First Thoughts ~Chapter 2 Heart of a Lion~

Story by Manneth on SoFurry

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Devon laid on his bed, stroking his mane. His mane was now completely grown in, framing his face. Devon was thinking about a night four years prior. The night which first pointed out to him that he was not straight. Now he knew he was bi. For the past four years he had been reclusive. He'd stay at home on Fridays and Saturdays just so he wouldn't have to be around other guys. He spent all his time thinking about what had happened, trying to make an excuse, trying to find a way to explain in which he wasn't gay. Eventually he realized he wouldn't find one, and decided to embrace the fact that he was. At first it felt like a battle between his body and his mind, his body being attracted to other guys and his mind wanting not to be. After a year of that, along a series of events, he learned that he shouldn't fight against what he was, and embrace it. For the past year he had been looking for anyone he could have an "experience" with, but he now realized that's not what he wanted. He wanted to find love in another guy, not just some meaningless night. As he thought about this night for the first time in years...he remembered Tyler's reaction.

Devon suddenly stopped stroking his mane. He sat up in bed and looked straight at the phone. Devon had realized that Tyler was also gay, and that if he talked with Tyler, they could sort some stuff out. Devon, although in touch with his sexuality, hadn't come out to anyone and figured Tyler would be a good choice. As Devon reached for the phone he realized something, Tyler could still be in denial, and this could just shove him over the edge. Devon flopped back down on his bed, once again stroking his mane. He was no longer pondering that night...but pondering if anyone else was.


Tyler watched as Danny crawled over to him, both of them naked and aroused. Danny was dripping pre all over the floor, leaving a few drops on the carpet from Tyler's chair at one end of the room to Tyler's bed at the other end. Tyler couldn't help but watch, transfixed, as Danny crawled up on Tyler's bed and sat in front of him. Danny leaned over towards Tyler, ducking his head as he leaned. Tyler couldn't look, he didn't have to because suddenly he felt Danny's warm lips wrap around the head of his member. Tyler shuddered, slowly starting to climb to a level of ecstasy he'd never before felt. Tyler felt a tongue slide across his hidden member, and was surprised to feel it wasn't rough like a feline's would be. He looked down to see it was now some wolf giving him head.


Tyler woke up shivering. It was the same dream he'd had for weeks, the only difference was the wolf, usually it was Andrew or Devon or even just people he'd seen on the sidewalk. Others may have called it a sex dream...Tyler called it a nightmare. Tyler had also been trying to cope with his homosexuality for the past few years, to no avail. Tyler was more frightened of his sexuality than proud of it. Tyler wished he had someone...someone else who was gay...anyone to talk to about this. Just then his cell rang.

"H-hello?" Tyler answered.

"Hey Tyler!" Replied a half-drunk Andrew. "Long time no see buddy!"

"Oh Andrew. I was at your house last night."

"Heh? Oh that's right. You came over to drink with me."

"No. I picked you up at that girl's house, took you home, and sobered you up." Tyler replied, sounding somewhat angry.

Andrew, unlike Tyler and Devon, had not thought about that night since then. Lately Andrew had been going over to strange girls' homes, getting both the girl and himself drunk, and had sex with them. Frankly Tyler was worried, but his friend was always drunk, and trying to talk reason into a drunk bear was like trying to explain calculus to a toddler, there was no headway to be made.

"Hey! I need you to pick me up body...booty...bud-" Andrew stammered.

"Where are you?" Tyler asked, rather annoyed.

"Umm...I'm at..." Andrew then disclosed the location to Tyler and said goodbye. Tyler looked at the clock, it was only 11 am, too late to sleep, too early to drink. Tyler grabbed his car keys and headed off to pick up Andrew.


Danny sat on the park bench, nervously twiddling his thumbs. Danny also had not been thinking about that night. He had however been affected by it. Right now in fact, he was waiting for a hook up in the park.

(Where is he? He said he'd be here by 11 and it's nearly...)

Danny checked his watch, it was 11:05. Danny was very nervous, this was the first time he'd met a guy specificly to...Danny was still a virgin, and planned on that lasting a long time. To ensure he could sow his sexual oat, but not lose or take virginity, he had been hooking up with old friends and friends of friends. Today he was meeting with a baseball player from his class. His name was Jason and he was a black wolf, and Danny had had a crush on him for the longest time. They had talked and decided they both wanted to get their rocks off, and both were openly gay. Danny had suggested meeting at Jason's place, but Jason asked about meeting at the park instead. Now all sorts of things were running through Danny's mind.

(Could this be a set-up? Could Jason really be a gay basher? What if Jason changes his mind and wants to do more than just pawoff? Would I be able to stand up to him if he demanded me?)

Danny was now panicking and was standing up from the bench to leave when a strong paw slapped down on his shoulder. Danny jumped slightly.

"Hey there! I'm only 7 minutes late, are you really that punctual of a person?" A deep wolf's voice asked jokingly. Danny was relieved to find Jason was the owner of the paws and voice.

"Oh h-hey." Danny quivered with fear and excitement.

"So where you wanna do this? I've got an itch I just can't seem to scratch." Jason replied with a wink. Jason was always like this, innuendos and jokes. Danny calmed down seeing that his imagination, not reality, had changed Jason into a perverted gay basher.

"I was thinking in the bathroom?" Danny suggested.

"Naw, people'd know. I know a place though, come with me." They headed off to a part of the park where the trees grew closer together, and the sun nearly seemed shut out. Jason weaved quickly in between tall pine trees. "This park used to be a forest when the City was just a town. When they established the park, they never developed this part, it's still part forest they even have hiking trails out here, the best part is no one comes back here." Jason pulled back one final branch, revealing a small clearing in a tight cirlce of trees. "Here we go, I used to bring guys back here all the time."

Danny quickly scanned the opening. There were a few old lawn chairs, a fireproof safe, and an old mattress laying under a canopy.

"Welcome to my den." Jason stated blankly. Danny looked around, the only thought that came to mind was 'it's perfect!'. Caught up in the spur of the moment, Danny kissed Jason passionately. Danny grabbed Jason by the scruff of his neck and used it to pull his head back as Danny's tongue explored his mouth. Danny realized what he was doing, and pulled off immediately.

"S-sorry, I got a bit overwhelmed..." Danny mumbled, blushing. "Uhh, this place is great."

"Sorry? Damn that was the best kiss I've ever had! I guess we can start right away." Jason exclaimed as he motioned towards his crotch.

Danny looked down to see that that singular kiss had had so much power in it that Jason was fully erect already. Danny, still standing very close to Jason, got a bit closer, till their bodies were nearly touching. Then Danny suddenly shoved his hands into Jason's pants. Although Danny's intention was to get to Jason's cock, he was surprised to find that Jason wasn't wearing underwear.

"Oh a bit frisky are we?" Jason asked jokingly as he quickly removed his pants.

Danny followed suit, and as he finished, glanced at Jason's crotch. Jason's cock was fully erect, and his knot was starting to engorge even, apparently Danny really turned him on. Jason's cock was 5 inches long, a little shorter than most, but only by half an inch. Danny giggled as he looked at his own 6 1/2 incher, it wasn't much longer than Jason's but was apparently noticeable as Jason drooled over the sight of it. Jason was about to say something, when Danny suddenly wrapped both hands around Jason's cock. One held onto the still-forming knot and squeezed tightly, the other began working the shaft immediately. Jason, caught off-guard, moaned slightly at the sudden pleasure. Jason then remembered what he was supposed to be doing, and grabbed ahold of Danny's cock. Danny was surprised, apparently at some point Jason had lubed his hands, and was now stroking Danny's cock so fast that Danny nearly fell to his knees from the feeling. Danny felt like he was being outdone, and he wouldn't allow that. He had to make Jason have the strongest orgasm he'd ever had, and he'd make him fall to his knees.

Danny kissed Jason again, Jason, caught off-guard once more, stopped pumping Danny's cock. With Jason's momentary pause, Danny leaned down quickly and licked the underside of Jason's cock, the feline tongue sent waves of pleasure up Jason's body. Danny stood back up, intending for this to stay what it was, a paw off. Jason had remembered his part of the bargain again and went back to pumping Danny's cock. Jason's hands were like a warm vice grip on Danny's cock, and Danny could hardly restrain himself from moaning. Danny responded by squeezing Jason's now-engorged knot harder still, and pumping his shaft even faster. Jason was not to be outdone either, and stealthily moved one hand to Danny's ass and pushed it lightly against Danny's pucker. Before Danny could stop him, Jason had two fingers in Danny's ass, exploring gently. With the combined pleasure of the fingers and Jason's steady pumping of Danny's cock, it was too much. Danny roared as he came hard. Danny's whole body seemed to spasm as Danny shot strings of cum onto Jason. As Danny was finishing, one string of cum landed on the head of Jason's cock. The sudden and surprising wet warmth sent Jason over the edge. Jason howled as his load shot all over Danny's chest.

They both fell to the ground, panting from the intense pawing off they had just down.

"Damn. I think you won." Jason panted.

"Heh. I don't think anyone could lose at that." Danny huffed hastily. Both of their cocks were still buzzing from the intense pleasure they had just experienced. Eventually Jason got up and headed over to the safe. He pulled out some surprisingly clean rags for him and Danny. Danny and Jason cleaned up and then went separate ways.

Danny wasn't nervous anymore.


Tyler finally got home, and checked his watch, 1:00pm!! It took him that long to take Andrew home. Tyler had ignored Andrew's drunken comments the whole time, his mind wandering to that night once more. For the hundredth time, Tyler's mind drifted back to how Devon had looked at him. Practically a hundred times Tyler had had the same thought: _If anyone can help me figure out what I'm going through, it's Devon. _ For the first time, however, Tyler decided he needed to talk to Devon about it. He grabbed his phone and hesitantly dialed Devon's number.

"Hello?" Devon sounded a bit upset.

"Hey. Devon, uh it's..." Tyler stammered, he just realized he hadn't spoken to Devon for over a year.

"Eh...wait is this Tyler?"


"Hey! I haven't spoken to you in...forever!" Suddenly Devon's voice seemed much cheerier, as if he had been waiting for Tyler to call.

" you think you could come over, we need to talk." As Tyler said this, a bit of a weight lifted off his shoulders.

"Sure, I'll be right over." The line went dead.


Devon rushed to his car, there was something in Tyler's voice that Devon had never heard before. Devon got to Tyler's house in no time.

"Hey Devon." Tyler greeted Devon rather quietly, Tyler seemed really stressed.

"Hey. So you wanted to talk?"

"Y-yeah, can we go to my room, it's kind of a...private." Tyler was definitely stressed, it was showing now. So they went to Tyler's room to talk. Once they got in, Tyler closed and locked the door.

"I..I..." Tyler stammered, and then started crying. Devon hastily rushed to his old friend, hugging him tightly.

"Whoa, nothing could be so bad that you can't tell me. There's no need to cry, just calm down." Devon's voice was soothing to Tyler, it had been ever since they met, Devon could talk Tyler out of anything.

"I think I...m-might..." Tyler still stammered on, and the tears hadn't stopped. "I think I m-might be g-gay." Tyler finally got his statement out.

Devon was shocked, he had hoped Tyler was gay, and he was right, he was still denying it.

"It's okay Tyler." Tyler stopped crying, he looked up into Devon's eyes. "I'm gay too."

Tyler was right, he could trust Devon, Devon could help him. Tyler realized now he didn't want help, he wanted something else...Tyler stretched so that his muzzle was inches from Devon's. Devon leaned forward. And they kissed.