
Story by LupusKar on SoFurry

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By: Kar Lupus

It was midday and the market was crowded to the point where it was hard to move without bumping into someone. Furs where being bumped and jostled every time someone close to them moved. For Dalmar this was no exception. He had been pushed elbowed and touched in uncomfortable ways more times in the last 5 minutes then he had in the past 5 months.

To Dalmar however, it was worth the hassle. Today was his first time being somewhere new. He had grown up in the city of Zec all his life, and now he was finally free to do as he pleased. It was only a couple of weeks removed from his eighteenth birthday and he was finally out on his own.

The young wolf looked around the market. While it was true that they had had a city market in Zec, it was nowhere near the size of this one. Vendors crowded the sides of the streets, trying to sell their wears to anyone who got within five feet of their stalls.

One vendor, a particularly large bull surrounded by meat called out to him.

"Hey, you their! Come and sample some of my sausages. I swear to you it will be the best you've ever tasted."

Dalmar had never been able to resist the savory taste of a good sausage, so he proceeded to walk right up to the bull.

"Okay then, I shall try some. It surely does sound tempting. How much?"

"Two gold pennies."

"What!? Why there is surely no way that it is worth that much!"

"Do you not believe me that this is indeed the best meat in all of Ayla?" the bull grunted.

Dalmar shook his head, "No sir. Just that I've never seen the price of sausage so high!"

The much larger creature folded his arms across his chest. "Well, thanks to the king's taxes, I've had to raise my prices."

Dalmar nodded, he knew all to well the affects of the kings taxes. They were slowly eating away at what little money he had saved up as well.

"Well, I'm sorry I can't be of any help, but I only have four silver coins to my name."

"What if I helped you?"

Dalmar was startled by the voice. It came for directly behind him and was obviously feminine. Slowly the young Wolf turned to see whom it was that had spoken, and before him stood a beautiful White Tigress.

Her fur looked silky smooth, and it shone with the radiance of the setting sun. The stripes, which covered her from head to tail, seemed perfectly symmetrical. Her eyes were blue, a deep see blue, which shone with both experience and understanding.

"Wh-why I-I could... couldn't possible accept such an offer..." the stupefied Wolf stammered. "It's quite a lot of money."

The Tigress laughed. "Why don't you let me decide what a lot of money is?"

It was obvious she wasn't going to hear any arguments, so Dalmar just kept his muzzle shut as she handed the vendor two shiny gold pennies. The meat was then handed to the stranger, which she then handed to him.

"Uuuh... thank you. Thank you very much. If there's anything I can do for you to repay your kindness, please don't hesitate to ask."

She smiled gently down at him. "Don't you think anything of it. Though it would honor me greatly if you would join me at my cottage for some lunch."

Dalmar's ears turned a bright red as he nodded. "The honor would be all mine."

Dalmar was never a good judge of time, but he guessed that he and the mysterious Tigress had been walking for about an hour now. They were moving through a lovely patch of forest, where the trees grew tall and there leaves were the perfect color of green.

"Ah! There it is!" the Tigress exclaimed. "Home"

Taking his eyes off the surrounding forest, Dalmar looked straight ahead of him to see a clearing. In the clearing was a quaint little one-story cottage. Its walls were built using oak wood, and there was one single paned window to each wall. A brick chimney was attached to one side of the house, and a beautiful wooden Dutch door marked the entrance. To Dalmar, it looked quite peaceful.

Taking a few steps forward, the strange Tigress turned to look back at him, "Are you coming?"

With an embarrassed nod, he quickly matched her pace and caught up with her.

"I must warn you," she was saying, "There is a pleasant little Kangaroo who lives with me."

Dalmar tilted his head a bit in question. "What's so bad about that?"

She smirked, "Let's just he can be very..." she paused, as if trying to think of the proper word to describe this creature, "playful..."

The Wolf tilted his head even further; he could not understand why someone being playful would be a bad thing.

She went to open the door when a thought suddenly passed through Dalmar's mind. "Um... what's your name?"

The Tigress stopped, "Excuse me?"

"Your, um, name. I didn't catch it back at the market, and I didn't think of it until just now."

She gave him one of her soft smiles. "Why of course, how could I be so rude? My name is Pandora" She then opened the door. "Now please won't you join me for lunch?"

Dalmar nodded and made his way inside. He was quickly fallowed by the Tigress, who then closed the door behind her. "Ah," she said, "It's so good to be home!" Dalmar didn't catch what she said. He was to busy being awestruck by the little cottage he had entered.

At the moment, they were both standing in the living room. A nicely sized couch was placed in front of the brick-lined fireplace. Another comfortable looking chair was placed just off the side. To Dalmar's left were a kitchen/dining area. There was a small wooden table with two chairs. Plates and silverware where already set on the table, and there hung a chandelier just above it, set low enough so it was easy to light the candles when darkness fell. Straight ahead of him was a short hallway. On the left were two doors and then one more on the right. Pandora fallowed his gaze and pointed down the hall.

"The far door on the left is my bedroom," she stated simply. "The one closest is the spare, and the door on the right leads to the washroom, which I suggest you use. Lunch shouldn't be much longer."

She smiled and Dalmar nodded, "Okay."

Even the washroom was nice. All of the amenities were painted a pearl white, just a few shades lighter then the walls. Both the sink and the bathtub were made of carved stone, it was so smooth that as Dalmar ran his paw along it met with absolutely no resistance. Above the sink hung a mirror; along its edges were rose petals that had been carved expertly into the glass.

Once Dalmar had washed up, he made his way to the dining area of the cottage. He then noticed that an extra chair and plate had been added to the table. Confused he looked up to Pandora in question.

She chuckled, "I told you I don't live alone, did I not?"

Dalmar nodded a bit nervously, "Indeed you did."

At that moment, a high-pitched squeal came from behind him, and again, Pandora chuckled. "Why, I do believe that's him now." He turned to see an energetic male Kangaroo behind him.

The 'Roo stood about six feet four inches tall, a close match to his own five foot nine. His fur was a deep golden brown, except on his chin, throat and the underside of his tail, which were a much lighter shade of the same color. He wore no shirt, only a pair of highly cut shorts, which showed off his powerful legs. His eyes were a bright green, which effectively showed off his enthusiasm.

He squealed again and ran up to the Wolf. "Company! I love company!" the Roo giggled and kissed Dalmar on the cheek. Shocked at such a lack of formality, Dalmar subconsciously took a step backwards. And almost at once, the Kangaroo's ears drooped in shame, "I'm sorry... I probably shouldn't have been so upfront."

It was at this point that Dalmar realized that the Kangaroo was not actually looking at him, but past him. He turned to see Pandora standing only a few feet behind him. Though it did not appear that way, it seemed to the Wolf that she was staring at the 'Roo with somewhat of a glare. He couldn't really tell however, because almost the moment he turned around, her face regained its normal composer.

A bit skeptically, he turned back to the 'Roo, whose ears were still pinned back across his head.

"This is Tray," he heard from behind him. "He lives here with me."

Dalmar smiled and extended a paw, "Hi, it's nice to get to meet you. My name's Dalmar."

Eagerly, Tray shook the offered paw. "The pleasure is all mine sir!"

"Lunch is served!" said a pleasant voice from behind them, and they both quickly took their seats at the table.

After lunch, they were all gathered in the living room. Dalmar sat in the chair while Pandora and Tray shared the couch. Tray was sprawled out, with Pandora at one end with the Kangaroo's head rested in her lap. She gently stroked his head-fur and over his large ears while the two of them listened to the story of Dalmar's travels.

When the Wolf was finally done talking, a hush fell over the room. Pandora was staring at the empty fireplace, seeming to think over what she had just heard, Tray was staring at the ceiling, seemingly without a care in the world, and Dalmar found himself staring at the pair, and unable to look away. The two looked happy together.

For the first time, Dalmar noticed a leather collar about the 'Roo's neck. A silver plate was placed on one side that had some form of writing on it. At his current distance however, he was unable to make out what it said.

"So... umm..." Dalmar started in a desperate attempt to break the silence. "Are you to... umm... mated?"

A soft chuckle came from Pandora, and a loud guffaw came from Tray.

"Oh my gosh no." stated the Tigress simply. "Tray here is my pet. And a rather good one at that!"

Dalmar tilted his a bit to one side in confusion. "Pet? What do you mean by that?"

Another chuckle. "Well, if you'd like, I'll show you."

Only more confusion, "Umm... sure?"

A wicked smile crossed Pandora's muzzle. "Tray! Up!"

And instantly, the Kangaroo was on his feet, suddenly seeming to be full of energy. "Off, now," she commanded

While Dalmar seemed to be devoid of the meaning of the words, Tray had no problem understanding what the Tigress wanted, and in an instant, the 'Roo's shorts were off. Dalmar was in shock. Never before had he seen someone so willingly take off his clothes in front of someone he barely even knew. But Tray didn't seem to have any qualms about what he was doing.

"Now," came Pandora's voice once more. "Why don't you turn around and show our guest what you've been hiding.

And just as eagerly as he had removed his clothing, he turned around to face the Wolf seated in the chair across from him. To Tray's credit however, there was no way that Dalmar could have missed the rather swollen sheath that was nestled between his powerful legs, and the large furry orbs that dangled beneath it.

Dalmar was in shock he couldn't bring himself to say anything. This was most defiantly not, what he had been expecting when the Tigress had so kindly invited him to lunch that very morning. So there he sat, his mouth hanging open as he watched the naked 'Roo in front of him. Though he himself didn't notice, his own member gave a jump in its sheath, causing it to swell slightly within his pants.

This was not missed by Pandora however, who was watching the Wolf's reactions carefully. She smiled lewdly and addressed Tray, "I think he enjoys what he sees, my pet."

"I think so too," Tray, answered with a giggle.

"Then I think that you should help him release some of his pent up 'frustrations.' Don't you?"

"I do."

"Then why don't you take care of that for him?"

"Yes mistress."

Dalmar was quiet through this whole exchange. He couldn't quite come to believe what his was hearing. He didn't have much time to think about it however, because the next thing he new, the large Kangaroo had crossed the room and was on his knees in front of him. Despite himself, he felt his sheath swell just a little bit more within the confines of his pants.

Tray saw this and he licked his lips, and without so much as asking him, the Kangaroo expertly stripped off Dalmar's pants, revealing the fuzzy sheath and balls that they hid. He couldn't help but giggle at the sight that lay before him. Dalmar was squirming, and trying to reach for his pants, and before he could stop him, Tray had his muzzle in between his legs. The Kangaroo's eager muzzle was nuzzling and licking at his slightly swollen sheath. It seemed, that the more Dalmar squirmed, the more persistent Tray became, and soon enough the Wolf could feel the pink tip of his member poking from its furry home.

He looked up to Pandora for help, only to find her watching with great interest. And when she found Dalmar's gaze upon her, she just gave a wink and said, "Wonderful little thing, isn't he?" To this Dalmar could find no replay, accept to squirm more at Tray's ever persistent nuzzling and licking.

Soon enough however, Dalmar found that he could no longer fight the urges that were welling up within him, and he gave into the Kangaroo's wishes. And within no time, the Wolf's cock was standing at a full seven inches.

Paws suddenly came down upon Dalmar's shoulders, making him jump nearly out of his fur.

"Relax," came Pandora's soothing voice. "You need to calm down and enjoy yourself." And soon her paws were gently massaging his shoulders.

Almost instantly, the Wolf had relaxed. That is until he suddenly felt something warm and moist close around his cock. He felt a paw close in around his balls, and gently start kneading them. His eyelids fluttered as he let out a soft moan.

The tongue of the owner of the muzzle began to work over Dalmar's cocktip, beginning to make him squirm once more. He could feel the slippery appendage slide its way over ever inch of the member

that was being held captive within the Kangaroo's muzzle.

The Wolf nearly jumped out of his fur when he felt the paw close around his orbs in a light squeeze, electing an even louder moan from him. And it wasn't long before he felt the muzzle start to bob up and down on his rock hard erection, smoothly gliding along his fully exposed cock.

Tray grinned as he heard another moan escape the Wolf he was working. He had strategically curled his lips over his teeth, as to provide maximum pleasure to the Wolf he now had in his muzzle.

As he began to move his head faster on the wolf-meat, he could feel Dalmar give his hips a slight thrust into the muzzle that was so eagerly sucking him off. And every time he pushed back down, he could feel the Wolf's knot swell just a little bit more.

Dalmar moaned as he squirmed in his chair. Never before had a muzzle felt so good around his throbbing cock. Clearly, this Kangaroo had pleased many males before him, perfecting his skills until he made it seem like an art form.

It wasn't long before the Wolf's full orbs drew up close to his body and he experienced one of the greatest orgasms of his still young life. So much cum had erupted from his swollen tip that Tray had to pull off the spasming length, coating his face in a white, sticky coat of wolfcum.

Panting, Dalmar tried to recover his wits. His mind still a bit cloudy from the orgasm that had rocked his body. He didn't get much time however, because the next thing he knew, Pandora's paws left his

shoulders and she quickly made her way around the chair and straddled the Wolf's lap.

There was no way of ignoring the fact that she herself had stripped of her clothing. Her full breasts bounced along her chest with each step she took. Her nipples looked rock hard as the pink pieces of flesh poked from between tufts of white fur. He also noticed that the fur around her crotch was slightly damp.

It wasn't until she had climbed onto his lap that he figured out what she was up to. Her grin was spread across her muzzle, and she looked like any Tiger does when they set their sights in their prey. He gulped, looking from side to side as if trying to find a way out.

"What's the matter?" she cooed. "Your not afraid of the big 'ol pussy cat are you?"

Her grin grew wider as she felt the wolf's length begin to harden again underneath her. She reached down and took the throbbing shaft in her paw, "Or maybe just a little excited?"

He gulped, squirming a little bit underneath her. He was indeed very nervous. That nervousness turned to question however when she suddenly and quickly removed herself from his lap, that grin never leaving the Tigress's muzzle.

Pandora beckoned the wolf with her finger. He quickly caught on, and without even thinking about it, got up and fallowed her. She gave one look to the Kangaroo on the floor, and he nodded, getting up and fallowing her as well, her hips swayed with each step, making Dalmar's already throbbing member only ache even more.

She led them down the hallway Dalmar went down earlier to the washroom, only this time they passed the first two doors. She turned and walked into the last door on the left, which he vaguely remembered her saying that it was her bedroom. He hurried on and fallowed her in, with Tray not far behind him.

The sight that met his eyes only caused his aching member to hurt even more. The Tigress had laid herself over the bed, every curve of her body being shown off to its fullest potential. She patted the spot beside her, that grin having never left her face. "Care to join me?"

Without any further prodding, Dalmar threw himself onto the bed next to her. She giggled and then looked up at Tray, "What about you my 'Roo-pet? Care to join us?" The 'Roo was quick to comply, crawling in much more slowly then Dalmar had to the other side of his mistress. She turned her head towards him and gave his cheek a kiss before turning back to the wolf.

"Now, do you think you can handle the both of us?" she asked smirking.

Dalmar looked surprised, "Th-the b... both of you?"

She nodded. "What, you didn't think my pet here was going to get you off without you returning the favor?" Her smirk was wider then ever.

This time Dalmar was speechless, which the Tigress took as a good sign. Once again, she straddled the Wolf's hips, rubbing her wet cunny against his throbbing shaft. "Ooo," she cooed. "Looks like someone still needs some help."

The wolf could only moan, the teasing being almost too much for him, almost making him cum right there. Pandora noticed and quickly pulled away from his crotch. "Ah-ah-ah, my wolf. No cumming until I get as much pleasure as you do. Understand?"

He couldn't help but wonder at the way she said 'my wolf' but nodded anyway.

"Good," she said with a smirk. "Now, ready? 1...2...3!"

On three she plunged herself down on the 7 inch wolf meat. Pushing down until she felt the rather large and swollen knot at the base of his shaft pushed against her pussy lips.

They both cried out, Dalmar from the warm and tight feeling around his cock, and Pandora from the length that was now filling her almost completely. They panted as they tried to get used to each other.

Pandora was the first to recover, turning her head so she could look at the grinning 'Roo behind her. "Ready?"

He nodded and wasted no time. He quickly moved himself over to straddle the Wolf's chest.

"Now," came Pandora's voice from behind the 'Roo, "I want you to help out my little 'Roo here. He has been waiting a long time for a nice warm muzzle to put his cock in. Are you going to disappoint him?"

Dalmar shook his head, "N-no ma'am."

"Good, now I trust you know what to do."

And indeed he did, Dalmar lifted his head just enough so that he could lick the tip of the 'Roo-meat in front of his muzzle, causing a moan to escape Tray's muzzle.

This was all the conformation Pandora needed, now beginning to pull herself off the wolfcock. She pulled off until only the tip of the Wolf's solid shaft remained buried inside her before plunging back down again. This caused Dalmar to moan quite loudly, making him forget about the ministrations he was supposed to be giving for a few moments.

It didn't take long however, for him to get back to work. Once more he lifted his head and stroked his canine tongue along the underside of the 'Roo's shaft. Now it was Tray's turn to moan, the tongue giving him more pleasure then he had originally thought.

"D-don't stop!" The Kangaroo stammered.

Hearing her pet cry out like that brought Pandora's grin back to her muzzle. With every time she went down on the wolfcock, her pace quickened. A moan finally escaping her own lips as the meat filled her repeatedly. Her vaginal walls closing around and massaging the thick member.

This created unknown pleasure to Dalmar, crying out in deep pleasure, the 'Roo's member once more flopping onto his chest, forgotten. He got lost in the pleasure he was feeling in and around his member. His thick knot was swollen to more the twice the girth of the rest of his shaft, threatening to be shoved into the Tigress's tight pussy each time she came down on him. He started moving his hips in time with her's. Pulling his hips back when she did, and slamming himself into her when she pushed down on him. He wouldn't last much longer, he could tell. The pressure in his balls was building; they were threatening to explode, ready to fill that Tigress's hot pussy with his seed. It took all of his strength to keep himself from plunging his knot into and cumming right there.

He was quickly pulled from his stupor as a cock pressed against his muzzle. Suddenly Dalmar remembered what he was supposed to be doing and quickly opened his maw, taking the pulsating 'Roo-cock into his muzzle. This caused Tray to moan out quite loudly, never having felt such a warm muzzle around his cock before. He begin thrusting his length in and out of Dalmar's maw. He moaned and cried out, becoming almost instantly to much to take. Never before had he been given permission to do such a thing with another male. But now his mistress had set him loose. He did his best to hold on as long as he could, but his best wasn't good enough. It wasn't long before Tray felt his orgasm. It rocked his body, his cock spasmed in the Wolf's muzzle, shooting load after load of 'Roo cum into it.

Dalmar himself was surprised at how much cum the Kangaroo actually produced. Soon his cheeks where white with all the cum that had leaked from the sides of his muzzle.

Panting, Tray fell on his side. He unhooked his legs from around the Wolf as he spent cock shrunk back into his sheath.

As all this went on, Pandora never faltered once. She moaned each time she pulled herself away, and cried out each time she slammed back down on the throbbing cock.

Dalmar was panting after heaving pleasured the 'Roo to such a powerful orgasm, but now his attention was being drawn to the pressure building in his own cock. He could feel the pressure of Pandora's tight pussy around his knot each time she filled herself with his cock. All it would take was one powerful thrust and he would tie with her, expelling his seed into her depths. To his body's disappointment however, he decided that he ought to let her decide when that time was right.

Little did the Wolf know that that was exactly what she was waiting for. She was trying so hard to stave

off her own orgasm until the Wolf forced his knot into her. It wasn't much longer however, that she could wait, her body was fighting for release, and she needed to give it. With one final motion, she pushed down with as much force as her lust ravaged body could muster, forcing herself down until she felt the Wolf's knot push its way past her folds.

They both cried out as their orgasms reached them at the exact same moment. Dalmar shot rope after rope of his sticky cum into the spasming Tigress.

Pandora was in ecstasy, she could feel the Wolf's shuddering cock shoot his huge load inside her as her own juices flooded her pussy.

It wasn't much longer before they came down form there sexual highs and were panting. They were locked together, thanks to Dalmar's knot, but neither of them minded.

Physically and mentally exhausted, Pandora fell to her side, pulling at the tie and causing Dalmar to turn with her. There the three of them curled up together, Pandora in the middle of the two males.

She looked up at the Wolf with a gentle smile, "Dalmar, how would you like to be part of our family here?"

As soon as he realized what she was asking a bright smile lit up his face and his tail wagged happily. "I would love it!"

Again, she smiled and made her way slowly to a bedside table, trying as much as possible not to pull at the engorged knot in her pussy. Once there, she reached into a drawer and pulled out a piece of black leather, it had an empty white gold plate screwed into one side.

It didn't take long for Dalmar to figure out what it was and, without hesitation, extended his neck as far as it would go.

Pandora fashioned the collar about the Wolf's neck, smiling and nodding with approval as she pulled back to admire it.

Without another word, they made their way back to Tray, where the three of them once more curled up, happy and together.
