Above Average Part 12

Story by Zielregen on SoFurry

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#12 of Above Average

Date night is in full swing. Unbeknownst to John, but knownst to Alan there are some strange things happening under the table.

John stood staring as Alan approached. He had originally intended to do the gentlemanly thing and help his date get seated, but as the absolutely massive wall of muscle and cock strode towards him, John could think of nothing other than how amazing and sexy Alan looked. John's own respectably huge dick was straining hard against the fabric of his pant leg.

Alan's immense dick reached John's position long before the rest of him did. The beast was longer than he was tall and more than twice as big around than even John's impressively muscled chest. As the behemoth slowly glided by him like a coasting bus, John couldn't help but fixate on it. The head of it began to pass directly beside him. It was just a few scant inches from bumping into Jon's side.

John tried to keep his eyes on his date, but that enormous cock was just too good to be true. As it passed by him, he could almost imagine it plunging into him as foot after foot of it vanished from his view. Alan reached the table, but John was still too lost him his erotic daydream to move. Not that he could have gone anywhere even if he had been able to snap out of it. Alan's immense shaft was now directly between him and the table, and Alan's humongous, muscled bod filled his entire view. Alan made a motion to move towards the table, which caused the gigantic pouch of his briefs that housed his colossal nuts to bump against John.

"It's all the way in." John thought as he felt Alan's huge nuts collide with him. Just the fantasy of having taken that enormous tool was enough to send him over the edge. He closed his eyes and let out a soft moan as huge quantities of jizz began to flow down his pant leg.

When John came to his senses he was immediately mortified by what he had done. He had just creamed his pants in public, and it was the hugest, messiest load of his life. He looked around, and was relieved to see that no one seemed to have even noticed. All eyes were on his massively brawny date. He still felt embarrassed that he couldn't control his sexual urges like that. It had only been a few hours since he had gotten off, and yet he was feeling exceptionally pent up. He had always had a bit of trouble keeping his libido in check, though. It was an annoying side effect of his huge, basketball sized balls that always seemed to be producing huge quantities of cum.

Alan glanced down at the cascade of cum that was oozing down John's leg. He was less interested in the flow of jizz than he was in the volume of it. Once the waterfall slowed to a halt, Alan noticed that the massive bulge down the side of the jock's pant leg had noticeably softened, but it had not shrunken down at all. Alan grinned at this knowledge. John had become affected by the same spell that was changing him, but the football star didn't even seem to realize it.

Alan had to wonder how things would have been different for him had he not had his best friend to help remind him of what was happening to him. If he had been unaware of his changes, would he have done thing differently? He wondered about how huge he would be now if he hadn't felt the need to hold back. The thought simultaneously excited and terrified him.

Alan slowly took his seat. The table John had picked out was one of the extra high tables situated near the bar. John had probably picked it because it offered him a good view of the big screen TV hanging above the taps, but these tables had the unique advantage of being the few tables in the establishment that Alan could fit his junk under.

Alan had to gather up five barstools and arrange them in a cluster so that he would have a seat that could hold his massive bulk. His huge, muscular ass filled out all the chair tops and then some. They creaked in protest but appeared to hold out alright. The chairs probably would not have been able to hold his incredible weight had his balls not been so large that they rested on the ground. Alan's cock rested comfortably above his humongous nuts and then angled downward until it too settled on the ground.

Alan picked up a menu and began to peruse what the place had to offer. This was more of a formality than anything at this point. Alan had been here plenty during the few years he had been attending this college. While Alan absentmindedly scanned the lines of text, John slowly and unsteadily pulled an extra barstool up to the table and took a seat. John was originally going to set his seat directly across from Alan, but Alan's cock more than extended past the other side of the table. If John had wanted to sit there, he would have had to take a seat directly atop the huge, muscle stud's enormous dick. As tempting as that was, John wasn't sure he wanted to do that in a public place, especially not one with so many people watching intently.

Instead, Jon opted to place the seat on the end of the table closest to the main aisle. Alan's cock and balls filled up so much of the space below the table that John had to tuck his feet away under the stool to keep himself from touching them. John was using every ounce of self control he had to not just start feeling up Alan's immaculate cock or his glorious muscles. John had known Alan was huge, but somehow he had forgotten just how huge. His mind was reeling from the sheer size of his date. He could already feel his cock chubbing up again just from being in such close proximity to the godly dude.

Alan reached down and gave John a quick, comforting squeeze on the leg. To anyone looking and to even John himself, it would have seemed a completely harmless and maybe even endearing gesture, but Alan knew better. He grinned as he felt John's huge swelling cock beneath his hand. Alan gave John's thigh a gentle rubbing, which had the added benefit of causing his hand to tenderly stroke the jock's dick in the process.

Alan beamed a winning smile at his date, which made John smile back at him. To anyone else watching it would seem like the two of them were really hitting it off, and to a point, they were. Alan wasn't too interested in the football star, though. He was more excited by the power he unintentionally held over the jock. Alan could make John grow more and more, and the linebacker would never even know it had happened.

Conflicting thoughts flooded Alan's mind. As exciting as it was to be able to grow John, he wasn't sure if he wanted to. On one hand the jock would look even hotter with some extra muscle packed onto his already buff frame, but Alan liked being by far the biggest guy around. Alan also wasn't sure if John would even like the changes. He wasn't just making the guy bigger; Alan was causing John's entire history to be edited. Alan had been pretty fortunate in his new past, but who could say John would be too? All that said though, who wouldn't want a bigger dick?

Alan continued to think and ponder the moral and ethical ramifications of what he knew and what he chose to do with that knowledge. All the while he continued to mindlessly stroke the thickening bulge in the side of the linebacker's pant leg. John had to shift and fidget to get comfortable as his huge cock continued to harden and extend. He wasn't sure, but it felt even bigger than he remembered. It filled out more of his pants than he was used to, and he had to extend his leg to allow room for his humongous cock to snake down past his knee.

Alan was snapped from his thoughts as he noticed the waistline of John's jeans pulling away from his crotch, revealing the dense patch of blond pubes hidden beneath. John's bulge had been huge when he had arrived, but his pants had at least been able to hold it all in. As the jock's nuts and shaft continued to swell and grow, the jeans were unable to cope. The base of John's thick shaft came into view, and Alan could see the bend of the already nearly rigid cock as it angled down the linebacker's pants. Alan couldn't imagine that it was comfortable.

Alan leaned closer to John and casually mentioned it. "Why not let it out?"

"Here!?" John asked. His voice was barely more than a hiss of hushed surprise.

"Yeah. Why not? It's not like anyone will care. I mean, I let mine hang out all the time, and it looks like it's hurting you to keep it tucked away like that." Alan explained calmly.

"That's because you're you. Everybody knows about your condition and knows to turn a blind eye to it." John whispered in reply.

"Our condition." Alan corrected.

"Our condition? I'm still pretty much normal." John replied incredulously.

"Still? So you do already know about the growths." Alan replied. He was a little surprised to hear this, but his face and tone of voice barely showed it.

"Growths? What are you...?" John's voice slowly trailed away as a look of understanding crossed his eyes. John's mouth hung open as he sat through a few sets of memories running simultaneously. They were all almost identical except for a few key differences. The most noticeable was the size of the tool tucked away in his pants. It was like he was sitting there and watching a movie and its later reboots side by side.

"I see you understand now." Alan replied casually as John seemed to snap out of his stupor.

"I'm growing..." He repeated. His mouth was still slack and his eyes were still glazed over, but he seemed to be steadily snapping out of his daze. "I don't get it. How big will I get?"

"I dunno." Alan replied with a shrug. "I'm still growing. It's like my dick keeps getting bigger and so do my muscles. You'll probably get this big eventually."

"As big as you?" John repeated in a dazed awe. He let out a very soft, low moan and closed his eyes. A devious smirk crossed Alan's lips as he noticed the linebacker's reaction. Alan didn't even have to guess what had caused John's moan meant. Alan could already feel the thick, heavy jizz streaming down the jock's legs and dripping out onto Alan's humongous nuts.

"I don't have specifics." Alan explained. "But it seems to happen faster the more you cum."

"You must have gotten off a lot." John replied in awe.

"Either that, or you've been living a very puritanical lifestyle over the weekend." Alan responded with a chuckle.

"Well, yeah. That could be it too..." John murmured in reply. Alan could hear just a small bit of his Southern twang slip through. "Y'see, I spent the whole weekend up with my ma. It doesn't hardly seem right to do such a thing while she's around, you know?"

Alan couldn't help but grin as he listened to the way John's accent flared up in full force as he spoke about his mother. John always seemed to become very sheepish and Southern when talking about his family. Alan listened intently, all the while slowly slipping a hand up John's leg and over towards the jock's fly. With a quick flick, Alan managed to undo the button on the top of John's fly. It was one of those that clicked into place instead of being tucked into a narrow hole in the fabric, so just a little force managed to pop it loose.

"You've mentioned her a few times." Alan said casually as he slowly slid down the zipper on the front of the jock's pants. "What's it like at home, anyway?"

"Oh, you know. It's just Ma 'n me. Pa left us long ago. We've got a small little business out in the sticks. Ma can't handle all the heavy lifting alone, so I go back as often as I can to help out." John explained. He fidgeted slightly as he felt Alan's hand working its way into the front of his pants, but he made no effort to stop it.

"How heavy are we talking?" Alan asked. There was a bit of a devious tone in his voice in the way he posed the question. "I bet a little extra beef would help life at home, huh?" Alan slowly pulled Jon's slowly chubbing hose from down the jock's pants. John's cock was wet and slimy from having been basting in its own jizz in the stuffy confines of the linebacker's overstuffed jeans.

"Aw. Well I don't know about that, but sometimes I feel like I could stand to get a little bit stronger. It would make the work go so much faster." John mused. His cheeks were starting to turn pink with arousal as he felt Alan's hand slowly stroking along the length of his over two foot cock.

"Exactly." Alan agreed warmly. "So why not let yourself get a bit bigger." Alan wasn't sure why, but he was finding the power intoxicating, and John seemed to like it so there really wasn't much of a reason for him to stop. He slid his hand down the jock's pants again and fished out one of John's basketball sized nuts. Alan could scarcely believe how warm and heavy the cum-laden orb was in the palm of his hand. Alan reached forward again and pulled out the other nut in the same fashion leaving John's equipment completely freed of his pants.

"Sorry for the wait, guys. I'll be taking care of you tonight." came a voice from off to the side. They both turned to look at the new guy. He was a fairly lanky college freshman with wavy brown hair and stylish, square glasses. "My name's Kyle. If you need anything feel free to give me a holler. Are you guys ready to order?"

"Yeah. I'll have a number three... a number five... and two number eights." Alan replied casually.

"Oh? Is that all?" The waiter asked. A friendly level of sarcasm was noticeably in his voice.

Alan laughed pleasantly in response to the server's good natured jab. "What can I say? I'm a growing boy." Alan replied with chuckle.

"Alrighty then. What to drink?" The waiter asked.

"Beer with a side of beer and a little garnish of beer." Alan responded with a smile.

"Hate to break it to you, but we are out of beer, would beer be alright?" The server joked.

"Sure. As long as it has beer in it." Alan joked back.

"And for Agent Smith?" The waiter asked, turning to John.

"Ah. Just a number three for me..." John replied. He was trying to remain calm and collected and let on that there was anything out of the ordinary, but Alan had not stopped stroking is dick since the waiter had arrived, and John was already thoroughly boned.

"Sure thing, man. Oh, and great game Thursday! Man, that sack in the third quarter was epic." The server gushed. "Anything to drink?"

"Water is fine." John replied politely.

Kyle shrugged. "Ok, man. If you change your mind just let me know." The server raised a hand for a high five which John meekly returned. "You know where to find me if you need me."

Alan began stroking John's dick even more vigorously as the server walked away. The linebacker's dick was so warm and so thick that it more than filled up Alan's entire hand. There was no way he could even hope to wrap his fingers all the way around it. John's cock was easily as thick around as the jock's biceps. The size made it so that the soft ridge on the underside of the jock's erection fit almost perfectly in the palm of Alan's hand, though. Alan tightened his grip and watched as John's face turned slightly redder from the increased stimulation. Alan could feel the steady trickle of pre flowing off the tip of John's hefty cock and onto Alan's beefy forearm.

Alan wished he could see it for himself. At its current size, John's cock had to be simply fantastic looking. Alan's dick had been fully boned for awhile without ever once laying a finger on it. He was getting pretty worked up just from teasing John and making the already studly football star get even more studly. Alan's rigid dick was so huge that it extended past his table and bumped into the back of a stool at a neighboring table. The person sitting there was doing a remarkable job of trying to ignore the massive cock that was nudging his seat and oozing pre all over the place.

The server returned with two mugs of beer and placed it on the table in front of the two guys. "This one's on me." He explained happily as he gave John a friendly clap on the shoulder. The slap was but a minor distraction, but it was enough to make John lose his focus just enough that he could no longer fight back the rising desire to cum. He let out a soft moan and shuddered as his whole body was rocked by the power of his orgasm. Thick jets of spunk spattered noisily against the side of Alan's immense cock and oozed down onto Alan's colossal balls and down onto the floor below. John fired shot after thick, gooey shot all while the server looked on obliviously. With each jet of heavy spunk, John's abs flexed visible through his skintight, yellow polo shirt.

"Thanks, man." John managed to reply weakly after his torrent of cum had finally died off.

"No problem. It was the least I could do after that last second victory last game." Kyle remarked happily. Alan furrowed his brow for a moment as he thought back over the events of the previous game. He was about as far away from being a sports fan as one could be, and yet he was sure that he had heard that they had actually lost the last game in over time.

The server walked back towards the kitchen area but turned back around about halfway there and raised a fist triumphantly and shouted. "Cowcatcher! Woo!" The extra cheer at the end almost sounded like an old timey train whistle like they had in old Looney Tunes shows.

"Cowcatcher?" Alan asked with a bemused smirk.

"Aww heck... It's an embarrassing nickname I've picked up." John replied sheepishly. "See... I gotta wear this big 'ol cup when I am playin'. Someone said it looked like that grate thing on the front of a train and it kind of caught on."

Alan had a vague image in his mind of John striding out onto the football field in full gear. The size of his cup was simply gigantic. The comically oversized, reinforced codpiece looked like something out of a mecha anime. "Well, there are worse nicknames... I can't think of any at the moment, but there must be some, right?" Alan joked.

"Yeah, I suppose, but if they were gonna give me some kind of train nickname, why not something cool like Cole Train?" John replied halfheartedly.

"Well, for starters, your name isn't Cole, and for seconders, why not just embrace it? I mean, can you imagine how demoralizing it must be for the other team to be bowled over by some dude's gigantic cock-guard?" Alan explained pleasantly.

"Haha. Never thought of it like that. I almost feel bad for them now." John replied chuckling. "I can only imagine what it must be like to be slapped around like that."

"Yeah. Just imagine what it'll be like when you get even bigger." Alan responded wistfully.

"... I'm not so sure that's a good idea..." John replied thoughtfully.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Alan asked. His brow furrowed in a look of concern and confusion.

"Well, I mean. I don't remember growing n' all, but I kind of have this gut feelin' that says you are telling the truth, you know? It's kinda hard to describe, but I mean... I don't want to get any bigger than this... I'm not sure I even want to be this big, to be honest." John explained pensively as he tilted his glass around, causing the foam to swirl in the mug. "I mean, on one hand it feels great to be so huge all over, but on the other hand... I'm afraid if I get too big I won't be able to play football no more. I mean, just look at you. You are huge, but you can't move very fast. Sure you could cream people on the field, but can you even run? Those little guys'd do laps around you... and there's another thing... I kinda feel like a freak, you know? Like my whole life I have stood out, and I never really wanted to... I kind of feel like maybe that's why I wanted to hook up with you. I look normal next to you."

John let out a sigh and shook his head. "No... No, that's not right at all. It's weird. When I think back to why I wanted to talk to you so bad, I can't recall your muscles or your dick... It's like... I was jealous of you, but not for that... it was something else..." John seemed to wince as he thought back over the week before. "I've wanted to get to know you for ages, actually. The first time I saw you movin' into the dorm down the hall from me..." John continued to recall as he kept his eyes clenched shut.

Alan felt a pit forming in his stomach. His room wasn't on John's floor. He had a special room set up on the ground floor like he had always had, but he knew what John was saying was true.

"I can actually remember a bit now." John said as he opened his eyes and looked at Alan. For once, it was like John wasn't looking at Alan's body, but rather straight into his eyes, into his very soul. Alan felt bumps form over every inch of his skin as a chill ran up his spine.

"The real reason I wanted to talk to you so bad was because I wanted to be like you. You know, all open and outgoing. I've always kept everything hidden from everyone, you know?" John looked down at his mug and fidgeted as he spoke. "I was always looking for an excuse to talk to you, but you never seemed interested in me. Then I saw your dick that one time, and man, it was amazing. I just kinda lost it." John smirked slightly as he remembered how he acted.

"Aww, heck. I bet I came off lookin' like a total creep." John muttered.

"Oh, you weren't that bad." Alan responded kindly. "Honestly. The reason I never really showed you any interest is because I was so used to all the jocks and frat bros being totally stuck up and rude. You're actually pretty cool." Alan placed a hand on John's shoulder to show that he meant what he said.

"Thanks. I just... I just wish I could have been more open in my life, you know?" John explained with a sigh. "I hate to say this, but I don't think I ever wanted to get with you... not romantically, anyways."

Alan was actually overjoyed to hear this, but he didn't dare let on to the jock. "So what? Too much man for you?" Alan replied with a smug smirk.

"Oh, nah. It's ain't that. I've wanted to be your friend for awhile, but I feel like I might have ruined that by going right into the sex." John explained sheepishly.

Alan tried not to laugh at the phrase "the sex" especially when used unironically, but he understood what John was saying. "It's cool, man. It won't mean anything if you don't want it to. I'm pretty casual about stuff like that... and uh, while we're being honest. I feel like I should tell you something..." Alan took a deep breath and let out a sigh before continuing. "I'm actually really glad to hear you aren't really interested in going steady or anything."

John looked a little surprised, but said nothing. Alan took a moment to gauge John's response before continuing. "You see... I kind of met someone over the weekend, and it was all really sudden, but I think I'd like to see him..."

John was too stunned to reply at first. He finally seemed to piece together a response, but before he could muster up the nerve to say it, the server returned with two trays piled with food. "OK, guys. Here's the first batch. I'll go grab the rest in a second." Kyle said as he placed handed out the plates. "Plates are hot, yadda yadda. You know the drill" He droned on as he did so.

Alan didn't even wait for the server to leave before he dove in and began devouring his various entrees. John sat back and crinkled his nose a bit as he watched on in awe. "Got enough food there?" He sassed.

"I'm thinking about getting some dessert, actually." Alan responded, only half jokingly. "It takes a lot to power these massive guns." He explained as he flexed both of his arms and his humongous pecs. "Just wait till you get this bad and see how much you eat."

John watched Alan's muscles bulge out fantastically as the massively buff college dude put on a little bit of a gun show at the table. John had no intention of getting as huge as Alan, but there was some part in the back of his mind that wasn't too averse to the idea. That part of his brain seemed to have control of his dick which was steadily chubbing up as he surveyed the bumps, ridges, and contours of his dates absolutely amazing muscles.