A Lovely Dream

Story by RzrBlader on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story contain yiffing (pornography with anthro's) so if this offends you, please leave now; neither I nor Yiffstar is responsible for what you view here, you do everything on your own accord. The cast of characters from Star Fox are owned and trademarked by Nintendo™, and I am not stealing, nor copying anything from Nintendo™, so I can't be sued for whatever reason you may have. By the way, this was a dream I had a few weeks ago, and I was dying to get it on the site. Unfortunately, my stupid alarm clock woke me up before the dream was finished, so I had to fill in the rest of the story. In this story, I didn't know who the characters were, although in retrospect (real life) I do. Enjoy!

    • * It was the early afternoon, and I was in my house alone, doing some paperwork. I was living in a deselit country area in South Carolina, where nothing of interest happened, and I was the only person within a two mile-radius, so things got really boring with no neighbors to talk too. I'm a twenty-three year old man, fresh out of college, working on some expenses and stuff from work. "God, I really need to get a life other than sitting here and paying for everything myself; no thanks to mom and dad....And a girlfriend is definitely a must...." I was starting to get really annoyed with myself, but it was true. All I did everyday was pay for some other expenses that I had to pay from college and do some paperwork from work. I needed some 'spark' in my life. I broke up with my previous girlfriend while in my sophomore year in college, and I was left crushed, I really thought she loved me, but then I found out she was dating one of my best friends; go figure. Since that day, I lost my girlfriend, and my of my closest friends, and I never recovered from it. I just finished signing a check when I heard a sudden metallic screech, the kind that makes your skin crawl and your spine shiver. The screech lasted for about a second-and-a-half, followed by a loud crash. I instantly sat up from my chair and ran to the door in a hurry, fumbling with the locks. When I looked around outside to see where the crash was, I saw a burning figure a little ways out by the lake. I ran back into the house for a second and grabbed a fire extinguisher. As I ran closer to the figure, I realized it was some kind of aircraft, except that a wing was completely torn off, and no where in site. I quickly put out the fire and looked around for a pilot. I shoved around some loose part of the ship and got to the cockpit. A majority of the glass of the cockpit was gone, but fortunately the broken glass was outside of the aircraft. I reached inside to grab out the pilot, realizing he was rather light. I pulled him over to the grass, far away from the wreck. I wasn't sure whether or not he was alive, and I dreaded at the thought of removing the helmet and seeing a dead face.... I worked up my courage and removed the clasps on the helmet and removed it; seeing something that came to be totally unexpected to me. The pilot was a female, a blue fox-like female. I stared, awe-struck at the creature, not knowing whether this was real. After two seconds of surprise, I regained my bearings and checked for a pulse; she was alive, but her heartrate was slow and steady. I let out a huge sigh, relieved at the fact she was fine, aside from several burns on her fur and some cuts. She was merely unconscious. I picked her up and carried her into my house, taking her into my guest bedroom. I placed her on the bed and got a good look at her wounds. Nothing too serious, but some of the burns were deep enough to go through her fur, and to the skin underneath. I also saw that most of her clothing was totally ripped; her flight vest, and the shirt underneath had long gashes of rips, hardly protecting her. The pants were even worse. The majority of her pants were practically shredded and burned off, revealing a small glance of her undergarments. I reluctantly removed what was left of her cloths, save her bra and panties, and threw them away, seeing as they would do no good now. I couldn't help myself but stare at her flawless body; slim, but strong arms and legs, a thin stomach, and a nice sized pair of breasts. I stopped staring at her, understanding that she needed help. I put her under the blankets and felt her forehead; she was warm. I left the bedroom to get a wet rag and a water bottle. I placed the rag on her forehead to keep her body cool. Since she was unconscious, I couldn't do much more to help her, so I sat by her bed, waiting for her to awaken.
    • * I sat by the bed for nearly two hours, until I heard something move. I looked at the bed to see the fox-like woman wake up, and slowly rise. She blinked a few times and looked around. "Oh thank god you're ok! I thought you'd never wake up!" I said. She turned towards me and removed the blankets, and taking a look at herself. "Ahh! What did you do with my cloths?!" she covered herself with the blankets again. "How did I end up here? Who are you? What is going on?" she had a million questions to ask me. "Ok, first of all, my name is Alex. I found your ship crashed down by the lake" I pointed out the window which had a clear view of the wreck. "And I apologize about the cloths, when I found you, your flight cloths here totally shredded, so I removed them so I could get a better look at your wounds. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to violate you!" She removed the covers just a bit to look at her wounds. She saw the deep burn marks on her body, and a few minor cuts. "Oh, well thank you. My name is Krystal. Thank you so much for helping me." "Of course, it'd be wrong to ignore this kind of thing. Anyway, I have something to put on your burns and cuts. I'll be right back" I left the room and came back fifteen seconds later. I brought in a plastic bottle filled with a blue gel. "It's called aloe vera. It'll help with your wounds." I handed her the bottle and she poured some of the gel out and onto her hand and started rubbing her burns. "Ooooh! That's cold!" she said in surprise. "Yeah, sorry. But let it sit on those burns for a little while and it will feel a lot better. I've used that stuff several times before and it always works." She nodded and started rubbing more aloe on her burns and cuts, occasionally letting out sharp remarks at the cold feeling. About five minutes later, she finished with the aloe, handed it too me, and thanked me again. "It will take a little bit of time for it to completely heal, so in the meantime, you should probably lie down for a while." "Ok. I've also had this horrible migraine since I've woke up." "Yeah, I figured you might say that. Take this" I gave her a small pill. "It's called Tylenol. It's a kind of medicine that helps with headaches and fevers. Just drink some water and swallow it." I handed her the pill and water bottle and she quickly swallowed. "Alright, I'm going to lie down for a little while, if that's ok?" "Of course. I'll be in the room next to here doing some work, but if you need anything, please call me." I stood up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.
    • * I checked up on her every hour. After the third hour, when I walked in the room, she awoke. "Thank you for the medicine, Alex. My migraine went away, and I am feeling a lot better." She sat up in bed, still covering herself. "I really appreciate everything you've done for me." "No problem, I didn't mind at all. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Oh, and by the way, I have some cloths for you to wear. They're some of my old clothes, and they don't fit me anymore. I'm not sure if they will fit you, but it's probably the best I have. Sorry." "It's ok. Thank you." "Oh, and if you want, there's a shower right next to this room, if you want to use it." "Yeah, a shower sounds really nice right now. Can you show me where it is?" She got out of bed and stood up; using the cloths I gave her to cover herself up. I walked in front of her to guide her to the bathroom. We made a left turn and I opened the door. She walked in and set the cloths on the sink counter. "Uhm, sorry to ask, but how does the shower work. I'm used to different ones that start up automatically..." "Sure." I walked in and went over to the bathtub. "If you want to take a bath, just pull this knob out a little bit, and turn it left for hot water, and right for cold. If you want to take a shower, pull the same knob out a little, and pull this little switch. Once it starts, just give it a minute to warm up." I made a hand gesture, telling her that 'It's all her's'. "There's also some soap and shampoo in the corner and a towel in the cabinet below the sink." I walked out of the bathroom and closed the door, getting a quick glance at her cute butt, unable to help myself at the glance. A minute later I heard the water start to run, and some faint singing.
    • * Fifteen minutes later, the bathroom door opened and I saw Krystal walk out in my oversized clothes, some water still dripping from her fur. She wrapped the towel around her hair to dry off. She walked over to me and sat down on the couch with me. "Hey, uh, Krystal, can I ask you a question? And feel free to say 'no'". "Sure, Alex. You've done so much for me, I don't see why not" she gave me a cute smile. "Well, ever since I took you out of your aircraft, and took off your helmet, I was wondering-" she cut me off. "You were wondering what exactly am I?" she took the words right out of my mouth. "I do owe you an explaination; so sure, I'll tell you everything that happened." "Well," she started, "I was out flying in my Arwing; the ship you rescued me from, leaving....some former friends..." she looked down and frowned a bit. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have intruded on your private life..." "No, no, it's ok. I've left all that in the past. It's alright. Anyway, as I was flying through space, I was traveling across this planet. Just as I was about to fly past it, something came up, and I had to make an emergency landing, but unfortunately, my gravity diffusers on my ship malfunctioned, and I was unable to use my landing gear, which resulted in my crash landing." "And as for your other question 'What exactly am I?'. To be honest, I had the same question when I first saw you. You see, the galaxy I came from; the Lylat System it's called, everyone there looks somewhat like I do. Everyone there looks like what the people on this planet refers as 'animals' except, I obviously take the same form as you do, but with fur, claws, these ears, etc...Where I come from, we've never seen anyone that looks like you do, so that's where my initial shock came from. And I guess that's basically my whole story really." "Wow, I never would've imagined. Well, either way, I'm sorry that you left your friends and crashed on this planet. And seeing as your ship is totaled, how exactly are you going to get home?" "I don't really know. When I left my friends, I also left my tracking device with them. I didn't want them following me, and now, I don't really know what to do or where to go...And the only way of communication I had was in my ship, but that isn't going to help now..." "Well, you are always welcomed to stay here for as long as you want. This area is pretty remote, so no one comes around these parts, so you needn't worry about anyone discovering you or your ship." "Oh, thank you so much, Alex. But I don't want to be a burden, you've already done more than enough for me; I couldn't possibly pay you back for it." "I told you. I don't mind at all. Really." "There must be some way I can return the favor, or at least a little..." Krystal really started getting worked up. She really started feeling that she owed me something, even though I would've done the same thing for anyone. As I was thinking to myself, I didn't realize Krystal who was quietly crying. I felt really bad for her; she left her friends, who she seemed to still care for, she was stuck on some strange planet for who-knows-how-long. I felt horrible. "Oh, Krystal..." I leaned forward and hugged her, keeping her close, to comfort her. She continued to cry on my shoulder, returning the hug. After several minutes of our embrace, we let go of each other and stared into each other's eyes. The next thing I knew, I felt Krystal's muzzle press to my lips, her tongue meeting mine. I was caught off guard for a moment, but I soon returned the kiss, our tongues dancing together. It certainly felt odd to kiss someone like Krystal, but in some strange way, it felt so right, like this was meant to happen. "Krystal, I would love for you to stay here. You would be far from a burden. I know that we just met several hours ago, but something tells me that being with you is so right." "Alex...I will stay here with you. Especially if it means so much. I suppose this is how I will pay you back for your hospitality. Thank you so much." She smiled at me, rubbing my chest. I smiled back, rubbing her leg. And for some strange second, both our minds seemed to be linked, we were able to read each other's minds, and we knew what we both wanted now. We both stood up, and I swept Krystal off her feet and carried her to my bedroom, and gently put her down on my bed. I lie down next to her, caressing her face. She slowly started removing her oversized shirt and pants, and I did the same. Several seconds pasted and all that remained was her bra and panties, and my boxer shorts. Krystal turned around, signaling me to remove her bra. She giggled a bit, seeing me struggle with the several hooks. She turned back around, giving me an eye-full of her firm breasts, her nipples just barely visible through her fur. I removed my boxer shorts, showing my now fully erect cock. "Mm, you're even a little bigger than him" she mumbled. I looked up at her "Bigger than who?" my face beaming at the ego boost. "Oh, never you mind" she said while she took off her black panties, showing me her shaven pussy. We both lied down on the bed together, waiting for the other to make a move. I was the first to react. I stood up on my knees, and leaned toward her, massaging her breasts, occasionally playing with her nipples. While I was playing with her, she stretched out her arm, fondling my balls, and stroking my member. After what seemed like forever, we stopped with the teasing. Krystal widened her legs, giving me a view of her pussy. I took the hint and moved between her legs, lining my cock with her pussy. She winked at me, and I slowly pushed forward, my cock entering her snatch. Being a virgin, I never felt such pleasure. I relished the feeling of her warm, wet pussy swallowing my cock; it was like nothing I've ever felt. I kept pushing in and out, over, and over again until we were both panting and moaning. Krystal began fondling my balls once again, adding to the pleasure, and I continued massaging her firm breasts, and hammering away at her pussy. Several minutes pasted, but it felt like hours; we both started reaching our climaxes, Krystal letting out shrill vixen whines, and I started grunting in effort. "Alex, oh god! I'm getting so close! Please! Do it!" she begged. "Ugh, me too" I groaned. I went faster, and faster, loving the rising pleasure. I could feel it traveling up my length until my cum left me and entered her warm depths. And at that same moment, I felt her pussy clamp down on my cock, just adding more to the feeling, her juices squirting onto my crotch. After a minute or two, I stopped pumping cum into her, and my member slowly went limp, and I slid out of her with a 'pop'. I lied down next to her, both of us sweating and panting. I closed my eyes, and caught my breath. Seconds later, I felt that rising pleasure again. I opened my eyes and saw Krystal cleaning me off, giving me a blowjob and licking my balls. She looked at me and stopped. She turned around, while still holding my member, and placed her rump right in my face, giving me an excellent view of her tailhole and still-wet pussy. I understood what she wanted and stuck my tongue into her pussy, tasting her sweet juices. I placed my lips with hers and started thrusting my tongue in, as far as it could go. Since I already came once, I was more sensitive to pleasure. She continued playing with my balls and sucking on my member. While still sucking me, I heard her squeal again, her snatch gripping onto my tongue, her juices spraying over my face. I removed my lips from her orifice and licked my lips, loving the taste of her juice. I couldn't hold on much longer than her. "God! Get ready, Krystal! I'm gonna cum!" and as soon as I said that, I did. My warm, thick cum entering her mouth, only to be slurped up, and lapping at the head of my cock. We were both exhausted and spent; Krystal rolled onto her back still panting. "God, Alex! That was...wonderful! I guess I will definitely be staying with you from now on!" she smiled a playful smile and I just chuckled. "I love you so much Krystal. I know this may sound a bit cruel, or mean, but I'm glad you crashed into my backyard..." "I understand what you mean Alex. I'm glad I did too. And Alex?" "Yeah?" "I love you too." She smiled at me; the kind of smile you see when someone loves you.
    • * I'm just taking a little break from my series. This was an actual dream I had a few weeks ago, unfortunately, my alarm clock woke me up (I was ready to break the damn thing!). I didn't actually get to finish my dream, so I had to "fill it in" if you know what I mean. I feel pretty confident that this was pretty good, but if there is anything I need to improve on, please tell me! Positive and negative feedback is always welcome!