to you two fools bicker back and forth continuously," Sykon replied to the dismay of the other two. Still eating Sykon continued, waving his free hand in a dismissive manner, "In fact I will be announcing my rise to the throne today, with or without your support."

"The fucking hell you are," the High Warlord roared shooting to his feet and drawing the sword from the scabbard at his hip, "I have survived more attempts on my life before you were brought into this world then you will ever know. To openly say you are taking my throne is treason and I am not giving up MY Throne to the likes of you or anyone while I still breathe. Do you have any final words before I remove that smug head of yours?"

Wiping his face carefully with a napkin Sykon looked at his father with no readable expression before speaking, "I was afraid you would say something stupid like that. Now you will find it incredibly difficult to move from the spot you are currently in."

With a roar of rage the High Warlord went to lunge at Sykon but instead only crashed to the floor his own body refusing to move or obey any more commands his brain was telling it to do. From the position he was currently in all he could see was the bottom of Sykon's chair and his booted feet. He watched as his son pushed his chair from the table and walk over to him. Hunkering down next to him he felt Sykon place a hand on his shoulder and he was rolled on to his back to stare up into the void that was his son's eyes.

"Now, you should have seen this coming," Sykon stated plainly, "what is good for you is that I can't kill you outright. I can't have a military coup de grâce as I had embellished when I was younger; I don't have the time for a civil war or dealing with your 'loyal' generals. So instead you will have been struck down by the Aligary Virus, which is rare but widely know to hit our kind and has no known cure, being that the condition leaves the victim in a catatonic state you get to watch as I bring this empire back to life. Seeing that you are now incapacitated the power will shift to me as I am next in line, no bloodshed and no violence. A transition of power, the first in nearly 3000 years, without violence. Enjoy your retirement father so few in your position have." Rising back to his feet Sykon sat back at the table and continued eating.

"You moved sooner than I had expected," the High Queen Stated in an icy tone.

"The nanites are in your blood as well mother," Sykon stated simply, making the High Queen's eyes open wide, "I don't enjoy administrative work, which is the only reason why you are still as you are. Pray you don't cross me."

Swallowing down a curse the High Queen felt a chill run down her spine.

* * *

". . . so bashful. I mean he just stood there like an idiot," Diana droned on, speaking to a half listening Katlin who was looking out a window watching the landscape flow by, "I had to hold his hand and pull him on top of me. I mean his dick was hard so that part knew what was up, and let me say that while Charlie is short he does make up for it in other areas, but he was acting like he had never been with a female before. Silly me landed the one, well one of the only virgins, on a ship full of soldiers. So there he was lying on top of me red as all hell and he lost it right as I wrapped my had around his cock. So now we have this generous amount of fox spunk plastered between us and he starts stammering and stuttering like a complete fool. I think he thought he was going to be all Don Juan and he blows his load in ten seconds and we haven't even had sex yet, so I had to calm him down so that he did not die from embarrassment and wouldn't you know? He was still fucking hard even after all that . . . Katlin are you even listening to me?"

"What?" Asked Katlin seeming to come out of a daze, "I'm sorry Diana I was enjoying the view, I had forgotten what trees looked like."

"Trees?" Diana asked in surprise, "trees are more important than me telling you how I finally got Charlie in bed?"

"To some individuals sex is not everything," Katlin replied coolly, looking back out the window.

Crossing her arms and letting out a angry sigh Diana looked over to the other female that was in the cabin with them. It was a guard from the Old Kingdom and the female dragon did not look like one to talk. Diana was not one to be ignored though, "So you have a name or do we just say hey you I need to go piss?"

The dragoness just stared back blankly at Diana.

"We have five hours until we reach where ever the hell it is you are transporting us so I can keep asking dumb questions," when the dragoness did not respond to the bait Diana made an annoyed face before continuing, "look it was bad enough getting the in depth physical by your docs and believe me I never had anything stuck that far inside of me, it was very romantic really but they could have bought me a drink afterwards or given me a contact number. But really you folks need to loosen up around us, be all lock step with the Enforcers we are civilians that they effectively have kidnapped. My manager has to be shitting tacks, his lead performer disappearing along with her roommate and our flat being all fucked up from the fighting and shit. A friendly word or at least something from our now guards, instead we are treated like shit, well better than the Enforcers at least we have seats. But why is that? is it because we are not Enforcers that we get to ride with our own personal guard and in our own cabin? I saw that military transport rig that picked everyone else up and it looked as inviting as having sex with a cactus. Can you at least say what you call this planet as far as I know it is called planet Old Kingdom, I would at least like to know the name of the place of where I might die. Not going to tell me that well shit you are as chatty as an ice cube, your armor has made more noise then you. Are there any other species on this planet, we are on a planet and not a large space station ri-"

"Gods above!" The dragoness snarled, "will your incessant chattering stop?! Do as your friend is doing and remain quiet or sleep. I do not care which just stop speaking."

With a smug look of victory Diana replied, "No," up went the eyeridges of the dragoness, "I know by how we are being treated that someone thinks one or both of us are very important. So bluster and threaten all day if it makes you feel better but I would like at least some answers to what is going on."

"I have yet to threaten you feline," the dragoness replied with narrowed eyes, "but if you do not shut up I can have you bound and gagged until we reach our destination."

"Oh don't tease me in such ways," Diana replied in a sultry enough tone to cause the dragoness to pause momentarily, "I'm bored and my friend here is not doing a good job of distracting me. Now if you want to distract me . . . " Diana trailed off, lightly licking her lips.

"I have a distraction I can give you if you insist," the dragoness replied in the same sultry tone leaning towards Diana slightly causing Diana smile and Katlin look away from the window in surprise.

"And what would you have in mind it is a long time until we arrive and I have a lot of energy," stated Diana seductively.

"I have my methods kitty," the dragoness replied to the smiling Diana. Katlin flinched when the sound of 20,000 volts popped and Diana fell to the floor twitching. Sitting back into the position she had been in earlier. The dragoness gave Katlin a warning glance before taking up her previous occupation of staring at the opposite wall of the cabin.

Looking back out the window to watch the landscape flow by Katlin could not help but smile as she laughed quietly to herself.

Commander Ross sat quietly on the cargo net style beach that ran around the walls of the transport and down the center of it as well making the transport a cramped place as it was filled with the majority of the crew of the Revalon. Granted the medical staff and science team had been taken to some other location it still made the transport cramped and reminded her of her early days as a shave tail out of basic riding in the small noisy armored transports that were used during assault missions. With Deamos sitting next to her it did offer her some space as most of the other Enforcers did not want to sit too close to their commander as he had been in a foul mood since landing planet side. Even in their current situation Commander Ross did not have much to complain about.

No one was shooting at them and they were outside the reach of the Imperium and Empire effectively allowing her to let her guard down. Yes they were in The Old Kingdom and it held dangers of its own but those dangers were currently being directed at a different individual and that individual was sitting next to her with a storm cloud over his head that rivaled some plasma storms. Shifting in her seat Commander Ross moved into a more comfortable position and began to idly clean her claws while maintaining her attention to the conversations about her.

Most of the chatter was directed to their current situation. Since arriving at the main world within the sector the crew of the Revalon had been 'escorted' off the ship as it was scoured for any other hidden threats that may have been placed while they had been within Imperium space. As the process would take nearly a week the crew was been relocated planet side and would be allowed to tour the local area as long as they made it through the invasive quarantine procedures that would eat up as least two days. It was also implied by Commander Ross to the crew that they were to remain in their standard uniforms, no battle armor, no weapons, no 'encounters' with locals and absolutely no alcohol. It had been made clear to her when she had met with several other leaders on the planet that while they were not viewed as enemies but they were outsiders and would be under close scrutiny, any slip ups and they would find themselves back in space without being refueled or restocked on supplies.

While the current situation was not the best it did beat being on a spaceship. Knowing that one would be able to walk about relatively freely and breath fresh atmosphere vice shipboard atmosphere was more than enough for the Tigress. This of course would be her third trip into the Old Kingdom, which was the main reason her crew was being allowed the freedoms they were. But this would be the first time behind their boarder not as a diplomatic envoy but as a harbinger of war. She knew the Imperium and the Empire were slowly heading towards a confrontation. It was evident with the build up on both sides. The question that remained on her mind was whether or not this pocket of space would be the location of many long and drawn out battles as it had been so long ago. Shaking her head as old memories drifted to the surface of past times, Commander Ross looked at Deamos and saw that he still looked as pissed as a Narkelian Fang Blade shitting tacks.

"Chu kehp doin dat ahnd chu will geht wrinkehls," Commander Ross stated in a relaxed tone, only drawing ire from Deamos, "chu no why she es doing dis, so chu nehd to geht dat cheep oft da shooder ahnd stop gehtin so ahngrey at her."

"You think she is doing this on purpose?" Deamos growled angrily.

"Dah," Commander Ross replied simply, leaning back in her seat and closing her eyes, "chu haven't contahkted her in waht? 200 yeahrs. Dah she es gohna be pessed at chu. I wahs suprahsed dat she did nat choot you as soon as chu steeped oft da trahnsport."

"Not her style as you can see," Deamos answered angrily, "she prefers to hang you out and twist in the wind."

Commander Ross chuckled quietly, making Deamos glare at her all the more, "Chu whill haft to tahlk whit her dis teem Deamos ahnd not broosh it oft to meh."

"Copy," Deamos growled angrily.

* * *

"Council Members and Generals I would like to thank you all for coming on such short notice to this meeting," Began Sykon. He was standing in the main hall in front of the throne. His hands where clasped behind his back and he was wearing his military dress uniform. Noticeably absent was a weapon at his side. Before him stood the top military and political leaders of the Imperium.

"Get to the point whelp," a grizzled bronze dragon growled, "unlike you we have jobs to do! Why are we even speaking to you? The message said this was a War Summit and only the High Warlord can call that and you are not it."

"I will get to that General," Sykon replied while smiling smoothly and unphased, "I called this summit as it is regarding my father. The Aligary Virus has struck down yet another victim, one that was in his prime and without warning."

This caused loud muttering to break out amongst all that were in the hall, while others were quickly accessing their data pads and sending messages out. Several of the Generals abruptly turned to leave but stopped when they saw the way was blocked by heavily armed guards, all with weapons drawn.

"Gentlemen, you may leave when I say you can," stated Sykon, "as I was saying the High Warlord is no longer able to physically hold the office but he is yet still alive. This presents quiet the conundrum for the Imperium as no true line of succession has ever been in place for such an event-"

"Fuck it all boy," a gravelly voice shouted from the back of the group, interrupting Sykon. Frowning Sykon was not able to see who the voice belonged too but from the jostling that was occurring as they made their way forward de deduced correctly that is was Commander Karlentarg, the orange and black scaled reptile was a head shorter than the shortest dragon but was twice as mean. "I am not one for this political crap. Get to your fucking point already and stop wasting my time."

"You would speak to my father in such a manner Commander?" Sykon asked in an icy tone.

"I did and I will do so more with you boy as you are not in charge," Commander Karlentarg growled, "as long as he still breathes you have no authority or power. But if he were to suddenly die, well now, we all know what would happen; as no one in this room would follow your slippery ass into a whore house."

"So I don't have your support?"

"None in the least. Go ahead and kill me or replace me boy, but you will find it hard to hold the border when your largest fleet suddenly is not there to protect the Imperium's ass."

"Well as long as you will still defend the Imperium that is all I can ask for."

"Correction boy, I am following the last orders I received. Do not mistake that for anything else."

"I see this summit will quickly turn into a pissing match from all of you," Sykon said suddenly shifting from Commander Karlentarg to the others in the room. "Some of you actually have military importance while others are nothing more than fluff that managed to work yourselves into a position of self proclaimed worth. Your services are no longer necessary."

"And what deems one as being 'necessary'?" One of the planetary governors asked warily.

"If you have to ask a question like that you obviously do not meet the bill," Sykon said in a pleasant tone while waving a dismissive hand. As soon as his hand went down a single shot rang out followed by the sound of a body falling to the floor. "Now for everyone else, minus Commander Karlentarg as he has made an excellent case for his importance, you can resign now or accept what comes down. Either way there are going to be changes."

"You realize if you kill any one general in this room you will have an open civil war," one of the military leaders stated in a smug tone.

"Then I am glad that the message went out from the office of the High Warlord and not myself Gentlemen. As we all know if he removes you from your position it is a perfectly legal action and who is to say I was not given a list of spies and those no longer loyal to the Imperium. As Commander Karlentarg pointed out I do not have any real authority as long as my father still breaths. I can act on his behalf regarding the safety of the Imperium."

"I suppose this list will not be made available to anyone in this room?" A dragon in senate robes asked.

"Of course not you nit," Commander Karlentarg spat, "there is no list, ask another stupid question and I will kill you myself. He has no authority but all the power."

"Quiet true Commander," Sykon stated with a smile, "I was wondering when someone would put that together. Continue to serve my father and there will be no problems . . . well actually there will be as I still have some purging to do."

"You are one sick bastard," a Fleet Admiral spat.

"Why yes, yes I am," Sykon replied with a smile.

* * *

The rocking of the transport coming to a halt woke Katlin from a light but restful sleep. Rubbing her eyes she looked over at Diana who was bound and gagged on the opposite bench seat. Blinking in surprise Katlin looked from Diana to the female guard that was also with them. The female dragon only stared back absently to Katlin's silent question. Looking back to Diana Katlin saw that the snow leopard was either soundly asleep or unconscious; giving her friend a few light jabs to her side Katlin determined that she was indeed unconscious.

"So why is she like this?" Katlin inquired looking back at their guard.

"I instructed her to remain silent," began the guard, "when she would not comply I took action to bring her into compliance."

"Tazing her was not enough?" Asked Katlin with both humor and shock lacing her voice.

"If you wish to join her continue speaking," the female dragon stated coolly, bringing the hand tazer up and making it crackle and pop. The blue sparks jumping vividly across the contact points.

Eyes going wide Katlin shut her mouth and sat back down. Shortly after sitting down the door to their cabin opened and two green dragons stepped in. Both wore body armor that was a flat grey but had some sort of heavy read fabric covering their arms instead of armor plates. They both carried light riffles that were unfamiliar to Katlin as well as some strange ocular device that seemed to be tracking her even though it was not visibly moving. Both of the dragons were a head taller than their guard and seemed to regard her with indifference as if she was not there.

"You are to accompany us from this point," one of the green dragons stated in a firm but not unfriendly voice. "Is the feline a threat?"

"No Guard Captain," the female dragon stated with a slight bow, "very unruly and needed to be restrained."

"You restrained her you carry her," the apparent Captain stated, "you, fox, are you capable of walking?"

"Y-y-yes," Katlin replied nervously, getting to her feet she stood watching the two new dragons with apprehension and curiosity. She had seen green dragons before not common but far from rare. These two though looked like their scales where emeralds. Both lacked any type of horn or spine protrusions from their neck or face, instead they had more of a mane of fine thick silver hair. It took a moment longer before Katlin realized that the two dragons where actually twins, a rarity to an extreme for Dragon species.

"If you are done gawking follow us fox," the Guard captain ordered curtly while quickly turning about and exiting the cabin, closely followed by his counterpart. Katlin for her part had only a few seconds to regain her composure before being nudged rather sharply in her ribs by the female guard for her to follow after the two other dragons.

Stepping outside the transport Katlin had to squint and shield her eyes from the sudden intensity of the planets sun. Inside the Transport she had not realized that the windows had built in filters that toned the bright light down to a more tolerable level. Looking around she saw that her 'guard' did not seem the least bit fazed by the light and was in face looking at her with an inquiring eye. Looking forward Katlin saw the two other dragons quickly crossing an open area that lay between where they had stopped and a rather archaic yet grand looking palace. The glare from the sun did not help make the image look any better but Katlin recognized the architecture and that the style dated back to the first era of the Empire some five hundred years prior. Curiosity getting the better of her Katlin followed after the two dragons and had only gone a few dozen steps when the loud rumbling announced the arrival for the military transport that was carrying the rest of the crew of the Revalon.

As Katlin continued walking she was able to watch as dragon guards and the crew disembarked the massive transport and head towards the large building she herself was being directed to. A few more steps and Katlin began to realize that this planet not only had a incredibly harsh light spectrum but the gravity was nearly twice that of her own home world. Already she felt like she had been walking up a steep incline even though the terrain was flat. As she continued walking Katlin realized with some resentment that the female guard walking with her was not showing any signs that she was being hindered by the gravity even though she had Diana draped over one of her shoulders like a sack of potatoes. By the time they reached the stairs that led into the building Katlin was breathing hard and sweating like she had just been running, looking back to where they had come from Katlin's eyes went big, the distance from where she was and had been was no more than a hundred yards yet she felt she had been walking for miles. This caused her to rethink that the planet's gravity may be more than twice what she was used to. Katlin was happy to note that many of the other crew also reaching the building looked very much how she did, out of breath and drenched in their own sweat.

The sound of doors opening made Katlin look back to the front of the building and let out a surprised gasp. Descending the stairs towards her and the crew was a female black dragon flanked by the two green dragons Katlin had met earlier. The female dragon was wearing a dress that comprised of two pieces made of a gold metallic material. The first piece was two small triangles just large enough to over her nipples but not so small it was scandalous. A silver chain linked the two pieces and a longer silver chain wrapped around her back holding the garment in place. The second part of her outfit was made of the same gold material and resembled more of a thong with a fine chain drape that ran completely on the bottom edge of the material. It was an elegant design that both hid and left little to the imagination. Katlin could feel her ears burning when she realized she was staring at the female dragon, even more so when she saw the dragon smirk slightly when they made eye contact. When the female dragon reached the bottom of the steps Katlin could now tell that she stood a good head shorter than her, the steps had made it difficult to get a good idea on how tall she was.

"Demthoiousen," The female dragon said suddenly, making Katlin tense up slightly, "Neda fem ista nich brada?"

Katlin stole a glance over at Deamos as she recognized his name but not the language being spoke. She saw Deamos step forward and give an annoyed grunt in response. Apparently it was the wrong thing and the female dragon moved so fast Katlin almost did not see it as she slapped Deamos hard causeing his head to jerk to the side.

"Tu need fem ist drani," the female dragon spat angrily. Katlin looked on in confusion at what was transpiring, for some reason she felt a cold knot of dread form in her stomach as the idea that this female knew Deamos in more than one way. "Ist drani nich de fem Demthoiousen. Meak nine gata brada."

"You made you point bitch," Deamos growled back angrily, smoke tendrils trailing from his nostrils, "strike me again and I wil-" The female dragon didn't allow Deamos to finish as she pulled him into a powerful kiss making Katlin go cold and Demos looking surprised.

"Tu nich treata brada," the female dragon said coyly, "nicht treata im brada." Pushing Deamos to the side the female dragon looked past him and at Commander Ross, "Acht! Shoufahng, tu nicht dema dis ma brada em da Revalon."

"Ah aphalgize highness," Commander Ross replied with a small bow, "Dis idehot had naht ehformhed meh antil jeest rehcahtly."

With a snort the female dragon looked back at Deamos and started speaking at such a rapid pace Katlin could not make heads or tails of what she was saying. What was resonating was that apparently the female dragon was some form of royalty on the world, Knew Commander Ross and Knew Deamos. With reasons unknown to her Katlin felt jealousy starting to sink its claws into her thoughts. Her expression must of caught the female dragons attention because she looked over at Katlin. At first the dragons expression had been blank but after several moments a look of surprise crossed her features to be replaced by a sly look before looking back at Deamos.

"Demthoiousen," the female dragon said coyly while raising one hand and shaking a finger at him, "tue geen na de fem. Brada yu geen viad noyla noyla de fem."

"And what if I have," Deamos snapped, nearly taking the finger being waived at him off.

With a laugh the female dragon turned around and started walking back up the stairs, swaying her hips in an obvious manner. She had traved half way up the stair before looking over her should and speaking, "Come guest, you must rest and wash before tonight."