Chapter 9: To the Moon for all I care.

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#9 of Caught Up in the Moment/But not in the Right Way.(INCOMPLETE)

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Also... M/M Here, so... Not your bag? Then exit now. Otherwise Enjoy!


Night had fallen quick. Quicker then Chuck and Boyd ever thought possible as they stood just shy

of the ladder leading up onto the ship's deck. They had recently promised each other that

whatever happened they would back each other up. Till the end. It gave them enough comfort to

breath, but it was nothing compared to the fear that each held at the bottom of their gut. They

had failed him.

"Well?" Boyd, the hyena, said as he motioned his paws to the ladder. "You first, eh?"

"Why me first?" Chuck asked him, lowing his razor-pointed, black Doberman ears to the back of

his neck. "You could take the lead for once?"

"Why fix something that ain't broken?" Boyd chuckled. "You leading has worked so well in the

past. I think we should stick with--"

"And I think you should have your ass bitten once in your life," The Doberman snapped. He

crossed his arms and looked to the crystal clear water reflecting the stars from the sky. It churned

and chopped, giving of a sloshing sound as voices on the boat became clearer and clearer.

"Where the hell are they!?" Came the shout of the captain himself. "It's been hours, how far

could the pups possibly have gone?!"

The two gulped as the sea dog peered over the railing with a torch in his paw. His sneer horrified

the two as shadows from the dancing flame licked on his face like the demon himself was shedding

his mortal flesh.

"If they aren't back by morning I'm sending two more to kill them..." Agnus growled to the rest

of his crew. "And then so on and so forth until I have those two in my cage once more!"

After his decree, the crew howled in agreement, leaving the two on the dock with their tales

between their legs. They looked to one another; eyes questioning what they should do.

"Well at least we have until morning..." The hyena chuckled a laugh to lighten their grim situation.

"Let's go..." The Doberman stepped up the ladder, waiting for his friend to follow them. Probably

till their death, but if morning came and they hadn't boarded, they were dead anyway. Boyd just

stared as his heart pounded in his chest. "Well?"

"You're fuckin' nuts..." He said taking hold of the ladder, waiting for his friend to proceed him.

"But I trust you. If worse comes to worse--"

"It won't." Chuck interrupted him before he could finish. He shot him a look that screamed

"Please don't finish that sentence..." and climbed two rungs at a time.

Once on the deck, the two padded silently across. The coast seemed clear enough for them to

book it up to their cabin and sleep the rest of the week away. After all, they couldn't really be

blamed from not having the balls the wake the captain in the middle of the night, could they?

The weather wooden boards creeked under their tiptoeing, causing each one to braced

themselves in the darkness as they did so. The moonlight, although slim and weightless hanging in

the air, acted as a silvery, weak spotlight to guide them by, but once they made it up to the cabin

floor the door just before theirs opened up front of them.

"Heyyyyyy!" The fur exiting was an otter with a shower-cap on his head and nothing else. "Look

who the cat dragging in! Didja catch the... Why're you lookin' at me like that?"

The two stared wide-eyed, flabbergasted at what karma had just slapped them in the face with.

Afraid to even move, they prodded the otter with their gaze. Had the captain heard?

"Seriously, guys," The otter pleaded. "Stop staring at me like that! You're freakin--"

"What's going on out here!" Rang a cold and deep voice from the end of the hall. Darkness

clouded their vision, keeping that thin, golden string of hope alive that maybe... just maybe Agnus

hired a new member of the crew that day just because they had the same voice. But as the white

Shepherd emerged from the shadows of the unlit hallway, and that look in his eye glinted directly

off the fear that both of them held in their gut, they knew that anything now was futile. Unless...

"Do you have a gun...?" Chuck whispered out the side of his muzzle.

"No..." Came Boyd's quick whisper response. "...d'you?"



"Well looked what that cat dragged in!" The voice boomed from the end, but as it spoke the two

could tell it was getting closer. Bangs from left and right, alternating, started to follow and get

closer. "Hey you lazy lags! Get out here would ya!" He turned to the two with fierce murder in his

eyes. "SO where are they?"

"Who..?" Boyd asked him with a chuckle.

"Damnit hyena!" The Shepherd's voice was worse than thunder. "You know very well who! Now

if you don't have them get on with it!"

"We don't..." Chuck whispered, clenching his eyes as tight as he could. The whole crew was just

about all in the hall now. Their eyes gluing his vocal chords shut.

"You don't what?" Agnus growled.

"We don't..." Chuck repeated. "... have them..."

"This better be a joke," Agnus sneered. "Because if you've failed me, then..."

The silence ripped at Boyd and Chuck's throat as those two jewels of kept point at them.


The captain turned, and behind him a squirrel rubbed his eyes. He looked back at Agnus was a

curious questioning amongst his face before squeaking terribly as he grabbed him by the throat.

There he hung him at least a foot off the ground before his body went limp. The captain dropped

him with a thud as a gasp came from the crew, along with the pleading eyes of the hyena and the


"What?" Agnus said as he acted like it was the most normal thing in the world. "He ain't dead, ya

know? But what you just saw was a luxury if you didn't--"

"Please don't finish that sentence..." Chuck side. His slick, sharpened ears falling for the last time.

"We didn't get them..."

"I see..." The captain looked down as if mourning them already. A few seconds passed

uncomfortably by as each body just hung where it was as if it were painted. And then, with a glow

in his eyes, the Shepherd lunged.


The four had made it just past Whethersby Isle, into the country of forest, dirt roads, and clear

star-filled skies before Angela collapsed, probably from complaining. They decided to take the

forest path a beggar pointed them down, just in case Agnus sent anymore minions after them.

"How can you boys..." She panted, flopping down right onto a bush with leaves just about as big

as she was. "How... Just... Aren't you..."

"Looks like we're stopping for the night," Jasey called to the couple that walked together a few

feet ahead. Wyler turned with his ears perked and eyed Angela warily.

"Stop here?" He asked them. "But what about Agnus? We're barely away from Whethersby...

Can't we walk for another hour or something?"

"Alright," Angela growled, enjoying her leafy bush as she sprawled out onto it. "And how about I

chop your nuts off as a trade? You don't need 'em anyways..."

"That's it you two...' Jasey said. He turned to Hudson, who looked away almost immediately.

"What say you and me go get some firewood, Hudson?"

There was a silence before the dalmatian responded.

"No," Came his quick response, followed by walking over to Wyler and sitting as close as he

could to him, facing the opposite direction.

Jasey just stared at the mutt, an expression of hurt confusion mixed within it as he delicately

shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll go with you?" Angela glared in the same direction, striking Wyler with her gaze like he had

been the one at fault.

He mouthed the word "What?!" as he raised his paws. She just shook her had a rose off her

giant leaf bush throne.

"No Angela," Jasey said. "You need to rest. I'll go alone."

"But are you sure you can carry all that wood by yourself?" Angela asked him before eyeing her

landing spot on the bush once more.

"I'll be fine," Jasey smiled. The smile he carried over to Wyler, who returned it as he raised his

thumb. "Don't get to lonely without me!" And with that he was off, bounding into the forest as the

light from the moon lighted his way.

Hudson just scoffed as he laid his chin on his forearms, supported by his knees. Wyler could feel

him breathing as he laid a paw on his back and his muzzle on his shoulder.

"You okay?" Wyler whispered into his ear, making it twitch.

"Mhmm..." Came the growling, low response.

"That doesn't seem like too sure of an answer?" Wyler chuckled, tickling his ribs. The dalmatian

jumped at the sudden prodding and couldn't help but smile. "There, ya see? I knew there was


"Stop..." Hudson cut him off, making him freeze as he held his breath. The mutt's ears fell.

Hudson's expression had faded to despair as he laid his chin on his arms once more. Then nothing

but silence and cricket-chirps.

"Looks like someone needs to grow up...?"

Both turned to see Angela covering her muzzle in embarrassment. Blood under the skin of her

face started to rush as both felt the rage in Hudson slowly building up.

"What do you know about growing up?" Hudson asked her, baring his perfect teeth. "After-all

you're the one who ran away from it in the first place, stowing away on my ship!"

"You're one to talk?" Angela defended herself. "At least I was able to say goodbye to my family

before I left them?"

Hudson whimpered at the lost thought of Trusser, and then turned back to growl. He stood,

pushing Wyler off of him, and padded his was towards the relaxed raccoon.

"I know enough about growing up from the death of my parents," He looked her right in the eye.

Fire blazed as he let the pain of memory stick in his throat once more, and suddenly everything

went silent as Angela held back her tears.

She spoke quietly, through clenched teeth, but she forced herself to reply. "At least you felt

something when your parents left you..."

Hudson perked his ears. "What do you mean...?"

"You don't know what it's like, having parents who try to buy your happiness," She said. "You

don't know what it's like to have your parents pretend you're not there when you have a

nightmare in the middle of the night... You don't know what it's like spending thanksgiving alone

because your parents are away on their thirty-second honeymoon...!" A tear streaked down the

black mask on her face as she looked up. "But you know what sickened me the worst out of



"I didn't feel a single thwack in my heart when I left them."

"Count yourself lucky..." Hudson sneered. "You couldn't realize how much it hurts unless--"

"I've actually felt it?" Angela interrupted.

"Well..." Hudson sighed. "Yeah..."

And awkward silence started to flow around the two as they stared at the floor of the forest.

Neither dared not move as, what felt like, two fists grabbed at their vocal chords. Only until

suddenly the bushes by Angela started to rustle did either of them think to breath.

"What the hell was that..." Angela's eyes went wide as she slowly got up from her bush thrown.

"I dunno..." Hudson answered, his heart fluttering in his chest. Whatever it was, it was heading

straight towards them. The corners on Angela's muzzle stretched as she tried her hardest to rise

without making a single rustle, which she was failing at horribly while Hudson stood there

stone-solid afraid to move.

It was almost upon them now as they could hear the thing breathing. It huffed like nothing they

had ever heard before, panting like a train engine just taking off, smoking down the tracks. Then...

"Jasey!?" Angela cried. She did a double take as she narrowed her eyebrows. "And who the hell

do you think you are?!"

"Eeexcuse me?"The wolf panted as he dropped 3 bag fulls of wood: two at his sides and one at

his back. "I believe--"

"Believe you were trying to scare the shit out of us?" Angela cut him off before he smiled and

shook his head.

"You're welcome for the wood, my dear," He bowed and looked to Hudson, who's head was

silently darting back and forth behind him. "...where's Wyler?"



The wild grass underneath brown footpaws folded with deliciously satisfying noises as Wyler

padded his way through the forest. The moonlight, though dim from being thinned, cascaded the

place and loomed and eerie shade of midnight pleasure as fireflies flickered light green against the

deep blues and purples beyond it.

"Stupid..." He thought as he trudged, desperate to get away from the arguing as soon as

possible (And to contemplate his situation). "Everybody so stupid... You try as hard as you can to

make things work out. You do everything, and yet even when you hug your best friend you're

seen as the bad guy..."

The path was narrow, if you could even call it a path, and as he pulled and forced his way

through overhanging branches and growing bushes, he felt his mind start to slow as the fresh air

circulated through his heavy-breathing lungs. Almost as if fairies were casting spells on him, floating

just shy of his view, he felt calm and collected in that forest. The forest nobody might have been.

He then found himself wondering if he was the first.

Suddenly, though, the narrow trail ended and just before he knew it, the mutt stood, standing at

the mouth of a small cave.

"A forest?" He thought questioningly as he looked behind him. "Inside of a cave...? Heh this place

really IS different..." But when he looked below the cliff, into the valley below, he felt the breath

taken from him immediately.

It started as a river. A crystaling river trickling down just below him from inside the cliff-face. So

calmly it ran as the stars poked holes through it with their reflection, and even though it seemed

easily enough to stop, there lingered a massive nature-like force that gave the tiny canine shivers

down his spine.

Just as it reached the bottom, it was met by a forest, much like the one he just forced his way

through, but somehow this one seemed more flourished, intense, and... sparkling? It took the mutt

a second to believe his eyes were actually focused, and even then he barely understood what he

saw, for in that forest there seemed nothing that wasn't made of glass. Even the river, as it fed its

pristine and clear water into it, looked like it was carved from moving crystal.

"Wow..." Was all that Wyler could say. There was no light except the moon and the stars, shining

off the glass palm-trees, glinting through the transparent bushes, and filtering through the crystal

water, and as he looked slightly above it all, his eyes grew even wider, for dancing above the

forest was an array of lights unlike any he'd seen before.

Sure he'd heard of the northern lights, but they were nothing compared the real thing. An endless

spectrum of any color imaginable mingled with one another as each took its turn as dominant. A

wave of red surged through like power, followed by a shy blue, carelessly floating by without a

care. The green, then yellow, then orange. Purple, aquamarine, pink... All leading up to the king.

White was unlike any before it, and as it walked through in waves, it made Wyler's jaw drop in its

majestic purity. It was like seeing a pup being born, or someone you love holding you as close as

they could without it hurting, merely ripping every care and breath from your body as you stand

dumbstruck. It was then, when he heard the world singing to him, and only then when he began to

see a face in that spectrum. Blurry at first, the image began to wobble into focus, and as soon as it

was as clear as day, his heart speed up to beat.

There smiling, was Hudson. His endless river and his forest of glass.



Three voices combined into one call, spanning the forest as they poked and prodded their way

through the underbrush.

"Wy-guy!!" Came the howl of a wolf.

"Hey! Pissface!!!" Shouted a raccoon.

"Wyler!!" Barked the dalmatian. They walked close together, each afraid of losing one more of

their quad-party. For, what seemed like, hours they called, moving in different directions and

speeds, but time was wearing away on their nerves like ocean against the shore.

"AHHH!!" Came a sudden scream that sent both boys jumping in unison. A single look back

revealed Angela running about in a circle. A tight circle with her arms and paws flailing in the air as

she gave another "AHHHH Get it off of me!?!"

"Get what off of you?!" Jasey shouted. "What Angela what!"

She threw her arms against her back as best as she could, and Hudson was pretty sure he heard

a couple cracks in the mix, but as soon as Jasey gave a brush to her, she calmed down and


"There was a spider..." She groaned as her eyes clenched. She then gave a shiver that rippled

through her entire body before looking at the two who were staring at her, eyes as wide as

saucers with annoyance.

"Hey!" She shouted. "You try being a girl with tendencies like mine, and THEN you have a right to


Hudson and Jasey rose their shoulders and stuck their paws out in the universal gesture of

"Alright I gotcha, calm down." And then once again--




It wasn't until then that they heard the response they had been waiting for.


It came out as a murmur at first. Like it was as far away from existence as possible, peeping its

way through impossibly by its sheer will. The three stopped and looked at each other, making sure

that what they heard was real, and as soon as they saw it in each of their hopeful eyes they smiled

with a mix of relief and excitement.




"Where are you!?" They heard it respond. "I'm over here!"

Jasey and Hudon's sensitive ears picked it up better then Angela's ever did, and even though she

heard it, she found herself following as the other two lead.

"Keep talking!" Hudson shouted. "And stay where you are!"

"Hudson?" The voice came through. "Is that you?"

"Yes it's me, Wyler!" He couldn't have been more happier to reply. "Of course it's--"

"I just want you to know!" Wyler's voice cut him off. "That my paw is really cold! And no matter

what I do it won't warm up! Can you help me!"

"Yes Wyler!" Hudson smiled, brimming with pride. "I would die to help you with that situation!

Really I would!"

"I'm glad to hear that!" Came Wyler's voice again. "But I do have sort of a problem..."

And just as he said that, the three stopped dead. For in front of them stood a wall. A giant wall

of hard rock that spanned to the heavens, and before either of them could glance either way, they

knew it would be the same stretch of nothingness left or right. But they looked anyway, and what

they saw confirmed it. Spanning out in each direction, whether it be west, east, north, and

probably south, all they could see was an expanse of rock.

"Hello?" Wyler's voice brought them out of their current shock, making each of them shake their

heads to ring out the pressure. "Please say you guys are still--"

"Where still here Wyler," Jasey cut in with his smooth voice, just like a knife.

"That was my line..." Hudson thought as he clenched his fists. Angela just put a paw at his back

and shook her head.

"Don't worry," Jasey continued. "We're trying to figure out how to get you out. It'll take some

planning and--"

"Couldn't you just use the cave I used?" Wyler asked. The three then looked at each other in

question, each having the "Wtf?" expression in full effect. "Guys?"

"If you used a cave..." Angela decided to field this one. "Then why can't you just go through it

again and come back to us...?"

"I sort of..." The mutt sounded embarrassed and paused a moment before continuing. "..forgot

where the cave was..."

"THEN HOW DO YOU EXPECT US TO FIND IT?!" Angela shouted. "It's not like we're--"

"It's bigger on that side," Wyler broke into her rage. "And you hardly notice you're walking into it.

On this side, it's small and if you walk as much as I have on this cliff you kind of lose your


"What do you see, Wyler?" Hudson asked suddenly. "Like, what are you standing on?"

"Oh Hudson it's beautiful," The mutt sounded like he sighed. "I'm on a ledge about as wide as

two of me--"

"That does sound beautiful." Jasey chuckled.

"More like terrifying," Added Angela.

"But below..." Wyler went on like he hadn't heard them. "There's a forest. A forest like glass. And

above are these lights... These unexplainable lights...."

"Hold on Wy-guy," Jasey said suddenly. "We're coming for you, just walk with us and we'll keep

each other company."

"You think he hit his head?" Angela whispered as they began to move. Jasey couldn't help but

nod, making Hudson nervous for his...

"Wait..." The dalmatian thought as he absentmindedly stared at the ground. "Should I call him a

mate yet...?"

"Hudson!" Angela called back. He suddenly raised his head from the focus of his twiddling fingers

and shook it. Giving a smile as she motioned for him to follow, he walked behind the two.

"Can I call him a mate yet...?" Hudson's mind continued to wander as he put his legs on

autopilot. He listened to Jasey and Angela talking to the boy who muddled his mind; his

half-thought-through answers brought up questions as to if he really was okay, and the dalmatian

sort of took pride in the amount of worry he was putting into the situation.

"Found it!" Yelled Jasey with a point of his paw. There in front loomed the mouth of curiously

circular cave, and inside (miraculously) there grew an entirely new set of forest. The three moved

closer to it and heard the yelp from inside of their companion.

"Wyler?" Angela's curiosity frilled her voice as the inside darkness circulated as if to avoid the slim

light the new moon was giving off. Suddenly another yelp came from within, and in a flash of

brown the mutt leaped from inside and took hold of the three of them. The moment hung in the air

as Angela, Jasey, and especially Hudson breathed a sigh of relief.

"I like how you guys came looking for me," Wyler smiled, letting go. He looked about as normal

as ever, save the nervous twitch in his leg, and as soon as he looked over to the dalmatian he

suddenly went red with an aura of embarrassment. "I sure hope..." He said slowly. "I didn't worry

you too much."

"I can't explain how worried," Jasey cut into the moment like a blade. "we all were about you."

He put a paw in the mutt's shoulder and looked into his eyes. "Especially me..."

After those last two words, an awkward silence ensued, long and sharp. It cut through the skin

and soul, pinning each of the four who stood there as each one's emotion flowed together in a

dangerous mix that would seemingly explode at any second.

Wyler hoped to god Jasey wasn't meaning what he thought he was meaning, and if he was he

hoped to god nobody else picked up on it.

Jasey hoped to god he was coming in all too clear, and even though Hudson had been standing

there, he couldn't help but speak what he felt.

Hudson hoped to god he could restrain himself from basically ringing the wolf's neck though, and

probably the only thread that held him from doing it was the scene replaying in his mind from back

at the Galley.

"What did I say??"

"Nothing... Just... please don't call me Wy... please..."

All the while, Angela just held her paw on her hip, hoping to God that, sooner rather than later,

something interesting would happen before she had to force the three boys to move on. Finally,

just before one of the others shifted to get comfortable, she walked into the middle of them. With

a flick of her hair she looked Jasey in the eye.

"Look big guy," She smiled, ready to plunge deeper into this awkward ocean that froze them.

After all, it was what she was good at. She was a female. "I don't know if you've noticed, but

you're constant flirting with my friend here makes this whole trip like standing on a razorblade, and

I would personally like it if you'd tone it down a little. He's taken."

"Angela...?" Wyler blushed, hard. And all he could do was stand there and wait for Jasey's


The wolf was pretty frozen by this. Caught off guard by the fem raccoon, and all he could do

was stand there as well. His probing eyes darting back at forth from Wyler to Angela, to back to

Wyler again, stalling until his mind could think up a good enough response.

"Nothing personal," The raccoon said, keeping the cool smile painted delicately onto her muzzle.

"But seriously..."

"Alright, Angela," Jasey sighed. A single look back to Wyler revealed he was staring at the floor of

rock that led into the cave overhead. "I hear what you're saying, alright?"

"So I believe you owe these two an apology?" The raccoon persisted.

The wolf nodded slightly and looked slowly from Wyler to Hudson. "Guys," He started. "I

apologize for more persistence... I really thought I could bring my friend back... take him in... and

turn him into... I dunno, something more. I was always so scared of what he would think of me if I

really tried for him, meanwhile I haven't come out yet... which would make it more awkward."

"Jasey..." Wyler started. "I would have welcomed it. I would have given anything to hear those

words. Anything, you hear me?"

The other two stood idly by as what seemed like a bubble formed between the canines, keeping

them in their conversation without disturbance.

"Every night it hurt," Wyler said. "Every night I gripped for an angel. An angel to take me to a

place that would have you and only you in it. All the while nobody else had a clue. That's why I ran,

Jasey. To find people who had a clue... if only you came with me... things might be--"

"I thought you tagged along because Abertanst still used gas?" Angela popped the bubble with

her aggravatingly questioning voice that even made Hudson stare at her in disbelief. Wyler just

shook his head, though, and looked back to Jasey, who's eyes were misting over like his were.

"We can still have that, Wyler!" The wolf said, taking a step closer. "We can make things right

here in this new place... and pretend like whatever happened before never did. We can make each

other whole and make the world spin. Underneath US we can make it spin, without a care to

throw over our shoulder... We can..."

"Stop..." Wyler said. He couldn't bear to hear anymore, and his mind was clouded enough.

"Just..." But before he could finish, the wolf took that final step that connected him, and with a

single movement of his two arms he embraced the brown fur ball in front. So close he brought

himself, and as Wyler looked up into those glittering eyes, like stars in a cascade of black-blue fur,

the wolf brought his muzzle close.

Hudson growled as he felt that last thread break. He couldn't just stand by and watch the boy he

carried flames for fall in love with someone else. He balled his fists, and took a step forward, only

to feel the restraint of a a paw on his shoulder.

"Let us watch how this plays out," Angela looked him in the eye and showed a playful

seriousness arouse in her expression. "Just trust him."

"But what if..." The dalmatian pleaded, but all he got was a finger over his muzzle and a small


Wyler felt his muzzle touch his, and in an explosion of warmth he felt what he had yearned for

for the past... who knows how long, really. It was everything like he would have expected it to be,

and with a sensation like life itself was clinging to this kiss, he succumbed to his old feelings and

embraced them with open arms.

But suddenly, a ping stung the bottom of his heart, just as Jasey slipped his tongue inside, and a

blanket of guilt filled his insides. This was wrong. It was all wrong. The sudden feeling of old was

replaced by his stronger feelings of new, which only had eyes for one boy and one boy only. And

that boy was standing to his left, watching in horror as he contemplated throwing himself away

right then and there.

"No!" Wyler shouted, breaking the bond that held his and the wolf's muzzle together. "No Jasey!


"Is how it should be," Jasey continued his sentence for him and looked back into the brown eyes

he'd been wishing for since... who knows how long, really. "You can feel it, I know you can. We're

best friends, Wyler. We--"

"And that's all we can be," Wyler said. He pushed slightly, separating his body from Jasey's and

looked over to Hudson, who had an inspired look of relief, anger, and confusion bent up all into

one. "Friends... And if you can't accept that then... I hate it for you."

"You mean..." Jasey whimpered as he took a step back. "You really feel that much for this...


"Hey watch it, pal," Hudson growled. "The only reason in my slamming your head against a rock

right now is because I really don't know how to assess this situation."

Wyler giggled and moved closer to Hudson, who still had his fists balled. "Yeah," He replied to the

wolf, although he was staring at the dalmatian. "I saw his face in the sky... And my heart couldn't

stop racing. And whenever I look at him..." He took his paws within his. "It's like I found what I've

been looking for."

There, in that moment, everything ran dry as Wyler took Hudson into his arms, and for the

hundredth time since he'd done it, he felt like he was home. The great thing about it all was: no

matter how many times time stood still for them, no matter how long things seemed to stop to

watch... that feeling never changed. It never would change. And that's something, Wyler felt, was

worth holding on to. Forever Amen.


About an hour had passed since that sticky situation, and Wyler and Hudson found themselves

awake, still huddled round the fire Jasey had made, just in front of the mouth of that cave. The

other two had nodded off about half an hour ago, leaving the two boys to stare at each other as

the phantom-like flame of the fire danced in front of them.

Suddenly, Hudson was the first to smile as he looked down to his foot-paws, making Wyler raise

his eyebrow.

"What?" He said with a smirk.

"It's nothing..." Hudson replied. "I just like how... You picked me over him... that's all."

"How could I have not?" Wyler asked him. His voice not much more than a whisper. "I mean...

You're just--" He then felt a paw cover his muzzle.

"You know," Hudson said, moving closer. "Mates get to do some things that best friends can't."

The expression on the dalmation's face was filled with curiosity and flame. Anyone with a brain

could tell what he was thinking.

"You want to do stuff with those two..." He pointed to the lifeless bodies that laid not five feet

from them. "Just laying there like that? What if--"

"I think we owe it to ourselves, don't you?"

That's when Wyler felt his body slowly being pushed, and in the shadows the dalmatian came

closer. Their muzzles connected before his head reached the ground, and the feeling of the other

crouching over him made adrenaline line the walls of his veins. They began breathing in unison, loud

and hard, and just as the dirt made contact with Wyler's head-fur he felt his tongue slide in.

Hudson's paws were planted on either side of Wyler's neck, inches from touching it, and before

he even realized what he was doing, his crotch touched the mutt's making them both jump

slightly, rubbing them together. They could feel each other's shaft through the thin lining of each of

their pants. Pre was already leaking out of Wyler's as they both started to hump, putting

pleasureful pressure on both of their rock-hard rods.

Madness mad them claw at one another, building blissful tension that pressed their muzzles

harder together, and on more than one occasion they almost rolled right into the fire, leaving them

only to stop for a second, chuckle, and start up again.

That's when Wyler felt his pants-buckle undo. A seemingly experienced paw had snaked its way

over his belly and in a display of utmost precision, pulled apart the button while tugging the zipper

down. His chest grew a knot as he could barely feel himself breath. All focus was on that paw and

how it slowly... but surely... slid down. Down into great beyond... when suddenly--

"What did I tell you about sex, Wyler!?"

It was Angela, and a quick look to his left revealed her sitting up, staring at them wide-eyed.

"Now get off of each other and go to sleep!"

They did as they were told, and in the crackling fire they both chuckled, checking to see if she

was still watching.

"If I catch you guys at it again," She said as she laid back down. "I'm pulling both your wieners



(8)I love the way I said goodbye. This is my accident and time to shine.

So let me go. Stop the Search cause I found what I'm looking for.

Just like my favourite scene, from my favourite movie.

The world was spinning underneath me feet, But this ain't no Hollywood Ending.(8)

"To the Moon for all I Care."

-Search the City.


And so part 9 is complete, and the sudden realization that im approaching another doube digit story sort of scares me. It's been sooo long! lol. Anywho hope you guys enjoyed it. I sure liked writing this one. t'WAS FUN^^.

Till the next post (with love),
