First Love ~Chapter 3 Heart of a Lion~

Story by Manneth on SoFurry

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And they kissed.

The kiss seemed to last forever. It was clean, for a kiss, no tongue or movement. They both seemed shocked the kiss was occuring. Finally, Devon pulled away. Both of the boys' minds had gone blank. Devon's mind click back on, like a computer's fan after being unplugged, his mind was buzzing angrily. Thoughts were forming every second. Devon began blushing as he realized the kiss had been completely unprovoked. Devon began to panic, wondering if now Tyler was frightened of him, having come on so strong. Devon was about to get up and leave, when Tyler leaned in again.

This time Devon was entirely surprised, Tyler pushed forward as he kissed Devon, slowly pushing him back with his muzzle until Tyler was laying on top of Devon. Devon and Tyler then began a sort of tug-of-war with their muzzles, Devon would push up until Tyler was nearly sitting again, and then Tyler would push back down until they were back to a laying position. This went on for a near 10 minutes until Devon's muzzle felt like it was going to fall off.

"Whoa." Devon quietly exclaimed, the sheer arousal leaving him breathless.

"Yeah." Tyler replied quietly. Suddenly it was quite awkward, Devon straddling Tyler, both aroused and neither knowing what to do next.

"So, what happens now?" Devon asked, not really expecting an answer.

"Well, I haven't had lunch yet..." Tyler began, realizing how corny it sounded. Devon nearly chuckled at the simplicity of Tyler's statement.

"Well I guess we have to do something about that, I suppose I'm hungry as well." Devon replied, letting Tyler's statement seem relevant. Tyler began fixing lunch while Devon watched some tv show in the den.

Wow...I just made out with one of my best friends in my bedroom, the thought suddenly hit Tyler.

And I liked it...and he liked it... Tyler looked over at his friend, and began noticing how truly handsome Devon was.

The last time Tyler saw Devon, he was 6 feet tall, had a small mane and was still a bit chubby. Now Devon was 6'4" easily, had a full thick mane, and had slimmed up a bit. Devon wasn't very muscled, but due to his large frame he still appeared powerful. Tyler now noticed a feature he rarely noticed in anyone, Devon's eyes. They were full and dark brown. Tyler had seen brown eyes, but these a two fresh pine cones lying in the middle of a plain freshly dusted with snow. Tyler lost himself in Devon's eyes, and was brought back to earth by the smell of burning ham.

"Ah shit!" Tyler cursed as he burnt their lunch to a crisp.

Tyler and Devon sat down at the dining table with two plates of: cooked carrots, fruit salad and a black lump which was once ham. Devon ate his carrots quickly and followed them with the fruit, then he attempted to tackle the ham.

"Well..." Devon began, "I've always loved blackened food." Suddenly both him and Tyler burst out laughing.

"I was attempting to make it a bit crispy, but it seems I made it more crunchy." Tyler laughed.

"I'm not even sure this was ever alive!" Devon joked. Tyler and Devon laughed until they cried and then laughed through the tears, the jokes weren't all that funny, but it felt good that the awkwardness had passed.

"Tyler, what happened in there..." Devon started, "listen, nothing has to change because of this. If you want, just say the word and it never happened." Tyler seemed a little relieved.

"As far as anyone knows it didn't happen okay?" Tyler asked.

"Okay, then we'll just not mention it."

"No. I want to explore this, it's just...I don't want anyone else to find out." Tyler stated a bit uneasily.

"Oh. No problem, so uh..." Devon stammered. "What now?" Tyler just smiled.

"Well, I'd very much like to 'explore' kissing another guy again."

"Oh really?" Devon asked as they both began inching towards the other.

"And then I was thinking we'd watch a movie..." Tyler began. "and possibly...kiss some more."

"Sounds ambitious to me..." Devon replied breathily. They were now standing inches from each other. Finally Devon leaned forward and pulled Tyler into a passionate kiss.


A couple weeks later...

Danny stood on the street corner, glancing at his watch often. It was about 11pm and he was cold. Danny was wearing short tight black leather shorts which nearly blended in with his fur. He was also wearing an undershirt with a black leather coat over it. He was going out clubbing, and didn't plan on wearing the undershirt or coat for long. He was hoping to get a little action tonight, his package was nicely defined against the tight leather, and he was hoping that would be enough to send someone over the edge. As he stood there, he reached into his coat's pocket, fishing for his wallet. He retrieved it and peered inside. He only had $10 which wouldn't get him far. As he stood there pondering his low wallet, his ride finally pulled up.

It was one of the friends he had made at The Polecat, the nightclub he'd been frequenting. This friend was an ox named Dusk. Dusk had once been a dancer at The Polecat, back when it was named 'Hot Fuss' which had been a while, now The Polecat only hired feline dancers.

"Mmmm, hey Danny. You look h-h-hot tonight." Dusk complimented.

"Oh Dusky, I could look like crap and you'd think I was hot, you're just a horn dog." Danny joked.

Danny practically had Dusk wrapped around his little finger. Dusk had had a crush on Danny since he met him and Danny used this to his advantage. Dusk took Danny places, bought him meals, bought him clothes, and let him crash at his house from time to time. Danny climbed in, and Dusk took off.

"So Dusky..."


"You got any money I can borrow?" Danny asked mock innocently.

"Borrow? Danny Stephens doesn't borrow." Dusk joked.

"Oh come on! I need the money, I've only got $10!"

"That just sucks now doesn't it." The ox chuckled, his muscled frame shaking. Danny sulked in his seat, hoping a little pouting would win Dusk over.

"That ain't gonna work on me boy. You've got no more power over me, I know I ain't gonna get nothin' from you. So we're just gonna be normal friends from now on."

This shocked Danny. He never thought Dusk would get over him, not to this degree at least. Danny glanced over at Dusk and realized that he had been glancing at Danny out of the corner of his eye this whole time. Danny looked down to see a slowly growing bulge in Dusk's pants. Danny would get that money, one way or another...

"Whoa! What the hell do you think you're doin'?!" Dusk yelled as he felt Danny's paw wrap around his cock.

"Well you said you'd be giving me money if you knew you'd get something in return..." Danny hinted as he began to undo Dusk's pants' button. Dusk gulped, knowing what his friend was hinting at.

"You can't be serious." Dusk muttered. Trying really hard to keep his eyes on the road, Dusk had no idea what Danny was doing.

"Listen, I know you're not gonna do anything, you're just trying to coax some money outta me but I'm not gonna..." Dusk trailed off as he realized his cock was no longer trapped in his underwear.

"L-listen D-danny, I-i'm not giving you a-any money so...just s-stop." Dusk stammered as he tried to keep calm. "Now just put my pants back on, and I'll take you to the club I'll give you five-" Dusk stopped midsentence as he felt warm tight lips envelope the head of his cock. Dusk couldn't supress an elongated moan.

Danny was shocked by the taste of Dusk's cock. He'd given head before, but not to an ox. At first he just sat there with Dusk's head in his mouth, then Danny began sliding his tongue around the head, apparently this was driving Dusk crazy, because he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. Danny then slid his head down the length of Dusk's shaft extremely slow, send waves of pleasure up Dusk's body. While sliding his head back up, Danny slid his tongue around and around the cock in his mouth. As his head came up, he pulled off of Dusk for a moment.

Dusk's grip on the wheel released a little. Danny waited for a moment, letting Dusk relax completely. Just as Dusk opened his mouth to speak, Danny ran his tongue from the base of Dusk's cock to the head, and ended by twirling his tongue around it. Dusk lost any need to make it stop. Danny began pumping his head up and down the length of Dusk's cock, and with his hand began massaging the ox's full furry orbs. Dusk let out a slow long moan as this continued on for nearly 10 minutes. Finally Dusk felt his balls tighten and pull up towards his body, just as he felt any more stimulation would send him over the edge, Danny pulled off.

"Why'd you stop?" Dusk panted.

"Well you seemed so eager for me to stop before." Danny replied devilishly. Danny reached down for Dusk's pants and began pulling them back up.

"Wait!" Dusk accidentally yelled.

"Yes?" Danny asked, a devilish smile on his face.

"I-if you finish me off...I'll give you $10." Danny continued pulling up Dusk's pants. "$15?" Danny didn't stop. "Fine fine, $25, final offer." Danny dropped Dusk's pants.

"I knew you'd come around." Danny replied as he sunk the cock back in his mouth.

Danny pumped harder and faster than he had ever before in his life. After a few short minutes, Dusk felt his balls pull up towards his body again. Dusk let out a low moan. Danny, realizing Dusk was about to cum, pulled up to his head, and teased it with his tongue. Dusk went over the edge. The first wave of cum nearly choked Danny, but he got it all down, not before wave two came, and not even before wave three. Soon Danny had swallowed only one wave of Dusk's seed, and the rest had spilt out onto his face and Dusk's crotch. Danny pulled off and began cleaning himself off.

"Best $25 I ever spent." Dusk muttered under his breath as they pulled into the club's parking lot, and he pulled up his pants.


Devon and Tyler were sitting on the couch in Tyler's basement. Devon stood up.

"I'm gonna grab a pop, you need anything Ty?" Tyler looked up drowsily.

"Naw, I'm fine." Tyler replied dreamily.

Devon walked away, feeling great for no reason. Devon practically skipped the whole way to the fridge upstairs. He whistled the whole way at least.

As Devon came back down, he noticed Tyler had changed into some pj's. Devon took a moment to look Tyler over. Tyler's pj's consisted of some boxers and no shirt. His friend used to be the buff one of the group, with a little muscle when no one else had any, now Tyler had a defined body. With every little movement, all the muscles on Tyler's back rippled. Tyler's six pack was fully defined now, not just some hint at abs, but unavoidably visible. As Tyler turned around, Devon's eyes raised up to Tyler's face. For a moment their eyes met. Tyler had the bluest eyes Devon had ever an underground pool of pure water with gems encrusting the sides and bottom of the hole in which the water lay. Devon couldn't help but notice the way Tyler's eyes sparkled as he noticed Devon coming downstairs. Devon just stood their for a moment, admiring the way his friend looked.

"Devon?" Devon shook himself a bit, blushing as he realized he had been staring at Tyler. "You zone out there bud?" Tyler laughed.

"Yeah I guess so." Devon replied quietly, not being able to find the breath to speak any louder.

"I figured we'd watch a movie, and sleep down here. We've only got the foldout couch, so we'll have to share."

"Fine by me." Devon replied, secretly he knew he'd enjoy the closeness of their bodies. "You start the movie, I'll go change." Devon declared as he walked off, getting ready to change into something similar to what Tyler was wearing.

What am I doing? Tyler asked himself as his friend left the room. There's a spare mattress in the closet. Why didn't I just get that out? Why did I tell my friend he'd have to sleep with me? Tyler thought.

But deep down he knew why, he had become attracted to Devon, after the kiss and they had spent so much time together in the past few weeks. His dreams had changed, from having mainly Danny to having only Devon, and when he woke up, he wasn't afraid of what it meant anymore.

Tyler started up the movie and laid down, purposefully taking the edge of the bed, meaning Devon would have to sleep behind him. Tyler turned towards the stairway as he heard Devon come downstairs.

His friend was wearing boxers too, nothing else. He was shocked to see how much Devon had changed over the past few years. He used to be a bit chubby, but now his body looked a bit more like Tyler's did back then, it was obvious he didn't have much muscle, but he had more than he had had before. Tyler peeled his eyes off of Devon as he turned towards the tv.

"We'll be watching Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. It's supposed to be funny." Tyler stated nonchalantly.

"Sweet, I've wanted to see that." Devon could hardly believe how lucky he was, Tyler had laid down on the edge of the bed, leaving the spot behind him. Devon could get as close as he wanted without Tyler even noticing. Devon laid down behind Tyler and began watching the movie with him.


The movie was nearly over, Tyler and Devon were both getting very tired. Over the course of the movie, Devon had inched closer and closer to Tyler, and now their fur was touching. Devon heard Tyler snore.

"You awake Ty?" Devon whispered, so not to wake him if he wasn't awake.

Tyler replied with another snore. Devon turned off the tv and DVD player with the remote. The lights were already off, and Tyler's basement was practically pitch black now. Devon's heart was racing, he knew what he was about to do was risky, but...Devon laid his arm across Tyler's chest, and positioned himself so that they were spooning. Devon felt his friend's chest, running a finger along his muscles, tracing his six pack with a claw. Devon nuzzled up against his friend. As Devon lay there, sharing body heat with Tyler, he realized that Tyler was more than a friend to him now. Although it wasn't official, Devon knew he had fallen in love with Tyler and had been since that kiss weeks before. As Devon realized this, his body relaxed and he drifted off to a very content sleep.


Tyler heard Devon's breathing rhythm steadily slow down. Tyler was hoping Devon had feelings for him, and apparently those few fake snores had lured the feelings out. Tyler felt completely safe and warm with his friend spooning with him, and drifted off to the easiest sleep of his life.