A Change of Circumstance: Part 2

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#2 of A Change of Circumstance

This story and all characters within are the property of the user Ghosty on SoFurry (Ghostwolf36 on Furaffinity)

Do not copy or redistribute this work in any way!

This story involves a suggestive sexual theme of incest and the begining of an incestuous relationship, if you are not comfortable with these themes in your reading please leave this page now. Further themes will be explored in later chapters.

Enjoy your reading and please leave comments.

A Change of Circumstance: Part 2

Stuart woke to the smell of eggs, bacon and beans being cooked. He smiled as he rose from his bed and grabbed a pair of pyjama pants and a t-shirt to make himself presentable in front of his daughter. "Morning Kitten." He called out as he left his bedroom.

"Good Morning." Verity called back. "Sleep well?"

"Best sleep in months Sweetheart. How about you?"

Verity dipped her head and was glad she was facing away from her father as she tried to hide her blush, wondering if those months had been since he had thought of her as more than just his daughter. "Just fine Dad. Though I think you have angry squirrels as neighbours."

The older tiger chuckled. "Yes I forgot to tell you that they like throwing things on your side of the roof at night."

Verity chuckled "It's no problem; it just startled me during the night, that's all." The young tigress served their breakfast onto large plates then straightened her long black night gown before bringing their food to the dinner table.

"Well good; so what are your plans today other than making a tasty breakfast for us?"

"I was hoping you'd show me the area again." Verity chirped. "It's been so long since I've been here."

Stuart smiled and agreed. They enjoyed their hot breakfast and talked about Verity's memories of the few times she had been at the cabin. All the while Verity kept a close eye on her father's body language and casually watched where his eyes fell. He was watching her with loving eyes and made no signs of covering it up, but she wondered if it was a father's love or a darker more forbidding love.

As they finished their breakfast, the two tigers parted and returned to their rooms to change clothes. Verity smiled to herself as she dressed in a tight black t-shirt and jean shorts; she wondered if she might see some of the places her father described in his journal. Her mind swam as the thoughts gathered; she was both eager to see the grounds again and see how her father would react with her being there, but she also cautioned herself in case anything happened that she couldn't control.

* * *

Walking through the forest Stuart was reminded of a time when Verity had wanted to play with everything in the woods; sticks, puddles, mud, trees and bushes. As they walked and talked he was amazed at how much she had grown up and matured. "I can't believe how much my Kitten has grown." Stuart said softly.

Verity gave a soft giggle and swung herself around a small tree. "Well just living with Mom for the last few years I had to. She really only cares about money now and nothing much else."

Stuart sighed heavily. "I remember when it happened; her needs out stripped our happiness then everything just went to hell."

"Dad, can I ask you a question?" Verity said tentatively.


The young tigress stepped closer to her father and looked him in the eyes. "Do you still love Mom?"

Shaking his head heavily, Stuart gave another heavy sigh. "I know I loved her in the beginning, and long after you were born Kitten. Now though; I don't know. Maybe a bit of me does still care for her in some way but I know it'll never work between us again."

Verity stepped closer and hugged her father. "I feel the same way. I've tried to connect with her and be a family again, but she's closed herself off from me and is more like a jailer than a mother now."

Slowly and tenderly, Stuart wrapped his arms around his daughter. "You're the only one who I care about now Kitten, and I'll always be here for you."

Feeling the connection with her father once more; Verity smiled and held herself close to him. His intentions were that of a father and she knew it, but she felt inside that his self imposed isolation had been too much of a punishment for him to bear. "I love you Dad." She purred softly.

"I love you too Verity."

* * *

The day had passed quickly and Stuart had never felt so energized; his daughter had made him answer tough questions on his relationship with his ex-wife, but through them had made a lasting connection with his daughter. In the back of his mind he wished she wasn't his daughter at the current time and instead a young lover who had come to comfort him. He caught himself sinking into his dark thoughts again and shook them off as he sat staring out of the window; the night sky giving him a moment of self reflection before he retired to bed.

"Daddy, are you still up?" Verity's said from behind him.

"Just thinking Sweetheart, that's all." He said with a soft growl of content then paused as he turned to see his daughter. The young tigress stood before him and with a simple guess he was certain all she was wearing was a t-shirt and panties. "Wha... What are you doing up?" He stammered.

Verity hid a smile. "I heard you moving around on your chair, I wondered if you were ok."

"Just fine Kitten." He said trying to avert his eyes from the sight of her long legs and curvy waist he was presented with.

As bold as she dared; Verity took long slow strides up to her father, brushing her long hair back with a paw as she moved. As she approached she saw the uncertainty in her father's eyes and decided not to take the plunge and find out his true feelings or approach him too quickly; she still had almost another full day after all. Placing a paw on her father's shoulder, she casually guided herself into his lap and hugged him close. "Daddy?"

Stuart swallowed hard as he rested one paw on his daughters back and another over her thighs. "Yes Kitten?"

"If you could have one wish, what would it be?" Verity purred quietly.

Stuart took a deep breath and composed himself. "You're giving me my wish Sweetheart. You're coming to live with me and we're going to be a family again."

Verity gently stroked down her father's back before sitting back a little. "There's nothing else you want?"

Stuart smiled weakly and absently squeezed his daughter's thigh. "Knowing you'll be here, safe and happy is all I need Kitten."

"You'd let me know if there was anything else you needed wouldn't you?" The tigress purred softly and suggestively.

Stuart suppressed a shiver and nodded but let his other paw gently squeeze his daughter's waist. "I'll do that Verity, but for now I have everything I need."

Verity smiled and tenderly kissed her father's forehead before slowly standing and gazing down on him with soft loving eyes. "Don't stay up too late Daddy." She purred before she slowly padded back to her bedroom.

"I won't." He growled softly.

* * *

Stuart growled quietly to himself as he furiously jerked off in his bedroom. His mind was in turmoil; his daughter had opened up thoughts and feelings he wanted to believe were buried deep inside and locked away forever, but it wasn't so. He could tell by her body language and the tone of voice that she had used; she was flirting with him or at the very least testing him to see what he might do.

As his fist pounded back and forth he quietly said her name over and over; every time sending a jolt of excitement through his body and bringing a strong mental image of her to his mind. It was torturous; on one hand he was certain she was coming on to him, on the other he wondered if she was just a little freer with her sexuality; after all he had only played a minor part in her life over the last six years. Maybe it was just her showing affection for him the only way she knew how and everything was perfectly innocent.

He whined softly as he felt his climax coming close. "I want you Verity." His words were almost lost in the sounds of movement and grunting he made. Stuart began to tense and gave a suppressed growl as he clamped his paw over the head of his cock. A thick rush of his seed splashed against his palm and began trickling back down his shaft; after a moment he caught his breath and relaxed. Raising his paw he looked at the mess he had made and sighed. "Do you really want this Verity, or am I just imagining it?" He asked himself quietly before he rose and headed to the bathroom to clean himself up.

Verity quietly darted back into her room from her hiding place in the living room. Stifling her own girlish giggle she wandered why her father was keeping his bedroom door open while he had company. She decided that was just how he had been living and the thought hadn't occurred to him. Lying back on her bed she let her paws slide over her body and down into her panties. Slowly she began to tease herself; what she had seen of her father jerking off to thoughts of her had already made her wet and her fingers quickly found her tender spots. She had heard his soft growls and murmurs and knew that he was deeply conflicted. Verity felt a similar confusion, she wanted her father to be happy with her and found after much soul searching she was willing to become his lover, but she also considered the impact it would have on their lives if she did.

As she pleasured herself her thoughts swam; she knew something would have to be said, but now wasn't the time. She plunged her fingers into her depths and bit back a deep moan of satisfaction. She wondered just how it would feel to have her father's thick shaft penetrate her and take her virginity. As she worked her fingers furiously in and out of her slit she knew it would be painful at first but it would be a true gift to let her father share that one special moment with her.

As she teased her clit and drove her fingers in and out of her warm slit she imagined how it might feel to come home day after day to not only the male who helped give her life, but who loved her without reserve. Verity gasped suddenly as a shockwave rippled through her body and she bucked hard against her own paw. Riding out the sudden orgasm the young tigress panted heavily; she wasn't done. Not yet.

* * *

Verity could smell bacon and fried eggs cooking; she smiled and realized her father was repaying the favour from the previous morning. Tidying herself up she stepped out of her room to see her father already dressed and looked to be ready to leave the cabin. "Morning Dad. Are you going somewhere?"

Stuart smiled warmly at his daughter; her wild sliver grey hair and loose t-shirt making his heart skip a beat as he caught sight of her. "Morning Honey. Yes I'm heading out, I'll be gone for a while today but I thought I'd fix you breakfast before I left."

"Where are you going? I thought we might spend today together again."

"I'm sorry Kitten, but I have to head to the store. I have a late shipment of parts that's due to arrive today." The older tiger said with some regret.

Verity's shoulders sagged as she gave a moan of disappointment. "Alright, but be back before three this afternoon. I need to head home or Mom will get suspicious."

"I know Sweetheart. I'll be as quick as I can but if I don't make it back in time, call me before you leave and let me know when you're coming back."

The young tigress smiled and nodded and strode confidently up to her father and hugged him lovingly while tenderly kissing his cheek. "Come home soon Daddy; I miss you."

"I miss you too Kitten." He said softly then took her paws in his and kissed them softly. He paused for the briefest of moments as his lips touched the back of her paw; he caught her scent, not her normal scent but one of arousal. He wondered if she had pleasured herself during the night as well.

Verity's eyes widened as she realized she hadn't cleaned her paws properly after she had masturbated. She knew her father would smell her one way or another; in a blind impulse she broke her paws free from her fathers and lightly gripped his neck, making sure her fingers trailed heavily through his fur. As Stuart realized what was going on he found his daughter pressed firmly against him once more; without thinking his paws wrapped around her. "Come home soon Daddy." Verity purred softly.

"Fast as I can Kitten." He growled lovingly in return before he left for the day.

* * *

Feeling glad to have a little space, Stuart breathed a sigh of relief. He could still smell his daughter's scent on him and he was certain she had rubbed it into his fur deliberately. There were questions he had to ask her now and he needed time to make sure they were the right questions.

A feeling of guilt rippled through him as he drove into and around town. There was no delivery that he needed to be at his computer repair store for; he had just wanted the space to think without his daughter presence to tempt him down one path over the other. He had been gone for less than an hour and felt the loss of his daughter already; her company had been the most enjoyable he had been exposed to in a long while and he yearned to hear her voice again. But he knew the weight of the questions he had to ask her. With solemn determination and deep concentration he focused his thoughts on what to ask his daughter and denied himself the right to call her or talk to her until he returned home.

* * *

Closing the trunk of her car Verity looked up to see her father returning. She smiled happily but was disappointed that he had taken so long to come home. "Hey stranger." She called out as she moved to meet him.

Stuart gave her a pleasant smile as he closed his truck and approached his daughter with open arms. "Sorry I was so long Kitten. Are you leaving now?" He asked solemnly as he hugged his daughter close.

"Yeah I have to, I'm not home in a few hours Mom will start accusing me of all sorts of things." Verity said with a heavy sigh.

Stuart squeezed his daughters shoulders gently and kissed her cheek. "Can I ask you something before you go Sweetheart?"

Verity paused and pushed herself closer into her father's embrace then purred softly. "Anything Daddy."

The older tiger took a deep breath then spoke as softly and evenly as he could manage. "When you come to live here Kitten, will you be looking for a boyfriend or maybe more than that?"

Her paw pressed gently against her father's chest as she replied with a whisper. "Maybe."

Stuart drew a shuddering breath and tried to hide his nervousness. "What would you be looking for in a male?"

Verity felt shivers pass through her body as his words drove deep into her mind. "Maybe someone older, someone who will love me for who I am." She paused and let her fingers trail down her father's chest before she continued. "Someone strong who'll protect me when I need it." Feeling her father's embrace shift a little; Verity arched her back as she rose on her tip-toes until she was muzzle to muzzle with her father.

Their breathing deepened and their hearts thundered. Stuart spoke with a deep resonating growl of affection that made Verity tremble with excitement. "You want someone you can rely on, and appreciates everything you do."

Her throat went dry as she whispered softly. "Yes."

"Tell me who you have in mind?" The older tiger growled lovingly.

Verity reached up and cupped her father's face in her paws; she locked her gaze with his for a long moment before leaning in and kissing her father with all her pent up love and passion. Stuart was momentarily paralyzed with shock at the swiftness of her actions, but he settled quickly and within seconds the two tigers tongues danced wildly in each other's mouths.

Their paws began to roam each other's bodies; Stuart grasped at his daughter's backside and heaved her close as Verity ran her claws through her father's hair and neck fur. The young tigress raised her thigh to her father's hip and growled lovingly at him as they kissed, her tail swaying erratically as her father's claws gently pressed into her thighs and backside.

As quickly as it had started, suddenly it was over. Verity pushed herself away; her chest heaving with deep breaths. Stuart looked dumbfounded for a moment, questions raised in his mind but his daughter silenced him with a finger over his muzzle.

"I have to go Daddy, but I'll be back in just over a week." She paused and straightened her clothes. "Can you wait until then?"

Stuart groaned to himself but nodded. "I'd wait another year for you Verity."

The young tigress smiled and winked. "It's our secret Daddy; no-one will ever know."

A cautious smile crossed Stuart's muzzle. "So you are serious about this?"

Verity nodded and stepped closer to her father once more. "I left you a present where you keep your dreams."

Stuart looked puzzled for a moment before Verity kissed his cheek one last time. "Time for me to go Daddy."

"I know." Said the older tiger.

To be continued...