KoB - Kiss of Blood - Chapter 3

Story by Dominion69 on SoFurry

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#4 of KoB

  1. xxx

"Come on Nick, hurry or we'll be late!" I grabbed my ID, keys and some money before we went to the club. It was the one at the beach, we've been there before, so all should be fine. The only thing I'm worrying about now is seeing people I know or my exes. Eek.

I started the car, Jade was in the passenger seat. He was too lazy to get a driver's license or a car. But he could drive if he wanted to. Just not in my car. Ever.

It was only twenty minutes away, the radio was turned up high so we didn't have to talk. Conversations with him always turned into something awkward. He wants to know what I do as a workout, he adores my abs and he doesn't do it secretly. Fruit loops like him are my biggest fear, even worse than bugs or darkness.

It was dark when we got there, the parking spaces were all packed so we had to park in a faraway neighborhood. How could it be so full at this time of day?

Jade started the conversation while we walked. "You never did tell me what you do for a workout." Fuck damn Jade, you're so predictable. "Jade, shut up or I'm driving us back home."

"You can't, you can't force me to go back in the car, you know that." Did he want me to be annoyed or something? "We'll see about that if you keep being a pissy bitch."

"Okay, okay. Let's just have fun today, as brothers. I'll stop." I eyed him, frowning. "Good." That ended the conversation. Not awkward but still points off the brother-brother relationship. If that even exists between us.

There was no line this time, we were late. The music was already on full blast, but no one was there. What is this? He said it was here. Jade took my hand and dragged me to a staircase that went downstairs. This thing has a basement? We're on the beach, how does that work.

"Come with," He said, "It's down here." I lifted an eyebrow at him and followed, the room was dark. You couldn't tell people's faces. The only sources of light were glow sticks and the few hanging lamps and strobe lights. The music was way too loud, I have to get drunk quick so it doesn't annoy me.

Jade let go of my hand at that point and then he was gone, inside the sea of people and other things I couldn't quite make out. I drank a couple of shots so that my walking became wonky before I remembered I still had to look after my little brother, so I stopped. Still enough money for a cab, but I don't think I'll need one.

I looked around on the dance floor for him, realizing this wasn't an ordinary party. He'd set me up. This was a rave. So wait, that's why there's so many glow sticks. And people in suits. Really well-made suits but still. I don't want to be here anymore.

Jade was usually near the DJ, so I went there too. That's where all the flits always are. I tried to make my way there, accidentally bumping into a few people. A girl turned around with a frown, but her face cleared as she saw me. "Hey cutie," She said, I could hardly hear her, "You planning to go somewhere tonight." She was hitting on me.

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THIS MUSIC I'M SORRY BYE." I rushed out. Sluts, all of them. Always at parties like these. I avoid them all.

I couldn't see him anywhere, I got worried, he wasn't where he's supposed to be. I looked around more, the mood on the dance floor had quickly switched. I could see the masses of people grinding with and against each other. Half of them were in suits. I tried to see the faces but none were familiar. They all looked foreign.

Someone tapped my shoulder. "Come with me, I know what you're looking for." I was dragged away before I could see who it was. It wasn't Jade, he couldn't pull me like this. This guy's hold was stronger, I struggled but to no avail. He took me into the bathroom, where the music was less loud.

I found Jade there, surrounded by shady guys in animal suits. It was dark, though I could see he was hurt. He was on the floor and bleeding heavily. I shouted to the guy who brought me here. "What did you do to him!? You sick fucks!" I tried to thrash and punch my way to him but I was stopped by a very tall man. A guy in a suit spoke to me. "He wanted this, don't blame us, he came here for this. Now he's all yours." The furry group seemed to dissipate, after a few seconds we were alone in the room.

Jade's lip was busted, he was knocked out on the ground, with his arms expertly tied behind his back. His shirt had rips and there was blood seeping from underneath. His pants and underwear were at his ankles, where he was tied too. He was all dirty, I was sure of that, but not sure if I wanted that in my car, or even touch it. I had an idea of what they did to him. A cold shiver went down my spine.

I cleaned him up, untied him and redressed him so that we could walk back. I carried him since he lost a lot of blood. I couldn't call the cops because these people are too dangerous. They'd know. And his wounds weren't that serious.

I dragged him through the dark edges of the dance floor. I tried to avoid them but the night had progressed, I could notice some suits had easy access, and they used it. Sick fucks. They were pretty much fag fucking on the dance floor. I'd never been so close to this before. I didn't want to be here. I was freaked out. Fake animals were humping each other. Bared cock and ass. I couldn't avoid them all. They stared at me like I was in their domain. Protruding. Consenting.

I hurried to the stairs. He came to. I think I'm still a bit too drunk to drive. Oh well. He limped. It took us longer even though we thought we were walking fast. He said nothing. It wasn't like him.

"Jade, you with me?" I said, checking on him. The night's air was chilly on our skin. It was comforting after this rough night. A clear moon hanging on the sky. "Yeah..hh.. I'm fine, just fine, don't worry." He said nothing after that.

We drove home and then I tended his wounds. We both took showers and ate something small before we went to sleep. I stirred a lot in my sleep, busy and frightening dreams relating to the night. I was still processing what had happened. I will never listen to Jade again.