Master of Aura Chapter Four

Story by Liki Wolfspirit on SoFurry

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#4 of Master of Aura

Riolu and Zane's first night spent together is in the middle of a rain storm, and since there isn't much to do inside a cramped tent, Zane ends up initializing the bond between himself and Riolu.

The rain came as predicted, about right when night stretched across the sky, the stars were blocked out by clouds, and rain shortly followed. There was no thunder or such, it was just rain.

It wasn't a downpour, but was enough to irritate me. I had all the fur, and it matted down heavily from gravity the more it rained.

Zane took us off the path after he found a clear spot in the trees by the trail, and he sat me down on the ground as he got to work setting up the tent. I took shelter by hiding under the tree as close as I could to get the leaves to stop the rain.

Zane seemed to struggle with the tent, as he wrestled with the sticks and rods trying to get them all stuck in the ground, but as soon as he got one in and moved to put in another, it would pop out of the ground.

"Damn it! Geeze, "easy to set up" my ass..." Zane grumbled and I came close by as my trainer was pushing another stick into the ground I put my foot on it to hold it down.

"Thanks Riolu." Zane sighed as he placed the post adjacent to me and then he planted in the back two, finally completing the small little tent. It wasn't very big, as Zane took out and unrolled the single sleeping bag he had, the end of it rolled out into the wet grass and he cursed.

"Ah damn! It's too long!"

"Naw it's not!" I shouted and jumped outside, pushing in the last bit and folding over the sleeping bag onto itself, I tilted it to the side a bit, so that the bag became diagonal in the tent, and it fit then.

"Oh hey, good thinking Riolu." Zane smiled at me and I blushed and looked at the ground, holding my paws behind me. Zane closed the tent, zipping the entrance closed and we were left alone, slightly crowded together.

He had to sit with his legs tucked up close to his chest a bit, but I had enough room to stand and spread out my legs and arms. The thought struck me that if I ever did become a Lucario, this small little tent wouldn't be big enough anymore.

I shivered softly, hugging myself, my fur was still matted with water, and the cold pierced my body.

"Come here Riolu." Zane chuckled and he grabbed hold of me, bringing me close to him and he wrapped his arms around me gently. I shivered again as I hugged his body, my paws grasping onto his sides as I laid on his chest. I heard the beating of his heart in my ears as I closed my eyes and slowly felt the warmth of his body penetrate my cold fur. He kept me held there until my fur dried, and then he started to slowly stroke my back, his hand traveling from the top of my spine and to my tail. His hand went down my tail to the black furred tip and he pinched it lightly.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him, blushing softly and wagging my tail after the slight pinch. The look in his eyes was soft and caring and made me feel safe here, quietly laying in a tent with the rain pattering on the outside. I sighed happily and closed my eyes again, laying my head back down on his chest as his hand continued to slowly pet my back.

I dozed a bit, half sleeping and half awake. I felt Zane's hand starting to rub lower on my backside, his hand actually going so far down to grope my rear, but I thought little of it. His touch was soothing, calming, and I loved it. I murred softly, squeezing my trainer's sides with my paws as I laid on him and he slowly laid back onto the sleeping bag. He still had to have his legs bent a bit to fit, but it was more comfortable than him sitting.

A few more moments passed with Zane's hand stroking me, until he whispered lightly to me. "Hey...Riolu..."

I opened my eyes tiredly, looking up to him from his chest again with my red eyes and wagging my tail again.

"Um..." He chuckled lightly and looked away from me a moment, "Um...well..." He rubbed his head with his free hand, leaving his other on my back.

I craned my head up to poke my cold nose on his cheek and giggled, and he blushed and pushed his nose back against mine then.

"I love you Riolu..." he whispered softly as his paw rubbed my ears and head softly, and he stared back into my eyes with his bright green.

I blinked lightly, a heavy blush forming on my cheeks as they warmed up to a beat red. Love? That was something I only ever remembered my mom saying to me only a few times. What did it mean? I didn't know the full meaning I suppose, but Zane seemed quite nervous to say it, and his feeling transfered to me somehow.

"I...I love you too Zane..." I responded to him, wagging my tail quickly. I could feel Zane's heart thumping against me from inside his chest, and I placed a paw on his heart and smiled at him.

"You and me..." Zane smiled and he held the back of my head softly with his hand, and slowly, our heads came closer and closer.

My own heart was starting to beat hard now, this situation, something about it was just so intense feeling. As my head came closer and closer, I repeated what he said in a question to try and get him to finish.

"You and me?" I whimpered softly, wiggling up along his body as his hand pulled us closer together.

He didn't finish the statement, instead, his eyes stared deep into mine as our noses touched once more, but this time, it seemed to mean a whole lot more than it did when we touched before. I sighed and shivered as I felt our noses touch, shivering softly against him. And then suddenly, I felt his lips touch mine on my muzzle. I shuffled in surprise a moment, not sure how to react, before he took control, his hand kept his lips touching mine, as he started to gently kiss me. I did whatever he did, not sure how to act, holding very still. This was so odd, but the sensation was welling up inside of me, a sensation of warmth and comfort. It felt much like how I remember feeling when my mother kept me wrapped in her arms and she kissed my head, but this was different, it had it's own unique feeling. I closed my eyes as I started to relax and enjoy it, squeezing him tightly with my paws.

When Zane released his soft grip on my head and he pulled his lips back, I panted and whined, not wanting such a sweet feeling to fade. It pulsed in my chest like my own, rapid heartbeat. it didn't seem to be leaving, and I was happy it wasn't.

"Oh...Zane...that felt wonderful." I sighed and murred happily.

"Riolu...I can hear you..." Zane spoke lightly, his voice filled with surprise "Herb was's faint but I can hear you."

My heart skipped a few beats and my eyes shot open wide, my mouth hanged open as I tried to think. What was happening? Zane could hear me, he could understand me?!

Wha-What's happening? I thought as I whined out loudly.

"Shhhh, nothing is happening, nothing other than what we've both wanted..."

He could hear my thoughts too?!

"I...I..." I stammered, trying to form words.

"Shhhh." Zane repeated, smiling and he kissed me again for a moment, pulling back to continue, "You wanted this didn't you?"

"Well...yeah but I didn' meant...I mean...what just happened..." I whined and blushed, shaking my head a bit as I tried to hide my face in his clothing. The warm feeling in my chest was fading as I was having a minor breakdown.

"Herb told me the only way for a Riolu or Lucario to form a telepathic bond with its trainer is to become bonded to them. Not just as pokemon and trainer, but..." Zane stopped a moment, and he seemed unable to form the words.

"But...?" He said and I looked up at him again from his shirt, feeling my eyes water a little.

Zane tilted his head, and he sighed, "It seems the effect wore off..."

"Huh? You don't understand me anymore?" I dropped my ears flat against my head and whimpered

He shook his head, "I can't hear you anymore Riolu, we lost the connection, but here." He smiled and he leaned in to kiss me again, and I moaned softly in pleasure again, feeling that warmth flood my chest once more. I embraced it this time, now knowing what that warmth was, it was this bond we were starting to form. I wanted to make it permanent, it felt so nice, and it let Zane understand me. He broke the kiss for just a moment, and picked me up so he could move.

Zane sat up, and I stood between his legs, blushing and silently staring up into his eyes as he leaned over me a bit and kissed me again, both of his hands hugging my small body to his. I reached up with one paw to gently caress his cheek, and my other paw rubbed his side slowly. I felt his lips part slightly, and he breathed against my muzzle as his tongue licked along my lips teasingly and I panted and whined.

"Oh...Oh Zane..." I whined and moaned softly.

"There we go..." Zane smiled and he rubbed my back slowly.

I put a paw on my chest, feeling the warmth there. It still felt so nice. "This feels so warm...I don't want to lose it again..."

"We can make it permanent if you want Riolu...I'm willing to do what has to be done, but how do you feel?"

I nodded immediately, "Whatever it takes Zane, I want our bond to be more..."

Zane nodded softly, "Then just let me take it from here..." He held my paw as he sat me down onto my rear, and then he spread my legs apart gently. I blushed as I watched him following his gaze to my groin, and I looked down with him to my sheath and orbs. What was going to happen?

Zane didn't wait long, and he reached down and his hand touched first on my small balls. I blushed bright and shivered, using my paws behind me as I leaned back on them. The feeling was electric, and it made the feeling in my chest swell all the more, along with another part of my body. I wiggled and whined, as my sheath twitched and grew fatter as my thing inside it seemed to grow too.

"Z-Zane..." I panted out as sparks of pleasure continued to shoot up my spine. His touch was gentle and loving, he was taking care to make sure this didn't go to fast for me.

His massage continued on my orbs until a few inches of my red shaft was poking out from my body, and then he shifted his hand and used two fingers to stroke my comparably smaller length. I shivered even more, the sparks intensifying as he touched my tender flesh.

My penis soon grew to full size, a small 4 inches only, a small round bump forming at the base of my shaft, and I heard Zane chuckle and I looked up at him with a blush. He was blushing too, he didn't seem like he could believe this was even happening.

"You take after canines...that makes sense." He rubbed his two fingers around the small bulge of my knot. I gasped, bucking my hips at the sensation. The knot was way more sensitive for some reason, but it felt wonderful. I continued to buck and spasm, my legs pushing my hips up as I humped his hand into the air, eyes closed tight as I panted and moaned.

Intense spasms raced through my body, until they built up to a final, incredible feeling and I froze up. I suddenly felt like I had to pee badly, and I held it back, but Zane didn't allow me the chance to, his hand squeezing around my knot tightly and suddenly. I couldn't hold it back, and relaxed, but it wasn't urine that escaped me, as my body twitched once before my shaft started to throb powerfully, shots of milky white firing from the tip and onto Zane's chest.

I slumped, laying back on the ground of the tent, my arms unable to hold me as I was exhausted. The feeling in my chest felt like it was burning, but the feeling of what just happened, the explosion of pleasure and then the sudden crash back down to normal, was so amazing. I laid there, with one paw on my chest, as I panted heavily, my tongue hanging free of my mouth.

Zane only chuckled as he watched me, and I blushed but didn't move. He spent some time wiping off the fluids from his clothing that I had fired over him.

"How'd that feel Riolu?"

"That was...amazing..." I panted out, twitching still from afterglow, "Is...that what had to be done?"

" have to return the favor, treat me like an equal..." Zane grinned and blushed himself, as I opened my eyes, and watched as he stood up on his knees in the small tent. He undid his belt, and then pulled down his pants in front of me. He took his boxers with them, revealing to me his own shaft.

It was pink and fleshy looking, unlike mine in many ways it stood straight out from his groin, hard and throbbing softly. Skin wrapped up around the head, only the tip and the slit showing as it drooled some clear and drippy fluid. A fine cover of hair covered his otherwise furless body at the base, and his balls hanged loosely under his shaft.

"What do you think Riolu?" He asked a little silently, apparently bashful he was showing me his cock.

"It looks amazing much bigger than mine hehe." I chuckled and sat up in front of him, blushing as I thought, "So...should I just...?"

He nodded, and I smiled while getting up onto my feet and stepping up close to him. His shaft was almost exactly level with my face, and he was only standing on his knees too. I brought my paws up as I stared right at the leaking head of Zane's cock, blushing as I touched it with my paw.

Zane shivered above me and he moaned lightly, "Hmmm have gentle paws."

I murred and wagged my tail at his words, and I tightened my fingers on his throbbing shaft before I started to stroke just like he had for me, marveling at how the skin on his length moved with my paw, getting pulled back and exposing more of his fleshy, mushroom shaped head. As I pulled back, the skin wrapped back up around it, squeezing out drops of the clear liquid and I chuckled.

I continued doing this for awhile, getting curiouser and curiouser, I brought my other paw up to hold his balls as he had mine. They were of course, bigger, but they were less furry, held in a pouch of skin. I felt them pull up closer to Zane's body as I touched them, and he moaned above me.

"Faster Riolu..." He panted out and I nodded, increasing the speed of my stroking and watching. I felt the feeling in my chest coming close to exploding, and a sudden desire was welling up inside me. I let it take control, and I opened up my mouth and closed my lips on the exposed head of Zane's cock as I pulled the skin back. If he was about to do the same thing I had done, I wanted to catch the fluid for some unknown reason.

Zane gasped in shock, looking down at me, and I looked up at him bashfully with my red eyes and I licked at the slit on the head of his cock. He started to push his hips forward, pushing his shaft into my mouth more. I gagged, and he pulled back.

"S-sorry...just a little then..." He patted my head and I nodded, taking in the head of his cock again, and he brought his own hand down and started to stroke himself as I focused on licking and sucking the head, even getting my tongue into the folds of skin on his cock.

This lasted awhile, until Zane's breathing became more labored and he grunted a bit, "Oh gosh Riolu...I'm about to cum..."

I wagged my tail, assuming that it meant he was about to fire that fluid I had, and increased my attempts at licking his cock and I lowered my head as much as I could without gagging, taking in another inch.

Zane gasped and moaned, and I felt his cock throb once, then twice, and then suddenly, a flood of his fluid flowed into my mouth and I swallowed it willingly, and the feeling in my chest finally felt like it exploded. As I swallowed his seed, I felt my mind connect to his, now, I could also feel what he felt, hear what he thought.

Oh my do this with a pokemon...I never knew something like this was even thought to be required...

I blushed, not letting him know I could hear him, as he continued to throb and shoot down my throat, until it finally abated and he pulled his cock away. It fell limb and I licked my lips, murring and wagging my tail as I looked up at Zane.

"That was amazing Riolu."

"You're amazing Zane..." I blushed and chuckled softly. "I feel complete...I could feel what you felt..."

"I know." Zane smiled and he chuckled, "We formed the connection fully now. We won't have to anything like that again."

I dropped my ears, "Oh but...could we?" I could feel that he wanted to do this again too, and he knew I could feel it.

He chuckled and smiled, "I suppose we could." He pulled his pants back up and buckled his jeans, and then he looked at me again, his smile fading a bit as he grew serious suddenly.

"I love you Riolu..."

"I love you too Zane..." I blushed and wagged my tail, and Zane reached over to his bag and he started digging around inside it. He fished out a few sandwiches, and I heard my stomach growl loudly. I had forgotten about dinner in all this excitement, and had even forgotten that it was still raining outside.

"Let's eat up and get to bed, the rain's gonna continue all night." Zane said and he handed me one of the sandwiches, and I nodded and started to eat quietly, taking in all the stuff that had just happened. I felt good now, but something was still welling up inside me. I wondered what it was, and I knew Zane could feel my thoughts, but he gave me the privacy to think it out on my own.

When we curled up into the sleeping bag together, Zane was nude, and it didn't bother me none. He spooned me as we slowly feel asleep, but I continued to think as I drifted off, intentionally rubbing a footpaw on Zane's cock as he slept and enjoying the sparks of pleasure it gave him as I could feel them too.

Was there anything more to this? I didn't know, but now wasn't the time to think about it I suppose, and eventually, I drifted off to sleep.