chapter one - Willl you?

Story by Jmuk on SoFurry

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#2 of Living with a real Pooch!

well here is my first chapter to my series i hope you all enjoy it as you read please be sure to tell me what you think when your done * * *

characters in this chapter: jacob - fox/dog mix breed zach - full blooded wolf lynn - Lynx

  • * * * * * "Well hehe its nice to see you too" zach laughed Jacob was licking all over zach's face much like a real dog. Zach tried to hide his face from jacob's unconntorlible lapping. "Hehe cut it out! that tickles!" zach yelleped. Jacob sat up straight on zach's stomach being sure to use his legs to keep from squishing zach. He licked and smacked his lips in aposolute pleasure enjoying the flavor of his friend. "Sentiment...." he said quietly to himself. "Hm?" zach said slightly twisting his head trying to understand what Jacob said "Its the only word to describe how much i missed you" Jacob said with the cutest possible smile on his face. he closed his eyes taking it all in. the memories, the moment, the flavor of zach's sweet tasting fur... "Get off him!" Lynn said grabbing onto Jacobs collar and playfully lifting him off of zach. "Let him get in the damn door" Lynn said sort of serious sort of playfully Jacob was so light it was unbelievable. One handedly Lynn practicly lifted jacob into the air and set him down about a foot away from Zach. Jacob just smiled, walking on all fours he walked over to the couch. zach admired how jacob didnt go with the flow of every day society. he absoluetly refused to do any thing normal. In the house he mainly walked on all fours, which no one really minded. The only time he would stand up straight is when he needed to reach something, or in public. His dress didnt exactly go with the flow of today's society and often changed from day to day. Some days he would dress in collar shirts, ties, and jeans so tight only females could fit into them. Other days he would wear goth pants with the leggings cut off so he could walk on all fours. No matter what he wore though he always wore the same wristbands. He had so many that they went almost completely to his elbows on both sides. None of them really matched either. Zach got up off the floor wiping his face off. He gathered his things and just looked at Jacob. Jacob instanly knew with out zach needing to say anything and got off the couch and led Zach to his room. this time walking on his feet paws only. He opend the door and showed zach around the room. Zach threw his things on the bed and jacob helped him unpack. when everything was put away they through Zach's empty bags under the bed and sat there talking. ".. Haha, yah i remember when you puched that hole into the ceiling!" jacob laughed "Hey! that was an accident!" zach said laughing to hard to really under stand what he said. " Ye-ha! right!" jacob roared as he pounced onto Zach. pinning him to the bed. If zach had wanted to he could have easily broken out of the hold with out using any effort. but he liked it when jacob tried to be tough, it was.. cute. They stayed like that for a while just smiling at each other. Jacob licked his nose making it shine in the light. zach reached out to examine Jacob's collar. He gave him this collar almost a year ago for his birth day. "I cant believe you still have this crappy thing" zach said searching to see what jacob's reaction would be. " ITS NOT CRAPPY!" he shouted sitting up and holding onto the dog tag connected to it. The collar was black with red stiches. The back of the collar said in gold stitching ' ~ Forever ~ '. the dog tag was a copper color with a skull carved into it traced with black paint. The collar and dog tag were Jacob's prized possesions beyond everything hes ever owned. Jacob was effended my zach's comment and looked down at his dog tag with great melancholia. " aww dont be sad, i was just kidding" Zach said pulling jacob's head down onto his chest " i was so happy when you gave this to me. i havent taken it off since" jacob said clutching onto zach's chest. " It was the onlything that kept me going when you left." he was trying to hold back tears. " i'm not leaving you again, i promise." " i love you" jacob said with out even thinking about it. he looked up at zach completly shocked by the words that came out of his own mouth. his heart was racing he wasnt sure what zach would do. " I love you too..." zach said rapping his arms around jacob embrasing him in a kiss. jacob kissed him back feeling all around inside him. zach flipped around pinning jacob to the bed kissing him even harder. they began feeling his each other up. They began working their hands under each others clothes. taking off each other's shirts. zach gropped jacob very hard. jake yipped out loud covering his mouth. zach laughed a little and continued to massaging jacobs crotch jacob blushed a lil as be felt the blood rushing to is member. " hehe getting hard already?" zach said playfully jacob didnt say anything he just turned his head away from the wolf's face. trying to control himself. he felt his pants come undone and before he could turn his head to see what zach was doing his pants were already tossed onto the floor. he tried to sit up back zach pushed him back down holding him down with one hand. He knew there wasnt really any point in fighting it. with one hand zach undid his pants and took off jacob's boxers. "Just relax.." zach whispered eroticly jacob closed his eyes as he felt zach take on the length of his member. he moaned in extacy as the wolf's tounge ran up and down his shaft. placing a head on the back of zach's head he began to thrust deep into his mouth. zach could feel jacob reaching his peak and quickly stopped. " why'd you stop?" the half breed whinned " i cant let you come yet, theres still more to do" " like what?" " you'll see, turn over and get on all fours." jacob did as he was told. he felt something wet brush agenst is revieled hole. jacob moaned out as zach dragged his tounge acrossed the tight hole. jacob could feel the wolf's tounge starting to penetrate into his body. he clutched onto a pillow trying not to be to loud. he murred as he felt so much pleasure. zach stopped for a minute making sure the dox was fully prepped. he grabbed onto jake's sides and insurted his member. Jacob gasped as he felt the full length of zach's member being forced inside of him. he clenched onto the pillow even harder. zach started off slowly, going in further each time. consintrating on the dox's prostades. jacob could feel his prostades begining to send waves of pleasure through out his body. soon he didnt even notice the pain and began pushing back. zach could tell he was ready. he began thrusting faster, harder, and deeper into jacob's tight hole. jacob braced himself agenst the wall. moaning and murring a little louder. zach layed his body aggenst his lover and reached his arm down to jacob's member and started pawwing off at it. all of this was to much to take. " I'm- g-onna-" jake stammered " I am too- just- a li'l lon-ger" zach started to burry himself inside of jacob. he picked up his pace. tears formed in jacobs eyes from zach's encredibly huge knot being shoved inised of him. zach barried himself as far as he could go. jacob felt several pulses of warm slimy fluids filling him up. And zach felt jacob's sead flowing down from his paw. he lifted his paw and cleaned it off. when he was finished he began to clean up the mess he had left on jacob. when everything was all cleaned up, and sheets were changed they layed there on the bed holding one an other wearing only their boxer's. " zach? " jacob whispered checking to see if he was still awake. "yes?" "... umm, would you," he paused" i was wondering if.." he coudldnt quite get the words out. " Date?" zach filled in the missing words with one. jacob looked up at him with a sort of worried sort of happy look. " yah, that" zach laughed to himself and licked his lovers snout. " of course". * * * hehe well thats my first chapter rate and comment please!!